DuyLe CV
DuyLe CV
DuyLe CV
With 4 years of experience in web application development. I can develop both back end and front end.
I want to bring my knowledge and skills into real applications that need systematic and logically thinking,
innovative ideas and solution. I have a passion to work on creative and interesting projects and ambition
of getting work done. I'm very keen on clean code and well-tested code
Technical Proficiencies
I am proficient with programming technologies as:
● Frontend: HTML5, CSS-3, SCSS, JavaScript, Typescript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Angular 2+,
● Test: Cypress, Protractor, Jasmine
● Backend: RestAPI, NodeJs, Firebase, Mongodb
Professional Experience
Drink your Drink Project
This is a web app for finding beer clubs around you. Our team with 2 developers.
My role and responsibilities were as follows:
● Implement front end. (Angular7)
● Write e2e test (Cypress)
Technologies Utilized:
● Html, CSS, Angular 7, Ngrx, Rxjs
● Firebase
SupportOn Project
SupportOn is a customer service based on web application. The system manages Agents belong to
companies who are using this system to consult, support clients. System provide functionalities like:
schedule working time, mail client, client and agent web chat, calling, acknowledgement,...
My role and responsibilities were as follows:
● Implement front-end.
● Testing
Technologies Utilized:
● Spring framework, Spring security Oauth2, Spring Data, Jersey REST Api, Atmosphere
Framework, Quart Scheduler, Smack API
● HTML, CSS, LESS, Javascript, Angular 4, Bootstrap
● Openfire Server, Twillio, MySql Server, Tomcat
● Single Page Application with Angular
Hotel Search Engine
This is a project with 2 parts:
- Web Service
- Mobile Application
I worked on the Web Service part of the project, provide the RESTful service for the Mobile
Application end to search for a hotel in a provided distance or specified city/country. The web service’s
back end allows the Administrator of the service to manage and upgrade data from data provider. My
team has 5 developers for both Web Service and Mobile, use SCRUM methodology, Redmine for tasks
management and GIT source control.
Technologies Utilized:
● ASP.NET MVC-4, Web API, RestSharp, Entity Framework, LinQ, Code First.
● HTML, CSS-3, Typescript, Angular, Angular Material, Ngrx
Kinh Do website
BBA Logistics Pty Ltd (BBA) was founded by identifying a gap in the freight & logistics market, where
the current landscape of technology solutions lacked comprehensive, simple to use functionality. BBA
was born to provide businesses the ability to solve this problem as well as identifying a unique logistics
solution, named break bulk, which the software automates for customers both domestically and
Technologies Utilized:
Software Engineering major. 2012 – 2016
University Of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Personal Interests
- Programming
- Reading books, comics, detective novels
- Watching document movies about the Universe
- Watching movies