Contoh CV
Contoh CV
Contoh CV
Master of Education
Personal Information
I am a creative, energic, dicipline, and passionate person. I have a
higher motivation and good communication. I can work with team
or individual. I able to learn about the new things. I was always
Contact think chritically in every decision-making.
2015-2017 Master of Economic Education Sebelas Maret
in Sahat Renol HS University (UNS)
2010-2014 Bechelor Degree of Economic Education
Jl. Persatuan Raya Gg. Persatuan No. 2
Medan State University (UNIMED)
Desa Manunggal, Deli Serdang
2007-2010 SMA Laksamana Martadinata Medan
Personal Detail 2004-2007 SMP Negeri 16 Medan
Height/Weight : 166 Cm / 68 Kg
Organization Experience
Religion : Christian
Martial Status : Single 2016-2017 Staff Division of Organizational of HMP UNS
Nationality : Indonesian 2015-2017 Member of Naposo HKBP Solo
2013-2014 Staff Division of Public Relations of SEMA-FE
Indonesian 2012-2013 Secretary of HMJ-PE UNIMED
English 2010-2014 Member of PMKP UNIMED
Strategic Management
Quantitative Research
Work Experience
Research and Development Juni 19 – Sept 19 DSR of EDC in PT. Pesona Putra Perkasa
1. Speakers in Proceeding of National Seminar on Economic and
Reading Travelling Sport Technology Business Education
2. Speakers in Proceeding of National Seminar on Economic,
Business, and Financial Education
Media Social 3. Speakers in Proceeding International Conference on Teacher
Training and Education (ICTTE)
Sahat Renold