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Anachronism Something out of its proper time.
Anachronistic A word which can be interpreted in any way.
Anachronistic Set in wrong time or period.
Anaesthetics Drugs causing unconciousness such as chloroform.
Anaesthetist One who gives chloroform to a patient.
Analogy Relation - Relationship
Anarchist One who is out to destroy government
Animometer Instrument used for measuring the force and velocity of winds.
Annihilate Destroy utterely
Annuity Yearly grant - beings - animals and plants by way of disection.
Annular Ring shaped
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Avalanche A heavy mass of snow falling down a hill with great noise.
Avarice Greed - Inordinate desire to gain and hoard wealth.
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Cardiac Pertaining to the heart
Cardinal Of prime importance
Cardiograph A medical instrument for tracing heat movements.
Caries Dental decay
Carniology Describe the habits, merits and demerits of a man by seeing his skull carniologist.
Flesh eater - dogs - cats - lions etc
Carnivorous An animal tht eats human flesh.
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Convalescence The gradual recovery from illness.
Converge To meet in a point (Rays & illness).
Cooper Maker of casks or barrels.
Copy-right Exclusive right to publish a book.
Coral reef A chain of rocks laying at or near the sea.
Cosmopolitan One who is free from national limitations.
Costegate Correct by punishing.
Creditor One to whom a debt is owing.
Credulity Trust without proper evidence readiness to believe.
Credulous A person who readily believes others.
Credulous Too ready to believe
Crescograph Instrument used for measuring the growth of plants.
Cresendo Gradual increase in force - volume - loudness.
Crisis Turning point of danger or disease.
Cryogenies Branch of physics dealing with very low temparature.
Cryptograph Secret writing.
Crystallography Science of crystallization.
Cul-De-Sac Dead end
Cygnet Young swan.
Cynosore Centre of interest - something that strongly attracts attention by its brilliance.
Cytogenetics Cell formation.
Cytology Dealing with cells.
Dialysis The process for flood purification when the kidneys malfunction.
Dilemna A state of a person, who is asked to choose one of the two infavourable things.
Dilemna Situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives - perplexing problem.
Diminish Make or become smaller.
Diminuendo Gradual increase in force.
Dipsomania Irristible craving for alcoholic drinks.
Dissuade Persuade not to do something.
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Dividend Sum payable as profit to an individual by a joint stock company.
Domicile A place where one lives permanently.
Dorsal Situated on bank.
Drinker's apparatus Instrument used to help breathing in infantile paralysis.
Dynamo The origin of electricity in a dynamo is the transformation of machanical energy into energy.
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Equinox When days and nights are equal (March21 - September).
Esoteric Known only a few - Reconcile.
Estuary A broad channel formed by joining of the sea and river water.
Ethologist One who studies the science of character.
Etiology Study of causation. The study of the cause of disease.
Etymologist One who studies derivations of words - history of linguistic change.
Eulogy Speech or writing that praises - High praise - Encomium.
Euphimism Soften expression.
Euphony Melodious Music
Exbiology Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing beyond the earth.
Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation.
Exemplary Fit to be
Exercism Slogan to derive or get out of the dragon.
Exodus Departure - Emigration (Usually of a large number of people).
Exonerate Free from blame - Exculpate.
Explicit Fully and clearly expressed.
Extempore Speech delivered without any preparation.
Extinguish To put an end to.
Eymologist One who studies the science and origin of words.
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Funambulist A rope dancer - who walks on thread.
Funge A class of plants which have no chlorophyll.
Fussion Uniting by metting together.
Glaciers Mass of lic. Formed by snow on mountains moving slowly along valley.
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Homogenous Things which are of the same kind and of the same dimensions.
Homophone Word pronounced the same as, but different in meaning spelled the same wayhood.
Hydrographer One who knows the positions of lands and draws the maps.
Hydroponics Culture of plants without soil, with the help of chemical solutions containing nutrients.
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Impromptu Made or done without previous preparation - Extemporaneous.
Impenetrable impossible to pass through or enter.
Inattentive Not giving proper attention.
Inaudible That which cannot be heard.
Incarcerate imprison or confine.
Incarnadine Blood red - crimson - flesh coloured - pale pink.
Incinerate Burn - Reduce to ashes.
Incognito Travelling under a name other than one's own.
Incombustible Not inflammable
Incompatible Persons who cannot work or live together in harmony.
Incomprehensible That which cannot be understood.
Iconoclast A destroyer of images.
Incorrigible Incapable of being corrected.
Incorruptible very honest : incapable of being corrupted
Incredible That which cannot be believed.
Incriminate Change with a crime or fault.
Incumbent Holding of an office - obligatory.
Indescribable That which is impossible to describe adequately.
Inescapable That which cannot escaped from.
Inevitable Sometimes which cannot fail to come to pass.
Inexplicable That which cannot be explained.
Infallible Incable of making mistakes
Infanticide Murder or infants.
Ionosphere The layer of the earth's atmosphere which contains a high concentration of ions and free
Irrevocable A decision on which one cannot go back.
Isohyets A line on a map connecting points having the same amount of rainfall in a given period.
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