Sem 4 Syllabus

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School of Computing Science and Engineering

Winter 2018-19 Course List

B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

IV Semester Course List
1 CSE3002 Programming in Java 4 LTP
2 CSE3003 Operating System 4 LTP
3 CSE3004 Design Analysis of Algorithm 4 LT
4 ECE3004 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 4 LTP
5 MAT3003 Probability, Statistics and Reliability 4 LT
6 DSN2099 Project Exhibition – II (Application Project) 1 PJ
7 Natural Science Elective (One course - Mandatory/ second - optional ) 3 LT
MAT2004 Operations Research
PHY2003 Computational Physics
PHY2002 Energy and Environmental Physics
8 CSE3012 Mobile Application Development (Programme Elective) - Optional 3 LP
9 Open Elective (Optional)
Total Credits 27

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Course Code Programming in Java Course Credits
CSE 3002 Type 4
Prerequisite Object oriented programming with C++
Course Objectives:
 Creating high-performing multi-threaded applications
 Creating Java technology applications that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language, such as
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
 Implementing input/output (I/O) functionality to read from and write to data and text files and understand advanced I/O
 Executing a Java technology application from the command line
 Manipulating files, directories and file systems using the JDK NIO.2 specification
 Creating applications that use the Java Collections framework
 Performing multiple operations on database tables, including creating, reading, updating and deleting using both JDBC
and JPA technology
 Searching and filter collections using Lambda Expressions
 Implementing error-handling techniques using exception handling
 Using Lambda Expression concurrency features
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students should able to

 Create Java programs that solve simple businessproblems using object oriented approach
 Demonstrate synchronization among different processes using multithreading approach
 To develop and create real time applications using JDBC and JPA technology
Student Outcomes (SO): a,b, c,l
a. An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and computing appropriate to the discipline
b. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
c. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system / computer‐based system, process, component or program to meet
desired needs
l. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modelling and design
of computer-based systems (CS)
Unit No Unit Content No. of SOs
1 Java Platform Overview: Defining how the Java language achieves platform 10 a,b,c
independence - Differentiating between the Java ME, Java SE, and Java EE
Platforms Evaluating Java libraries, middle-ware, and database options - Defining
how the Java language continues to evolve - Java Syntax and Class Review:
Creating simple Java classes -Creating primitive variables Using operators -
Creating and manipulate strings - Using if-else and switch statements - Iterating
with loops: while, do-while, for, enhanced for Creating arrays Using Java fields -
constructors, and methods. Encapsulation and Subclassing: Using encapsulation
in Java class design - Modeling business problems using Java classes - Making
classes immutable - Creating and use Java subclasses - Overloading methods.
2 Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes: Using access levels: 12 a,b,c
private, protected, default, and public - Overriding methods - Using virtual method
invocation- Using varargs to specify variable arguments - Using the instanceof
operator to compare object types - Using upward and downward casts - Modeling
business problems by using the static keyword - Implementing the singleton design
pattern. Abstract and Nested Classes: Designing general-purpose base classes by
using abstract classes - Constructing abstract Java classes and subclasses -
Applying final keyword in Java- Distinguish between top-level and nested classes.
Interfaces and Lambda Expressions: Defining a Java interface- Choosing
between interface inheritance and class inheritance- Extending an interface -
Defaulting methods - Anonymous inner classes - Defining a Lambda Expression.
3 Collections and Generics: Creating a custom generic class - Using the type 12 a,b,c
inference diamond to create an object - Creating a collection by using generics -
Implementing an ArrayList - Implementing a TreeSet - Implementing a HashMap -
Implementing a Deque - Ordering collections. Collections Streams, and Filters:
Describing the Builder pattern - Iterating through a collection using lambda syntax
- Describing the Stream interface - Filtering a collection using lambda expressions
- Calling an existing method using a method reference - Chaining multiple
methods together - Defining pipelines in terms of lambdas and collections.

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Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces: Listing the built-in interfaces included
in java.util.function - Core interfaces - Predicate, Consumer, Function, Supplier -
Using primitive versions of base interfaces - Using binary versions of base
interfaces - Lambda Operations: Extracting data from an object using map -
Describing the types of stream operations - Describing the Optional class -
Describing lazy processing - Sorting a stream - Saving results to a collection using
the collect method - Grouping and partition data using the Collectors class.
4 Exceptions and Assertions: Defining the purpose of Java exceptions - Using the 12 a,b,c
try and throw statements - Using the catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses – Auto
close resources with a try-with-resources statement - Recognizing common
exception classes and categories - Creating custom exceptions - Testing invariants
by using assertions. Java Date/Time API: Creating and manage date-based events
- Creating and manage time-based events - Combining date and time into a single
object - Working with dates and times across time zones - Managing changes
resulting from daylight savings - Defining and create timestamps, periods and
durations -Applying formatting to local and zoned dates and times. I/O
Fundamentals: Describing the basics of input and output in Java - Read and write
data from the console - Using streams to read and write files - Writing and read
objects using serialization. File I/O (NIO.2): Using the Path interface to operate
on file and directory paths - Using the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a
file or directory - Using Stream API with NIO2.
5 Concurrency: Describing operating system task scheduling - Creating worker 12 a,b,c
threads using Runnable and Callable - Using an ExecutorService to concurrently
execute tasks - Identifying potential threading problems - Using synchronized and
concurrent atomic to manage atomicity - Using monitor locks to control the order
of thread execution - Using the java.util.concurrent collections - The Fork-Join
Framework: Parallelism - The need for Fork-Join Work stealing - Recursive Task.
Parallel Streams: Reviewing the key characteristics of streams - Describing how
to make a stream pipeline execute in parallel - List the key assumptions needed to
use a parallel pipeline - Defining reduction - Describing why reduction requires an
associative function - Calculating a value using reduce - Describing the process
for decomposing and then merging work - Listing the key performance
considerations for parallel streams. Database Applications with JDBC: Defining
the layout of the JDBC API - Connecting to a database by using a JDBC driver -
Submitting queries and get results from the database - Specifying JDBC driver
information externally - Performing CRUD operations using the JDBC API.
Localization: Describing the advantages of localizing an application - Defining
what a locale represents - Read and set the locale by using the Locale object -
Building a resource bundle for each locale - Calling a resource bundle from an
application - Changing the locale for a resource bundle.
6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2
Total Hours: 60
Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based models,
wherever possible to augment lecture for practice/tutorial and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s
portfolio generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in addition to the
Continuous Assessment Tests and Final Examinations.
Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, “Java The complete reference”, 11 th edition, Oracle press , 2018
Reference Books:
1. Oracle University Reference E-Kit
2. Deitel and Deitel, “Java How to Program (Early objects)”,10 thedition,Pearson, 2015
3. Cay S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, “Core Java Vol I–Fundamentals”,8thedition,Pearson, 2011
4. Steven Holzner et al., “Java 2 Black Book”, Dreamtech press, Reprint edition 2010

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Course Code Operating Systems Course Type Credits

Course Objectives:
• To study and apply concepts relating to operating systems, such as concurrency and control of
asynchronous processes, deadlocks, memory management, processor scheduling, File System, Security
and Virtualization.
Course Outcomes:
Demonstrate an understanding of:
 Basics of operating system, its structures and services
 The differences between processes and threads.
 The different process or thread synchronization methods and the tradeoffs between them
 The different memory management and Scheduling techniques used in Operating Systems
 Deadlock and solving its related issues
 Various I/O management techniques used in Operating Systems.
 File system and its implementation in storage device
 The tradeoffs in design and implementation concepts used in the development of Operating Systems
 Efficient use of hardware through Virtualization

Student Outcomes (SO): b,h,i,l

Unit No Unit Content No. of SOs
1 Basic of Operating System and Its Structures 9 b
Introduction: Computer System Organization-Arhitecture-Structure-Operations.
Management:Process-Memory-Storage. Structures:Services-System Interface-
System Calls- System Program-Design-structure
2 Process and Threads 9 i,l
Introduction to Process – Scheduling – Operations-Interprocess
Communication. Synchronization: Critical Section-Hardware- Mutex-
Semaphore –Monitors. Threads: Multithreading Models-Thread Library- Issues
3 Processor Scheduling and Deadlocks 9 i,l
CPU Scheduling :Scheduling Criteria- Algorithms-Evaluation. Deadlocks:
Principles- Prevention- Avoidance-Detection-Recovery
4 Memory and Storage Management 9 b,h
Main Memory:Swapping-Contigious Memory Allocation – Segmentation –
Paging. Virtual Memory:Demand Paging- Page Replacement Algorithm.
Secondary Storage: Disk Scheduling- Disk Management- RAID
5 File System,I/O and Security 7 h,l
File Systems: Concepts- Structure-Allocation Methods. I/O Systems:Harware-
Interface-Transformation.Security and Protection:Access Matrix- Access
Control-Program Threats-Cryptography-Defense Mechanism.Guest Lecture on
6 Contemporary Topics ( Virtualization and Cloud Environment) 2
Total Hours: 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based
models, wherever possible to augment lecture for practice/tutorial and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on
contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s
portfolio generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in addition to
the Continuous Assessment Tests and Final Examinations.
Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Gre Gagne, Operating System Concepts, Wiley Publication,
Ninth Edition 2012
2. Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Operating Systems, Three Easy Pieces, Arpaci-Dusseau
Books, Inc (2015).

Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, Operating Systems Internal and Design Principles, Pearson, Seventh Edition, 2017
2. Sibsankar haldar,Alex A Aravind, Operating Systems, Pearson, Second Edition, 2016

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Course Code Course Type Credits
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CSE3004 LT 4
Pre-requisite knowledge is required on data structures and algorithms.
Course Objectives:
 To provide the knowledge about the methods of advanced algorithms
 To understand the advanced algorithms such as Geometric Algorithm and Parallel Algorithm
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to solve problems, explore real-world software development challenges, and create
practical and contemporary applications. At the completion of this course, students should be able to do the
 Apply the algorithm design techniques to analyze, solve and evaluate computing problems.
 Apply algorithmic principles in modeling and designing software systems

Student Outcomes (SO): b, c, i, k, l

b. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its
c. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system / computer‐based system, process, component or
program to meet desired needs
i. Design and conduct experiment as well as analyze and interpret data.
k. An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools necessary for computing engineering practice.
l. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the
modeling and design of computer-based systems (CS)
Unit No. of
Unit Content SOs
No hours
1 NP-completeness: The complexity classes P and NP: Definition of the 09 b,c,i
classes P and NP; NP completeness
2 Advanced algorithmic analysis: Amortized analysis; Dynamic 10 c,i
programming – Matrix Chain Multiplication; combinatorial
optimization, Elements of greedy strategies, activity, Huffman code.
3 String matching algorithms: Naïve string matching algorithms, KMP 09 c,i
algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, suffix trees, Exact string matching
algorithm using suffix trees.
4 Geometric algorithms: Line segments: properties, intersections; 08 c,i
convex hull finding algorithms.
5 Approximation algorithms: Limitations of approximation, basic 07 c,i,k
techniques, Vertex-cover problem, traveling salesman problem, set-
cover problem
6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 02
Total Hours: 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning,
Digital/Computer based models, wherever possible to augment lecture for practice/tutorial and minimum 2
hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations,
quizzes, student’s portfolio generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices
followed by faculty, in addition to the Continuous Assessment Tests and Final Examinations.

Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson , Ronald L. Rivest , Clifford Stein, Introduction to
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, MIT Press, 2009

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2. Ellis Horowitz, S. Sahni and S. Rajasekaran, Computer Algorithms, S. P. Publications, 2nd edition,
Reference Books:
1. G. Brassard and P. Bratley - Fundamentals of Algorithmics - PHI - 2001.

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on June 25, 2018

Approval by Academic council on July 18, 2018
Compiled by Dr S Raju and Dr R Ganesan

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Course Code Course Type LTP

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
Credits 4
Pre Req.:

Course Objectives :
 To differentiate Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
 Provide an in-depth understanding of the architecture of 8086, 8051 and ARM microcontrollers
 To offer an insight on the assembly level instructions
 Provide good understanding on various interfacing principles & techniques

Course Outcomes:
Students who complete this course will be able to
 To choose appropriate processor for a particular application
 Programming and designing of microcontroller based real time systems
 Optimization of programming codes with respect to timing and redundancy
Student Outcomes (SO) : a,b,c,e,k

Module Description Hrs. SO
1 Introduction: 5 a,e
CPU in computing systems (Laptop, Desktop, Server and Hidden Systems), CPU Choice –
Performance Metrics, Evolution of Microprocessor, Internal microprocessor (8086 to Pentium),
Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Introduction to development tools , logic analyzer , in-circuit emulator
2 8086 Microprocessor: 10 b,c
Introduction to 8086 – Signals and pins - Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes -
Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular
Programming - Linking and Relocation - Stacks - Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt
service routines – Byte and String Manipulation.
3 8051 Microcontroller: 10 b,c
Intel MCS-51family features – 8051 -organization and architecture, addressing modes, Instruction
set, conditional instructions, I/O Programming, Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions,
interrupt handling, programming counters, timers and Stack.
4 ARM microcontrollers: 10 b,c
Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, ARM7TDMI Interface signals, Memory
Interface, Bus Cycle types, Register set, Operational Modes. Instruction Format, ARM Core Data
Flow Model, ARM 3 stage Pipeline, ARM family attribute comparison. ARM 5 stage Pipeline,
Pipeline Hazards, Data forwarding - a hardware solution, ARM ISA and Processor Variants,
Different Types of Instructions, ARM Instruction set
5 Interfacing: 8 e,k
8086 – Memory interfacing, timing diagram, 8255, 8254, 8279, 8259, 8259,8251
8051- keyboard , LCD, LED, Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS Communication
interface (asm & C)
6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2 e,k

Total 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning:
Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based models, wherever possible to augment lecture for
practice/tutorial and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s portfolio
generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in addition to the Continuous
Assessment Tests and Term End Examination.
Text Book(s):
1. Doughlas V Hall, “Microprocessors and interfacing, Programming and Hardware”, TMH 2012.
2. Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Using assembly and
C)” TMH 2012
3. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, Second Edition, by Steve Furber, PEARSON, 2013

Reference Book(s):
1. Microcomputer systems: the 8086/8088 family: architecture, programming, and design ,Prentice-
2. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., “Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and Programming”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2007.

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Indicative List of Experiments: SO – a,e,k

1. 8086 Microprocessor
Arithmetic operations using various
2. Sorting
3. Serial communication between two microprocessor kits using 8251
4. 8051 Microcontroller
Program using constructs(Sorting an array) [Assembly]
5. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C]
6. Delay generation using Timer[Assembly and C]
7. Interfacing LCD Display. [Assembly / C]
8. Interfacing with Keypad[Assembly / C]
9. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly / C]
10. Interfacing with stepper motor. [Assembly / C & Proteus Simulation]
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by

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Course Code LT
Probability, Statistics and Reliability Type
Credits 4
Pre Req. : Differential and Difference Equations
Course Objectives:
 To provide the mathematical support by way of probabilistic models and statistical methodology to tackle
problems encountered in Science and Engineering applications.
Course Outcomes:
 Understand basic notions of probability arising in a variety of uncertain situations which are nontraditional in
areas of science and engineering.
 Knowing the basic tools of statistical methods
 Emphasize the study of data analysis leading to probabilistic models
Student Outcomes (SO) : a,b,e,i,k
Module Module Description Hrs. SO
1 Probability and Random variables 12 a,b,e,i,k
Introduction to probability concepts, Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem
Sample space, Random experiments -Random variables, - One dimensional
Random Variables- Expectation, Variance, Covariance, and Moments. - Joint
distribution and Joint density functions - Marginal, Conditional Distribution and
Density functions - Moment Generating function
2 Correlation and regression 11 a,b,e,i,k
Mathematical expectation and its properties , Covariance, Regression and
Correlation – Partial and Multiple Correlation- Multiple Regression
Special Distributions
Binomial and Poisson distributions – Normal distribution – Gamma and Beta-
Exponential distributions – Weibull distribution
3 Test of Significance I 12 a,b,e,i,k
Testing of hypothesis – Introduction - Types of errors, critical region, procedure of
testing hypothesis - Large sample tests - Z test for Single Proportion, Difference of
Proportion, Single mean and difference of means.
4 Test of Significance II 12 a,b,e,i,k
Small sample tests - Student’s t-test, F-test - Chi-square test - Goodness of fit -
Independence of Attributes
Design of Experiments - Analysis of variance – One and Two way classifications
– CRD – RBD - LSD .
5 Reliability 11 a,b,e,i,j,k
Basic concepts - Hazard function - Reliabilities of series and parallel systems -
System Reliability – Maintainability - Preventive and repair maintenance –
6 Guest Lectures by experts on contemporary topics 2
Total Lecture: 60

Mode of Teaching and Learning:

# Class room teaching
# Use of mathematical/Statistical softwares (such as R,MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, SAGE, ETC.) as teaching aid
# Minimum of 2 lecture periods by experts on contemporary topics

Mode of Evaluation and assessment: Digital Assignments, Continuous Assessment Tests,

Final Assessment Test and unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s portfolio generation and assessment,
innovative assessment practices
Text Book(s):
1. Probability and Statistics for engineers and scientists by R.E.Walpole, R.H.Mayers, S.L.Mayers and K.Ye, 9th
Edition, Pearson Education (2012).
2. Probability, Statistics and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists by Bilal M. Ayub and Richard H. McCuen, 3rd
edition, CRC press (2011).

Reference Book(s):
1. Reliability Engineering by E.Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill, Tenth reprint 2010.
2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by R.A.Johnson, Miller & Freund’s, 8th edition, Prentice Hall India (2010)
3. Probability and Statistics by J.L.Devore, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning (2012)
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 22-4-2017

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Approval by Academic council on
Credits 1
Prerequisite: To be registered in 4th Semester of Study
Course Objectives:
 To develop prototype solution using hardware / software / firmware
 To develop professional behavior, teamwork and leadership skills.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
 Apply his/her engineering skills in the development of a project as part of a team
 Display his communication, demonstration and presentation skills through exhibition
Compiled by Dr.C.Vijayalakshmi & Dr.V.Prabhakar

The project work may be a theoretical analysis, modeling & simulation, experimentation &
Contents analysis, prototype design, fabrication of new equipment, correlation and analysis of data, software
development, etc. or a combination of these.

1. Can be individual work or a group project, with maximum of 3 students.

2. In case of group project, the individual project report of each student should specify the
individual’s contribution to the group project.
3. Can be carried out inside or outside the university, in any relevant industry or research institution.

Mode of Evaluation (Evaluation by Multi-disciplinary Panel of Examiners):

 Review-I: 15%
 Review-II: 25%
 Review-III – Demonstration & Display in Open House: 60% (With Project Report and Poster Presentation)

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 14-07-2018

Approval by Academic council on 18-07-2018

Compiled by: Dr.Arockia Servakumar.A & Dr.Vetrivelan.P

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Course Code LT
Operations Research Type
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
 To learn the concepts of Operations Research applied in business decision making
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
 facilitate quantitative solutions in business decision making under conditions of certainty, risk and
Student Outcomes (SO): a,ej,k
Module Module Content Hrs. SO
1 Linear Programming Problems 7 a,e,j,k
Formulation of linear programming problem – Simplex method – Big-M method –
Two Phase method-Dual simplex method – Revised simplex method – Duality.
2 Integer Programming and Allocation Problems 9 a,e,j,k
Formulation of Integer Programming Problem – Pure and Mixed Integer
Programming Problems – Cutting-Plane Algorithm – Branch & Bound Algorithm.
Transportation problem – Methods of basic feasible solution – Optimal solution –
MODI Method. Assignment problem – Hungarian method-Travelling Salesman
3 Dynamic and Non-Linear Programming Problems 9 a,e,j,k
Dynamic Programming – Principle of optimality- Optimal Sub-division problem –
Shortest path problem – Solution of LPP by dynamic programming. Non-Linear
Programming Problem – Kuhn-Tucker conditions – Wolfe’s modified simplex
4 Game Theory and Job Shop Scheduling 9 a,e,j,k
Basic Terminologies of Game theory – Two Person Zero Sum Games – The
Maximin - Minimax principle – Game with pure and mixed Strategies – Dominance
property – Simplex method. Job Shop Scheduling: Processing n jobs through Two
Machines – Processing n Jobs through k Machines – Processing Two Jobs through k
5 Queuing Models and Network Scheduling 9 a,e,j,k
Queuing models –Poisson arrivals and Exponential service times – Single channel
models and Multichannel models. Network scheduling: Guidelines for network
construction – Critical Path Method (CPM) –Project Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) - Critical Path Scheduling – Probability and Cost consideration in
6 Guest Lectures by experts on contemporary topics 2
Total 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Video Lectures, Digital/Computer based models to augment
lecture for practice/tutorial, 2 hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment: Digital Assignments, Continuous Assessment Tests,
Final Assessment Test and unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s portfolio generation and assessment,
innovative assessment practices

Text Book(s):
1. Hamdy A Taha, Introduction to Operations Research, Prentice Hall India, Fourth
Edition, Third Indian Reprint 2004
2. Pradeep Prabakar Pai, Operations Research - Principles and Practice, Oxford Higher
3 S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2004.

Reference Book(s):
1. Hiller and Lieberman, Introduction to the Operations Research (8th Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers.

2. Gupta P.K, Hira D.S, Problem in Operations Research, S.Chand and Co, 2007.

3. S. D. Sharma, Operations Research, Kedamanth Ramnath & Co., 2006.

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 22-4-2017
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by Dr.C.Vijayalakshmi & Dr.V.Prabhakar

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Computational Physics Type: LT


This course will give participants an introduction to the basic methods in computational
physics and solution to physics problems using computers. An over view of the recent
Objectives progress in scientific computing will be covered. The course will train students to develop
their own techniques to solve problems in classical and quantum physics.

The student should be able to

 account for how scientific problems can be solved by computational methods
 apply his practical experiences on physical problems
Expected  broaden his/her knowledge of application and develop techniques.

Unit Topics L SLO

1 Introduction
Computational physics – importance and need; Computational 6 a
problems (some basic) in classical and quantum physics; Basic
Programming; Errors/ uncertainties.
2 Ordinary dif f erential equations
Initial value and boundary value problems; Kepler and 3-body 8
problems; Classical electrons in crossed electric and magnetic a, e
fields. Quantum Eigen function and Eigen values.

3 Partial diff erential equations

Poisson equation in electrostatics; Wave motion and equations; 9
spectral methods, quantum wave packet motion; Laplace equation, a,e
diffusion equation; Maxwell equations.
4 Monte Carlo simulati on
Random numbers, random walks; Monte Carlo simulation with 10
various ensembles; hard disc gas, Ising model, estimation of energy d,e
and chemical potential, Quantum Monte Carlo.

5 Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory

General behaviour of a classical system; Basic methods for many
body system, Time integration-Verlet algorithm; Many body 7 d,e
Schrodinger equation; Hatree-Fock model; Functional and Kohn-
Sham equation.

6 Contemporary Topics & Guest Lectures 5 j,k

Text Books
1. Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods: Applications to Physical Systems, by Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik.
2. Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Python, 3rd Edition, Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J Páez, Cristian C.
3. Computational Physics by Tao Pang.
4. Numerical Methods for Physics by Alexander Garcia.
5. Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry, 1st Edition, Jeremy Blum, Wiley.
6. The C Programming Language”, Kernighan, B., and Ritchie, D 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall.
7. The Art of Computer Programming, Knuth, D, Volumes 1-4A, Addison-Wesley.
8. Numerical Recipes in C, Press, W., et al, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.

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• Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++ by Stroustrup
• Python programming language official website
• Python tutorial
• : SWIG for combining C++ and python

Some web material is available:

 Simulations in Physics (Harvey Gould)
 Computational Physics (Tao Pang)
 Quantum Computing
 Secure Shell (ssh) for NT machines (self-extracting zip file)

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PHY2002 Energy and Enviro nmental Physics Type: LT

 To know the sources and use of energy
 To understand nature, environmental problems and our current energy systems scientifically

 Understand the possible paths for sustainable energy future

 Practice societal and environmental well being.
 Find alternative way to find out the source for our energy needs.

Units Topics L SLO

1 Introduction to Energy
Definition of energy, Importance of energy in science and society, Energy sustainability,
Energy units, Types of energy (mechanical, heat, chemical, nuclear, electrical), Law of 6
conservation of energy, Energy transformation, Mechanical energy: force, work, kinetic a,b,e
and potential energy.

2 Radiation and Thermodynamics

Radiation: The electromagnetic spectra, energy radiated by objects, solar radiation as a
function of time and place, effects of electric and magnetic fields, light- effect of radiation; 8
Thermodynamics: Temperature and heat transport, specific and latent heat, convection, a,b
conduction and radiative heat transfer, heat engines, Carnot’s efficiency and second law of
3 Energy Sources
Chemical Energy, Energy use in human body, energy content of food, Biological energy-
Fossil fuels and their origin – coal, oil, natural gas, Tar sand, oil shale ; Problems with
fossil fuels, green house pollution; Alternate energy- solar –photovoltaic, wind, biomass
& biofuels – hydrogen – geothermal, hydro/tidal/wave - waste heat energy, Nuclear 8 a,h
energy assurance and potentials, Energy production and consumption rates in India and
4 world.
Energy and Climate Change
Energy balance of earth – Green house effect – climate feed backs(water, clouds, ice
albedo), global climate models, science of climate and climate change, evidence for
climate change, paleoclimate, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation, carbon 9 a,f
di oxide levels, tends in global average temperatures, calculation of global warming
potentials. Environmental impact assessment of both renewable and non-renewable
energy sources in India.

5 Spheres of Earth
Atmosphere- genesis, boundary layer, water vapor in atmosphere, structure –
stratosphere, troposphere and ionosphere; atmospheric interactions of electromagnetic 8 a,h
radiations, mechanism of radiation action on living system; Hydrosphere – ground water
and pumping water -, surface water – tides – hydropower, current waves. Lithosphere –
soil water – sedimentation and mass wasting, earths internal heat; Biosphere.

6 Contemporary Topics & Guest Lectures 6 j,k

Text Books
1. Energy, Environment, and Climate by Richard Wolfson.
2. Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air by David MacKay.
3. Energy, Its uses and the Environment, Hinrichs and Kleinbach.
4. Energy and the Environment, Ristinen and Kraushaar, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
5. Energy, Principles, Problems, Priest.
6. Climate Change - From Science to sustainability : Chapter 2 (Key scientific evidence for climate change) of Peake
and Smith.
7. Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4th edition) by Giancoli.

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8. Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, G. Guyot , John Wiley and Sons, 1997.
9. The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, A.H.Sobel, Princeton 2007.
10. Principles of Environmental Physics, J. Monteith, M. Unsworth, Elesevier, 2007

Reference Books
1. C. Smith, Environmental Physics, Routledge Publisher, 2001
2. Gonick and Huffman, The Cartoon Guide to Physics.
3. C.W. Rose, An Introduction to Environmental Physics of Soil, Water and Watershead,
4. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
5. A.C. Lasaga Kinetic Theory in the Earth Sciences, Princeton 2007.
6. Schobert, Energy and Society.
7. D. W. Devins Energy: Its Physical Impact on the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, 1982.
8. J.M. Fowler, Energy and the Evironment, McGraw Hill, 1984.
9. N. H. Ravindranath, K. Usha Rao, B. Natarajan and P. Monga Renewable Energy and
10. Environment - A Policy Analysis for India, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2000.

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Open Electives

1. Bio-Inspired Design
2. New Product Development
3. Leadership & Team Building
4. Mobile App Development
5. Game Programming

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Course Title : Leadership & Team Building
Pre-Requisite :None
3 0 0 3
1. To know the qualities and styles that render leadership effectiveness.
2. To appreciate the difference between leaders and managers.
3. To derive parallels of leadership from different sectors and contexts.
4. To deploy skillful leadership based on knowledge of leadership
Expected Outcomes :
1. To assess, analyze and discuss one’s own leadership abilities, attributes and foundation for leading, including one’s
authentic self.
2. To develop an understanding and appreciation for leadership attributes, skills and principles for success in today’s
complex organizations
Student Outcomes(SO) : 3,6,8,18
Module Topics L. Hrs SO
Leadership: Realizing the need for leadership, Leadership concept,
1 connotations, traits, styles and models; Differentiating leaders from managers, 9 2
Handling Influence, Self-leadership
Inspirations and Role models: Leading during different phases of
organizational growth; stages of economic cycles and business transformation,
2 9 7
Leading for non-profit endeavors, Leading the Millennial generation; Leading
equals, Leading a genius workforce
Team Building by leaders: Planning team composition, size, structure and
role-relationships, Formulating a vision and mission. Understanding and
3 engineering group dynamics, Creating High Performance Teams, Building a 9 6
Positive and Productive Team, Understanding Social Identity, Providing
Generative Coaching/Feedback
Coaching for leadership Pit falls: Impoverished, Tyrannical, Machiavellian,
4 Unethical, Myopic approaches, difficulties in being participative or 9 7
consultative, failing to delegate and develop team-members
Recent studies on leadership: 7
Ohio-state University, Michigan studies, Blake and Mouton’s study, MIT
SOan study, Hersey and Blanchard’s study, Adopting views of leadership
5 18
experts: Larry Greiner, Rensis Likert, Warren Bennis, McGregor, Victor
Vroom, Stephen R Covey and Fiedler
Guest Lecture from industry experts on contemporary application 2
Total Lecture Hours 45
Text Books
1. Peter Northouse (2016), Leadership Theory and Practice- Fifth Edition Sage
Publications India Pvt Ltd.
2. Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua, (2016), Leadership: Theory, Application, &
Skill Development, 6th edition, Cengage Learning
Reference Books
1. Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, James Noel (2011), THE LEADERSHIP PIPELINE: How to Build
the Leadership-Powered Company, 2nd edition, Wiley.
2. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Neharika Vohra, (2013), Organizational Behavior, 15th
edition, Pearson Education.

Mode: Lectures, Individual Exercises, Team Exercises, Assignments and Continuous

Assessment tests.
Assessment Method:
Unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in
addition to continuous assessment tests and final examinations.
Recommendation by Board of studies on:
Approval by Academic Council on:
Compiled by:

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Course Code Game Programming Course Credits
CSG1002 Type 3
Course Objectives:
 Understand the basics of computer graphics
 Imbibe game designconcepts and practices
 Assimilate basics of one Game engine
 Showcase prowess in game prototyping
 Run through the process of developing a complete game
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students should able to
 Describe the basics of computer graphics
 Explain transformations in 2D and 3D
 Edit, compile, run, and debug Game engine scripts
 Use a prototyping model to model the game
 Develop the design documents for a game
 Design a digital game based on client’s ideas and needs
Student Outcomes (SO): b,c,g, k, l
b. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
c. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system / computer‐based system, process, component or program to meet
desired needs
g: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
k: An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools necessary for computing and engineering practice.
l. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modelling and design
of computer-based systems (CS)
Unit Unit Content No. of SOs
No hours
1 Basics of Computer Graphics 6 b, g
Basics –Line, Curveandellipsedrawingalgorithms–Examples–Applications–
TwoDimensional geometric transformations – TwoDimensional clipping and viewing
Game essentials
Why players play? – What players expect? – Brain storming a game – Game analysis

2 3D Concepts 6 b, c
Three dimensional Geometric transformation: Translation - Rotation - Scaling –Reflection–
Shearing – Composite Transformation –
Parallel and Perspective projections

Elements of Game play

Unique solutions –Non linearity – Modeling reality – Input/Output – Game analysis – Case
3 Machinations framework 9 b, c
Prototyping using the machinations tool – Case studies of designing prototype of various
games with machinations tool
Game Engine interface and essentials
Scene view – Game view – Windows – Game objects and components – Prefabs – Tags
and Layers – Scripting basics – Creating a game layout case study

4 Scripting in Game Engines 10 g, k, l

Beginner game play scripting – Intermediate game play scripting – Editor scripting –
Adding Scripts to the layout of the game – Game outcome 2
Design Document – Writing style – sections – Game analysis – Level design
5 2D Game 12 c, k, l, g
Development walkthrough – 2D mode – Sprite type – Renderer – Editor – Layers – 2D
Tools – Layers – Composite capsule colliders – User interface design – Game outcome 3
Testing a Game
Playtesting – Play matrix – Usability techniques – Functionality – completeness and
Balance – Fun and accessibility

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6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2
Total Hours: 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning:
This will be a fully lab and lecture oriented course with the lectures illustration each concept using Flipped Class Room,
Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based models, wherever possible to augment lecture for practice/tutorial
and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
In every Unit, there will be a defined outcome with rubrics clearly mapped out. In addition, there may be unannounced open
book examinations, quizzes, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in addition to the Continuous
Assessment Tests and Term End Examinations.
Reference Books:
1. Richard Rouse III, “Game Design – Theory and Practice”, Worldwide Game developers library, 2004
2. Michael Dawson, “Beginning C++ Through Game Programming”, Cengage Learning, 2014
3. Donald D. Hearn, M. Pauline Baker and Warren Carithers, “Computer Graphics with
OpenGL”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2010
Game development with Maya and Unity by Adam Watkins, 2012
4 Joe Hocking, “Unity in Action: Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5”, Manning Publications, 2015.
5 Jeremy Gibson Bond, “Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game
with Unity and C# (Game Design and Development)”, Addison Wesley, 2017

No. Indicative List of Experiments SO - i

1 Demonstration of Puzzle games 1
2 Modeling of Games with Physics 1
3 Demonstration of Games with Physics 1
4 Design animation of story based games 1
5 Demonstration of simple story based games 2, 3, 4
6 Demonstration of Mathematical modelling in game design 2,3,4
7 Demonstration of any one 2D game 2, 3,4

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 11th July 2018

Approval by Academic council on 18th July 2018
Compiled by Dr. T S Pradeep Kumar

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Course Code Course LT
Credit 3
Course Objectives: To develop ability to
 Acquire skills to design and develop products new products
 Make conceptual design for new products
 Design product that are easier to manufacture, assemble and service
 Design and develop eco-friendly products
 Aware the intellectual property rights and file patent for the new design
Student Outcomes: Students will be able to
 Identify customer needs
 Develop customer-oriented products
 Generate concepts, test and select the best concept through systematic approach
 Apply knowledge in manufacturing and lifecycle approach to product design and development
SOs a, c, e
Module Module Content No. of hours SOs
No Lecture Tutorial
1 New Product Development: Introduction to New Product Development, Need 6 2 a
for developing new products – Evolution of design, types of design – the design
process – product life cycle – generic product development process – Strategic
Planning and Opportunity Identification for new products – Identifying Market
2 Translation of needs into Specifications: Understanding Customer and User 5 3 a, c
Needs – customer survey – need gathering methods – clarification - search-
externally and internally - Explore systematically - needs importance -
establishing product specification - competitive benchmarking.
3 Creativity and Innovation: Need for design creativity - creative thinking – 5 3 a, c, e
creativity and problem solving – creative thinking methods- generating design
concepts - systematic methods for designing – morphological methods - TRIZ
methodology of Inventive Problem Solving. Case Studies.
4 Concept Development: Concept Generations- Concept Screening- Concept 6 3 a, c, e
Scoring - Concept Testing methods. Case Studies.
Embodiment Design: Introduction to embodiment design – product
architecture – types of modular architecture –steps in developing product
architecture Industrial design – human factors design –user friendly design –
Case Studies.
5 Design for X: Design for serviceability – design for environment – prototyping 6 4 a, c, e
and testing – Cost evaluation –categories of cost – overhead costs – activity
based costing. Case Studies-V. Design for Quality - Reliability - Failure Mode
and Effect Analysis - Test and Inspection – Maintenance - Warranty.
Patents and Intellectual Property:
Patent – trademark - trade secret – copyright - preparing a disclosure.
6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2 0
Total Hours 30 15

Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Digital/Computer based models to augment lecture for practice/tutorial, 2
hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
Quizzes, Unannounced Open Book Examinations, Continuous Assessment tests, assignments and Term End Examination.
Text Books:
1. Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger (2015), Product Design and Development, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Robert G. Cooper (2017), Winning at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation, Hachette Book Group, New york.
2. John Starc (2015), Product Lifecycle Management (Decision Engineering), Springer Publications.
3 Kennath B.Kahn (2013), The PDMA hand book of New Product Development, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
4 Dan Olsen (2015), Lean Product Playbook, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
5 Don Norman (2013), The Design of Everyday Things, Basic Books, New York.
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 14/07/2018
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by

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Course code BIO-INSPIRED DESIGN Course Type LT

BIOXXXX Credits 3
Course Objectives:
 Letting students know that solutions for modern engineering challenges could be come
from the living world.
Course Outcome:
 Grow lateral thinking abilities
 Respect for nature
Student Learning j, i, k, c
Outcomes (SLO):
Module Module Description Hrs. SO
1 Nature as a source for inspiration of innovation: Overview 7 i
of biomimetics- Definitions, scope and approach. Examples: The Lotus
effect, The Mosquito needle and product inspired from them
2 Biological Materials in engineering: Structure – Function – Mechanics: 7 j
The mollusc shell, Spider silk, Gecko, Muscle-inspired actuation.
3 Defense and attack mechanism in biology: Acoustics, anti-lethal 7 i
device, Electrical, entangler, projectile, surveillance, camouflagy
4 Bio mimicry of Biological Optical devices: Biological Reflectors, and 6 j
structural colors, Color altering, Visions like-Color vision, night vision,
360 vision, frog vision, etc.; Bioluminescence
5 Self-regeneration: Automaton concept, kinematic machines, Electro- 6 i, k
mechanical self-reproduction, self-assembly, Rep Rap type rapid
prototyping machine.
6 Multifunctional Composites: Mimicking natures’ materials and 5 j
processes for multifunctional materials, materials as integrated systems
7 Developing biomimetic-bio inspired product and BioTRIZ: Potential 5 i, k
challenges and Technical realization of Biomimetics e.g Self-healing
membranes, Light- weight structures, Bio-inspired dew collection
systems. Decision making algorithms; Bio-TRIZ and its applications
8 Contemporary issues: Lecture by industrial experts 2 j
Total Lectures: 45
Text Books:
1. Biomimetics: Nature-Based Innovation By Yoseph Bar-Cohen, CRC Press, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration : Biologically-Driven Engineering of Materials,
Processes, Devices, and Systems (In 3 Volumes) Edited by: Esmaiel Jabbari, Deok-Ho Kim,
Luke P Lee, Amir Ghaemmaghami, Ali Khademhosseini, Scientific Series in Nano science
and Nanotechnology: Volumes 9, 2014

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council

Winter 2018-19 - B.Tech. ComputerScience and Engineering

Course Code Course LP
CSE3012 Mobile Application Development Type
Credits 3
 Understand system requirements for mobile applications
 Generate suitable design using specific mobile development frameworks
 Generate mobile application design
 Implement the design using specific mobile development frameworks
 Deploy the mobile applications in marketplace for distribution
Expected Outcomes:
Students who complete this course will be able to
 Describe the requirements for mobile applications
 Explain the challenges in mobile application design and development
 Develop design for mobile applications for specific requirements
 Implement the design using Android SDK
Student Outcomes (SO): a, b, i

Module Description Hours SO
Introduction to Mobile Application
Need for mobile applications – Cost of Development – Importance
of Mobile strategies in the Business world-Market and business
1 drivers for mobile application- Requirements gathering and 9 a
validation for mobile applications- –Mobile Myths, Third party
framework – Publishing and delivery of Mobile Applications-
Mobile Application Design:
Basics of embedded system design - Embedded OS - Design
constrains for mobile applications, hardware and software related -
Architecting mobile applications- Understanding
2 9 b
Mobile User Interface Design:
Mobile Application Users - Effective Use of Screen Real Estate –
User interface for mobile applications touch events and gestures-
Using the Tools of Mobile Interface Design
Mobile Web Development:
Choosing a mobile web option – Using website on mobile device
– Website accommodation – dedicated mobile websites Mobile
web app with HTML5.
3 9 b
Android Development:
Introduction – Getting tools – Google play supports – Building
Derby app. in android – Storage.
Android Programming:
First Android App – HelloWorld Manifest - Resources - Views -
Debugging - DDMS – Logcat - Development tools - App manifest
4 – Resources - Application types Topic- Activities - Activity Life 9 b
Cycle - Introduction to Layouts – Fragments – Adapters - Action
Sensors and Deployment: Sensors - Finding sensors -
Accelerometers - Gyroscopes - Other types - Orientation and
Movement - pitch, roll and yaw - Natural device orientation -
Reference frame remapping - SMS - Sending -Receiving - App
5 Distribution -Signing - Google Play requirements- Needed assets- 9 b
Monetization- Tips on becoming a top app Google analytics.
Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics in mobile application
Total Lecture: 45

Mode of Teaching and Learning:

Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based models, wherever
possible to augment lecture for practice/tutorial and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on
contemporary topics.
Mode of Evaluation and Assessment:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations, quizzes,
student’s portfolio generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by
faculty, in addition to the Continuous Assessment Tests and Term End Examination.
Text Book(s):
1. Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, and Masumi Nakamura, “Programming
Android”, O’Reilly Media, 2011.
Reference Book(s):
1. Jeff McWherter and Scott Gowell, "Professional Mobile Application Development", Wrox, 2012
2. Charlie Collins, Michael Galpin and Matthias Kappler, “Android in Practice”, DreamTech, 2012
3. Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel, Michael Morgano, Android for programmers an app-driven
approach, Deitel developer series, Pearson Education, Inc, 2012.
4. Wei-Meng Lee, Beginning Android 4 application Development, John Wiley Publication, 2012
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by

No. Indicative List of Experiments SO - i

1. College Phone Book Android Application
2. Donors and Receivers Android Application
3. Android enabled Home Automation System (via Bluetooth)
4. Theft Detector – Alarm System Android Application
5. Mobile Theft Monitoring Android Application
6. Search Your Doctor Android Application
7. Alumni Portal App Mobile Application
8. Vehicle tracking using driver mobile GPS tracking
9. Student-Faculty document sharing android project
10. Android tourist guide project.

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