Business Analytics An Application Perspective
Business Analytics An Application Perspective
Business Analytics An Application Perspective
AY 2019-20 TERM: V
Currently, due to significant advances in data acquisition technologies, decrease in data storage
cost, increasing realization of the importance of data as an asset, and harsh competition, there is
an exponential growth of data volume. Companies are overloaded with huge repositories of
data with important information and knowledge buried in it. They are facing the data explosion
problem: drowning in data but starving for knowledge: more data but less understanding.
Business requires understanding or making sense of data. Analytics has become vital for managers
across disciplines and has become a major enabler. The term “analytics” deals with how to
obtain, store, analyze, visualize and present data. It is all about making sense of data leading to
data driven decisions. Business Analytics is an interactive process of analyzing and exploring
business data to find valuable insights. The knowledge or insights empower managers in taking
proactive decisions and gaining competitive advantage.
Course coverage:
This course primarily discusses concepts of business analytics, the technologies required, its
business applications and approaches towards guiding business decisions using analytics. This
course does not cover the micro details of techniques of business analytics, mathematics,
algorithms and programming. This course is designed for managers of any business discipline to
make sense of data and to take informed or data-driven decisions.
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Course Objectives:
• To introduce the participants the concepts of business analytics.
• To impart a perspective in applying data analytics in business domain for gaining customer
• To empower the participants in preparing data for applying business analytics, building
models, using various data analytics tools and techniques
• To impart how the analytical findings can be interpreted.
Participants will have hands-on experience with the popular analytics tools/ software (through
various application data sets) that are available in institute/public domain such as PolyAnalyst,
Answer Tree, SPSS, Clementine, Tableau and other available resources such as cloud based
premier network resource.
Projects: A mini-project will be assigned to a very small group of participants (depending on the
batch size). Through project, participants are expected to learn how model is built, how data is
prepared, technique(s) are used, appropriate analytics tools are applied, and how findings are
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Module Objective: To introduce the participants the concepts of business analytics, its
technology background, and some basic presentation and business
analytics tools for decision- making.
Stella Gatziu and AVavouras (1999). Data Warehousing: Concepts and
Mechanisms, Informatik. Informatique, pp. 8-11.
Objective: To introduce the participants how business data is analyzed in various ways
i.e. various types of analytics and presented leading to verification driven
Reading: Surma, J. (2011): The Basics of Business Analytics, Chapter-3 from BI:
Making Decisions through Data Analytics, HBS Product No. BEP148 pp.1-34.
Exercises/caselets with data sets:
Sales data Analysis; Application of OLAP in ABC Pharmaceutical company and
Telecommunication Churn Analysis
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Module II Data-driven Decisions through Analytics
Module Objective: To introduce the participants analysis of business data using descriptive,
predictive and investigative techniques and to discuss and analyze
selected business applications that use advanced analytical techniques.
Reading: Arlene Zaima. (2007). Data Mining Primer for the Data Warehouse
Professional. White paper from Teradata Data Mining Lab, NCR, pp. 1-15.
Jerzy Surma (2011). Advanced Business Analysis, Chapter.4 from BI: Making
Decisions through Data Analytics: HBS Product. No. BEP149, pp.3-26.
Exercises/Caselets with datasets: Market Basket Analysis: A case of retail
store; Analysing Student Life Cycle; Study of Buying behaviour of watches in
Bhubaneswar Market and High School and Beyond
Session 6-7 Predictive Analytics Techniques
Reading: Michael Meltzer. (2004). Using Business Intelligence to Get Closer to Your
Customers. Active Management Techniques for Results, pp. 1-25.
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Session 8-9 Investigative Analytics Techniques
Exercises/Caselets with datasets: Detecting Fraud in Medical Data
Exposure to TUN resources
Please indicate the changes made in the course outline based on the measurement of
assurance of learning (closing the loop)/student feedback:
Please give the details of the book if students need to buy the book
Author Title Publisher Edition Remarks, if any
Additional Readings
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