Clubbing in A Patient of Hypothyroidism - A Case Report

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Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Clubbing in a Patient of Hypothyroidism –

A Case Report
Mohammad Anas*, Ziaur Rahman*, Abul Faiz**, Jamal Azmat***
* PG Scholar D/O Moalijat AKTC AMU ALIGARH
** PG Scholar D/O Kulliyat AKTC AMU ALIGARH
***Assistant Professor D/O Moalijat AKTC AMU ALIGARH

Abstract: Digital clubbing is very important and ancient of all fingers and toes. There was no local tenderness present
clinical signs in medicine. Although most of the time at wrist and ankle joint. The systemic examination of the
clubbed fingers are asymptomatic and exact patient was normal except, presence of slow relaxation of
pathogenesis is not known. The Thyroid acropachy is deep tendon reflexes. Routine Haematological and
uncommon sign of autoimmune thyroid disorders. We Biochemical test were normal. Liver function test and
present a rare case of Hypothyroidism associated with abdominal ultrasonography were normal. The thyroid profile
clubbing. A 45 year old male with severe degree of showed Serum TSH level of 730mlU/L with normal Total
clubbing in fingers and toes along with markedly T3 and T4 Levels. His Lipid Profile revealed serum
increased thyroid stimulating hormone levels. Patient cholesterol 237mg/dl, Triglycerides 411mg/dl, HDL
also had severe Dyslipidaemia. Patient was managed 24mg/dl. R.A factor was negative. A diagnosis of acropachy
with L-Thyroxine and Atorvastatin, Finofibrates showed with hypothyroidism was made, Patient was started on L-
marked improvement in symptoms. Thyroxine with Atorvastatin and finofibrates5.Within a
period of few months patient showed marked improvement
Keywords:- Clubbing, Acropachy, Hypothyroidism. in his symptoms.

I. INTRODUCTION Thyroid acropachy is commonly seen in patients who

have Hyperthyroidism2,3,4,6-10. The pattern of changes in
Clubbing of finger is described as bulbous acropachy is characteristic occurs at mid shaft of tubular
enlargement of soft parts of the terminal phalanges that are bones with an adjacent soft tissue proliferation3,4,6. In Our
usually associated with both transverse and longitudinal patient similar pattern was seen, there was no local
curving of the nails. The swelling of the terminal phalanges tenderness as seen in hypertrophic osteoarthopathy.
occur due to the interstitial oedema and dilation of the Pulmonary osteoarthropathy is important differential
arterioles and capillaries.1 Acropachy in hypothyroidism is diagnosis but there was no Pulmonary pathology detected in
the rare cause of Digital clubbing. The images of rare case our patient. Hypothyroidism is the rarest cause of digital
of clubbing in hypothyroidism are presented. clubbing.


Thyroid Acropachy is usually present in patients of

thyroid dysfunction that is hyperthyroidism, dermopathy,
and severe degree of ophthalmopathy2,3,4 but in our case
report clubbing is present in fingers and toes with severe
degree of hypothyroidism. It is rare but important cause of


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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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