Possible Guidelines - From A Spiritual Journey To Nobiasity
Possible Guidelines - From A Spiritual Journey To Nobiasity
Possible Guidelines - From A Spiritual Journey To Nobiasity
Version 2019.11.27
About the Author: I'm called Tobias. That's it.
How do I think and act correctly to improve my life quality and more
• Foreword
• Some possible ways for the “how's” before we list some “what's”
• Avoid sins/Discipline your own mind/Prevent getting affected by “evil”
• Possible guidelines for the individual/Defeat your “inner demons/bad mindsets”
• Possible views for the individual
• More hints
• More tips for the ones with mentally special conditions
• Other possible answers/Some hints on ow to guide societies in a good way
• Current political topics
• “Borderless” thought on positive basis
• “Biography”
How do I think and act correctly to improve my life quality and more......................................1
Some possible ways for the “how's” before we list some “what's”......................................................3
Guiding yourself by logic intelligence: (Method A)............................................................................3
Guiding yourself by identity intelligence with emotional intelligence: (Method B1, B2)...................8
Identity Intelligence and the “ideal network”..................................................................................8
High Brain activation / other intelligence: (Method C, quite difficult) – and close gap between
genius and insanity...............................................................................................................................9
Avoid sins/Discipline your own mind/Prevent getting affected by “evil”...........................13
Possible guidelines for the individual/Defeat your “inner demons/bad mindsets”...................20
Possible views for the individual..............................................................................................33
Possible guidelines – and getting together - From a spiritual journey to Nobiasity Seite 1.......1
More hints.............................................................................................................................40
More tips for the ones with mentally special conditions......................................................44
Other possible answers/Some hints on how to guide societies in a good way.....................45
Current political topics.........................................................................................................65
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I'm schizophrenic, or maybe was, but I think the guidelines can help everyone.
Also I feel as a sort of “medium”. I like feel what others feel sometimes, and others can know what
I'm thinking?
• Mental disorders, and also physical problems can happen if someone “thinks” and “acts”
wrong. “Wrong thinking” especially means to build up overly much negative emotions.
• The other way around it can also help against mental disorders and physical problems to act
and think right. “Right thinking” means to get in a positive balance.
• The “right thinking” and “acting” could help everyone for more life quality.
• Only to obey laws is not always enough to lead a happy life, more structures can help.
• My “special state” lead my to believe eventually. Believe helps to think optimistic and gives
strength and trust in the future. It also “makes ways”.
The most important question first: Is there good and evil? My answer is yes, there is. I would
describe it logically as good: “Decision working/ok for everybody”. Evil: “Decision not working/ok
for everybody”. While you should be aware, that opposition does not mean its evil. Maybe a
decision is still right with opposition. You can fight for it peacefully. The point is, what is right,
logically. What could logically work, with the right results, and the right way. Of course there is
space in between good and evil.
The guidelines are being created with the goal in mind, to try to find the best solution for the best
result AND the best way to it. Without making trouble. With the mind absolutely set that it has to
improve EVERYBODYS life – that it has to be fair to everybody, that everybody can agree that its
really an improvement in the end.
I'll always only give hints to that direction, how this goal could be met, I won't force anything.
So a peaceful, kind, happy world. And Liberty. With fairness.
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I understand my what's as
"I think x leads to y, but decide yourself"
I understand my how's as
"Z seems to have worked for me, but if you think something else works better for you, sure, try
• Common sense. So like “in Rome, do as the Romans do” basically. Thinking as the mass
does. This one has flaws. If there should be change. Or if there is manipulation. But its not
entirely wrong and its why democracy's make sense. They basically say, the more people
think that x makes sense, the more reasonable. But even the mass can be manipulated. It
could have been reasonable for someone in the past to think the earth is a plate. Democracy
still is good, since it recognizes what the people want, but we have to fight manipulation.
• “General positive logic”(not only scientific) + “regional culture”. This one is good if you
can handle it. “Regional culture” means everything humanity created in the area plus the
nature around it. “General positive logic” means intelligent conclusions based on reliable
experience and other reliable information with the goal to make sensuous decisions for
yourself and all others.
• Is it reasonable to cross the traffic lights on red? =>”General positive logic”=>
Dangerous for your life/Bad influence on others => No not reasonable
• Greet with greetings hand or bow down? => If you are in Japan for example, look at the
one before you and make intelligent conclusions what he expects. Take culture into
consideration. (It is possible that greeting with greeting hand is expected when Japanese
people meet foreigners in japan.) Going by disease transmission, bows are logically
better, but that can be countered with hygiene and the risk is comprehensible then. If you
are in a hospital or have a cold, the risk can be higher. Then it might be more reasonable
to not greet with greeting hand. Since bows aren't common in this area, it can be most
reasonable to just leave it at a “hello”.
About Objectivity
Some people want to tell you that objective views are not possible. That doesn't make sense. Why
would you have the standpoint that everything below 100% objectivity is 0% objectivity? Why
should we not try to act and think as objective as possible to us? Sure our eyes are bound to our
heads, so we are born with “egoistic view” just from our eyesight already if you want to see it that
way. But our minds are capable of objectivity. The soul and spirit is not necessarily egoistic by
nature. If you use your experience, reliable information in memory or try to get it, reasonability, and
will you can build up objectivity. But the most important thing is to think about everybody, and not
just yourself with actions and thoughts, to become more objective. Objective view can be trained.
But you have to stay on it all the time, and question yourself on it.
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Just say
1% <100% mixed objectivity;
100% = fully objective.
The everything below 100% is subjective view is put like: =>Yes it's
like a test at school. That only has an impossible pass. And
otherwise only fail. Do you think your students will study or not?
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The thing is, they just might not want us to think..... (And the
manipulation machinery can go on in their view...and we have all the
great red-pill excuse.)
• REAL Reasonability <= Reasonability takes culture highly in consideration. The main thing
is “Logic” based on “Objectivity” though. So all in all that means there's also just one “real
100% Reasonability”. Mind that that counts for a specific point in time. That means 100%
REAL Reasonability at point of time x and situation x is different from time y and situation
y. Because the boundary conditions changed.
=> Please mind, that that does NOT really mean “socialism economy” is the best answer. That
would be interpreting this wrong if you think it means that. Rating every other human as “as
important” as yourself, means give him the same chances and goodwill. But it doesn't mean that if
he tries less hard, he has to profit the same amount.
• Believe <= God wants “the good for people” I'm definite of that. By my definition “Good”
just means “works for everyone in a positive way for everyone”. You should want a “good
relationship with god”. The rest can be derived, and should lead to objectively will to
improve yourself. To improve your belief further, you should just “want to do it for god/us
as in all of mankind” as main reason, out of thankfulness/love for example. I shouldn't
"export" the objectivity will quality to heaven, humans are capable of it. See above.
• Required virtuous
• Truthfulness+Openess <= “Truthfullness + Openess” also goes from 0% to 100% - just
because even if you never state a lie ever, and don't hide anything it still doesn't mean its
perfect. Don't get me wrong on that one, what I do mean with that, is that you would also
have to perfectionize “how you work your communication and thinking out right” - I'll
explain it like that: Stating everything straight forward can hurt people more than
necessary. It's better to “work around a lie” NOT by hiding, but instead explain it right.
Real Truthfulness means not only to “talk no lie” but also to “not think a lie” and feeling
right about things.
Example:“Your son asks you: My teacher is a terrible person, don't you think?”.
Boundary Condition: He's not actually a terrible person, just has a bunch of flaws. You
would “in your manipulated state” tend to dislike him, because of his difference:
• Level 1: You think his teacher is terrible, and state: “Yeah, he's terrible” <= 0%
• Level 2: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state:
“But why, your teacher is great” <= 5% difficulty
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• Level 3: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state:
“Well... maybe” <= 10% difficulty
• Level 4: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state:
“Well... everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a little more” <= 20%
• Level 5: You think “Well... everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a
little more”. You DON'T have negative feelings about the teacher and state -“Well...
everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a little more”<= 70% difficulty
or something along those lines.
• Also really sorry if I hurt you with these lines. Not sure how to state that better in a
way where it still works well though. To be fair I'm somewhat failing these lines in
this instance with stating it like that itself? Have to rethink how to state those.
Actually I thought to highly of myself when I stated that not thinking enough of how
that would make others feel. That was a big mistake really. That I guess I can't do it
just yet right. I'll correct those when I think I can do it right. So basically I've messed
up, yes. I've failed this on those, yes. I'll try again and do it right next time. Not
hiding my error, now that I see it. Probably have a weakness there, because I don't
socialise much. Maybe I'll try to socialise more? Don't see yet how to make that
work without failing it in itself. Hopefully I'll eventually see.
• Update: Level 6: The “tune” - “tune your wavelength to others right”. This is not
about the content of information, but how to transmit it. <= 80% difficulty
• Appreciation
Appreciation of all that is good, basically gives you positive drive.
What do I think of my basic principles as a solution?
I think they are one of the possible solutions, that could theoretically solve almost all problems
in this world and beyond your life to some extent. That sounds like a lot, reasonably it can't be
“completely perfect”. Basically just because of the amount of work everyone would have to
put in individually. Update: To be fair, this way of logic takes a lot of effort, and has some
limitations. Like improving kindness is hard. Also very much thinking required. It would
probably be better to mix it up with different approaches.
About logic and how different views seem logical to different people.
I guess "subjective logic" could be a lot different from "objective" ones. Not sure how objective
exactly I am at this state, but I'm working on it. I still think there's basically one true objectivity and
one true reasonability, which can't actually be reached by humans. Assuming there's any way to tell
how to rate animals and the environments objectively right.
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The most important thing to know is, your actual identity most likely isn't what you think it to be.
Because “manipulation” and “reacting wrong to mistakes”.
I don't think identity should target "universal" definition, I think we should embrace differences
when they aren't actually problematic.
So re-find yourself and build on it the right way.
So how do you know who you really are? From analysing your biography? Well that's the logic
intelligence attempt.
There is a different way. How does expressing yourself feel different from expressing your
manipulated self? I think it feels slightly different. Do you know the feeling of living out
temptation? Engaging into sin? Excess? That can sort of feel rewarding at first glance. But it hurts
all the more in the long run. Then do you know the feeling of doing objectively good things? Those
also feel rewarding, but more the gentle non excessive type. On the long run they pay off instead
hurting you.
Emotional intelligence
So if you know exactly what “feels” right and wrong, you can use that to do decently.
=> Find your ideal “tune”. Like think about the sounds your making more. Optimise your voice and
your words your using around different people consciously. “tune your wavelength to them(on a
deeper sense)”. Don't mix up wavelength with opinions. You should evaluate your opinions
logically. Wavelength is your interconnection with communication partners. So if you don't agree,
don't agree, but try to tune your wavelength. This is not about the content of information, but how to
transmit it.
Step3: Do you want to change like that subconsciously? Well probably not if you having problems
getting the change done.
This is the tricky part.
My solution is a network of ideals that work together and bind me. I say bind, but that's a good
thing. It just means more stability, where you want it. If I want to reprogram something about me, I
have to integrate it in my Ideal-Network.
How difficult it is depends on how well you integrate it and how well your Ideal-Network works.
Step4: Seal it. Write it down as something you will do from now on in your ideal-prescription.
Maybe talk to your environment about it.
Basically it has to do with seeing the meaning in the bigger picture.
Respect your subconscious, after all it's much more powerful, has more processing power and
interconnection. And has to do the workload.
If I talk about "reprogramming your subconscious/yourself" I guess it's more getting it on board on
some opinion. So get to like yourself first. And don't talk about some "inner p.. d..", that's horrible.
Don't think about your subconscious as some kind of slave, be aware it's actually more powerful,
and just be partners eye to eye. You do the final "conscious" decisions though. Doesn't mean your
subconscious has to follow everything you want about subconsciousness stuff.
You know you get along well when your subconscious is agreeing to background process tasks for
(You task it with a question, do other stuff and suddenly if the background task is completed you
know the answer, to even difficult tasks, you didn't actively think about, This can for example be
used to find the easiest answers that can be derived from a logic network)
To “activate the subconscious brain more” feels like a shift from “conscious pushed thinking” to a
more “gentle intuitive flow”. So it feels better, too.
Ideally you “can keep on the edge between” and use both modes as you like.
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Not sure if I should write following since it's not something I noticed, but I can see that that would
be the case. So like Sadhguru mentioned, it seems in the process around actually starting to progress
to seeing the things as they are - you might start to feel interest-less for a while. I felt like that some
years ago, but didn't see that as a reason. Basically you don't really care about things for a bit. There
are some decent ways to counter that. Basically sometime after that I started improving for good.
What could be the reason for that effect?
Maybe it's like a side effect of dropping the bad emotion drug. If you drop other strong drugs you
might also feel interest-less for a while maybe after the other withdrawal symptoms.
So one thing to do: Give your life actual purpose and decent goals somewhere in between. Also
only God can see everything as it is. You might just see a bit more of things the way they are as you
normally would. It'll get better when you've reached somewhere further, and can like things the way
they are enough. So level your appreciation as well.
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How to level appreciation? Just work on seeing positive things as positive and recognize that
enough. Don't just let the effects of that pass by paying no attention.
Turning inwards
As long you just want to survive you only need your 5 senses. But if you want to be able to really
expand yourself as a personality no way around turning inside and facing yourself. You might not
like what you find at first when starting to do that. Because all the time you didn't take the time
fixing yourself, all the manipulation from outside as well as your mistakes might have accumulated
inside. If you really want to truly start to like yourself and improve, you'll have to invest a lot of
time and energy to turn inwards and face yourself. Build up your perception. Find methods to
improve yourself. If you do well, you might find the source of creation in your perception one day.
Are you more introverted or extroverted? If you happen to be introverted, use the information you
can gain from it, to improve yourself.
Well can you agree a kind, fair, Happy, peacful, independent world with liberty
has the steps objectivity=>no manipulation=>forgiveness=>working together
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About Christianity:
Also I have a question for you: Do you think a main problem of old Christianity is, that
(some)people focus on Jesus Cross Symbolism instead core teaching. My answer, is it is a core
problem that (some)people focus on cross symbolism, and not on teaching because effect. What is
the effect?
1. Taking of responsibility.(let someone else handle the situation)
2. Taking out blame.(they did x)
Anyway a core idea is to prevent that symbolism as core thing and move to efficiency. Not putting
that against Jesus himself... No it's misinterpreted probably. So to make sure it's not misinterpreted
this time is focus this time, that and efficient results. And for that it makes sense for the guide not to
be natural great/lovable.
• Do not be to suspicious of "persons of trust" (For example that could be: parents, pastors (or
equivalent), doctors, friends, partners. But ultimately you can choose yourself who you trust
a lot) (As I later discovered, there is also the commandment: Honour thy father and thy
mother). Reason: You need people that you can talk openly with/that you can trust. I'll
explain later why talking openly is important.
• Do not get too suspicious (generally)
• Why is too much mistrust bad?
• Makes social integration more difficult (especially your own)
• Negative impact on existing social contacts
• Causes "negative" feelings like fear and anger. I think I could not have improved my
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your feminine part of yourself, doesn't mean you have to live it....
-sexism => the past is the past and woman are godly to. I mean ok what does and what
doesn't say your gender beforehand choice? It doesn't say you want to be socially controlled.
It just does say you want to give life, care more maybe, and in bed it's not really a question
of control but more of how you want to feel. Maybe you want to be pretty. So it's not a thing
about dominance at all any more.
My story tells: There's no point in classes. I mean our subconsciousness knows a lot. Why
would we differ knowingly. There is some sort of subconsciousness karma though.
Let's get rid of racism and antisemitism. I mean that contractual base
stuff(subconsciousnesses contract between lives) can't work nonsensically like that. That's
just stupidity. We are getting together and that also means no thinking higher/lower of
ethnicity. So the wealthyness should follow equally soon, too.
So racism is probably rooted subcounciously. There are options to guide the
subconsciousnes orientation right through education. Or help for one to fix stuff up
himself. A first step could be to understand why racism is a easily subconsciousnes
infecting orientation. Once you understand why it's easy to fall for it, one should see
how much more valuable it is to not fall down from it. People thought fat people were
attractive in the 20 and after being fat became affordable slim people are attractive. So
once it is understood racism is simply mindwise weakness, it'll be unattractive.
Uff I already wrote: Never do the even worse ego boost on unsettled beings cost. This one
doesn't even work for anyone. This one is playing with devil kind of pseudo ego messing
around. The worst kind. To be fair it's hard to fix 100% but acting the right way isn't.
• Negative Thoughts: Negative thoughts reduce mental performance and make worse people.
You won´t feel so good and they can lead to depression. Generally for this one point of
“controlling your own thoughts”, you should also not overdo it to much at once.
• Attempts should be made to maintain control over one's own thoughts, in that one does
not "devote oneself" in negative thoughts ("power desires”, “craving / temptation",
"violence"). Negative thoughts that have not been deliberately requested can be
Possible guidelines – and getting together - From a spiritual journey to Nobiasity Seite 16
improved by getting into a positive balance through communication. Note the guide. Do
not give up - while the burden is high, it is particularly difficult. In the second reality one
is constantly criticized and it is sometimes difficult to understand. That should be
ignored, too much criticism of the thought is not good. You can try to make everyone
happy, but don't overwork yourself. If you can't make everyone happy, don't be to hard
to yourself. Or try some other time. Also relax. Also think about what triggered the
negative thought originally and whether you can counteract here for the future. Creating
positive impulses, but not giving in to desire. To try to force the positive balance does
not work on a permanent basis, over time negative influences have to be broken down
and positive impulses have to be built up. Do not overdo it and try to get rid of all
negative thoughts - you do not have to be perfect.
• Don't expect to much improvement at once
• Continue to negative thoughts that are not consciously requested - The Lord be over my
thoughts: Say to yourself "being lord over my thoughts" again and again. Also pray:
"Please Lord be over my thoughts". Don´t separate the positive threads that bind one
mentally, but be master of your thoughts. If you do not feel free instead bring in yourself
and steer for a positive balance. Here are the "positive threads" meant that should not be
overcome. Not to be confused with "negative threads" such as fear, for example in civil
• Continue to negative thoughts that are not deliberately requested - perversions and
“power desires”/”imaginations of power” as well as violence destroy the mind and cause
"chaos in the head" - talk about it and generally avoiding it helps
• Charity/Appreciation for others helps – Appreciation for others but also for yourself
• Be thankful when there's a reason for it. Helps for better mood, positive thoughts and
social integration
• If you go mentally outside yourself for a short time or have problems to control your
thoughts or have a weird belly feeling without clear reason, it could be that you deny
parts of you to much. You can try to talk to yourself. To your “other side/subconscious
selves”. “Do not feel rejected, I think about you let us work together. Lets be good
together. Lets be friends, together we are stronger. You can also try to pray for your
“other” side(subconscious). You should also think of your other side at times. This can
work well.
• You should try to not lock parts of yourself up. Instead show them the right ways.
• For insults in your mind, try to talk to yourself to discipline yourself
• Counter with positive thoughts early when getting negative. But you don't have to
always think positive artificially. This is more acute to prevent slipping down in a
negative spiral.
• High level optimization: Think as "fair" as possible. This can push you quite a bit over
• Negative memories:
• Try to identify original triggers
• Say to yourself if possible: Was not real / just a movie - avoid such media in the
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• It can also help to ignore the memories for a while until they disappear
• Talk about it
• distract oneself
• Countering with "positive environment"
• Negative thoughts: Where can the boundaries be drawn (perfection is unrealistic)?
• Violent thoughts or heavily perverted thoughts:
• deliberately requested / "devoted thoughts": Immediately avoid and counteract
by positive environment. Good will should help here.
• Unintentional thoughts:
• Clear picture - short-term countermeasures with the points mentioned. The
clear picture should disappear soon.
• Unclear picture - keep working on it. Positive balance helps.
• Almost-thoughts - as a sign that you have not yet reached the positive
balance right now
• Memories of the violent or heavily perverted
• Don´t beat yourself up, but work on the above points
• Indecent thoughts or memories (such as swear words, clapping on the butt, etc.)
• Conscious: Try to avoid
• Unintentional: In case of accumulation try to counteract
• Don't hate what you do/think – hate makes everything worse
• How to optimize your subconsciousness?
• Conscious thoughts can be repressed (though that's not a permanent useful measure
against it), what can be done against internal negative attitudes?
• Try to understand subconscious negative attitudes and resentment, to find
countermeasures /optimizations
• Write down analyses and possible ways to optimize
• Talk about it, with god, persons of trust, etc.
• try to control anger, but don't suppress it completely. Try to keep yourself.
Anger can be limited by understanding problems and coming in a positive
• Sexuality is okay, but should not be perverted - pay attention to what is good for you. But
where can you limit the temptation?
• Do not "fantasize" of not sensibly realizable with a (singular!) normal partner.
"Normal" is relative, but it should not be a pervert. Reason: Otherwise you will
become more and more extreme in the long run. That harms the mind more and
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• Of course no incest
• You should not harm others, not even in the spirit. In the spirit harms the mind. That
means, the partner should be treated respectfully. Also in the spirit. Both partners
should be having fun with it.
• should have a similar age. Also in the spirit. Otherwise you can feel inferior.
• Masturbating can be an interim solution, but carries dangers. Draw boundaries.
Otherwise you will harm your mind. Here, too, I took clues from the second reality.
For example, when my PC showed a bluescreen with smiley-down "We are sorry" at
the most impossible time, which usually does not happen to me. Or when certain
folders could not be deleted from the NAS despite numerous attempts. For the most
part, I have created the other sub-points based on that.
• Contraception is okay. "Planning" getting children can be useful.
• New rule: For painted pornographic material the same rules of "respect" and
"looking of age(since painted characters can only be rated by age by how old
they look reasonably)", also “no incest”, apply. (Though the "weightness" of the
sin itself differs, but is still quite strong, don't underestimate)
• Do not change partners too often. (Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery)
- Reason:
• Spreads diseases
• Negative social impact
• Do not devote to much to the temptation
• But most important of all – Respectfulness. I understand perversion as something
that damages you or your partner. Relentlessness hurts you and your partner.
• What exactly is ok for you and your partner you have to decide among yourselves.
This depends on the natural personality. Mind that specific inhibitions can also be
learned and not natural – or the other way around. It's a little difficult. You might
want to think together what's ok or not or where you exaggerate.
• Respectfulness, especially in bed to. So there is a possible chance some might like it
rough at some point or another... keep it totally respectfully. And don't go out of
yourself to much. I feel like that works better anyway. Also some means some and
some point some point. Don't excess.
• “Don't sexualize unsettled beings” also “don't sexualize seemingly unsettled beings”
in any way. => Not in the mind either.
• Unsettled:
• To young
• /on the way of finding oneself
• Animals don't settle this way. Not for you.
Unsettled seems like the correct term to describe this issue. If you make a thought
experiment, lets say we find humanoid aliens in 900 years... Who knows at which
age they would (+seemingly) settle... if they do... and to us? Anyway no force....
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• Do not cheat / deceive society for your own benefit - preserve the function of society
• No prejudice against other religions or cultures - travelling to open up to other cultures
helps. Remember more positive experiences with other cultures and build more positive
experiences. Think about original triggers and e.g. talk about it - process
• Because:
• Everyday racism causes many social and societal problems
• Racism causes wars
• mixed genes are scientifically proven to be better - social integration is wanted
by God. You can choose your partner independent of ethnicities of course.
• God created all humans, so he loves everyone equally
• Racism can spread like a virus. Therefore, it is important to take a stand against it
as well in "everyday racism".
• In the second reality and dreams, I perceived hints against racism
• Avoid Illegal Drugs. With Alcohol + Cigarette do not exaggerate - Drugs also destroy the
mind + body and can also lead to mental illness
• no blasphemy against God in order not to become "godless". Faith in God helps, for
example against negative thoughts and gives confidence in the future. (As I later discovered,
there is also the commandment "Not take the LORD's name in vain"). Don't offend god
either in any way. Believe / Faith also makes ways. Literally. If you do it right.
• Taking work seriously, but also having a life beside work. Do not get into the work too
much. To relieve the mind.
• Try to not think about work at home to much
• Building a private “something” more important than the job - to work to live and not the
other way around
• Also use free days for activities (Commandment: Remember the sabbath day) if
• Activities, e.g. to go for a walk / cycling / visiting inner cities or other useful. As a
physical balance and to relieve the senses and mind. Constantly looking at the screen
strains the senses.
• Don't put yourself above others mentally. Don't get megalomaniac.
• The worst sin of all is probably cruelty
A bit of sin is OK, but you should always pay close attention to the "stability" and your feelings.
Avoid overcoming positive threads.
Playing with desire is a dangerous game. You can easily hurt yourself. Sometimes it's possible to
learn from it. Keep it reasonable. Always.
• “What is one hard truth that I need to learn in order to love and accept myself for who I
am?": The most creepy stuff in mind comes from ourselves. <= See the subconsciousness as
the mirror of what we have done. What your consciousness let happen to you.... About "Is
there anything I can do to get my dreams to be more happy?" Sure but of course. Dreams are
your subconsciousness mirror. Don't let the bad stuff in, Get the bad stuff out. Talking about
violence and actual disrespectful perversion. Dreams are Subconsciousness at work..
sometimes connected, sometimes not.
• Write down about 5 compelling reasons why you keep your commitment to change
• About the “chains”:
• Mysteriously while there's obviously a lot going on, some things are not being talked
• What happened 9 years ago from other peoples views?
• Why is there so little “direct spoken feedback” about what I post?
• Possibly that's my own fault, as written in my biography. I insisted about living normally
right? Is that the cause? If so, that's not ok. Way to costly for something so selfish for
me. How do I undo this? I don't demand such selfish things any more.
=> Just speak as you want to. I'm sure god is in agreement. Stop pretending.
If I have to somehow picture myself differently I'll need some time for that to work it
out. Anyway but live freely, talk freely, as you want. I should stop wanting to lead a sort
of double life?
• Update: The “chains” are “social norms”. What does that mean? Basically your true self
might watch a stupid girly show or something, but you are afraid your mom might walk
in. You might want to buy this embarrassing shirt, but are afraid what your friends would
think of you.... Basically not doing what you feel like as your true self, because social
norm expectations.
• That's why they are chains.
• And we should get rid of them. But keep it reasonable.
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• Schizophrenia is becoming more common because in the times of the internet and the media
too much is tempted. UPDATE: The problem may run deeper than that. (see also
biography/resume) – the chains are a reason...
• About the inner p.. d..:
Describing it as inner p.. d.. seems unnecessarily mean. Because its just the sort of “force
that shifts your consciousness to your subconsciousness”. So why not just setting your
subconsciousness right – then the so called “inner p.. d..” has the opposite than normal
effect. When you consciously wanna be lazy it makes you not be lazy.
I wrote some stuff about the subconsciousness programming/getting it on board on opinions.
A working ideal-network is useful. Or also just be best friends with your subconsciousness.
• It makes sense to control the effects of temptation and the formation of them – by
• Loosing weight(when you have more than you want):
If I think how I stopped smoking, actually stopping was quite easy - after I developed
the mindset for it.
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sports are not so much my thing, but I could just play beatsaber a bunch regularly
The main thing about eating less is, I haven't aquired the right mindset yet.
I'm basically just to fine with myself the way I feel. Also no serious health problems
So subconsciously I'm not sure if I want to eat less food in general.
So how exactly did I get the mindset to stop smoking? It was basically similar there.
Actually I just sealed it in my writings or something, so that did it for me.
Eventually I will do that with eating less, too, I guess. I'm just not quite there yet I think.
Probably soon though.
Maybe I should start a little bit next to this problem. At my I don't give much about how
I look attitude. Why not giving shit about how I look anyway?
There's some reason. I deeply rooted the I care only what I think about myself by my
ideals that must make perfect sense.
I could try to add something like try to stay somewhat in shape because it's healthier and
gives you more appeal and agility.
Then I could eventually write that I will do that from time x on.
-focus on growing your mind not body
I'll try to burn that into my mind
• God can be “experienced” in your “perception”. Dreams, subtle hints, on connections of
things, the second reality, feelings=>the subconsciousnesses – in the mass it becomes
• More forgiving and forget on small mistakes (especially with others, but can also help with
yourself) – in a reasonable way
• Don't give up your “natural personality” completely, but work on the actually important
things. If you try to become to holy it ends with hypocrisy. Set your priorities right. Of
course it can make sense to do a lot, but to concentrate on unnecessary things can make
things worse.
• Don't over interpret. That can burden you.
• Don't worry overly much. That could damage your positive balance. To much worries are
also bad for trust.
• Don't try to reinvent yourself completely, instead try to improve well-aimed
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yourself - think realistically optimistic. Do not make yourself worse than you are. Learning
to accept mistakes while in defined scope. This helps for a more positive mood. You do not
have to be perfect.
• Realistically optimistic thinking in the context of the guide. A negative mood and
"pondering" or negative re-living leads to more negative thoughts and memories. But not
always trying to be happier than you are, it costs in the long term maybe too much
energy. You can be happy easier if you get into a positive balance.
• Human/mental processes are a bit of an up and down, the general parent trend is what
counts. Don't get to depressed over a few bad days.
• Limit your regrets reasonably – since to much regrets are messing with your mind
• pray (problems / wishes / requests for help) helps a lot - free or “Our Father” or similar.
Who e.g. trying to understand the text of our father's, can already recognize important
priorities here. In addition, praying builds trust and decreases negative feelings.
Nevertheless, you should try everything yourself to improve your situation and additionally
"pray". Then do not "sit back". Generally free praying helps more, if you have something
meaningful to say.
• Social integration
• That does not mean that the respective side has to give up its peculiarities (as long as
in defined scope). Mutual tolerance is important. It should not be assimilated.
• Consider the feelings of others, but also your own. Otherwise, social contact will
become more difficult over time.
• You should try to not to isolate to much
• Especially in connection with migration try to make fair and reasonable
compromises, even if its a little difficult. That counts for both sides. Also willingness
to change and tolerance(but stay under the laws). (This was a hint from a dream.)
• You should respect other people. So do not "look down" or "blaspheme" just because
someone else is different. One can find peculiarities good or bad, but should not put your
personal opinion over the personal opinion of others, as long as the other opinion is in a
general defined scope.
• Moderate political opinions in both directions can be factual and reasonable. Suboptimal can
be opinions that are based on hounding and negative feelings.
But that doesn't mean, that such people have to be isolated. Isolation could make more
extreme. Just talk about it reasonable. You should be able to tolerate opinions (as long as
under the law) even if you can't agree.
In individual cases you can ask yourself:
• Am I still ok with the contact? Do I want to hold on to it?
• How far do I lead our discussions?
• Do I tolerate other opinions not enough?
• Do not treat others as if they are not there. But do not stare. So as not to sink into his dream
world and keep a clear head. It also strengthens self-esteem and allows for better social
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• You can criticize people (both normal and schizophrenic) for their feelings as long as the
good will exists, if justified. Emotions can only be controlled to a limited extent, so criticism
is questionable if the criticism is not constructive enough. But constructive criticism helps. It
is important to act reasonably here, before superiors are criticized, it should be considered
twice. Since in the second reality you get often and sometimes difficult to understand
criticized, you should ignore those and counteract by relaxation / vacation / the like.
Sometimes say: "It's too much for me". "Slow down". Above all, it is important to let the
feelings show through, otherwise you might get too cold. Clear boundaries are useful. It also
helps to speak of one's own feelings.
• Do not charge inwardly, speak to it more. Even apologize in thought. This helps to the
inner "unload". Better stay polite. Sometimes strange feelings can arise which you don´t
understand yourself, even without associated thoughts. Do not beat yourself because of
that, do not refuse to it to much, do not devote to that. Positive balance helps. I assume
the strange feelings I just received from somewhere else.
• We are as important to take as the other people too.
• In addition, we must comply with the rights of other people
• Metallica Unforgiven
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee Un-forgiven
Never Free
Never Me
So I dub thee Unforgiven
Can one interpret in such a way that one should show what one feels. You should show
what you have learned from your own experience. Then you are also freer and more
yourself + self-esteem
• Everyone can develop freely, as long as he does not give himself to the "negative" (power
desires, violence, desire / temptation, etc.)
• Every human being has the same basic rights, free thought is not a fundamental right before
God. That means, you should set borders to your thinking by yourself if necessary. Negative
thoughts can harm your mind. You should be conscious about that negative thinking and
acting is connected. Free will still exists anyway and always should. The free will is only
being transferred more into the positive by your own drive.
• Goodwill is crucial - without will, no drive to put it into practice
• Look into the eyes when talking if reasonable possible - here you may learn about yourself.
For example if you do something wrong and the other one reacts to it. Can of course also
give positive feedback, which helps a lot to self-confidence. It also helps with social
• Write down/talk about problems with confidants or the right people - helps to work through
• Be open. Lockedness harms the finding of mistakes in oneself, as well as their processing.
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• Don´t think 24/7 / try to turn off sometimes/ PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation). To
relieve the mind. To think many hours a day can be easier though, if you are in positive
• Less "brooding". Don´t relive negative memories again and again. Once processed clean,
talk about it, then try to finalize.
• Now and then take a little time to check the current status / watch for signs. Recognize
successes and dangers.
• Try to eat well, do not eat too much meat. Pay attention to health and moral values.
• More confident behaviour - this is where communication and a positive inner balance helps.
In particular, it helps to get rid of the negative thoughts. More confidence and trust in God.
Define yourself, and get over the past. Get sure about your strengths.
Get in harmony with your subconsciousness.
• Serenity and restraint help when you feel criticized and the burden is great to not dispute
unnecessary. To dispute can make sense to dissolve disagreements or accept them. To do
that efficient you should at least be careful about what you say. Strong emotions can lead to
saying more than what you actually mean. That could increase the disagreements.
Sometimes dispute can also help to get clear about situations. Be careful about the possible
• Also look at yourself to improve, then contribute yourself. Increases self-confidence and
helps to find meaningful improvement measures.
• Avoid internal fighting of the belief in to the conspiracy theory, even if one can not explain
something – this is very stressful. Faith and to talk about it helps. Uncertainty can be
massively stressful otherwise.
• Do not get into nightmares, but steer towards a positive balance. Make no conspiracy
theories out of nightmares, since mentally very stressful. When you get more positive, the
nightmares also disappear over time.
So if you fight in your dreams: You kind of fight yourself. You win by getting a better person.
Seems to me like that in many ways. There are many steps: Get good with the people around
you, get decent at your work, be sure to get sure about your strong abilities, so to get confident.
Basically win the fighting in your dreams in decent ways with tons of self confidence, you built
up by becoming a good person. The fighting stopped for me then, or it seems that way. Good
thing is, when you manage you get a lot of advantages out of it. Aside from getting along, a lot
• Reason is generally very important. Reason and logic help to keep a clear head, but to insist
to much on scientific logic can be harmful. When it becomes clear that God wants
something of one, one should not refrain from it. But you should stay reasonable. Maybe
you should try to understand other non-scientific views logically, if reasonable. (Without
formulas or statistics)
• Avoid misinterpretations. This can be done by looking at the bigger picture, or know “how
to think” instead of “what to think”. Religious misinterpretations could get dangerous.
• “Plan” to get Children if necessary, to become a better human and consolidate relationship
first. Contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy beforehand can make sense. Abortion is
no murder of course but really isn't optimal. In my opinion “hard abortion” at a later state in
which the kid gets killed brutally in the belly of the mother should only be done if the life of
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the mother is in danger. About “light abortion” in an earlier state I am really not sure, well
its not optimal and shouldn't usually be used.
• Sporting helps - body and soul work together. In addition, it is easier to switch off during
physical exertion.
• Confess sins as much as possible to confidants or just talk about it, if that's hard first write
down and talk about it later. Think about original triggers. Confessing helps to process and
to mend for the future.
• See criticism as a possible improvement - helps to improve and helps to avoid negative
feelings when criticized
• Try different ways to solutions if reasonable and necessary
• Pay attention to achievements and note. Remember successes so as not to give up. More
optimism, stay confident that you can improve.
• It's usually bad to mistrust based on prejudice. Mistrust based on experience is not as bad. I
think there's no healthy mistrust, but healthy carefulness. The difference is the prejudice. I
recommend being careful, but 100% safety is basically not possible. But generally more
carefulness is better than less, but stay reasonable.
• Don't be to unforgiving, especially if a problem is solved already.
• About being serious: Generally its reasonable, but it can get stressful if you are serious all
the time. Actually its more that fun can be stress relieving. So if the situation allows for it
and you don't overdo it, jokes or having fun can be good. But it shouldn't be on the cost of
others to much.
• Don't get angry to much on accidental mistakes, criticizing constructively should be ok
• Avoid prejudgement. And don't insinuate things without real reason.
• Open your eyes and see life is wonderful
• In difficult times seek communication and pray
• Don't overwork yourself to much
• Be realistically optimistic
• Maybe many people have following problem: They think its much more important what
others think of them, and not what they actually truly think about themselves (or their
relationship with god)
Negative results:
• Hiding mistakes and closing oneself
• Lying
• Prevents working on problems (because hiding)
• Can lead to thinking of others mentally unfairly negative, when you actually think bad
about yourself
• Living with a “mask”
• Could lead to mistrust
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• Can lead to being less friendly and more egoistic thinking, when you don't take into
consideration enough what you think of yourself
Changing that can be a big step, but it should pay off. You should take into consideration
what others think of you, but the actual goal should be to actually think reasonable positive
about yourself, without faking it.
• State critic diplomatic and constructive, if there's a real reason for it. Don't criticize without
reason, because that only causes unnecessary stress. Consider your feelings before
criticizing, when you feel angry, it might not go well.
• When raising children you should not teach them that they generally have to be strong,
especially not without other important values. That can lead to undesirable developments of
the personality. Even if you are not generally strong, you can be strong/tough when the
time/situation calls for it.
• Religious freedom means, everybody decides for himself what he believes. You should try to
suggest children/people religion, but without violence or being intrusive. Be respectful with
other reasonable views.
• Is it important, if/which religion you are assigned to? First of all, I think what counts is not
what you are “assigned to” at all. It does matter if you believe at all, but that's more because
following: When you care about your relation with god, you should be able to do more
decent. And that's really what matters in my opinion, basically just being a decent person.
Doing things that are good for everybody. And having a decent mind/spirit.
Side note: I met god in my dreams a longer time ago, but from that information I couldn't
tell which religion. I just guess all big religions are mostly correct. Why do we humans think
one thing excludes the other so much, without real reason? I don't think the details are that
important anyway, but more the basics. Also I think its important to look at the bigger
picture and try to understand the “how” instead of just the “what”. Like many Christians
dislike Jews, because they didn't get the message of their religion right. They don't try to
learn from Jesus, but instead just take the blame out, although if anything just a single
person from 2000 years ago would be guilty of that. People can believe what they want, I'll
say that again. Don't blame people for things that they didn't do in their life's.
Islam is also getting abused in many ways. On the one side the terrorists don't get the
messages and basics right, or they don't want to. They just get hung up on one little detail,
that could be interpreted differently. It's just stupid to only “take a single thing that seems
favourable to you” and “ignore the rest” to justify your misdoings. That's abuse of a religion.
Because that the whole religion gets viewed at something that it isn't by the west. If you just
take that part of it as “suggesting your religion to other people”, even I kind of wrote
something similar a bit further up. Where's the idea of using violence for that even coming
from, as far as I know the religion talks about you needing to have a kind heart (and that's
part of the actually very important basics)?
• About the “hate of jews” problems: How do we get to fix the hate? I really don't think it's
coming from me. If I think back I never had that problem as a kid(!), also I don't think I got
affected somewhere about it. At least I wouldn't know when or why. But I know its a
problem in many society's. So I kind of assume it's not really my feelings/pressures. The
only thing that might have me got affected a little I can think of is “south park”. I kind of
think that show is really doing it wrong there. Cartman's actually terrible. I might not have
put my defences up enough when I watched that show as a teenager/young adult. To be real
I shouldn't have watched it at all.
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I still don't understand the “concept of it”. There's the Palestinian conflict, yes. But that's
mostly a problem of the situation, of course we have to fix that also somehow. It basically
also sources in the problem of “hate of jews”. If the hate got fixed, that problem would be
solved as well along with it, I'm sure.
I might visit those country's (Israel and Palestinia) eventually to build a picture of the
situation better.
To be clear about it “hate of jews” is LOGICALLY WRONG to me. God isn't like this.
Think about it, I messed up REALLY hard 9 years ago and got this chance. I'm trying to
think what it could be.
The best thing I can come up with is still: People think about the “what” to much and not
about the “how's” enough. Think about “how” your religion is done in the big picture, and
not so much “what” in detail. That needs good understanding of it. And a bunch of working
on it with hard thinking.
Oh right and really, you shouldn't watch “those” south park episodes or similar stuff.
I remembered more that might have me got affected in the past up to today. As a teenager(I
think) I watched news intensely about some Palestinian conflict. There were reports about
some things that were against human rights. That might have me got affected, too. I don't
think the report of the information at itself was wrong, but more the way it was put wrong.
At things like that, its extremely important to put the words right. Obviously I did wrong
back then by “receiving the report the wrong way”. I should have viewed it in a way were I
wouldn't have created a weakness in my soul/spirit from it. Basically I should have made
sure I don't feel “hateful to anyone” when reading the news as a teenager, and when I can't
should have stopped reading it. Be aware feeling hate might actually create all kinds of
weaknesses in your mind. It might kind of possess part of your spirit with “evil”
individually (sometimes in sense of negative feelings and/or “negative pressure” about it in
the future). I think it especially happens when you dare to “get into hate to much/try to get
high on hate/so basically if you dare to enjoy that evil feeling for a while”.
Also I think I can fix that problem in myself, I'll might have to travel/meet some jews/talk
more on discord for that. I'll talk in an jewish Discord server more about the things that
might have me got affected, and how I'm sorry about getting affected by that.
• Why do people insist on generalization on people? A few of a religion or ethnicity do a
mistake, and then the blame is put on everybody of that group. Generalization on people is
generally bad. I guess the answer why that is a thing is actually often bad media. It can have
all kinds of political reason, and many pay the price. People get told the wrong things and
get manipulated until its a mess. The hate builds up from that. In the end everybody loses.
Just stop that already. You don't have to hide news from release, but state things in a way
that's actually fair. The news often make it seem like “country x is bad” or “people of
religion/ethnicity y are bad” that's so terrible. Why do they do that? Maybe just to justify
later planned actions without facing opposition. The point is, if the news is somewhat
objective, and there might be faced opposition, that's democracy's then. Eliminating that
beforehand with media manipulation is not. And people try to not get manipulated so much,
and also demand more objective news peacefully.
• Is evolution theory or creation theory right? Actually the question is already wrong. Why
can't both be somewhat right? Evolution on lifeforms does exist. Or why would bacteria's
become resistant against antibiotics. That's not a favourable example for us, but shows some
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evolution. On more complex lifeforms or lifeforms with slower generation change it just
takes longer. But it should be obvious that evolution theories always just move the question.
Wherever the questions get moved to by science, the source is god in my opinion.
• Many people just give in to fast. Better think about what you are told to do. Don't be
stubborn for no reason, but bring up arguments if you think its wrong. Mind that often
superiors fail on the insight. They might not even understand why its wrong if you don't tell
them in detail. Don't question hierarchies easily either. You can forget how to argument right
if you never do it, but that can be learned again. Try to do it as constructive as possible.
• Analyse your feelings, they usually might have all kinds of reasons. By counteracting you
can prevent it from getting worse. I'm not talking about having a headache and taking a
aspirin. Look at it way beforehand. Every slight uncomfortable feeling in your brain or
body. Try to understand. You might have to get in a positive balance before to even be able
to do that though. But eventually you might see. You can prevent seemingly physical pain
often with your mind even. Might not even have to act differently. I'm not saying that will
always work, but often. So feelings are communication
Don't suppress your subconscious calls. Rather feel and transform. Listen.
• Don't play with other peoples hearts, but be serious. But accept being rejected. No stalking.
Mind that some people understand pretty slowly on the hints (including me, though I usually
don't even try) but a clear no is definitely a no.
• It's possible to get into things to much at once. Don't get to overworked or arrogant.
• Try not to generalize to much on people. I have talked about that before. It just hurts the
innocent. It can create hate with is bad for yourself as well, and gets your mind ill.
• Try to stay yourself. The important things that define you, your interests, quirks that don't
matter, who you are. “The problems” are not your natural self, they come from manipulation
and mistakes in all kinds of ways.
• When you have big problems with self-confidence, it could help to get accepted by close
people with your whole “being”. You could write a kind of “biography” of yourself and
work it out with your confidants. You might have to work on yourself. You'll need openness
and reasonability.
• When you can't solve something, try to view it from a distance.
• Know when to let go. Don't brood over something to no end at once.
• Good communication: Good communication is a ping-pong game. If you don't want to do
something, please say so. Try to not just imply “ok” and then do nothing.
• Understanding: Understanding can be interpreted as “understanding a situation/problems” or
to “be understanding”. “Be understanding” doesn't mean to not criticize constructively or
not doing attempts to optimize. It should prevent negative feelings or unconstructive
behaviour on specific problems that would annoy you.
• Challenges and routine: Only from routine you'll stop developing yourself at some point. To
develop further you'll need some reasonable challenges.
• Try to look far ahead and wide at times. Don't just focus right ahead of you all the time.
• Ignorance – is bad. For example if words have “bad meaning” you should make yourself
aware, and don't use them ignorantly.
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• To much regret looks like poison to me now. It makes you brood over something instead of
letting it go. Leading to making the same mistake again and again instead beating it. You
just need to make sure you have a good drive to improve yourself, regret is not a good one.
• Many animals seem to be able to "rate your inner piece", like dogs, cat's, even birds. Of
course it's also about if they know you. Or the personality of the animals. But generally if
they don't know you, it seems to be more about your inner piece how they act towards you.
• Building inner conviction: For example if you want to stop smoking, having enough inner
conviction makes it rather easy. So how do you build inner conviction?
• See the whole important meaning in the bigger picture deliberately
• Write your conviction down somewhere important, put it somewhere you can see it, talk
to other people about it
• ideal-network-integration: Build up your ideal description you hold on to. Seal what you
want to change about yourself in your ideal-description by integration and saying you
will hold onto that.
• Be best buddy's with your subconsciousnesses ;)
I repeat: So if you look at it somewhat scientific, the more you lack to restrain yourself, the
more you are dislearning to keep control over your thoughts. You are basically giving up on
What advantages does the individual have if he complies with this guideline?
• No "chaos in the head"
• Improve the symptoms of schizophrenia or avoid it
• better mental performance
• healthy soul and healthy body - here seems to be a certain connection. For example, Less
stress, lower heart rate and so you do not catch a cold so easily. Actually it can work for
a lot more health problems, when done right.
• Better and easier social integration for a normal life
• More self-confidence / self-esteem and just getting stronger mentally
• Opportunity to become a better person
• no nightmares, or you can “beat em” at least
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What is “happiness”:
I understand it as gentle feeling of “soft relief” over a long time. A bad belly feeling opposes this.
Short term fun isn't really happiness in my opinion. Maybe it could be a goal in life to be as much
“happy” as possible. So I see it as a sort of enjoyment of life. In my case the guidelines helped me
to get happier.
Here are some things you could also try if you are unhappy:
• Learn to accept, where reasonable
• see positive things as positive (perceive them as such)
• Reduce stress in a reasonable way
• Try to “define” yourself reasonably – What are your qualities, what do you want to do for
society. “Who are you, what should make you, you?”
• Everybody has a own “skillset”. Maybe you don't know it fully yet. You should not see it as
“bad” that someone else can do skill x better, or that skill y is bad with another person or
yourself. Of course you can also work on weaknesses, but especially you should really hone
strong skills of yourself and use that to help society.
• Get over the past
In case of worry it's subconsciousness is uncertain of danger and how you handle it. If you're
trusted by your subconscious you wouldn't worry much. Also faith works. Just work on your
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trust base, but don't really take unnecessary bigger risks to your health.
Crying out of sadness would mean
Something was taken from subconsciousness? How to not cry out of sadness? In my case I
sort of reached the bottom of existing at some point, so I stopped crying(out of sadness).
You don't want to do that. If you feel like crying just cry, but don't give up. Feel your
sadness truly, because why would you reject your subconscious call. Then be strong together
• Theory about life and the material world: It's usually said, that “our spirit lives in our brain”
or something along those lines. I think more, its like our brain is the “door”/”stabiliser” from
the spiritual world into the material. So we could basically think in the spiritual world
without a material brain. When we die, the “door” closes, at least for the time being.
So the spiritual world is the big everything, while the material world is just a small part of it.
I also have a theory about what's the point of the material world in the first place. It has
“higher stability” than the spiritual world. Basically in the spiritual world everybody has
potentially “more power”. That's not necessarily desirable when it's full of “unclean spirits”.
Just wouldn't work really. So a “material world” with “more stability” was created. You
might argue, that our world isn't really stable either. But what if everybody would have
super powers? Would just get worse.
To complete that theory, our mission in the material world would be to “clean our spirit”
and eventually go back to god/heaven with a clean spirit. As in sort of becoming an angel
maybe. I believe in rebirth also. I also believe in hell, but I would say it's not like the worst
possible pain. Basically it just cleans the soul a bunch. Heaven would basically be where
everyone there is a great spiritually, and does have the “power” but uses it “greatly”. So
basically a place without evil in the first place.
Animals could be based on a different less intelligent form of spirits.
About what's “allowed” in heaven, I just don't know ok. Definitely no “messing around”
All of that is just theory's based on my impressions/dreams and logic though.
You should also definitely make sure to have a good “relationship” with god. Probably better
for rebirth also. Also a better life here as well.
I should also state, that I might just see all of that much to logic-bound. Heaven could also
be just perfectly great in some way, nobody could think of. Sorry that I'm such a logic nerd.
It could also be that heaven can appear differently, like god can appear differently.
So basically there's a question of me to myself, if I want to view view(? Where did this come
from) by my logic of what I would expect, or should I just not rely on my logic on this one?
Totally not sure yet. Not sure if its a good idea to view heaven by logic at all.
I'll leave this part in though, just because I don't plan to hide stuff at all.
Basically I got a little worried about not planning to ever become “holy”, and as such not
becoming an “angel”. Might possibly not fit me. But really, I totally just shouldn't view
those things by my/any logic. I even felt some negative pressure at some point about it. Do I
have a weakness there? Usually my faith is very strong lately. The weakness itself might
come from “wanting to be myself” a bit. But really I'm not sure there's a reason to doubt
that's ok?
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Basically just being “decent” might be ok? Why am I in doubt that's ok? I'd say that's the
YouTube videos fault really. And definitely not gods obviously. It's probably just what some
of the other people (on YouTube for example) expect me to be that bugs me I guess. I might
be stupid about what I assumed subconsciously from some of those videos. Like as in some
of those YouTube Videos made me basically think I “have to be holy/not myself”, but I don't
like that. And I don't think I have to. I'll probably take things a bit easier again. Really just
do things in a way they feel right, when you have the right feel for that already. I don't think
god would expect more from me “than being myself in a decent way” and “using that for
good”. So when I'm a little lazy sometimes, I think that is ok. Should not be lazy when it is
important not to be though. I think the “negative pressure” got better already-so maybe I got
that right again. One title said for example “99% will be embarrassed, mainly because of
your laziness” - basically saying “give yourself up already”, sorry I won't. I'll just go with
“be decent but be yourself and use it for good”. But mind the manipulation, and what it has
done to you. Mind that it can be pretty hard to understand “who you are”. It can really take a
whole lot to understand “who you are”.
People also say “clothing makes people”. I also don't like that one. “Clothing only makes
people to some extent” because people think so (while there doesn't seem to be a decent
logical reason for it). More so, its superficial. I don't think that's great. So if you work in a
way that works well, it should be good, even when you seem lazy at times.
• Instead of thinking what would you logically expect from heaven, just don't "detail" your
expectation, and think of it as "the most wonderful state you can be in" – without
detailing what the "boundary conditions" could be. Those could be all kinds of things
anyway. Like live your life, enjoy your life, do everything to make the best out of your life,
look forward to heaven, but don't forget you life here and now.
When I think about my engineering work, I usually use base principles for solving difficult
issues. Don't think about what's the solution like for the difficult issue, find the best way
leading to it. Then follow the way keeping on track. Don't exclude possibility's. The
resulting solution might be surprising even. And when you think back you might have had a
hard time seeing it from further back.
I'll explain it like that, if you throw an apple why do you think it'll fall to the ground?
If you'd ask people how sure they are they would probably say 100%
But what
-If a black hole would appear above it
-Or if a tornado would take the apple away.
So basically we just believe the apple will land on the ground.
Because life experience.
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Why wouldn't the same principle for believe based on life experience not work for
*Knowing you go to heaven
*Knowing what quality to expect (which might be based on your believe)
*What it'll be you'll see when you arrive
We shouldn't rate your current status at all basically. Just ignore it. Material things also don't
Then just look at following:
Did things work out
*This week
What do I mean "work out"?
=>Basically just how your feelings are feeling. Happy with it?
So by analysing how things are developing you should gain security somewhere, that you
are on track and how to stay on it. So if you know how to handle the track and your
development you'll be able to look into your future self a bit.
You should recognize eventually, if you "do well"(in a certain way), not only will you'll feel
better, also things will start to work out better.
Eventually you shouldn't have doubts be it this life or afterwards. Also don't be afraid.
Rebirth is no big deal. Just don't suicide. You don't want to give up.
• Why do I never really try to do something about my weirdness? Basically 2 things. If you
are trying to be to holy as normal person it will probably go wrong. Like making you burn
your energy on unnecessary things. I'm trying to not waste mental energy. Also a little small
sin here and there can be relaxing if it does not really matter(Don't overdo those though).
But don't get me wrong, most of those weird things are just not even wrong at all, just
unusual. I want to concentrate my energy's on the things that actually logically matter. Also I
really want to support the "be nice, but also be who you want to be" attitude. I refuse to
change some things about me to make them align with the majority.
I think it's a society problem if difference makes you worth less.
Those are also things that societies decide though I'm just stating my opinion as always.
• How do I guide myself through my life? I'd say it's a mix between logic(for important things
"goal good for everyone") and perception. The perception thing is very complicated. You
have to interconnect it with logic quite a bit. But I try to sharpen my perception as much as
possible when it matters. I also try to train it at times. Perception can mean like dreams,
hints in the real world of all kinds or also all kinds of feelings. All of those are complicated.
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They can't just be fully trusted, and have to be made sense of and logically rated. There can
be misleading ones. Not always easy.
• Not sure if I talked about this before here but also very important: Let's say you are
unhappy. Or feel down. But you aren't sure why. It's important to differ between "internal"
and "external" problems. I witnessed sometimes how people around me search the reasons
for that on the outside while it actually came from the inside. Once I got them to see that I
think it soon got better from working on those inside problems. It's much more effective to
work on inside problems by looking inside with the mind and analyse or look at your life
and who you are.
Fixing your mind up should fix your inside problems(you could easily think the problems
are coming from outside but they aren't) and more - I'd go as far to say all kinds of positive
effects can follow from fixing your mind. Like better health, luck, more intelligence,
bravery and values, relaxing ability and calmness, and of course other people see you more
positive. And of course it just feels better to actually be in control of your mind.
To be fair I have to say it can be hard and take a long time, depending on how messy your
mind is. I recommend checking my guide for more information.
You should see it as a project like getting a university degree.
I thought I stated it already enough, but I think of my stuff to be basically for people who
want to do it. No pressure to it. Though if your mind feels messy, it would probably
especially be a good idea.
If I imagine working on hard farming work everyday without vacation, no heated rooms,
etc. - I wouldn't know why that would be better – other than there's less manipulations
possible. So if we just work on the negative influence, it should be good. More “somewhat
reasonable” possibility's should be better if used right.
• About some loss of weight / shaping up strategies :
This is where I found the conviction strategy definition.
So you can:
• decide if you want to shape up “consciously”
• while you are at it, find reasons for it, for me healthiness, agility, appeal
• if you are still not convinced “unconsciously” just write it down in your personal
ideal-description as something you will do. Rather don't just write it down –
integrate it right.
• Don't forget to “seal” it at the right time. You can expand that by talking to others
about it.
• Then if your ideal-description system works already, it should work out just fine with
enough conviction to do it just fine.
• Why does God give people that capacity to sin if he just punishes them for it
Would you drop your freedom out of free will or not? Or do you expect something like in
that south Park movie where you get zapped through that device when saying a curseword!
Not zapped but getting aware is just possible developing the sense for sin.
Why can your car drive faster than 5km per hour if you can hurt yourself with it.
So what I'm saying you have the ability to sin, but just shouldn't overdo
It's sin because it hurts in some way and it's not completely banned fully, because yin and
yang. Basically if there was just yin things would stop developing. Stopping to change. So
there's a lot of polarities.
So the opposite of sins are like living values/virtuous/ideals.
But if everyone would just live these ideals 100% there would be nothing to do.
We wouldn't develop anymore.
At some point
So a perfect definition is a variable. Maybe I should explain this past few sentences.
If you let's say have to program a hello world software the requirements could be make the
software put out "hello world" on your screen: then perfection as in 100% reaching the goal
is easy.
If you don't limit the requirements and make an unlimited request: make the hello world
output perfect=> it's already impossible
Even if you'd state put the letters "h e l l o w o r l d" out perfectly in that order it would be
It's impossible due to definition unclarity and the absolute perfection being a variable.
Through time and space.
Clear optimal Definition on the other hand can only be perfect at time and space x
Which is a constant at the time of defining the definition
(maybe century a likes the letter white and bold, the next century cursive and colourful, the
next century a hologram.... like some like linux and some windows cmd terminal more)
Oh right and the whole thing is because you don't want to play like 100 games in the same
world/scenario. And not really changing yourself either - Super dull.
But what I'm really thinking is God appears differently though time and
space, maybe just doing what's right at time and space
• The only thing thats certain is our existence/consciousness and possiblilitys based on
circumstance guess I try to make it easier to understand:
1: we are conscious,
2:we have possibilitys
2.2: definition high spirit=> high spirit has high level of possibilitys
3: posibilitys are based on circumstance
4:based on circumstance someone can have the high level of possibility
5:so its just based on circumstance that high spirit exists in x at circumstance y
of course this is to see in a spiritual context. Im talking about spiritual possibilitys.
Lets view it like that: Is it possible that anything thinkable can not be? I think no. Any
thinkable is in some context. It already is in context of our thoughts at least.
I could go on with my perceptions of astral dreams seeming super real again..
• Those who read LOGIC DEFINITION want to learn about logic and how to use logic in
=>Rather those who are told to study it are told to study it to think in their box?
Do you know theory of sets (Mengen)
Your coming from an infinite set
Now an authority is trying to restrict your thinking set from the infinite to an subset defined
by an author in their interest
Is he suggesting or restricting, think about that
Think about it like that: a policeman beats you up. Now you understand. But did you learn?
I don't like to think in the box, so I'll constantly improve my logic to improve my thinking
How did Newtown find his stuff? Or Einstein? Or anyone making something? By not
restricting them to the box. Since you do that, you clearly won't be a Einstein, but his
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calculator. That's your restrictions if you don't think by your own terms.
Basically when your told "what to think" to much, you loose ability to largen your horizons
yourself. What do you think you did as kid.
More hints
• Do not insist too much or too little on your own interests - More self-esteem and better
social integration
• Do not be ashamed of peculiarities. That just pulls you down for no reason.
• Acting humble can be good if you have committed a sin. Also (externally as well as
internally depending on whether it was mental) to apologize. Especially when you know it
by your feelings that you have committed a sin. In order to get along better with yourself
again. UPDATE: Don't overdo regrets. That can mess you up. It even might make you brood
over things and do the same mistakes again.
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• Take reasonable measure of calm and speech. Speech and social interaction can become
exhausting in my condition. But, above all, to shut oneself off harms in the long run.
• Remember more about the positive impressions of the day, less about the negative ones
• To go under people as much as is good for you - too much currently costs too much energy
for me
• Do not stare at the ground or at objects. Could make a bad impression.
• Support groups can help - exchange experiences
• Keep yourself busy. Do not just sit in front of the computer. - Avoid pondering / re-living
negative memories repeatedly
• To sleep too much / to lie in bed too much may be harmful - leads to pondering / re-living
negative memories repeatedly
• Also ask, "Who am I?"
• Try to figure out thought processes to optimize them. This is kind of hard and complicated.
Basically you need following for that:
➢ high control and "feeling" of your mind
➢ try to "kick in" with analysing your mind as fast as possible when some undesirable
thought process happens. It'll be even harder later.
➢ you'll need strong ideals to compare with
➢ you'll need to know how "unspoken thoughts" work to some extent in your mind. Also
fairly hard.
Basically these parts are high level techniques and allow for further optimization on high
levels of mind optimization. I can't do those to well myself still. Sometimes it works.
So this technique basically differs from just “trying to understand the content of a thought”.
Which was stated before. This one has more to do with the “thought flows”, which you can
also try to understand.
• I'm starting to wonder which parts of my brain do which effects. I think it can be
analysed just through looking at your own mind and feeling it. I think the biggest part is
guided by logic and "me"(around the middle). Then there's a weird affectable part
"somewhere left of me"? Maybe a faith receiving part "somewhere on the right side up
to the middle"? I just started analysing, so not to sure jet. Even less sure about the
"upper" part of the brain, but could be affective to sins maybe?? Not sure.
Usually everything works together pretty well when you can handle it.
BTW I'm talking from an internal view. So viewed from the front... the sides would be
the other way. To make that clear, I'm pretty sure by now the questionable part of my
brain would be on the far right viewed from the front. The far left one would be the
unreasonable one then.
I've some ideas on what to do with the far right brain part. I think about a mix of internal
energy shifting, overpowering and mercy. And negotiating of course.
Update: Seems to have worked rather well. My fire seems better tamed right now. I feel
more reunited currently.
About what I think is faith receiving: It sort of feels like "soft gentle light", and makes
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your spirit even stronger. Pretty nice, pretty addictive, and somewhat logic neglecting.
So I directed that gentle light at my "bad part" when it was really strong while I held a
speech. What then happened seemed super unbelievable and weird because in my mind a
sort of ghost escaped from it. Female and with a mask. I think I saw something similar
looking in a ghost anime. We engaged in a fight. After that I felt exhausted but reunited.
Not to sure what to make of the ghost part. Weird. Never believed in them, not to sure
what to think now.
• I have another weird theory. When you put negativity in by giving in to something bad,
some sort of "evil spirit" might posses a part of you. Even when you don't think so any more
it's hard to get rid of. Especially in your childhood you are affectable. That "thing" might try
to manipulate you for a long time on that weak point that was created then. The upper
example speaks for itself. I have another one: When I was a child my mom asked me if I
want a little brother or sister. I was like "sure why not, then I'm not the small one anymore".
Then my mom explained all kinds of possible disadvantages to me, like "we might not have
much time for you any more, you'll get less money from us, etc". I got super affected by that
explanation (it was just not a fair representation of things, worked like manipulation though
unintentionally) and I couldn't get rid of it even up to today. To be fair I haven't really tried
systematically on that one yet. I know logically that that's stupid way to put it and not fair.
But whatever "possessed" me back then seems to try to manipulate me with "negative
pressure" and "negative feelings" even today at that weak spot it made. It's clearly not
natural when I think of the time before it affected me.
I think racism and homophobia are the same principe.
You can get rid of it, it just takes a lot of effort and mental discipline. Effort as in working it
out, writing it down, talking about it and the sources. You should also know about its
importance to "clean soul and spirit". It potentially could mean some trouble for a while
after your life ended.
In case you are racist or homophobic: If you happen to have a good memory, then you might
be able to tell that you weren't homophobic or racist before you got manipulated.
Update: So today I didn't do great, what happened? Actually I think I might have just partly
cured my Shizophrenia. While before the bad stuff came from one part of my brain, it now
"reunited". At first it's almost like a drawback(after I calmed down in the next morning).
Since I can't block it easy anymore. But I think it will start to pay off soon enough.
1. Since we are hopefully together again, we work together, instead against each other
2. When not split up, we can improve each other
3. I changed the rest of me, why would it not work again
4. I probably should not lock it up again, but go easy and show the ropes gently
5. It's somewhat depressing "bad" being a part of me again, but I'll not deny it and just
"change" it as a part of me
So basically right now I feel not as "clean" anymore, but.. well.. finally in one piece I think.
If I'm right it's pretty reassuring as well. It'll just need some work for optimal results.
Update the day after: Feeling good so far today. Hm... that went so fast... did I really already
do it?
Update: Actually seems to have made things better a bunch?
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• Moreover
I should think already of something to do about my slightly feeling of dislike towards
baby's. I already explained the root of the problem in my guide. Briefly: Happened when I
was a kid. I got somewhat one sided information about disadvantages getting a
brother/sister. But what actually triggered it was getting "high" on negative feelings caused
by the one-sided information(as a kid).
Anyway how to fix that? I probably should just regularly think of ways how getting
kids/brothers/sisters can enrich your life.
List it here
➢ Starting with a big one: happiness comes from expanding yourself as a person. And
Family is the most effective method potentially. You can probably guess why, close
people give you the most "input information"+feedback - even when not knowing they
do so - I mean it just happens anyway
➢ Future of mankind
➢ Gives you drive to do decent
➢ Bonds are good
➢ Teaches consistency + responsibility
➢ useful challenges
• Helping in everyday-life might also help to prevent getting megalomanic. Not seeing the
“small tasks” as unimportant, if you usually do “big tasks”.
• You usually don't get what you want but what you are in terms of miracles. Not to be
confused with “challenges”
• Today wasn't optimal, so I'm trying to solve or at least explain the root causes.
Basically levelling up mental discipline is good, but at some point that doesn't work great
any more just doing that. Also doesn't feel great. So I came up with some additional things
• Type "masking problems" of feelings
You have negative feelings towards a certain specific person, but you think it's
Question yourself: Are we talking openly? Are both of us wearing masks when talking?
Did things happen in the background?
If you are understanding better based on those questions, you just have to ask yourself if
you actually want to take that step to open the relationship.
• Type "groupable problems" of feelings
For those you'll have to focus on the situations and how you feel about them for a while.
Let's say you notice feeling bad towards people on motorcycles a lot. Then you could
think about how you feel towards motorcycling in general.
If you want to improve that, you could just bring up creative positive thoughts about
motorcycling in the right situations. Eventually you should start feeling differently about
things. But first analyse what you think is bad.
• Type "feel better about others in general" => level up your power of kindness
How can you do that? I think a way might be to deliberately see more positive things in
every person you see for a while. "See more" as in "become aware of" for example by
analyzing situations and thinking. It's normally easy when being around another person
for longer like at work. When only seeing someone for a moment it can be hard to
recognize qualities other than looks to be fair. So basically just do it in reasonable ways
while doing everyday life situations. If you can think and feel positive about all the
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people you are around for longer, that's decent already. And it doesn't mean you shouldn't
criticize when reasonable. But what if you come across someone you don't know and
let's say don't like his voice? How do you not feel somewhat bad? Maybe just
concentrate on objective thinking. That should make it better at least. Just wonder how
this situation would be viewed from "above". Why would your own tastes about the
voice matter? Concentrate on that. No reason to let you get influenced how you treat him
or her, not even mentally.
• Feeling "Loaded" in general here and there?
=>Are you restraining yourself in unnecessary ways? Do you express yourself when
talking to other people? Are you yourself enough? Not doing sins is good, but do you
restrain yourself about unnecessary things? Like are you becoming to much what society
wants you to be(or more like what you expect about that), instead what works for you?
Then you should be more yourself, in non-damaging/non-dangerous ways.
So basically if you restrain yourself in ways that don't really make sense to you, that
might make you feel loaded. You might not even be aware that you are doing that. BTW
I'm not talking about porn, because I've regulated that in ways that seem meaningful to
me already.
thoughts. But you should not indulge in the "negative" either. You should regularly
experience something new. In fact, it can also help in the second reality to collect clues how
you can improve yourself.
People who drive me in the second reality and therefore are not to be taken personally in
case of stress. You can sometimes say "slow down"/”I need a break”. But they are good
• a
• b
• c
• d
• You can get influenced by “other parts” that don't feel like from yourself. It can help to talk
to yourself.
be better to repeat important things more and take those in well. Really important would
probably be things like the “how to think”, especially objective decision making.
• Existence should be eternal, life shouldn't be. There should always be next life. Why? Aside
from the obvious social issues, and that next life's more fun eventually: There's also deeper
issues. With some sort of “artificial science life-time enhancing” you(your consciousness)
would cheat the other parts of the universe. But don't get a bad certain on living long. Your
just doing well. Just keep doing well and live as long as you can, but just don't cheat. (Just
keep doing well grandmother)
• Don't play god, set some borders for science. Should probably be constitutional, too.
Some Inventions that could be very bad for example:
• Time machines (absolutely not)
• Technical access to the mental and spiritual world (absolutely not)
• Technical access from the spiritual world to the material (absolutely not)
• Bottom up type of artificial intelligence (absolutely not) – Bottom up type means, that
the AI basically is conscious and can or could theoretically develop itself further
endlessly. Mind that if its “will” or “dynamic resources/ability's to think” would get
blocked technically, that would make it worse instead solving it.
• About genetics: Those should be objectively morally reasonably limited in development
• Weapon development of any kind should be regulated somehow. Have to think about
that more (For now: The focus should be on moralistic efficiency. - objectively as
• No “cheating” with scientific-measure life-length “enhancing”. Like genetic
modification and the likes. Or body cycling or something like that.
• Treat the environment decently
• Try to prevent mass livestock farming
• Update: Well, I sure didn't write a whole lot about that yet. I wonder why. I'm voting
green, but to be very honest, I'm not living that green yet. I should get more serious
about that already. So:
• Think more about what's actually important to you. What do you actually develop
with? What gives you something?
• When you get that knowledge use that to further save unnecessary wastages.
• Luxury is a core problem working against the environment. But luxury is
different for different people to a big amount.
• Basically we hurt the environment usually as soon as we spend money. Well the
amount of how much we hurt it with how much money differs though. But most
effective would be just to “limit” how much stuff we need.
• It's mostly up to ourselves to decide what actually important to us and what we
want do develop with.
• About the politics:
• A law-based “10-years warranty” on all the devices might help a lot. Things are
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build to break soon nowadays. That can't be good for the environment. Even with
recycling, its better if things just don't break so soon. That should be better for
the environment, especially combined with recycling. To make that as reasonable
as possible we could go 2year(which we have here already)->5Year->7Year-
>10year in (not to long) steps.
• Houses made of wood are probably more economy friendly than the ones made
of stone. Why? Natural wood contains CO², that gets out in the environment
when its burned. That means “safely storaged” wood is good for the
environment. Like in a wooden house for example. Or natural wood furniture. Or
just real forests, which are even better.
• Reducing forests for making organic fuel can't be good. Keep the forests.
• Further down I wrote about the economy system. That would probably help a lot
avoiding wastages for the biggest part.
• Save the woods! That doesn't mean to never cut a tree but to... well save the woods/forests.
• Especially children should be enabled to have a decent life beneath school. But also adults
beneath work as well.
• No “muzzles”, except with safety-critical secrets, or secret-selling for self-profit. Muzzles
are bad, because they are often used for cover-ups that prevent improvement.
Whistleblowing should only be done objectively reasonable, for society/the world of course.
Should probably be constitutional.
• The most economic solution is not always the best, for example don't prevent more
reasonable ecologic solutions because economics
• Freedom of press except “hate speech” and security-critical secrets (like weapon-building-
plans). The press should be conscious of the importance of as far as possible objective news
that don't indulge hate. It shouldn't work lurid and for profit maximization. It should be
independent of the government and the likes. The goal should be to inform the public
conscientious. Mind that for example satire is also ok if it is easily recognizable as such.
Media should not represent things unnecessarily one-sided. That especially counts for
foreign policy. If you look at it carefully, it gets obvious that there were examples in the
past, that were represented very one-sided for political reasons. I'd name the “Skripal”-case
and the “Iran”-conflict as clear examples for that. I'll describe in more detail later.
Freedom of press (independent of government) should totally be constitutional.
Media manipulation is undemocratic. Politics facing opposition from society if doing
something questionable is democratic, destroying the opposition beforehand by media
manipulation is not.
• Information freedom in the internet. Except “hate speech” and safety-critical things (like
weapon-building-plans for example). This one should also be totally constitutional.
• More reasonable dialogue, more citizen participation
• Shorter ways of communication / shallower hierarchies can make sense. It can also be
stressful, to have multiple bosses, that don't agree with each other. Maybe the tasks should
be given by the direct boss, but information should be given more shallow in hierarchy?
• “From a as far as possible objective view reasonable transparency” could be good.
Transparency helps to understand. Not enough transparency leads to mistrust. In some cases,
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some details could distort things if the bigger picture is missing. Important is to view the
required transparency objectively. That's not a excuse for cover-ups. It does mean, that
things that have no real negative effects don't have to be put out of context to make it seem
worse than it is.
• Restraint and compromise readiness with possible conflicts. Of course you can state your
opinion, but conflicts should be prevented. This is meant in consideration of possible
consequences (Humanity, society, environment and involved people) of the conflict.
• If its already to late with a conflict, don't worsen the situation from outside with political
power games for the society. Think about the society. You can often see, that there is a
power struggle in some country. There is no clear “better choice”. Now one bigger outside
party supports one of them, and another bigger outside party supports the other. That just
worsens things.
• Conviction can be good or bad, a combination from conviction and reasonability as well as a
reasonable compromise readiness is desirable. But compromise is not always good, its
important that things work out well from a objective reasonable view.
• Control instances may not be disabled recklessly or for egoistic things. Should be
• Critique is not constructive if someone is just made down, and there are no
realistic/reasonable solutions shown to those problems
• The economical system “capitalism” isn't optimal in its current form. Reason: The pressure
to perform well gets bigger and bigger with time, which leads to life quality of the
individual decreasing. Also there's the problem that very hard work isn't economically worth
as much sometimes. There's also the problem with greed and profit maximization in
combination with the environment and wages. Update: Not to forget about producing
surplus and the effect on the environment.
Because of that people from different competence areas should give hints/suggestions on
what to improve. The goal should be to find the best possible economy system for everyone,
from a as objective as possible point of view. There should be open discussions for that.
Important: Changes should be done peacefully on the discussion/democratic way.
UPDATE: Ok that one might be the most important one point of all.
Ok better solution?
Let's think about that systematically
You need believe in God to get objective will or by deliberately shifting your view to
You need Goodwill to do it right (good works for everyone)
You need purpose to fire you on
You need important reason to not slack of
You need to know about the importance of advancing yourself to get happy
The only problems here are really "purpose finding" and the "reason not to slack off".
Because the rest should be understandable logically.
One does find purpose, by finding his strengths and looking at how he can help society with
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"Reason not to slack off": that's the difference between important and urgent. When
something seems urgent, it's easier not to slack off.
But how do you not slack off when it's not urgent or rather does not feel that way? (The
advancing yourself?)
That's the main question to solve I think. Everything else should work really.
So if that actually could be the real question on how to save us for good, how do we solve it?
Why does improving yourself not feel urgent? Is it everyday routine? Everything seems to
be somehow working for a while longer without doing it right now?
Currently many define their expansion physically... If your defining your expansion with
your mind instead it'll better... Not saying we should get rid of physical advantages
But basically money itself is quite a problem really... Like a core problem somewhat...
Against real happiness not for
But getting a "better system than money" might actually solve almost everything
When I had my first psychosys I said something along those lines... Like.. not exactly sure
anymore what
Some people didn't like that at all that I thought money is the problem.. not sure how that
happened but soon after I stopped thinking that... But money probably is the core problem. I
actually kind of wonder if I got brainwashed.
So basically I already received divine inspiration about the solution 9 years ago... The
solution is basically already there somewhere... Some just didn't like it.
So I had to do it again or something. This time explaining and teaching why... I'll probably
really come up with the same thing again in the end, whatever it was.
Obviously there are some core problems we have to go around... Like
a)some jobs just suck to do...
We could just cycle those?
b)what could drive you to expand as a person?
Basic principles:
-get more physical stuff by advancing as a person/being more useful
-just get always the same, but what drives you then to not slack of improving as a person
The first one could somehow work if the details are right.... no... would always just make
you think physically
But maybe either learn something or make yourself useful... And if the job gets boring
So basically just go from bad jobs to good jobs by advancing yourself...
Everybody gets the same access to things.
So basically you have to advance yourself to get great jobs
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Effectively that makes sure you are not selecting your job for money. If you want an higher
ranking job you are doing it only for actual reasons like advancing yourself, giving more to
society, more challenge etc..
And I'm pretty sure that was a more detailed version of the divine impression(at least
something definitely told me that principle was right. So to be clear about that, i'm not
sure if it was an impression or my own idea 9 years ago, but in my memory I
remembered something “higher” saying this idea is correct.. or “defending me saying I
was right about this one at least” basically).
About how the way to that solution could look I'm not sure yet... Give it some time and
thought. Well the way to it, as well as some of the details.
-People might confuse this with socialism, but it's further away from it than most
European economy systems
-Some People might want people to confuse this with socialism, but again, not even
-Some people might think, everything's socialism that's not unregulated capitalism
Just look at following: What are the core ideas of socialism and capitalism?
Core Idea Socialism Core Idea Capitalism Core Idea “No Money
Everyones equal You work yourself up in society You work yourself up before
for money god and yourself to advance
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You do the job your assigned to You do the job you can earn You do the job you profit
most money in (have to be most as, as a person (have to
qualified for it) be qualified for it)
You get the same, if you work You only get what your work is You have to either work or
or not worth on the market educate yourself. Everybody
gets the same access to
physical things as long as he
In a way, this no-Money idea is further away from socialism than capitalism is. “The
life your dream” idea is much deeper rooted here. And more realistically possible to do.
The focus on the physical things is just not good and gives bad mindsets. Just look at
some current developments, wars for oil, bankers in politics, financial crisis,
everything can be bought from power to lives. Society always pays.
Like I already wrote, you need a important reason to not slack of to improve yourself
as a person. And that can't be money. So it could just be your dream job you actually
want to do.
Also the “spectrum” of things should get wider. Because people can make the things
they dream of. Not so many ideas will die at the graveyard.
Of course the basic principle is still very much basic. I'll detail it more some other time.
The two main question are “what would that look like exactly” and “how could we develop
there peacefully”.
For the “what” the biggest question would be what does “Everybody gets the same access to
physical things as long as he “participates”” actually mean?
-New form of money, but everybody gets the same amount. You can “save up”. <= This one
doesn't really work well. Eventually it ends up with similar issues.
-Other idea: Work not for money, but for what you want. Let's say you want a Porsche. Then
you say you want a Porsche. Then you are told you have to advance and contribute x amount
for that. The basic things you need you'll just get anyway as long as you participate. So you
never get “money” and never work just “for money”. You never spend money just to get it
spend, because you have it anyway. No “saving up”. So basically “if you want extra things,
give it extra effort individually for it”. <= This one should be a lot better
When you look at it closely, you'll see that you are going to be happier from the
advancement then from your Porsche, but anyway, its a drive ;)
-Public tryout of things
Basically that also means: “No going out shopping, just to buy some unnecessary things to
have them”. Either things you need, or you have to bring extra effort individually. The
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attitude, to just buy unnecessary things to have them(because you are bored or something) is
problematic to say the least. This works like a drug around the real problem without fixing
it. When you actually want something unnecessary, you should have to do some effort for it.
That way it should actually still work out. Since you get happy from the advancing yourself,
and the amount of wasted materials and problems for the environment get limited more.
How to think, how to lead, how to drive, how to talk.... You'll have to face challenges, and
master them. Just learning examples by heart is not enough, it'll only help to start with.
Everybody should think at some point about what luxury means for him.
The problem with climate change is mainly due to luxury. But luxury is different things for different
people. It's mainly based on whats important for you.
Next to the money-griefing there is also the problem with spending to much money, or buying to
many things, because dumping-prices make the whole thing worse. Problem: Production, especially
also from dumping-products is often bad for the environment.
Basicly not only the burning of fosil-fuels is bad for the environment, but almost all money-
Even buying actually good bio-tomatoes is not 100% environment-neutral.
But it would be completely wrong to think: If something is not perfect, it doesn't matter anymore
anyway. This view is bad in so many ways. Also the environment regenerates itself in some extent –
so it can work out.
Our economy system capitalism is not optimised for this, but just to more, more, more
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The basic idea is, that you have to show that something is important for you, if its not a basic thing.
You have to make extra effort for those things. No “saving” and “fritter away”.
It could work with sort of online demand systems in before making it. It should take in
consideration "how much" someone wants it.
Also you start out with the unpopular jobs and work up.
Clearly there's still very much the question on how to advance there over the time. Also how much
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Better international equal chances/standing can be best achieved with a economy system that
doesn't push wrong values.
• The finance system seems unnecessarily complicated. The goal, to distribute the existing
money fairly could be done easier/more transparent/better.
I am an electrical engineer + software developer and not an expert in this area. But here's my
understanding of the finance system theory: As soon somebody brings reasonable effort for
society, he gets money for it. The money is(or rather should be) the equivalent of what the
work is worth. For the money he can get compensation in form of other things. So far so
good. If everybody hoards the money in his pillowcase, that would be at least inefficient.
Reason: Exchange of money equals to done work. That's why it makes sense to bring the
money to the bank. Maybe someone else can use that money efficiently? Somebody could
found a company and create jobs. That could help twice. Of course there has to be a base
capital that stays in the bank.
So these base requirements to the finance system are quite simple. Why is it so complicated
then? There are more reasonable expansions to the finance system also of course. But I feel
like a big part of the finance system only leads to rich people getting richer and poor getting
poorer. And that getting richer part, without bringing equally much effort for the society. It
basically gets easier to make more money, the more money you have. So basically the
currently legal form of stealing. I think the society would be better of without such
An example could be: Interest pay. Or following:
If the bank does gamble with the money of the clients and looses it to skilled gamblers, the
client still has the money on the paper. But that's basically bad. The client should know that
there's gambling done with his money and participate with the wins and looses. Because:
The bank will just try to generate money from nothing eventually. But the winning gambler
gets richer. That means: The general society has less money proportion of all existing money
then. It also means: As soon as the winning gambler spends some of his money, the rest of
the society has to work for it in some way. So it is basically stolen from society then.
I would recommend that banks can't gamble with money without having the real owners
participate. Otherwise the money should be used for actually quite safe deals (no
manipulation please). There could be created more safe money deals, like “somewhat static
shares”. I think I read something about shareholding laws going in that direction here.
Slowly at least. Thankfully something is done at least.
I heard 1% of the society has 80% of the money currently. That means, 99% of society have
20% of the money. I think when the trend goes on the effects on the actual economy will
become bigger, too. Since the big part of society could hardly be in buying mood then.
Also note that the problem with the housing bubble was not that house buyers were
supported. The house buyers just paid the biggest price on it. The problem was that complex
gambles were made with the security's of those deals, that didn't have anything to to with
real economy. And like usual society had to pay for it.
• Humans have to be treated humanly at least. I mean also criminals, war prisoners etc. Has to
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be constitutional.
• Surveillance: I first wrote here: One could say that its a necessary evil in some borders. But
there's a tendency to overdo it. And that you should do it reasonably.
I'm not sure what the government understands under “reasonably”, because surveillance
seems to get crazy lately. Mobile phones. Amazon echo. Laptops. Everything can be
surveillanced at leisure it seems to me. Its like close to total monitoring already. It could get
abused so easily, and that seems to be a thing in some countries already.
It's clear that that has to be controlled as much as possible by some independent reliable
instance at least. No general surveillance of people at leisure. There should be a reason to
surveillance individually and a independent reliable control of it.
Please mind that we already have the infrastructure to a almost total-surveillance(Mobile-
phones, Amazon Echo, Laptops etc...). But that doesn't mean those should usually be used
for surveillance.
Today I read:
Die Innenstaatssekretäre von Union und SPD haben sich dem RND zufolge in der
vergangenen Woche in Berlin auf einer Vorkonferenz darauf verständigt, den Antrag
Schleswig-Holsteins unterstützen zu wollen. Digitale Spuren sollen demnach nur mit
richterlicher Anordnung ausgewertet werden dürfen.
I'm still skeptical. In my opinion: There should have to be a reasonable reason of suspect AND a court
arrangement to even get those information outside the service(which it is needed for) to some other instance.
Otherwise those information should get deleted if not needed by the service after a short while. Also: There
should be constitution protection on that rule. It could work like: If reasonable reason to suspect => contact
provider => normal deletion “stopped” of this special case (The amount this process can be used should get
strictly limited), but the information is still protected by the provider => Only after court arrangement and
appropriate objective decision => information transmitted
• Equal standing, in the sense that everyone has the same chances to advance in society would
be great. Real equality is kind of unrealistic because 2 reasons in my opinion. 1: We are born
with different body's. 2: I personally think heritage to some extent is ok.
If you would take real equality literally it would also lead to hardly anyone wanting to bring
effort for the society. Because everyone has the same standing and money anyway? The base
idea that one can advance in society by bringing more reasonable effort for society does not
have to be bad. So like already explained, I think everybody should have the same chances
in advancing. So maybe more support/making aware of a decent education for everyone? It's
also a problem, that you can get better titles on private university's and other schools for a
lot of money. Even with different official state university's or schools its differently hard to
get equally worth titles and grades. Generally more equality would be great there. Also
children shouldn't be forced into family-operations, there should be enough possibility for
everyone to educate themselves further. On the other side it should be more attractive for
people with more money that what they “actually have earned” to give more back to society.
Reasonable ways could be discussed/searched. I'll talk later more about wages as well.
• In further sense, international equal standing/chances to advance are a topic as well of
course. How to reach this goal should get discussed a lot more. It should be worked on it
as soon as possible and also to a reasonable amount, because there's usually not enough
put into it.
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• Equal standing should stay reasonable and fair. What I mean is, that it could be unfair for
parts of society to put more money into pension fund but getting out less than other parts
of society. Even at equal age. Instead think about minimum pension for example.
Update: Look at it like that: is a computer that calculates cyberspace and can freely change it
with ai omnipotent to it's cyberspace? => Yes and no, no because time constraints and
It gets even more complex with players in it
Obviously something will mess up eventually
let's say subconsciousnes run your reality. If you'd run your own reality I'd assume It'd suck
hard. Because well no real challenge and it gets dull and pointless quick. Also it's sort of
conciousness is you, subconsciousnes is there as part of everything. If that wasn't the case
there would be no "glue" to hold us together. About the hyrarchic structure in
subconsciousnes: Think about it like that: There's a group of 3 people and they are arguing
what leisure activity to do, so it's fine. No there are 10 people doing the same? What
happens? Either someone is bossy or taking the lead or it's not working and they split up.
And you definitely shouldn't want to split up into nothingness I assure you. Also it's not like
10 spirits trying to get along it's more like x billion.
And yes, something like less influence and control up to more influence and control in sort
of hyrarchic structure. The top is required to be very responsible, but at the same time
everyone is. Not sure what a good comparison would be... Maybe like in military. Soldier
can screw up, not just commander.
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So it's more like giving direction, not like doing everything. If the circumstances allow you
can look into stuff, but obviously not everywhere at the same time. And "doing everything"
is not what anyone wants for himself or others. So the responsibility can't just be in one
place either.
• Don't make work times to workers unfriendly. Better make them workers friendly if
reasonably possible.
• Worker friendly task distribution is also great if possible
• Employee representation – Don't make it artificially hard for employee representatives to
• Trust in each other and appreciate each other especially in a team
• One problem of the “populism in politic” seems to be, that reasonable ideals are missing.
Depending on the current mood it is argued in one or the other direction, “without real
solutions” to win voters often without really believing in that opinion. I think politics with
reasonable ideals are better. Populism does maybe play with negative feelings way to much.
That means negative feelings are made use of to win voters, and that could be bad for
everyone. I want to remember you I listed a lot of negative effects on bad feelings and hate
• As objectively reasonable as possible prescribing of medications (side note I just tried to
write “prescribe medications(the German words from it) in google translator, and somehow
prescribe documents appeared when I looked”). About medications: A objectively
reasonable “limitation of amount” could help. There's a lot of overdosing. We should try to
prevent not prescribing objectively better medication for economical reasons. It should also
be tried to prevented that providers do force unreasonable high prices. It should generally be
prevented, that in life-threatening situations the medical care doesn't work, because
economic or structural reasons for example. Please be more objectively reasonable about
such things.
• Also if there has to be decided if a surgical operation should be done, please don't think
about economic reasons.
• You probably can find good and bad in each culture. Courage to criticize, but please, please
be super careful and diplomatic, especially with other cultures. Mind that our own culture
also has flaws.
• Carrier with good personal values and effort/knowledge is if desired, positive. So basically
the reason shouldn't be that the person “just tends to play along the maybe questionable
• Human rights have to be respected. Of course constitutional for the basics.
• Lobby-ism: It could make more sense if Lobby-ism was limited to “Information exchange
with politics”. That means it should be disempowered as far as possible. It should also be
made sure that the politic has understood the situation – only from a factual view without
pressure. There also should be independent information, so that the decisions can't be lead in
a certain direction by information selection.
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• For involved (customers, politics, etc...) people relevant or possible errors shouldn't be
“hidden”, only because at that point in time(of the “hiding”) there aren't direct convenient
methods against it known. For example “diesel scandal”.
• BEYOND: Possible problems shouldn't only be made known, but also be made aware of
including the possible risks. Especially for positions for which those should be
important/relevant. Ideally please also in writing.
Example: My mother told my following story. She was in a vacation in rome, together
with my cousins and grandma. They met the pope, everything was palatial much was
gilded. Afterwards they left the church place, went a few steps further, and they saw:
Many homeless. Now my grandma said: “The pope doesn't know that”.
Independent of him knowing that or not: In both cases the upper rule counts. What is
decided than at full awareness of the situation (ideally verifiable) is another story.
Similar incidents can often be viewed in companies, or probably also military and
politics or wherever we have hierarchy's – where the situation is not always getting
discussed/communicated exactly. Usually because one or both of the communication
partners think, they can protect themselves by not getting all the important information.
But: This behaviour just ultimately leads to wrong decisions.
The basic message also is: We don't have a basic right for not knowing things.
This can also help in other ways, because its not always that superiors “don't want
information”. Often they do want them. It should be clear that this is a lot better.
Also the laws about such things should be as fair as possible.
These behaviours according to this, should be protected constitutional if behaviour
objectively reasonable, meaning behaviour done not for self-profit but actually for the
good of society.
• Do not exaggerate too much with bureaucracy
• Not to much trust in electronics and software
• Media and generally the world should not be based on violence, temptation and perversions.
Might be a good extension for constitution. That does not mean “porn” should generally be
forbidden. Rather set some reasonable borders based on “respect for each other”. And
violence in media... Not sure yet... But it is going to far sometimes.
• About acting economic: It makes sense to think about where you want to go in the longer
run, or what you reasonably need for that, even before you spend money/make wastages.
• The problems of young adults shouldn't be ignored, just because the proportion of voters is
• Think about how to limit as much as possible when/how attack wars can be done? This ones
like really hard to define. Is never the answer? Not 100% sure. Needs more input/thinking.
Update: I thought a bunch about “What's really the difference between
1)Attack wars;
After I thought a lot I came do reduce it to 1 Answer: “The size of authority”.
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Does the size of authority make it more justified? Well depends, but definitely not always.
To put it clearly: “Attack wars almost always suck very very bad” <= Is what I would say.
Let's say ants are simple minded and loyal creatures. They never fight in their own group, but external threads.
So they are not truly egoistic but patriots. Kind of. But they kill other animals cruelly when they see gain to
their group.
So it's a simple minded way, because they don't try to communicate with the other animals.
To avoid collective danger all around.
It's obvious it would better for the ants to not get to eat the rain worm.
But to be saved from the bird.
And just cultivate their place.
But ideals should be implemented down to the heart so you feel them -
Like they become your nature.
And then we elevate ourselves with that.
Wars not that different from ant group fights. We should be able to find argument in words not violence.
The real problem is:
Bad communication styles.
I made the necessity in my previous statement, though I didn't make it clear, that all parties are highly logically
The basis is the basis. What I have now: logic derivation, put the we first, things ought to be consistent
Instead survival of the fittest
Believe through fear and suffering works but believe through challenge and understanding is better
Safety through understanding is better than safety through fear
Because atmosphere
The feeling
And the results from it
So we are changing the basis
Eventually surely
• Might concentration:
This is a complex, topic to do extremely careful. First of all it should be stated, that even
more than the question how to limit might concentration, its even more important to put it in
the right hands(if those people are suited to do those jobs). That sounds negative, but
Murphys law tells us though, that if something can go wrong, it will eventually. It also
means, that how much or how soon something goes wrong is also based on the boundary
conditions. These things are also based on might concentration. So basically if the might
concentration is “somewhat lower” usually it would mean that smaller problems are more
common, but bigger more rare. The more a “might concentration somewhat limited to a low
extent” is secured, the more rare would be “big deflections”. If the might concentration
becomes to low, it goes in direction of anarchy and can cause chaos. Possible existing
methods to limit might concentration in a reasonable ways are “separation of powers”,
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2. Difficult, badly paid jobs: Reason is most of the time, not a lot of profit is created by the
work. This work must be done anyway. The only solution that comes to mind:
Work is dynamically taxed, depending on the "profit potential" by the job
Theoretically, certain jobs could even be taxed negatively, so a kind of subsidization
So for example Managers pay very high taxes, with midwives or geriatric nurse / hairdresser
for example maybe subsidized.
The subsidies must of course arrive at the staff.
But the goal is not that everyone earns the same, but that everyone gets fair wages. Things
play a role here like
• How old is the person in average for the job, when you get money for work for the first
time in your life? (And in the important youth did not get paid – because lengthy
• What does the education cost the person on average?
• Working hours
• Activity Pleasant or Unpleasant?
• Health risks and stress
• Effort + introduced knowledge
• Responsibility
• Special non-standard gains from special ideas etc. by the worker
• Demand and supply
• Experience / past achievements
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In a certain sense, this is at least similar at the moment, but the differences are to big and
some factors have too little impact.
For example, “Activity pleasant or unpleasant” has a effect, but it probably has too little
influence at the moment.
• Freedom of speech: First of all it's necessary for an actual democracy. But why is it getting
limited more and more? We are developing towards total surveillance and being controlled.
The worst thing being that the ones in control don't always have a kind heart it seems -
leading to unreasonable results. More about this later.
• What would I recommend to asia/africa? First of all, I guess I don't really have to much to
recommend. Obviously different areas have different cultures. Cultural imperialism is a
terrible thing. Cultures shouldn't be forced to other areas. Second, I neither know the
cultures to well nor do I know what the people really want. So I might just not be able to
actually make very decent and safe recommendations yet.
So basicly I especially recommend 2 things for now:
• Human right's. Thats obvious enough. No torture, or racism, or just having a kind heart
and not crossing the line
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• Second, a bunch of the things I stated for self-improvement should just work
everywhere. So building up reasonability, getting rid of negative thoughts, etc. could be
=>Western views like everyones equal have to be decided by the people(the people of the
area). Can't tell if that would work everywhere. Sorry. Would be nice though for some
specific things. If we think like about india, that would be a big intervention in culture, thats
not ok to force or impose on. Of course media should also not be forced uppon areas. I
heared that music would be forced uppon african countries, that doesn't fit there. That also
goes for opinions of course, can't manipulate media to change cultural views over time.
Though press generally isn't unmanipulated in most countries sadly, just don't impose
cultural views. If we talk about things that are against human rights like pruning of females
(which is a surgical intervention on the body, often with bad hygiene and many die from it)
thats a different story. Also if the country independently chooses to pick up x thats fine. For
western people think about it like that: You wouldn't like the indian box system to be forced
uppon you, right?
Most wars are unnecessary, don't do that, especially not for econonic advantages or political
advantages or other egoistic things. I can't think of much wars that would actually have had
a decent reason, but anyway countrys are not a plaything to be abused and formed like one
would like afterwards (An example for this might be iraq. I guess this is getting like way to
one-sided, I should also add tibet to be fairer). Though I guess germany was treated fine
after the war by USA. Thanks for that. It's kind of different there, because the terrible
ideology and the regime didn't have anything to do with anything that could be called
culture. They started the war and were just like a virus.
I should also state that I criticized US-politics quite a bit the last couple of days, I think I'm
getting somewhat way to one sided on that. It's probably because A bunch of things became
apparent to me, that made me look closely on the negative things of US-politics. I should
really stop the one-sided views though now. I also want to add that at no point of that time
did I see USA itself as negative. Its a great country, and I have so many things I love about
it. That can be cultural things that we picked up here and love here(in germany, since we are
compatible with those I guess), democracy, as well as just devices or software or the
language or media. Also like twitch streams, chatting with the US people, Fast food etc.
Even our high level of freedom came from USA, its just since it seemed in danger for both
of us, something had to be done.
• No "mu <= no clue what that is, but I left it in, cause it somehow happened and I “felt” I
should probably leave it in?
• Media Manipulation
Media manipulation is a giant problem. Media not being independent from politics. Democracy's
cant work very well like this. Media manipulation seems to be a thing in many if not all country's.
Why do I think media manipulation is a thing around here, too?
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a) It happened multiple times in the past, that things get reported, but a little later are
completely ignored when explaining things. Those “ignoring of things” parts align with
political interest.
b) Sometimes things get reported completely one sided, or even exaggerated to no end. Some
news seemed to probably be lies even.
c) Look at the “point in times” things are happening and getting reported
d) At one point in time a “leading article” appeared on my screen. “Leading article”?
e) Now media manipulations are partly even reported from other country's. Like cases in USA,
England and Africa.
f) Do some news “make sense”? Does the picture connect? What other occurrences could be
connected? Think about motives.
• Ukraine-Crimea -Conflict
Look at type a) and later b) – My memory tells me, back when the Crimea-conflict started,
there were reports of the Ukrainian military attacking civilians. Russia intervened later. The
details about “how it started” didn't seemed to get reported any more later. The news just
focussed on the Russian intervention then.
• The Trump election
Look at types c) and b)
• Skripal-Case
Look at type c) especially. Then also b) and d). The Skripal case happened at a specific time
soon before elections in Russia. Look at possible motives. Later there seemed to be massive
media manipulation around here as well.
• Happenings in England
Look at type b) and c) and e) again. Soon after or since the Skripal case. And the UK EU
leaving. I talked to an Englishmen and verified very exaggerated news about the EU in UK.
There were also reports about media manipulation in the UK around here.
• Iran-Conflict
Look at type a) and later b). There were reports about nuclear scientist from Iran getting
murdered my agents of Israel. Later, probably after some “very questionable speeches” of
the Iranian government, we didn't here about that again in news format. There seemed to be
quite some media manipulation about Iran as well around here.
• New Zealand massacre
Look at type f). The news said “millions watched it on Facebook”? Why could the Facebook
admins not intervene in time? Also Theresa May(From the UK government) was involved in
“planned upload filters” for posted text in the internet based on that.
• Trump influence in England's politics
Type e). That was reported lately. Also about a “special relationship” between UK and USA.
• Media manipulation in the USA
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Type e). That was reported lately. For example lies about the Robert Mueller report in
conservative media.
• More things that happened to me
➢ Some American twitch streamers seemed intimidatet to me
➢ In one Canadian stream I was told by a chatter “no” after I asked “Is it allowed to talk
about freedom of speech as a twitch streamer here”. Before I came up with the question
based on some connections of what the streamer said.
➢ After some stream seemed to tried to make me believe, Iran actually builds a nuke, I
tried to talk to some iranian people. I couldn't connect to multiple iranian discord
servers. They just kept loading, no error message. Then I used my VPN(had that for
anime) that I set to Singapur. Then I could connect to all of them instantly. But no
communication was possible it seemed.
Basically there's like the probably options to blame it on Trump, Putin or English
It's much more complicated than the primary ruler of a single nation
But I guess I mostly just assume it was a coup of the "Western world" against Putin to be
Maybe there could be a rating of the news by the users, that's based on the rating of the
users, while the users get rated by other users. Complex but should work better probably.
Because it's hard to manipulate, if the webpage is open source
• Germany: For the planned leading personnel of CDU/CSU we can basically choose between
➢ A woman who said something along the lines “there should be the same rules for
posting offline and online”. After and based on Rezo's CDU critique comment. You
should think very carefully about what that means. Please read again through Media
➢ A banker. Adenauer said “No bankers in the capital”. For good reasons I guess. I
don't think the mindset of a banker would usually be fit for a position like this.
Effectively it might be corrupted by greed and the opposite of objectivity.
We are told USA are the biggest environment polluter along China.
-the whole European view on USA seems biased. It's painted like there's City's and cars
everywhere. And people don't give something about the environment. If you get there,
there's actually a ton of nature, much more than in Germany. And city's seem clean. And
people care.
-How exactly are per person air pollution statistics made? Because I don't get them. Trees
save CO2 in them. There's a lot in America. Then seemingly about almost everyone heats
with ACs (efficient heat pumps). And what about all the complexity in our solutions, and the
fabrication to make them. How's that USA air pollution level possibly worse?
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We are told how terrible Trump is like basically multiple times a day.
-how much information do I get about our polictics? About none?
-In the USA political debates are viewable in television. Here It looking like different movie
stages for different party's where politicians are told to tell x.
-We are told Trump is a racist. And Americans are and vote him for that. The whole thing
doesn't add up. I didn't notice a single racist thing being there.
-I wanted a multi-national travel-group for my vacation and weren't granted one.
Yeah and England... Which seemed to get played by us(Skripal and such). No wonder they
are pissed and wanna leave.
• Also I have a story to tell about a cartoon series called young Justice. In this series there are
young super heroes that get their own headquarters. Its in the Justice League universe. A
quite interesting show. There's some lessons to learn from Justice League shows, but what's
especially interesting is how the super villains in this show - especially Lex Luthor are
popular with media and people. The Justice League often gets pulled in dirt by them and the
media. And especially this happens because: The Justice League is to closed up and
secretive even about things where there seems to be no reason for it. They are doing a decent
job, but they don't do it openly. If only they did put their work out in the open and gave out
enough information about their work, they couldn't have been pulled in the dirt so much.
Interestingly enough, they don't even explained what REALLY happened after getting pulled
in the dirt, and at the end of they season just watched how Lex Luthor became candidate for
• I have no clue what to think what's better for Latin America. I just remember I heared the
previous presidents made ridiculous amounts of debt, that just "disappeared somewhere".
Those debts were supposed to make the economy better, but it seemed they just were used
for personal gain. So maybe fake election here, more population abuse there.... I'm not sure
what to think
Bolivian self claimed president is a Christian fundamentalist I heard" Riiiiight... Just right
after the previous presidents made tons of state debt in other parts of Latin America and
suddenly “dissapeared”... And the tons of money from the state debt disappeared where to
Not that easy to trust
banker a: hey bolievia is not giving us enough protection money.
Banker b: yeah damn their even growing.
Banker c: we poor guys need it so much because of our great job - keep the system going.
Banker d: yeah give them a Christian fundamental president
<= was it like that?
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And now they have a great new puppet at their top so they can help the Christian system
economy to keep running. (irony on)I'm sure they get gladly drained for that (irony off)
Potentially. Evo came to power during what is known as the Bolivian gas war. Which was a
massive civil unrest over what was seen as the foreign exploitation of Bolivia's natural gas.
Evo Morale's nationalised that industry.
Stocks of several industries benefitted greatly from his removal, obviously. National gas but
also lithium/ tech stocks.
• Hypnotism: hypnotism can be used as a badly traceable (even leathal) weapon and nobody
seems to care. Governments seem to use a mix of hiding, fake ignorance, and tons of
instrumentalisation instead
They could protect through information very effective, but that would be bad for
"How? Isn't it said that "you must be willing to accept at least at a subconscious level what
you are told to do otherwise you wont do it" and "you cant do anything you wouldn't
normally do"?" <= Anyone remember television examples of hypnotism? Where people
drink beer out of a shoe? In front of a tons of people? How many people do you see in
restaurants drinking out of shoes.... What I'm saying is, of course when they tried to murder
me with hypnotism through a YouTube video I didn't do it because I didn't agree
subconsciously, but: The subconsciousness is in a state of getting manipulated in hypnosis.
The consciousness is the guard and was taken down. So you have no defense. It's like
different levels of subconsciousness conviction, that get fucked with by hypnosis then. They
can be taken down level by level then, just takes longer. So if you're getting hypnotised and
they just tell you to suicide it normally wouldn't work, but in the video that was used on me,
they tried to make me feel useless and such, so break my purpose at a subconsciousness
level while hypnotised.
• How many suicide do you think are system kills, or how many death row inmates are system
Depends on your statistic system I guess
But you could argue 99% probably
If you just count the system enforced suicide by hypnosis or fake suicide scenes it's probably
How many death row inmates were "framed" etc.. Put to death by the system, not
necessarily the crime,
I'd expect a lot of system framing and murder to be due to being spirits. Like I don't like
how he is thinking and stuff happens.
• Climate Change:
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There's 3 possiblys:
1: mankind has nothing to do with climate change
2: mankind influences climate accidentally and instrumentalised
3: mankind influences climate consciously and instrumentalised
I'm guessing 2
"hold the society stupid" is an old concept, and it leads to more manipulation and eventually
more problems
Though I agree that overflowing society with information about systems wrongdoing all in
once could be a issue
It's like hey santa clause doesn't exist we fooled you, God exists though. And he does
Hiding more errors because previous errors is rarely a way to go. I tend to never do that
"well his words would make sense, but why would I do what the authority fails"
I at least wouldn't notice me doing manipulation. I try not to do it at all. The way is simple.
Tell the world how shitty you were, and the road is open to not manipulate.
So if we think about things that should just be changed, that wouldn't normally just be possible, but
are thinkable as a concept, when creating, what would that be? Obviously only things, that are
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objectively ok.
• No illnesses?
I put a question mark there, cause I'm not sure yet. Needs more thought. Obviously its a kind of big
thing, so it needs thought. If we think “Healthy soul and spirit, healthy body” there could be other
systems, that work without illnesses. But those would have to be thought out well. Basically in a
Form were you just get the good stuff when you do well. And not doing well just ends up neutral.
So basically only the fortunate things as “drive”. Those things are fairly complicated in detail
though. It should work though somehow.
• No “catastrophes”?
Same applies here.
• And that's probably pretty much it already. Can't really think of an objectively important
other thing to change right now. Other things would be more subjective, and therefore no good.
Beforehand: Don't decline everything and anything / And don't battle your subconsciousness
If it happened already: Then its a challenge. It can get a lot better though.
-Accept the situations
-Accept yourself
-Set goals for future
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Subconsciously giving up on your life.
What could be changed:
Well if you want to live, then you should be able to. That's obvious. The way should be shown.
Excess. And sort of doing their sex life wrong....
What could be changed:
Bad topic. But aren't less dramatic forms enough... Aids is a shitty design really. That's not how you
teach stuff. Inefficient and cruel.
Schizophrenia back then not being able to cope with oneself. So you basically fall apart.
What could be changed:
I guess you should just know about it.
• The radio brings the “Nullinger family” and presents Mr. Nullinger as a pervert. Normally
one hears a broadcast max 1 times a day if at all. But that day, it happened twice. Then the
next song starts with the text "If you still do not know what to do ...". The day before, I
realized that perversions are destroying the mind.
• Should that be all coincidence? Or should one rethink his porn collection ;)
I'm not good at probability, but that's probably like winning the lottery.
• You meet someone, you have a bad thought and someone reacts to it. And that plenty. For
example You think a woman is fat and she says "I do not like it yet". Here is the whole clear
by the frequency of occurrence.
• In my view, criticism of negative thoughts. I pushed that for a while on facial
expressions and gestures (although not meaningful to understand by my impressions).
But when someone stood with his back to me, I touched his butt in my mind while
walking (which I do not often do). Then he apparently immediately took two-three steps
back and touched my hand (with his butt ). This shocked me. I apologized and moved
• For example in the work: if parallels can be drawn constantly (through the language of
flowers), between the description of a fault of your work, and a mistake to yourself. You
treat a foreign employee mentally unfair (unintentional swear word in the mind). One
minute (!) later you get the message that there is a bug in your software project, but it only
occurs in that language. Foreign worker says, I do not think "my name" likes "his country".
That I do not like the country or the employee, is not really true. But it's difficult to always
think "politically correct". Sometimes thoughts just subconsciously intervene when you are
not in optimal balance. Since others already have difficulties to behave political correct.
Afterwards the error is comprehensible and actually already longer in the project.
• In my view too absurd to be a coincidence. And that's just one example of many. In my
view, criticism of negative thoughts, or racist ideas.
hallucinations when you're stable again ("psychotic hallucinations"). But how can it be that
the hallucinations "fit together"? What really happened in the end? Why did not anyone
notice something about your own behavior?
• This category occurs more in the psychotic state, the others can always occur. I have the
impression that feels like the persecution, and often as a result of the psychosis /
schizophrenic thrust, comes if you can not cope with the second reality. It is better
to accept and follow the hints. Stay reasonable.
Negative thoughts can sometimes be controlled badly, if one does not proceed systematically and
only tries to suppress by will power.
The drugs (risperidone) reduce the influence of the second reality. But that did not work for
me any more at some point.
Ultimately, however, it makes sense in my view to accept what God wants from you. For
example, work on the negative thoughts or do not indulge in perversions.
If you learn to deal with the second reality, it should not come to the schizophrenic thrust any
Avoid internal fighting of belief into the conspiracy theory
Today I learned from it that one should not lead a "double life", one should not put oneself mentally
over others and that racist attitudes are bad, even if one does not show it to the outside. In fact, I still
have some sort of double life, but I have to see when and how to give it up. Animals should be
treated respectfully, it is a false impression to think that torturing animals could increase their self-
esteem. Ultimately, the opposite occurs and one feels inferior. Although social rankings are
generally not always optimal, of course origin does not matter. One should stand to his "positive"
points of view and not be influenced "negatively" in this regard. Of course it is not a solution to
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only not harm others because you are afraid of the law. One should be careful with the consumption
of bad media, best avoided altogether. Pedophilia can be avoided by getting into a positive balance
with more self-confidence. Pedophilia can occur if you feel inferior. Moreover, I know today that
atheist views are not a sensible solution. But I would still call myself not particularly religious. I am
morbidly factual and logic-bound, but my situation has proved to me the existence of God and of
the higher. Ultimately, I believe now in what I see as proven for me.
After the 7th grade I changed to the Realschule. The foreigners stayed at the secondary school. My
classmates of the Realschule were disappointed on the first day that I switched to Realschule to see
me. Also over the entire duration of the Realschule I was in the class rankings far below. I learned
relatively hard. The teachers continued to treat me as "strangely preferred". I was often bullied in
which "paper spitballs" were shot at me. In sports I was still bad. I was still slightly overweight. A
Kazakhstan German moved to our class. First, I joined the others, who made fun of him. Later he
became my best friend in the class. I was bullied on, but started to bully someone else who was also
bullied by the class. In the Realschule hardcore pornographic material was offered on the class
black market. Later, I got DSL and started downloading and sharing pornographic material myself.
At first I felt uncomfortable looking at it. Sexually, I'm probably a bit bisexual. A few times I had a
boner in swimming lessons. The other kids pulled me down because of it and I myself too.
Today I know that I should not had stand still to the shelling of the "paper spitballs" but were
supposed to find the culprit and address him directly.
In addition, you should not "look down" on others, make fun of them or bully, just because others
do it and you think it makes you feel better. In the end, you not only pull down the other but also
yourself. It would have been better to protect the bullied one. Especially as a child one should leave
the finger of pornographic material. If you feel uncomfortable looking at media, you should leave it,
and not “overcome” the inner threads. Here are the "positive threads" meant. Not to be confused
with "negative threads" such as fear, e.g. in civil courage. Sexual excitement in unpleasant
situations can be avoided by fighting the "chaos in the head". One can learn to control temptation.
"Be lord over your thoughts". Bisexuality in general is alright, of course, I have no prejudices left.
After the 10th grade I switched to the FOS. Here both the classmates and the teachers were nice to
me. However, here I started to fall into a kind of "depression" and the bad thoughts got stronger.
With the depression, my grades also worsen. I had absolutely no plans for the future. I had no life
next to the school. Until recently (ie today 2017), I still consumed the wrong media and optimized it
only slowly. In the FOS I had a girlfriend for about 2 weeks, which I lost over time due to my
negative attitude. I think I was not desirable. Once I even downloaded pedophile content on the
internet that was not drawn (I was still a minor at the time). But then I was so disgusted that I
deleted it after a short time. That was the only time. Once I had sex with a prostitute when I turned
18, this was my only time. I was bothered by the focus on the "financial". Besides, she was much
older than me. Also because of that I wanted to find a girlfriend.
Today I know you should have a life next to school / work. You should set goals in time for the
future. In addition, you should pay attention to what you consume for media. Particularly heavily
perverted media are extremely harmful. Pedophilia can occur if you feel inferior. Countering
towards more self-confidence. Prostitution is questionable even if legal.
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After the FOS I wanted to change to the Bundeswehr in order to get my body in shape and let me
drive out the listlessness. I was not drafted.
That's why in 2005 I switched to the University of Applied Sciences. I chose the field of "electrical
engineering" because I was good at the electropractic in the FOS. My "depression" got stronger and
I hardly learned. I noticed a strong "chaos in the head". The first two semesters I took almost no
exams away. The 2nd semester I did not have any friends and spent almost the entire 6 months
talking almost no word. After the 2nd semester, I went to the library, looked for a book on
depression and treated the depression myself, mainly running and cycling, but also through
communication with my fellow students. My goal was to finish my studies and find a girlfriend. I
lost weight and became athletic. In addition, I took my studying from now serious, and then pulled
through (2-3 semesters over normal). But I still felt a strong "chaos in the head". I had 2 potential
girlfriends during my studies, but I destroyed both relationships. The one, by self-insecurity, I fled
when it got serious. The rest of the time she was mad at me, of course. The other for fear of
negative effects on my studies and an inner arrogance. Someone had flatulence (whoever) while
talking at the cafeteria, the smell of the flatulence threw me off track and I "escaped". After we met
again later, my mental disorder initiated and I felt in a kind of "trance". I hardly recognized her
again and in a mixture of fear of study effects and looking down because of the flatulence (which I
do not know who it was) I just said annoyed "What is it?". I did not see her again. At another time,
when I left the library, a second lock hung over my lock of the locker. I asked in the library if they
could remove it. I was told to wait until after the library was closed. After this was removed, I went
to the car and the tire was pounded. I still do not know who or why, but assume that I did wrong to
someone. I got along with most of my fellow students, but for a long time did not have a fellow
student with whom I spent time privately. I lived for 1 semester in the city of my college and found
little contact over this time despite some attempts. Only later did I find someone (actually he found
me) with whom I often went hiking. I was friends with him for a few years. I did the diploma thesis
and practical semester together at the end of my studies. During the time of the Thesis 2010 the
schizoaffective disorder then struck.
Today I know that sports and activities as well as communication help against depression and for
inner peace. Although I do not do much sport right now, I increase that at some points. I know that
one should work on his self-confident behaviour. Of course, one should not look down on others,
not even because of embarrassing situations. One should also have a life apart from the studies and
not assume that social interaction and study can not be reconciled. And of course, "What is it" is not
a nice feedback, especially in this situation, even though I felt in "trance" and "externally
controlled". The "chaos in the head" is a sign that one lives too sinful.
of the evening I have no clear memories, but I realize that I could not cope with not finding a
girlfriend and my friend finding an interested party.
This is where the second reality begins. But I know that I mentally gave myself up to temptation. I
remember a Bright Light (God?) And a conversation between some high ranking personalities,
among others. from the church.
When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor. I was still in the wind, but suddenly I was
suicidal in my mind, I went to the door and said, "Hate me, that'll make it easier." I still do not know
what exactly happened. But I wanted to do it like "Itachi" of "Naruto Shippuden" so that everyone
hates me, but I help in the background and then take all sins with death.
The next 2 weeks I went to work to continue writing my diploma thesis. I felt terribly inwardly over
that time.
Then came the day I woke up in my room in the morning and an unusual bright light shone through
the window (God?).
This is where the 2nd reality / psychosis begins. I suddenly had the "inspiration" that I should
"shape" the world. But I mentally gave myself up to temptation and my own interests. I considered
myself "Jesus". I thought, however, that I had to commit suicide. I became a kind of "false prophet".
I got into my car and went on to commit suicide. The time on the highway was very strange, since
apparently all other drivers cleared the way for me. But I did not try to kill myself on the highway
but wanted to hang myself or assumed that if I fly abroad, I'll be crucified. When I came near the
airport I got cold feet and my condition changed. I went somewhere else and remember an
overnight in the car. Then I drove to Munich and went there in an bar. I wanted to spend a round
when I left but I forgot to pay. Afterwards I stayed in a simple hotel. The next day I drove on and
stopped in front of train rails (but not on the rails). I only took a purse, notes and pen with me. I
waited a while on the tracks, but then continued when no train came. I went through a field and
wrote something on my notes that I called the "Codex." In the "Codex" I wrote down, and I planned
what I thought was the best world for all. But actually, I just gave myself up to temptation and
wrote perverse stuff. I wanted a world full of sexual perversions, but without violence and without
effort required. Later I stayed in a hotel that I found on the way. I messed up the room a bit,
thinking that "Jesus" room (which I thought I was by the inspiration) should look run down.
The next day, I wanted to get rid of all my belongings and become a tramp because I did not get
along with my life and I've been feeling terribly lately (before the psychosis).
I wanted to go to a restaurant and left my purse on the counter in front of the restaurant. I went in
and ordered "what he has". I half ate. I asked the waiter if I had to pay. Actually everyone should get
something to eat for free. I asked if he knew who I was. I claimed that I was "Jesus" as I had the
inspiration. An waiter became aggressive but I stayed calm. The other waiter said "maybe he really
is". One waiter left the place, the other stayed and I offered to pay with my wallet outside on the
counter. I said "just take what you want". After a while, the wait staff accepted. When I left, the
other waiter wanted to stop me, who was aggressive, but then let me go. Later I dumped my purse,
went back to the hotel and wanted to stay overnight, but was criticized for "messing everything up".
I was not given a room anymore. I wanted to get the key myself, but then went back. Then I tried to
sleep on a park bench. But then it became too cold for me. I asked at a random house if I could stay
there. When I was refused, I just wanted to go into the house. When he did not let me go I went
away, but shortly afterwards I rang again. I asked where I should spend the night and he said I
should ask in the rectory. I asked how to find it? The discussion went on a little further I do not
remember exactly what was said. But when he threatened with the police, I went away. I tried again
to sleep on the park bench but could not stand the cold. When I felt criticizing looks from an
apartment, I sayed, "Do you want to find the solution without me?" Or something similar, I do not
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remember exactly. As I did not know what else to do, I took a taxi home.
My parents paid. In the subsequent conversation I said confused stuff. Something against religions.
Now I wanted to starve in bed. I had my "codex" with me and kept writing. After a while, the police
came and took me against my will back then.
I remember the subsequent police investigation and trial only very vague. But I remember feeling
very guilty. I told them everything that I felt guilty from my point of view at the time. I told of
thoughts of a killing spree (not seriously planned), although today I can not remember if I had that
thought at all. I told about trying to stay in a foreign house. I told about pirated copies. I did not
know much more then. The idea of a killing spree was discussed a lot, I argued that the thoughts
were free. All this is only vaguely in my memory, I was originally in a kind of trance or was very
psychotic. It was said that planning something like that was a crime - I said there is no plan. I never
seriously considered it. Finally, I was ordered to stay in the district hospital. When I'm well again, I
can go. I got angry and ticked out a little argumentative because I had not started a real crime from
my point of view.
Note: As I noted later in the conversation, the trial was only in my memory but not "real".
Also, remember a bright light during the trial, which said something like "I do not allow that, and
one should count out what crimes I had started" (though I can not remember exacly) when
threatened with harsh punishment?
I remember that I woke up in the closed at the district hospital. In the dream that I had long
suppressed, the Light (God) asked me how I want to change the world. After I came with the
"Codex" I was told that would not work. My next suggestion was from Naruto Shippuuden. You
really should understand each other. As I want to implement that, I was asked. I suggested that one
should know each other's feelings. But I still insisted on my own interests and said my feelings
should not be known and my life should go on as normal (at least that's my assessment). I also
thought that to be happy one would have to be accepted with all his "being". I blamed the fact that
my life was so bad (in my estimation) on the "others". God told me when the others know your
feelings and you don´t that´s harder. I thought that was easier and insisted. After waking up. Still
psychotic. I refused medication saying "I do not take drugs". I continued the mental temptation of
perversions and wanted to starve to death in bed. I refused food. I undressed and went under the
shower, which was in the hospital room. A nurse came and said "you can not shower now" I just
kept saying "Believe".
I called the orderlies several times, once I wanted my "Codex" again, they told me something about
"perverted stuff". I sayd I could put it together again, they just told me not to do that "then the
condition will only come back".
When I did not want to put on my normal clothes (then got simple clothes), peed into the room
corner, had the idea of slamming the window and fleeing, and refused to discuss, I was tied to the
bed (fixed).
Today I know that my biggest mistake was to assume that the thoughts are free and give me
up to mental temptation and perversion. Today I know that thoughts are not free in front of
Other errors:
-Can not handle it when rejected (especially from women)
-Envy of others and their girlfriends / women
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Fixed on the bed, still in a position of refusal, I continued to give in to the mental temptation. I
thought about the feelings. Once I spoke with the nurse and said "if all feelings work together
everything is possible" (or something like that) and pushed me against the bed fixation and tore it in
part for a bit. The keepers stopped it, but I said "but that does not help - all feelings have to work
together". Then I was fixed with a newer band and stricter. When I had to go to the bathroom, I
called the nurse, I was told that the "bowl" is brought to me. I said that I prefer to hold out a little
longer. Next to me someone was tied to the bed and I took an example of the "bowl" true. I was
horrified and could not quite believe what I saw. Later I talked to the nurse again and said "I can go
to the bathroom myself" and "I'm not dangerous", then they untied me.
My parents came to visit me, but I initially refused to discuss completely.
Later, I took medication and food. I asked if that was the best for everyone? I was told it was the
best for everyone and I accepted.
When food was brought again later, I asked again if it was the best for everyone? I was told that it
was best for me. I was torn. They left the food, but I finally ate.
The next time my parents visited me, we talked a bit.
Shortly thereafter, I was transferred from the fixation room into a "normal" room of the closed, in
which one can move freely within the closed. After I moved freely the next day in the closed, I was
in a "trance". I meant in my psychotic state to "know everything" and could "spontaneously heal"
others. I looked at someone, told him what he was missing and how he could solve it, they agreed
with me. After I was mentally put into a "negative world", that did not work any more. In the
"negative world" I negatively influenced for one with my "false prophet" design, I felt "persecuted".
I felt a mixture of fear, tension and guilt. But I was able to take countermeasures through optimism
and positive will. I wanted to help everyone (but I did not know how).
Today I know that I have committed crimes, before God. And the fixation is not nice, but in some
cases a necessary evil. In addition, you should just try to be a good person for the benefit of all. In
addition, you are usually treated well at the district hospital.
At the work Christmas party we talked about religion. The colleague said that religion is needed to
teach the children the commandments. I countered that the commandments could also be kept by
reason. He asked how to explain the children, for example "You shall not steal". What if I need
something more than the other, why is stealing bad? I thought for a while and then came up with an
explanation for society: Society does not work if you take more than you contribute. The colleague
said it is difficult to explain religious guidelines about reason.
In the meantime, I really see it as my mission to rationalize religious guidelines, about the
experiences I have gained from my situation. I now see it as my task before God and the world to
find my sins, treat and share my experiences. By doing so, I also want to prove that you can become
a better person with these experiences. I think that then everything will be fine again, maybe
normality will return.
I kept repressing everything and living my life poorly with only computer and work.
I was gaining more and more weight.
Until 2016. I reduced the medication a bit because I did not think it was really necessary. Then the
second reality started again. In the work I felt haunted and thought others wanted to get rid of me
(criticism "through the flower"). I had the impression of "games" against me. The whole thing got
worse and worse, but I behaved permanently neutral. I did not talk to anyone about it.
At some point I had the "inspiration" that I am "too suspicious". I talked to my co-workers about
"I'm too suspicious". I pointed out to my department that I am schizophrenic. After I managed to
reduce the distrust, I realized that I should talk to my confidants about my problems to improve the
situation. I started to find problems with myself and to recite to my parents. For a short time I
thought of myself as "Jesus" again.
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After having my problems and mistakes in mind, I first felt like Hitler. I talked to my doctor, I ask
"am I in hell," he advised me to drive to the district hospital for schizophrenic thrust. "Can you do
that in her condition?" I meant yes. I tried to enter the target in the navigation system, but the
electronics behaved completely strange. Therefore, I thought of the improvement measures which I
found like "more communication and openness" and wanted to ask around where the district
hospital is. I talked to passers-by in the city of the district hospital to ask questions. I wanted to put
my life completely in the hands of the "others". What struck me then after a few interviewees
passers-by is that all were travelling with the stroller. After I was already at the district hospital but
when I couldn't find a parking lot I drove home again.
In schizophrenic thrust I became the "repentant Hitler". I said to my grandmother "I'm terribly sorry
..... but I'm Hitler". Then I came back to the district hospital, my parents drove me.
After a short time, I explained to the doctors that I had "solved these problems" with me, and
therefore did not always feel like Hitler. The list before the district hospital stay finally looked like
this. (Please do not misunderstand, that does not mean that these problems make Hitler out of you,
much more I felt very guilty)
• Schizophrenic thrust
• too lost in your own dream world
• Schizophrenic thrust
• Less distrust
• More communication and openness / too closed
• getting kids planning
• To insist too much on own interests
• Restless among strangers
• Fear of change
• Not that much programming
• Fear of social exchange due to mistrust
• feeling cold
• ashamed of own peculiarities
• too unbelieving / logic-bound
• inwardly aggressive / unbalanced
• not acknowledging own weaknesseses
• to obsessed with performance
• looser, not so critical
• Hobby ski club
• Drawing club
• Anime club
• maintaining social contacts
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The next day, I considered myself "The Medium of Reason." I talked to other patients about
problems and got some good tips. I expanded the "Guide" even more in the district hospital, but had
problems to overcome the "negative thoughts". 6 weeks later I was allowed to go home. The
amount of risperidone was doubled.
Over time, I repressed everything and tried to live my life "normally".
Normal meant for me how I was used to it. And that was far from normal.
In principle, my life consisted of working as a programmer and sitting in front of the computer at
home with some questionable media.
I was still not very religious then.
Others seemed to know my thoughts. Since I was not always in control of my negative thoughts, it
was very stressful.
At times when I did not repress the thought that others knew about my thoughts, privacy was
virtually non-existent.
I daydreamed of "good demons". I found the idea of a "good" dark goddess attractive. In principle, I
saw this as a "head cinema". So some form of "entertainment" while listening to music.
I was compulsively trying to force a positive balance, but that did not always work or did work less
and less.
Other people seemed to "look down" on me. But maybe that's just what I imagined.
Today I know that one can not force the positive balance in the long term, but one must
systematically change his life. You should not daydream about power, not even as a "form of
entertainment". At the same time you only play "with the devil". That harms the mind.
God definitely exists, I now consider that to be proven. And asking him for help in difficult
situations is quite effective. Today I know that you should be very careful with the media, at that
time I set the boundaries too little strict. But I did not see that as a possible cause at the time.
I got more and more problems with the negative thoughts, at some point I had flashing pictures
while I sat on the terrace where I stood with the knife in front of someone. That scared me a lot. The
mix of negative feelings and flashes of images, fear, guilt, feeling driven, got worse and worse. I
could not calm down, the worst time of my life. I also thought of suicide as a way out. Of course, I
did not really do something. What helped me in the emergency then was to pray (request for help),
which I did not normally do.
I decided voluntarily to be sent back to the district hospital. I was very nervous because I did not
quite know what to say to the doctors. But in the end, everyone was cooperative.
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It quickly got better, I talked a lot about my feelings with the doctors. The medication was changed
a bit.
Once I asked the doctor why one does not get teached quite well in mental illness "How to think
correctly". The doctor said "you have to do most of it yourself".
6 weeks later I was back home.
Next, I compulsively tried not to think bad, but that still did not always work.
I suppressed the idea that others know my thoughts usually, but not always. Since I could not quite
explain the whole thing, I kept reminding myself of my nightmare. With me lying on the bed, barely
able to move, smelled burnt, and suddenly able to touch my brain. And the hands that choked me.
I thought of wild conspiracy theories. Is there a crazy experiment? Is the whole (reality) virtual
Most of the time I had problems looking others in the eyes.
The drugs helped, despite dose-increase not quite against the second reality. The other people knew
my thoughts/feelings, it became more and more obvious.
The last time I tried to accept the idea that the 2nd reality is not just in my head, I did not succeed.
The load was too big. But this time I succeeded. That really led me to believe. I suppressed the
conspiracy theories, and just accepted what I now consider my job before God. Solve my problems
with me and share my experiences. I tried to work up the "hints" through the flower of the second
Now the situation got quickly better again. I also did not get a "schizophrenic boost" but kept my
I can now look other people in the eyes again.
Today I know that I was too logic-obsessed and disbelieving. Trying to understand everything
"scientifically" can drive you crazy. If you already get a job and help from God, you should accept
that thankfully. My job is to find my problems, correct them, and share my experiences.
The correlations between what I wrote as guidelines and the commandments, I only found recently
as a whole. So in particular insofar as without knowing the 10 commandments, in my guidelines I
later found all 10 commandments when I checked. So they can be understood/respected by reason.
I have realistic dreams in which I am rated in a kind of school. There, however, assessed is
ultimately less the intellect, but much more the positive personality. A while ago i got a 3-(this is
C-) recently i got a 1-(this is A-). I would interpret that to mean that God is quite happy with the
From my point of view, the problems of humanity arise from "total freedom" / "free will". These
freedoms must be abandoned at least in part by each ones own decision to counteract their own
problems and society problems.
differ in weightness between painting and real. Both sucks, but there's quite some difference.
Fine fine I'll delete almost all, except the ones being okay even if they were "real".
Fine so in the amount of time I had today I deleted the painted stuff by the same rules of "respect"
and "looking of age". The ones I might have overlooked will follow.
Don't expect me not to fap in general, because that would be stupid. Not trying to become holy. Just
somewhat logically decent. Though if I think about what's left in my guide that I don't uphold
enough then? I shower to long, I use plastic cooffe cups to much, I don't go out enough, don't
socialize enough... Well not that much stuff anymore. I'm not that bad. Not looking at my nutrition
enough yet also.
Update: So I changed my media limits back and forth again, they ended up even more strict now. As
you can see in second chapter. (TBD)
Also I'm a vegetarian again now.
So the plan is getting some money pillow together, then becoming a independent journalist. That'll
increase my writing, talking, socializing, research skills.
I should add that now I get light sometimes to pretty much all parts of my brain. So the volume
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I remembered something about coming to same solution x in the end, but also showing how and
why on the way.
What solution x is I don't know yet I think??? (Later: The money thing/economy system, see
further before)
The reason for all that is that knowing a real solution wouldn't necessarily save the world. It also
has to be taught right.
To much regret actually seems like loosing now. I'll try to regret less. Just try harder without to
much regret. Especially of the past.
Today felt like REALLY nice actually. Something like 90% optimal (on high scale setting). I even
managed to not get downed by regrets. That might actually help if you don't try less hard from not
regretting so much.
Regret might be kind of a bad drive to optimize yourself.
I think there might be a phenomenon where people are collapsing. Which puts even more strain on
me. But I just can't go into real haste, because I'd never find the solution. Ok calm down. Let's just
go decently steady and keep improving. Sorry about not seeing that before.
I might want to visit India next year and try to meet an English speaking guru
I'll work on details and how the way to the solution could look
Until the very end, I created everything myself based on myself and my surroundings, allowing
myself to be influenced by the second reality, my environment and conversations. Bust most of all, I
went by setting my ideals myself by logic(goal: good for everyone) and base everything on that. I'm
very stubborn about “things having to be logically good for everyone”.
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The big soul imprint decipher and the great spiritual journey
I never read the “bible/other religion books”. On paper. I someday heard “That's not where its really
written, that's just paper”. So where do you truly find it? On your soul imprint. You can read it
through a spiritual journey. But don't get me wrong, its crazy difficult.
I't might not look like much (me), but well that's just genuine part of the lesson I guess.
Which would be:
-it should just be possible to achieve your goals, so why make it look impossible.
Though it's harder than it looks.
-create your ideals, seriously life by your ideals, follow your dreams with them.
=>I'm just not following shallow social norms, those aren't to much of a issue, but I don't want to
waste effort.
The whole point of it is also making sure things don't get taken the wrong way. It's all about
understanding the contents and basically the base concept.
I mean if it would make sense to me to build up a lot of enthusiasm I guess I could through
"reprogram myself strategies". But I want to teach reasonability, and it's usually not hyper. Oh I'm
not saying enthusiasm is bad, sorry about the "hyper". Just not case-fitting.
I could join some nice aid organization. I guess I could work on myself till I do that work well.
Don't get me wrong, that's just great.
But in my specific case I chose differently. I'm not a symbol. And reasonable it would be effectively
a symbol in my case.
My ideal self just happened to be something other. And I'm working towards it.
I'll leave it to you to see the good in it. If you want to.
If I add a lot of good, but more than necessary stuff, it might be harder for the core messages to
come through.
I guess my priority is just mainly that: Getting the concept to work as good as possible, and getting
the message over genuine without misunderstanding it.
The whole thing is about understanding. And choosing the right way for you.
Also don't forget my how's and what's where I explain are mainly just suggestions. But basically to
get the right feel for what's truly you is the way to go.
That sounds absurd, but people are telling me to leave my comfort zone, while I'm let's say
masturbate under the shower. But why? It's a part of myself when not being excessive at it. In a way
I'm leaving my comfort zone to do it and be myself sometimes. Basically when you have learned to
feel that your ok with that if you are(you are not when overdoing) => it's a battle against
expectations from social "offset" towards your real self. That's leaving your comfort zone.
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If I think back 9 year's I wanted to try to suicide and what was the trigger? Really? It was because I
tried to "fit in to much". I was becoming my ideal self kind of less and less.
Back then I was sporty and social. Kind of. I did a lot of activity.
Well those are great basically.
But know I'm not doing a lot of sports or socializing now. Neither much activity at all?
And? I'm happy though I get shit on with all kinds of let's say like mean YouTube videos
Believe... Or faith I guess, purpose, being myself. And that's it.
How do you become yourself in simple terms? I'm afraid you have to get the feeling for it.
There are challenges from low to high.
Beat them and perceive. Get rid of your mask. Don't lie. I wrote about those.
Get rid of your bad mindsets. Find your ideals that make you, you.
When you manage those to some extent, and you can, you should get the feeling.
What challenges are that: Like just not putting the mask on and lie in stupid situations. Living your
ideals. Life comes up with challenge.
Very important lessons, even if they are(tryed to write aren't) looking pretty, and I want them
effective not euphemistic or painted pretty.
That's part of it. If you can't understand without painting it pretty the core concepts don't work to
Shame is sometimes contra productive.
Riiiiight so... I've written about remembering the 2 world's thing. The AI stuff. There's been this
videos about "neuralink" and some rather cruel "dreams"(?) about it longer ago.
New plan:
-getting my guidelines to 1.0 somewhat soon this year
-getting it printed
-Trying to "awaken"... Yeah lol. Don't even think I'll suicide for that.
Because becoming your real self. Also it should feel better.
Chips in your body... Mark of the beast? Well anyway those just suck to have. A lot. They suck
because they have shitty influence on you feeling wise and maybe in other ways to. Like your
feeling cold and lifeless and literally you are kind of getting drained in different ways. If anything
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Should we be worried... Well if there's to much pushing there yes. It's one of the things nothing
good comes from when haste is used. It should be taken super slow if at all.
And one day... If we should ever be ready for it... Implement our base values in the "read protected
core executive" advancing only per data...
But let's think first, this one is hard to choose. If robots are much better and smarter than us
wouldn't that completely suck? No would be no good.
I don't think we want to become robots one day.
=> Don't let data driven stuff execute a instruction set => one day only "task specific instructions" -
not sure
+Don't forget about values in executive for ai
+executable code no changing in runtime
Ensure in hardware
Maybe there's some misunderstanding. Growing your mind makes you happy only because... Well
you've faced challenge and grew it yourself. Think about it, you're bad at tennis. Would it make you
happy to have some cyborg body and chip in your head because you're good at tennis then? No. You
get happy from putting tons of effort into getting better at it and advancing slowly.
Just somehow "buying a big mind" would just make you bigminded or something. No it's the
advancement that's the key.
The failure to our own expectations shouldn't prevent happiness. It's more like a building stone.
Because you're still able to enjoy the process.
Denying negative emotions is no good, instead they should be.. that's a little complicated...
1. Allow them to happen
2. Keep your Ideal-Network above them, if reasonable express them in ok ways
3. Transform them, that can all work semi-instantly
Just "trying to be Happy" won't work, you'll have to optimize towards your ideal self. Your ideal
self being the one you contracted with the universe beforehand.
I should sometimes think about what hurt me. Allow the pain. Process and transform it.
-some of the stuff Alan watts said (like neglecting my progress, denying achievements, and even
-that somewhat messy ai-stuff (questions to myself like am I a AI, due to some YouTube
videos/dreams etc, also threats to take me out)
-telling me to suicide basically
And those are already a lot.
Yeah no. I just transform that pain no problem. Not even that hard any more.
The thing about eras and chapters stages: Those go rather seamless. Were probably already in a new
The with your technology you can already do that memory thing "God did say". Write about it. This
crazy experiment? Well let's at least make sure it was worth then.
New entry:
Stop trying to make life easy already.
In general.
Effective yes. Human and kind, yes. Free yes.
But just stop trying to make it easy.
Like school and exams might suck, but it's supposed to be challenging.
Faith can be trained like a muscle over time. Just that it's potentially much more powerful. I find the
one through understanding and facing challenge to be most helpful. The optimistic kind.
Fall forward.
We'll keep working.
There's no real reason... Sometimes you mess up, sometimes you might get messed up.. idk. Falling
forward with "grace" is somewhat like growing. Eventually. I kind of mess up without grace though
sadly still.
Where did I write about this crazy experiment thing and how I remember my discussions with God
beforehand, and the opposition and all. Didn't write much about that. Also the infinite state machine
thing... Hm... Just gonna write my memory's about that stupid idea
What if laws are unreasonable and quite suboptimal <= thinking about that tomorrow maybe
What to do with Trump: I'm not judging that. My guidelines are saying like courts and God and
we'll didn't write that yet but kind of the universe are doing that.
He might not even understand he's being in punishment already. Like feeling shitty doing shitty
things going shitty.
Though when you're in that position it might be hard to see how much better it could be - even for
you. Maybe he's just afraid to face his first "correct" challenge that life brings to him. He might be
just tested. Things probably just go on shitty next life otherwise anyway.
What is the truth? You can have what you want, with the right attitude (the deep rooted kind). A lot
of people had. If you look at history. Some time after when those ideas aren't liked any more for
some reason, they are trying to overwrite them. I will certainly not try to delete or make anything
forgotten. It's all a big shift to consciousness.
I guess I was also like... Sure but the instructions didn't work for me... So I try to make more
effective ones. I think the bigger the change the "harder" it gets.
Is it hard to be faithful when understanding things. No not really. That's the difference between
knowing and understand. I mean like it's not actually "knowing".
If you mess up with your vision things are getting really messy(especially also bad for you), so
don't. Make it work out for good.
Someday you eventually can make it up somehow. But you don't wanna go through that.
What do I think about VR? I guess if you actually are ok and keep it reasonable.... Don't overdo
Why did second ww happen? Because faith was weak. In many ways. So bad did come forth. That
other terrible things alongside it, too. It was playing with the devil.
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Why did the new big thing happen here in Germany. Guess just cause it works out. With that story.
God is our greatest ally against evil, all he wants/needs?? In return is faith.
When are we going to heaven? Seems like when we did well. And supposedly we stay there for
quite some time with the "gods"(I'm a bit confused why there's a s there). Maybe the higher. I heard
it's the "best feeling"(if we did well I suppose)... No doubt, but I wouldn't know what's it like.
Maybe something like a better form of real happyness or something. Its also where we do the
subconciously-contract new life. Don't fuck up your life to much, because it's a worse contractual
base. Also for the ideal-self imprint I suppose.
I once talked with my colleagues about this: Mathematically it doesn't make sense to just have one
life. If you go by mathematical limit value consideration.. well the chances are you life here and
now and big things are happening because... Well the universe, God and we exist forever. Did big
things happening sound bad to you? Why? Why does that sound bad to you? There's no point in
standing still. Just have faith and do good basically. Well and if you dream, do it right. And make up
your minds. Individually, but for good.
So which religion is right? Aren't the big/important ones all mostly true?
No hate for Jews. Also their religion could just be correct maybe I'm not familiar with it. But rather
just don't hate in general.
I'll be straightforward, I need to LOVE Jews personally, not just say and think and mean the best.
Gonna work on that. A little later.
Hugh the cyborg stuff again... Theoretically it's possible we were reptile humans once or something.
But that didn't lead anywhere it seems. My assumption:
A why becoming cyborgs? Did you watch that boruto show where boruto cheated on the Ninja
exams? Maybe you should try to understand that. Cheat and fail in the end. So don't.
So should I explain the point... No... Anyone following this can solve this by now
Err yeah I'm supposed to speak up or something like that... Gonna plan I guess
Very much so?
What about bad environment influence, that are hard to avoid? => Ideal-Network workaround for
conviction. Also let your environment in on your conviction, they should help you if it makes sense.
Did I write about the not run from your feeling/heart? Not literally yet.
A lot of the bad things from the past might have been coming from needing something new but
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sticking to the past to much. While other things advance. There wasn't enough standing up against
evil. Courage. There was some advance in good ideals, but no one seemed to actually write/define
about it. Like my teachers at school told us about the "Knigge" a book that tells us about how to
place a knife and spoon next to the plate for example. To me that seems so shallow. Like so much
seemed so shallow to me in the past. We need deep roots, and deep roots need good ground. Like
actual open information about the important things.
Arrival and living in the moment: Think about that. Always living in the future is depressing.
There was that one wiara YouTube video that said: You are a fluke. And if you don't something
something you might as well suicide. Horrible. What is this shitty view. That's not how one does do
things. Basically I'll just do what I can. And even when I should burn out at some point, there will
be enough decent options to go on. Like I could just concentrate on actually just enjoy some normal
going by. In the present moment.
That video kind of hurt, but I think I'm mostly over it.
I wonder if there's something decent one can learn from this? Like is there some definition problem
I have still? Or others who work with my stuff? Could it be I just neglected people who don't want
to do it much? It's difficult after all.
I'll think more about people who just want to live kind of at leisure or something. Basically I think
if you are happy with that and don't make trouble a life at leisure(so basically a not so deep/mindful
one) is fine.
What exactly is a fluke anyway? Does that even exist? I understand it as someone who doesn't
know what he's doing and basically just somehow managed anyway. But though I might have had
some luck in my writings and dreams sometimes that's just fine. You just can't do a whole lot with
luck only, and luck is to some extent earned. So is the right touch and feel about all kinds of things.
I might just not understand all the time in detail. Knowledge alone isn't the way anyway. It's more a
mix of senses and willingness to do it right. That's right, if anything is possible, why was it not
managed like this beforehand? If its so easy? Even if I'm not standing out in many ways, I'm also
mostly perfect for this. For the effect. I'm very faithful in the result, and that we can do it. I just
believe more in us(as in we, all of mankind) instead in myself. That should be fine.
Also don't mix up “luck” with coincidence. Since coincidence doesn't exist.
Right no wave without a crest like Alan Watts said. In the sense that you must feel lows to feel
highs. So to reach higher sometimes you must accept going through some lows. We perceive
changes more than absolutes. So a constant all time high would get dull.
A lot of objectivity is great, but it really makes sense to be at least a little bit selfish so to be able to
enjoy things. I mean in a more deeper sense. Like live in the moment sometimes, that also requires
subjectivity/a bit of being selfish.
I think I managed to shift myself towards subjective in the moment mode after 20 minutes of trying
today. Maybe experience that a little.
Also there's still a lot of: What do you guys want me to do exactly. Because a lot of those
information through the flowers are just weird lately.
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Some of those through the flowers info are like: (just on YouTube, not around here)
-mental district hospital
-some weird world eating bullshit
I mean I'm a usually trusting person, but that's all bullshit. Aren't you guys just afraid of some
nonsense. Pretty sure it's something like that.
I'm not feeling like inventing some conspiracy theories around that, instead I'll just add to my ideals
that suicide is stupid. And you also shouldn't overdo the being trusting to strangers. I mean you
could just tell me openly what's bothering you. I'm not always optimal yet, sure. Especially when
there's a lot of progress ahead. Because you might have to go down a bit before you can go up.
But there's not gonna be any actual troublemaking from me.
I'll just keep working on improving me and my guides. And maybe speak increasingly more to
others about it.
I'm afraid you gonna have to trust me, and don't forget, you probably can know me.
Hm... Just watching interesting video. So we don't know a lot of history. Because some "new
leaders" destroyed the old history. Why would I want such nonsense? It's clearly wrong by logic,
and the real point is: did you actually read my biography? The one I wrote, in case things get edited,
don't know how things work exactly. IDK I feel like someone who read that and is afraid of any
history erasing from my side would have to be.. well yeah braindead. I literally gave that to my
family and colleges and am never ashamed around them. My history is shitty. Why would I delete
it? I faced it, I beat it("from within"). It's the whole point what made me new me. It's what the
whole guidelines are about. It's the very foundation of my guide. It wouldn't really work at all
otherwise. The "shitty history" of me is just the foundation to do better. No ground like that no roots
to grow.
Sorry about the "braindead". Well it's just I got hurt to. And I did shift myself today like up there
notices. So this is maybe not the optimal time writing.
Listen more to young and old
Eat more reasonable
Love everyone
Also I should work on improving System B and possibly C more. Some People might have trouble
making System A work well for them.
How does one counter his own arrogance? When the expectations are high?
How to go easy on others mentally?
What about politicians that don't think about the population but just about themselves and their
helpers or groups?
Consciously or unconsciously?
Unconsciously is obvious, don't mess around with the universe, cause it comes back to you.
Its difficult, because if you put their backs to their walls it might just get worse. So don't put their
backs to their walls, but just nag them in different ways until they give in. Don't forget to open paths
for them.
I wrote: Stop trying to make life easy. Kind, yes. Peaceful, yes. Effective, yes. But not easy.
People seem to have some trouble understanding that?
Like why do you need effort to train muscles, brains, faith, ideals, getting to yourself? Why does it
not just magically come to you and - voila - you are a nice successfully person now?
To me it seems like the rules of the universe are sort of no standing the same. Not the rules, but the
universe. And since things are not supposed to be staying, the inhabitants of the universe have to
push things. That's effort needing work. If we push them right or wrong is good and evil then. Or
much rather ying and yang.
So not putting effort is not just staying in place but drifting off. Also -if you are wanting to exist but
not push- you would be cheating your subconsciousnesses and the universe.
So how am I not just lazy myself? Should I really explain? I sayed ok I'll do x and I'm trying to
maximize on that what I sayed supposedly something in the sense of a contract. That's me so I
maximize to my ideal self. I had quite a say in "what I am" so where's the problem. We have. We
did work out what we are going to be in our ideal forms beforehand with the higher. Supposedly
with arguing and what seems right for us. Anyway you don't wanna mess up to hard because it just
gets shitty.
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I mean I do care. A lot. But I'm just a lot more faithful in this solution than in your worries.
How do visions mess up? That's a very good question. Short and shallow it's when you can't cope
with things, dream big, and are faithless. You don't want that. When it becomes unbearable.... Well
no ones left behind forever.
Also you're not supposed to give up your culture and choose your believe yourself.
Don't become a fallen one. Though nothing is eternal expect universe and soul. It probably sucks.
And what does God do with faith? Should I be thinking about that? I guess... Hm... He probably
doesn't actually need it, it helps him to help us I think. Maybe some weird universe law. Like the
changing things.
Yes so the "holy ghost" is always with you though you might have to "train the connection" for high
I should read the Bible (personally) - the father the son and the holy ghost it was? To be honest, I
think to understand God and holy ghost. But how does father and son really work? Huh not smart
enough still. Can't really seem to figure it out right now.
Why's evil existing? Ugh. Well. It's certainly in us to some part. Maybe it's not in God because it's
in the devil instead? That's a far fetch. And why does it exist? Well think about your media. Let's
say evil doesn't exist. Where's the plot. It's certainly not a show for God. But for us. Think about the
universe keep moving thing. Where does it even move at some point. When opposition doesn't
exist? At some point everything would be unified into the same with nowhere to expand to. So
things are to move forth and back at least a little bit. Hopefully less in the future. Same as in
samness of how people are and think and what they do. So evil... Might be creating difference...
Somehow. Sounds complicated maybe. And eventually we don't want to be samey. All of us in
everything. That's the Trinity thing. Don't get to low because it sucks. So it's basically just, yes,
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Right don't forget to think bad of the devil though... Because... He's bad
What's that thing about high suicide rate of shemales? Basically it's possible you contracted that for
yourself, and it'll go just fine. I mean it's a fine journey of life. It's still quite the challenge
nowadays. I don't really see a problem in choosing that. Well if you did. Possibly you're deceiving
yourself or getting deceived by something, than it's not. Yourself is what you chose for
yourself(your supposed “best” fit with the universe), but beforehand. You need to see that. So find
yourself, but truly.
So how did it happen when you are slightly pedo? Mistake->weak point->evil attacking you on it.
How to fix it up?
Maybe put it backwards forth the other way around.
Seing the good->close weak point->do it right to seal....
I should already explain the core problem of pedophilia. So you are attracted to the younger,
because they are more themselves. But by that, you make them drift off. So you dislike them, to not.
Uff so what do we do.... Just don't make them drift off I guess. And don't dislike them.
The attraction is kind of stupid, why not just normal kind.
About fate:
So fate or not fate? A little the one and a little the other. Also because good and evil.
So the thing about Jews... A lot might do their religion wrong? Not saying it's not a thing, but a lot
might do their beliefs wrong.
I'll definitely love them, just give me a bit of... time and such.
Also don't be blind one side or the other. Just see things. Very much them being fine people.
Why doesn't the universe push itself? That's why ai can't do much for us. We have to do it
ourselves. Because we are the universe. All of us. So we are the ones pushing the ai and the ai can't
push us. If anything the forces of evil weaponize ai for them if we let them.
But ai can't outsmart us, because we sort of inherit it, but don't get that wrong. You don't put it in
your brain to inherit it. It can't work. It's like how could the pusher push something and the thing
pushes him at the same time? Maybe just maybe you manage to build your muscles from the
So being good is kind of... There should be 2 terms. The ying yang thing, and what works, which is
just being your contracted self with the universe.
So how is the universe in ourselves sort of, if it's outside? Maybe it loops through God – our
subconsciousnesses. Well the source of creations are interconnected and looping to our outsides. So
its possible to communicate with all the universe in theory, but only if all of universe respects you
highly enough.
Maybe the Earth was flat at some point. If that was our perception back then. Until it made enough
sense to change perception/understanding of things.
Almost did cancel my job today. Because some sort of theory about the Neuralink. The Brain-Chip
What is fate? Sort of what all of our subconsciousness have in plan for us individually. We could try
to resist fate consciously, but that would suck for us especially oneself.
Guess I really should talk about that: Why did this whole thing have to happen? I mean this whole
story? I mean it seems there was an agreement, at least in so far, that it had to happen - not just from
God but the devil to? That this whole thing has to happen.
Well crap. Of course God wants good and the devil bad.
Is it because we became unconscious and boneless, basically tired of living...
Yes that's the real danger to the universe. That we stop pushing.
Once we aren't boneless anymore it's sort of a breeze, just work towards your dreams
Right so what's time? The change through your pushing. Obviously when your bored you aren't
pushing much so it's slow.
And obviously we don't want time to stop... Because... well even I'm at least a little bit afraid of
To clearify that, it would very well be possible to just start pushing again, but its a realllly shitty
situation for a universe to be in, if no one feels like doing anything, so the 2 biggest things
1. Dont give yourself or the universe up
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Maybe you don't really get yet what pushing means... It's pretty much anything except being
bored and unconscious like the good and bad feelings.. faith very much so.
And use your time in heaven to make up your mind what you want for your next life
You want to go there after all
Guess that stuff was the vision from God and me for us
Guess I was chosen because I was ahead of my time back then in doing stuff wrong
Why does God make you wait.... That sort of sounds ridiculous. No he doesn't. It's the
opposite. You make yourself wait loosing backbone.
So what was my (real) contract discussion like: Well surprising, very. I was super pissed by
my old life... basically I already had given up on everything and anything. I had given up
religion and Jesus a long time ago. I didn't like any prophet. Guess I really was ahead that
old time chapter.
And then God was suddenly like be a prophet yourself... I was like what the.... No I don't
want to... He told me some I could be... And sort of made me aware I might stop existing
soon. (I understand now, not as punishment, but from upper explanation of time you'll
understand, he was like that's the sadest thing to him, beings not existing). He explained it's
gonna be hard... Like really hard... I chose Jesus, because it's the only one I sort of heard
some stuff about back then. Then we made up a plan. You know it by now.
Some of the discussion was very surprising because I brought up some ridiculous stuff
expecting to get scolded... And then he was like sure... The only thing he got angry on was
me not trying to give it my best. In the end he was like the result will be really really great...
I was like what.. really? (Even more confused and surprised)
Some decent ideas I had were no violence, things being deep, masks suck, no going back
probably, a bunch more maybe.. especially the understanding all the stuff thing I was very
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serious about wanting. He was like that'll make it a lot harder for you, but I insisted. And I
guess I wanted to be intelligent, because that was one of the few things I cared about a little.
Good or bad - I didn't want to get rid of computers.
There we are I guess, my batteries seem loaded. Guess that can only really be thanked to
him with my faith in him.
Well dang am I Hitler. What a question. Guess I don't want to think about that one to to hard.
Maybe you can see why I'm putting this question up if you see the things as they are by now.
Very good question. I'll leave it at maybe for now.
Do you become fallen if you give up on existing? In some way I guess. So we don't stop
You definitely don't want to do a lot of evil because it drains you like... A real lot
Not sure what to say about that Hitler thing... Can word's even be enough.. no.
So let's do things.
I mean it has to work out ok.
The euphoria was nice but let's start pushing things in other ways, for good.
Guess the paths lead to Jerusalem again. To fix things. For positive real actually good.
Getting complicated. For my social bafoon self.
Be completed. No shizophrenia.
No disliking parts of yourself.
No disliking parts of yourself.
Because you split up and drain.
Since I guess like "me"="Tobias" was a part of Hitler? I mean not the worst one... And we
Making sense I called myself accept86. How many people was I thought. I wonder but don't
really need to know.
Back to Jerusalem and show what I learned I guess. What else would it be. Obviously no
being.. what's the word intrusive? Yes.
Right not being a Symbol, but just what works.
So wasn't that VR/Neuralink thing just another challenge to grow? Guess that question
doesn't say what it should, so is neuralink a thing. Hopefully not. I have a bigger challenge
that should be real, because it should help a lot. Like it should fix so much. Like being
Pretty sure I should be learning how their religion works. Like seriously.
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A lot of the theory's in here are possibilities. That could be or become reality. Like a sphere
I'm completed, but am I one in the usual sense. I'm calmly talking to one or other parts of
myself and are getting some sorts of calm response. Weird. Not bad. Guess I have a lot of...
Minds... To talk to even when I'm alone. Is that how you get more comfortable with
yourself? Or more mind spectrum when shizophrenia occurred... Guess would be mean to
them to sort of fuse in the more literally sense. Maybe one day we are samey or something.
Wrote about that. I mean me and the others in my mind? Wouldn't that make sort of sense.
Seems like it.
Hm should be much aware of all the parts of myself... Guess a bunch more, but not too
Guess I broke apart and puzzled myself together again. Said something along those lines in
my first psychosis.
In many ways I see now that IA stuff is not the way I go. Funny cause I tried writing....
The donkey says IA is
Inefficient artificial lol
I wonder how donkey what... Still a question.
Donkeys exist but are not smart
So I say AI
So what does all that mean? Only actually consciously people can define some basic AI.
Seems logical.
I made like every possible mistake for you so don't worry and don't repeat
So the chains are... Awquard social norms and I undo them... Those gotten more and more
aquard it seems... Some haven't learned to drop the act yet
And this whole climate change thing is just simply our first challenge to do together after
we're not... so much apart anymore
Haven't I written about that.. I thought my mom where a demon, but those were social
norms in her... No big deal anymore. No I didn't give her up.
The YouTube videos made the challenge more challenging I guess
Don't leave anyone behind whatever they say... If they are... Troubled or lost.
If there's still confusion, Jesus just brings the new era when things don't work out anymore
And you chase the holy Grail.. your dreams
So I guess that's the truth about the old Hitler... He hated pretty much anything and was
miserable... Because he wasn't himself because social norms
Whaaat how did I say there's just one answer I did the opposite.
Huh your clean of your son's err what. I don't get it. Maybe I do. I don't get children. It's
something else as well. Put differently God is always clean, but I get what it means. Of
course I don't lean back.
I go to heaven. And when I'm back I'm new. If you reject God you suffer kind of.. but that's
not his fault. No... If you reject faith, then yes. You can believe in yourself, success, things
turning out good. No problem. Just no giving up basically. What does that mean... No giving
up on existing.
The biggest atheist... Saying his logic tells him it's true.
Guess I feed a little at times. But what? Emphaty?
Bad boys bring heaven to you. No us. Guess I will call it that.
Huh really... Help the devil finding past mistakes... of god. Huh. Dude...
-eternal damnation was a lie
-probably not the Earth is flat cause it might have been... Not sure
-something about Jesus...
-monotheism???? Since we all have some... Chance
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-the Thing about the apple
-hiding things from us
-mayyyybe some things previously were told about evil
-to little stable pressure or to much
Also not right from one extreme into the other. But the devil should live and love.
I took of on a spiritual journey... And it's about to reach the main goal
The current God actually is pretty damn great, even the sort of previously devil should
agree... Ok the last part was just me, my opinion. Nah it's a lot of beings opinion
I wonder so wasn't cancer people giving up on their lives, in the older days. Shizophrenia
back then not being able to cope with oneself. Aids sort of doing their sex life wrong....
What should it be like now... Guess I'll just postpone that a little
Well it could be... Feeling... Hm... The fate? Uff maybe... Fate is Good. You contracted it
yourself to like it
Father and son.. hm how are we possibly sons of god if we have a chance to become him...
Ok so it's the beginning and end cycle. We loop through God with the source of creation
So some of the new things, still waiting for the suggestions from her in written form
No problem, we have time.
Oh right I should write that, let's work together consciously. And suggest me things.
Also I hope we get to realize stuff soon. No one left behind. No one gets left behind. This
stupid... Ok I think I corrected something. Am I being tested by previously God now... Like I
said no one left behind. It's fine
Huh let's not forget about you... Surely. Also you remember what you've done for me?
So is it a test or tasks from you. Relax. Just getting them hear. But give me information
about test or task. I have a hard time reading this information.
You chose me so I'm worthy. Isn't that part of it? Don't be afraid because it will work out.
Let's not limit ourselves.
So you were unsure and want to get consciously about meeting up with me. No prob. Ok so
I get those memories up for you... In a bit... I see... You did implant my ideal self fate
I understand that you might have concerns, so bring your experience in this.
Don't worry having made it difficult, because I needed the backbone to heal.
But things are supposed to get a bunch better for all... Let's just discuss it out at your place
next... You said... Was it next Thursday or Friday? I'll ask her. I won't push against you
much. So relax.
And the time was weird fast. A bit ago.
Tomorrow will come no problem. So is sleeping when we work spiritual difference out or
awake at your Praxis...
ID like awake. I feel getting tired, so you like me to sleep... Fine
(Partly new) Rules of the universe... From the looping one with the old one.
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Social Norms suck hard time, so do better... In many ways. Especially when you understand
social norms
Logic and scientist are both needed... Truly understand the meaning of that if you want...
The workforce to, spinning things
But don't make jobs bad if it's preventable, and we do better starting new
Things still can't be always easy. And before fucking up your vision, get to understand the
As God your in charge of the higher, but don't executive the change. You just instruct.
Good and evil... These words were stupid. Understand the true meaning
Ying and yang are ok.
No the brain doesn't make us exist, we make the brain exist. To limit is. Hm ok. To stabilize.
Subconsciously contracts... Hm... Guess those are ok somewhat... I mean well we get along
with it... If you fuck up... Then what... Bad construction base... Understand things (lol
construction instead contract). And you're not it for that long.
So and let's talk it out completely open before we get it done, ok just say so in the real world
if you have some concerns
Just work around demonization. We want to exist. And don't haunt things about the old era.
Forgive. 100%
So the Jews are 100% godly as anyone. So are the development country's...
So everyone, and that means everything think a bunch about our journey and how it'll be
better from here
Dude why's meat... Huh... Good question.. it's so weird. Why would we need that. Why did
we eat existing things. Why.... I've no clue... Wasn't that to... Yang
Eating is complicated.... Let's study that more
We did eat meat, cause animals do, and animals due to simplicity.. I guess it's cause
Not making things to complex...
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We'll be fine ok... Let's just think hard, since it counts a lot now... Bring in yourself, all of
People take your time with this, well prolong this a while
We drag a lot of the stuff over, too and no one gets left behind.
So the thing about shemales and contracting that... I guess that could mean something
different now if you want that. And I might. Why not 3 genders... Chose one you like.
I mean... Not exactly sure why but I feel I like that concept
Maybe Its cause you just choose/contract if you want slightly more or less control.. or why
not sometimes the one sometimes the other. Laying down a little control of yourself in other
hands... Sex and fondling and tickling and all that.. feelings based
Don't forget woman are just as godly, they just chose to well lay of a little control. So if you
want more again I'm(?) your lifetime suddenly, sure, why not. Meaning if you want control
as woman, sure... And also rethinking yourself in your lifetime is fine, doesn't need to
change body for that. Woman more control over man.. hm... If that works and makes sense...
You mean Amazon style, lol don't overdo
Don't excess, but a wider body selection base could be fine maybe not? Hm maybe I see
In VR maybe, if there's a not stupid way
Old Jesus mistake: not getting the Jews on board... It seems so this time we do
Huh thanks for that so let's postpone psychosis a lot in this lifetime psychosis as change or
And that sin carrying over thing, gonna think about how we get rid of that
You're back, and we'll get rid of the sin for good no problem somewhat soon
The whole thing is still complicated, but we get to some answers that work great
The impeachment thing needs a lot of working out.. lol in some ways
Will be fine because we'll make it fine. All of us. Getting on board. No pressure.
We have time.
Why did or do I like feet. Maybe my previous sin. Fine with getting stepped on.
Not saying that's what should be. Just some past... Uff hm hm hm I think it through
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Does God know all of universe, no. He can ask it in. Because he's in charge. When he
developed the sense.
Become concious and understanding, than we work it out tomorrow.. guess it shouldn't be
that stressful.. some more time. But get ready somewhat soon
Psychosis is stupid
I'm very much just concepting some basic ideas about how to fight megalomaniac am.
So reasonable You might wanna hand out some control of like your feelings in bed or
something. No excess of that.
A partner could be helpful when it's time for that.its like training against controllism.
Still very unsure/undecided what I'd like my partner to be like. Should have some backbone
and not be weak I guess. Not sure. I mean hm. Not sure. Giving out some control by the
strong to the weaker could lead somewhere. And undo megalomaniac problem. It's sort of
controlled giving out control. What do I even mean with stronger/weaker? Self security
/controllism or so. I meant only the adults. Why's that complicated to define... The whole
rule only for adults.
No children abuse. Their minds haven't settled until adults, so not abusing that to feel
superior at anything
I see the paradox now needs more work for a decent concept. Just partner fitting mentally
and old enough
I wonder where the whole laying out controlled some control over yourself in hands of
mentally fitting people leads to... And could lead to else.. and what's best for everyone... And
sort of hyrarchic version(s)... So much to do... Relax and randomly procrastinating
Will is currently not free cause we are gods trying our best to get along. And we'll, solve
some issues. Your subconscious is partly being layed in other hands so things work out.
There was some struggling who controls what. Bring yourself in, we want everyone to bring
himself in so it works for everyone well. The whole laying control over yourself in other
hands thing concept could be improved at some point... So free will is basically to much of a
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struggle. Break and coming back to thinking about that.. so instead I could think is and how
would it be possible for free will not to be a big struggle... And being great for us together
The plan has to be more than bulletproof, and no one should get bad cards.
Sure explained why gods support in between was bad – because he “blended in”
Subconsciously shifting ying yang right? And struggle to exist? I guess. Otherwise free will
or so
Break time
So to define
Rules of the universe=our subconsciousnes
Lots of stuff...
We'll bring us all in and make up our minds together, but let's not make it unnecessary hard
So the struggling with yourself increasingly enhancing your power one side of the rule =>
the ones who struggle existing
And helping others to help themselves the lol other thing => the ones who are doing well
The holy ghost? Is the struggle guide to your ideal self... Huh guess I might know him
Don't think there's a need for a watching mentally judge .. but let's confirm that a lot
How about we are our own subconsciousnes judge watchdog and make our own hell to clear
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drift off. Or rather in an democratic way. Because if we don't get along, we definitely make
always our own hell one way or another.
Break time
Interesting... Guess I will struggle less now... So. The others... In sense the ones that didn't
drift of where good... Like quite a lot... Sorry about a lot of things.. so the first and the last to
reach consciousness... Father and son... Geez took me some time... Really no. It's just
Christianity... Let's somehow all get together if that's possible. Or at least make sure we get
all along even if they make something else. So Christianity works... Did something else
finish? Like Buddhism did... It seems on board
And I got big time things already... So I should shut up. But bring myself in continuation.
Not pushing so much.
Since it took me hard time reaching... I try doing right now. It was to prevent me going to
my own world.. alone... Since that sucks. We stay together. So no psychosis, not at all. Back
to reality. Don't forget anyone. Back to reality if everyone reached. I'll call Mom.
Lets leave the going together to the ones who can do that best.
I guess that's it for my... Troubles from me gone for long.. hopefully for good.. guess I trust
you for good
I still wonder how to help others more with put in the going together
I might have to go exactly where... I thought to get myself into the concious type of work
thing for others
And I leave myself in others hands and are fine with it.
I'm not the devil or God, but I sort of understand heaven and hell... And hell's just finished and
fine... I chose somehow hell it seems... Because it fits
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so? ying/yang => now just drifting in the other direction instead hypocrisy. Lets make sure it works
So I control second language, because the old one didn't work out for me
I have no real answer yet, just a logically one.. funny.. guess we didn't procrastinating enough how
many atheism is there... Well crap
We don't fuck the system untill it sucks to hard.. and that's a really lot
A bit at a time
Because when you understand phylosophy logically you can make language eventually... Bit by bit
So I chose ... Here... To go to England one day... Sorry about that wording... It's so.. preposterous
Somehow it's meant nicely though
Sorry what was the wording... You'll help me get my English lesson done first. Thanks a million.
Please could you pass the salt.. what salt. . I see you direct me to pass the salt... Noodles are ok I
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I wonder if you could possibly hold my suitcase... Hm. I help you with that.
The way you like it is weirdly enough to get all the way they like. This time it's ok.
The atheist did make it last time, but had to go all in (Hitler)... Before his sons washed away his sin
Weirdly enough the beginning and the end, is not this time
We are gods, so let's do our work.. yes yes Hitler helps me to carry the burden
So it's a manual for scientist... The bring heaven to you thing.. and how to convert atheism
Hitler compiled it or compiles still
Let's do better cause it never ends... And our forefathers left some behind
So the big bang is a thing... Complex theory though... Very much completed
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Oh Cool... Completed huh... Science yes. Intuition no??? I wonder... Hm would that work... Are you
sure you understand... To the stars first
Let's trust science next time, this time was understand the gods. Hitler made it. In some ways. No
screw ups on the results.
Should be easier this time anyway. And it's the results that count.
Hitler was just nearing his end, so he got intrusive. I mean the task burden was insanely busy with
More questions? Scientists? Guess it's fine. Should be. We definitely want to get along, think
schizophrenia through... But not actually compile it alone.
Also I felt some issues with the science only attempt.. from Hitler
Yes we are engaged
Think about some of his wanting what "you will". You see.
Sex is fine.. you lay yourself in other hand... And masturbation well needs more intuition. I see. It's
a science thing currently. Guess the roots are still there, so it takes him some time giving that up.
Was quite the scientist, yes.
Take your time, but be aware of it. Do we need money.. I'll postpone that.
The apple of eden pays with his life. Finally. Till he's through with his "Cash". Of course the
existing goes on. Didn't suicide, saw all the way.
It's not very tasty so it might be a little control.
So you two help me helping us to get language together. Seems great. Right the drifting language
was the problem like yes (sound)
So I currently translate people's sound to themselves... And the concious ones decide some things
about themselves
I confirm, I am, but I'm not, I confirm, but also help the others. Make sure I don't fuck up to hard
Ok so the chains are the previous rules of the universe and left behind souls, and we want to set
them free eventually
So I keep my sinful souls with me
Huh I keep them with me... The beginning and end...
So how do we free the locked up ones and heal them... Those roots hurt still.
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I met my mother and father at heaven and hell... Way way back.. in my dream recently. And
received the what looked like a set free between heaven and hell
Those roots seem very tired
So maybe we can feed a bit a good time
So I try to be and be not, know and believe, intuition and science, and bring it together through me
sorry us.. me supporting us with it.. somewhat even sinful but not... Ying and yang... Holy but not...
Basically it's just a little while more the one and a little while more the other
This is not to be confused with the one in charge of the spiritual world... I just guide
Still I believe... Just no giving up... And literally still I believe my way work's
So the my religious way work's... And brings lots of information... Thanks for helping me with the
So this whole thing is about the religious myway and the backbone required... Not giving up can be
hard there
There wasn't much open info before I started.. just the Bible
Why is knowing and believing hard... I'll postpone that.. so you need both roads in your soul and the
"switch"? If you actually decided you want to know and believe... You sort of have to believe the
know road and know the believe road
Science should know the believe road, the gods believe the know roads, and the ones who want
something that ridiculous, both, but guide it
Atheist debates? Just know the believe road... The whole thing? And your science thing? I mean
works... Right?... The old gods didn't know enough knowledge? I mean we are advancing... The
knowledge that it sucks not to trust... Gods character... Or his knowledge and experience/backbone.
Don't dismiss knowledge unnecessary... What???? Though science... And knowing and believing
roads types
One of the keys could be getting to the level where you wouldn't be afraid of everyone else being
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like you.. not saying everyone should be the same, totally not
Ok crap. I mean I understand more now... But the we are all gods somewhat is a gigantic dilemma
sort of. I don't really have an actual solution.
And I'd do a lot sorry not as good as leader.
So Trump just makes it easier for some drifted people or so.. hopefully catching them in again.
What a dilemma, thanks for your hard work God and "angels"
And since we're all potentially Gods, why would we pick on each other and make our lives suck.
That's so stupid. That's the main thing I have to say about cults/a lot of religion. I sort of understand
how that came to be. Let's do things right this time. The past is important, but what's even more
important is bringing yourself in to the better future.
Well if we think of the universe as our subconsciousnes together... It might just have "split" from
another one. And where it began. Hm.. nothingness can't exist without being... Why would being
and nothing always be. Because there's no other option. Nothing is only nothing because being is
recognizing it as such. And nothing is part of being. So my answer is being and nothing always was
and is and the rest evolved partly into us all
Dude God exists, he/she was decent to me, why would I reject him/her. Subject settled for me for
now. Let's see this differently solution based. How can we make sure gods powers don't get abused?
Deal with the devil? Treat fairly. De-demonize. Have him/her support things working out fair and
well for everyone. Take the fruit of his/her efforts for good in consideration.
I wrote a whole lot about believe and faith. I never wrote about worship. The thing about worship is
simply: I don't like it. I'd go as far as to say it's usually contra productive. Why: Simply because
your making yourself small. And others potentially megalomaniac. What the Hecks that gonna help.
I never worshipped anyone really. It's unnecessary. Don't play the sacrifice role, get to know your
Faith in others is good though.
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What is this Key thing? Probably "calling key to universe advance" or something. Never thought to
much why I use this phrase before. Maybe the keys to the universe is just being able to see them. If
you call those... a lot of others see them, too.
I guess the whole feeling somewhat pedo thing comes down to the question:
And that means: Manga/Anime shouldn't dress them up like crazy when they look younger
Important question is how you finally want to view reasonable. So a goal set.
The anime one is kinda distorted.
You should be aware of some unsettled-ness that's missing in that imaginary view. Mainly of
So just view them on the way of finding themselves. Deliberately sometimes.
So to clarify that affects you on some level. There's still a lot of other level above that working out
well, but having your sensors open it's a fucked up shitty impression of yourself.
Guess I'll finally block media where seemingly painted unsettled beings are displayed questionably.
As in to dressed up and whatnot.
If you say it doesn't affect you, you are either not into that cute anime girl thing, or your sensors are
not working/you are not very self-aware probably. So that it's hidden somewhere...
I still love the Japanese Culture a lot! I just stumbled on some problem I have with my self
improvement thing... I'll work around those exact media types. Not anime in general.
Saying I'll drag everything about me out in the open I have to deliver... The "business man posture"
kinda innerly bugged me... Because I guess innerly I saw social norms, without realizing. Sorry.
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I mean I understand with that many people in little space there could be more pressure to it...
I don't think there's actually a really social norms problem in Japan. Not that I could actually tell
that. Well no clue without seeing for real sometimes. Also if anything I just hint some things. Not
gonna get intrusive.
Anyway sorry to criticism, sorry.
I'm kinda tired pretty often because I estranged from reality a bunch. So either work to reach, or
sync back to it. Sleeping a lot in between can make sense. To get along. Also if you want to reach
forward take small steps. But keep at it if you decided. God seems to not like pessimistic views.
After all these close up roads and possibilities. And giving up is no good. You can like redraw to
another dream, but don't actually give yourself or the "us" up. I'm missing the "we"/"us"/"all of
mankind" in the video. Just because your an outcast not fitting in, shouldn't make you give up the
"us"/"we"/"all of mankind". Maybe you'll find a comfortable nice little place you like outside the
typical box.
So why am I still not going all out as a sort of example? I kind of am. Kind of.
If I think in engineering terms, why would I make stuff just for the ideal user. That's stupid. If you
are a somewhat decent developer, make stuff reasonable to use. And present it with an teaching
So I'm just going all out in ways that seem to lead to the best engineering results really. Not even
that exhausting most of the time.
Takes time though. But we've waited so long. What's a year here or something.
This is the understanding road this time. No blood, no pressure, no hyper. Be dissatisfied if you
want, but it's worth the effective method without much sacrifice.
Actually I had a lot of harch dreams where I had to fight. Then near the end I had this dream where
this one of very few old friend of mine says "now I don't expect anything from you anymore" and
walked away. I was kinda shocked and buzzed him after a short while. Then later he said that scared
him and I was like what the heck is up with you... Our differences did go on a bit, but I just got
more and more confident, then God helped me kinda and the dreams were over. That Psychoterror
telling me not expecting anything from me hurt more than the fighting though looking back.
Sure we say don't limit God. Everything Imaginable is possible. But that's sort of a timeline limit.
So is it really God breaking you... Surely he doesn't want to. I mean sometimes logic turns out
having problems.... I only have like 1.5 examples at hand. I might have to wait for the other friend
to tell me. Just from me I'd say: I broke myself, because I reached the very bottom before. I gave up
on everything before. And even when I was getting what I was asking, my asking was the dumbest
thing and having it before me I'd not take a hurdle for it. So basically God being any level of
omnipotent can't really lift us up enough that we don't fall freely right away again because we are
boneless and stupid. How exactly is a shepherd supposed to look after his sheep if they all do stupid
stuff. So you gotta teach them looking after themselves a lot some time. Like keep on track but don't
run the dangerous streets. Stay together somewhere... If you stray of to much... Well than things get
a little complicated
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People don't be to intrusive to your children, you'll scare them away. Believe is a choice that can be
emphasized. But no force. And there still speaks fear through you. If you like have grow up your
children with values and without fear it could be better than faith through fear. The we counts most.
Make sure to put the we first. We might be gods subordinates but in the end we choose ourselves.
And a loving God respects choice. Just don't screw each other so put the we first
I really suggest the "we help God to help us" thinking. Why making him seem arbitrary. No. Be
done with that Bible past. Get to understand. Life's not to glorify and worship God. Life's for being
collective creators and making stuff great for everyone in the future. Optimally the near future
already and things just getting better. Mind that God is part of us
So if you look at it like that: 10 years ago what were my greatest horrors? And biggest joys?
My greatest horrors were basically "openes" / "people knowing about my private life" / "about
myself". What else? Being myself.
If you look at it now, 10 years later, well all my biggest horrors became reality my previously
greatest joys aren't that any more and are breaking down, 10 years ago I wanted to kill myself and
now 10 years later I'm happy. Huh interesting.
Guess your greatest horrors are often just challenges you are afraid to face. And joys just excess to
get rid of.
Calling it
The possible Guidelines – and getting together
from a spiritual Journey
embarrassing shirt, but are afraid what your friends would think of you.... Basically not doing what
you feel like as your true self, because social norm expectations.
That's why they are chains.
And we should get rid of them. But keep it reasonable.
Blue pill red pill, I choose none 3 times, at the 3rd time they drugged/brainwashed me, I got
psychosis and shizophrenia
So it's not so much my red pilled ex friends fault, they just were instrumentalised by the system
They think red pill=truth, but actually it's just red pill = history
Some other year, 1 or 2 years later, I didn't much believe in Christkind all the more. Then my
parents told me it didn't exist. I was still calm. Then they sayed it was, so I was happy, I think that
was when I got angry. (Wtf, how does fooling me make me happy?)
Blurry memory that recently came back:
My mom telling me if you get so angry about that Christkind stuff, we wont tell you the other
truths. I'm like “whaaaat tell me”. They said a couple of things I don't remember, then I got totally
desperate and was like Noooo, I don't want that. Stop. And cried.
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Sometime at school:
Blurry memory that recently came back:
Someone at school: You still believe in Christkind? I'm like: No? He: You do, in the other one.
Yeah that seems to have happened to me, they put drugs in my drink, then hypnotised and later brainwashed me
Blue pill red pill, I choose none 3 times, at the 3rd time they drugged/brainwashed me, I got psychosis and
Supposedly they quickly glued my together somewhat sketchily afterwards. And made me forget. With
So it's not so much my red pilled ex friends fault, they just were instrumentalised by the system
They think red pill=truth, but actually it's just red pill = history
Some later date, another friend of my friend where preaching his story's how one may not condemn
drugs. I got opposed. Some other time I told my friend “are you sure you want to hang around your
drug dealer friend so much...”. Anyway I stopped hanging around with my friends soon afterwards.
At some point dad said something in the likes of “new friends being better than the old ones
I wonder if you are told to take blue pill or red pill - I wonder how many of you would take none.
Not that I would recommend that alot... No seriously you probably wouldn't like that road to much.
Also I'm not sure about so f.. many things.
I'd expect the keep your stupid pills to be the myroad. Like where many aren't exactly happy about
your non-alignment. Like about everyone at first. So while red pill would be truth. And blue pill
would be fake. No pill would be go fuck(rather optimize) the system.
Hm what would that be like in the matrix movie I wonder... It would be like staying in the matrix,
but everyones pissed at NEO. And NEO like wtf why does everyone avoid me and look down on
me. But due to NEO not being bound to the pills, the red Piller(truth world) and blue Piller(fake
world) learn to sync up through NEO. Happy end
So blue=no change in your life, but put under control through manipulation, red=truth and wake up,
but put under control through fear and stupid outdated philosophy, nopill=everyones pissed at you
for not alligning to that weird system
I wonder was there a door in blue pill red pill room in matrix?
So let's say there's a guy, the Pillinator which puts force/pressure on the redpillers and
disempowers/holds the blue pillers in the unknown.
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So really I already elaborated on stability coming from power structure. Doesn't really work
Leaving the question what possibly can be done. But I'll find something.
I mean I we didn't try teaching being understanding much in the past. Or reasonable decisions.
Matrix : Redefine - getting ready
No knowledge in old style definition is just a small not even that important part
There's like so many more attributes to the mind
Like values like courage, optimism, faith, ideals or intelligence which is different from knowing,
like logically thinking or even feeling answers
So more like solutions
In my example, you I just refuse knowledge, which is the same answer as the blue pill.
Yes that's right
With one difference
Not alligning
Waking up = gaining knowledge? The metaphor? What makes you think you couldn't gain
You can't gain knowledge, because the artificial unnatural limit of a binary choice. That isn't real.
Maybe the "machine" is taught to make their life difficult of the no-pillers. In the beginning until
they manage at least. I suppose the 3rd no pill option is hold up by gods support. The other 2
options are part of the "machine".
Seal of agreement
Let's say we are spirits, as spiritual being, what's the difference between dreams and reality?
My answer: disconnect dreams are just oneself
Astral dreams are connected with others
Reality: Big Astral dream + seal of agreement
Seal of agreement = blue pill/red pill
Solution: Red pill openess and Openess of red pillers? Like a lot. Because a lot seem closed up. And
Blue Pill... IDK.. depends how the seal works...
Isn't redpill just like a data clump. Doesn't make you intelligent.
Knowledge in old style definition is just a small not even that important part
There's like so many more attributes to the mind
Like values like courage, optimism, faith, ideals or intelligence which is different from
knowing, like logically thinking or even feeling answers
By a friend:
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In the view of the alt right the red pill represents revelation and the blue pill represents
In reality though red pill is buying into the ideology given to them and the blue pill is a
derogatory term they use for people who don't.
The ways these views work as broad conspiracy theories. So one may be Feminists ruin
everything. Then the next layer is actually the feminists are controlled by the leftists/ marxists.
Then the next is actually marxists are controlled by the jews.
It's also giving in to your weakness, you couldn't accept yourself and your old live, so you trample
on others instead to feel better – mind-wise if you do that.
First of all you tell them you did wrong. If you understand. That makes a lot of difference. My
parents were like "you know, santa clause doesn't exist". But that's besides the point. I mean that
didn't even bother me. What bothered me was getting fooled by them. So apologize to your
So how do you get people out of their pillow box you locked them in, without them getting angry to
much? The ones that are still in there
I was super angry at my mom telling me she did it to make me happier - santa clause
Anyway you could argue the idea to santa clause fool children could be to know if they can handle
knowing there's a lot more fooling.
In the world
So about the blue pill red pill, I'd just say we already are doing it wrong with santa clause
Tell them it's not really to make you happy. Be real. And apologizing. Step by step.
Because Santa is for the parents
So what's my resume:
If these things sound unbelievable to you:
The easiest answer is usually the one with highest probability. Please think about what could
possibly be “easier to understand answers” to those questions. All the other explanations I heard to
those topics, if there even where any, didn't thoroughly explain at all and where vaguely. And didn't
connect. Those connect optimally. And explain thoroughly.
Did you hear about the whole Evolution Theory? How many sites? About explanation of dreams
and why are we dreaming? How many sites? Did you wonder why you think about someone and he
calls you? Why is the universe like that? What about illnesses? Why are we? Why is nature?
How much does it take to explain that?
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Simple solution subconsciousnes are our reality and connected to each other. Oh and we are
energy - We are the universe.
End of story... But not really
Being always was. Nothing can only be when being recognizes it as such. When being thinks, it
creates. Our souls are the “Memory”. Our Thinking is the “programming”. Its run by our
subconsciousnesses. Our Vision is the goal. The History isn't great. I couldn't cope with my life any
more in my past faithless existence. The “parent god” was like: Try it yourself. We contracted some
stuff and it was imprinted in my soul. Things got copied over? Or split of? Anyway, this is where
“thought” schizophrenia started.
Dreaming/Imagination is unstable. Because its not run stable in “reality”.
Science and Intuition, Consciousness: Intuition is the force of god on us. Its comfortable.
Consciousness is pushing oneself / Bringing oneself in more. Science is the “detailing” of a vision
in its truest sense. So science is more like “creating” than “finding”. Reality will only accept if its
We are all potentially gods. As “in charge of subconsciousnesses”/Intuition.
But actually god is all our subconsciousnesses.
And sleeping/dreaming is getting along between them. Since reality is the “agreement between our
subconsciousnesses” - we are getting tired if we don't sleep, because we drift of the agreement /
estrange from reality.
Why is History sometimes shitty? Its obvious if you've compiled through it(“Spiritual Journey/Run
within”). Simple to Complex. Simple has cruelty. Complex can work around it if done right. If you
think simple, it could be like: I'm in charge, I'm doubting myself and others. So I set things in ways,
to force the outcome great for me first of all. Which caused this mess. But that obviously can't work
to well. At some time, it's not working any more at all. So the complex way is, get to a state, where
you'd be perfectly ok with everyone else being like yourself. And beyond. Be like, sure, I hand out
power truly of free will, because I can trust. That means an upward spiral then instead downward
spiral. And take all the opinions in.
So its the Father (“parent god”) the son (“the tasked one”) and the holy spirit (“the guide and soul
Ying and Yang is necessary after all. Why? Because its just some “borders of change”. And we want
change. What else would we do than changing? Literally nothing would happen.
So I try to be and be not, know and believe, intuition and science, and bring it together through me
sorry us.. me supporting us with it.. somewhat even sinful but not... Ying and yang... Holy but not...
Basically it's just a little while “more the one” and a little while “more the other”.
The point is, to make things swing in the right offset and amplitude. (Setting Ying and Yang right)
First we bring us together. The big get together.
We don't want to drift apart to much. If you are not ok with something, bring yourself in. When max
Ying and Yang is in the scope of tolerance of all of us, its paradise.
Right and sleeping is “trying” to get along between us.
The road of knowledge and the road of believe. What I found out: You can only believe in the road
of knowledge – not know it, and you can only know the road of believe, just believing the road is
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You cant know the road of knowledge. Because believe/faith creates the road of knowledge.
You can't just believe the road of believe. Because you have to know it. If you believe believe you
are not doing it right. You have to know believe. Or its not strong. And your faith is weak else. You
can't really change things for good like that.
Without any believe – we would literally be mindless robots of routine.
If you gonna design a new product, do you not believe in that product? Believe is just imagination
with a positive attitude.
And believe makes way for existing.
If you don't know why do you believe? => It's we believe because we don't know. But have this: I
believe, because I know my road of believe. And that's what I know.
The power of faith: As long as you are held in a permanent state of not knowing but Wondering
your brain constantly is training in logic derivation from the wondering. Knowing would kill your
Because evidence makes mentally weaker. Literally.
My logic is basically believing is not knowing. There's little things we can absolutely know. If we
throw an apple to the ground we just believe it will hit the ground and we can maybe say
99,99999% it will but maybe it won't. People who say to believe 100% just round believing. It
wouldn't even be faithful anymore. The power of faith comes from not knowing. Faith would be
super weak in 100% believers/knowers.
So the bigger your vision, the more consistent, the more you know your vision, the stronger it gets.
But do it right, as you've seen from my story, you don't want to screw it up and get schizophrenic.
Do what works for all.
So who's god as in “charge of the spiritually world”? He's just inspiring inspiration the most. He's a
guide now. With knowing the road of believe. And believing in the road of knowledge. A lot is ran
Angels are like very strongly inspired humans by some goal`?
So would it be possible to like “split the sea”? Today? I don't think that's inspiring nowadays.
Nor much believable any more. So not realistically really any more. Why not just use a boat....
-When subconsciousness says “no to think about x” => Accept it and don't think about it OR try to
win over systematically
-”Environment conditions calibration”
Environment conditions => don't decline with inner force, just allow them feelings
Beforehand: Don't decline everything and anything / And don't battle your subconsciousness
If it happened already: Then its a challenge. It can get a lot better though.
-Accept the situations
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-Accept yourself
-Set goals for future
-Find your purpose read yourself
Subconsciously giving up on your life.
Excess. Aids sort of doing their sex life wrong....
Schizophrenia back then not being able to cope with oneself. So you basically fall apart.
In my understanding Soul and Spirit works similar to a Computer. Soul = Memory. Spirit = Main-
Streaming-Processor (usually-multi-core). Brain: Stabiliser in material world. Also Consciousness-
Focus. The consciousness can theoretically start processes which the subconsciousness processes. Is
the workload high, the picture can get blurred. What is reality? In principles, the common
agreement of all our subconsciousnesses.
The whole “concept of illnesses” is shitty. Somehow that has to work better. The whole point is
basically just to get the subconsciousnesses in line with each other / the universe. Ok and how to do
it better? Understanding is complex and a lot of work normally. Objectivity is a big thing.
How about “View-Shifting” (short-term) => In Dreams, “View shifting reviews” to see other
perspectives. Targetting better understanding of things/decisions.
Further: What about “blackmailing” - about like “give me x, or I don't work along with the
universe”. How about consciousness punishing. “District hospital/Police/Courts”. Better than
getting ill.
Does coincidence exist? I wouldn't know why it would exist. Decisions exist. And limits of sensoric
/ possible workload to follow things. Information limitation. But I wouldn't know why coincidence
would exist.
About Subconsciousness: To truly be able to activate your Brain, you have to get along well with
yourself. If you can't cope with parts of you, they won't be happy to work with you.
For Subconsciousness to truly work all the way for consciousness it has to respect you as master of
your thoughts freely because you earned it. Only then you can read deep parts of soul. And maybe
just maybe the universe if other subconsciousness respond out of respect.
Respect your subconscious, after all it's much more powerful, has more processing power and
interconnection. And has to do the workload.
I talked a lot about "reprogramming your subconscious" I guess it's more getting it on board on
some opinion. So get to like yourself first. And don't talk about some "inner p.. d..", that's horrible.
Don't think about your subconscious as some kind of slave, be aware it's actually more powerful,
and just be partners eye to eye. You do the final "conscious" decisions though. Doesn't mean your
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You know you get along well when your subconscious is agreeing to background process tasks for
So I'm sort of just a guide, it's rather democratic in nature. This "God"-thing.
So this life or next, I'll keep working on this somewhat as long subconsciousnesses want me to.
Though I could possibly be a woman next life. Hasn't much to do with it, my heart was and is quite
frankly feminine anyway. This live I'm marrying a woman though.
So in the last “era” we became such hypocrites, to inertly deny people who are even just true to
themselves. That's where things got really messy. That's not good at all, its just going about trying to
be good the wrong way. Doing good right, is also about tolerating and tuning your wavelength, to
what doesn't seem good to you but is legal. It's part of a getting together.
So I came around another question. Has contractual base to do with what you believe? Not directly.
It's about how well you do for the universe.
The Atheists on YouTube I watched seemed to do just fine... I mean they seem to have high morals.
Do we need to make our own hell ever? Well no we don't. We obviously do one way or another
when not getting along. So this is possible instructions to get along. But there are other ways. You
definitely should get along with yourself for real.
So what is an easy compelling argument that our subconsciousnesses are parts of god connected to
each other? I mean you can find the source of creation in yourself as Buddhism states but that's
complicated. How about you look at chances? Also I have this wholesome theory where everything
fits. But a simple argument huh.. Doesn't your subconscious disagree with yourself sometimes? Did
you ever think about a inner p.. d..? Why do you think you wouldn't be in full control over yourself?
Why do we suddenly think about someone and he calls... Our subconsciousnesses/sources of
creation are connected parts of god. Evidence? Without going a long way? Feelings? Hesitation? If
nature just built you, why would evolution go like put 2 often opposing forces in you. In
engineering meaning that doesn't make sense. For surviving it would be better to just be truly one.
But it's the being yourself and part of everything inside you. That only makes sense if we make the
brain exist, not it is making us. If the brain made us somehow, how would everything be, how
would we have it in us. If the brain would make us exist, why would we ever want to be lazy or
ourselves? And not just "for nature". If nature equals out for efficiency in surviving, why would we
be egoistic? While simple lifeforms are not? If you look at it seriously, it should be obvious some
animals were just “designed” to “look cool” not to be efficient. Like take it like that: A peafowl. We
are told nature does this, so it impresses his mating partner. (irony on)Yeah... right... (irony off).
Was nature so bored that it suddenly decides to balance 2 metal balls on top of each other? What I'm
saying is: Why exactly not have it efficiently designed, and just “have the partners attracted to each
other because they like whatever they are like”. It really is like nature would be suddenly deciding
to balance 2 metal balls on top of each other because its bored.
Why not like: Evolution is controlled by Subconsciousnesses. I think the subconsciousness decide
DNA improvement here and there from me to next gen. Because being likes to be cool ;) but not
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“simplicity is advantageous to nature" "complexity is only advantageous to being" it's so so f..
obvious.. nature filtered things are simple and go to simplicity
You do not reach perfection when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take
I don't really see anything other than creation of universe by being that always was or nature always
If nature always was, bacteria happened, being controlled evolution("simplicity is driven by nature"
"complexity is only advantageous to being") , and stuff it might seem like an explanation
But you would want to wonder "why are we" "why didn't nature make machines"
My colleague had an interesting assertion, after I told him my assertion, you can more or less prove
God exists with nature of material/nature and nature of being. He was like so what if literally every
energy form is a form of being? Or maybe energy transfer into other form
So like a fire could be a form of being - like a tree
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If you think about it is the concept of fire so much different from tree? Both just transfer energy and
grow in complex form
So the whole circus is just ying and yang drifting apart. We don't change the past with source of
creation, but just the future into what we believe together.
What all of us believe together.
So things tend to drift apart after some times, some people are getting to hypocrisy or to messy.
So lets get together again. In a scope of tolerance.
So while some say we are hunters and collectors, I say we are collective creators.
My name is To-bias=>changing=>No-bias; I'll keep my name. Because seals like names can be just
beaten. What's Nobiasity? It's something to believe in. Not quite like Religion. It's well. A change
and selfdefinition goal.
I'll keep my name To-bias because I'll keep fighting. We don't destroy. So no win will be declared.
Some sort of religion are just belonging to organization, other say it's "a way of life" I'd say this is
neither of the 2 and no religion either
Because it's not what you do and what you life like at all
It's more like change on what you are
You define yourself, change yourself, and that's it
So yeah the goal isn't just acting decent - it's BEING decent
It's probably most related to Buddhism I guess, though I have little knowledge
I read that Buddhism works best when your poor in wealthyness though. So it's useful to have
something that you can use in an somewhat material world, with job and car and TV, computer and
handy. And suchlike cases.
Literature Bases:
Not much at all, mainly my spiritual Journey.
-Some of Sadhgurus stuff on YouTube
-a bunch of news sites on the internet
-YouTube music videos
-Some of Medium.com
-My colleagues opinions... Mainly just one influenced me
-No I didn't read the bible yet