4a - White Paper Logistics Research in India PDF
4a - White Paper Logistics Research in India PDF
4a - White Paper Logistics Research in India PDF
Contents 1. Introduction
CONTENTS ..................................................................... 1 General introduction
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
of 40 to 80 publications. The other fourteen Not surprisingly, the findings largely correspond to
institutions are more or less far behind. Interestingly, those concerning the most important institutions. The
the top 5 institutions are all IITs. This indicates that eleven researchers that are most productive with
research in the area of logistics and SCM can mainly regard to the field of logistics and SCM are working at
be found at the more technically-oriented institutions one of the IITs. When compared to the absolute
in India. numbers of researchers identified for each institution,
it becomes clear that there typically are a small
number of very influential researchers that accounts
for a great share of the overall publications of an
institution. Prof. Ravi Shankar and Prof. Deshmukh at
the IIT Delhi are striking examples. The high amount
of researchers at many of the institutions that only
contributed to a small share of the overall
publications, are most probably PhD students
working at the institutions for a limited time only.
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
3.1 Prevailing topics and institutions of In the hot-spots of logistics research in India (e.g.
logistics research in India Chennai, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Roorkee,
Kolkata and Kharagpur) interviews were carried out
In this section, we provide an overview of the most with the identified experts. The major areas of
active institutions and their main specializations in research interest at the business and technical-
logistics research. There are experts in supply chain oriented departments were found to be:
management, transport logistics and internal logistics
as well as operations research. But most of the Operations research
interviewed researchers are focused on supply chain Supply chain management, related to
contracts, reverse logistics, automotive
management. In the field of transport logistics,
logistics, post logistics, health-care
researchers put their main focus on transportation operations and pharmaceutical supply chain,
systems and planning. Researchers at technical aerospace logistics
based institutions are rather specialized in operations Closed loop supply chains
research and optimizations. Heuristics for decision making
Optimization and planning of inventory and
Using the results from the literature review, we the food supply chain
identified the institutions and researchers most active Warehousing
in the field of supply chain management. The second Resource planning
part of the study revealed that most of the Communication networks
Facility layout and location problems (facility
researchers are in groups related to public systems
and transportation. They are primarily located in the Risk management in humanitarian supply
civil engineering departments and management chains
departments. The most active institutions with a focus Scheduling in the supply chain
on logistics are IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, Pricing and revenue management
IIT Roorkee and IIT Bombay. The research in the Planning and control in manufacturing
area of logistics and SCM can mainly be found at the Quality management and service quality
Operations research applications
more technically-oriented institutions. Further
Rural technology
research capacities in SCM and transport logistics Supply chain modeling, risks and issues for
are located in departments of management studies logistics management and green supply
and civil engineering. chains
Computer simulation of the distribution chain
At almost every IIT, particularly IIT Bombay, there
was evidence of active interest in SCM. Similarly, The transport-oriented institutions are specialized in:
almost every IIM, particularly Ahmedabad, Calcutta Infrastructure and transportation systems
and Kochi, had logistics-focused research specialists. Transport policies and logistics sector
There are several further institutions, which focus on policies: optimizing the regulation structure,
logistics issues in research, namely: liberalizations as well as barrier analysis
Designing transportation networks for freight
ITM University of Gurgaon transport modes (rail, water, road, air)
Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport at Optimizing the supply chain and logistics
the Center for Environmental Planning and management practices related to
Technology (CEPT University) infrastructure
MDI Gurgaon Policy recommendation and consultancy
Institute of Defense Strategy and Analysis Transportation operations and planning
(mainly military logistics) Railway operations
Indian Railway Institute of Logistics and Food supply chain management
Materials Management Operations research applications in the
Indian Institute of Logistics in Chennai and aviation sector
Kochi Modeling of traffic flow and driver behavior
Indian Institute of Materials Management in Origin-destination models regarding freight
New Delhi Solid waste management
Indian School of Business Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
3.2 Current trends in logistics research 3.3 Existing academic and industry
cooperations in logistics research
Regarding the topic of globalization, 6 out of 15
institutions work on 8 specific projects in this field. Cooperations between research institutes
Their specific focus is on outsourcing, global supply
Figure 3 shows the distribution of academic research
chain management, risk management and global
cooperations of the selected institutions. Most of
issues for logistics and transport modes.
these institutions have active research collaborations
Further, researchers are very active in the field of with the US, Europe and the UK. They also have
environment and resource protection. In total 21 about 10 contacts to German institutions. Within India
projects of 11 institutions are related to this topic. they collaborate with other IITs and IIMs. They are
They are working on green logistics and also well connected with Chinese universities. There
technologies, intermodal transportation systems, are some other connections with France, the
urban planning and reducing the carbon impact in the Netherlands, Canada, Thailand, Taiwan and Saudi
field of transportation and logistics as well as reverse Arabia. The activities are mainly focused on
logistics including environmental aspects. Also closed exchange programs for students and faculty
loop supply chains from a waste perspective and the members with foreign universities (e.g. DAAD).
construction and optimization of transportation These relationships are very formal. However,
infrastructure to reduce the carbon foot print are outside India, Indian researchers are mainly active in
important topics. the US and UK. They are working on joint projects in
logistics and transportation issues. Often they work
When it comes to the topic of innovations in
together on benchmarking studies. If they have
technology there are only 5 institutions active in this
common interest in a specific field, they research
field. They develop RFID systems, ICTs and green
together in common projects and work on joint
channeling systems to improve performance in the
transportation sector and the supply chains in cities.
Furthermore, 5 institutions currently research in the
area of security and risk on 7 projects. They mainly
look at risks in supply chains, especially in the food
supply chains.
Also, 4 departments concentrate on politics,
regulations and compliance with regard to logistic
issues. They currently work in the field of public
private partnerships in the transportation sector and Figure 3: Academic research cooperations
the standardization of regulations at national level
(e.g. toll structure). Within India, everyone has his own network of
collaborative research in his or her own work domain.
The research topic infrastructure development and All faculties carry out joint research in rather informal
improvement of material and transport flows is groups of researchers that meet at conferences and
worked on by 4 institutions. They focus on port and seminars. IITs for example, have an integrated IIT
railway optimization, improving the hinterland system where they carry out joint projects with other
infrastructure, intermodal transport, railway and port IITs in certain funded initiatives. They train their
connectivity and urban logistics planning regarding students and exchange the capacities to other IITs.
last mile distribution as well as logistics nodes. Aside The formal way would be to offer exchange programs
from intermodal transport, they also try to promote for researchers and students though. In general, they
water-based transport. are connected through some joint programs and
However, most of the research in this sector is some course delivery (e.g. guest lecture) as well
carried out by private consultancy firms specific to some common research agendas, but always
industry requirements, which makes it inaccessible to depending on personal relationships rather than
the public. At the end, policy level strategies are officially set-up collaborations. Overall, there is not
available, but industry specific research is mostly only much of a culture for interdisciplinary research within
possible through consultancy firms. the IIT and IIM system. Only within a few universities,
the logistics-oriented researchers work together on
several projects with computer scientists (e.g. IIT
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
A few government agencies on national and state researchers are also active in these forums though.
level are active in and work on logistics and They provide conferences and seminars for common
transportation issues. 7 national associations were knowledge exchange in this field. However, these
found in India for specific logistics and transportation clusters are very small and there is no national
topics. These associations are common platforms for network and no dedicated logistics institution at a
researchers and the industry to exchange their country level.
knowledge in this field. They hold annual
conferences, seminars and workshops with the main
focus on logistics and transportation where they 4. Current logistics issues and trends in
discuss the current issues and problems in this field India
(see Table 2).
4.1 Increased outsourcing of logistics services
networks and to a developing market
clusters The logistics and supply chain management sector is
Ministry of Service Road
National very informal and fragmented and most of its actors
Transportation and Highways
government are not very sophisticated. Informal sector, in this
organizations National Highways Authority context, means that they are performing logistics
State tasks, but almost only with low-tech vehicles and
government State roads departments often without warehouses. There are many logistics
organizations service providers consisting of only one or two
Confederation of Indian Industries persons owning one or two trucks which are not very
(CII) organized and whose workload is very volatile.
Loyola, Institute of Business Especially in the big cities, there are a vast number of
Administration in Chennai (LIBA) unorganized small truck owners and service
Federation of Indian Chambers of providers for last mile distribution.
Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Associations Production and Operations Yet, there also are a few larger companies that
Management Association operate big fleets of well-coordinated vehicles with
Society of Transport Management different capacities. This is rather the exception
Society of Operations though and there is no consolidation of that sector
Management within a lobby. There is only the CII or the FICCI.
Supply Chain Operational
Also, there are no guidelines for traffic tariffs and their
Indian Technical and Economic payment, which complicates the situation
Cooperation (ITEC for international significantly. This especially is a big issue in the last
cooperation by the Ministry of mile distribution.
External Affairs in disaster relief
programs Since many companies in the manufacturing sector
IBSA forum: members from India, are growing in size, non-core activities are being
Brazil and South Africa outsourced. City level warehousing is often given
Table 2: Logistics networks and clusters to small players who have their local warehouses,
which then outsource warehouse management to
The CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Institute of
other companies. The transport sector is so
Logistics (CIL) in Chennai is a center of excellence in
fragmented that lots of activities are outsourced to
logistics and supply chain management and a
smaller players what is even increasing with the
common platform for researchers and industry
manufacturing and retail sector growing in size.
representatives to discuss specific issues and
Because of SC complexity, time and cost of end-to-
solutions in this field. Further associations related to
end delivery are quite high and companies often have
logistics are the Federation of Indian Chambers of
high inventories because their competencies are low.
Commerce and Industry, the Production and
Another issue is that 51 % of the retail sector is
Operations Management Association, the Society of
composed by multinational companies. Despite the
Transport Management, the Society of Operations
growth of the retail sector, integrated value added
Management and the Supply Chain Operational
services and reverse logistics have not yet been
Research. Most of the members in these societies
explored for these big supply chains.
are mostly from the industry. Some of the
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
However, in the Indian industry there is a high focus time limits. Also, safety regulations are very poor
on logistics and supply chain management right now. what gets even worse when considering road and
Recently, the 3PL industry has been growing and traffic conditions. The trucks of TATA for example
holds a high value for multinational companies since have a capacity of 12 tons, but loads of less than 18
warehouse owners will soon be offering a lot of value tons are rather exceptions, since people either do not
added services. For now, local warehousing care or simply do not know better. Hence, there is a
companies take care of warehousing and last mile high rate of accidents at loading facilities and on
distribution in rather manual and paper-based way. roads. Safety laws do exist, but their
But, as the complexity is increasing, the IT sector is implementation and enforcement is very
about to pitch in and provide more sophisticated problematic. There are some safety-related areas
warehousing technologies, especially for the retail where the laws are even less efficient. In contrast to
sector. Regarding automation and the use of crash testing and safety checks that are
technology, high-tech is mostly not affordable for mandatory for cars and motorcycles prior to market
small service providers. Hence, mostly rather lower launch, for trucks and buses this is not the case.
technologies or even no technology at all is being Despite the lack of regulation in this area, single
used in practice. As soon as the sector consolidates vehicle components are produced by many different
further and major players arise, technologies like manufacturers so that crash test results are not valid
GPS tracking, ERP solutions or other IT systems will for the entire vehicle.
become more common.
Concerning infrastructure, the government dedicates
In the trucking sector, the development of large fleet some routes only for trucks. But the major problem is
owners is increasing and many of them are moving that there is no standardization of the quotes of
into niche markets (e.g. dairy product distribution) logistics service providers. The tax structure in India
and fairly sophisticated services. Large companies is a further problem. When crossing borders between
are even going further, as for example Tata, which is states, trucks often have to endure long waiting
setting up a company called Tata Infrastructure that times at checkpoints because most states have
includes a large-scale division especially for “Tata- different tax structures. Some states only charge
branded” warehousing what can be considered a big an entry tax, but at most borders all the freight papers
step in the right direction. need to be checked due to sales tax issues between
the states. In addition to that there are also tolls for
4.2 Safety issues and inefficient regulations road usage. The problem related to tolls is that a lot
Regarding risk or safety in the supply chains, it of road improvements are currently happening so that
might not be easy to change the behavior within the the shift towards electronic tolling is coming very
informal sector towards more safety. Especially the slowly and payments mostly still have to be done
human risks are a major issue in India compared to manually. However, interstate taxation regulations
European countries. Providers mostly overload trucks are still the major issue affecting logistics compared
and have an enormous rate of death since they to tolling problems. Finally, the overcoming of these
mostly do not consider investing in security measures tax obstacles and the standardization of the tax
due to cost reasons. structure in India are a political process that will still
take some time.
Concerning storage and warehouse related risks,
the fragmented private logistics companies do not 4.3 Coping with infrastructure deficiencies
cooperate well along the logistic chains, what makes
India has to expand and improve its infrastructure
these risks to a big common issue. Only big
and further interconnect the existing infrastructure in
companies like Tata have their own in-house
order to optimize the material and traffic flows,
departments that can manage the risks along the
especially for commercial traffic. The loading on
whole supply chain effectively. Risk management in
seaports and airports is very inefficient, mostly due to
global SCs, especially financial risks, are another
issues with the responsible authorities.
important issue to be considered in the future.
Economic growth is driving demand in transport and
A further problem area is regulation. In certain ways,
with a losing market share of railways most of the
there is a lack regulations and regulation
goods are being moved by road. India is considered
implementation. Regarding trucks, there is a high
a manufacturing hub and freight volumes have
tendency to overloading and exceeding the driving
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
drastically increased. Also mining has boomed due to The development in the transportation sector is huge
several changes in mining policies so that the though. It is growing about 10% per year, but only in
movement of minerals within India and abroad has scale. A lot of freight was done by rail in the past, but
increased dramatically. This issue puts lot of now truck transportation is increasing, because the
pressure on the road and rail networks, especially roads have been improved. Also, the truck sector is
since illegal mining, which is a big issue in India, is growing faster than the railway sector and private
completely handled by road. seaports are coming up. The greatest potentials are
in the intermodal logistics nodes for transport
The Indian railways are still a monopolistic
networking and transport distribution since there
organization with a huge network and an integrated
also is some political interest in this area. In fact,
system with 16 zones and 75 divisions, which is not
Mumbai or Chennai are candidates for being an
yet ready to be opened up for private ownership. This
intermodal hub, because there is a high rate of traffic,
institution is a department of the government and a
industrial activities and a sea port. Yet, an intermodal
huge entity with approximately around 100.000
approach for these hubs is not yet being developed.
employees. However, it is only one single inflexible
company that has difficulties to associate with outside The improvement of logistics nodes is a key issue
partners. Even though there are initiatives for and requires an integrated local initiative of the
improvement, they all need to be approved through a different players in that sector. But these players only
very long and inefficient internal process. The railway might come together if they see some a common
infrastructure is still on a stage of “not yet broken financial motivation in their cooperation since all the
down”, other sectors are doing better though. There different types of necessary investments need to be
is work being done in the areas of development of made by different actors. But right now there are too
locomotives, manufacturing of coaches, catering on many independent players that are not working
trains, constructing lines, operating services, pricing together. These intermodal issues primarily arise
and scheduling. However, rail construction and because the industry is the main user of the public
signaling equipment installations are still done by roads, but does not have any incentive or even
companies like Siemens. All in all, there is a huge permission to invest in these roads. The government
potential and interest in railways. is rather interested in the main backbone than in the
hinterland distribution since the traffic flows are
The use of inland waterways, primary in the east,
probably not big enough to justify large investments.
connecting Calcutta and the ports in Orissa to the
mines, has been explored, but inland waterways In this context, PPPs (Public Private Partnerships)
have been a huge failure since the water levels are are a key issue. The objective is to involve the private
too low and fresh water is rather used for sector in road infrastructure improvements since
consumption and agriculture than for transportation. commercial traffic would get facilitated this way.
Further, the inland waterway network is not PPPs are an issue that has a lot of potential on both,
maintained at all so that there is a complex set of academic and government level so that there are a
problems in that area. lot of options for collaborations. Finally, there are
many schemes related to infrastructure where the
Today, warehousing and rail-road interfacing are
government is looking for academic input.
major issues concerning sustainability and transport
costs. Bulk is being moved by rail since railway lines Regarding urban distribution on the last mile, it is
can be connected directly to mines or big very difficult to serve single parcels to customers
manufacturing plants. For consumer goods and since in most Indian cities the infrastructure is not
durables on the other hand, there is a significant flow developed enough for parcel services and the urban
between Mumbai and Delhi or Ahmadabad that still areas are not very familiar with this kind of logistics.
needs to be done by truck because the interfacing is Urban freight logistics is a big area of concern
still not good enough. where not enough is being done. In cities like
Ahmadabad or Delhi, during the day, trucks are not
Regarding the promotion of intermodal transport
allowed on the main roads. One problem is that
policy makers decide and researchers depend on
trucks come in the night and create massive traffic
these decisions. An intermodal approach is not yet
congestions since they all start moving at the same
planned in India so that there is not much significant
time (in Delhi for example). The other problem is that
work being done to improve logistics nodes and
there are additional handling issues for larger trucks
promote intermodal transport.
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
since they are not allowed inside the city. In this and food chains. So finally, the agricultural,
context, warehouses around the city need to be processed food and cold chains need to be improved
booked in order to move the goods to small vehicles significantly. Therefore, the government is currently
for retail distribution. As a result, urban last mile making substantial investments in this area, mainly in
distribution is a huge issue in India. the food chains though.
However, the infrastructure corridor Delhi-Mumbai
4.5 Lack of specialized training and education
and the related freight corridors for rail are currently
being developed. Also between Delhi, Jawaharlal Even though the logistics sector is growing, whether
Nehru Port and Calcutta dedicated rail freight it is roads, aviation, railways, containers or the use of
corridors are being developed. The involved parties various modes of transport, the amount of students
are also planning to build a high number of logistics and the technical knowledge in the sector is quite
clusters and container freight stations (CFS) along low. But in the manufacturing part of the curriculum,
these corridors. Regarding multimodal logistics hubs, people have an understanding of different
primarily between road and rail, optimal locations still technologies so that they can find a natural way to
need to be identified. Also the connectivity from the enter those sectors. In the areas of logistics there is a
mines (minerals) to the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial great need for education, but there are not enough
Corridor is being improved. Furthermore, other institutions that offer training in logistics. Compared to
container freight stations are currently being planned. engineering and manufacturing, where students
This includes hubs in the Delhi region, at Chennai intensively learn the topic and finally can get their
international airport on the east coast, at the National qualification certified, in the area of logistics and
Capital Region in north central, at Jawaharlal Nehru transport, this is only very rare, since there is a lack
Port on the west coast and in Chennai on the east of specialized educational training institutes in this
coast. Also an aviation hub in Nagpur (center of India) sector. However, the skill development efforts in the
is being planned. transportation, warehousing and packaging sector
are an important trend. Not only skills, but also
Substantial improvements are necessary since
attitude and behavior are important in managing
logistics can only be managed effectively when the
supply chains and need to be dramatically improved.
infrastructure is good. There is a focus on national
The academic institutions do not cooperate well with
highway development that includes expressways,
other institutions so that knowledge is not being
super expressways and air linkages. Also the
shared and developed efficiently.
aviation sector has grown tremendously, but
infrastructure related to civil aviation still needs to be
developed much further. Nashik, Gurgaon and Kochi
5. Summary of study results and outlook
are new logistics clusters or hubs. A major dry port
near Delhi is a hub for distributing within the country. Taking the overview of the scientific activities in the
field of logistics in India as a starting point, the
4.4 Major issues in cold and food chains current situation and especially the current ‘state of
the art situation’ were presented and current research
There are many activities in the area of cold and food
projects, networks, clusters and trends in this field
chain management due increased government
were identified to provide starting points for research
initiative and funding in this area. India has an old but
cooperations. The target is to establish and intensify
quite good public distribution system for movements
cooperation with the clusters of logistics and logistics
of food across the country. The major food crops are
research in India, in order to develop innovative and
in localized pockets near to Delhi and are distributed
sustainable concepts with Indian and German
all over the country from there. The crops need to be
companies as well as research institutions. In the
delivered to warehouses in order to be processed
medium term an Indo-German platform could be
though. Warehousing in food supply chains is a very
established by the government with the Indian and
big problem in this case. Agricultural SCM is rather
German researchers to support an effective
unorganized and inefficient and the public distribution
communication and information, research and
system in food SCs is not very effective either. There
education transfer.
is a lot of wastage during storage, lead times are high
and security issues are not considered. The aim The first task was to contact potential research
would be to develop good warehouses, cold chains partners and to get a feeling of the meaning of
Analysis of the Logistics Research in India – White Paper
This research was partially supported by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
under contract IND 11/A15. The author bears sole
responsibility for the content of this article.