History of Compilation of The Quran-1-1
History of Compilation of The Quran-1-1
History of Compilation of The Quran-1-1
1)During Prophet`s life; preservation only; various companions & Prophet himself
learnt verses by heart; many others noted down revelation on various items,e.g, stone
slabs, leather sheets ,palm leaves, flat bones of camels, about 40 scribes carried out
Huge muslim empire extended to remote non arab territories new converts were
reported to be disputing on the ways of recitation of the Quran many had imperfect
copies of the Quran
The Quran was recited loudly from the start till the end in the Prophet`s
Thus, a number of copies of the original script were made.
No dots/ desinental marks were placed to incorporate all the ways of
recitation and so the Quran was compiled as well as standardized.
Surahs were arranged in the order of recitation.
Copies sent to Makka , Yemen , Bahrayn , Syria , Basra and Kufa reciters
were also sent.
All the variants were burnt that differed in any way from the standard version.