The Qualitative Research Paper - 1

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Presented by Syahrum
Definition and Meaning of Qualitative

• Qualitative research is used to examine subjective human experience

by using non-statistical methods of analysis (Borbasi and Jackson
• It is associated with naturalistic inquiry which explores the complex
experience of human beings (Moxham 2012)
• Phenomenology, Ethnography, Grounded Theory (Glaser and
Strauss 1967)
• Historical method and Case study (Borbasi and Jackson 2012)
• Qualitative research explores a subjective, holistic pathway which
helps to develop theory (Burns and Grove 2009)
Definition and Meaning of Qualitative
Research (Cont’)
• Whereas quantitative research is based on scientific method,
qualitative research suits behavioural and social sciences as it
aids in understanding the unique nature of human beings
(Burns and Grove 2009)
• Qualitative research can generate information that can help
nurses by informing clinical decisions. Qualitative nursing
research focuses on patients and/or health professionals’
• Through this approach the reality of people’s experiences and
lives are not over simplified and subsumed into a number or a
statistic (Hoffmann et al 2013
1. Identify the Problem of the 7. Protect the Rights of
Study Participants
2. State the Purpose 8. Collect the Data
3. Select the Research Design 9. Analyze the Data
4. Review the Literature 10. Interpret the Data
5. Select the Sample 11. Communicate the Study
6. Gain Entry to the Research Results
Site 12. Utilize the Study Results
The Grid: An overview of the Research Designs of Qualitative Research
Content Phenomenology Ethnography Grounded Theory Historical Method Case Study
Sample Individuals or Groups or Individuals or groups Sources of historical Single person or
groups individuals in a significance single problem,
culture although small group or
more likely to institution
involve groups
(Borbasi and
Jackson 2012)
Example Interviews and Observation and Observation, field Historical material Interviews,
of types of descriptions, ocumentation of notes, intensive such as letters, observation,
instruments/ observation daily life – the interviews, review of memos, diaries, records,
tools used (Borbasi and investigator documents, analysis handwritten historical
Jackson 2012) immerses of literature and materials, old books, documents and
themselves in research on the newspapers, books, statements
the culture or topic, memo-writing audio or videotapes, (Borbasi and
group being (Jirojwong et al 2011) Government records, Jackson 2012;
studied (Borbasi archives (Borbasi and Burns and Grove
and Jackson Jackson 2012) 2011)
Ethics Essential Essential Essential Essential Essential
What is a case study?
A case study is a research approach that is used to generate an in-
depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-
life context.
Definitions of Case Study.
Definition Author
"…the intensive study (however) accomplished of one or more cases Sandelowski
for some explicit purpose” (2011)
“Case study is not a methodological choice but a choice of what is to Stake (2005)
be studied . . . By whatever methods we choose to study the case”
“Case study is an in-depth exploration from multiple perspectives of Simons (2009)
the complexity and uniqueness of a particular project, policy,
institution, program or system in a ‘real life’ context.”
“A case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a Yin (2009)
contemporary phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context,
especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context
are not clearly evident.”
“A case study is an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a Merriam
single instance, phenomenon or social unit.” (1988)
Definitions of Case Study
Definition Author
“...a phenomenon of some sort occurring in a bounded Miles and
context” Huberman (2005)
“In-depth study undertaken of one particular ‘case’, Green and
which could be a site, individual or policy” Thorogood (1994)
“ instance of a class of events [where] the term class of George and
events refers to a phenomenon of scientific interest...that Bennett (2009)
the investigator chooses to study with the aim of
developing theory regarding causes of similarities or
differences among instances (cases) of that class of events”
❖ Definitions of Case Study
❖ A case study is a research methodology that has commonly used in social
❖ A case study is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a
phenomenon within its real-life context
❖ Case studies are based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual,
group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles.
❖ A case study is a descriptive and exploratory analysis of a person, group or
❖ A case study research can be single or multiple case studies, includes
quantitative evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from
the prior development of theoretical propositions.
❖ Case studies are analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods,
policies, institutions or other systems that are studied holistically by one or
more methods.
❖Definitions of Case Study
According to D. B.Bromley (personal communication, May 6, 2001) the
terms "case study", "case review" and "case report" are used loosely
in the scientific and professional literature.
❖ The key features of a "case study" are its scientific credentials and its
evidence base for professional applications.
❖ A "case review" might emphasize a critical reappraisal of a case.
❖ A "case report" might refer to a summary of a case or to the
document reporting a case.
Knowing the disciplinary context and meaning of these terms is
important to convey to the reader.
What are case studies used for?

According to Yin, case studies can be used to

explain, describe or explore events or
phenomena in the everyday contexts in
which they occur
The four categories of Case Study Research
Only the fourth category exclusively focuses on case study as a research
1. Teaching case
2. Case histories
3. Case work
is used to describe the management of health care for a patient or a
4. Case research or Case Study Research
is intended for the purpose of “investigating activities or complex
processes that are note easily separated from the social context
within which they occur” (Cutter,2004,).

Case study research maintains rigor in its research methodology and its
attention to presenting findings that accurately and reliably represent the data.
The following exemplars illustrate the object of study and the
social context.
1. Single-case
2. Multiple case study
3. Multiple case study synthesis to identify themes and
4. Case study with emphasis on social process
5. Case study with emphasis on culture
6. Explanatory case study
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Exploratory How, what? Used when there is Seaton, J. X., &
no single set of Schwier, R. A.
outcomes. (2014). An
exploratory case
study of online
instructors: Factors
associated with
International Journal
of E-Learning and
Distance Education,
29(1), 2–16.
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Exploratory How, why? Used to explain Chong, H., Wong, J.
presumed causal S., & Wang, X.
links that are too (2014). An
complex for surveys explanatory case
or experimentation study on cloud
(Yin, 2014). computing
applications in the
built environment.
Automation in
Construction, 44,
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Comparative How are cases Used to explain Chong, H., Wong, J.
alike? presumed causal S., & Wang, X.
How are cases links that are too (2014). An
different? complex for surveys explanatory case
or experimentation study on cloud
(Yin, 2014). computing
applications in the
built environment.
Automation in
Construction, 44,
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Intrinsic (Stake, Can answer all Used to better Hellström, I. Nolan,
2005) above questions but understand a M.,& Lundh, U.
focus is very specific case. (2005). ‘We do
specific things
Together’ A case
study of
“couplehood” in
Dementia, 4(1), 7–22.
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Instrumental Used to provide Luck, L., Jackson, D., &
insight into an issue or Usher, K.
help refine a theory. (2007). STAMP:
The case plays a Components
supportive role, of observable behaviour
helping us to that indicate potential
understand something for patient violence in
else. The case may or emergency
may not be seen as departments. Journal of
typical of other cases. Advanced Nursing, 59,
11–19. doi:10.1111/j.1365-
Decision tree for choosing the right case study
Type of case study Questions When used Example
Collective Similar to multiple Scheib, J. W. (2003).
case studies. Role stress in the
professional life of
the school music
teacher: A collective
case study. Journal
of Research in Music
Education, 51,124–
The following exemplars illustrate the object of study and the
social context.
1. Single-case
2. Multiple case study
3. Multiple case study synthesis to identify themes and
4. Case study with emphasis on social process
5. Case study with emphasis on culture
6. Explanatory case study
How are case studies conducted?

Here, we focus on the main stages of research activity. When

planning and undertaking a case study; the crucial stages are:
▪ Defining the case;
▪ Selecting the case(s);
▪ Collecting and analysing the data;
▪ Interpreting data; and
▪ Reporting the findings.
Multiple case study

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