1. The document is a student assessment sheet for term work in the subject of Data Communication and Computer Networks.
2. It lists 17 practical tasks the student was required to complete, including configuring networks, installing operating systems, and using networking tools.
3. The sheet tracks the student's performance on each task, with space to record details of completion, submission date, marks obtained, and teacher remarks.
1. The document is a student assessment sheet for term work in the subject of Data Communication and Computer Networks.
2. It lists 17 practical tasks the student was required to complete, including configuring networks, installing operating systems, and using networking tools.
3. The sheet tracks the student's performance on each task, with space to record details of completion, submission date, marks obtained, and teacher remarks.
1. The document is a student assessment sheet for term work in the subject of Data Communication and Computer Networks.
2. It lists 17 practical tasks the student was required to complete, including configuring networks, installing operating systems, and using networking tools.
3. The sheet tracks the student's performance on each task, with space to record details of completion, submission date, marks obtained, and teacher remarks.
1. The document is a student assessment sheet for term work in the subject of Data Communication and Computer Networks.
2. It lists 17 practical tasks the student was required to complete, including configuring networks, installing operating systems, and using networking tools.
3. The sheet tracks the student's performance on each task, with space to record details of completion, submission date, marks obtained, and teacher remarks.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik (Instt. Code: 0078)
Students Progressive Assessment Sheet for Term Work (TW) D-3 Academic Year: 2018-19 Name of Faculty: Mr. A. D. Talole Programme and Code: Computer Technology (CM) Class: SYCM-I Scheme: ‘I’ Course Name: Data Communication & Computer Network Course Abbr-Code: DCC-22414 Name of Candidate: _________________________________ Roll No:_______ Enrollment No:_______________ Sem: IVth Marks: Max:-25 Min:10 Assess Date of Date of ment Dated Sr. Page Remarks Title of the Practical Performa Submissi Marks sign of No. No (if any) nce on out of Teacher 25 Configure Peer-to-Peer network with at least 1. three host Create desired standard network cable including 2. cross cable & test by using cable Tester Connect computers using given topology with 3. wired media 4. Connect Computers using wireless Media 5. Write a C program for CRC Error Detection Create a Network using Bluetooth 6. (Piconet/Scatternet) Share a Printer & Folder in a network & transfer 7. a file from one Computer to another 8. Install Operating System (Windows) 9. Configure File Server Configure Client to File Server & use File 10. Services 11. Configure Static & Dynamic IP Addresses 12. Configure DHCP Server Run Basic TCP/IP utilities & Network 13. Commands: ipconfig, ping, tracert, netstat, pathping, route 14. Install Wireshark & Configure as Packet Sniffer 15. Set access rights & security permissions for user Create IPv6 based small network using a 16. simulator (Preferably Open source Simulator) 17. Setting up a Wireless Network Total Marks Total Marks(Scaled to 25) Student Signature with Name_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ______________________________________Roll No.______of Class: SYCM-I Semester:4I of diploma in Computer Technology of Institute K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik (0078) has completed the Term Work satisfactory in the subject Data Communication & Computer Network (DCC-22414), for Academic Year 2018-19 as prescribed in curriculum. Place: Nashik Date: / / 2019 Exam Seat No:_____________
Mr. A. D. Talole Prof. G. B. Katkade Prof. P. T. Kadave