Design Guide DEWA PDF

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rs groliog clypa4aira GOVERNMENT OF DUBAI Duboi Electricity Weter Authority Ref: DP/020/2015 8 February 2015 To All Consultants/Contractors, Plot Project ~ Property Developers/Owners and Consumers, Dubai Design Guidelines Distribution Network (11kV — 22kV) Design Requirements & Guidelines for MV ((11kV — 22kV) Supply Dear Customers, ‘The Authority is constantly endeavoring to improve its services to all Customers. Please be informed that the Design guidelines issued under ref. SMCS/995/2008 dated 21.12.2008 is superseded. In line with DEWA Power Distribution Networks, please follow the below updated guidelines strictly, as applicable in your projects: 1. Ring Supply consisting of two feeders (two-feed ring) is mainly granted for power supply as normal feeding arrangement. Three-feed ring arrangement may be adopted for cases where all MV switchgears/ RMUs are installed in one location to ensure the specific supply reliability. 2. For reliable power supply; N-I offline criterion is considered. Hence, in case of power failure in one of the feeders, the other feeder should be capable to meet whole demand for maximum 6 hours duration. 3. DEWA standard 11 kV cable sizes are 3/C 300mm? Copper XLPE, 3/C 240mm? Copper XLPE, and 3/C 240mm? Aluminum XLPE. 4, DEWA standard 22 kV cable size is 3/C 300mm? Aluminum XLPE. 5. The maximum sustained load of 11kV feeder is 175A/3MW (for 300mm? Copper XLPE cables — summer rating) 6. The maximum sustained load of 11kV feeder is 160A/2.7MW (for 240mm? Copper XLPE cables — summer rating). 7. ‘The maximum sustained load of 22kV feeder is 165A/5.6MW (For 300mm? Aluminum XLPE cables — summer rating). 8. For bulk loads such as furnaces or district cooling requiring direct HV supply (private equipment's), space for metering units at party’s premises/substation shall be considered. Necessary documents, drawings, SLD shall be submitted for DEWA’s comments/approval at design stage. 9. Single unit load demand shall not exceed the maximum sustained current of DEWA’s MV cable/feeder, which is maximum 175A/3MW for 11kV feeder and 165A/5.6MW for 22kV feeder. 10. Parallel operation of DEWA MY feeders is not allowed at any circumstances, and accordingly proper interlocking (Electrical & Mechanical) shall be provided where required. 11. Standby generators are not allowed to operate in parallel with DEWA network. Therefore, proper interlocking shall be provided where itis required. Dubal Electricity Water Authoty 20409 ly 98 Le ContB rk POBox 564, Dubai, UAE, Tel «5714326444 | oI ETE HEE La aE] gE un | wen dewa govae ues: Ausable Wort sete sata le dala aus yy (or Mison, Meets atefacon rponetng Dub van thecugh ot teas pats J ya 2 alg oda Le Jy ay deep eecey anatase worse cab ee jy debe ry a ‘safety ard environment by a comperentiorkforce and effective partnarships: * asi foe ya sao GOVERNMENT OF DUBAL Dubai Gectricity& Water Authority a { gpoliog aly Satin ) Ref: 16. 17. 20. 21 . The party shall comply with the planning levels of voltage flicker based on IEC 61000- 1P/020/2015 8" February 2015 Page -2 7: ed2.0-2008. Accordingly, voltage dip calculations during motor starting shall be submitted along with the motor specification, starting characteristics, number of motor starts per day, SLD drawings etc. for approval at design stage. For loads that injects harmonics currents into DEWA’s network, harmonic study shall be prepared by party and approved by DEWA at the design stage, The party to comply with the planning limits of Harmonic Emissions for voltage and current based on IEC 61000-3-6: ed2.0-2008 and IEC 61000-3- 12: ed2.0-2011 respectively. Harmonics and Flickers measurements shall be conducted by the party after commissioning of project and report of measurements shall be submitted to DEWA. Maximum allowable number of cables per trench for I1kV cables is 20 arranged in maximum two layers. (2.5 to 3-meter trench width on both sides of the road, close to 132/11KV S/S and 2.0/1.5 meters elsewhere depending on load distribution). Maximum allowable number of cables per trench for 22kV cables is 10 arranged in maximum one layer. (2.5 to 3-meter trench width close to 132/22kV S/S and 2.0 meter elsewhere). Clearance of minimum 2 meters shall be maintained between any MV cable trench and the surrounding, heat sources such as 132kV cable trench, Horizontal spacing between MV cables is 150mm (edge to edge for MV cables) and vertical spacing, between layers is 100mm (edge to edge applicable for 11k cables). Separate corridor shall be allocated for MV cable laying within party’s premises along the road to ensure avoiding crossing between 132kV and MV cables. Backfilling to be used for MV cables with soil resistivity below 1.6°C-m/W with the following conditions: a) At maximum moisture content of 2% or less. b) At 90% of compaction, Single line diagram illustrating the protection schemes along with relay setting calculation shall be submitted for DEWA’s comments and approval at design stage. ‘Thanking you in anticipation of your for your cooperation ‘Yours faithfully, For DUBAI ELECTRICITY & WATER AUTHORITY [afis (Rashid Bin Humaidan) Executive Vice President-Distribution Power

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