Credit Eda Case Study Analysis
Credit Eda Case Study Analysis
Credit Eda Case Study Analysis
By vinay chandrawanshi
Steps involved in analysis
•Use EDA to analyze the patterns present in the data
•The patterns should indicate if a client has difficulty paying their installments which may be
used for taking actions such as
denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, lending (to risky applicants) at a higher
interest rate, etc.
•Approach Used in Analysis
• We are given two datasets,
◦ The first data is about whether a client has payment difficulties.
◦ The second data is about whether the previous application had been Approved, Cancelled,
Refused or Unused offer.
• Approach used in Analysis for few columns : To find the probability of default/rejection
• In Application dataset, Find the probability of default to identify the defaulters
• In our case,
• Probability of defaulter = defaulter/(defaulter + non defaulter)
• Probability of nondefaulter = nondefaulter/(defaulter + non defaulter)
• In Previous Application dataset, Find the probability of rejection to identify the rejected
• We can also calculate the chances of an application getting rejected
•Probability of rejected = rejected/(rejected + approved)
Methods to Deal with Missing Data
There are various ways to deal with missing values. Out of which,
most common methods are as below:
• Remove those columns if we have higher proportion of missing
• Replace them with
Mean/Median/Mode in case of quantitative variables.
Replace them with mean if data in that filed is distributed
Replace them with median if there are outliers present in that
particular field.
Replace with mode if replacing with most repeated value of filed
makes sense.
Most repeated value in case of categorical variables.
• Replace with a default value
• Leave as it is.
In our datasets, We have replaced missing values of categorical
variables with most repeated value. And in case of quantitative
variable, missing values are filled with Medians of that column as
there are outliers present i
Outliers Detection and Ways to Deal with them
• An outlier is a data point that differ significantly from other data
• It may be due to variability in the measurement or may also
indicate an experimental error.
• One should be very cautious while dealing with outliers.
For example –
Outliers introduced due to experimental error can directly be
But in the other case, where it has occurred due to variability of
measurement, one should take steps to fulfill the purpose.
Sometimes it is better to remove highly skewed outlier and keep
rest of the outliers to get a better insight. While in some other cases,
it is better to remove all the outlier data points.
Data Analysis