Sem 4 Syllabus
Sem 4 Syllabus
Sem 4 Syllabus
Create Java programs that solve simple businessproblems using object oriented approach
Demonstrate synchronization among different processes using multithreading approach
To develop and create real time applications using JDBC and JPA technology
Student Outcomes (SO): a,b, c,l
a. An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and computing appropriate to the discipline
b. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
c. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system / computer‐based system, process, component or program to meet
desired needs
l. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modelling and design
of computer-based systems (CS)
Unit No Unit Content No. of SOs
1 Java Platform Overview: Defining how the Java language achieves platform 10 a,b,c
independence - Differentiating between the Java ME, Java SE, and Java EE
Platforms Evaluating Java libraries, middle-ware, and database options - Defining
how the Java language continues to evolve - Java Syntax and Class Review:
Creating simple Java classes -Creating primitive variables Using operators -
Creating and manipulate strings - Using if-else and switch statements - Iterating
with loops: while, do-while, for, enhanced for Creating arrays Using Java fields -
constructors, and methods. Encapsulation and Subclassing: Using encapsulation
in Java class design - Modeling business problems using Java classes - Making
classes immutable - Creating and use Java subclasses - Overloading methods.
2 Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes: Using access levels: 12 a,b,c
private, protected, default, and public - Overriding methods - Using virtual method
invocation- Using varargs to specify variable arguments - Using the instanceof
operator to compare object types - Using upward and downward casts - Modeling
business problems by using the static keyword - Implementing the singleton design
pattern. Abstract and Nested Classes: Designing general-purpose base classes by
using abstract classes - Constructing abstract Java classes and subclasses -
Applying final keyword in Java- Distinguish between top-level and nested classes.
Interfaces and Lambda Expressions: Defining a Java interface- Choosing
between interface inheritance and class inheritance- Extending an interface -
Defaulting methods - Anonymous inner classes - Defining a Lambda Expression.
3 Collections and Generics: Creating a custom generic class - Using the type 12 a,b,c
inference diamond to create an object - Creating a collection by using generics -
Implementing an ArrayList - Implementing a TreeSet - Implementing a HashMap -
Implementing a Deque - Ordering collections. Collections Streams, and Filters:
Describing the Builder pattern - Iterating through a collection using lambda syntax
- Describing the Stream interface - Filtering a collection using lambda expressions
- Calling an existing method using a method reference - Chaining multiple
methods together - Defining pipelines in terms of lambdas and collections.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, Operating Systems Internal and Design Principles, Pearson, Seventh Edition, 2017
2. Sibsankar haldar,Alex A Aravind, Operating Systems, Pearson, Second Edition, 2016
Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson , Ronald L. Rivest , Clifford Stein, Introduction to
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, MIT Press, 2009
Course Objectives :
To differentiate Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Provide an in-depth understanding of the architecture of 8086, 8051 and ARM microcontrollers
To offer an insight on the assembly level instructions
Provide good understanding on various interfacing principles & techniques
Course Outcomes:
Students who complete this course will be able to
To choose appropriate processor for a particular application
Programming and designing of microcontroller based real time systems
Optimization of programming codes with respect to timing and redundancy
Student Outcomes (SO) : a,b,c,e,k
Module Description Hrs. SO
1 Introduction: 5 a,e
CPU in computing systems (Laptop, Desktop, Server and Hidden Systems), CPU Choice –
Performance Metrics, Evolution of Microprocessor, Internal microprocessor (8086 to Pentium),
Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Introduction to development tools , logic analyzer , in-circuit emulator
2 8086 Microprocessor: 10 b,c
Introduction to 8086 – Signals and pins - Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes -
Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular
Programming - Linking and Relocation - Stacks - Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt
service routines – Byte and String Manipulation.
3 8051 Microcontroller: 10 b,c
Intel MCS-51family features – 8051 -organization and architecture, addressing modes, Instruction
set, conditional instructions, I/O Programming, Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions,
interrupt handling, programming counters, timers and Stack.
4 ARM microcontrollers: 10 b,c
Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, ARM7TDMI Interface signals, Memory
Interface, Bus Cycle types, Register set, Operational Modes. Instruction Format, ARM Core Data
Flow Model, ARM 3 stage Pipeline, ARM family attribute comparison. ARM 5 stage Pipeline,
Pipeline Hazards, Data forwarding - a hardware solution, ARM ISA and Processor Variants,
Different Types of Instructions, ARM Instruction set
5 Interfacing: 8 e,k
8086 – Memory interfacing, timing diagram, 8255, 8254, 8279, 8259, 8259,8251
8051- keyboard , LCD, LED, Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS Communication
interface (asm & C)
6 Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics 2 e,k
Total 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning:
Flipped Class Room, Activity Based Teaching/Learning, Digital/Computer based models, wherever possible to augment lecture for
practice/tutorial and minimum 2 hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation:
The assessment and evaluation components may consist of unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s portfolio
generation and assessment, and any other innovative assessment practices followed by faculty, in addition to the Continuous
Assessment Tests and Term End Examination.
Text Book(s):
1. Doughlas V Hall, “Microprocessors and interfacing, Programming and Hardware”, TMH 2012.
2. Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Using assembly and
C)” TMH 2012
3. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, Second Edition, by Steve Furber, PEARSON, 2013
Reference Book(s):
1. Microcomputer systems: the 8086/8088 family: architecture, programming, and design ,Prentice-
2. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., “Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and Programming”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2007.
1. 8086 Microprocessor
Arithmetic operations using various
2. Sorting
3. Serial communication between two microprocessor kits using 8251
4. 8051 Microcontroller
Program using constructs(Sorting an array) [Assembly]
5. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C]
6. Delay generation using Timer[Assembly and C]
7. Interfacing LCD Display. [Assembly / C]
8. Interfacing with Keypad[Assembly / C]
9. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly / C]
10. Interfacing with stepper motor. [Assembly / C & Proteus Simulation]
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by
Reference Book(s):
1. Reliability Engineering by E.Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill, Tenth reprint 2010.
2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by R.A.Johnson, Miller & Freund’s, 8th edition, Prentice Hall India (2010)
3. Probability and Statistics by J.L.Devore, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning (2012)
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 22-4-2017
The project work may be a theoretical analysis, modeling & simulation, experimentation &
Contents analysis, prototype design, fabrication of new equipment, correlation and analysis of data, software
development, etc. or a combination of these.
Text Book(s):
1. Hamdy A Taha, Introduction to Operations Research, Prentice Hall India, Fourth
Edition, Third Indian Reprint 2004
2. Pradeep Prabakar Pai, Operations Research - Principles and Practice, Oxford Higher
3 S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2004.
Reference Book(s):
1. Hiller and Lieberman, Introduction to the Operations Research (8th Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers.
2. Gupta P.K, Hira D.S, Problem in Operations Research, S.Chand and Co, 2007.
This course will give participants an introduction to the basic methods in computational
physics and solution to physics problems using computers. An over view of the recent
Objectives progress in scientific computing will be covered. The course will train students to develop
their own techniques to solve problems in classical and quantum physics.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods: Applications to Physical Systems, by Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik.
2. Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Python, 3rd Edition, Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J Páez, Cristian C.
3. Computational Physics by Tao Pang.
4. Numerical Methods for Physics by Alexander Garcia.
5. Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry, 1st Edition, Jeremy Blum, Wiley.
6. The C Programming Language”, Kernighan, B., and Ritchie, D 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall.
7. The Art of Computer Programming, Knuth, D, Volumes 1-4A, Addison-Wesley.
8. Numerical Recipes in C, Press, W., et al, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
• Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++ by Stroustrup
• Python programming language official website
• Python tutorial
• : SWIG for combining C++ and python
To know the sources and use of energy
To understand nature, environmental problems and our current energy systems scientifically
5 Spheres of Earth
Atmosphere- genesis, boundary layer, water vapor in atmosphere, structure –
stratosphere, troposphere and ionosphere; atmospheric interactions of electromagnetic 8 a,h
radiations, mechanism of radiation action on living system; Hydrosphere – ground water
and pumping water -, surface water – tides – hydropower, current waves. Lithosphere –
soil water – sedimentation and mass wasting, earths internal heat; Biosphere.
Text Books
1. Energy, Environment, and Climate by Richard Wolfson.
2. Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air by David MacKay.
3. Energy, Its uses and the Environment, Hinrichs and Kleinbach.
4. Energy and the Environment, Ristinen and Kraushaar, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
5. Energy, Principles, Problems, Priest.
6. Climate Change - From Science to sustainability : Chapter 2 (Key scientific evidence for climate change) of Peake
and Smith.
7. Physics for Scientists and Engineers (4th edition) by Giancoli.
Reference Books
1. C. Smith, Environmental Physics, Routledge Publisher, 2001
2. Gonick and Huffman, The Cartoon Guide to Physics.
3. C.W. Rose, An Introduction to Environmental Physics of Soil, Water and Watershead,
4. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
5. A.C. Lasaga Kinetic Theory in the Earth Sciences, Princeton 2007.
6. Schobert, Energy and Society.
7. D. W. Devins Energy: Its Physical Impact on the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, 1982.
8. J.M. Fowler, Energy and the Evironment, McGraw Hill, 1984.
9. N. H. Ravindranath, K. Usha Rao, B. Natarajan and P. Monga Renewable Energy and
10. Environment - A Policy Analysis for India, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2000.
1. Bio-Inspired Design
2. New Product Development
3. Leadership & Team Building
4. Mobile App Development
5. Game Programming
Course Title : Leadership & Team Building
Pre-Requisite :None
3 0 0 3
1. To know the qualities and styles that render leadership effectiveness.
2. To appreciate the difference between leaders and managers.
3. To derive parallels of leadership from different sectors and contexts.
4. To deploy skillful leadership based on knowledge of leadership
Expected Outcomes :
1. To assess, analyze and discuss one’s own leadership abilities, attributes and foundation for leading, including one’s
authentic self.
2. To develop an understanding and appreciation for leadership attributes, skills and principles for success in today’s
complex organizations
Student Outcomes(SO) : 3,6,8,18
Module Topics L. Hrs SO
Leadership: Realizing the need for leadership, Leadership concept,
1 connotations, traits, styles and models; Differentiating leaders from managers, 9 2
Handling Influence, Self-leadership
Inspirations and Role models: Leading during different phases of
organizational growth; stages of economic cycles and business transformation,
2 9 7
Leading for non-profit endeavors, Leading the Millennial generation; Leading
equals, Leading a genius workforce
Team Building by leaders: Planning team composition, size, structure and
role-relationships, Formulating a vision and mission. Understanding and
3 engineering group dynamics, Creating High Performance Teams, Building a 9 6
Positive and Productive Team, Understanding Social Identity, Providing
Generative Coaching/Feedback
Coaching for leadership Pit falls: Impoverished, Tyrannical, Machiavellian,
4 Unethical, Myopic approaches, difficulties in being participative or 9 7
consultative, failing to delegate and develop team-members
Recent studies on leadership: 7
Ohio-state University, Michigan studies, Blake and Mouton’s study, MIT
SOan study, Hersey and Blanchard’s study, Adopting views of leadership
5 18
experts: Larry Greiner, Rensis Likert, Warren Bennis, McGregor, Victor
Vroom, Stephen R Covey and Fiedler
Guest Lecture from industry experts on contemporary application 2
Total Lecture Hours 45
Text Books
1. Peter Northouse (2016), Leadership Theory and Practice- Fifth Edition Sage
Publications India Pvt Ltd.
2. Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua, (2016), Leadership: Theory, Application, &
Skill Development, 6th edition, Cengage Learning
Reference Books
1. Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, James Noel (2011), THE LEADERSHIP PIPELINE: How to Build
the Leadership-Powered Company, 2nd edition, Wiley.
2. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Neharika Vohra, (2013), Organizational Behavior, 15th
edition, Pearson Education.
2 3D Concepts 6 b, c
Three dimensional Geometric transformation: Translation - Rotation - Scaling –Reflection–
Shearing – Composite Transformation –
Parallel and Perspective projections
Mode of Teaching and Learning: Flipped Class Room, Digital/Computer based models to augment lecture for practice/tutorial, 2
hours lectures by industry experts on contemporary topics
Mode of Evaluation and assessment:
Quizzes, Unannounced Open Book Examinations, Continuous Assessment tests, assignments and Term End Examination.
Text Books:
1. Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger (2015), Product Design and Development, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Robert G. Cooper (2017), Winning at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation, Hachette Book Group, New york.
2. John Starc (2015), Product Lifecycle Management (Decision Engineering), Springer Publications.
3 Kennath B.Kahn (2013), The PDMA hand book of New Product Development, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
4 Dan Olsen (2015), Lean Product Playbook, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
5 Don Norman (2013), The Design of Everyday Things, Basic Books, New York.
Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 14/07/2018
Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by
Module Description Hours SO
Introduction to Mobile Application
Need for mobile applications – Cost of Development – Importance
of Mobile strategies in the Business world-Market and business
1 drivers for mobile application- Requirements gathering and 9 a
validation for mobile applications- –Mobile Myths, Third party
framework – Publishing and delivery of Mobile Applications-
Mobile Application Design:
Basics of embedded system design - Embedded OS - Design
constrains for mobile applications, hardware and software related -
Architecting mobile applications- Understanding
2 9 b
Mobile User Interface Design:
Mobile Application Users - Effective Use of Screen Real Estate –
User interface for mobile applications touch events and gestures-
Using the Tools of Mobile Interface Design
Mobile Web Development:
Choosing a mobile web option – Using website on mobile device
– Website accommodation – dedicated mobile websites Mobile
web app with HTML5.
3 9 b
Android Development:
Introduction – Getting tools – Google play supports – Building
Derby app. in android – Storage.
Android Programming:
First Android App – HelloWorld Manifest - Resources - Views -
Debugging - DDMS – Logcat - Development tools - App manifest
4 – Resources - Application types Topic- Activities - Activity Life 9 b
Cycle - Introduction to Layouts – Fragments – Adapters - Action
Sensors and Deployment: Sensors - Finding sensors -
Accelerometers - Gyroscopes - Other types - Orientation and
Movement - pitch, roll and yaw - Natural device orientation -
Reference frame remapping - SMS - Sending -Receiving - App
5 Distribution -Signing - Google Play requirements- Needed assets- 9 b
Monetization- Tips on becoming a top app Google analytics.
Guest Lecture on Contemporary Topics in mobile application
Total Lecture: 45