Sandtray Reading List
Sandtray Reading List
Sandtray Reading List
Baker, A. (2004) The use of sandtray with older adult clients. In Magniant, R (Ed.) Art
therapy with older adults: A sourcebook. (pp. 35-52) Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
Kosanke, C., Puls, B., Feather, J., & Smith, J. (2016). Minimizing intense relational
dynamics to enhance safety: A thematic analysis of literature on sandtray work with adult
trauma survivors. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 32(4), 502–516.
Garrett, M. (2014). Beyond play therapy: using the sandtray as an expressive arts
intervention in counselling adult clients. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling &
Psychotherapy, 5(1), 99–105.
Mayes, C., & Mayes, P. B. (2006). Sandtray therapy with a 24-year-old woman in the
residual phase of schizophrenia. International Journal of Play Therapy, 15(1), 101–116.
Monakes, S., Garza, Y., Wiesner III, V., & Watts, R. E. (2011). Implementing Adlerian
Sand Tray Therapy With Adult Male Substance Abuse Offenders: A Phenomenological
Inquiry. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 31(2), 94–107.
Spooner, L., & Lyddon, W. (2007). Sandtray Therapy for Inpatient Sexual Addiction
Treatment: An Application of Constructivist Change Principles. Journal of Constructivist
Psychology, 20(1), 53–85.
Swank, J. M., & Jahn, S. A. B. (2018). Using Sand Tray to Facilitate College Students’
Career Decision‐Making: A Qualitative Inquiry. Career Development Quarterly, 66(3),
Betman, B. G. (2004). To See the World in a Tray of Sand: Using Sandtray Therapy with
Deaf Children. Odyssey: New Directions in Deaf Education, 5(2), 16–20.
Cunningham, C., Fill, K., & Al-Jamie, L. (1999). Sandtray play with traumatized
children: A comparison study. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2(2),
Desmond, K. J., Kindsvatter, A., Stahl, S., & Smith, H. (2015). Using Creative
Techniques With Children Who Have Experienced Trauma. Journal of Creativity in
Mental Health, 10(4), 439–455.
Even, T. A., & Armstrong, S. A. (2011). Sandtray for Early Recollections with Children
in Adlerian Play Therapy. Journal of Individual Psychology, 67(4), 391–407.
Flahive, M. W., & Ray, D. (2007). Effect of Group Sandtray Therapy with
Preadolescents. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 32(4), 362–382.
James, L. & Martin. Sand tray and group therapy: Helping parents cope. Journal for
Specialists in Group Work, Vol 27(4), Dec, 2002 pp. 390-405.
Morrison,M & Homeyer, L. (2008). Supervision in the sand.In. Drewes, A. & Mullen, J.
(Ed) Supervision can be playful: Techniques for child and play therapist supervisors. (pp.
233-248). Jason Aronson
Nelson, K. (2011). The Sandtray technique for Swedish children 1945–1960: diagnostics,
psychotherapy and processes of individualisation. Paedagogica Historica, 47(6), 825–
Parker, M. M., & Cade, R. (2018). Using Sand Tray Therapy With Juveniles in
Correctional Settings. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 39(2), 78–88.
Rae, Roxanne. (2013) Sandtray: Playing to heal, recover, and grow. Lanham, MD. Jason
Richardson, J. (2012). The world of the sand tray and the child on the autism spectrum.
In Gallo-Lopez, L. & Rubin, L. (Eds) Play-based interventions for children and
adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. (pp. 209-227). New York, NY:
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Robey, P. & Sori, C. (2016). 'Grieving in the sand': Integrating sandtray with reality
therapy to help children through the grieving process. In. Sori, C., Hecker, L..
Bachenberg, M. (Eds). The therapist's notebook for children and adolescents:
Homework, handouts, and activities for use in psychotherapy., 2nd ed. (pp. 230-237)
New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Shen, Y.-P., & Armstrong, S. A. (2008). Impact of Group Sandtray Therapy on the Self-
Esteem of Young Adolescent Girls. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 33(2), 118–
Shen, Y.-P., & Armstrong, S. (2008). Impact of humanistic group sandtray therapy on the
self-esteem of seventh-grade adolescent girls in America. Chinese Journal of Psychology,
50(2), 147–165.
Tornero, M. D. L. A., & Capella, C. (2017). Change during psychotherapy through sand
play tray in children that have been sexually abused. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Volcani, Y., & And Others. (1982). Sandtray Play: Children’s Fantasy Play and Parental
Caregiving Perceptions.
Wittmann, E. (2017) Post-Jungian directive sandtray in play therapy. In. Leggett, E.&
Boswell, J. (Eds) Directive play therapy: Theories and techniques. (pp 17-57). New
York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
Woolf, A. (2014). Review of Sandtray play and storymaking. Emotional & Behavioural
Difficulties, 19(3), 331–332.
Fraser, T. (2013). Working with adoptive families using sand, water, miniatures, and a
sandtray. In Bowers, N.(Ed) Play therapy with families: A collaborative approach to
healing. (pp. 161-172) Jason Aronson
Lyles, M., & Homeyer, L. E. (2015). The Use of Sandtray Therapy With Adoptive
Families. Adoption Quarterly, 18(1), 67–80.
Bainum, C. R., Schneider, M. F., & Stone, M. H. (2006). An Adlerian Model for
Sandtray Therapy. Journal of Individual Psychology, 62(1), 36–46.
Block, A. A. (2004). “And the bush was not consumed”: spirituality and the reflective
practioner - a response to Mayes et al. s’ “Messages in the sand.” International Journal of
Leadership in Education, 7(3), 285–291.
De Little, M. (2012). Transformation in the Sand Tray. Satir Journal, 5(1), 49–63.
Eberts, S., & Homeyer, L. (2015). Processing sand trays from two theoretical
perspectives: Gestalt and Adlerian. International Journal of Play Therapy, 24(3), 134–
Ford, S. (2007). Satir in the Sand Tray: Facilitating Peace Within. Satir Journal, 1(3), 1–
Garrett, M. (2015). A Sandtray a Day Keeps the Doctor at Play: Using Sandtray for
Personal and Professional Development. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 10(4),
Garza-Chaves, Y., Timm, N., & Oeffinger, J. (2018). Sandtray, Superheroes, and the
Healing Journey. Journal of Counselor Practice, 9(1), 24–38.
Lusebrink, Vija B.; Personality factors and sandtray expressions. Imagination, Cognition
and Personality, Vol 14(2), 1995 pp. 89-103.
Mayes, C., Mayes, P. B., & Williams, E. (2004). Messages in the Sand: Sandtray Therapy
Techniques with Graduate Students in an Educational Leadership Program. International
Journal of Leadership in Education, 7(3), 257–284.
Mayes, C., Mayes, P. B., & Williams, E. (2007). Sandtray Therapy, Reflectivity and
Leadership Preparation. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 10(4), 357–
Saltis, M. Critchlow, C. & Smith, J. (2019). Teaching through sand: Creative applications
of sandtray within constructivist pedagogy. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
Sangganjanavanich, V. & Magnuson, S. (2011). Using sand trays and miniature figures to
facilitate career decision making. The Career Development Quarterly, Vol 59(3), Mar,
pp. 264-273.
Skigen, D. (2008). Taking the sand tray high tech: Using the Sims as a therapeutic tool in
the treatment in adolescents. In Rubin, L. (Ed) Popular culture in counseling,
psychotherapy, and play-based interventions. (pp. 165-179). New York, NY: Springer
Publishing Company
Sweeney, D. S., Minnix, G. M., & Homeyer, L. E. (2003). Using Sandtray Therapy in
Lifestyle Analysis. Journal of Individual Psychology, 59(4), 376–387.
Tan, J., Shen, H., & Li, H. (2010). A research on the characteristics in initial sandtray of
the positive psychological symptoms. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18(4),
Timm, N., & Garza, Y. (2017). Beyond the Miniatures: Using Gestalt Theory in Sandtray
Processing. Gestalt Review, 21(1), 44–55.
Toscani, F. (1998). Sandrama: Psychodramatic sandtray with a trauma survivor. The Arts
in Psychotherapy, 25(1), 21–29.
Bardot, H. (2012). Figurative sand tray therapy. In Neimeyer, R.. (Ed). Techniques of
grief therapy: Creative practices for counseling the bereaved. (pp. 215-219) New York,
NY: Routledge.
Webber, J. M., & Mascari, J. B. (2008, March). Sand tray therapy and the healing process
in trauma and grief counseling. Based on a program presented at the ACA Annual
Conference & Exhibition, Honolulu, HI.
Degges, W. (2020) Expressive arts in schools: Visual and performing arts and sandtray
interventions to promote self-discovery.( In. Maykel, C. & Bray, M.. (Eds) Promoting
mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals. (pp. 217-
232.) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association;
Anekstein, A. M., Hoskins, W. J., Astramovich, R. L., Garner, D., & Terry, J. (2014). “Sandtray
Supervision”: Integrating Supervision Models and Sandtray Therapy. Journal of
Creativity in Mental Health, 9(1), 122–134.
Carnes-Holt, K., Meany-Walen, K., & Felton, A. (2014). Utilizing Sandtray Within the
Discrimination Model of Counselor Supervision. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health,
9(4), 497–510.
Hartwig, E. K., & Bennett, M. M. (2017). Four approaches to using sandtray in play
therapy supervision. International Journal of Play Therapy, 26(4), 230–238.
Markos, P. A., & Hyatt, C. J. (1999). Play or Supervision? Using Sandtray with
Beginning Practicum Students. Guidance & Counseling, 14(4), 3.
Markos, P. A., Coker, J. K., & Jones, W. P. (2007). Play in Supervision: Exploring the
Sandtray with Beginning Practicum Students. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health,
2(3), 3–15.
Stark, M. D., Frels, R. K., & Garza, Y. (2011). The use of sandtray in solution-focused
supervision. The Clinical Supervisor, 30(2), 277–290.
Stark, M. D., & Frels, R. K. (2014). Using sandtray as a collaborative assessment tool for
counselor development. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 9(4), 468–482.
International Journal of Play Therapy
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy
British Journal of Psychotherapy
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
Career Development Quarterly
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
The Clinical Supervisor
Guidance & Counseling
The Arts in Psychotherapy
Pastoral Care in Education
Gestalt Review
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
Journal of Individual Psychology
The Career Development Quarterly
International Journal of Leadership in Education
South African Journal of Psychology
Imagination, Cognition and Personality
Journal of Counselor Practice
International Journal of Leadership in Education
Journal of Art Therapy