Nervous System - Histology
Nervous System - Histology
Nervous System - Histology
− Function for regulation and integration of activities of various organs and Embryology:
parts of the body
A. Origin – Ectoderm
− Due to highly developed properties of irritability and conductivity
B. Anlage (Primordium) develops from 2 anlage:
1. Neural Tubes
Two Divisions: a) Neural Cavity – central canal of spinal cord, ventricles of the brain
b) Walls of Neural Tube – neuron of CNS, neuroglial cells except
− CNS or Neuraxis – brain and spinal cord microglia
− PNS – all nervous elements outside CNS 2. Neural Crest – small mass of cells at lateral margin of neural plate
▪ ANS – part of the PNS that innervates the smooth, cardiac a) Neurons in ganglia (sympathetic ganglia)
muscles, glands b) Capsule cell
c) Adrenals (Chromaffin cells)
d) Melanocytes (Pigment cells)
e) Schwann cell or Neurolemmal sheath cells of all peripheral nerves
1. An anatomical and structural unit – no cytoplasmic connection from 1 neuron 3. Cytoplasm (Perikaryon):
to another (synapse) a) Cell membrane – axolemma (extends into the axon)
b) Neuroplasm – axoplasm (fluid part that extends to axon)
2. A genetic unit
c) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
− 1 mature neurons develops from immature neuroblast which
− abundant, with may cisternae in parallel arrays, are prominent in
retains property to divide
large motor neurons.
− Mature neurons do not divide
− Polyribosomes are also scattered throughout the cytoplasm
− Neurons do not regenerate
− These cisternae and polyribosomes when stained with basic dye
appear as clumps of basophilic material called Nissl bodies
3. A physiologic and functional unit – neuron generates and propagates impulses
d) Golgi apparatus
4. A trophic unit – the metabolic activities of all parts are maintained by the
− Arranged in an arc or a complete circle around the nucleus
nucleated portion so that any part separated from it degenerates
approximately halfway between the nucleus and surface membrane
of perikaryon
− L/M: network of irregular wavy strands coarser than the
neurofibrillary network
− E/M: clusters of closely apposed flattened cisternae arranged in
stacks and surrounded by myriad of small vesicles
− Ends of cisternae are frequently dilated, characteristic of protein
secreting cells
− Role: concentrated and slightly modifies proteins synthesized by
granular ER. Involved in the formation of lysosomes, and
neurotransmitter substances
Nissl bodies, Golgi apparatus: for production and storage of secretions
Structure of a Neuron: functional unit of Nervous system indicating secretory nature of neurons
1. Golgi Type I neuron – long axon; formation of peripheral nerve a. Electrical – uncommon
2. Golgi Type II neuron – short axon − gap junction- free movement of ions from one cell to another
• Group (clusters) of nerve cell bodies in CNS – Nucleus b. Chemical Synapses – most common
• Group (clusters) of nerve cell bodies in PNS – Ganglion − The axonal terminal or presynaptic membrane of the first cell releases
• Brachium/ Peduncle/ Lemniscus – bundles of nerve fibers in CNS neurotransmitters (synaptic vesicles)
• Nerve/ Root/ Trunk/ Cord/ Ramus – bundles of nerve fibers in PNS − Diffuses into the synaptic cleft
▪ Synaptic cleft – is a small gap (20-30 nm) between the
presynaptic membrane of first cell and postsynaptic membrane
SYNAPSE – a specialization for communication between an axon and another of second cell
neuron (end to end attachment od neurons) − Binds to receptors in postsynaptic membrane
− Depolarize postsynaptic membrane to produce an impulse
Types of Synapse:
Neuroglia – non- nervous supporting cell A. Capsule Cell/ Amphicyte/ Satellite Cell
− Flattened, forms a capsule around the neurons
Classified into:
− Ex. Spinal ganglion
A. Ependyma − Types of Spinal Ganglion:
− Single layer of ependymal cells lining of central canal spinal cord and 1. Cerebrospinal Ganglia – dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
ventricles of the brain 2. Autonomic Ganglia – terminal, sympathetic, collateral
− Resembles simple columnar epithelium
− With tapered proximal end
Differences between DRG and Terminal Ganglion
− Its thread- like processes branch, connect with underlying nervous tissue
B. Neuroglial Proper – cells with cytoplasmic processes: 1. Cell size Relatively large Smaller
1. Astrocyte/ Astroglia– star/ stellate shaped 2. Shape Globular/ Pyriform Stellate
− Branching cytoplasmic processes 3. Processes Pseudounipolar Multipolar
Types: 4. Nucleus Centrally located Eccentric
a) Protoplasmic Astrocyte – in gray matter of CNS, large pale rounded 5. Capsule Distinct Less distinct
nucleus, abundant granular cytoplasm, numerous thick processes
1. Epineurium
− Covers the nerve
− Dense fibrous connective tissue
− Outermost and the thickest
Formation of Myelin Sheath: Mechanism of Myelination
1. Schwann cell envelops an axon and wraps its membrane around the axon to 2. Perineurium
form the myelin sheath − Covers each bundle of nerve fibers within the nerve
2. The wrapping continues for more than 50 turns − Dense connective tissue
3. During the process, the cytoplasm is squeezed back into the body of Schwann
cell, bringing the cytoplasmic surfaces of the membranes in contact with each 3. Endoneurium
other thus forming the major dense spirals through the myelin sheath − Surrounds each axon
4. Single Schwann cell myelinates only one internode of a single axon in PNS − Loose connective tissue
5. Oligodendroglia myelinates an internode of several axons in CNS
3. Wallerian degeneration/ Secondary degeneration – in distal portion of axon
a. Axis cylinder swells → fragments
b. Myelin sheath liquifies
c. Neurolemmal cell proliferate → phagocytic, removes the remnants of
axis cylinder and myelin sheath
− Extends up to the synapse only
− Next neuron may not be affected
− If affected → transneuronal degeneration
− Axon thickens, becomes the growing tip from which many branches would
Nerve Degeneration: Neuron is a Trophic unit − It will be guided by band fiber of Bungner
− Forms tubular structures by the neurolemma
− Cutting an axon will cause degenerative changes of the entire neuron − Occurs after remnants of degenerated axon and myelin sheath were
− The changes are: phagocytized
− Rate of elongation of axon is 3-4 mm/day
1. Primary degeneration – local reaction at the site of damage, extends only a
distance from the point of injury