Agricultural Systems
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/agsy
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire
Energy and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, Ghana
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Accra, Ghana
Keywords:: Agricultural land suitability analysis (ALSA) for crop production is one of the key tools for ensuring sustainable
Agriculture agriculture and for attaining the current global food security goal in line with the Sustainability Development
Land suitability analysis Goals (SDGs) of United Nations. Although some review studies addressed land suitability, few of them specifi-
Climate change cally focused on land suitability analysis for agriculture. Furthermore, previous reviews have not reflected on the
Multi-criteria evaluation
impact of climate change on future land suitability and how this can be addressed or integrated into ALSA
Machine learning
methods. In the context of global environmental changes and sustainable agriculture debate, we showed from
the current review that ALSA is a worldwide land use planning approach. We reported from the reviewed articles
69 frequently used factors in ALSA. These factors were further categorized in climatic conditions (16), nutrients
and favorable soils (34 of soil and landscape), water availability in the root zone (8 for hydrology and irrigation)
and socio-economic and technical requirements (11). Also, in getting a complete view of crop’s ecosystems and
factors that can explain and improve yield, inherent local socio-economic factors should be considered. We
showed that this aspect has been often omitted in most of the ALSA modeling with only 38% of the total
reviewed article using socio-economic factors. Also, only 30% of the studies included uncertainty and sensitivity
analysis in their modeling process. We found limited inclusions of climate change in the application of the ALSA.
We emphasize that incorporating current and future climate change projections in ALSA is the way forward for
sustainable or optimum agriculture and food security. To this end, qualitative and quantitative approaches must
be integrated into a unique ALSA system (Hybrid Land Evaluation System - HLES) to improve the land evaluation
Corresponding author at: Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire.
E-mail address: komlavi.akpoti.stu@uenr.edu.gh (K. Akpoti).
Received 12 January 2018; Received in revised form 6 February 2019; Accepted 15 February 2019
0308-521X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
requirement and land characteristics reflected in final decisions GIS-MCE methods is the preference of the evaluation criteria/alter-
(Prakash, 2003). ALSA analysis is an inter-disciplinary task requiring natives that decision maker can incorporate in the value judgment that
inputs from different streams that require different expertise including allows feedback for policy decision making. Although the MCE’s nature
soil science, meteorology, social science, economics, management of integrating several views of decision problems, critics argued the lack
(Prakash, 2003) along with local knowledge (Rodenburg et al., 2014). of a proper scientific basis (Malczewski, 2006). A good critical review of
Due to a large number of factors involved in decision making, ALSA can GIS-based LSA has been depicted by (Malczewski, 2004). One key
be identified as a multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) approach element of this paper is that to correctly represent a particular land use
(Reshmidevi, Eldho, & Jana, 2009). ALSA is a spatial MCE task planning problem including LSA, the right combination of both objec-
(Malczewski, 1999; Mendoza, 2000; Rabia & Terribile, 2013) that can tive and subjective data and/or information is essential. Another survey
be expressed in a generic model (Mendoza, 2000) as a function of of literature by (Delgado & Sendra, 2004) concerned sensitivity analysis
factors or criteria affecting the suitability based on their respective in GIS-MCE. Sensitivity analysis, as a stage in a model evaluation, has
weights. The major challenge of suitability analysis is to measure both been largely neglected and/or poorly applied in MCE (Delgado &
the individual and cumulative effects of the different factors (Mendoza, Sendra, 2004).
2000). According to (Fischer & Sun, 2001), ALSA tried to assess the fol-
Recent technological advancements in Geographic Information lowing key research questions: Will there be enough land for agricultural
System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Decision Support System (DSS) and production to meet food and fiber demands of future populations? Where do
web-based application have allowed more powerful, precise and sus- shortages of agricultural land exist, and where there is room for agricultural
tainable intervention in agriculture in terms of where to farm and expansion? What contribution can be expected from irrigation? Is land
which crop is the most suitable. DSS in agriculture is data driven under forest ecosystems potentially good agricultural land? What are the
computer-based systems that aims to solve unstructured problems and main physical constraints to agricultural production? Will global warming
improve the performance of decision makers (De La Rosa, Mayol, Diaz- affect agricultural potentials? In addition, what are the socio-economic
Pereira, Fernandez, & De La Rosa, 2004; Jones, 1993; McCown, 2002; constraints to agricultural production? Likewise, land use questions are
Moore, Donnelly, & Freer, 1997). GIS serves as a tool for input, storage analyzed based on the knowledge level and the spatial scale considered.
and retrieval, manipulation and analysis and output of spatial data These two aspects of land use planning (knowledge and scale) are op-
while RS provides the information about the various spatial criteria/ timized in a K diagram by (Bouma, 1996) in which hierarchical scales (i
factors under consideration (Malczewski, 2004). Every ALSA method levels or pedon levels representing the individual soil) and modeling
provides uncertainty due to propagated uncertainties in data sources. A approaches expressed in terms of five characteristics are reported,
wide range of methods have been developed including, but not limited summarized in terms of knowledge levels K1–K5. In the plane of per-
to weighted averaging (Malczewski, 1999), the analytical hierarchy pendicular axes (one ranging from qualitative to quantitative and the
process (AHP) (Banai-Kashani, 1989; Cengiz & Akbulak, 2009; Saaty & other from empirical to mechanistic), the K-levels are defined by K1 as
Vargas, 2001), ordered weighted averaging (OWA) (Malczewski, 2006; user knowledge (empirical and qualitative), K2 as expert knowledge
Malczewski et al., 2003; Yager, 1988), and rule-based classification (qualitative), K3 as semiquantitative approach, K4 as quantitative
method (Reshmidevi et al., 2009; Yu, Chen, Wu, & Khan, 2011). model with general characterization of processes and K5 as detail me-
Some reviews on LSA were conducted before. A taxonomy of chanistic description of a part of the system.
methods for generating land suitability maps has been discussed in a Although some review studies addressed land suitability, few of
comparative evaluation by (Hopkins, 2007). This study revealed lim- them specifically focused on LSA for agriculture. Furthermore, to our
itations regarding the use of ordinal, linear combination methods as knowledge, previous reviews have not reflected on the impact of cli-
well as the advantage of rules of combination of non-linear methods. mate change on future land suitability and how this can be addressed or
Rossiter et al. (1996) discussed a theoretical framework for land eva- integrated into ALSA methods. Thus, the main objective of this study is
luations from non-spatial to spatial models of single-area land suit- to review the current methods applied to address the previous resource
ability including land allocation problem. In their study, the authors questions for ALSA through a review of a wide set of case studies
presented the classification of land evaluation models according to published in the international literature. This concerns strengths and
several combinations of which we have: spatial and non-spatial ana- limitations of most commonly used and new approaches, the applica-
lysis, static and dynamic concept of the resource base and land suit- tion of GIS and remote sensing, the biophysical and socio-economic
ability, evaluation based on land qualities or not, suitability expressed factors used in ALSA and their justifications. We further analyze the
by physical constraints to land use, yields, or economic value. Ac- inclusion of climate change impacts in ALSA towards future planning
cording to the authors, a key challenge facing land evaluation is to and how uncertainties and sensitivity analyses are being included in
prove its importance to face current land use problems. Although this such models.
paper suggests a unified theoretical framework to describe land eva-
luation, critics pointed out a lack of references to specific case studies 2. Concepts and methodology
(Bouma, 1996). Quantitative and qualitative land evaluations methods
have been reviewed by (De La Rosa et al., 2004) and compared by 2.1. Concept of land suitability analysis in agriculture
(Manna, Basile, Bonfante, De Mascellis, & Terribile, 2009). Their ana-
lysis concluded that to estimate the suitability and vulnerability, Understanding ALSA is essential for a multitude of scientific in-
changing land use and management practices must be based on land vestigations and policy applications to ensure food security and sus-
evaluation results. Similar conclusions were drawn from a review work tainable development. In this article, we classify ALSA as traditional
on sustainable rice production in African inland valleys (Rodenburg and modern systems following (De la Rosa & C. A. V. D., 2002). Tra-
et al., 2014). Collins et al. (2001) explored the historical development ditional ALSA methods are mainly qualitative, quantitative and para-
of LSA in the United States with emphasis on the artificial neural net- metric based mostly on a few biophysical factors that are most often
work methods as promising technologies for LSA. Malczewski (2006) edaphic. Modern systems of ALSA involve a new set of methods that
developed a comprehensive survey of literature on GIS-based multi- deal with MCE, GIS and remote sensing with a large set of data as well
criteria decision analysis (MCDA) also known as multi-criteria evalua- as Decision Support System (DSS) (Gilliams et al., 2005; Jones et al.,
tion (MCE) covering many domains (e.g. environmental/ecology, 1998) and web-based applications (Han, Yang, Di, & Mueller, 2012;
transportation, hydrology/water resources, etc.). The results from their Silva, Alçada-almeida, & Dias, 2014; Tayyebi et al., 2016) in which the
literature survey showed that almost 30% of the articles focused on ALSA procedures are implemented. Moreover, other web platforms able
land suitability problems. According to the authors, the main benefit of to make the ALSA in order to support the stakeholders at different
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
scales (e.g. CROPBASE https://cropbase.org/). In addition to these two management and conservation practices. The modeling path also in-
systems, we further elaborate on expert systems for ALSA and agro- cludes the environment in terms of criteria and constraints, un-
climatic suitability. Expert systems for ALSA use expert’s opinion and certainties, spatial alternatives and distributions that would shape the
knowledge to build ALSA models and they can be combined with tra- optimum and sustainable solutions.
ditional and modern approaches. In general, modern approaches to The MCE model of ALSA is challenged by constraints of scale, data
ALSA modeling often include expert’s opinion but not exclusively (e.g., availability, validity, and mathematical translation and combination of
factors selection for rice crop suitability modeling can be based on rice diagnostic indicators or factors (Nguyen et al., 2015). MCE tool is
farmers’ experience, scientist’s expertise. These parameters can also be usually designed to cope with a large number of attributes and various
selected based only on computer programs, for instance, random forest criteria modeled in a single index of evaluation (Joerin, Thériault, &
or the combination of the two modeling schemes). Agro-climatic suit- Musy, 2001; Zoccali et al., 2017). The relative importance of these
ability models are simplified form of crop models that includes mostly factors vis-à-vis the objective is expressed by weights (wi) whereas land
temperature and precipitation. use under consideration is expressed as a score or suitability class
Since the elaboration of the Food and Agricultural Organization (Nguyen et al., 2015). The weights are further normalized to a constant
(FAO) land evaluation framework (FAO, 1976), ALSA has gained or unit ( wi = 1). In MCE tasks in decision theory or multi-parameter
growing support among agricultural and spatial scientists. This can be i
analysis, the parameterization and combination of land characteristics
explained, in part, by the recent progress in geographic information for the modeling of the productive response of the target crop to a set of
sciences, statistical modeling, and spatial analysis (Heumann, Walsh, & environmental factors represent a central and critical issue (Ahmadi
McDaniel, 2011). The process of ALSA is generally based on FAO- Sani, Babaie Kafaky, Pukkala, & Mataji, 2016; Corona, Salvati, Barbati,
guidelines (FAO, 1976) with classification based on order, class, sub- & Chirici, 2008). The weights determination and combination ap-
class, and unit. Land suitability Order is divided into Suitable (S) and
proaches will be further discussed in this paper.
Not Suitable (N). The class of suitability group within the order level, is
aggregated into Highly Suitable (S1), Moderately Suitable (S2), and
Marginally Suitable (S3), Currently not Suitable (N1), Permanently not 2.2. Search methodology
Suitable (N2) (FAO, 1976; FAO, 2007). Suitability, in this context, can
be defined in two ways. The first concerns the nature of the present or A relevant literature database for the review on agricultural land
current physiography of a specific area, without improvement. The suitability was developed through a systematic search in online data-
second is the potential suitability of an area for given uses through bases (using Google Scholar and Scopus). A Boolean search by key-
modification of one or more land attributes (such as reduction of water words and phrases were used to query through scientific research en-
saturation of soil by drainage or reducing excessive slope by terracing) gines and platforms. Initial search includes strictly suitability modeling
(Wang, Brent Hall, & Subaryono, 1990). The classification guides in of crops. Then we enlarged the database to land use planning research
strategic land use decision making when conflicting objectives are to be that includes ALSA analysis as well as watershed management for
considered, successful and sustainable optimization of land resources agricultural purposes. Keywords and expressions included agriculture/
for agriculture are required (Hossain, Rahman, Gopal, Sharifuzzaman, crops and land suitability analysis; agricultural multi-criteria evaluations;
& Sultana, 2009; Nijbroek & Andelman, 2015). One aspect of the on- climate change and agricultural suitability analysis; and agricultural suit-
going discussion on the sustainable agriculture or agricultural systems ability and uncertainties/sensitivity.
where yield is improved without harmful environmental impact and All articles dealing with agricultural land suitability from site-spe-
without conversion of additional non-agricultural land (Pretty & cific, sub-regional, country level to global were included in the data-
Bharucha, 2014) is the agro-ecological and socio-economical in- base. Each article was reviewed and the database was organized ac-
tensifications (The Montpellier Panel, 2013; Pretty & Bharucha, 2014). cording to the pre-established checklist to collect meta-data (Table 1).
The MCE methodology represents a different step-wise procedure The approach included all ‘relevant’ publications between the period
that analyzes the relative importance of different options including land 1990 and 2017. However, we referred to a few articles prior to the year
uses and land management practices by combining a set of quantitative 1990 that are important to understanding concepts or methods. We
and qualitative criteria. Even though MCE approach is essential in intentionally excluded the theoretical and mathematical formulations
ALSA, the modeling scheme is not simple due to unique demand and of the methods reported in the papers assessed for readability and easy
inherent characteristics of each package in the modeling process shaped understanding. In total, 166 articles were systematically reviewed and
by changing environmental or socio-economic circumstances (Nguyen included in the database. These papers concerned solely those pub-
et al., 2015). A unified view of generally adopted methods in ALSA lished between 1990 and 2017.
modeling approach could follow five steps (Liu, Jiao, Liu, & He, 2013)
as depicted in Figure 1 by (Ferretti & Montibeller, 2016): (1) designing 2.3. Literature database, papers categorization scheme, and data analysis
the decision process (e.g., the ALSA task) in term of types of farming or
target crops; (2) structuring the MCE model by identification of the The classification scheme adopted in the present work concern
environmental requirements of crops; (3) selecting the spatial stan- mainly the methodology applied, the system that is modeled (whether
dardization functions and determination of the quantitative relation- is explicitly crop or agricultural system in general). To this end,
ship between each considered environmental factor and the potential methods are classified into four categories: (i) traditional, (ii) modern,
productivity of the considered target crop; (4) aggregation of partial (iii) expert-system and (iv) agro-climatic suitability methods. This
performances through calculation of a suitability class or a score for a classification of the methodologies is justified by the historical devel-
single factor for each evaluation unit; and (5) combination of the classes opment of the ALSA. Each system is further categorized in a set of fa-
(e.g., maximum/ minimum rule) or scores (e.g., weighted linear com- milies (Figure 2). In this article, we refer to a family of methods as a set
bination) from all the considered factors and analysis of results and of approaches that are similar in their formulations and follows the
recommendations. This modelling path included human opinion same historical development. For instance, the use of random forest and
meaning decisions makers, stakeholders as well as experts with dif- maximum entropy (MAXENT) algorithm for ALSA falls under the ma-
ferent value judgements, conflicting objectives, legal requirement and chine learning family.
intergenerational concerns on the choices made during the modelling as From the selected 166 papers, the key information regarding
well as legitimation and justification of the results and recommenda- methods applied, their strengths and limitations, keys factors included
tions that could be concerned by which crop rotation to follow, choice in the analysis and their justifications were reported. Factors frequently
of crop variety or amount of chemical fertilization as well as soil included in agricultural land suitability were further aggregated in
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 1. Modeling steps in a socio-environmental context of MCE (Source: Ferretti & Montibeller, 2016)
biophysical factors and socio-economic constraints. Future climatic from Asia, 37 from Africa, 29 from Europe, 16 from America, 11 from
suitability for crop production was included in the review as well as Australia and 7 are global studies (Figure 3). Most publications were
uncertainties and sensitivity analysis. The above analyses were con- obtained for China and Iran (both 17), followed by Australia (12), India
ducted through a systematic review as adopted by (Mockshell & (9), Ethiopia (7) and Italy (6). See Figure A1 in Appendix 1 for a full list
Kamanda, 2017) who defined a systematic review as a method that of countries. This outlines that ALSA is a worldwide land use planning
collects and critically analyses multiple research studies from different approach in the context of global environmental changes and sustain-
sources. Furthermore, machine learning methods were used to model able agriculture debate. The literature survey revealed that, from few
the most important variables that explain the inclusion or not of socio- papers published on the subject between 1990 and 1999, the number of
economic analysis in one hand, and in the other hand, the uncertainty publications steadily increased in time as shown in Figure 4. The arti-
and sensitivity analysis in the articles included in the database. cles that we accessed are published in 76 journals, while publications
were most frequently found in Computers and Electronics in Agri-
3. Results and discussions culture (13 publications), followed by Environmental Modeling and
Software (10), Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (10) and
3.1. Database creation and summary Agricultural Systems (9). A full list of journals is provided in Figure A2
(appendix 1).
Study areas on research publications on the subject agricultural land
suitability analysis (ALSA) as reviewed for the present study are mainly 3.2. Trends in agricultural land suitability analysis
located in the Asia and Africa. All publications of 166 papers from more
than 46 countries, regions, and sub-regions worldwide, 66 studies are ALSA is a component of agricultural land use sustainability analysis.
Table 1
Checklist of meta-data for systematic review of agricultural land suitability analysis studies.
Item ID Definition
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 2. Literature database building, articles’ categorization and data analysis adopted in this article.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 4. Number of included articles between 1990 and 2017. The bar chart represents the number of articles reviewed per year and the line plot depicts the
cumulative sum of all articles over the years.
modeling, estimated yield relative to standard yield is used as an index capability classes regarding the degree of limitation to land use imposed
(Nzeyimana, Hartemink, & Geissen, 2014), while an inductive approach by land characteristics based on permanent properties. They are also
models land unit indices based on land characteristics (Chen et al., parametric methods that are derived from the numerical induced effects
2003; El Baroudi, 2016), and simulation modeling is related to non- of various land characteristics on the potential behavior of a land-use
linear systems. Some traditional systems of ALSA use several ap- system (Ambarwulan, Santoso, & Sabiham, 2016), but can lead to more
proaches such as parameters multiplying system (Albaji, Naseri, Papan, complex rating tables. The parametric method is considered as a tran-
& S. Boroomand Nasab.Naseri, A. A., Papan, P., & Nasab, S. B., 2009; sitional phase between qualitative methods, which are entirely based
Motuma, Suryabhagavan, & Balakrishnan, 2016; O’Geen, 2008; Storie, on empirical expert judgments and standard mathematical models that
1978), parameters totalizing system, and matching system between would be the real quantitative systems (Bagherzadeh & Gholizadeh,
land quality and land characteristics with crop requirements. Experi- 2016).
ence has shown that four or five factors appear to be a good average to In response to the difficulties experienced with the application of
use in multiplying systems (Storie, 1978). Additive systems allow the the USDA's land capability system, especially in developing countries,
consideration of many more criteria, both single and in combination the FAO developed a dynamic and flexible framework for land eva-
with the effects of other factors but failed to address the inter- luation (FAO, 1976) widely adopted in ALSA. The framework is not a
dependence of factors. The difficulty in juggling factor ratings as the ready-made but a set of basic concepts, principles, and procedures for
number of factors increases is another limitation of the additive sys- land evaluation that are considered as “valid”, applicable in any part of
tems. Most of the qualitative approaches assume that water require- the world and at any level, from global to single farm. The framework
ments (in rain-fed ecosystem, this is evaluated based on the amount of defines land evaluation as the process of assessment of land perfor-
rainfall from sowing to harvest while in irrigated systems, this is as- mance when used for specified purposes, involving the execution and
sessed through the volume of irrigated water) could be satisfied and interpretation of surveys and studies of landforms, soils, vegetation,
optimally allocated (Sys, Ranst, & Debaveye, 1991; Sys, Ranst, climate, and other aspects of land to identify and make a comparison of
Debaveye, & Beernaert, 1993; Ziadat, 2007). The methods generally promising kinds of land use in terms applicable to the objectives of the
follow crop requirements according to (Sys et al., 1991; Sys et al., 1993) evaluation. Mendas and Delali. (2012) reported reasons for im-
defined in matching tables. The parametric methods like linear com- plementing the FAO classification method including simplicity, objec-
bination have the advantage of considering many parameters with no tivity with the possibility to implement the automated procedure. The
single one having enough weight to significantly influence the final method has also been revised to incorporate GIS and remote sensing
rating (Carver, 1991; Jiang & Eastman, 2000; Romano, Sasso, Liuzzi, & technologies (FAO, 2007). The framework describes what factors (land
Gentile, 2015). However, the approach is limited by model complexity, qualities) to consider when evaluating certain general kinds of land
and problems might occur in cases where negative ratings have to be uses, and how to evaluate these qualities. It has been supported with a
taken into consideration. Other methods such as statistical cluster series of guidelines for land evaluation for rainfed agriculture (FAO,
analysis are designed to handle the interdependence of factors by using 1983), forestry (FAO, 1984), irrigated agriculture (FAO, 1985), and
the statistical measures of variations on factors within clusters as extensive grazing (FAO, 1991).
measures of suitability (Cifaldi, Allan, Duh, & Brown, 2004). However, Agro-ecological innovations are important for sustainable agri-
such methods failed to identify factors rating. culture. According to (FAO, 1996), Agro-ecological Zoning (AEZ) refers
An example of the most traditional land evaluation system and the to the division of an area of land into smaller units, which have similar
most widely used, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) characteristics related to land suitability, potential production, and
land capability classification that provides conceptual definitions of environmental impact. AEZ crop suitability and land productivity
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
assessments have been improved since digital global databases of cli- that consists of the most desirable levels of each criterion across the
matic parameters, topography, soil and terrain, land cover, and popu- alternatives under consideration (Jankowski, 1995). The MODM and
lation distribution are now more widely available (Fischer et al., 2002). MADM are clearly a function of the number of alternatives under
More recently, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis evaluation but both represent the WLC methods (Ahmadi Sani et al.,
(IIASA) and the FAO have developed Global Agro-Ecological Zones 2016) that are situated at the mid-point on the continuum ranging from
Model (GAEZ) (Fischer & Sun, 2001) and have been applied in ALSA using Boolean “AND” operator to using Boolean “OR” operator (Chen,
projects (FAO, 2002; Fischer, Shah, Tubiello, & van Velhuizen, 2005; Zhang, & Zhu, 2011).
Fischer & Sun, 2001)(see Table A1 in Appendix 1). In the model, solar
radiation and seasonal temperature are the main factors in the calcu- AHP/ANP methods in ALSA. The Analytical Hierarchy Analysis
lation of the agro-climatic potential yield while water availability, to- (AHP) is a MCE method proposed by (Saaty & Vargas, 2001) that
pography, and soil attributes are the main limiting factors for rainfed decomposes a complex task into pairs of criteria (decision options) by
yields (FAO, 2002). The main elements in the framework of the models the means of pair-wise comparison matrix, where two criteria are
(Fischer et al., 2005) are: (1) land resources database (geo-referenced compared with each other at a time. It can be applied in two distinctive
climate, soil and terrain data); (2) land utilization types (LUT) database; ways within the GIS environment: Firstly, derive the weights associated
(2) potentially attainable crop yields estimates (3) assessments of crop with suitability map layers that can then be combined with the attribute
suitability and land productivity; and (4) applications for agricultural map layers alike the linear additive combination methods (Feizizadeh &
development planning. However, it is important to stress that the lim- Blaschke, 2013; Feizizadeh, Jankowski, & Blaschke, 2014; Hossain
itation of the GAEZ approach may be due to its global scale of appli- et al., 2009; Romano et al., 2015). This approach is of particular
cation. Some specific case studies of traditional systems are reported in importance for a task involving a large number of alternatives
Table A1 (Appendix 1). represented by means of the raster data model when it is impossible
to perform a pairwise comparison of the alternatives (Zolekar & Bhagat,
3.2.2. Modern systems of agricultural land suitability analysis 2015). Secondly, the AHP principle can be applied to the alternatives
Modern ALSA analysis mostly combines GIS, computer, and ma- level (Banai, 1993) but a relatively small number of alternatives can be
chines learning algorithms. According to (Malczewski, 2004), GIS- evaluated. Although AHP has been widely used in wide range of
based land-use suitability analysis can be grouped into three major domains including agriculture (Table A2 in Appendix 1) and land use
categories: (i) computer-assisted overlay mapping, (ii) multi-criteria planning, some researchers question the theoretical functions of the
evaluation (MCE) methods, and (iii) soft computing or geo-computation method (Barzilai, 1998).
also known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. GIS-based MCE can According to (Zoccali et al., 2017), AHP-MCE carries some limita-
be considered as a process that combines and transforms a spatial data tions including consistency of original dataset, biased data analysis
or input into a resultant decision map or output (Malczewski, 1999). procedure, and selection of the criteria that results in uncertainties in
The MCE procedures define a relationship between the input maps and final decisions. A web-based ALSA model, AgriSuit (Yalew, Van
the output maps. GIS-MCE is capable of proving a rational and objective Griensven, Mul, & Van Der Zaag, 2016) was developed based AHP.
method to make decisions in agriculture (Ceballos-Silva & Lopez- Authors reported limitations that are inherent in the use of AHP
Blanco, 2003; Feizizadeh & Blaschke, 2013). The procedures involve methods meaning inconsistencies with expert judgments as well as
the utilization of geographical data, the decision maker’s preferences those related to data quality. Indeed, in the AHP model, due to the fact
and the manipulation of the data and preferences according to specified that the pairwise comparison of factors is based on expert judgments
decision rules (Akıncı, Özalp, & Turgut, 2013; Malczewski, 1999; (that are subjective), can influence the final judgement with personal
Malczewski et al., 2003). The decision rules can be classified into multi- preferences, uncertainties and imprecisions (Chen, Khan, & Paydar,
objective decision making (MODM) and multi-attribute decision 2010) in the weight assignment (Nefeslioglu, Sezer, Gokceoglu, & Ayas,
making (MADM) methods (Malczewski, 1999). The multi-objective 2013). Although the AHP techniques is an effective and superior
approaches are mathematical programming model-oriented methods, method to determine the weights of multiple factors in systematic and
while multi-attribute decision-making methods are considered as data- logic way (Zhang, Su, Wu, & Liang, 2015), the main drawback remains
oriented. Multi-attribute approaches are also referred to as the discrete the subjectivity in the expert’s opinion (Mishra, Deep, & Choudhary,
methods because they assume that the number of alternatives (plans) is 2015) that may ignore interrelationships among various factors under
given explicitly (Malczewski, 2004), while in the multi-objective study.
methods the alternatives must be generated by solving a multi-objective The weights assignment in ALSA via AHP can be greatly improved
mathematical programming task (Chuvieco, 1993). Multi-objective by following a more robust approach. According to (Zhang et al., 2015),
methods define the set of alternatives in terms of a decision model uncertainties in the AHP model can be palliated through three options:
consisting of two or more objective functions and a set of constraints (1) in non-scare data situation, pair-wise matrix must be derived based
imposed on the decision variables. The model implicitly defines a large on scientific objective or data, (2) the relative importance of factors are
decision space or a high number of alternatives in terms of decision estimated individually and based on more scientists’ opinion. This
variables. There are, however, some fundamental limitations associated procedure was adopted by (Zabihi et al., 2015) for land suitability
with the use of these procedures in a decision-making process. The procedure for sustainable citrus planning where 40 experts’ opinions
multi-objective models are often tackled by converting them to the from citrus production and in the field of ecology–climatology were
single objective problem and then by solving the problem using the consulted using a questionnaire. (3) More attention should be paid to
standard linear/integer programming methods (Campbell, Radke, the upper limit. The upper limit is a consistency ratio (CR) that must be
Gless, & Wirtshafter, 1992; Chuvieco, 1993). For instance, the method less than 0.1 for a pair-wise matrix judgment to be accepted (Saaty &
has been applied in cropland allocation (Campbell et al., 1992) and the Vargas, 2001) and largely adopted in ALSA (Table 2). To minimize the
authors suggest that one major difficulty with the model concerns the interrelationship among various factors included in the AHP approach,
level of aggregation. The model has a tendency for overestimation of data reduction method such as principal component analysis (PCA) can
efficiency relative to the existing situation. be used to linearly combine factors as few new variables. This approach
Malczewski (2004) argues that one of the challenges related to the has been applied by (Ceballos-Silva & Lopez-Blanco, 2003) to delineate
multi-attribute methods is the independence-among-attributes and the suitable areas for the maize and potato crops. Another alternative is
suggest that the ideal point methods avoid some of the difficulties. The to combine other methods with the use of the AHP technics. For in-
method orders a set of alternatives on the basis of their separation from stance, (Deng et al., 2014) combines fuzzy method and AHP techniques
an ideal point. This point represents a hypothetical decision outcome to calculate the suitability of land for alfalfa cultivation while (Li et al.,
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table 2
Number of criteria and reported consistency ratio (CR = < 0.1).
Crop Number of criteria Consistency ratio Reference
2012) combined AHP and the grey relational analysis (GRA) method to according to earlier criteria (Saroinsong, Harashina, Arifin,
evaluate the suitability of the tea crop. Many tasks with uncertainties Gandasasmita, & Sakamoto, 2007). Other studies adopted the
like ALSA in MCE systems can be solved through the optimization of ELECTRE Tri method to study the agricultural suitability of wheat
grey relational coefficients in grey systems (Li et al., 2012). crop (Mendas and Delali, 2012). This method solves the sorting
Another variant of the AHP technique is the Analytical Network problem and uses discrimination thresholds based on fuzzy logic
Process (ANP). Zabihi et al. (2015) reported three categorizations of the principles. The method has the merit of the aggregation mode of
ANP application including modelling decision problems for the selec- decision-maker performances and the assignment of the potential
tion of the best alternative with conflicting and interrelated criteria; an alternatives to predefined categories (Mendas and Delali, 2012).
existing framework can be analyzed by the prioritization of the inter-
related elements within the framework (Asan & Soyer, 2009) and fi-
nally, indirect influences of various elements and their relative sig- Fuzzy methods in ALSA. ALSA is usually considered as a fuzzy
nificance on one another within the framework. Alike AHP, the ANP modeling task (Burrough, MacMillan, & Deursen, 1992; Ranst, Tang
method is used to build the relative weights of the evaluation criteria et al., 1996) as the problem is associated with high degree of
but uses the network with inner and outer dependences without the uncertainty (Zoccali et al., 2017). Conventional methods such as
need to specify the location in the levels (Zabihi et al., 2015). This al- maximum limitation, Storie index and Sys parametric approach are
lows the representation of the identified relationships between in- based on experience-dependent decisions. Furthermore, the Boolean
tangible assets and strategic goals. conventional method treats both spatial units and attribute value
ranges as exactly specifiable quantities that ignore the continuous
nature of soil and landscape variation and uncertainties (Burrough OWA method in ALSA. The Ordered Weighted Averaging et al., 1992; Van Ranst et al., 1996). Also, (Jiang & Eastman, 2000)
(OWA) is another MCE method used to improve AHP application in arose concerns about aggregation methods and data standardization
agriculture. Jiang and Eastman (2000) argue that the OWA approach during WLC approach. According to (Bagherzadeh & Gholizadeh,
provides an extension to and generalization of the conventional map 2016), the fuzzy method differs from the conventional land
combination methods in GIS. OWA is a class of multi-criteria operators evaluation procedures by the use of an explicit weight for the effect
developed by (Yager, 1988) and involves two sets of weights: criterion of each land quality on crop performance and the way of combining the
importance weights and order weights (Malczewski et al., 2003). The evaluation of land qualities into a final land suitability class or land
AHP is usually applied to determine the criterion importance weights. suitability index. The fuzzy method is considered a robust approach
The method has been applied to evaluate the potential of a rural coastal that can be used to fill the gap between, Boolean and WLC methods
area restoration of manor farms (Romano et al., 2015) while (Jiang & Eastman, 2000) and parametric methods.
(Malczewski et al., 2003) used the method as a watershed The ALSA based-fuzzy method consists of the determination of the
management option. Jiang and Eastman (2000) suggest that OWA quantitative impact of land qualities on LSA by minimizing a value
should be tested in a variety of decision-making situations to determine outside a specified range (Bagherzadeh & Gholizadeh, 2016). Three
how it may help decision makers in the real world considering that as a main processes are used during the modeling phase: (1) fuzzification,
relatively new topic of research. The OWA has been combined with fuzzy rule inference, and defuzzification. Fuzzification is the process by
AHP and Fuzzy in a framework of MCE of irrigated pasture (Chen et al., which the quantitative values of the environmental parameters are
2011). converted into linguistic variables of order suitable or not suitable by
the means of membership functions. During this process, all the crispy LSP and ELECTRE Tri methods in ALSA. Another MCE method factor values are mapped to a common scale (i.e., values of 0 to 1) (Feng
is the GIS-based Logic Scoring of Preference (LSP) method et al., 2017a). The determination of membership value of the en-
(Montgomery et al., 2016). The method is based on the observed vironmental factors is done with fuzzy rule inference (e.g., use of em-
properties of human reasoning. According to (Montgomery et al., pirical IF-THEN rules) while defuzzification converts the membership
2016), the main advantage of the LSP is the nonlinear aggregation of values into suitability index (Feng et al., 2017b). The application of
criteria based on soft computing models of simultaneity and fuzzy logic in land suitability modeling has the advantage of a user-
substitutability. In addition, the LSP method is capable to include a defined tolerance to the class limits in the form of the transition zone
large number of inputs while maintaining the importance of each input (Burrough et al., 1992) or partial membership giving due consideration
throughout the MCE. More than 30 criteria have been used as input to to the uncertainty involved (Deng, 1999).
the LSP model for the evaluation of land capability and suitability for Although the fuzzy logic approach to land-use suitability modeling
agriculture (Montgomery et al., 2016). This high number of inputs is is shown to have fewer limitations than conventional techniques, the
not always the case of the AHP where the average number of criteria approach is subjected to some drawbacks. The main limitation asso-
reported in most of the ALSA case studies is around 10 (Table 3). A MCE ciated with the fuzzy logic approach to land use suitability analysis is
of sequential decision approach including a filtering and section process the lack of a definite method for determining the membership function
was adopted as an alternative to pairwise comparison or rating methods (Tang, Van Ranstb, & R. G., 1997). The membership functions and
in agricultural landscape planning that acts as a sieving function to weights play keys role in the fuzzy-based modeling of ALSA but are
eliminate the need to further consider alternatives that are unfit mostly based on expert’s knowledge; considered a major constraint
K. Akpoti, et al.
Table 3
Selected ALSA under climate change. For details on scenarios (A1, A2, B1, B2, A1B, A1FI, A1B, A2 B1), referred to the Special Report on Emission Scenarios by (IPCC, 2000). The RCP 8.5 is one of the Representative
Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The RCPs are used for making projections based on anthropogenic GHG emissions driven by population size, economic activity, lifestyle, energy use, land use patterns, technology and
climate policy. The RCPs include a mitigation scenario (RCP2.6), two intermediate scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP6.0) and one scenario with very high GHG emissions (RCP8.5). See IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
(IPCC, 2014) for full definitions of the RCPs.
Crops/agricultural systems Objectives Scenarios Climatic parameters Global Circulation Models Suitability model References
Viticultural zoning To understand how Reference climate: 1971-2005; Daily minimum and maximum CMCC-CM, ECHAM5 Hybrid Land Evaluation system Bonfante et al.
suitability for viticulture is future climate (2010-2040, 2040- temperature, and precipitation (HLES) (2018)
changing under climate 2070, 2070-2100); scenarios: RCP
change 4.5 and RCP 8.5
Maize Effects of climate change on Emission scenario 1A ENSEMBLE Daily minimum and maximum Coupled atmosphere-ocean Hybrid Land Evaluation system Bonfante et al.
land suitability for maize temperature, and precipitation global climate models (HLES) (2015)
Wheat, maize, rice, and soybean Heat stress on crops Baseline climate: 1971–2000; Daily maximum and minimum Global 1.125° gridded GCM at FAO/IIASA Global Agro-Ecological Teixeira et al.
Future climate: 2071 to 2100 using temperature the National Institute for Zones model (GAEZ) (2013)
the A1B emissions scenario Environmental Studies (NIES)
Cassava, maize, wheat, sorghum, rice, and Future hotspots of hunger in Historical: CRU TS2.1 (1990-1999); Temperature, solar radiation, - GEPIC Liu et al. (2008)
millet Sub-Saharan Africa future climate: 2030-2039 Four precipitation
scenarios are used: A1FI, A2, B1,
and B2.
Sweet potato, sorghum, maize, soybean, Impacts of climate change on Historical: 1995-2014; Future Precipitation, MicroLEIS DSS through the Liambila and
wheat land suitability for rain-fed climate: RCP 8.5 up to 2100 Evapotranspiration, application of Almagra and Terraza Kibret (2016)
crop diversification temperature models
Cereal production (including wheat, Impacts of climate change on Scenarios: A1FI, A1B, A2, B2, B1 temperature, precipitation, HADCM3, ECHAM, CSIRO, FAO/IIASA agro-ecological zone Günther Fischer
maize and other agro-ecosystems for the period 1990-2080 solar radiation, vapor CGCM2, NCAR-PCM model et al. (2005)
coarse grains) pressure deficit
43 crops Impact of climate change on A2a Temperature, precipitation WorldClim data as a baseline, Ecocrop is implemented in DIVA- Lane and Jarvis
selected crops suitable downscaled HADCM3 and GIS (2007)
CCCMA models.
Sorghum Evaluate the likely impacts Baseline (1961–1990) from Temperature, precipitation 24 statistically Ecocrop model Ramirez-villegas
of climate change on WorldClim; SRES-A1B of 24 downscaled Global Circulation et al. (2013)
agricultural production different GCMs for the future Models (GCMs)
period 2020–2049 of CMIP3
Barley, Cassava, Groundnut, Maize, Modelling global crop- SRES A1B by ECHAM 5 (compare Temperature, precipitation ECHAM 5 Fuzzy Logic approach Zabel et al.
Millet, Oil palm, Potato, Rapeseed, suitability 2071–2100 with 1981–2010) (2014)
Paddy rice, Rye, Sorghum, Soy,
Sugarcane, Sunflower, wheat
Banana and Coffee suitability and spatial 19 Coupled Model CIMP5 RCP Temperature, precipitation, 19 GCMS Global Environmental Stratification Ranjitkar et al.
delineation of coffee and scenarios 2.6, 4.5, 6 and 8.5. (GEnS), consensus mapping with (2016)
banana production zones Historical: 1985–2005; future BiodiversityR package and Fuzzy
period up to up to 2050 overlay
Paddy irrigation Predicting the impacts of A1, A2, B1, B2 Baseline: Precipitation, reference HadCM3 model Spreadsheet model based CROPWAT De Silva et al.
climate change on paddy 1961–1990 evapotranspiration methodology (2007)
Arabica coffee Impact of climate change on The 2050s on the 21 GCMs used in Temperature, precipitation 21 GCMs MaxEnt algorithm Ovalle-Rivera
suitability to grow Arabica the IPCC AR4 for scenario A2a of et al. (2015)
coffee the IPCC’s SRES
Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
(Ranst et al., 1996; Liu et al., 2013) and few have investigated or ca- Wang (1994) provides an example of ALSA for wetland rice, soybean,
librated the weights based on data or samples (Liu et al., 2013). Ac- sugarcane, pasture, and acacia crops in the north coast of West Java,
cording to (Davidson, Theocharopoulos, & Bloksma, 1996), weights of Indonesia or paddy field evaluation (Jiao & Liu, 2007). According to
environmental factors should be based on data and knowledge of the these studies, ANN is an effective tool for pattern analysis and the
relative importance of differentiating land characteristics to crop method should be used in pattern classification where decision rules are
growth. This approach has been adopted by (Liu et al., 2013) in the of greater complexity. The method has the advantage of having good
evaluation of agricultural land by integrating a genetic algorithm (GA) capability in dealing with nonlinear multivariate systems to learn from
with a multi-criteria evaluation based fuzzy inference system, a self- data relationships that are not otherwise known and, to generalize to
adapting system that calibrates its evaluation criteria by self-learning unseen situations (Carvalho et al., 2013; Elizondo, Hoogenboom, & R.
from land samples. In their proposed GA-optimized fuzzy inference W. M., 1994; Wang, 1994). Therefore, ANNs make powerful tools for
model, the criteria for land evaluation are encoded into chromosomes, models, especially when the underlying data relationships are unknown
i.e., each chromosome represents a solution for the evaluation criteria (Mas et al., 2004). ANNs can be used to achieve greater accuracy by
system (Liu et al., 2013). Other memberships functions have been formulating ALSA into pattern classification problem (Wang, 1994).
proposed for ALSA including Euclidean distance (Wang et al., 1990), This advantage is confirmed by (Bagherzadeh et al., 2016) who applied
bell-shaped curves or S-functions (Ranst et al., 1996), parabolic, sig- parametric-based NNs and fuzzy methods to model land suitability of
moid, linear functions (Zhang et al., 2015), Gaussian combination soybean production. Their results showed that the values of regression
membership function (Bagherzadeh, Ghadiri, Darban, & Gholizadeh, coefficient between the estimated land index values by both models
2016) etc. Different functions have been tested in fuzzy overlay by with the observed soybean yield in each land unit varied between 0.610
(Lewis, Fitts, Kelly, & Dale, 2014) in fuzzy logic-based spatial suitability and 0.514 for neural networks and fuzzy approaches, respectively. Si-
model for drought-tolerant switchgrass. Their results showed that milar results of land suitability evaluation of Alfalfa production using
“GAMMA” function best integrates the low and high memberships of parametric-based NNs and TOPSIS modeling were observed with values
multiple suitability criteria. The bell-shaped membership functions are of correlation coefficient varying between 0.926 and 0.880 respec-
all S-functions, which may be used to represent increasing notions (e.g., tively.
nutrient availability, effective rooting depth) while their complements Although ANNs provide strong advantages in pattern classification,
are used to represent decreasing notions (e.g., slope) (Tang et al., the application of the model in ALSA is not without limitations. One the
1997). Simplifications of the bell-shaped functions may result in other major challenge in ANNs is the definition of the network structure, i.e.
membership functions such as the triangular and trapezoidal member- the number of layers and of nodes in the layers. According to (Wang,
ship. 1994), a design criterion is to use as few as possible layers and nodes
The fuzzy method has been extensively adopted in ALSA (see Table because large numbers of layers or nodes lead to higher computing
A3 in Appendix 1). In recent years, Fuzzy AHP is mostly adopted for costs and a very long training time. A large number of input layers may
sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of LSA in agriculture (Zhang et al., also result in over-fitting or noise modeling. To avoid this drawback,
2015, de la Rosa, 2002). However, some critics have pointed out the (Lek et al., 1996) suggested two elements that need to be taken into
fact that one should never use fuzzy arithmetic on AHP judgment ma- account: the number of neurons in the structure and the stopping point
trices (Saaty, 2006) while pairwise comparisons obtained from a deci- or a number of iterations in the training. From their case study, results
sion maker are crisp (Krejčí & Pavlačka, 2016). Nevertheless, in a si- stabilized around 8 hidden nodes after 1,000 iterations. The cross-
tuation where the decision making is subjected to imprecision and verification is also used as a means to avoid noise modeling. In cross-
vagueness or the pairwise comparisons are vague, fuzzy AHP is to be verification, a part of the dataset is actually not used for training but to
applied (Krejčí & Pavlačka, 2016). keep an independent check on the progress of training (Mas et al.,
2004). This ability, however, may become a disadvantage because the Machine learning methods in ALSA. In recent years, large model could be over-specific to the training data which reduces the
environmental datasets have been made available for environmental generalization capacities of the ANN (Mas et al., 2004). For instance,
modeling through remote sensing, climate models, direct field data (Mas et al., 2004) modeled deforestation of two different periods using
collections, etc. Such big data processing for ALSA are not always trivial ANNs. While the ANNs modeled successfully deforestation in the first
when it comes to automating the process. With the advancement of the period (used as the training set), they were not able to predict defor-
power of computers, machine learning algorithms have emerged as key estation of the following period because very specific to particular
modeling tools in ecology and agriculture. Broadly defined, machine patterns of deforestation of the training period. The models lost the
learning is a data analysis method that automates the process of general trends of deforestation processes and therefore were not able to
analytical modeling of input data by using statistical analysis to predict correctly deforestation for the following period. The loss of
predict an output value with an acceptable range. The approach is generalization capacity may be solved by reducing the number of input
also known as artificial intelligence (AI). The use of MCE through AI variables by applying input reduction statistics like PCA. The black box
methods are considered as the future of the LSA. AI is the modern nature of the ANN model is said to be the major limitations of the
computational techniques that can help in modeling and describe method. The ANNs failed to establish the functional form of the re-
complex systems in the context of decision making. lationship between the input variables and the output (Lek & Guegan,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are among the most advanced 1999; Mas et al., 2004). However, ANNs may be useful in identifying
methods in ALSA analysis, a non-linear mapping structures, which by the most important variables and the functional form of the relationship
means of their architecture attempt to simulate the biological structure between them and the output(s) (Mas et al., 2004). Examples of the
of the human brain and nervous system (Mas, Puig, Palacio, & Sosa- applications of the ANNs are reported in Table A4 in Appendix 1.
López, 2004). The method consists of processing elements (nodes) or Another application of machine learning algorithm in ecology and
artificial neurons, organized in a parallel and interconnected structure; agriculture is the likelihood or suitability of occurrence of land use such
and the problem to be solved guides the choice of the type of networks as agricultural crop types based on the presence data only. This ap-
to be used. Lek and Guegan (1999) reported two commonly used ANNs proach has great potential for use, particularly, where extensive land
including (1) multi-layer feed-forward neural networks trained by use information is often difficult to obtain (Heumann, Walsh, Verdery,
backpropagation network (BPN) that constructs a model based on ex- McDaniel, & Rindfuss, 2013). One of this method is the Maximum En-
amples of data with known outputs (BPN is based on the supervised tropy (MaxEnt) model. MaxEnt output is the spatial distribution of
learning); (2) and self-organizing mapping known as Kohonen Network, probabilities that the environment factor in a given pixel is suitable for
in which the relevant multivariate algorithms seek clusters in the data. the species in question (Gumma, Thenkabail, Fujii, & Namara, 2009).
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
The MaxEnt model is a niche-based model that assumes the distribution common than positive impacts (IPCC, 2014). Climate change will in-
of observations, i.e., presence data represents the realized niche duce major impacts on water availability and supply by modifying
(Heumann et al., 2011). The model has been applied in ALSA (Gumma rainfall, evaporation, runoff, and soil moisture storage (Olesen & Bindi,
et al., 2009; Heumann et al., 2011) but has some limitations. Although 2002) as well as important variation in temperature regime. According
incomplete dataset is often used in the MaxEnt modeling, the model is to (Lobell, Schlenker, & Costa-Roberts, 2011), evidence from recent
sensitive to sample size and distribution; and the model assessment is past temperature increase in cropping regions and growing seasons of
not straightforward (Heumann et al., 2011). most countries showed a significant decline in global wheat and maize
production. Also, the stress on crops and livestock will become global in Expert system and expert opinion in ALSA. A full discussion on character due to climate change induced extreme growing season
the use of expert’s opinion in agriculture is beyond the scope of the temperature variation (Battisti and Naylor, 2009) with the negative
present work. Our point here is to highlight the strengths and weakness response of global yields of wheat, maize, and barley to increased
of expert’s opinion and existing expert systems for ALSA. A temperature (Lobell & Field, 2007). A Study on dry season irrigated rice
comprehensive review of the role of expert opinion in environmental showed that, while maximum temperature effects were insignificant on
modeling has been discussed by (Krueger, Page, Hubacek, Smith, & rice yield, increase in each 1°C in growing-season minimum tempera-
Hiscock, 2012). According to this paper, an expert can be anyone with ture in the dry season resulted in grain yield declined by 10% (Peng
relevant and extensive or in-depth experience in relation to a topic of et al., 2004). According to authors of this article, their report provides a
interest. With regards to environmental modeling, experts can be direct evidence of decreased rice yields from increased nighttime
categorized as scientific experts (e.g., agronomist, climatologist, etc.), temperature associated with global warming (Peng et al., 2004). It is
professional experts (e.g., rice farmers), and non-professional experts therefore clear that climate change will result in changes in agricultural
(e.g., representatives of stakeholder groups). In ALSA, expert opinion is income, inducing shifts in the production areas of food and non-food
frequently used through parameter selection and weighting importance. crops and reduced crop productivity (IPCC, 2007; IPCC, 2014).
The most common method of ALSA that involve expert opinion is the Although climate and weather influence crop production compo-
AHP and its variants techniques (see Table A2 in Appendix 1). The nents (both cropping area and production), most studies focused on
number of experts involved varies from few to workshop group their influence on crop yield (Iizumi & Ramankutty, 2015). It is
(Bojórquez-Tapia, Diaz-Mondragón, & Ezcurra, 2001; Zabihi et al., therefore argued that one should consider cropping area to a larger
2015), from literature review (Bydekerke, Van Ranst, Vanmechelen, & view of the future climate change impact on food production (Iizumi &
Groenemans, 1998) to direct consultation (Brandt, Kvaki, Butterbach- Ramankutty, 2015). Identification of suitable agro-ecological zones and
Bahl, & Rufino, 2017) or modeling of farmers’ knowledge (Steiner, understanding climate change-related issues on land suitability for crop
1998; Zurayk et al., 2001; Messing and Fagerström, 2001; Cools, De production are important for improved production and livelihoods of
Pauw, & Deckers, 2003; Sicat, Carranza, & Nidumolu, 2005). An expert smallholder farmers (Liambila & Kibret, 2016; Ranjitkar et al., 2016).
system or knowledge-based system in agriculture is a computer Climate change is expected to impact agriculture as a function of lo-
program or framework that simulate the problem-solving capacity of cation (Lane & Jarvis, 2007) with resulting effects depending on current
an expert from individual disciplines in agriculture (Prasad & Babu, climatic and soil conditions, the direction of change and the availability
2006). An example of expert system is the Automated Land Evaluation of resources and infrastructure to cope with change (Olesen & Bindi,
System (ALES) with several applications in agriculture (Ambarwulan 2002). Suitable areas for crop cultivations of some important crops
et al., 2016; D’haeze, Deckers, Raes, Phong, & Loi, 2005; Wandahwa & including rice will shift as results of climate change (Lane & Jarvis,
Van Ranst, 2014; Yizengaw & Verheye, 1995). The system is based on 2007).
the FAO framework and can include socio-economic aspects. The ALSA considering climate change has been recognized as important
Mediterranean Land Evaluation Information System (Micro-LEIS), a (Lane & Jarvis, 2007; Liambila & Kibret, 2016; Romeijn, Faggian,
Decision Support System (DSS) is another integrated system for land Diogo, & Sposito, 2016). Study on socio-economic and climate change
data transfer and agro-ecological land evaluation with GIS capabilities impact on agriculture showed that very suitable and suitable land in
(de la Rosa, Anaya-Romero, Diaz-Pereira, Heredia, & Shahbazi, 2009). Sub-Saharan Africa will decrease under certain scenarios (Fischer et al.,
Other systems include Intelligent System for Land Evaluation (ISLE)( 2005). Temperate and sub-tropical agricultural areas might bear sub-
Tsoumakas & Vlahavas, 1999), Land Evaluation using an Intelligent stantial crop yield losses due to extreme temperature episodes and
Geographical Information System (LEIGIS)( Kalogirou, 2002), web- therefore a need to develop adaptation strategies and agricultural po-
based GIS online consulting system (Jayasinghe & Machida, 2008) and licies able to mitigate heat stress impacts on global food supply
Agriculture Land Suitability Evaluator (ALSE) (Elsheikh et al., 2013). (Teixeira, Fischer, Van Velthuizen, Walter, & Ewert, 2013; Günther
The strength and limitations of these systems are discussed by (Elsheikh Fischer et al., 2005). Crop relocation and improved land management
et al., 2013). The expert systems applications in ALSA are reported in are identified as key for adaptation and mitigation to climate change
Table A5 in Appendix 1. The use of expert systems is a faster and more (IPCC, 2007) and hence called for LSA for crops.
flexible solution in addressing classification problems compared with ALSA can also be assessed using agro-climatic indicators known as
procedural sequential algorithms and the classifications are based on agro-climatic suitability. They are a simplified form of crop modeling
given knowledge rather than by making assumptions or by using and are usually made spatial explicit. Two parameters are usually in-
heuristic algorithms (Kalogirou, 2002). The main drawback of cluded in the suitability modeling: temperature and precipitation from
knowledge-based systems is the subjectivity in the decisions which many other indicators can be derived to assess the agro-climatic
(Yizengaw & Verheye, 1995). Although stakeholder involvement in suitability of a given crop. In addition to these two variables, the yield
participatory planning and consensus building can be difficult, the role of the crop is usually used for the model evaluation. An example of
of experts in ALSA is important because they act as technical advisors agro-climatic suitability is the land suitability of grain maize, winter
(Bojorquez-Tapia, Diaz-Mondragon, & Ezcurra, 2001; Brandt et al., wheat and cauliflower in Europe using water requirement satisfaction
2017). In such complex modeling, a plurality of expertise is required. index (Kenny, Harrison, Olesen, & Parry, 1993). Two challenges are
reported with the development and application of such model at coarser
3.3. Agricultural Land suitability analysis under climate change perspectives scales to run more sophisticated model including (1) the lack of climate
and soils data of sufficient spatial and temporal resolution and (2) the
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lack of crop phenological and yield data that can be used for model
(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the negative impact of climate validation.
change on crop yields across a wide range of regions have been more Another example of agro-climatic suitability is the EcoCrop model
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 5. Idealized cropping systems: gradients and constraints (Source: Heumann et al., 2011).
(Lane & Jarvis, 2007; Ramirez-villegas, Jarvis, & Läderach, 2013). The the Decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) model
EcoCrop model as described in (Ramirez-villegas et al., 2013), is based (Jones, 1993; Jones et al., 1998) has been applied to estimate the
on a set of indicators derived from variables temperature and rainfall suitability and productivity of dryland maize (Estes et al., 2013). Also,
such as the absolute range, defined by Tmin-C and Tmax-C (minimum the EPIC model has been made spatially explicit, so-called GEPIC to
and maximum absolute temperatures at which the crop can grow, re- assess future hotspot of food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa (Liu et al.,
spectively) for temperature, and by Rmin-C and Rmax-C (minimum and 2008) while a spreadsheet model based on CROPWAT methodology
maximum absolute rainfall at which the crop grows, respectively) for was used to access variation of the impacts of climate change on paddy
precipitation; and second, the optimum range, defined by Topmin-C irrigation (De Silva, Weatherhead, Knox, & Rodriguez-Diaz, 2007).
and Topmax-C (minimum optimum and maximum optimum tempera- These crop models imply details analysis of a crop life cycle that might
tures, respectively); and Ropmin-C and Ropmax-C (minimum optimum be important for final yield, are more agronomic in nature (Zabihi et al.,
and maximum optimum rainfall, respectively); and Tkill to illustrate 2015). However, setting up such models can be time and data con-
the effect of a month’s minimum temperature. The total suitability score suming and especially if management variability has to be considered
is the product of the temperature and precipitation suitability surfaces (Caubel et al., 2015). Specific case studies of crop models and agro-
calculated separately (Ramirez-villegas et al., 2013). Authors reported climatic modeling in ALSA are reported in Table A6 in Appendix 1.
limitations inherent to their model. Although the EcoCrop model tries In ALSA under climate change, the choice of both modeling ap-
to simulate the non-linear effects of climatic indicators, the model failed proach and its driving parameters are important. The modeling ap-
to simulate the interaction during the phenological phase that may lead proaches in this context can be based on the methods discussed in the
to overestimation of climatic suitability. Suitability indices derived previous sections. This implies that results from ALSA under climate
from this model are therefore hardily interpretable. In the model, an- change are inherent to limitations related to such models. For instance,
nual and growing season rainfall and temperature are equal, making (Estes et al., 2013) adopted multi-models approach by comparing me-
difficult the calibration of the modeling process. chanistic and empirical model projections of crop suitability and pro-
Fixed duration of the growing season may facilitate the selection of ductivity of dry-land maize. From their analysis, empirical models
parameters (Ramirez-villegas et al., 2013), but poses a constraint as (MAXENT and GAM – Generalized Additive Model) outperform the
physiologically crops do not have always the same growing season. To mechanistic model (DSSAT) in terms of predicting productivity and
avoid these constraints, an agro-climatic suitability model has been produce comparable results for suitability. However, under climate
proposed by (Mkhabela, Bullock, Gervais, Finlay, & Sapirstein, 2010; change analysis, authors suggested that mechanistic models may be the
Holzkämper, Calanca, & Fuhrer, 2011; Gouache et al., 2012; modeling choice because changing climate is likely to produce novel
Holzkämper, Calanca, & Fuhrer, 2013). These models dynamically de- climatic conditions beyond the range upon which empirical models are
termine phenophase-specific climate sensitivities. A crop phenological trained.
development is a function of growing degree days (GDDs), which sum To improve the limitations related to the crop models and standard
thresholds defining the transition from one phenological stage to the land evaluation approaches in ALSA under climate change, a new
next (Holzkämper et al., 2011). This approach has advantages of pro- method, known as Hybrid Land Evaluation System (HLES) was devel-
viding more accurate information about the effects of climate on par- oped by (Bonfante, Al, De Lorenzi, Manna, & Basile, 2015). The HLES
ticular plant processes occurring during specific crop development combines qualitative (standard land evaluation) and quantitative (si-
phases, and the agro-climatic analysis can be applied to the entire crop mulation model) approaches considering plant demands, estimated
cycle (Caubel et al., 2015). During the modeling process, normalization future temperatures, and soil water regimes. The approach consists of
of climatic indicators links indicators to suitability indices and nor- three fundamental steps including evaluation of thermal conditions of
malization functions are passed on expert’s opinion. This is the main the plant (step 1), the qualitative approach (step 2) and the quantitative
drawback of the method because depending on the expert assessment, approach (step 3). The qualitative approach allows consideration of
and especially depending on the expert’s area of knowledge, aggrega- some less dynamic soil features that influence crop cultivation, pro-
tion functions may vary (Caubel et al., 2015). viding the possibility to identify environmental limits and possible
Specific dynamic crop models have been used in ALSA. For instance, management solutions. Thus, step 2 as a traditional empirical land
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table 4
Choice and justification of climatic indicators.
Factors Justification References
Potential/Actual Evapotranspiration (P/ Climate factors such as rainfall and potential evapotranspiration are among the crucial Worqlul et al. (2017)
AET) factors that affect the suitability of an area for irrigation.
Chill hours Chill hours represent an indicator to ensure cold enough conditions to optimize nut Kidd et al. (2015)
Arity index (AI) AI links precipitation and evapotranspiration to define climatic zones Ranjitkar et al. (2016)
Diurnal temp Suitable diurnal temperature fluctuations to ensure seed self-regeneration and therefore Abson et al. (2012); Mbũgwa et al. (2015)
long-term persistence of the crop.
Growing degree days (GDD) To represent growing season length and the cumulative heat requirements for plant Ramankutty et al. (2002); Feng et al.
growth. (2017)
Length of growing period (LGP) LGP represents the number of days when soil moisture and temperature permit crop Batty (1994); Gumma et al. (2009); Fischer
growth. et al. (2002); Masoud et al. (2013)
Length of the phenological period (LPP) To account for effects of phenological development on biomass accumulation and crop Holzkämper et al. (2013)
Relative Humidity Some crops must be planted in areas where RH is low (e.g., Saffron). RH is important Bydekerke et al. (1998); Maleki et al.
during the months of flower pollination. High RH results in poor pollination, which in (2017)
turn leads to a low number of formed fruits (e.g., cherimoya).
Solar radiation Solar radiation has an important effect on crop growth and yield. Solar radiation is Holzkämper et al. (2013); Hoffmann et al.
essential for photosynthesis but excessive amounts of solar radiation can cause photo- (2014); Rhebergen et al. (2016)
damage to plants.
Sunshine hours Sunshine hours are used as an estimate of solar radiation. Zabihi et al. (2015); Rhebergen et al.
Temperature Precipitation and temperature are the two major variables that could greatly impact Feng et al. (2017)
growth and final yield of biofuel crops, and rain-fed cropping system.
Temperature degree day (TDD) TDD is a measure of heat accumulation, very useful in crop planting and management. Wilson & Barnett (1983); Ranjitkar et al.
Winds Agricultural productivity is highly affected by meteorological parameters including Hatfield et al. (2011); Zabihi et al. (2015)
wind speed.
evaluation procedure, identifies limiting features that are not covered integrated into a unique ALSA system (Hybrid Land Evaluation System -
by crop simulation models (e.g. flooding, surface stones, salt) (Bonfante HLES) to improve the land evaluation approach. The approach is re-
et al., 2015). The quantitative approach based on physically based si- cently done with a dynamic viticultural zoning that confirmed the po-
mulation models in step 3 emphasized the importance of simulation tential of the hybrid land evaluation approach to studying crop adap-
modeling approach as the only way to have a quantitative evaluation of tation and crop responses to climate change, as well as the importance
climate change impacts on the crop. However, they underline the im- of simulation modeling application (Bonfante et al., 2018).
portance of a land evaluation approach to cover all aspect of the en- In addition, ALSA under climate change impact assessment studies
vironment that are not treated by simulation modeling application. The are mostly based on Global Circulation Models (GCMs) (see Table 3).
direction is that qualitative and quantitative approaches must be GCMs represent one powerful tool to generate the characteristics of
Fig. 6. The frequency of the top 10 climatic factors used in ALSA. P, precipitation; T, temperature; PET/AET, potential/actual evapotranspiration; RH, relative
humidity; LGP, length of the growing period; SR, solar radiation; DM/WM, length of dry/wet months; SH, sunshine hours; Frost, frost hazard; Winds, winds speed.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table 5
Choice and justification of hydrology/irrigation indicators
Factors Justification References
Discharge Surface water discharge can be an important factor in agricultural watershed management. Peterjohn et al. (1984); Gumma et al. (2009);
Masoud et al. (2013)
Depth to water-table DWT is used as one of the indicators in the irrigated cropping system. Chen et al. (2007); Chen et al. (2010); Chen
(DWT) et al. (2013)
City well heads This factor was considered as one of the most important in developing watershed management Malczewski et al. (2003)
Ground Water Groundwater can be a viable option for supplementing surface water resources for irrigation. It has a Liu et al. (2008); Siebert et al. (2010);
slow response to climate variability and requires less treatment than surface water. Worqlul et al. (2017)
Irrigation water use Very import in the irrigation system and water management. Dubovyk et al. (2016)
Stream order Stream orders are often considered in inland valleys suitability analysis (e.g., 4th order steams and 5th Gumma et al. (2009); Masoud et al. (2013)
order streams are considered highly suitable for rice crop).
Wetness Soil wetness or wetness index can be linked to soil drainage, an important topographic factor for Brown (2017); Munene et al. (2017)
ALSA. Soil wetness constraints mean that effective risk management is crucial to ensure farm
productivity and to avoid long-term damage to the soil resource.
future climates under anthropogenic forcing, i.e. under present and maximum and minimum temperature) which is required to assess the
projected future emissions of greenhouse gases. Yet, it is well known impact of extreme events vis a vis the objective of their study.
that GCM projections present significant uncertainties, due in part to
issues of scale resolution, leading to incomplete models (Fischer et al., 3.4. Factors frequently used in agricultural land suitability analysis and
2005). Modeling uncertainty results from an incomplete understanding their justifications
of the climate system or an inappropriate representation of the complex
climate system within a single model (Daccache, Keay, Jones, Indicators are the driving factors in ecosystems sustainability as-
Weatherhead, & Stalham, 2011). For this reason, many studies use the sessment and ALSA modeling. According to (Kurtener et al., 2008),
outputs of multiple future climate projections to increase the con- indicators are a subset of the many possible attributes that could be
fidence in the climate projections (Fischer et al., 2005; Lane & Jarvis, used to quantify the condition of a particular landscape or ecosystem.
2007; Ovalle-Rivera, Läderach, Bunn, Obersteiner, & Schroth, 2015; These indicators, considered valuable tools to understand complex en-
Ranjitkar et al., 2016). In addition, the models disagree on the direction vironmental system evaluation and decision making, can be derived
of changes in rainfall in SSA and this adds to the uncertainty associated from biophysical, economic, social, management and institutional fac-
with the use of climate projections in ALSA. In contrast to multiple tors (Walker, 2002). They are measurable attributes of the environment
GCMs consideration, other ALSA considered only one GCM (De Silva that can be monitored through field observation, field sampling, remote
et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Teixeira et al., 2013; Zabel, Putzenlechner, sensing or compilation of existing data. Some key elements are im-
& Mauser, 2014) due to data availability, confidence in the model portant to consider when selection factors (Kurtener et al., 2008) for
performance and resolution. As an example, (Teixeira et al., 2013) used ecosystem modeling and ALSA including reliability, interpretability,
Global 1.125° gridded Circulation Model (GCM) at the National In- data availability, established threshold values need to set class bound-
stitute for Environmental Studies (NIES) model because of the high aries (e.g. crop maximum limitation tables), and known links to pro-
temporal resolution of climate data provided (i.e. daily fields of cesses (e.g. precipitation can be selected as an important factor in rain-
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table 6
Soil and landscape attributes
Factors Justification References
Aspect Aspect influences the degree of sunlight exposure, and thus southern and Akıncı et al. (2013)
western aspects are usually assumed to be most capable for agriculture
Base saturation percentage High values base saturation limit crop growth. Avellan et al. (2012); Ambarwulan et al. (2016); Danvi
et al. (2016)
Boron toxicity Boron toxicity can limit plant growth in soils of arid and semi-arid Nable et al. (1997); Chen and Paydar (2012)
Bulk density Bulk density is an indicator of the compactness of the soil. Bulk density is Liu et al. (2008); Yi and Wang (2013)
considered to be a measure of soil quality due to its relationships with other
properties (e.g., porosity, soil moisture, hydraulic conductivity, etc.).
Clay Clay is important in moisture retention for crop growth. Braimoh et al. (2004)
Cation exchange capacity CEC provides a buffer against soil acidification and can influence the soil's Ambarwulan et al. (2016); Kalogirou (2002); Ahamad
capacity to hold onto essential nutrients. It is frequently included in ALSA. et al. (2000)
Fertility (Nitrogen-N, Phosphorus-P, Soil fertility is the most important characteristics of the soil and it has a great Dadhich et al. (2017)
and Potassium-K) impact on crop productivity. N-P-K are the primary nutrients but vary with
time-based on specific crop cultivation.
Effective depth Effective rooting depth is related to soil depth. The shallow soil may restrict Akıncı et al. (2013); Schiefer et al. (2016); Dadhich
development of plant root due to which the plant may suffer adverse et al. (2017); Feng et al. (2017)
conditions in the limited soil volume.
Elevation Variation in elevation has an impact on soils, microclimatic effects, and Yi and Wang (2013)
other processes that could affect land suitability.
Erosion hazard Erosion is an indicator of soil degradation with substantial loss of soil Ambarwulan et al. (2016); Bagherzadeh and
nutrient. Gholizadeh (2016)
Land Use Land cover-LULC Knowledge of existing land use provides information about the land Liu et al. (2008); Yi and Wang (2013); Worqlul et al.
availability. Land use data helps to identify the productivity of an area for a (2017)
given cropping system.
Gypsum Highly gypsic soils (> 10% gypsum) should be avoided as, under irrigation, Toma et al. (1999); Avellan et al. (2012); Abdelfattah
they may subside as the gypsum is dissolved from the soil, under irrigation. (2013); Al-Yamani et al. (2013); Abdelrahman et al.
Hard pan Hard pan or bedrock depth refers to soil depth to a physical restriction that Abdelfattah (2013); Al-Yamani et al. (2013); Baroudy
significantly reduces the movement of water and air through the soil. (2016)
Hydraulic conductivity Hydraulic conductivity is an important soil physical property for Baroudy (2016); Chen et al. (2010); Chen et al. (2013);
determining infiltration rate, irrigation, drainage practices, and other Carof, De Tourdonnet et al. (2007)
hydrological processes. It controls water and solute transport, its assessment
at the field scale is important in evaluating agronomic performances.
Organic Carbon/Matter Ideal source of plant nutrients in soils, important in maintaining soil Rounsevell et al. (1999); Braimoh et al. (2004);
structure, soil tilth and reducing soil erosion. Soil OC indicates the organic Bandyopadhyay et al. (2009); Schiefer et al. (2016)
matter content in the soil which often creates the basis for the successful use
of mineral fertilizers. The combination of organic matter and mineral
fertilizers provides the suitable environmental conditions for the crop as the
organic matter improves soil properties and mineral fertilizer supply the
plant is Needed.
Rockiness/Stoniness Estimate proportion of surface rock and stone Chen and Paydar (2012); D’Angelo et al. (2000); Akıncı
et al. (2013)
Salinity (Electrical conductivity) Soil salinity indicates the total concentration of soluble salts in the soil. In Esmaeelnejad (2016); Feng et al. (2017)
root zone, the presence of soil with a substantial amount of natural salt lead
to a reduction of soil water which is extracted by plant and may cause a
nutrient imbalance that could affect plant growth and limit crop yields by
causing the low osmotic potential of the soil solution.
Sand Cultivation of sandy soil often leads to soil degradation. Braimoh et al. (2004)
Silt Silt and clay increase surface area of the soil and amount of plant available Schiefer et al. (2016)
water decreases the leaching potential.
Slope The slope is a crucial factor affecting vegetation structure and soil erosion. Yi and Wang (2013); Esmaeelnejad (2016)
The slope is the important aspect of the surface as well as for internal soil
water drainage as both characteristics play a major role in the growth of the
pH An important factor in soil productivity and plant growth. It provides the Halder (2013); Braimoh et al. (2004); Esmaeelnejad
information about the solubility and thus potential availability or (2016)
phytotoxicity of elements for crops and subsequently specifies the soil
suitability for a specific crop. Nutrient availability is also a function of pH.
Texture The texture is one of the important parameters of soil. Most of the physical Halder (2013); Esmaeelnejad (2016)
properties of the soil depend upon textural class. The soil textural class most
capable for agriculture are loam, which contains a mix of sand, silt, and clay
particles. Soil textural class influences a soil’s ability to drain water, be
aerated and hold onto moisture.
Alkalinity/Sodicity (Exchangeable Sodicity affects the productivity of crop by reducing the water availability Pessarakli (2016); Behzad et al. (2009); Esmaeelnejad
Sodium Percentage-ESP) and soil permeability to plant root. (2016); Abdelrahman et al. (2016)
Soil depth Soil depth determines roots growth as well as the presence of a volume of Bandyopadhyay et al. (2009)
water and air in the soil.
Soil Drainage Play a key role in air and soil water regime. Well-drained soil results in Braimoh et al. (2004); Munene et al. (2017)
deeper rooting of crops. Also, gives an indication of the soil moisture
Water holding capacity Water holding capacity estimates total available water in the root zone and Benke and Pelizaro (2010); Ismail et al. (2012); Chen
determines the need for irrigation. and Paydar (2012); Zolekar and Bhagat (2015)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 8. The frequency of the top 10 soil and landscape factors used in ALSA. S, Slope; Tex, soil texture; Dep, soil effective depth; pH, soil pH; LULC, land use land
cover; Drain, soil drainage; OC/OM, organic carbon, organic matter; H, elevation; EC, electrical conductivity or salinity; SG, soil type, soil group.
fed agricultural system). Also, considering known links to factors, en- Figure 5). In such ecosystems, hills, (uplands, high, medium, low) ter-
vironmental and socio-economic factors heavily influence the vulner- races and floodplains represent different suitability levels for a given
ability of the agricultural sector adaptation to climate change (Abson, crop (e.g. rice).
Dougill, & Stringer, 2012; Brandt et al., 2017). The factors used in ALSA In the present work, several factors were reported from the re-
have been variously linked to biophysical factors; socio-economic; and viewed articles and grouped under 69 factors (see supplementary ma-
technical constraints. For instance, considering biophysical character- terials for a full list of factors). These factors were further categorized in
istics, agricultural land suitability is explicitly linked to topography (see climatic conditions (16 factors), nutrients and favorable soils (34
Table 7
Social-economic and technical indicators.
Factors Justification References
Female participation in economic Female participation in economic activities is understood as an indicator of women Beuchelt and Badstue (2013); Brandt et al.
activities/Gender empowerment and economic development. Gender inequality increases the (2017)
susceptibility to sudden changes and threats as such as climate change. Integrated
conservation agriculture and agroforestry have the potential to promote gender
equality and improve livelihoods for women and men while supporting mitigation and
Literacy rate/Education The literacy rate is an education indicator. High literacy reflects enhanced the adaptive Eliasson et al. (2010); Alkimim et al. (2015);
capacity of making informed decisions regarding viable coping strategies under climate Brandt et al. (2017)
Population/Population density Access to market is important to agricultural activities. It is sometimes used as a proxy Alkimim et al. (2015); Nijbroek and
for market access and ability to transport inputs. Andelman (2015); Worqlul et al. (2017)
People employed for agricultural Considered as people that possess some level of knowledge of agricultural activities Deng et al. (2014); Alkimim et al. (2015)
activities/Labor force
Average income Expected income per hectare of given crops can influence the choice of which crop to Kalogirou (2002)
be grown by farmers.
Distance to road/accessibility Land use is often also influenced by ease of access to networks for the transport of Mendas and Delali (2012); Elaalem (2013);
supplies or produce. This factor is usually most important in remote areas. Worqlul et al. (2017)
Credit systems Define the easy access of farmers to credit. Masoud et al. (2013)
Distance to source of water Could be important in a system whereby small-scale farmers have to travel to fetch Cengiz and Akbulak (2009)
water for irrigation.
Markets Availability Market access plays a key role in agricultural development in many ways. For instance, Erenstein (2006); Elaalem (2013)
a study showed that the relatively limited use of chemical fertilizers in Sub-Saharan
Africa has indeed been variously linked to market access constraints.
Extension system/ Technical assistance Extension systems transfer knowledge from researchers to farmers, advising farmers in Gebremedhin et al. (2006)
their decision making, educating farmers to be able to make similar decisions in the
future, enabling farmers to clarify their own goals and possibilities and stimulating
desirable agricultural development.
Land tenure Land tenure is a social concern. Considered as important in case of ALSA for large-scale Masoud et al. (2013); Nijbroek and
investment, land tenure not always systematically include in the modeling process due Andelman (2015)
to lack of data.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
factors of soil and landscape), water availability in the root zone (8 managers, farmers, and plant breeder (Caubel et al., 2015). A recent
factors for hydrology and irrigation) and socio-economic and technical ALSA study for oil palm in Ghana shows that the main limiting factors
requirements (11 factors). Not all ALSA studies reported in this article for crop production is the water deficit while the current and predicted
systematically include socio-economic analysis in the modeling. changes in climate suggest that growing conditions for oil palm in
Ghana will become more favorable (Rhebergen et al., 2016). In the
3.4.1. Bio-physical requirements for ALSA Philippines, rain-fed rice yields were strongly correlated to rainfall that Climatic requirements. The cultivation of crops in a given area seems to also influence planted area (Koide et al., 2013). Thus climatic
is highly linked to spatial and temporal variability of climatic influences are more complex (Iizumi & Ramankutty, 2015). Indeed,
conditions (Holzkämper et al., 2011). Crop growth and development temperature impacts the lengths of the growing season in the temperate
are largely influenced by climate. It is therefore important to assess how ecosystem while in the tropical warm ecosystem the growing season is
climate is favorable for a given crop for the benefits of planners, land determined by rainfall (Guerena, Ruiz-Ramos, Diaz-Ambrona, Conde, &
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 11. The accuracy of machine learning methods in predicting including or not socio-economic factors in ALSA. The higher the area under the curve (close to one),
the better the model. The 10-fold cross validation average accuracy for random forest gives 0.898. AUC, Area Under the Curve.
Fig. 12. Main predictors and their relative importance in modeling socio-economic analysis in ALSA. Notice the important role of the road as main predictors, but
also the presence of predictors such as methods used, crop considered, the year of publication, the farmer's income, and population density.
Minguez, 2001). Furthermore, radiation plays a fundamental role in are frequently included in ALSA.
crops development (Westgate, Forcella, Reicosky, & Somsen, 1997).
Frequently used climate factors in ALSA as reported in the papers Hydrology/irrigation requirements. The justification and choice
reviewed for the present article are reported in Table 4. According to of the hydrological and irrigation requirement for crops are reported in
the objectives of the study and the type of crop considered, the choice of Table 5. The results of the ranking of the most used of these factors (see
these factors may vary. It obviously not relevant to select parameters Figure 7) showed that water bodies, rivers and discharge, flooding
like a number of frost days or chill hours for tropical crops in sub- hazards, irrigation water use, depth to water table, groundwater, soil
Saharan African. However, these factors seem import for the study of wetness index, stream orders and considered as important for crops
land suitability for saffron in Iran (Maleki, Kazemi, Siahmarguee, & suitability analysis.
Kamkar, 2017) and hazelnuts in Australia (Kidd, Webb, Malone,
Minasny, & McBratney, 2015). The top 10 of the most used climatic Soil parameters and landscape features. Bio-physical
factors is shown in Figure 6. Results revealed that precipitation,
characteristics are variously factored in the ALSA as suggested by
temperature, evapotranspiration, relative humidity, and solar ration
studies demonstrated in the previous section based not only on the
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 13. Temporal evolution of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in ALSA task.
objectives of the studies but also on data availability and the location of outputs from agro-ecological models, the input databases have to de-
the study. For instance, physiographic components play a fundamental liver uniform and high-quality data on a detailed spatial scale. This can
role in agriculture in the hilly zone (Zolekar & Bhagat, 2015) while the be achieved by resampling pixel size to a common scale (coarser or
impact of topography is important for precision agriculture finer scale) using a majority filter for classified parameters and bilinear
management, mainly in explaining yield variability (Kumhálová & resampling for continuous data in a GIS environment. However, simply
Moudrý, 2014). The frequently used soil factors and landscapes using smaller pixels does not necessarily result in more accurate results
attributes in ALSA are reported in Table 6 among which the top 10 (Avellan et al., 2012).
are: slope, soil texture, soil effective depth, soil pH, land use land cover,
soil drainage, organic carbon/organic matter, elevation, soil electrical 3.4.2. Socio-economic and technical requirements for ALSA
conductivity or salinity, and soil type/soil group (see Figure 8). Crop The traditional approach to agricultural intensification considers
suitability analysis frequently referred to matching tables developed by crops suitability to be primarily based on soil and climate conditions.
(FAO, 1976; Sys et al., 1991; Sys et al., 1993) or in some cases guideline However, in sustainable intensification and conservation perspectives,
for the selection of soil and climatic parameters specific to a region this approach could be problematic due to the exploitation of many
(Eliasson et al., 2010). suitable forest areas leading to deforestation (Nijbroek & Andelman,
Soil data availability, the purity of soil map units and their quality 2015). Also, in getting a complete view of crop’s ecosystems and factors
for various uses alike LSA is always questioned (Safari, Esfandiarpour- that can explain and improve yield, inherent local socio-economic
boroujeni, Kamali, Salehi, & Bagheri-bodaghabadi, 2013). The em- factors should be considered. In the light of the present work, this as-
pirical soil mapping for ALSA purposes is found that it is important for a pect has been often disregarded in most of the ALSA modeling (only
soil survey to be conducted for more accurate results to be obtained 38% of the total reviewed article considered socio-economic factors)
(Kalogirou, 2002). This method can only be applied to small areas resulting in poor or incomplete outcomes. Indeed, evaluating multiple
(Diallo et al., 2016) due to cost and time constraints. As an alternative, biophysical and socio-economic criteria across spatial scales is a com-
digital soil mapping methods have emerged with freely global data plex process that is not only governed by the factors determining the
available but at coarse resolution (Batjes, 2009; Batjes, 2012; Hengl biophysical land suitability, but it could depend on multiple drivers that
et al., 2015). These datasets are as accurate as the density of the should be considered under a spatial multi-scale analysis approach and
training samples (Hengl et al., 2015) and exhibit discrepancies in ALSA requires a systematic approach which can be understood and adopted
results. (Avellan, Zabel, & Mauser, 2012) compared the ISRIC World by agricultural investment planners and policy-makers (Martínez-
Soil Information Center’s World Inventory of Soil Emissions Potential 5 Casasnovas, Klaasse, Nogués, & Ramos, 2008; Nijbroek & Andelman,
by 5 arc min Soil Map of the World (ISRIC-WISE 5by5 SMW) with the 2015).
Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) in 0.5 arc min and the Kiel There are several reasons that could explain the weakness of the
Climate Model (KCM) with the WorldClim model climate data for the associations of crops with land suitability. One is related to the process
assessment of biophysical crop suitability. Their results showed that the through which farmers decide to sow one crop or another in a specific
HWSD-based runs resulted in 10% less crop-suitable land than the location (Martínez-Casasnovas et al., 2008). For instance, in a com-
ISRIC-WISE 5by5 SMW-based results. The KCM simulations predicted parisons study of qualitative and quantitative methods to assess land
1% less crop-suitable land than the WorldClim model. Their results suitability for barley–alfalfa–wheat-fallow crops rotation in Iran, pro-
demonstrate that discrepancies in crop suitable areas are largely due to duced very similar results for typical crops; however, for opportunist
the differences in the soil databases rather than to climate (Avellan crops (such as alfalfa in the study area), the methods produced different
et al., 2012). Results from this study also suggested that, for optimal results because such crops are more dependent on market conditions
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. 14. Accuracy of machine learning methods in predicting the including or not uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in ALSA. The higher the area under the curve
(close to one), the better the model. The 10-fold cross validation average accuracy for random forest gives 0.79. AUC, Area Under the Curve.
than on land characteristics (Branch, Co, & Town, 2015). Similarly, Although a limited number of studies have considered socio-eco-
proximity to urban markets, or linkage to urban markets by efficient nomic factors in ALSA, results from our analysis showed that there is a
transportation networks, offers particular promise for more significant growing interest in including this aspect in agricultural land use plan-
agricultural use of lowlands in West Africa (Dossou-Yovo, Baggie, ning in these recent years (Figure 10). Furthermore, we applied ma-
Djagba, & Zwart, 2017; Erenstein, 2006) while female participation in chine learning methods to explain which variables contribute to the
economic activities or high literacy rate have proven high adaptive decision of the authors to include or not socio-economics factors in their
capacity in the context of climate change (Brandt et al., 2017; Eliasson analysis. To this end, three methods were used including random forest,
et al., 2010). In Table 7, we depicted some socio-economic and tech- logistic regression and support vector machine. Results showed that
nical factors often reported in ALSA modeling and their rank in Figure random forest outperformed the two other methods with the area under
9. The results showed that the road is the most used factor in con- the curve of 0.89 followed by logistic regression (0.84) and support
sidering socio-economic analysis in ALSA. vector machine (0.5) (see Figure 11). Also, results from random forest
Fig. 15. Main predictors and their relative importance in modeling uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in ALSA. Although the relative importance of the predictors
are weak (less than 20%) we can notice the important role of the choice of methods and the year of publication.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
method have been used to rank the top 10 main predictors (see Figure
From our analysis, only 30% of the studies (38 articles out of a total of
166) included UA and SA in their modeling process. This might be
Maximum limiting/Boolean logic
partly due to the fact that hardly any GIS software currently in use can
present the user with information about the confidence limits that
No significant correlation
but where not collected during the same time period and higher-level
The second problem is related to the standardization of non-com-
mensurate criteria. There are many different standardization methods
certainties in the AHP-based MCE (Chen, Yu, & Khan, 2013). Recent
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
sensitivity analysis in the field has adopted One-factor-At-a-Time (OAT) data were compared to maize plants total dry biomass with a positive
method along with the AHP technique (Chen et al., 2013; Chen, Khan, correlation of 0.832.
& Paydar, 2010; Xu & Zhang, 2013) and fuzzy logic (Feng et al., 2017b).
There are three main reasons for the adoption of the OAT method (Chen 4. Conclusions and outlooks for integration of climate change
et al., 2013): (1) the OAT is easy to implement; (2) The characteristics analysis in ALSA
of the AHP (that compare and rank 2 factors at time through a matrix),
satisfies the independence requirement of the OAT; and (3) the results This work reviews the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of
generated from the OAT are easy to understand due to one at time effect Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis (ALSA). The major themes in the
on complex output. Assessing land suitability is inherently a subjective SDG2 are “end hunger”, “achieve food security” and promote sustain-
process that is often based on classified environmental variables whose able agriculture. Food security can be achieved through sustainable
spatial boundaries assume a spatial homogeneity that is unrealistic agriculture which in turn can end hunger. Climate change, however, is
when compared to what occurs on the landscape (Joss, Hall, Sidders, & putting more pressure on agricultural lands with disasters like drought
Keddy, 2008). Fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic incorporate and pro- and flood. A profound change of global food and farming systems is
cesses variation in expert judgment while providing a mechanism to necessary to continue feeding growing population up to the end of 2050
handle spatial uncertainty that results in more continuous and realistic and beyond. Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis attempts to evaluate
classifications of land suitability( Davidson et al., 1996; Baja et al., suitable crop land, hence a means of promoting sustainable agriculture
2002; Kurtener et al., 2008; Zoccali et al., 2017). and food security to end hunger. However, ALSA has to be implemented
Alike socio-economic analysis, uncertainty, and sensitivity analysis with full awareness and account of current and future climate change
in ALSA have been mostly adopted in the last decade as shown in Figure impacts. Thus, ALSA under climate change is a necessary requirement
13. Also, machine learning methods were used to model the mains for sustainable agriculture and food security. We recommend based on
elements that explain the inclusion of the uncertainty and sensitivity the review of the current ALSA method towards sustainable agriculture
analysis in ALSA based on the random forest, logistic regression and and food security the following:
support vector machine algorithms. Results showed that random forest
performed better than other methods (see Figure 14). In addition, re- • Climate change impacts on current and future cropping area and
sults from random forest showed that the method used and the year of production should be incorporated into ALSA methods by including
publications are the most important variables that explain the inclusion climate change scenarios in their simulation. Research in this area is
of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the modeling process (Figure quite limited as revealed by our review. A general limitation is that
15). individual climate models have poor resolution and it is required in
specific cases to combine multiple GCM to come up with good cli-
3.6. Validation of agricultural land suitability analysis mate change predictions. The coarser resolution of GCMs makes
them unsuitable for impact studies in general and ALSA for that
Validation of ALSA models and/or results are not always easy and matter. A robust mechanism such as statistical downscaling tech-
there are no definite methods for this assignment. Different approaches niques can be employed in ALSA models to downscale the output of
have been reported including multiple models’ application, ground GCM using local conditions. A list of climate parameters can be
truth, and correlation of land suitability indices against crop yield. In made available for users and experts to select climate parameters
the case of multiple model application, validation can be performed that drive the local climate. Even though this approach will still be
using the Kappa coefficient as a measure of agreement between the subjective to experts’ choice, it will prevent using the same para-
methods (El Baroudi, 2016). meter for different climate regions and will be advantageous to
Several studies on the suitability modeling adopted the correlation experts who understand the local climate.
between crop yield and the suitability class as a measure of validation • Crop models are usually designed for specific crops and contain
of their model (Table 8). In such an analysis, most of the correlation specific crop coefficients/indices, biophysical, socio-economic and
coefficient was higher than 0.5. In other cases, the authors reported no phenological data for the specific location. Creation of a global open
significant correlation although their results agreed on ground truth database where individuals in specific locations identified by long-
through fieldwork. For instance (Danvi et al., 2016) reported rice yields itude and latitude can perform and upload information can increase
distribution and farmers interview as validation method their suit- the use of crop models. From this database, developers can test the
ability analysis. Although special explicit maps show confidence in the performance of their models for specific locations and correct lim-
suitability distribution, lack of management practices was reported to itations they identify. Uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis
results in low yield, which in turn, showed poor agreement with suit- can be performed on the models in addition to calibration and va-
ability classes. This is leaving the issue of validation unsolved and lidation of the models. This will increase the performance and ap-
therefore questioning the relevance of the methodology. A good proxy, plication of crop models in general. In our view, one of the best
however, could be the use of the cultivated area for validation. This is approaches to sustainable agriculture and food security is the use of
because agricultural production is essentially extensive with low inputs local information to simulate, correct and improve the prediction
in SSA and farmers will likely cultivate large area where the land is power of current ALSA crop models. Global food security will be
more suitable. achieved if local food security is achieved through sustainable
In addition, remote sensing data has been used to evaluate land agriculture.
suitability models. For instance, a forage maize land suitability study • Owing to the limitations related to crop models and usual land
was conducted using comparative land evaluation approaches (Manna evaluation methods, qualitative and quantitative approaches must
et al., 2009). In assessing the predictive performance, a specific method be integrated into a unique ALSA system (Hybrid Land Evaluation
to successfully discriminate areas with different forage maize suit- System - HLES) to improve the land evaluation while providing
ability, (Manna et al., 2009) conducted for each of their suitability support tools to stakeholders for better adaptation to climate
model a comparison of model estimates of forage maize biomass with change.
remotely sensed data. Thus, the NDVI-maize green biomass production
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Acknowledgments Natural Resources (UENR) to support the first author PhD work. The
authors acknowledge the financial support for this study provided by
This study was carried out in the framework of the project “Novel the aforementioned donors. The authors appreciated the constructive
Approaches for Efficient Targeting and Equitable Scaling of Rice comments of AfricaRice colleagues Elliott Dossou-Yovo, Stefanie
Technologies in Togo and Benin (ETES-Rice)” funded by the German Steinbach and Justin Djagba that helped to improve the manuscript
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) significantly. The authors are thankful to two anonymous reviewer for
and carried out by the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) and its national insightful comments on an early version of this article.
partners and the partial sponsorship from the University of Energy and
Fig. A1. Number of ALSA publications per country from 1990 to 2017.
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Fig. A2. Number of publications per journal (here we show only journals that have 2 or more papers reviewed).
Table A1
Applications of the traditional methods to ALSA.
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate
systems change issue
Baroudy (2016) Spatial model for land suitability assess- N-P-K, Zn, D, Tex, Dep, Topo, SS, HP, HC, WHC, EC, Parametric Wheat No
ment ESP, CaCO3 and pH
Danvi et al. (2016) Determine suitable areas for rice produc- P, T, RH, R, Flooding, D, Dep, CEC, BSP, pH, OC Boolean Logic, Rice No
tion Maximum Limiting
Masoud, Forkuor, Most suitable areas for inland valley rice P, stream order, discharge, S, fertility, LGP, PHT, WLC Rice No
Namara, and O- cultivation Land tenure, roads, markets, credit systems, incen-
fori (2013) tive benefit, pH, N, OC, , EC, CEC, BSP
Kuria, Ngari, and Suitability for rice growing landforms, LULC, Tex, ESP WO Rice No
Waithaka (201-
Gumma et al., 2009 Suitable areas for inland valley, wetland P, ET, LGP, discharge, stream order, slope, vegeta- WLC Rice No
rice cultivation: tion, soil type, Dep, fertility, socio-economic, tech-
nical and eco-environmental
Motuma et al. (201- Land suitability analysis Dep, Text, OC, D, Soil type, S, T, and P Square Root, WLC Wheat, sorghum No
Naughton, Lovett, & Suitability model LULC, T, P, H, fire, NDVI, soil-type and D Multiplicative, shea No
Mihelcic, 2015 Additive
Behzad et al. (2009) Evaluate and compare land suitability for RH, T, SR, S, Tex, % CaSO4, EC, CEC, ESP, Drain Storie, Square Root wheat, alfalfa, No
principal crops barley and maize
Rhebergen et al., 2- land suitability for oil palm production SR, P, T, S, PET, AWC, Tex, SG, silt, clay, WO Palm oil Yes
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A1 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate
systems change issue
D’Angelo et al. (20- Assessment of agro-silvo-pastoral systems H, S, As, LULC, SS, DM, Frost, Flood, Dep, Tex, BSP, WLC Agricultural No
00) environmental impact in marginal WHC, structure stability system
Mediterranean areas
Munene, Chabala, a- Identifying suitable land for soybean pro- Tex, OC, Phosphorus, pH, Drain, S, H, Roads WLC Soybean No
nd Mweetwa (2- duction
Seyedmohammadi, Evaluate and compare land suitability for Dep, Text, EC, pH, OM, CaCO3, CEC, S Square Root, Sorie Irrigated agricul- No
Esmaeelnejad, surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation ture
and Ramezanp-
our (2016)
Nzeyimana et al. (2- To analyze the spatial distribution of po- H, P, T, SG and S WO Arabica coffee No
014) tential production zones for Arabica coffee
the current productivity
Abdelfattah (2013) Land suitability for irrigated agriculture SG, coarse fragments, Tex, EC, Dep, HP, DWT, FAO method irrigated agricul- No
%CaSO4, T, S, H, IWU ture
Albaji, Golabi, Nas- Compare different irrigation methods SG, Dep, Text, EC, pH, OM, CEC, CaCO3, T, RH, Sys, Storie surface, sprinkler No
ab, and Jahans- PET, P, Drain, S and drip irrigation
hahi (2014) systems
Al-Yamani et al. (2- Land suitability study Tex, EC, DWT, HP, CaSO4, H, S Limiting method, halophytic bioe- No
013) WLC nergy crop
Baniya et al. (2013) Categorize available land area in the range H, T, RH, P, Asp, Tex, Fertility, Irrigation, pH, S, FAO method cardamom No
of suitability ratings Dep, PET, LULC, SG
Diallo et al. (2016) Suitability of soils for the cultivation of P, T, RH, Wind, SH, PET, S, Drain, Coarse fragment, Storie, PCA rice, cassava and No
upland rice in a peri-urban wetland Dep, Tex, clay, silt, sand, CEC, OM, BSP, EC, ESP, groundnut
pH, N, K, Ca, Mg, Soil thickness, Soil consistency,
soil color, Transition, Soil condition, DM
Qin and Jixian (20- Guidelines of land use planning SG, Dep, Fertility, Tex, S, Disaster, P, Road, River Parametric Agriculture land No
02) use planning
Ismail, Abdel Ghaff- GIS application for analyzing the spatial S, Dep, SE, Drain, infiltration rate, AWHC, SS, Multiplying land utilization No
ar, & Azzam, 2- distributions of physical and chemical stones in surface horizon, rock outcrop, EC, ESP and types of irrigation
012 properties of the study soils to produce land CaCO3
utilization types of irrigation
Kamkar, Dorri, and Perform land suitability assessments P and T, As, H, S, Tex, pH, EC Computer Overlay canola, soybean No
Da Silva (2014)
Elsheikh et al. (201- Intelligent system for assessing land suit- P, DM, pH, Dep, OM, CEC, Clay, BSP, Coase FAO-SYS mango, banana, No
3) ability for different types of crops fragment, Dep, Tex, Oxygen availability, S, Drain, papaya, citrus, and
LULC, Flood guava
Lake, Mehrjardi, A- To evaluate the qualitative and quantitative Dep, Silt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, pH, EC, CaSO4, OC, Square Root, Sorie, Olive plant No
kbarzadeh, and land suitability CEC, BSP, ESP FAO
Ramezanpour (-
Martínez-Casasnova- Biophysical land suitability compared to Fertility, Flood risk, LGP, hailstorms, winds, loca- FAO, Statistics Alfalfa, winter cer- No
s et al. (2008) different crop frequency parameters tion, mechanization potential, oxygen availability, eals, maize, rice,
pests and diseases, pre- and post-harvest manage- sunflower
ment, Dep, EC, ESP, trafficability and ploughing,
Hennebert, Tessens, Land evaluation S, Drain, H, Dep, SS, Tex, CEC, pH, BSP, OC, LGP, P, Sys Wheat, pea bean, No
Tourenne, and T, RH, SH, LULC maize, potato
Delvaux (1996)
Abdelrahman, Nata- Develop a GIS based approach for land use P, S, Tex, LULC, Dep, CaCO3, CaSO4, ESP, pH, CEC, Land capability and Cotton, Finger No
rajan, and Heg- Suitability assessment OC, BSP, Drain, SE, P, T, Coarse fragment Geo-statistics millet, Groundnut,
de (2016) rice, sorghum, ba-
nana, cashew
Safari et al. (2013) Compare geostatistical and conventional Clay, sand, coarse fragments, pH, EC, CaCO3, SAR, Geo-statistics wheat, sugar beet, No
soil mapping methods for main irrigated Tex, P, T, RH, SR, Drain, Flood, DWT, SS, Coarse potato and alfalfa
crops fragment, Dep, CaSO4, BSP, CEC
Bojórquez-Tapia et- GIS-based multivariate application for land SG, Distance to mangrove, to agriculture and cattle Multivariate statistics, Shrimp farming No
al. (2001) suitability assessment ranching, to mayor roads, Brackish water, Riparian WLC, PCA
zones, Flood free zones, Natural cover, coastal
lagoons and flood prone zones
Bydekerke et al. (1- crop specific land suitability assessment SG, Tex, Dep, CEC, OM, P, T, LGP, RH Expert Knowledge, Cherimoya No
998) FAO method
Saroinsong et al., 2- A multi-criteria analysis approach to agri- SR, T, P, RH, Drain, Text, Dep, ESP, pH, Flood, SE, USLE, FAO method Agricultural No
007 cultural landscape planning LULC, H, S system
Nijbroek and Andel- Suitability for agricultural intensification at Yield, Protected areas, Forest cover, Annual water Stepwise multivariate maize, sorghum No
man (2015) the regional scale balance, Population and infrastructure, Living regression, WLC and pearl millet
standard measurement study, integrated survey of
agriculture, OM, Fertility, SG, extension services,
Sani et al. (2016) To assess ecological land suitability LULC, IWU, Tex, pH, Fertility, SE, H, P, T, S, As, SG WLC Forestry No
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A1 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate
systems change issue
Fontes, Fontes, & C- Land suitability Fertility, PET, P, SS and restraining of agricultural WLC Agricultural No
arneiro, 2009 mechanization, Technical assistance, Fertilizers/ system
correctives, Pest and disease control, Soil conser-
vation practices, IWU, Electric power, LULC
Bandyopadhyay, Ja- Land suitability potential evaluation in a LULC, SG, S, OC, Dep, Tex, SE, Drain, pH WLC Agriculture No
iswal, Hegde, a- watershed
nd Jayaraman
Chen et al. (2013) Sustainable land use planning S, As, SG, H, LULC, Income Qualitative approach Maize, Pear millet, No
Foxtail millet,
Potato, apple, ve-
Sarkar, Ghosh, and Multi-criteria land evaluation for analyzing Dep, Tex, Drain, pH, P, S, LULC WO wheat No
Banik (2014) land suitability
Schiefer, Lair, and Identify and localize arable soils with a OC, CEC, Clay, Silt, pH, Dep, S, SG Classification based Sustainable inten- No
Blum (2016) high potential of recovery after distur- on threshold sification in agri-
bances in Europe culture
Shalaby, Ouma, and Develop a land suitability assessment T, S, Flood, Drain, Tex, Coarse fragments, Dep, Storie and square root guava, olive and No
Tateishi (2006) CaCO3, CaSO4, EC, ESP, DWT date palm
Wang, Lu, Fang, and Development of the current grain-for-green T, S, SE, IWU, Drain, Dep, Tex, ESP FAO method cropland suit- No
Shen (2007) policy mainly based on a zonal detailed ability
cropland suitability
Littleboy, Smith, and Comparison between a qualitative and P, T, PET, SR, SG, WHC, S, H, LGP, infiltration, Qualitative and quan- Wheat No
Bryant (1996) quantitative evaluation Drain, SE titative with a crop-
ping systems model
called PERFECT
Cools et al. (2003) integrate the knowledge of both farmers S, Flood, Drain, Tex, Coarse fragments, Dep, Participatory map- Olive trees, No
and land resource experts in order to pro- CaCO3, CaSO4, CEC, BSP, pH, OC, EC, ESP ping, FAO-Sys method Chickpea, Barley,
mote adoption of new land use systems Wheat, Lentil,
Ryder (2003) This paper examines peasant agriculture pH, CEC, ESP, Drain, Dep point score analysis, Coffee, beans, No
and awareness of soil Chi test of statistical grazing, pigeon
association peas, garlic, and
Zurayk et al. (2001) The study aimed at supporting sustainable Tex, EC, pH, OM, CaCO3, SS, S, LULC Land capability as- Agricultural No
land management by carrying out a land sessment, participa- system
capability classification and a land use tory rural appraisal
Ziadat (2007) To explore the accuracy of land suitability Dep, S, WHC, SE; erosion wind, rock, boulder, Multiple linear re- Field crops and No
classifications derived from predicted soil stone, gravel gression models range crops
attributes versus those derived from tradi-
tional soil maps
Jones et al. (1998) Identify and describe a set of common T, Heat stress, D, Tex, stoniness, Dep, Soil moisture, Bio-physical classifi- Agricultural land No
biophysical criteria capable of indicating S cation based on use
the overall suitability of land for agriculture threshold
Bagheri Bodaghaba- Land classification for irrigation SG, Dep, Sand, Silt, Clay, Gravel, CCE, OM, Tex, pH, AEZ, Maximum lim- Wheat, Barley, No
di et al. (2015) EC iting factor Alfalfa
Teixeira et al. (201- Spatial assessment of heat stress risk Max and min T, LULC, S, H GAEZ Wheat, maize, rice Yes
3) and soybean
Fischer et al. (2005) Impacts of climate change on agro-ecosys- SG, H, S, Min and Max T, P, RH, vapour pressure GAEZ wheat, maize and Yes
tems deficit, LULC other coarse grains
Fischer and Sun (2- Analyzing and projecting regional land use T, P, SH, H, S, SG, LULC AEZ Agricultural land Yes
001) in China. use system
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A2
Case studies of AHP/ANP, OWA, LSP and ELECTRE Tri methods to ALSA.
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/ Crop/ Climate
Method Agricultural change issue
systems considered
Yalew, Van Grie- A web-based framework for ALSA River, LULC, SG, S, Roads, H, WHC, SS, Dep AHP Agricultural No
nsven, and land use
Van Der Za- Classification
ag (2016)
Kihoro et al. (20- Suitability map for rice crop RH, T, Tex, pH, Drain, S AHP Rice No
Akıncı et al. (20- Suitable lands for agricultural use SG, LULC, S, H, SE, Wetness, Food, Water bodies, Dep, SS, AHP Agricultural No
13) land use
Ceballos-Silva a- Delineate the suitable areas for the maize and LULC, max and min T, P, PET, Tex, pH, Dep, S, H AHP, PCA Maize, potato No
nd Lopez-Bl- potato crops
anco (2003)
Feizizadeh and Capacity of a land unit to support a specific land H, S, Aps, Fertility, pH, T, P, GW AHP Irrigated and No
Blaschke (2- use dry-farm agri-
013) culture
Romano et al. (- MCDA to evaluate the potential of a rural coastal S, Asp, roads, river, LULC AHP, OWA, Restoration of No
2015) area Boolean manor farms
Zabihi et al. (20- Land suitability analysis LULC, P, T, RH, GDD, SH, H, As, S, roads, Population, River ANP Citrus No
Zolekar and Bha- Land suitability analysis in hilly zone S, LULC, Dep, SE, SM, WHC, Tex, pH, OC, N-P-K AHP Agriculture No
gat (2015)
Cengiz and Akb- Land-use suitability analysis Dep, LULC, SE, S, As, Water Bodies, road, SG AHP Agriculture No
ulak (2009)
Zhang et al. (20- land suitability for flue-cured tobacco production T, P, SH, RH, Cl, pH, OM, N-P-K, Ca, Mg, H, S, SG AHP and Tobacco No
15) Fuzzy
Benke and Peliz- Application and importance of uncertainty ana- pH, WHC, Coarse fragment, Dep, tex, EC, Drain, As, T, P AHP Ryegrass, No
aro (2010) lysis in LSA Winter Wheat
Chen, Yu, and K- Spatial dimension of multi-criteria weight for the HC, S, Tex, DTW, EC AHP, OAT Irrigated crop- No
han (2010) expansion or retirement of the irrigated land use ping, land use
Mishra et al. (2- Suitable zones in the state for the development of Drain, road, SG, LULC, S AHP Organic farm- No
015) the organic farming inng
Chandio, Matori, Sustainable land suitability model for hillside Road, As, LULC, H, S, Water bodies AHP Include agricul- No
Yusof, Talp- development ture
ur, and Ami-
nu (2014)
Chen et al. (201- Criteria weight sensitivity in OAT-AHP HC, S, Tex, DTW, EC AHP Irrigated crop- No
3) lands
Deng et al. (201- Calculate the suitability of land for alfalfa culti- P, T, RH, S, H, Dep, pH, OM, Sand, Distance to city, road, AHP, Fuzzy alfalfa No
4) vation river, labor force
Alkimim, Sparo- Identify and map the currently cultivated pasture SG, P, T, H, LULC, Infrastructure, population, Literacy, Labor AHP sugarcane No
vek, and Cl- lands that are most suitable for conversion to force
arke (2015) sugarcane
Dadhich, Patel, Crop land suitability for wheat Tex, pH, ESP, EC, Drain, N-P-K, LULC, S, GW AHP, WO wheat No
and Kalubar-
me (2017)
Yalew, Van Grie- Agricultural land use suitability H, S, SG, Dep, SS, WHC, Towns, Roads, River/water, AHP, WO Agricultural No
nsven, Mul, Protected areas, LULC system
and Van Der
Zaag (2016)
Yi and Wang (2- To determine which land use is best suited to the LULC, S, H, OM, N-P-K, BD, Tex, WHC AHP Farmland/vege- No
013) revegetation program by assessing the land suit- tation restora-
ability tion
Chen et al. (201- Framework of multi-criteria assessments Waterlogging, DWT, WHC, EC, GW, pH, Fertility, S, SS, Tex, Fzzy, OWA, Irrigated pas- No
3) HP, BT, ESP AHP ture
Brandt et al. (20- Develop a decision support framework for the P, OC, Percentage of households with access to safe water, AHP, WLC Climate smart Yes
17) spatially-explicit targeting of climate smart agri- Literacy, Female participation in economic activities, agriculture
culture, and suitable CSA practices. Connectivity through transport, infrastructure
Worqlul et al. (- Estimate of the potential suitable land for LULC, SG, H, Population density, Road network, PET, P, AHP Agricultural ir- No
2017) groundwater irrigation Potential borehole yield, DWT, storage, recharge, S rigation
Elaalem (2013) Land suitability evaluations WHC, Dep, Infiltration, Tex, ESP, P, T, SE, S Fuzzy, AHP, Olive No
García et al. (20- Evaluate optimal locations of new agri-food Accessibility to the area, distance, cost, security of the region, AHP Agribusiness No
14) warehouses local acceptance of the company, and its needs (banana distri-
bution ware-
Hood, Cechet, H- Potential for growing Cool Climate Grapes TDD, P, Frost, S, As, Drain, pH, ESP, Dep, Tex, EC AHP, WLC Grapes, pasture, Yes
ossain, and and blue gum
Sheffield (2-
Bo et al. (2012) Evaluate the suitability of tea crop T, Frost, RH, S, As, H, SG, Tex AHP, GRA Tea
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A2 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/ Crop/ Climate
Method Agricultural change issue
systems considered
Maleki et al. (2- Model to assess land suitability for cultivation of P, T, SH, frost days, RH, S, As, H, EC, pH, Tex AHP, WO Saffron No
017) saffron
Malczewski et al. Present the parameterized-OWA method applied GW, city well heads, SE, Wetlands, Forest interior to water, OWA Watershed No
(2003) to management situation Proximity to natural ears, LULC, Property ownership management
Xu and Zhang (- Framework that incorporates the spatial config- Tex, Dep, OM, sand dune waviness, SE, Drain, DWT AHP, OAT, Wheat No
2013) uration information from sensitivity analysis for WLC
Mendas and Del- Propose a conceptual and methodological fra- Water reserve easily utilizable, Drain, Permeability, pH, EC, ELECTRE Agricultural No
ali (2012) mework for the combination of GIS and multi- Active limestone, CEC, Tex, Dep, S, availability of labor, Tri system
criteria methods proximity (roads)
La Rosa, Barbar- Characterization of new forms of urban agricul- Farmlands, abandoned farmlands, woods and shrubs, bare Multi- Urban agricul- No
ossa, Privite- ture Soils Attribute ture
ra, and Mar- model
tinico (2014)
Montgomery et a- Agricultural suitability SG, To, climatic, economic, land use and accessibility attri- Logic Agricultural No
l. (2016) butes Scoring of systems
Montgomery et a- GIS-based Logic Scoring of Preference (LSP) SG, P, T, Road, LULC, Economic, S, As, H LSP Agricultural No
l. (2016) method as an improved method of MCE land suitability
Wali, Datta, Shr- Develop a land suitability model P, IWU, T, LGP, RH, Wind, H, S, SG, Fertility, Dep, Silt, Clay, AHP saffron No
estha, and S- Sand, pH, OM, ESP, N-P-K, SE, Market, Road, Agri-input,
hrestha (20- income, labor force, market information, farmers’ motiva-
16) tion, capital investment
Yan, Shi, Yan, a- A spatial distribution model to study the spatial LULC, S, distance to farmland, water, habitation, forest land, AHP and Farmland No
nd Chun (2- distribution of livestock manure and livestock road, market WLC
017) manure nitrogen load on farmland at a patch
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
Table A3
Fuzzy applications in ALSA.
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural systems Climate
change issue
Reshmidevi et al. (2- GIS-integrated fuzzy rule-based infer- Dry days, water body, H, LULC, Fuzzy, WLC Paddy fields No
009) ence system for land suitability eva- Tex, S, Dep, Drain, pH, CEC,
luation in agricultural watersheds OC, ESP, P, T, road
Feng et al. (2017a) Quantitative impact of land qualities Dep, Ca, Mg, K, CEC, OC, pH, D, Fuzzy, Maximum Ruban No
on rubber production Water availability, H, Limiting factor,
Workability, S Storie
Burrough et al. (199- Classification to determine land suit- H, sand, clay, ESP, Dep Fuzzy Agriculture No
2) ability
Zabel et al. (2014) Global Agricultural Land Resources T, P, Tex, Coarse fragments, Fuzzy 16 crops No
and land suitability evaluation CaSO4, BSP, pH, OC, EC, ESP, S
(Ahamed et al. 2000) To evaluate the arable land suitability Tex, Drain, Gravel, CEC, BSP, Fuzzy finger millet, paddy and groundnut No
for the given crops pH
Avellan et al. (2012) Differences in topsoil properties for S, Tex, Coarse fragments, Fuzzy Barley, Cassava, Groundnut, Maize, Millet, No
the dominant soil mapping units be- CaSO4, BSP, pH, OC, EC, ESP, Oil-palm, Potatoes, Rapeseed, Rice, Rye,
tween two global soil datasets. T, P Sorghum, Soy, Sugarcane, Sunflower,
Baja, Chapman, and Development of a conceptual model CEC, OM, EC, Drain, Dep, Tex Fuzzy cropping land utilizationtype and soil loss No
Dragovich (2002- for defining and assessing LMUs from index
a) available biophysical information
Braimoh, Vlek, and Land suitability evaluation OC, CEC, Drain, pH, Clay, Sand Fuzzy Maize No
Stein (2004)
Bagherzadeh and Gh- To evaluate land suitability for irri- LGP, T, H, SE, EC, ESP, OC Fuzzy sugar beet crop No
olizadeh (2016) gated sugar beet crop
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A3 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural systems Climate
change issue
Dubovyk, Menz, and Provide spatially explicit guidance in IWU, proximity to canal, canal Expert knowledge, degraded irrigated cropland No
Khamzina (2016) support of afforestation land rehabili- density, collector density, GW, Fuzzy, WLC
tation efforts EC, S, proximity to collectors
Kurtener et al. (2008) Application of fuzzy indicators for the Tex, pH, OM, N-P-K, Fuzzy Agricultural system No
evaluation of agricultural land suit-
Joss et al. (2008) Land suitability for afforestation SG, SM, GDD, H, P, LULC Fuzzy Afforestation of hybrid poplar No
Davidson et al. (1996) Agricultural planning LULC, Drain, Tex, Gravel, S, SE, Boolean logic, Fuzzy tomatoes and cucumbers
CaCO3, SG, IWU, P, Sand, silt,
clay, EC, pH, OM, CEC
Zoccali et al. (2017) land suitability analysis T, Road, hydrological network, Fuzzy Beekeeping No
Feng et al. (2017b) Suitability of marginal lands Dep, pH, P, S, EC, GDD, LULC, Fuzzy, OAT, WLC Switchgrass, Miscanthus and hybrid poplar No
Lewis et al. (2014) Spatial suitability modeling approach Modeled switchgrass yield , Fuzzy Switchgrass
Market land value per acre,
Expiring CRP acreage,
Cropland Data
Mbũgwa G. et al. (2- Understanding of the regional suit- Diurnal T flux, P Fuzzy Burclover No
015) ability of the crop
Nguyen et al. (2015) Design a GIS-based multi-criteria land DM, T, S, Flood, Drain, Tex, Fuzzy, WLC Rubber No
suitability analysis Dep, CEC, N, OC, SE, road
Holzkämper et al. (2- Evaluation of crop-specific climate T, P, H, GDD, SR, AET, LPP Rule-based approach, Maize No
013) suitability expert knowledge
Tuan, and Qiu, J. jun, Review the suitability of temperature T, P, LGP Fuzzy, WLC, Winter Wheat and Summer Maize No
Verdoodt, A., Li, and precipitation for the winter wheat Multiplicative
H., and Van Ran- and summer maize cropping system
st, E. (2011)
Baja, Chapman, and To develop spatial modeling proce- road proximity, and water compromise pro- Land use planning No
Dragovich (2007) dures for a MCE proximity, Hydrologic soil gramming (CoPr),
group, LULC fuzzy set approach
and AHP
Tang and Van Ranst Land indices and suitability classes for P, T, SH, Drain, Tex, Dep, Fuzzy set Maize No
(1992) maize using the fuzzy set theory coarse fragment, CEC, BSP, OC
Baja, Chapman, and Develop analytical procedures of S, Drain, Gravel, Cobbles, EC, Fuzzy approach Barley, cotton, spinach wheat, rye, corn No
Dragovich (2002- land-suitability evaluation in sloping ESP, WHC, Tex; Dep, CEC, pH, pear, apple, orange sugar, beet sorghum,
b) areas OM oats, clover citrus, peach, maize
Sicat et al. (2005) Fuzzy modeling of farmers’ knowl- Cropping season, SG, LULC, factor map based Agricultural systems No
edge for agricultural land suitability Tex, Dep, S Fuzzy and farmers’
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
Table A4
Examples of machine learning case studies for ALSA.
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate
systems change issue
Wang (1994) Agricultural land suitability assessment T, P, DM, Drain, Tex, Dep, CEC, ANN Wetland rice, No
pH, N-P-K, ESP, S soybean, sugar-
cane, pasture and
Mas et al. (2004) Spatial distribution of tropical deforestation Road, LULC, H, S, SG ANN Deforestation and No
Bagherzadeh and To evaluate land suitability for alfalfa LGP, P, T, RH, Tex, EC, ESP, ANN, TOPSIS Alfalfa No
Gholizadeh (2- CaCO3, Gravel, Dep, OC, pH, S,
016) Drain, Flood, CaSO4
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A4 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate
systems change issue
Bagherzadeh et al. To evaluate land suitability for soybean produc- P, T, RH, LGP, Tex, EC, ESP, ANN, Fuzzy Soybean No
(2016) tion in a semi-arid region CaCO3, Gravel, Dep, OC, pH, S,
Drain, Flood, CaSO4
Jiao & Liu, 2007 Land suitability evaluation OC, Tex, Water Conservancy, Fuzzy NN, GA Paddy field eva- No
Thickness of tilth, S, N-P-K, pH luation
Ranjitkar et al. (2- Analyze and model current and projected future AI, Diurnal T, P, PET, As, S, LULC Global Environmental Banana and Yes
016) bioclimatic conditions to assess the suitability Stratification Strata Coffee
(GenS), ecological niche modelling
(ENM), Fuzzy
Estes et al. (2013) To compare suitability and productivity estimates LULC, SG, P, T, SR, H MAXENT, GAM, DSSAT Dryland maize No
for a well-understood crop species
Ovalle-Rivera et al. Global distribution of climates suited for growing T, P, Diurnal T MaxEnt Arabica coffee Yes
(2015) Arabica coffee
Austin, Kasibhatla, Quantify the potential CO2 emissions reductions LULC, roads, rivers, H, S, P, T, Logistic Regression Oil palm Yes
Urban, Stolle, achievable and the implementation of low emis- Dep, pH, Drain, OC
and Vincent (- sions land use strategies
Heumann et al. (2- Application of presence-only data for crop suit- LULC, GPS points, H, SG, SR, S, MaxEnt Upland cassava No
011) ability modeling As, Wetness, pH, N, P, Tex and lowland
paddy rice
Heumann et al. (2- Understand what factors of the natural, built, and H, SG, roads, Population, LULC MaxEnt Cassava, rice No
013) social environment correspond to crop occurrence
based on land use choices made by households
Kidd et al. (2015) Regional Digital soil and enterprise suitability Dep, pH, EC, Clay, Drain, SS, Frost Regression tree Hazelnuts, pota- No
assessment 0 days, T, P, Chill hours toes
Liu et al. (2013) Agricultural land evaluation OC, Dep, pH, GW, irrigation gar- GA, Fuzzy Agricultural land No
rantie rate, Tex, Drain
Mosleh et al. (201- Suitable cultivable lands and water resources to SG, LULC, coarse fragment, EC, Goal Programming Wheat, alfalfa, No
7) optimize the cropping pattern pH, CaCO3, Tex, Dep, Existing potato and maize
pattern, Yield, Total cost, IWU, P,
Passuello, Kumar, Development of a land classification tool to Distance to urban areas, pH, Tex, Bayesian networks (BNs) Sewage sludge No
Cadiach, and determine whether Sewage sludge (SS) is suitable OM, S, P, T, river Metals concen- amendment of
Schuhmacher for organically amending a given agricultural soil tration, CaCO3, GW, water bodies agricultural soils
Holzkämper et al. Rule-based approach for evaluating crop-specific T, P, H, Yield Knowledge-based determination of Maize Yes
(2013) climate suitability factor suitabilities, rule-based ap-
proach, WLC, genetic algorithm
Läderach, Martine- To present future climate scenarios for the main P, T, AEP and other variables MAXENT model Cocoa Yes
z-Valle, Schro- cocoa growing regions of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire derived from P and T
th, and Castro
Kong, Lan, Yang, Suitability assessment model Geomorphic type, S, Soil nutri- Back-propagation neural network Agricultural land No
and Xu (2016) ents, pH, soil pollution index, (BPNN)
IWU, Drain, Roads, SE, GW
Pilehforooshha, K- A two stage model for crop allocation is presented T, P, RH, S, Dep, Tex, Flood, Cellular automata (CA), Markov Wheat No
arimi, and Tal- Drain, income, H chain, fuzzy rule-based system, Barley
eai (2014) goal programming, WLC method Maize
Wang et al. (2011) Find out important factors influencing the quality T, P, SH, N, OC ANN Winter wheat No
of winter wheat and evaluate suitable land based
on eco-environmental factors
Yu, Chen, Wu, and To simulate an evaluation of irrigated cropland S, Tex, Dep, DWT, EC, HC, dis- Cellular automata (CA) Irrigated cropland No
Khan (2011) suitability tance to stream and irrigation
land use
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A5
Case studies of expert systems for ALSA.
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/ Climate
Agricultural sys- change issue
tems considered
Ambarwulan et al. (- Land resources and land suitability mapping T, DM, P, Drain, Tex, Dep, CEC, BSP, ALES Rice No
2016) pH, OC, N-P-K, S, SE, income
Kalogirou (2002) Implementation of land suitability evaluation OC, BSP, CEC, CaCO3, CaSO4, pH, Expert System Shell Wheat, barley, No
model Dep, Gravel, SS, S, SE, SG, EC, ESP, (LEIGIS) maize, seed
Water level, Flood, Drain cotton, sugar beet
Kontoes, Wilkinson, Estimates of agricultural production from satellite LULC, Tex, Dep, Drain, WHC, Road Knowledge-Based Agricultural land No
Burrill, and S. G., imagery System classification
and J. M. (1993)
Yizengaw and Verhe- An expert system in land evaluation LGP, P, Frost hazard, T, Dep, Tex, ALES Barley, maize, No
ye (1995) Coarse fragments, flood, Drain, OM, and teff
de la Rosa et al. (20- Sustainable land use and management practices Dep, SS, Tex, WHC, reaction, OC, CEC, MicroLEIS DSS model Agricultural No
09) for selected Mediterranean benchmark sites ESP, P,T system
D’haeze et al. (2005) A goal of diagnosing the sustainability of the BSP, CEC, OC, pH, S, Dep, Tex, SS, ALES Robusta coffee No
rapidly expanding Robusta coffee sector Drain, SG
Rabati, Jafarzadeh, S- Evaluate qualitative and quantitative land suit- Dep, sand, silt, clay, Tex, CaCO3 CEC, MicroLEIS Maize and sun- No
hahbazi, Rezapo- ability for sunflower and maize crops EC, OC, pH, SG, P, T, PET, AI, LGP, flower
ur, and Momtaz unit price
Wandahwa and Van Land suitability analysis Flood, Drain, Tex, Coarse fragments, ALES Pyrethrum No
Ranst (2014) Dep, CaCO3, CEC, BSP, pH, OC, EC, achene
ESP, T, SM, DM, P, Night T
Manna et al. (2009) Forage maize land suitability study by comparing SG, pH, EC, OC, BD, WHC, HC, GW, P, MicroLEIS, WAP (Soil Forage maize No
different methods having increasing complexity T, Drain, EVI, NDVI Water Atmosphere
and costs Plant) model, CropSyst
van Lanen et al. (19- Qualitative and quantitative physical land eva- P, T, SR, wind, vapor pressure, and ALES, WOFOST Wheat-growing No
92) luation methods to evaluate crop growth potential number of rainy days, Tex, S, Drain,
in the European Communities (EC) Dep
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
Table A6
The use of crop models and Agro-climatic indicators for ALSA
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate change
systems issue consid-
ered (Yes/No)
Liu et al. (2008) Spatially explicit assessment of current Undernutrition data, Dep, sand, GEPIC Cassava, maize, Yes
and future hotspots of food insecurity in silt, BD, pH, OC, P, T, SR, WM, wheat, sorghum,
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). population, GDP rice, and millet
Liambila and Kibr- Evaluate the impacts of climate change Dep, Tex, Drain, EC, ESP, PET, T, Almagra Model, Sys Sweet potato, sor- Yes
et (2016) on land suitability for rain-fed crop P, CEC, pH, OC ghum, maize, soy-
diversification bean, wheat
Lane and Jarvis (- Identify the crops and regions potentially Monthly P and T ECOCROP model groundnut, soya, Yes
2007) most afflicted by climate change sugar cane + more
other crops
Ramirez-villegas e- Assessing impacts of climate change on P, T ECOCROP model sorghum Yes
t al. (2013) agriculture
Kenny et al. (1993) Agro-climatic suitability and effects of P, T, AWC Water Deficit Method grain maize, Yes
climate change winter wheat and
Daccache et al. (2- map current and future land suitability Dep, LGP, Tex, OM, S, SS, P, T, Pedo-climatic functions, PSMD Potato Yes
011) AET
De Silva et al. (20-
To assess the spatial variation of the T, SR, Wind, RH, P, AEP, IWU Spreadsheet model based on CROPWAT Rice Yes
07) impacts of climate change on paddy methodology
Brown, Towers, Ri- Mapping of soil properties using the WHC, P, PET, SM, Wetness, SG, Wetness Vulnerability index Agricultural Yes
vington, and wetness vulnerability index Dep, Tex system
Black (2008)
(continued on next page)
K. Akpoti, et al. Agricultural Systems 173 (2019) 172–208
Table A6 (continued)
Reference Main purpose of the study Major Criteria considered Model/Method Crop/Agricultural Climate change
systems issue consid-
ered (Yes/No)
Caubel et al. (201- Develop an assessment method for crop- P, T, Frost, Heat, SR, sowing day Agro-climatic indicators maize, wheat, Yes
5) climate suitability frequency, Wind, AET, WHC grape
Ramankutty, Foley, Quantitative global estimates of land GDD, AET, PET, pH, OC, P, SM Surface Energy, Water balance model Croplands Yes
Norman, and suitability for cultivation based on cli-
McSweeney (- mate and soil constraints
Holzkämper et al. Spatiotemporal evaluation and analysis SR, P, T, AET, LGP Agro-climatic indicators Maize Yes
(2011) of climate suitability for different crops
Confalonieri et al. Develop crop suitability software T, heat stress, Drain, Coarse frag- FAO Ecocrop, the Less Favoured Areas Wheat Yes
(2013) ment, OC, sand, clay, Dep, S, EC, (LFA) approach, the Direct Crop
ESP, CaSO4, SM, P, PET Suitability Discriminant (DCSD)
List of abbreviations: Temperature (T), dry month/ length of dry season (DM), Wet month (WM) rainfall (P), soil drainage (Drain), texture (Tex), effective depth
(Dep), cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation percentage (BSP), soil pH (pH), Organic carbon (OC), available nutrient/Fertility (total N, P2O5, K2O), Slope
(S), Aspect (As), Elevation (H), land use land cover (LULC), Topography (Topo), Surface Stoniness (SS), hard pan (HP), hydraulic conductivity (HC), water holding
capacity (WHC), Groundwater (GW), Depth to water-table (DWT), Irrigation/Irrigation Water Use (IWU), Length of growing period (LGP), Post-harvest technology
(PHT), Growing degree days (GDD), Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), electrical conductivity or salinity(EC); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Sodicity (ESP),
surface stoniness/rockiness (SS), Soil groups/Soil types (SG), Soil moisture (SM), depth to water-table (DTW), Temperature degree day (TDD), aridity index (AI),
potential evapotranspiration (PET), solar radiation (SR), Sunshine hours (SH), soil erosion (SE), length of the phenological period (LPP), Gypsum (% CaSO4), Relative
humidity (RH), Boron Toxicity (BT), Soil type (ST), Weighed Overlay (WO) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC).
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