Morphology Exercises
Morphology Exercises
Morphology Exercises
If they are, are they the same kinds of errors made by the nonnative speakers of
English listed in Exercise B?
II. Exercise
B. Use the words above (and any other words that you think are relevant) to answer the
following questions:
(Hint: you must refer to the definition of morpheme to be able to answer this.)
i. a letter
ii. a sound
G The words district and discipline show that the sequence of letters
mission, missile, begin, and retrofit.) List five more sequences of letters that are
sometimes a morpheme and sometimes not.
H. Just for fun, find some other pairs like disgruntled / *gruntled and
III Exercise.
Divide the examples you collected into their root, derivational, and
inflectional morphemes.
Name:______________________________________ 6
English 3225 UPRB
Check your dictionary to see how it deals with inflected and derived
word forms. Does it list all the inflections of regular inflected words?
Just irregular ones? Does it accord derived forms their own entries or
include them in the entries of the forms from which they are derived?