CT Approval Status 2013

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Permission given for clinical trial (r-DNA based Drug Product) (2013)

S.NO. File No. Name of Firm Name of Drug Title of The Study Date of
Product Approval

1 4-73/Reliance/10-BD Reliance life Reteplase (RTPR- “A Prospective multicentric single 4-Mar-13

science pvt. Ltd 004) arm, clinical study to evaluate
effocacu amd saferu pf R-TPR-004 in
patients undergoing treatment for
acute ischemic stroke vide protocol
No. RLS/TP/2010/03, version 2.0
dated 03/10/2012”
2 4-126/CADILA/12-BD Cadila Healthcare Rituximab "A randomized controlled study to 21-Mar-13
Ltd evaluate pharmacokinetic,
pharmacodynamics (efficacy) and
safety of Rituximab (Zydus) and
Rituximab (Roche) in patients with
Rheumatoid Arthritis" vide Protocol
No. RIT.11.001.01, version 1.1 dated
3 4-164/Quintiles/12-BD Quintiles Phase egfilgrastim "Pharmacokinetic and 16-Apr-13
One Clinical Pharmacodynamic Bioequivalence of
Trials pvt. Ltd. Single Dose Zydus Pegfilgrastim to
Neulasta Pegfilgrastim from US and
EU source" vide protocol No. QHYD -
0001, Version 1.0 dated 31/05/2012
4 4-154/Mabpharm/12-BD Mabpharma Pvt Pegfilgrastim "An Open-label, multi-centric, parallel 17-Apr-13
Ltd group, comparative, randomized study
to compare the safety and efficacy of
Trastuzumab power for soluction for
infusion manufactured by Mabpharm
Pvt. Ltd.,withHerception of Roche Ltd.,
UK in patients with HER2
overexpressing metastatic breast
cancer" vide Protocol No.
MAB/01/2011,version 03, dated
4-112/RELIANCE/11-BD Reliance Life Pegfilgrastim A randomized, balanced, open-label, 8-May-13
Science Pvt. Ltd two-treatment, two sequence, two-
5 period, single subcutaneous dose,
crossover stidy to compare the

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Permission given for clinical trial (r-DNA based Drug Product) (2013)

(PK/PD) of test R-TPR-029
(Pegfilgrastim 6mg/0.6ml) of Reliance
Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., India with
reference Neulasta (Neulastim)
Pegfilgrastim 6mg/0.6ml of Amgen
Ltd." vide Protocol No. RC/0812/039,
version 3.0 dated 20/12/ 2012-reg.
6 4-175/Hetero/12-BD Hetro Rituximab "A randomized, multi-dose, 14-may 13
multicente, comparative parallel study
to evaluate the efficacy, safety and
pharmacokinetic charactteristics of
Intravenous infusion of Rituximab
(Hetero) and Reference Medicial
Product (Rituximab, Roche) In indian
Patients of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
(HERILY study)"vide Protocol No.
HCR/III/Ritux/06/2012, Version 1.1
7 4-135/symmetrix /12-BD M/s Symmetrix smrx-11 “Efficacy and safety of bolus injection 19-Dec
Biotech Private of a novel thrombolytic agent (smrx- 2013
Limited 11) in patients with acute st-segment
elevation myocardial infarction STEMI
A phase II open label dose escalation
multi centre angiographic trial” vide
protocol no .13-vin-287 (cssksmrx-11)
version D02, dated 17/07/2013

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