Study Guide PathoPhysiology UCLA N 230 A
Study Guide PathoPhysiology UCLA N 230 A
Study Guide PathoPhysiology UCLA N 230 A
Multiple Choice
14 questions/Cellular adaptation & injury (Chapter 2):
iii. Liquefactive
1. Cause:
a. Ischemic injury to neurons and glial cells; hydrolase
b. bacterial infections (staph, strep, and E. coli) - in these cases,
hydrolases are released from lysosomes of neutrophils
2. Where is it found: brain
3. What does it look like: As the cells are digested by their own
hydrolases, the tissue becomes soft, liquefies, and is walled off from
healthy tissue, forming cysts.
iv. Fat
1. Cause: cellular dissolution caused by powerful enzymes called lipases.
Lipases break down triglycerides, releasing free fatty acids, which then
combine with calcium, magnesium, and sodium ions, creating soaps (a
process known as saponification)
2. Where is it found: breast, pancreas, and other abdominal structures;
places where you would find a great deal of fat
3. What does it look like: opaque and chalk white
6. Know regulation, effects, and abnormalities, and cause of abnormalities for Na+, K+,
and Ca++:
General Guidelines/Concepts for Sodium and Water:
● Sodium - most abundant ECF cation
○ Regulated by Renal effects of Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex and natriuretic
○ Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system - when blood volume or blood pressure is
low, aka Blood Flow to the glomerulus (kidneys) drops → Juxtaglomerular cells (in
kidney) secrete Renin into the bloodstream → Renin travels to the liver → Renin
converts Angiotensinogen in the liver to Angiotensin I → Angiotensin I travels to the
lungs → Angiotensin I is converted into the lungs into Angiotensin II → Angiotensin II
travels to the adrenal glands → Angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal glands to produce
Aldosterone → Aldosterone causes the kidneys to retain Sodium and water → Sodium
and water retention leads to increase in fluid volume and sodium levels
■ Angiotensin has 2 purposes
● Stimulates Aldosterone secretion
● Vasoconstriction - Elevate systemic blood pressure and restores renal
■ The restoration of sodium levels and fluid volume INHIBITS further renin
○ Natriuretic peptides - atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP) - DECREASE blood pressure and INCREASE sodium and water secretion, aka
antagonists to the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system
● Water
○ Regulated by antidiuretic hormone ADH from posterior pituitary
○ Figure 3-4 page 102 of text: When increased Plasma Osmolality or Decreased
Circulating Fluid Volume → Increased Thirst, Increased ADH Secretion, Increased Fluid
Intake, and Decreased Water Excretion → Increased Water Retention → Increased
Circulating Fluid Volume → Decreased Plasma Osmolarity → Decreased ADH and
Decreased Plasma Osmolarity → Decreased ADH and Decreased Thirst
a. Na+ (high) - Hypernatremia: (serum sodium levels >147 mEq/L) may be caused by an
acute increase in sodium or a loss of water. Normal levels 135-145 mEq/L. Water travels
from ICF → ECF [Cells Shrink aka Crenation]. Can be treated in clinical settings with
solution of water containing 0.9% NaCl (normal concentration in blood plasma) in order
to increase levels of water in the body.
7. Water movement between ICF and ECF (osmosis, oncotic pressure, hydrostatic
a. Osmosis: the movement of water “down” a concentration gradient, that is, across a
semipermeable membrane from a region of “higher” water concentration to a “lower”
water concentration. (p.27)
b. Oncotic Pressure: (aka colloid osmotic pressure) The overall osmotic effect of
colloids, such as plasma proteins (eg albumin), creates pressure by large molecules
such as plasma proteins that cannot penetrate the membrane and pulls water towards
the proteins. (p.28)
c. Hydrostatic pressure: the mechanical force of water pushing against cellular
membranes. Filtration is the movement of water and solutes through a membrane
because of a greater pushing pressure (force) on one side of the membrane that on
the other side. eg. In the vascular system, hydrostatic pressure is the blood pressure
generated in blood vessels by the contraction of the heart. Blood reaching the capillary
bed has a hydrostatic pressure of 25 to 30 mmHg, which is enough force to push water
across the thin capillary membranes into the interstitial space. (p.26)
13. SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate ADH) and the effects on fluid/electrolyte balance
a. SIADH (please see #11)
b. SIADH’s effects on fluid/electrolyte balance: SIADH not cause by excess water intake
but by decreased renal excretion of water. Contributes to excess water, thus
hyponatremia occurs.
14. Na & K and repolarization and resting membrane potential (p. 32-33, Chapter 1)
a. This picture may be helpful: http://hyperphysics.phy-
b. Membrane potential steps:
i. Resting membrane potential (RMP): All cells are electrically polarized; inside
of the cell more negatively charged than the outside. The difference in charge
(voltage) is the resting membrane potential (Approx. -70 to -85 millivolts [mV]).
ECF: High [Na+] (sodium concentration) OUTSIDE cell. ICF: High [K+] INSIDE
1. Concentration difference is maintained by the Sodium-Potassium
(Na+-K+) pump: Pump transports Na+ OUT of cell and K+ INTO cell.
(At RMP, always an excess of anions inside of cell, which creates the
negative charge)
ii. Action Potential: Cell’s response to electrochemical stimuli. A stimulus that
exceeds the membrane threshold value causes a rapid change in the resting
membrane potential ⇒ leads to action potential
1. Resting cell stimulated through voltage-regulated channels
2. Cell membranes become more permeable to SODIUM
3. Depolarization:
a. Net movement of sodium INTO cell
b. Membrane potential decreases (“moves forward”) from a
negative charge (mV) to zero
c. Depolarized cell is more positively charged; its polarity is
4. Threshold potential: The critical value (Approx depolarized at +15 to
+20 mV) that must be reach in order to generate an action potential.
a. Threshold is reached, Sodium gates open, Na+ rushes INTO
cell and ↑ positivity of charge
b. Cell continues to depolarize (increase charge to about +30 to
+40 mV)
5. Repolarization: Negative polarity charge gets reestablished.
a. Voltage-gated-sodium channels close, membrane permeability
↓ Na+, but ↑ K+
b. Na+-K+ Pump restores resting potential
c. Absolute Refractory period: During most of action potential, plasma membrane
cannot respond to additional stimulus (only one action potential wave at a time).
related to changes in permeability to sodium
d. Relative Refractory period: Latter phase of action potential. When permeability to
potassium increases and stronger-than normal stimulus can evoke an action potential.
e. Hyperpolarized cell: more NEGATIVE membrane potential (charge difference across
membrane). Less excitable cell (greater charge difference, therefore needs a larger-
than-normal stimulus to reach threshold potential)
f. Hypopolarized cell: more POSITIVE membrane potential. More excitable cell (since it
needs a smaller than normal stimulus to reach its threshold potential)
c. Polyploidy: a condition in which a euploid cell has some multiple of the normal
number of chromosomes. Humans have been observed to have triploidy (three copies
of each chromosome) and tetraploidy (four copies of each chromosome); both
conditions are lethal.
20. Characteristics of
a. Down syndrome:
i. Best-known example of aneuploidy
1. Trisomy 21
ii. 1:800 live births
iii. Risk increases with maternal age
iv. Manifestations
1. Mentally retarded
2. Low (flat) nasal bridge
3. Epicanthal folds
4. Protruding tongue
5. Poor muscle tone
b. Turner syndrome:
i. Females with one X chromosome
ii. Manifestations
1. Absence of ovaries (sterile)
2. Short stature (~4’7”)
3. Webbing of the neck
4. Edema
5. Underdeveloped breasts; wide nipples
6. High number of aborted fetuses
7. X is usually inherited from mother
c. Klinefelter syndrome:
i. Individuals with at least two Xs and one Y chromosome
ii. Some individuals can be XXXY and XXXXY; the abnormalities will increase
with each X
iii. Manifestations
1. Male appearance
2. Develop female-like breasts
3. Small testes
4. Sparse body hair
5. Long limbs
24. Autosomal dominant form of breast cancer (& which genes are responsible?)
a. What is it: Abnormal allele is dominant, normal allele is recessive, and the genes
exist on a pair of autosomes
b. Recurrence risk of an autosomal dominant trait: When one parent is affected by an
autosomal dominant disease and the other is normal, the occurrence and recurrence
risks for each child are one half (50%)
i. However, there can be a wide variation in gene penetration and expression (ex.
reduced penetrance, incomplete penetrance, and variable expressivity)
c. Breast Cancer:
i. BRCA 1 (chromosome 17) and BRCA 2 (chromosome 13) genes involved in
autosomal dominant breast cancer. Accounts for about 5% of breast cancers.
50%-80% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. 20-50% lifetime risk of
developing ovarian cancer.
25. know the response of the adrenal cortex to stress; what does it secrete
a. Under stress, ACTH is released by the anterior pituitary to trigger the activation of the
adrenal cortex in your adrenal glands. Cortisol is, therefore, released by the adrenal
cortex into the blood plasma causing multiple physiological effects (see below #26C &
pg. 343, table 10-4).
27. Know the three stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) and the
pathophysiological response in each and the role of the HPA axis.
a. What is GAS?: Term used to describe the body’s short-term and long-term reaction to
b. Stage 1 + pathophys response: The Alarm Stage: In which the central nervous system
(CNS) is aroused and the body’s defenses are mobilized (i.e., flight or fight)
c. Stage 2 + pathophys response: The Stage of Resistance or Adaptation: During which
mobilization contributes to flight or fight.
d. Stage 3 + pathophys response: The Stage of Exhaustion: In which continuous stress
causes the progressive breakdown of compensatory mechanisms (acquired
adaptations) and homeostasis. The stage of exhaustion, Selye believed, marked the
onset of certain diseases he called diseases of adaptation.
e. What is an HPA Axis (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) Axis) (p. 338):
An endocrine system including interactions among the hypothalamus, pituitary gland,
and adrenal gland. Nonspecific physiologic response identified that consists of
interaction among the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
and other neural signals that activate the endocrine system.
i. Role of HPA Axis: May produce indirect effects on the CNS that modulate
immune responses.
For reference:
(Acidosis) 7.40 (Alkalosis)
Normal Ranges:
PH → 7.35---7.45
PaCO2→ 45---35 (Respiratory)
HCO3→ 22--26 (Metabolic)
1. PH= 7.55
PaCO2= 20
We know PH (7.55) is Alkalosis because it falls above the normal range of 7.35 and 7.45 (see chart
CO2 is Respiratory because it falls below the Normal range of 45 and 35. Since both PH and CO2
are on the Base side, we would say, it is Respiratory Alkalosis.
HCO3 is on the Acid side because it is lower than the normal range of 22 to 26 (see chart above). So,
it Partially Compensate the PH and CO2.
For reference:
(Acidosis) 7.40 (Alkalosis)
Normal Ranges:
PH → 7.35---7.45
PaCO2→ 45---35 (Respiratory)
HCO3→ 22--26 (Metabolic)
2. PH= 7.54
PaCO2= 24
Since we know that PH and CO2 falls under Base (see chart above) and CO3 is within the normal
range the answer will be Uncompensated Respiratory Alkalosis.
For reference:
(Acidosis) 7.40 (Alkalosis)
Normal Ranges:
PH → 7.35---7.45
PaCO2→ 45---35 (Respiratory)
HCO3→ 22--26 (Metabolic)
3. PH= 7.15
In this scenario, PH and CO2 are on the acid side. This becomes Respiratory Acidosis. Remember:
CO2 is Respiratory and if it is under the acid side with the PH it is Respiratory Acidosis! Since the
CO3 is on the Base side this example becomes Partially Compensated Respiratory Acidosis.
For reference:
(Acidosis) 7.40 (Alkalosis)
Normal Ranges:
PH → 7.35---7.45
PaCO2→ 45---35 (Respiratory)
HCO3→ 22--26 (Metabolic)
4. PH= 7.33
In this scenario CO3 and PH are on the Acid side and with CO2 on the Base side. We know that CO3
is Metabolic and PH is acidosis. Since CO2 is partially compensating PH and Co3, the answer is
Partially Compensated Metabolic Acidosis.
For reference:
(Acidosis) 7.40 (Alkalosis)
Normal Ranges:
PH → 7.35---7.45
PaCO2→ 45---35 (Respiratory)
HCO3→ 22--26 (Metabolic)
5. PH= 7.17
In this example we have a PH of 7.17 which is below the normal range and thus, acidic. We have
CO3 which is also acidic at 12 and CO2 within normal range. Since there is nothing to compensate
PH and CO3 on the acidic side, the answer will be Uncompensated Metabolic Acidosis.
PH+CO3 on Acid side and CO2 in Normal range= Uncompensated Metabolic Acidosis
PH in normal range but slightly leaning towards Base***** + CO3 on Base and CO2 on Acid=
Compensated Metabolic Alkalosis
PH in normal rage but slightly leaning towards Acid + CO3 on Acid and CO2 on Base side=
Compensated Metabolic Acidosis.
*****A PH of 7.40 would be the midpoint. So if an example is given where you had a PH
between the normal range (7.35 to 7.45), a CO2 either in base or acid range, and a CO3 in
either base or acid range based on your PH you would determine if it is closer to acid or base.
For example, a PH of 7.36 is closer to acid and a PH of 7.44 is closer to base. Based on that, you
would say whether it is “respiratory or metabolic.”