Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
Philippine National Police Academy
December 2019
Title Page
1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND .............Error! Bookmark not defined.
Write your first variable here (Make it bold but not all caps) .. Error! Bookmark not
(Discuss your variable with related foreign literature and studies, followed by
*In case the study has one variable only, no need to write your variable but instead
discuss all related foreign literature and studies, followed by national, and then
Write your second variable here if any. (Make it bold but not all caps) ........... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Write your third variable here if any. (Make it bold but not all caps) ................ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Write your fourth variable here if any (Make it bold but not all caps). If there is no
other variable, just erase these sentences so that it will not appear in the table of
contents. ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Synthesis of the Related Literature and Studies ......Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix C.Letter of Request to the Participants of the Study. .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
SURVEY FORM ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
CURRICULUM VITAE .............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Philippines is the 99 least corrupt nation out of 175 countries, according to the
exists a poor image of the Philippine National Police (PNP) with respect to public opinion.
This can be attributed to a few rogue who abuse their authority and apply corrupt practices
that have effectively reduced the respect and dignity that our people should accord to the
police institution. According to Drilon II, (2018) the Philippine National Police has
developed a bad image and reputation, referring to the 7 C’s of Crisis/Concerns in the
Philippine National Police and one of which is the Crisis of Corruption. Since public
attitude toward the police are mostly the result of personal contacts rather than a
knowledge of police methods, the public is not only ill-informed concerning the caliber of
its police generally but it also lacks appreciation of the conditions under which the police
that is against their duty for personal gain. Police corruption involves various acts by
police officials, placing their personal gain ahead of duty. Police corruption is the deviant
behavior guided by a clandestine set of norms. The State or the police officials may be
held liable for any damage arising from wrongful police action. One example of police
corruption is the dishonest, unethical, or criminal behavior of a police official who steals
property from a crime scene. This research defines police corruption as the unlawful and
intentional act of abusing power by police officials. It occurs when they commit a crime or
Cops are among the most noticeable public servants, and daily exposure to
corrupt, inefficient, or badly managed police officials is a cancer upon the body politic.
Failure to pursue reforms such a course will further enfeeble the PNP, hamper the
improvement of rule of law, lead to greater crime and corruption, lessen the peace and
order needed for faster economic growth, and undermine public safety and internal
In the absence of systemic PNP reform, popular impatience for better police
performance and management aggravate by the belief that nearly everyone in the PNP
Corruption in the Philippine National Police (PNP) and related agencies stems
primarily from the unholy trinity of gambling, drugs, and prostitution that
exacerbated by Philippine law, which gives local officials control over the appointment
and dismissal of local PNP commanders, encouraging corrupt city mayors to make
common cause with dishonest police commanders. Observers compare the PNP to
that the PNP had taken "positive steps" to rectify the situation such as recruiting civilian
officials and implementing sanctions such as dismissal and imprisonment for corrupt
Apart from corruption, many cops undertake investigative short cuts that often
employ physical abuse, the planting of evidence, and sometimes -- allegedly under
guidance from local elected officials -- the extra-judicial killing of criminal suspects. The
misfeasance (improper and unlawful execution of an act that in itself is lawful and proper)
within an institutional culture of poor management. The results permit not only corruption
but also a level of incompetence that is often indistinguishable from corruption. Individual
PNP members are courageous, but especially at junior levels tempted by the
opportunities (and, given the poverty-level wages, the virtual necessity) to "learn how to
The purpose of this study is to reveal what are the causes of corruption and the
factors that create opportunities for corruption that is committed by commissioned and
non-commissioned police officers that affects the economic development in Bacolod City
in order for us to fight against the existing corruption in the said community.
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the corruption committed by police officers and how
are we going to counter these problems in the organization. Police Corruption is the
misuse of police authority for personal gain. Examples include extortion (for example,
demanding money for not writing or issuing traffic violation tickets) and bribery (for
example, accepting money in exchange for not enforcing the law). Our study is based
on some theories that involves misconduct that leads them to the act of corruption.
The "Rotten Apple" Theory, states that deviant police officers are those who
psychological testing fails to screen out. This concept is favored by police administrators
because it offers a quick and easy solution to police deviant behavior. However, there is
a growing body of literature that suggests that it is the stressful occupation that is policing
that is the fertile soil from which police deviant behavior springs otherwise known as the
"Rotten Barrel" Theory. This article shall explore police deviant behavior from the
perspective that it is the "Rotten Barrel" that leads to police deviant behavior.
According to the Rotten Apple Theory, corruption is the work of a few, dishonest,
immoral police officers. Experts dismiss this theory because it fails to explain why so
many corrupt police officers become concentrated in some police organizations but not
others. Another explanation pinpoints U. S. society’s use of the criminal law to enforce
enforcement. Providers of these illegal goods and service use part of their profits bribe
are largely influenced by policing environments – both within and outside the police
service (Crank, 2014). Also, due to occupational stress, public isolation etc. the police
personnel are somehow detached from civil relationships (Gutshall, et al., 2017), and
often enforce a collectivist police culture i.e. the code of silence. This make them relatively
should be understood more as products of organization culture and less as mere deviant
actions (Newham & Faull, 2011). This organizational culture creates corrupt police
practices and sustains deviance through code of silence. Similarly, “cultural tolerance to
corruption at the societal levels filters to the policing institution which has bred tolerance
of corruption within the agency” (Sookoo, 2015). Thus, organizational culture and societal
extension, the SSSL theory, suits attempts to explain this state of affairs within
The SSSL theory stems from Social Learning Theory developed by Ronald L.
Akers, where the former is ideally an extension of the latter (Krohn, 1999). Social Learning
concerned (Nicholson & Higgins, 2017). It is considerably a general theory that describes
learning processes involved in an individual’s history and opportunity for crime and
involve four main concepts (i.) Differential association, which lay emphasis on the social
interactions peer groups like those between kin and professional groups, authority figures,
as well as the media, etc. Such groups accordingly form the primary site of interaction as
they present intimate or personal groups vital to individual’s life both within and outside
the organizational context. These groups particularly expose an individual “to passing of
definitions and also include providing behavior model” (Nicholson & Higgins, 2017). The
greater the influence of these groups on an individual’s behavior, the higher the intensity
regarded to be more likely “when an individual differentially associates with others who
This paper aims to further built on the Rotten Apple Theory and Social Structure -
Social Leaning Theory framework that deviant police officers tend to act a behavior that
will cause corruption because it is done by few, immoral and dishonest police officers.
The SSSL theory, states that police officers are influenced by different policing
environments. Hence, it is important for the police to always assume the responsibility of
being part of a democratic society’s social welfare system wherein socioeconomic needs
of the people are addressed equitably and civil rights are respected. This study aims to
know the factors that leads the police officers to commit misconduct that leads to
corruption, what are the root causes or corruption and its impact to the members of the
Conceptual Framework
OUTPUT model. The first box is the input of the study. It contains the specific problems
consisting of the socio-demographic profile of the respondents will include the name
(optional), age, address, civil status, number of children as well as their rank and the
indicators of corruption along law enforcement, crime prevention, and arrest as well as
the community safety. It also includes the indicators of Corruption such as Nepotism
Partisanship, Tendering, Bribery, Personal gains, Abuse of position and Kickbacks. In the
same box includes the top source of corruption of police officers in Bacolod City in terms
of Procurements, Fixed Cases, City Allowance and Bribery. The perceived solutions and
On the other hand, the second box represents the process which includes the
questionnaire and, documentary analysis, collection and tabulation of data and the
The third box is the output of the research which presented the outcome of the
study that contains the perceived solutions and recommendations to transform the image
Statement of the Problem
This study intends to ascertain the perception of people of Bacolod about the impact
1. What are the Socio-Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of the following:
a. Name (Optional)
b. Age
c. Address
d. Civil Status
e. Number of Children
f. Occupation
2. What are the indicators of Corruption:
a. Nepotism
b. Partisanship
c. Tendering
d. Bribery
e. Personal gains
f. Abuse of position
g. Kickbacks
3. What are the top source of corruption of police officers in Bacolod City in terms of:
a. Procurements
b. Fixed Cases
c. City Allowance
d. Bribery
4. What are the perceived solutions and recommendations to transform the image of PNP
in Bacolod City?
The ultimate aim of this study is to improve the police force in the Philippine
National Police anti-graft and corruption campaign by providing it with accurate and up
police corruption in Bacolod City where the examination in detail of the crucial area of
corrupt activities within Bacolod City and documentation the social institutions that have
in the Philippine National Police where strategies is not significantly related that is used
The study will cover the impact of anti-graft and corruption campaign in Bacolod
City. This study is expected to be used for making plans, programs, to find out the causes
of the existing problem and for the attainment of its goal which is to find out the impact or
the effects of corruption committed by the police officers in the said City. The PNP serves
as the protector of the people to enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, maintain
peace and order and ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of
the community. It is therefore important that their performance is responsive to the needs
of the general public and their misconduct that leads to corruption must be suppressed.
This study hopes to find out the causes and effects of police corruption that will
serve as a basis for further reforms within the PNP organization. It is important that
and responsiveness of police officers to lead it to the ultimate goal of cascading the
Moreover, the study hopes the organization will be well-informed of the public’s
perception and situation of the Bacolod City due to police corruption and other misconduct
Philippine National Police. This will provide the opportunity to improve its past
and current image by becoming a more God-fearing and service – oriented institution.
This will also provide the PNP the opportunity to eliminate the root cause of corruption
inside the organization and adopt measures to improve its interpersonal relations with the
varied stakeholders, their anti – crime activities and public safety responsibilities. The
findings of this study may help PNP in designing a programs to establish a better office;
to create rules and regulations to be implemented in order to build discipline among the
subordinates; and to allocate financial and natural resources to each and every
be an eye-opener that the existing police corruption has a big impact in the performance
of the PNP organization. They will therefore have a basis for improvement and to find
Law Enforcers. This study will help the Law enforcement to enhance their role
and functions by achieving peace and order because they are strictly implementing the
laws and ordinances and avoid any forms of corruption such as bribery. This study will
also provide suggestions that will help them to their responsibility to achieve their goals
and objectives.
The City of Bacolod. This study aims to help the Bacolod City in general. The
ultimate goal of this study is to come up with a solution on the corruption of police officers
to improve their performance in dealing with the crimes, issues in the office, and their
The Government Units and Other Agencies. The results of this study may
prompt them to give the PNP their utmost support. This will create a strong bond among
other agencies to change the image and credibility of the PNP organization. The data
extracted by this study will be able to provide them with the PNP’s best practices worthy
Filipino Citizens. This will also be benefited by the study for them to be aware on
the existing police corruption and its impact to the community and how it can affect the
enthusiasts to study about peace and order. This would furnish those pertinent data that
serve as a reference material. This study would give them insights as to the impact of
Future Researchers. The study would serve as a reference material for those
The study will focus on the impact of anti-graft and corruption campaign in Bacolod
City. The study will only limit to Bacolod City Police Office and the residents of Bacolod
City and will not include any other police stations in other cities.
The study will cover some Police officers in the Bacolod City Police Office and
On the other hand, the study covers the Socio-Demographic Profile of the
respondents and will analyze in terms of their name (optional), age, address, civil status,
The study will also identify the indicators of their performance along law
enforcement, deviant behaviors of police officers, and the allocation of finances and
Likewise, the study will also determine the causes and effects of police corruption,
perceived solutions and recommendations and the sociological implications and findings
of the study.
However, the researchers will only consider those respondents with sufficient data
organization entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire illicit benefit, or,
Local Government; This was created under Republic Act No. 6075.
Crime. A violation of the law. It is form of incident against public order, which may