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USB Fingerprint
Reader User Guide

DOC. FM220U_ Win_1.0

Startek Engineering Incorporated
May 2016
1. Overview........................................................................ 1
2. Features......................................................................... 1
3. Applications .................................................................. 1
4. Specifications and System Requirements ................. 2
5. Driver Installation ......................................................... 3
6. Fingerprint Matching .................................................... 5
7. How To Use Your Fingerprint Reader ........................... 6
8. How To Scan Your Fingerprint Reader ......................... 7
9. How To Care For Your Fingerprint Reader ................. 9
10. About Fingerprint Privacy ........................................... 9
11. Q and A ........................................................................ 10
FM220U User Guide Doc. FM220U_Win_1.0

1. Overview:
FM220U is a high quality CMOS-based
optical reader. It captures images and
verifies fingerprints with high speed.
FM-220U has been widely used in
system wide enrollment and verification
applications as a stand-alone or
embedded device.

2. Features:
• ISO compliant
• Low image distortion – under 1%.
• Fast scanning & matching speed
• Options to set different security levels for different application FRR/FAR
• Small fingerprint data template size
• Real-life applications - no problem in verifying smeared, scarred,
stained and smudged fingers
• Support verification on various OS platforms

3. Applications:
• Verification for Welfare Distribution
• Retail or Banking POS
• Workforce/School attendance management
• Internet Service Provider (ISP) Logon and Logical access control
• E-shopping/procurement
• Healthcare clinic applications for patients health records access
• E-banking, e-KYC applications.
• E-workflow/ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
• Voters verification
• Club membership management

FM220U User Guide Doc. FM220U_Win_1.0

4. Specifications and System Requirements

4.1 Specifications
Parameter Value Unit

Sensors CMOS -
Scanning 1/15 s
Image resolution 500 DPI
Image capture format 13.3 x 16.4 mm
Scanner output image size 264 x 324 Pixels
Gray Level 8bits/pixel, max 256 gray scales -
Image ratio of length to width 1:1 -
Power supply 200 mA
Fingerprint Sensing
Standby mode 60 mA
Interface USB2.0
Dimension 80 x 41 x 40 mm
Weight 100 g
Distortion <1 %
Temperature 0~50 °C
(without external enclosure)
Humidity(non-condensing) <90% -
Scanning light Infrared red -
Operating volts(USB 5 V

4.2 System Requirements

USB 2.0 port, 256MB RAM
If you are installing an application based on platforms other than Windows,
such as Android or Linux, please refer to the documentation provided by
the maker of the application program.

FM220U User Guide Doc. FM220U_Win_1.0
5. Driver Installation
Install the driver before using the Startek fingerprint reader.

To manually install device drivers

You may download the Windows device driver from the link we provided.

Step1. Enter “Control Panel”.

Step2. Select “Device Manager”.

Step3. Select “FM-220”. Right click and select “Update Driver Software…”

FM220U User Guide Doc. FM220U_Win_1.0
Step4. Choose “Browse my computer for driver software”.

Step5. Unzip, and select driver path

“fm220_driver_ver_1.9\” and press OK.

Step6. Driver install success! You can try our demo program
on Windows now.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0


Step1. Install “FM220 Demo Program.”

Step2. Select“FM220 Demo Program “and left click and select” FM220ISODemo.”

Step3. Press the Snap and GetTemplate botton to check the fingerprints quality.
It is recommended to use the index finger or the middle finger for optimal fingerprint
recognition performance.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0

Step4. Follow the diagram instructions to Enroll clear fingerprints into the Host
Device or PC. Press and release the finger for three times as indicated.

Step5. Press the Match button to begin matching the fingerprints of a user whose
fingerprint data has been stored in the system. Press and remove the finger.
Upon successful matching with the user’s stored fingerprints, information is
displayed with a score. When the captured fingerprint image size is 256x324,
a score of 1500 and above ensures a security level with
minimum FAR 1/100,000th and FRR 1/100.

Step6. Press the Match button again to match the fingerprints by pressing
another finger which is not enrolled. Upon failed match, information is displayed
with a low score.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0

7. How to Use Your Fingerprint Reader?

For best results:
Why the image quality is important?
Startek fingerprint recognition technology is based on minutiae-only: the unique
feature points of a fingerprint. After a fingerprint is scanned, minutiae are extracted
and processed into a template that will be used for biometric enrollment and
matching. If the scanned fingerprint is unclear or does not have enough contrast,
the minutiae may be inconsistently sampled, resulting in less accuracy and poor
performance. Certain environments and skin conditions, such as wet or dry skin,
can initially cause a fingerprint to appear too light or too dark.

Proper placement is the key to good results?

Startek fingerprint extraction algorithm is capable of extracting the correct minutiae
even without benefit of a perfect print. However, the proper placement of your
finger while scanning can help give more consistent results for any biometric
application. The suggestions below will help you get the best quality fingerprint to
ensure better performance and reduce the chances for failure to enroll or match

8. How to scan your finger?

Place the pad of your finger at the center of the sensor
The pad is the fleshy part of the finger, located in the middle of the first segment.
Place the pad (not the tip) such that it covers the sensor area with maximum
contact. Be sure that the core of the fingerprint is scanned.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0

Try to match the fingerprints by rotating 30 degree on the sensor area or to

exceed the sensor area. Upon successful matching with the user’s stored
fingerprints, information is displayed with a score. However, the score you get
is expected to be lower than the one you press it normally because there are
fewer minutiae points captured.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0

If your finger is cut or injured

As a precaution, it’s best to enroll more than one finger so that if
one finger becomes unavailable for authentication, you will have
an alternate finger to use. Most biometric applications provide the
option to enroll multiple fingers. If your application features a
password or PIN back-up, you can use this feature in case no
finger or fingerprint device is available.
Problematic fingerprints
By following the above guidelines, you should be able to get
consistently good results. Sometimes, however, certain skin
conditions or environments may cause poor fingerprint images.
Damp skin may cause fingerprints that are too dark or smudged,
but can be remedied by wiping fingers before input. If your finger
is extremely dry, you can safely use a moisturizing lotion before

Do not place your finger too slowly or too softly

The sensor might not detect your finger when it’s placed too slowly
or too softly on the reader.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0
9. How to care for your reader
Startek fingerprint readers do not require any special maintenance except for
occasional cleaning of the sensor window if it gets dirty. Normal oil, residue or
smudges on the sensor window should not cause problems or interfere with
scanning fingerprints. The sensor window was designed to withstand heavy use
and extreme conditions including heat and cold. It does not have any coatings that
can get damaged because it is made of a hard, quartz-like material that resists
scratches, etching, and damage from environmental elements.

If you wish to clean the surface of the sensor window

1. You can safely use a tissue, paper towel or cloth to wipe down the window. To
remove stubborn dirt, you can wipe the window with a cloth dampened with a soap
solution. Squeeze out excess liquid before wiping with the damp cloth.
2. Cleaning agents like glass cleaners and anti-bacterial wipes may be used
without harming the sensor. However, as with most plastic material, the housing of
the unit may be damaged if strong solvents, acids or caustic solutions are used.
3. Do not pour liquids directly onto the sensor or device, as the liquid might seep
into the underlying components and cause damage.

10. The Fingerprint Privacy

Fingerprint images are never stored.
Startek fingerprint recognition technology is based on minutiae, the feature points
around the core of your fingerprint. When a fingerprint is scanned, only a portion of
the minutiae are sampled, and then processed by an extraction algorithm and
converted into a template. After the template is formed, the fingerprint image is
deleted. When fingerprints are used in the form of templates, there is no need to
store fingerprint images.
Fingerprint images cannot be reconstructed from minutiae or templates.
As our database is digital minutiae information extracted by our special algorithm,
it's just a group of digits and impossible to be re-introduced or reverse engineered.
Even in case the digital information is stolen, the fully matched information does not
get authorization by STARTEK products, as in normal situations the input data
should be different every time considering some miscellaneous signals are also
inadvertently recorded in addition to the minutiae data.

FM220 User Guide Doc. FM220_Win_1.0

11.Q and A

What are FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate)?
FAR (False Acceptance Rate): Rate that a biometrics system falsely identifies
different features as identical. FAR represents security level. FRR (False
Rejection Rate): Rate that identical features are identified as different. FRR
represents convenient level.
STARTEK FAR: 1/100,000~1/1,000,000 STARTEK FRR: 1/30~1/100

Security Level:
Security level is set by the threshold matching scores. When setting security
level high, i.e. setting threshold scores high, FAR reduces while FRR rises. In
referring to the following diagram, the cross area among X-axis, Curve B and
threshold line (Area B) stands for FAR, and the cross area among X-axis,
Curve A and the threshold line (Area A) stands for FRR. Then when the
threshold line moves toward right, i.e. raise the security level, Area B shrinks
while Area A expands. Security level will vary for different applications. The
picture next to "Security Level & FAR & FRR" shows different security level
demand for market segments and STARTEK's FAR vs. FRR curve.

Secure Level Score Threshold FAR

A 2,500 1/200,000
B 2,000 1/100,000
C 1,500 1/50,000
D 1,000 1/10,000
E 500 1/2,000


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