Arts 3480

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ARTS 3480


SEMESTER 1, 2010



Staff contact details 3

Course details 3
Rationale for the inclusion of content and teaching approach 4
Teaching strategies 4
Assessment 5
Academic honesty and plagiarism 7
Course schedule 7
Expected resources for students 7
Course evaluation and development 8
Other important information 8

Staff contact details

Course convener and Dr Alexis Tabensky (AT)

lecturer Room MB 280 (Morven Brown Building)
Phone: 9385 2417, Email:
Consultation times: Monday 2-3, Thursday 2-3, and by

Tutors Ms Valérie Combe-Germes (VC)

Room MB 271 (Morven Brown Building)
Phone: 9385 2315, Email:
Consultation times: Monday 1-2, Thursday 1-2, and by

Ms Michèle Roger (MR)

Room MB 271 (Morven Brown Building)
Phone: 9385 2315, Email:
Consultation times: Thursday 1-2

Course details

Units of credit: 6
4 hours per week: 2 lectures (Monday 11-12 and Wednesday 10-11), plus 2 hour tutorials.
There are three tutorial groups (Thursday 10-12, Thursday 2-4, Thursday 4-6). Please
check online handbook for venue.

Summary of the course

Advanced French A is designed for students with a solid knowledge of French equivalent
to four semesters of learning the language at university level. This course provides an
intensive program of French language in all skills, from a communicative and task-based
approach. Students will practice their listening and reading skills and learn to communicate
ideas in discussions and short essays. All instruction is conducted in French, in face-to-
face mode and with online supports. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are presented
in the context of culturally relevant issues. Topics may include the role of the press,
Internet shopping, and the French education system. Cross-cultural matters are also

Aims of the course

1. This course will enable students to gain an informed understanding of French and
Francophone experiences, cultures, societies and world views, through an intensive
study of the French language.
2. Emphasis is placed on the development of linguistic and communicative
competencies at the advanced level as well as a critical approach of cultural issues
in French speaking societies.

Student learning outcomes

At the conclusion of this course you will be able to:
1. Initiate and sustain spontaneous conversations on a reasonably wide range of
2. Explain and synthetise the content of spoken and written documents through oral
and written communication.
3. Present a point of view, a narrative or some factual information through oral and
written communication.
4. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of, and use a good range of linguistic structures.
5. Discuss some current events and issues in Francophone societies, related to topics
such as consumerism, education and the role of the press.
6. Compare critically these behaviors with their counterparts in your own culture.

Graduate attributes
These outcomes entail an improvement of language proficiency, in terms of the theoretical
knowledge of the language and also the use of more elaborate styles of communication in
French. The teaching in this course is interactive and based on tasks that promote critical
thinking skills about language and culture. This fosters the following UNSW graduate
1. The capacity for analytical and critical thinking and for creative problem-solving in
French Studies.
2. The ability to engage in independent and reflective learning in French Studies.
3. An appreciation of, and respect for, diversity in language and culture.
4. A capacity to contribute to, and work within, the international community.
5. The skills required for collaborative and multidisciplinary work.
6. The skills of effective communication.

Rationale for the inclusion of content and teaching approach

The course is based on the principle that language and culture are intrinsically linked and
form a social system, therefore languages and cultures are learnt more effectively when
students have the opportunity to use the language in context. This is achieved in class
through collaborative peer interaction and inclusive teaching strategies, all supported by a
variety of authentic documents, together with on-line materials and activities. In addition,
the teacher will endeavour to draw on the students’ personal experiences in a climate of
mutual respect between all participants, with the aim of making the learning experience
more relevant, engaging and fun.

Teaching strategies

The lectures are delivered in French to increase students’ listening comprehension skills.
The cultural topics of the course are introduced with the support of various media.
Linguistic topics are presented and discussed within the context of the thematic contents.
Students are expected to prepare for the lectures by listening and reading the prescribed
materials on the textbook or online.

The tutorials give students the opportunity to develop their interactive skills and to use the
French language in context. This is achieved by means of a variety of language tasks most
of which require students to prepare in advance. All language skills are practiced in this
The online component of the course allows students to prepare for the lessons and to
revise regularly in order to reinforce learning. Students also use this platform to engage in
interactive tasks that complete classroom interactions. There are also some additional
materials for independent study.

The language of instruction and of communication is French, and students will be

expected to use the language in all their classes. In order to increase exposure and
practice of the language, students are also encouraged to speak French out of class, with
their fellow students and with their teachers.

Students are also advised to:

• Keep a folder with the course materials as a resource for revision and study.
• Attend all classes, including the lectures.
• Revise for each class the contents taught in the previous class.
• Access the online site of this course as indicated in the program and, in general, to
keep informed of the course progress.


Language gains can only be achieved gradually and through regular and sustained
practice; this is why you are expected to take active part in all the language tasks set in the
program. Participation is essential in all classes and preparations will be controlled in class
each week. Students should make sure they spend at least four hours per week out of
class on their French; this includes preparations, homework, assignments and
independent work.



Class work • Regular completion of 20% Weekly

Preparations, grammar preparations and homework.
homework, participation at • Quality of your linguistic
classroom and online tasks performance.
• Effective cooperation at all class

Learning outcomes 1, 2, 3.

Assignment 1 • Adequacy (correct interpretation 10% Week 4

Reading (an authentic of what is proposed in the text).
written text, followed by • Accuracy (few or no major
questions). language mistakes).
• Communication (answers must
be easily understood by the

Learning outcomes 2, 4.
Assignment 2 • Expression (vocabulary and 10% Week 6
Written composition (original fluency).
written text of 250 words on • Accuracy (few or no major
a given topic and format). language mistakes).
• Structure (well formed text and
compliance with the required
• Interest of content and ideas.

Learning outcomes 3, 4, 6.

Assignment 3 • The quality of the preparation 20% Week 8

Prepared discussion • The quality of your linguistic
(recorded in class, in small performance during the
groups and on a given topic) discussion
• The capacity to contribute to the
group discussion

Learning outcomes 1, 3, 5.

Grammar tests • Accuracy (correct answers). 20% Week 5

Two tests on the grammar and 12
items studied during the (10%
semester; typical questions each)
can be completion,
transformation, multiple
choice. Learning outcome 4.

Language Tests • Correct interpretation of the 20% Week

Listening (comprehension of contents. 12 and
a short video document), • Critical understanding of the 13
and Reading/Writing issues presented. (10%
(comprehension of a one- • Correct use of French. each)
page text).
Learning outcomes 2, 4, 5, 6.

The assessment tasks will be available from the course website, as follows: preparations
and homework, in the folder called “COURS”, in the respective teaching week;
assignments, in the folder called “DEVOIRS”. A list of the contents included in the tests
will also be available in the folder called “TESTS”.

All results are reviewed at the end of each semester and may be modulated to ensure
equitable marking across the School.

Audio-visual materials will be accessible on line; there are computer labs in rooms LG47
and LG49 (MB, Lower Ground Floor) to this effect; audio documents will also be available
in rooms MB106 and MB107 in self-access mode (please check times on the doors). You
need your ID card to access these rooms at all times. If you experience difficulties please
consult the TRC administrator, room MB105 immediately.

Academic honesty and plagiarism

To make sure you write your assignments effectively and responsibly, e.g. avoiding
plagiarism, you are strongly advised to complete the following online tutorials:

• UNSW Study Skills Tutorial – ELISE, at:
• Plagiarism & Academic Integrity, at:

Please note, completing assignments with the help of a private tutor or a competent
French speaker, and submitting them as your own, is also a form of plagiarism.

Course schedule

A table of lecture topics and tasks for each week, together with assignments and class
preparation, is available as a separate document.

Expected resources for students

DOLLEZ C., PONS S., Alter Ego 3, Hachette FLE.
CAQUINEAU-GUNDUZ M.P. et al., Les exercices de grammaire, corrigés intégrés,
Niveau B1, Hachette FLE.

Additional books:
A grammar reference book can be helpful when you write your assignments or you do
your grammar exercises. The following are recommended:

• DELATOUR Y. et al., Nouvelle Grammaire du français, Hachette FLE.

This book is the companion of Les 500 exercices de grammaire avec corrigés, and
is used as a resource in the course.
• VERCOLLIER A. et al., Difficultés expliquées du français... for English Speakers,
CLE International.
This book compares some aspects of both grammars and is very useful for students
who lack confidence in dealing with English grammar

You also need a good bilingual dictionary for this course; pocket size dictionaries will
not be sufficient for the type of work you will be doing. If you are considering majoring
in French you are advised to try and purchase the biggest size dictionary you can
afford. The following are suggested:
• Collins-Robert French-English/English-French Dictionary, Collins.
• Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary, Oxford.

Some recommended websites

• Dictionaries and language resources

• French newspapers « Le Monde » « Libération »

• Francophone radio and television channels France 2 TV5Monde. The first international Francophone
Television Channel offers entertainment and excellent resources to learn French Radio France Internationale. News, reportages, interviews, music,
language exercises, podcast, etc. An excellent tool for the practice of listening skills.

Students seeking additional resources can also obtain assistance from the UNSW Library.
One starting point for assistance is:

Course evaluation and development

Student feedback is gathered periodically using various means, including the Course and
Teaching Evaluation and Improvement (CATEI) Process. Student feedback is taken
seriously, and continual improvements are made to the course based in part on such

Other important information

Assignments Submission and Return

• Assignments must be submitted by the due date in person to the lecturer/tutor or in the
School Assignment Box (School Reception Desk, Level 2, Morven Brown Building).
Electronic submissions will not be accepted.
• All assignments must have a properly completed School Assessment Coversheet, with
the declaration signed and dated by hand. It can be downloaded from
• It is individual students’ responsibility to make a backup copy of the assignment prior to
submission and retain it.
• The cut-off time for all assignment submissions in the School is 4pm of the stated due
• Late assignments will incur a penalty. Of the total mark, 3% will be deducted each day
for the first week, with Saturday and Sunday counting as two days, and 10% each
week thereafter.
• The penalty may not apply where students are able to provide documentary evidence of
illness or serious misadventure. See Special Consideration below.
• Time pressure resulting from undertaking assignments for other courses does not
constitute an acceptable excuse for lateness.
• Assignments will be returned in person in class. To collect an assignment, you are
required to be its owner/author. For this reason, please remember to bring your student
ID card with you.
• For the full School Protocol on Assignment Submission & Return, see also
Attendance and Absence
Students are expected to be regular and punctual in attendance at all classes in the
courses in which they are enrolled. Explanations of absences from classes or requests for
permission to be absent from classes should be discussed with the teacher and where
applicable accompanied by a medical certificate. If students attend less than 80% of their
possible classes they may be refused final assessment.

Examination materials
It is students’ responsibility to bring pens, erasers, and/or pens that are required for
examinations conducted outside the formal examination period. The formal examination
period runs from Friday, 11 June through Monday, 28 June in Semester 1 (Provisional)
and from Friday, 29 October through Tuesday, 16 November in Semester 2 (Provisional).
Students are advised that all answers must be written in ink, while pencils and erasers
may be needed in the case of a multiple choice examination.
Other examination materials, such as examination booklets, are provided by the School.

myUNSW is the single online access point for UNSW services and information, integrating
online services for applicants, commencing & current students and UNSW staff. myUNSW
is a great resource for further information not listed in this course outline. To visit
myUNSW please see the link below:,ou=People,dc=unsw

For an A to Z guide on student services and related information, please visit:

Occupational Health and Safety

UNSW's Occupational Health and Safety Policy requires each person to work safely and
responsibly, in order to avoid personal injury and to protect the safety of others.

For all matters relating to Occupational Health, Safety and environment, see

• Students must report any hazards or incidents and any injuries or illnesses acquired
during the course of their study, especially if it results in their being unable to pursue
their studies for a continuous period of 7 or more days. The relevant reporting forms
are available in all school offices and are accessible on the web. Download reporting
forms here.
• The Occupational Health, Safety and Environment section in the Risk Management
Unit organises and participates in orientation and training courses for students
throughout the year via the schools. Students are encouraged to attend these
sessions. Undergraduate and postgraduate student representatives are nominated for
the school OHS committees and level 1 OHS Committee.
• Students working at night on campus are advised to use the Unibeat service arranged
by phoning Security on Tel: +61 2 9385 6000 to accompany them safely to the car park
areas. They should be familiar with the procedures to follow in the event of an
emergency, and should know the location of emergency exits, fire-fighting equipment,
first-aid cabinets and telephones.
• All emergencies are to be reported to Security on Tel: 9385 6666. Students should also
know the telephone number of their Building First Aid Officer, the University Health
Service Tel: +61 2 9385 5425 and their supervisor’s contact telephone number for
emergency purposes. They should co-operate fully in the conduct of any building
evacuation drill which is carried out in the school within which they are working and
should be aware of any special instructions which might be relevant in the event of an
accident involving their project. Students may only work after-hours in accordance with
school policy.
• All students have obligations as ‘persons’ under Sections 21, 24 & 25 of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and OHS Regulation 2001. It is essential
students read their legal obligations, which can be found at the following website: under NSW Acts and Consolidated regulations.

Special Consideration
In cases where illness or other circumstances produce repeated or sustained absence,
students should apply for Special Consideration as soon as possible. Forms are available
from Student Central on the ground floor of the Chancellery (opposite the Library) or online
at the link below. Applications on the grounds of illness must be filled in by a medical
practitioner. Further information is available at:

Student Equity and Diversity

Students who have a disability that requires some adjustment in their learning and
teaching environment are encouraged to discuss their study needs with the course
convener prior to, or at the commencement of the course, or with the Student Equity
Officers (Disability) in the Student Equity and Diversity Unit (9385 4734). Information for
students with disabilities is available at:

Issues to be discussed may include access to materials, signers or note-takers, the

provision of services and additional examination and assessment arrangements. Early
notification is essential to enable any necessary adjustments to be made

School Contact Information

School Office
Location: Room 258, Morven Brown Building (map ref. C20)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Telephone: (61 2) 9385 1681
Facsimile: (61 2) 9385 2666

Mailing Address
School of Languages and Linguistics
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052

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