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Radiation in Semiconductors

Relation between absorption and emission spectra

At thermal equilibrium, the rate of spontaneous photon

emission 𝑅𝑠𝑝 𝝂 in the interval d𝝂 is given by
Near-Band gap radiative transition

Exciton recombination:

An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an

electron hole which are attracted to each other by the
electrostatic Coulomb force.

It is an electrically neutral quasiparticle that exists in

insulators, semiconductors and in some liquids.
 An exciton can form when a photon is absorbed by a

 This excites an electron from the valence band into the

conduction band. In turn, this leaves behind a positively
charged electron hole (an abstraction for the location from
which an electron was moved).

 The electron in the conduction band is then effectively

attracted to this localized hole by the repulsive Coulomb
forces from large numbers of electrons surrounding the hole
and excited electron.

 This attraction provides a stabilizing energy balance.

 Consequently, the exciton has slightly less energy than the

unbound electron and hole
The recombination of the exciton pair (electron –hole pair)
results in a narrow and sharp peak in the emission spectra

Probability of exciton recombination is low in in-direct bandgap semiconductors

Band to Band recombination
If the temperature of the sample is high enough such that 𝑘 𝑇 > 𝜖𝑔

If there are sufficient free carriers in the semiconductor producing

local field to dissociate the exciton

Most of the photo generated carriers exist as separate holes and

electrons in the band

Most of these carriers live mean life and combine radiatively

Auger recombination
•Occurs in heavily doped semiconductors
•Non radiative recombination process
•Three charge carriers are involved
•Excess energy by recombination is transferred
by Columbic collision as KE of a third free carrier
•The third carrier raised in energy deep in to the
respective band
•The carrier finally thermalize back to the
bottom of the band
• The total recombination rate of the
spontaneous emission is

Auger recombination
transitions (recombination at Spontaneous radiative recombination
defects and traps)

The carrier life time of Auger recombination,

C Auger recombination coefficient

Auger recombination is very effective bulk recombination

process at high carrier densities
• The energy taken by the third particle is

The efficiency of Auger recombination depends on the

concentration of excess charge carriers

•More dominant in narrow bandgap semiconductors

•Rate increases with increases with increase in T and
decrease with band gap energies
•Plays important role in junction lasers
• C conduction band
• HH heavy hole band
• LH light hole band
• SO Split-off bands

• CCCH- is dominant in n-type materials

• CHHL &CHHS in P-type materials
• CHHS process more dominant in low band gap

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