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Book Title:-Finite Automata and Formal Languages

Author :-A.M. Padma Reddy

ISBN :-9789386668516

Price :-INR 350

Pages :-348

Edition :-1

Binding :-Paperback

Imprint :-CL India

© Year :-2019

Overview :

This book, Finite Automata and Formal Languages (A Simple Approach), includes various concepts
pertaining to theoretical foundation of Computer Science, such as Finite Automata (DFA and NFA), Regular
expressions and regular languages, Properties of regular languages, Context-free grammar, Properties of
context-free grammar, Pushdown Automata, and Turing machines in a systematic manner which makes the
study of this subject much easier and interesting as well. A new problem-solving approach is used, which
helps to tackle more number of problems. The book is written using simple language and more number of
applications and problems have been covered so that any student can understand the subject very well.

Table Of Content :

1. Why Theory of Computations &amp Languages and Strings

2. Language Hierarchy, Computation &amp Finite State Machines

3. &epsilon-NFA, Minimization

4. Regular Expressions

5. Regular Grammars &amp Regular Languages

6. Regular Languages &amp Properties of Regular Languages

7. Context-free Grammars &amp Languages

8. Pushdown Automata

9. Properties of CFLs

10. Turing Machines

11. Decidability and Complexity

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