Drug Study Intrapartum Drugs
Drug Study Intrapartum Drugs
Drug Study Intrapartum Drugs
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: con@wvsu.edu.ph
Name of Patient: J.S.R. Attending Physician: Dr. A.
Age: 34 years old Ward/Bed Number: OB Ward Impression/Diagnosis:G3 P2 (2002); Intrauterine Pregnancy; 39 4/7 wks AOG
Name of Drug Route, Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
and Timing
Generic: Dosage: Oxytocin causes potent Indicated to stimulate Systemic: Discontinue infusion Assess baseline data before
oxytocin 10 units/mL and selective stimulation uterine contractions anaphylaxis; water immediately if uterine infusion, including maternal
of uterine and mammary during the third stage intoxication that leads hyperactivity occurs and pulse and BP, uterine
gland smooth muscles of labor to control to death; ready administration of history and uterine activity,
(Wolters Kluwer, 2019). It postpartum bleeding hypersensitivity oxygen. and review history of any
Brand: Route: promotes uterine or hemorrhage; to reactions contraindications.
Have tocolytic drugs
Popicin intramuscular contractions by increasing prevent uterine atony.
CNS: subarachnoid available. Monitor and record uterine
hemorrhage; coma contractions, heart rate,
concentrations of calcium
BP, and character of blood
in uterine myometrial CV: arrhythmias;
loss every 15 minutes after
tissue, thereby increasing dysrhythmias;
Frequency: the activity of the premature ventricular
once calcium-dependent contractions Monitor fluid intake and
phosphorylating enzyme output.
GU: tetanic uterine
myosin light-chain kinase contractions; uterine Explain use and
(McCuistion, et. al, 2019). rupture; impaired administration to patient
uterine blood flow; and folks.
Timing: pelvic hematoma
References: Have emesis basin ready in
after the McCuistion, L., et.al.
delivery of the case vomiting occurs.
(2019). Pharmacology: A
baby patient-centered nursing Monitor for signs of uterine
process approach (9th rupture including sudden
ed). Reproductive and increased pain, loss of
gender-related drugs (p. uterine contractions,
743). Singapore: Elsevier,
Classification Contraindications Side Effects hypovolemic shock and
Functional: Pte. Ltd. significant CV: increased blood hemorrhage.
oxytocic cephalopelvic pressure Assess and monitor for
Wolters Kluwer. (2019).
disproportion signs of adverse effects and
Nursing 2020 drug GI: nausea and
obstetric refer immediately.
handbook (vol. 2, p. vomiting
1222). Philippines: emergencies that
Chemical: favor surgery GU: hyperstimulation
Wolters Kluwer Health,
exogenous Inc. fetal distress where of the uterus; uterine
hormone delivery is not tachysystole
where adequate
uterine activity fails
to achieve
hyperactive or
hypertonic uterus
Student’s Name:
Clinical Instructor:
West Visayas State University
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: con@wvsu.edu.ph
Name of Patient: Baby Girl P. Attending Physician: Dr. A.
Age:newborn Ward/Bed Number:N/A Impression/Diagnosis:N/A
Name of Drug Route, Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
and Timing
Generic: Dosage: Erythromycin penetrates Used as prophylaxis Skin: burning Use new tubes for each Assess parents’ knowledge
erythromycin 1-cm ribbon of bacterial cell membranes, for neonates to sensation; severe neonates. of treatments and
ointment reversibly bind to prevent ophthalmia pruritus; immunizations given to
Not to be used for
bacterial ribosomes, neonatorum caused inflammation; newborn.
infection unless causative
inhibiting bacterial protein by Neisseria sensitivity reaction
organism has been Inform parents regarding
Brand: Route: synthesis (Hodgson and gonorrhoeae or
EENT: chemical identified. the action, purpose, and
Eryzin ophthalmic Kizior, 2014). It is usually Chlamydia
conjunctivitis possible side effects of
bacteriostatic but may be trachomatis.
manifesting edema medication.
bactericidal in high
and inflammation
concentrations or against Assess the newborn for any
Frequency: highly susceptible Systemic: signs of distress such as
once organisms. hypersensitivity and cyanosis, ecchymosis and
anaphylactic reaction fever.
Classification Contraindications Side Effects Clean the eye area from
Functional: hypersensitivity, EENT: minor ocular inner to outer canthus of
Timing: Hodgson, B. and Kizior,
antibiotic including maternal irritations; redness both eyes before
within 1 hour R. (2014). Nursing drug
handbook 2014 (p. 432). reaction to the drug application.
after birth Skin: dryness; oily
St. Louis, Missouri: existing ocular Administer ointment before
skin; peeling
Elsevier Saunders. irritations or administration of
Chemical: problems phytonadione and hepatitis
Wolters Kluwer. (2019).
macrolide Nursing 2020 drug B vaccine.
handbook (vol. 1, p. Inform parents that edema
579). Philippines: Wolters around eyes usually
Kluwer Health, Inc. disappears within 24 to 48
hours whenever there is
Monitor for side effects and
note severity.
Advise to watch for and
report signs and symptoms
of hypersensitivity and
adverse reactions.
Student’s Name:
Clinical Instructor:
West Visayas State University
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: con@wvsu.edu.ph
Name of Patient: Baby Girl P. Attending Physician: Dr. A.
Age:newborn Ward/Bed Number:N/A Impression/Diagnosis:N/A
Name of Drug Route, Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
and Timing
Generic: Dosage: Recombinant hepatitis B Recombinant hepatitis Skin: severe pruritus Administration should be Obtain parents’ consent
hepatitis B 0.5 mL vaccine can provide active B vaccine is indicated and erythema; postponed if patient is and knowledge about
vaccine, immunity against for immunization induration at the suffering from acute febrile immunization.
recombinant hepatitis B virus by against infection from injection site illness.
Inform parents regarding
Route: stimulating the immune all known subtypes of
Systemic: very high the action, purpose, and
intramuscular system to produce HBV and as pre-
fever; anaphylactic possible side effects of the
Brand: antibodies against exposure prophylaxis
reactions vaccine.
Euvax B hepatitis B (anti-hepatitis in infants.
B antigen) (McCuistion, Instruct parents regarding
et, al, 2019). childhood immunizations as
recommended by current
Classification Frequency: Contraindications Side Effects schedules, inform them
Functional: three times: References: severe allergic CNS: dizziness; when repeat doses should
vaccine once after birth McCuistion, L., et.al. reaction/ headache be given.
plus two (2019). Pharmacology: A anaphylaxis after
patient-centered nursing GI: nausea and Assess the newborn for any
succeeding previous dose of signs of distress such as
process approach (9th vomiting
doses any hepatitis-B cyanosis, ecchymosis and
ed). Reproductive and Skin: redness,
Chemical: containing vaccine fever.
gender-related drugs (p. swelling or itching at
plasma derived Timing: or to any of its
759). Singapore: Elsevier, the injection site Skin-to-skin contact should
RNA recombinant within 12 hours components
Pte. Ltd. be prioritized before
after birth; at 1- maternal history of General: irritability or
2 months of hypersensitivity to immunization.
age; at 6-18 the vaccine Monitor for any reactions
months of age specifically in the injection
Instruct parents on signs
and symptoms of side
effects and when to notify
the nurse.
Monitor for any adverse
Student’s Name:
Clinical Instructor:
West Visayas State University
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: con@wvsu.edu.ph
Name of Patient: Baby Girl P. Attending Physician: Dr. A.
Age:newborn Ward/Bed Number:N/A Impression/Diagnosis:N/A
Name of Drug Route, Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
and Timing
Generic: Dosage: Phytonadione is a Phytonadione is given CV: cardiac arrest Administer 0.01 ml if the Obtain parents’ consent
vitamin K 0.1 mL synthetic vitamin K which as a vitamin baby weighs less than and knowledge about
analogue acts by promoting hepatic supplement and 2000 mg, and 0.05ml if the immunization.
phytonadione formation of coagulation prophylaxis for baby weighs 2000 mg.
jaundice Inform parents regarding
Route: factors, II, VII, IX, and X, newborn to prevent
the action, purpose, and
intramuscular which are essential for vitamin K- deficiency Respiratory:
possible side effects of the
Brand: normal clotting of blood bleeding or respiratory arrest
Dynae (Hodgson and Kizior, hemorrhagic disease Systemic: anaphylactic
2014). of the newborn. Instruct parents regarding
Frequency: childhood medications as
once recommended.
Classification Reference: Contraindications Side Effects Assess the newborn for any
Functional: Hodgson, B. and Kizior, hypersensitivity to Respiratory: cyanosis signs of distress such as
antihemorrhagic; R. (2014). Nursing drug the drug Skin: rash; pain,
handbook 2014 (p. 1257). cyanosis, ecchymosis and
vitamin Timing: soreness and swelling fever.
supplement within 1 hour St. Louis, Missouri: at injection site; facial
after birth Elsevier Saunders. Skin-to-skin contact should
be prioritized before
Chemical: immunization.
naphthoquinone Monitor for any reactions
derivative against medication.
Instruct parents on signs
and symptoms of side
effects and when to notify
the nurse.
Monitor for any adverse
Student’s Name:
Clinical Instructor: