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(Board of Architects Malaysia)

for Professional Architects, registered Architects and
registered Building Draughtsmen


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a life-long learning process that

maintains, enhances or increases the knowledge and skills of Professional Architects,
registered Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen to ensure their knowledge
and ability are relevant to the needs of society.

The relevant Code of Conduct under the Architects Rules 1996 impose an obligation
on Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered Building
Draughtsmen to exercise a reasonable standard of skill and diligence normally
expected and accepted by the profession. Towards this requirement, the Board
encourages Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered Building
Draughtsmen to advocate CPD as the responsibility of each individual.


For the purpose of these Guidelines: -

‘approved’ means approved by the Board of Architects Malaysia;

‘Board’ means the Board of Architects Malaysia;
‘CPD’ means Continuing Professional Development;
‘CPD credit point’ means the number of points accredited by the Board for an
approved event;
‘CPD event’ means the activity that is approved by the Board which qualifies for
CPD credit point;

‘PAM’ means Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia;

‘Professional Architect’ means a person registered under subsection 10(2) of the
Architects Act 1967;
‘RBDAM’ means Registered Building Draughtsmen Association of Malaysia;
‘registered Architect’ means a person registered under subsection 10(1) of the
Architects Act 1967;
‘registered Building Draughtsman’ means a Building Draughtsman registered under
Part V of the Architects Act 1967.
‘registered person’ means a Professional Architect, registered Architect or registered
Building Draughtsman.
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3.1 In respect of Professional Architects and registered Architects, Sections 13(2)

of the Architects Act 1967 provides the following:

“The registration may, subject to this Act, be renewed annually upon

payment of the prescribed fee and upon satisfying such conditions as
may be determined by the Board.”;

3.2 In respect of registered Building Draughtsmen, Section 22(4) of the

Architects Act 1967 provides the following:

“The registration may, subject to this Act, be renewed annually upon

payment of the prescribed fee and upon satisfying such conditions as
may be determined by the Board.”.


4.1 Pursuant to the above, the Board has decided as follows -

4.1.1 all Professional Architects and registered Architects shall complete

a minimum of ten (10) credit points of CPD per year;

4.1.2 all registered Building Draughtsmen shall complete a minimum of

four (4) credit points of CPD per year;

4.1.3 notwithstanding paragraph 4.1.1 above, Professional Architects

and registered Architects who are 65 years of age and above are
only required to complete a minimum of five (5) credit points of
CPD per year;

4.1.4 notwithstanding paragraph 4.1.2 above, registered Building

Draughtsmen who are 65 years of age and above are only required
to complete a minimum of two (2) credit points of CPD per year.

4.2 The completion of the required minimum of credit points will enable the
respective registered persons to be eligible for the renewal of their registration.
This requirement may be reviewed at the discretion of the Board.

4.3 The following categories of registered persons must comply with the CPD
requirements under Clause 4.1 above:-

4.3.1 all Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered

Building Draughtsmen;

4.3.2 any Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered

Building Draughtsman whose name has been removed from the
Register for failure to renew his registration and desires to be
reinstated must comply with the CPD requirements for the year prior to

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4.3.3 any Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered
Building Draughtsman whose registration has been cancelled pursuant
to an order of the Board or the Disciplinary Committee and desires to
be reinstated;

4.3.4 any Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered

Building Draughtsman whose registration has been suspended pursuant
to an order of the Board or the Disciplinary Committee and desires to
be reinstated.

4.4 Exemption from CPD

4.4.1 Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered Building

Draughtsmen may apply for exemption from the CPD requirements by
submitting their applications to the Board stating the reasons together
with evidence and proper documentation to be received by the Board
by not later than 1 December of the year preceding the renewal of

4.4.2 The Board has the discretion to approve or reject such applications and
its decision is final.


5.1 Professional Architects and registered Architects must successfully complete

ten (10) credit points, ensuring that at least five (5) of the ten (10) credit points
are from events which are architecturally related.

5.2 Professional Architects and registered Architects who are 65 years of age and
above must successfully complete five (5) credit points, ensuring that at least
two (2) of the five (5) credit points are from events which are architecturally

5.3 Registered Building Draughtsmen must successfully complete four (4) credit
points, ensuring that at least two (2) of the four (4) credit points are from
events which are architecturally related.

5.4 Registered Building Draughtsmen who are 65 years of age and above must
successfully complete two (2) credit points, ensuring that at least one (1) of the
two (2) credit points is from event which is architecturally related.

5.5 The number of CPD credit points alloted to the various CPD events are shown
in Appendix A1 for Professional Architects and registered Architects, and in
Appendix A2 for registered Building Draughtsmen.

5.6 There is no limit to the number of events and total credit points that a
Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered Building
Draughtsman can accumulate per year.

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5.7 Excess Credit Points

5.7.1 All registered persons who have accumulated more than the minimum
requirement of credit points for the year can carry forward in full the
excess credit points to the subsequent year.

5.7.2 Such excess credit points can be carried forward for one year only.

5.8 Insufficient Credit Points

5.8.1 In the event that the credit points accumulated are less than the
stipulated minimum requirement for the year, the Board shall remove
the names of the Professional Architects, registered Architects or
registered Building Draughtsmen from the Registers for failure to
comply with the conditions stipulated under Clause 3.1 or Clause 3.2.

5.8.2 Any person whose name has been removed and desires to be reinstated
must satisfy the minimum requirement of credit points for
reinstatement as a Professional Architect, registered Architect or
registered Building Draughtsman. For this purpose, he can utilise the
accumulated credit points specified under Clause 5.8.1 by topping up
to fulfill the minimum requirement of credit points for the
reinstatement of registration.

5.8.3 Upon reinstatement, the Professional Architect and registered Architect

shall be required to accumulate a further minimum of ten (10) credit
points, and the registered Building Draughtsman, a further minimum of
four (4) credit points, for the purpose of renewing their registration for
the following year.

5.8.4 In respect of those who are 65 years of age and above, he shall be
required, upon reinstatement, to accumulate a further minimum of five
(5) credit points (for Professional Architect and registered Architect),
and a further minimum of two (2) credit points (for registered Building
Draughtsman) for the purpose of renewing his registration for the
following year.


6.1 CPD events are the activities that are approved by the Board which qualify for
the CPD credit points.

6.2 To comply with CPD requirements, Professional Architects and registered

Architects shall only participate in CPD events listed in Appendix A1, and
registered Building Draughtsmen shall only participate in CPD events listed in
Appendix A2.

6.3 Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered Building

Draughtsmen must ensure that CPD events in which they participate have
been accredited by the Board. The onus is on the registered persons to seek
confirmation from the Board.

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6.4 Application for recognition of CPD events shall be submitted to the Board
using the ‘CPD Form B’ at Appendix E.


7.1 Every Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered Building

Draughtsman shall submit his CPD records to the Board on a regular basis,
preferably after attendance of each event.

7.2 Applicants must complete and submit the ‘CPD Submission Form’ as per
Appendix B for Professional Architects and registered Architects, and as per
Appendix C for registered Building Draughtsmen, together with all
supporting documents for the Board’s verification and approval.

7.3 The Board shall not approve an application for the renewal of registration if
the applicant does not comply with the CPD requirements as stated in Clause
4.1.1, Clause 4.1.2, Clause 4.1.3 and Clause 4.1.4.

7.4 The Board shall revoke the registration of any Professional Architect,
registered Architect and registered Building Draughtsman at any time if the
Board is satisfied that the renewal of registration has been obtained by
submission of fraudulent documents.


8.1 The above requirements shall be mandatory for all Professional Architects,
registered Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen with effect from
1 January 2005.

8.2 Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered Building

Draughtsmen are required to keep records of their CPD participation (please
refer to Clause 7.0 and Clause 11.0 of the Guidelines) beginning from
1 January 2003.

8.3 A transition period of one year begins from 1 January 2003 to

31 December 2003. During this transition period, Professional Architects,
registered Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen who participate in
the CPD events will be allowed to carry forward all their accumulated credit
points in year 2003 to year 2004.

8.4 Credit points accumulated during the year 2004 can be further carried forward
to year 2005 for the purpose of calculating the minimum requirements of
credit points for the renewal of registration of year 2005.

8.5 Renewal of registration beginning from year 2005 onwards must be

accompanied with all relevant documents and/or certificates of attendance in
respect of CPD events that the Professional Architects, registered Architects
and registered Building Draughtsmen have attended and accumulated. Failure
to submit these documents and/or certificates shall render an application for
the renewal of registration to be rejected by the Board.

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All correspondence relating to CPD should be addressed to: -

The Registrar Postal address :

Board of Architects Malaysia The Registrar
17th Floor, JKR Headquarters or Board of Architects Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin P.O. Box 12695
50582 Kuala Lumpur 50786 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-26982878 / 26967087 Fax: 03-26936881

Email: info@lam.gov.my


10.1 The activities that will qualify for CPD credit points must be related to the
career of a Professional Architect, registered Architect and registered Building
Draughtsman. These comprise both technical and non-technical topics. Non-
technical topics include management, accounting, law, economics, foreign
languages and others which will assist the Professional Architects, registered
Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen in performing their duties.

10.2 Functions that are routinely performed by Professional Architects, registered

Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen that form part of their
employment do not qualify for CPD credit points. For example, lecture notes
prepared by lecturers to teach the students do not qualify for the CPD credit
points. However, papers presented for conferences/seminars at the national
and international levels could be accepted.

10.3 The CPD events are categorised as follows :

For Professional Architects and For registered

registered Architects Building Draughtsmen

(a) Conventions, conferences, (a) Conventions, conferences,

seminars, workshops, talks, seminars, workshops, talks,
courses, technical visits, etc. courses, technical visits, etc.
(b) Research and post-graduate studies (b) Studies
(c) Presentation of papers (c) Presentation of papers
(d) Publication of books and articles (d) Publication of books and articles
(e) Service to the profession (e) Service to the profession
(f) Others (f) Others

10.3.1 Conventions, conferences, seminars, workshops, talks, courses,

technical visits, etc.

These include seminars, conferences, workshops, CPD talks and

technical site visits organised by the Board, PAM or RBDAM.
Seminars, conferences and workshops run by other acknowledged
professional institutes or experts at national or international level
could also be considered provided their main topics are related to
the development of the profession.

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10.3.2 Research and Post Graduate Studies

Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered

Building Draughtsmen attending full time or part time studies on
subjects related to architecture can apply for CPD credit points in
accordance with Appendices A1 and A2.

10.3.3 Presentation of Papers

Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered

Building Draughtsmen who prepare and present papers for
conventions, conferences, seminars, workshops, talks, courses, etc.
organised by the Board, PAM, RBDAM or others can also apply
for CPD credit points in accordance with Appendices A1 and A2 if
the papers prepared and presented are on architecturally related
matters or contribute to the advancement of the profession.

10.3.4 Publication of Books and Articles

Professional Architects, registered Architects and registered

Building Draughtsmen who publish books or articles in journals
related to architecture will be granted credit points in accordance
with Appendices A1 and A2. This excludes the publication of
company brochures.

10.3.5 Service to the Profession

Credit points can be claimed for the service to the profession

particularly where it contributes to the continuing professional
development of others. Examples of such services are contributions
to the Board, PAM, RBDAM, committees, sub-committees and
expert groups at both the national and international levels in
accordance with Appendices A1 and A2.

10.3.6 Others

If a Professional Architect, registered Architect or registered

Building Draughtsman believes that he is undertaking other types
of CPD activities not described above, such as being chairperson or
organiser of approved events, he should make a submission to the
Board for approval.


The supporting documents, as applicable, to be submitted together with Appendices B

and C (CPD Submission Form) shall be as follows : -

(i) certificates of attendance at approved CPD events or other documentary

(ii) proof of attendance/registration in recognised full time and part time courses
or other supporting documents.
(iii) proof of attendance at professional meetings.

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(iv) proof of service in the Board, PAM, RBDAM, committees, sub-committees.
(v) proof of authorship of articles or books.
(vi) proof of presentation/attendance at talks/seminars, etc.
(vii) exemption letters/certificates from the Board of Architects Malaysia.


Please refer to Appendix D.

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Credit Point
No. CPD Events Description
Per Event

a Conventions, 1. Organised by the Board or PAM

Conferences, Seminars, 1.1 National level
Workshops, Talks, i) Half day 2
Courses, Technical visits, ii) One day 4
etc. iii) More than one day 6
1.2 International level
i) Half day 3
ii) One day 6
iii) More than one day 8
2. Organised by others as approved by the
2.1 National level
i) Half day 1
ii) One day 2
iii) More than one day 3
2.2 International level
i) Half day 2
ii) One day 4
iii) More than one day 6

3. Technical Visits (structured) 1

4. Attendance at PAM Annual General Meeting 1

b Research & Post 1. Full time study for minimum of twelve (12) 10
Graduate Studies months duration or more on subject related
to architecture
2. Full time study for a minimum of six (6) months 5
duration on subject related to architecture
3. Part-time Study/Correspondence / Distance 5
Learning Course for a duration of not less than
two (2) years leading to a Post-Graduate
Degree related to architecture
4. Other studies as approved by the Board **

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Credit Point
No. CPD Events Description
Per Event

c Presentation Preparation and presentation of papers for

of Papers * conventions, conferences, seminars, workshops,
talks, courses, etc.
1. Organised by Board or PAM
1.1 National level 6
1.2 International level 8
2. Organised by others
2.1 National level 4
2.2 International level 6

D Publication of Books and 1. Authored, edited and/or published a book up to 10

Articles * which is related to the profession as
approved by the Board. up to 4
2. Published an article in journal which is related
to the profession as approved by the Board.

E Service to the Profession Professional Architects or registered Architects

serving in the Board or PAM Council, committees
and sub-committees who have attended regular
meetings with a minimum of 60% attendance
overall for any one of the following positions held
1. Board President / Registrar, PAM President 8
2. Board Member / PAM Council 4
3. Board or PAM Committee Member 4
4. Representing Board or PAM in official **
F Others Others as approved by the Board **

Note : * One (1) copy of Thesis/Research, Seminar Paper or Report shall be presented
to the Board for records
** Credit points to be determined by the Board

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Credit Points
No. CPD Events Description
Per Event

a Conventions, 1. Organised by the Board or RBDAM 2

Conferences, Seminars, 2. Organised by others 1
Workshops, Talks,
Courses, technical visits, 3. Technical Visits 1
etc. 4. Attendance at RBDAM Annual General 1
Meeting (AGM)

b Studies 1. Full time study for minimum of twelve (12) 6

months duration or more on subject related
to architecture
2. Full time study for a minimum of six (6) months 3
duration on subject related to architecture
3. Part-time Study/Correspondence / Distance 3
Learning Course for a duration of not less
than two (2) years leading to a
Diploma/Degree related to architecture
4. Other studies as approved by the Board **
c Presentation Preparation and presentation of papers for
of Papers * conventions, conferences, seminars, workshops,
talks, courses, etc.
1. Organised by Board or RBDAM 3
2. Organised by others 2

d Publication of Books and 1. Published a book which is related to the 4

Articles * profession
2. Published an article in referric journal which is 2
related to the profession
e Service to the Profession Registered Building Draughtsmen serving in the
Board, RBDAM or committees who have
attended regular meetings with a minimum of
60% attendance overall for any one of the
following positions held:
1. President of RBDAM 3
2. Board Member/RBDAM Council 1
3. Representing Board or RBDAM in official 1

f Others Others as approved by the Board **

Note : * One (1) copy of Thesis/Research, Seminar Paper or Report shall be presented
to the Board for records
** Credit points to be determined by the Board

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Tingkat 17, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50582 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. : 603-26982878, 40407087, Faks : 603-26936881
E-mel : info@lam.gov.my, LAM1@jkr.gov.my



RECORD FOR THE YEAR ..............

Name : _______________________________________________________

Registration No. : ____________________________

No CPD Events Description Date
Credit Points Brought
Attendance at
conventions, conferences,
a seminars, workshops,
talks, courses, technical
visits, etc.
Research and
postgraduate studies

c Presentation of papers

Publication of books and


e Service to the profession

f Others

Total Credit Points

ii Credit Points Carried Forward

I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

..................................... Date : ____________

(Signature of Applicant)

Please tick before submission :-

Form is duly completed
Relevant supporting documents required under Clause 11.0 are attached

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Tingkat 17, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50582 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. : 603-26982878, 40407087, Faks : 603-26936881
E-mel : info@lam.gov.my, LAM1@jkr.gov.my



RECORD FOR THE YEAR ..............

Name : _______________________________________________________

Registration No. : ____________________________

No CPD Events Description Date
Credit Points Brought
Attendance at
conventions, conferences,
seminars, workshops,
talks, courses, etc.
b Studies

c Presentation of papers
Publication of books and

e Service to the profession

f Others

Total Credit Points

ii Credit Points Carried Forward

I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

..................................... Date : ____________

(Signature of Applicant)

Please tick before submission :-

Form is duly completed
Relevant supporting documents required under Clause 11.0 are attached

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Planning of CPD

From 1 January
Accumulation of
CPD credit points

Completion of
CPD Submission Form

Submission to Regularly after

the Board attending CPD event

Checking of

Review by
CPD Committee



Renewal of Registration


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(Professional Architects, Architects and registered Building Draughtsmen)

YEAR __________


1. Use separate Form for each event

2. Completed Form must be submitted together with the organiser’s event brochure.
3. If you were the speaker, you are also required to submit a copy of the papers presented.
4. Application shall be submitted after the event together with the Certificate of
5. All decisions of the Board regarding this application is final.

A. Personal Details
(i) Name of applicant :

(ii) Registration No. :

(iii) Correspondence :

(iv) Tel. No. : Fax. No. :

(v) Email Address : H/p No. :

B. Details of Events

(i) Title of Event : _______________________________________________

(ii) Name of Organiser : _______________________________________________

(iii) Start Date : ____________________ End Date : _________________

(iv) Venue : _______________________________________________

(v) No. of Hours : _______________________________________________

(excluding breaks,
lunch, etc.)

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(vi) Type of event [Please tick () where applicable] :

Seminar Workshop Others (Please state)

Conference Discussion

(vii) Role of Applicant [Please tick () where applicable] :

As speaker As participant

(viii) No. of Papers Presented : ____________

…………………………………. ……..………………………
Signature of Applicant Date

C. For Office Use

Approved Rejected

No. of Credit Points approved : _______________

Date : _____________________________________

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