Cut Costs With Home-Made Poultry Feeds
Cut Costs With Home-Made Poultry Feeds
Cut Costs With Home-Made Poultry Feeds
The Organic Farmer is an Publisher icipe-African Insect Science for Food Sponsor Biovision, a Swiss-
independent magazine for and Health, P.O. Box 30772, 00100 Nairobi, based foundation for the promo-
the East African farming KENYA, +254 20 863 20 00;; tion of sustainable development,
community. It promotes
organic farming and sup- based in Zürich, Switzerland.
ports discussions on all aspects of sustainable Editors Caroline Nyakundi, Peter Kamau
development. It is published monthly by icipe. The Administrator Lucy W. Macharia, 020 863 21 86
reports in the The Organic Farmer do not necessarily Advisory Board icipe: Sunday
Address The Organic Farmer, c/o icipe,
reflect the views of icipe. P.O. Box 30772, 00100 Nairobi, KENYA; Ekesi, Nguya Maniania; farmer from Wangige:
License This work is licensed +254 738 390 715; 020 863 21 87 Charles Kimani; KARI: Joseph Mureithi; ILRI:
under a Creative Commons; Henry Kiara
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Layout In-A-Vision Systems (k), James Wathuge
No. 102 November, 2013
their pockets. mixture goes into a dome- The construction of fixed dome
shaped digester chamber with biogas systems is labour inten-
Peter Kamau Any farmer with a fixed or rigid biogas holder sive, which provides employ-
one to three dairy cows housed at the top. When the mixture ment to many people. A well-
in a zero grazing unit can collect reaches the digester, the mate- constructed system has a lifes-
enough cow dung for biogas rial is digested, producing pan of 30-50 years.
production. There must also be biogas that is stored in the Biogas can be used for home
Due to the rising demand for
adequate water for mixing with the fixed dome biogas systems, lighting (above) and for cooking
animal waste, which is fed into the Kenya National Federa- purposes (below)
the biogas digester to produce tion of Agricultural Producers
the gas. All biogas systems have (KENFAP), under the Kenya
three main components: National Domestic Biogas Pro-
Q# <
= gramme (KENDBIP) has been
helping farmers in construction
Q of Fixed Dome Biogas Systems
# <
= across the country. The project
biogas holder. When biogas
where the by products or production starts, the slurry or pays a subsidy of Ksh 18,750
bio-slurry is ejected from the biogas manure is pushed into and the beneficiary farmers are
digester. the expulsion chamber where expected to meet the remain-
There are four main types of it can be collected and used as ing cost of construction (Ksh56,
organic fertilizer in the shamba. 250). The standard size of Fixed
biogas systems that farmers can
Dome Biogas unit has a capac-
use in their farms for biogas is visible through the verti-
Advantages ity of 6 cubic metres, which is
production. Below, we give the cal movement of the gas drum.
enough for a farmer with 3 or 4
details of each system to enable Since the unit is constructed The gas pressure remains con-
cows. So far, more than 10,000
farmers choose the type they underground, it is protected Kenyan families have benefited stant because it is maintained by
would prefer to instal: from physical damage. It also from the programme, which weight of the gas drum.
ends this year with a possibility Disadvantages
“Biogas has solved my energy problems” for extension next year.
The steel and polyethylene mate-
b) The Floating Drum rial used in making the gas drum
Lucy Wanjiru had for years
is expensive.
relied on firewood cut from Biogas system
trees in her 2-acre farm in If steel is used, corrosion is a
The floating drum biogas problem. Floating drum system
Muruka village in Kandara,
system consists of an under- has a short lifespan.
Muranga County. Occasion-
ground digester and a moving
ally she would buy LPG gas to
gas holder. The gas holder floats c) Plastic Tube Digester
supplement her energy needs.
directly above the digester or
But last year she visited a in a separate water tank. The
Biogas system
neighbour who had installed a average size of a floating drum is The Plastic Tube Digester system
fixed dome biogas plant in her between 5-15 cubic metres which is made of an elastic (that can
homestead. When she observed can produce adequate gas for use expand and contract) polyeth-
the way it was working, she in small and medium size farms. ylene tube made of two coats of
was very impressed by the Crop yield tripled A floating drum made of high 300 microns in thickness.
system. Her husband James
Mwangi visited Ecosun Invest- Besides the biogas, Wanjiru density polyethylene material is Advantages
ments, a biogas contractor in says the biogas manure is better durable but expensive. The Plastic Tube Digester (PTD)
Thika Town. He made a down than the farmyard manure that Advantages is a cheap and simple method of
payment and within 7 days, she used before. “Our banana
yields have tripled since we The system is simple to operate. producing biogas. The tubes are
the biogas system had been The volume of gas produced affordable and available locally.
installed in their homestead. started using biogas manure, However they have a short
and they are also bigger in size. lifespan of between 2-5 years.
Saved trees I no longer buy DAP and CAN Another disadvantage is that the
Since then, her energy problems chemical fertilizers,” she adds. digesters have low gas pressure
have been solved. The system Her husband, James Mwangi, and are easily damaged by UV
came complete with a two- says that they intend to go into rays from the sun. They can also
burner cooker and gas metre vegetable and fruit production tear easily if people and animals
that helps her monitor the gas using the high quality biogas step on them.
levels as she cooks, “It has been manure.
a great relief to me and my Contact Ecosun Investments Tel A standard size of PTD with a
family. 0724 394 699, Thika for biogas capacity of 10 to 16 cubic metres
I no longer cut down my trees installation. KENFAP KENBIP Pro-
gramme also has a list of certified that can produce about 2.4
for firewood and I save a lot of cubic metres of biogas costs Ksh
biogas contractors throughout the
money that I would have spent country. To get the list, call 020 600 42,000 (Interested farmers can
buying cooking gas. With my 83 324, 020 6000355 0721 203 344, call Pioneer Technologies Tel.
8 cows I have more gas than I 0722 360 699. TOF can also email Feeding slurry into a floating 0722 552 505).
need,” she says. the list to interested farmers. drum biogas system Continued on page 6
No. 102 November, 2013
Continued from page 2 Preparing chicken feeds
interfere with egg production Broiler starter chick
and also shorten their lifespan. mash (1-4 weeks)
Grit (sand) should be provided
to growers that are not on free 40kg of whole maize
range to aid in digestion. 12kg of fishmeal (or omena)
14kg of soya bean meal
Making a 70kg bag of
4kg of lime
layers’ mash (18 weeks)
70g of premix
Layer feed should contain a
Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) Amino acids
content of between 16-18 per 35g of lysine
cent. The feed should contain 35g of threonine
calcium for the formation of
eggshells (Laying hens that do Preparing broiler
not get enough calcium will
use the calcium stored in their
finisher feed (70 kg)
own born tissue to produce egg- 10kg of whole maize
shells). Layer feed should be 16.7kg of maize germ
introduced at 18 weeks. 13.3kg of wheat pollard
Ingredients Photo: TOF
10 kg wheat bran
34kg of whole maize Kepha Maina (right) a poultry farmer buys feed ingredients from a 6 kg of cotton seed cake
12kg of Soya supplier in Nakuru town. Maina makes his own poultry feeds
4.7kg of sunflower cake
8kg of fishmeal Formulating a 70kg bag the broilers grow, their energy 3kg of fishmeal 2kg of lime
10kg of maize bran, rice germ or of broiler feed requirements for the deposit of 3.4kg of soya meal
wheat bran fat increase and their protein 40g of bone meal
Broilers have different feed
6 kg of lime requirements decrease. They
requirements in terms of energy, 10g of grower PMX
Additives proteins and minerals during dif- therefore require high protein
content in their starter rations 5g of salt
175g premix ferent stages of their growth. It
is important that farmers adapt than in the grower and finisher 5g of coccidiostat
70g lysine rations. Broilers should have feed 5g of Zincbacitrach
feed rations to these requirements
35g methionine for maximum production. Young that has between 22 -24 per cent
70kg threonine broilers have a high protein DCP. The following guidelines In the next issue we show
requirement for the develop- farmers how to feed chickens
can help the farmer to make the
35g tryptophan for optimum production.
ment of muscles, feathers, etc. As right feed at each stage of growth:
50g toxin binder
Continued from page 4 Biogas systems Farmers can domesticate stingless bees
d) Flexigas Following our articles on sting-
less bees, 12 farmers have called
Biogas system TOF requesting to know if it is
Flexigas biogas system is one of possible for icipe to help them
the latest Plastic Tube Digesters acquire stingless bees for sting-
in the market. The system uses less bee honey production. We
a plastic tube digester housed would like to advise that it is
in a greenhouse to protect it possible to domesticate stingless
from the effect of the sun’s ultra Photo: TOF bees in their own farms if they
violet (UV) rays that damage The flexi gas biogas (above) acquire the right management
the plastic. The greenhouse also system is housed in a green- skills.
reduces the risk of damage from house to protect it from the sun Stingless bees live in their
animals or people. Dominic and prolong its lifespan(below) natural habitats; these include
Wanjihia, the director of Biogas forests, grasslands, termite hills
International, the company that and homesteads as long as they Joshua Kimwele harvests stingless
markets the system says that can get the right forage and bee honey in Mwingi
unlike other biogas systems, the environment. According to Dr.
digester is very efficient in utili- Kiatoko Nkoba of icipe’s Com- mopolitan in nature and can be
sation of waste material because mercial Insect Programme (CIP), domesticated in many parts of
the greenhouse helps to main- stingless bees can be domesti- the country. The CIP programme
tain the temperatures at between cated anywhere in the tropics. has stingless beekeepers in
27°C and 34°C, which speeds up For example icipe has been able Mwingi and Kakamega forest
the digestion and biogas produc- to keep a number of stingless who can train any farmer inter-
tion process. “1 cow is enough to bees at the Duduville campus ested in stingless beekeeping. The
produce 1 cubic metre of biogas in Nairobi for experimental pur- farmers are trained on colony
in a day using the system,” he poses. Although the bees are fed division, which means that they
says. A 5 cubic metre tube system Photo: TOF at the CIP laboratories, they still can assist others to divide a
costs Ksh 40,000 inclusive of the oping biogas systems that heat forage in the vegetation around colony and transfer it anywhere
gas burner, piping and installa- chicken brooders and even run the campus to collect pollen for in the country. Farmers can get
tion while a 7 cubic metre system machinery such as chaff cutters honey production. in touch with the following two
inclusive of all the accessories and on the farm. Farmers interested Although some of the species stingless beekeepers:
installation costs Ksh 55,000. The in the system can contact the are difficult to domesticate, Mark Livaha 0703 693 245 (Kaka-
system has a lifespan of 10 years. company Biogas International on others such as Meliponula ferri- mega forest), Joshua Kimwele 0713
The company is already devel- 0724 316 992. genea (reddish brown) are cos- 872 014.
No. 102 November, 2013
Organic farming a healthy way of food production
Isn’t organic farming just an old- situation, organic produce has
fashioned way of doing things? to be kept separately.
Organic farming may appear Organic food clearly
as an old-fashioned production
system within the local context. labelled
A closer examination however There has to be a distinction
reveals a deeply scientific based between the organic and non-
production system based on an organic produce. It is important
appreciation of natural systems to refer to the standard for the
and processes. To appreaciate stipulated distance. There must
the beauty of organic farming be a clear sign showing where
in the modern highly intensive the organic produce corner
agriculture, one must be con- is. If the produce is stored in
verted both in mind, soul and some form of a package (sack
heart to appreciate the role of or container), the package must
organic farming. An increased also bear the words "organic
individual awareness and con- Photo: TOF product."
sciousness on what one eats
and how the food is produced, Process organic food
brings a general appreciation of
organic agriculture.
The organic production process sional advisory services to all separately
is very rigorous and is based on members and stakeholders in A wire mesh can be used to
Organic produce is total fulfilment of specific stan- the areas of production, techni- show the separation between
dards. The standards stipulate cal training, marketing, certifica- the different products. An
higher in quality in detail what should be done tion, lobbying, advocacy and the organic product should not be
Is organic produce better than and what should not be done entire organic agriculture value transported with a non-organic
conventional produce? in the production, processing, chain. It seeks to promote the product. In organic language
preservation and packaging of organic agriculture movement this is referred to as 'separa-
Work done in Egypt by Sekem organic products. The standards in Kenya to evolve and become a tion in space'. When processing,
Group, a leading organic indicate what food additives to highly beneficial and integrated organic produce is either pro-
exporter indicates that organic use, preservatives and packaging industry with direct impacts on cessed before the conventional
food is of higher quality than materials. The organic farmer is the environment, poverty reduc- produce. If organic food has to
conventional food. Organic food required to demonstrate compli- tion, employment and wealth be processed after processing
has on average a higher nutri- ance with each step. A third party creation. the non-organic food, then the
tional value, containing espe- not involved with the either the machinery should be washed
cially vitamins C, magnesium, organic operator or the certifica- Do not mix organic and clean before the organic process-
iron and phosphorous. Also tion body that sets the standards ing is done. This is known as
organic crops have more phyto- inspects the compliance system
conventional produce
'separation in terms of time'.
nutrients, which occur naturally to gain acceptance. Such due dili- Do I have to store organic food
in plants and protect them from gence in the system will eliminate differently? No GMO material
disease and pests. any contamination of the system. The organic standards stipulate Can organic food contain geneti-
in detail how to store organic cally modified (GM) elements?
No harmful substances KOAN coordinates products or food. Organic food
Organic food contains fewer should be stored separately from Organic standards do not allow
organic agriculture the presence of Genetically
food additives. Certain addi- other non-organic food to avoid
tives and food ingredients have Is there an organic "watchdog” contamination and maintain the Modified Organisms (GMOs)
been linked to certain disorders in Kenya? integrity of organic production, in production, processing and
like heart diseases, osteoporo- The Kenya Organic Agriculture either in the store, during trans- preservation of organic food. All
sis, asthma, and neurological Network (KOAN) is the Organic portation and processing. This GMO material or elements are
disorders. These are prohibited watchdog in Kenya. KOAN is is especially important where prohibited in organic agricul-
in organic processing. Only the National coordinating body parallel production (this refers ture.
around 30 additives are per- for the organic agriculture in to where both organic and non
mitted in organic produce (and Kenya. KOAN’s mandate is organic production operations No chemicals
only where most necessary) to coordinate, facilitate and are taking place at the same Can organic farmers use pesti-
compared to more than 500 in provide leadership and profes- time) is taking place. In such a cides and other chemicals?
conventionally produced foods. Organic standards do not allow
Organic foods contain fewer the use of synthetic fertilizers,
nitrates (common in chemical pesticides, herbicides in crop
fertilizers). Nitrates can be con- and livestock production. In
verted into more harmful sub- case an organic farmer for one
stances that have been linked reason or another ‘breaks’ the
to cancer in animals. Mineral rules or circumstances calls for
fertilization practices are known the use of the chemicals (such
to result in much higher nitrate as in major disease or pests out-
levels in non-organic vegetables. break because no other control
mechanism was available),
Organic standards then the farmer is required to
ensure food is safe withdraw the animals from the
organic certification scheme for
Does organic food carry greater
a stipulated period of time.
risks of food poisoning?
The different organic certifica-
The likelihood of food poisoning Photo: TOF tion schemes have clear rules
through organic food is highly governing what chemicals to
eliminated or not possible at all. Women group members harvest indigineous organic vegetables use and what not to use. TOF
No. 102 November, 2013