E Matrix

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--> What do you mean by eMatrix?

Matrix is an information management system.

Matrix is a comprehensive system for managing any type of information in any

business environment. Matrix provides the flexibility required to organize this
information according to your projects, products, or business model.

*--> Difference between the BusinessObject & DomainObject?

The Business Object class is a logical representation of a Matrix business


The Domain Object class represents the top level class for the AEF java

--> Difference b/w administration Objects & Business Objects?

Admin objects are the prerequisite for the business objects.

Admin objects are created in Business modeler and stored in ADMINISTRATION


Business objects are created in Navigator and stored in BUSINESS VAULT.

Admin objects are similar to Classes in Java, and Business objects are
similar to instance of classes i.e., objects in Java.

*--> Few methods in the BusinessObject & DomainObject?

BusinessObject ( matrix.db.BusinessObject )

-> void create(Context context, java.lang.String policy) -

Create this object

-> void demote(Context context) - Demote this BusinessObject

to its previous state

-> boolean equals(BusinessObject object) - Test if two

business objects are equivalent

-> Relationship connect(Context context, RelationshipType type,

boolean from, BusinessObject object) - Connect this BusinessObject to another

DomainObject ( com.matrixone.apps.domain.DomainObject )

-> static MapList findObjects(Context context, java.lang.String

typePattern, java.lang.String namePattern, java.lang.String revPattern,
java.lang.String ownerPattern,
java.lang.String vaultPattern, java.lang.String whereExpression, boolean
expandType, StringList objectSelects)

Queries on the given criteria into a map list

containing a mapping of selectable names to values.
-> java.util.Map getRelatedObject(Context context,
java.lang.String relationship, boolean from, StringList busSelects, StringList

Retrieves information by traversing one level on a

given reationship.

-> MapList getRelatedObjects(Context context, java.lang.String

relPattern, java.lang.String typePattern, boolean getTo, boolean getFrom, int
recursionLevel, StringList objectSelects, StringList relationshipSelects,
java.lang.String busWhereClause, java.lang.String relWhereClause, java.lang.String
postRelPattern, java.lang.String postTypePattern, java.util.Map postPatterns)

Expand business objects based on App Lib Expand


--> Name few admin Objects?

attribute ,type ,policy ,relationship , person ....

--> Admin Objects reside in which Vault?

Adminstrative vault

An Administration vault (only one exists).

The Administration vault is used only for administrative purposes and serves
as the master definition vault. It is created automatically when Matrix is
installed on your system.

It may not be used for storing business objects.

--> Name the BusinessObjects resides in the Administration Vault? *

--> How to connect to the RMI collaboration Server? *

--> What are the different types available in Attributes?

string, real, date/time, boolean, integer

--> How to Control the Attribute Access? *

By using Rule we can Control the Attribute Access

--> Attributes can be added to which Admin Objects?

Type , Relationship

--> Attribute will have which trigger Event?


--> What is the advantage of the JPO over TCL Program? *

--> Where does the JPO byte code resides? *

--> What are the mandatory methods in JPO?

-> Constuctor
public ${CLASSNAME} (Context context, String[] args) throws Exception
super(context, args);

-> Main

public int mxMain(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception

return 0;

--> how to invoke the jpo in jsp�s

Jpo.invoke (context, classname, String [] initargs,-methodname, String [],

methodargs, java.lang.class rettype;

--> what do you mean by postProcess

Pre-processing executes before loading the editable form page.

Post processing executes after completion of the edit process. The edit
process, post process JSP, and post process JPO are done in a single transaction.
If an exception occurs during the edit or post process, the system rolls back the
entire transaction.

Cancel processing executes whenever a user clicks a Cancel button or closes

the editable form component.

--> where do we specify the class path to compile the JPO *

--> what are the access controls in eMatrix

Person, Group, Role, Policy

*--> how the UI access is controlled

--> what is the diff b/w association and group

Groups � A collection of people who work on a common project, have a common

history, or share a set of functional skills.

Association � A collection of groups, roles, or other associations.

--> how to place the radio buttons/checkboxes in webforms

setting Input Type = checkbox

--> how to places the sections in the webforms

Field Type = Section Separator

Field Type = Section Header

--> where the object revision will be specified

In Policy
--> what are the types of the relationships *

--> how to add the new menu to the actions/Mydesk

IMydesk menu -> items tab -> add -> new menu

--> how to display the attributes ranges in the webform

setting Input Type = combobox

--> how to specify the checkin format of the Object

While creating Policy ,we have to mention allowed formats

--> how to notify any user on Promote/Demote of the Object from One state to
another state

--> how to set the branching in the Policy *

--> Types of Users in eMatrix?

Application user , Full user , System Admin , Business Admin

--> Diff B/W Application User & Full User?

Application user

A licensed user that can access the Matrix Database only through the
Matrix Collaboration Server or MQL. All active users have Application User
privileges Automatically.

Full user

For Login through Matrix navigator and MQL.

--> How to relate a person to a particular location?

Choose the particular site name while creating the person particulars in
deafault tab. that site will related to location.

--> What is the minimum access to the User to find the Objects in the eMatrix?


--> What is rule?

Matrix users are allowed access to information based on the Rules that are
set by the Business Administrator. Rules are created which define owner, public and
user privileges, as well as the Programs, Attributes, Forms, and Relationships that
they govern.

We can restrict the access through the rule.

--> What is policy?

A business object is controlled by its policy. A policy is a set of rules

that governs the behavior of a business object�its lifecycle,access privileges,
revisioning schemes, the file formats associated with the object, and where/how
checked-in files are stored in the database. The Matrix Business Administrator
creates the policies that will govern Matrix types.

--> where we will specify the particular governed object is revisionable,


In Policy States

--> How to control the chekin format of the object?


--> In which object we can place the Triggers?

--> Types of Triggers?

1. Check: will fire before the process takes place & based on the return
type, the process is allowed. 1 � Will block the process and 0 � will allow

2. Override: will be fired after the check trigger. This will get executed
irrespective of check trigger is block or allow.

3. Action: will get fired after the process gets over. If check trigger block
the event, then action won�t execute.

--> How to create the Trigger?

--> Define the Relationship?

A relationship is a type of connection made between associated business

objects. These connections enable you to see how one business object relates to
other objects.

--> What does revision rule specified in Relationship?

Revision specifies whether it is none or float or replicate

None: the revised object has no connection

Float: the connection shifts to revised object

Replicate: new connection is made to revised object. The original

connection left intact.

--> Types of Programs?

Java , MQL and External

--> What are the execute Modes available in Program?

immediate and differed

--> Can we use the webform to create the Objects?*

--> what do u mean by Vault & STORE

Store is the Storage area for business object�s files that are checked in.
Vault is the Storage area for business objects.

--> diff b/w Vault & Store

Store is the Storage area for business object�s files that are checked in.

Vault is the Storage area for business objects.

--> types of vaults

Vaults fall into 2 categories:

� Business object vaults (you can have many).

Business object vaults are used to organize business objects

within your database.

There are three types of business object vaults: Local, Remote,

and Foreign.

� An Administration vault (only one exists).

The Administration vault is used only for administrative purposes

and serves as the master definition vault. It is created automatically when Matrix
is installed on your system.Unlike other vaults, the Administration vault is not
listed among the available vaults when a person uses the Vault Chooser to specify a
vault when setting context, performing queries, or creating new objects in Matrix
Navigator. It may not be used for storing business objects.

3 Types of Vaults are there.

LOCAL: It is stored in the same eMatrix Database.

REMOTE: Remote vaults are used for loosely coupled databases, which
allow two entirely different eMatrix installations to share data.

To share the Vault through multiple servers.

FOREIGN: Vault location is in the server location. A server entry area

is provided.

--> types of stores

3 types of stores are there.

Ingested Files

An ingested file store contains ingested files, which are completely

controlled by eMatrix. The information within the files is subject to eMatrix
access control. This results in the fastest processing times and the simplest file
maintenance. Once a file is ingested, it can be retrieved only using eMatrix and
cannot be accessed using any of the system file utilities.

Captured Files

A captured file store contains captured files. A captured store offers

a bit more flexibility than an ingested store in regard to system control while
still taking advantage of matrixs file and access control. Captured files are
maintained by eMatrix and are subject to the access rules defined in the policy
that governs the file associated with the business object. The primary means of
accessing the file is from eMatrix, although it is possible to access it from the
file system.

Tracked Files

A tracked file store contains tracked files, which provide the least
amount of eMatrix control. EMatrix maintains information about the file but does
not control the physical file itself; the naming, maintenance, and general access
is controlled external to eMatrix. A tracked file maintains the maximum amount of
external control while allowing some access from within eMatrix.

In V6 Captured, DesignSync, External

--> what is the purpose of the site & location

location - An alternate host and path for a Captured Store.

site - A set of Locations.

*--> how to retrieve the symbolic name of the Object

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