E Matrix
E Matrix
E Matrix
The Domain Object class represents the top level class for the AEF java
Admin objects are similar to Classes in Java, and Business objects are
similar to instance of classes i.e., objects in Java.
BusinessObject ( matrix.db.BusinessObject )
DomainObject ( com.matrixone.apps.domain.DomainObject )
Adminstrative vault
The Administration vault is used only for administrative purposes and serves
as the master definition vault. It is created automatically when Matrix is
installed on your system.
Type , Relationship
-> Constuctor
public ${CLASSNAME} (Context context, String[] args) throws Exception
super(context, args);
-> Main
Post processing executes after completion of the edit process. The edit
process, post process JSP, and post process JPO are done in a single transaction.
If an exception occurs during the edit or post process, the system rolls back the
entire transaction.
In Policy
--> what are the types of the relationships *
IMydesk menu -> items tab -> add -> new menu
--> how to notify any user on Promote/Demote of the Object from One state to
another state
Application user
A licensed user that can access the Matrix Database only through the
Matrix Collaboration Server or MQL. All active users have Application User
privileges Automatically.
Full user
Choose the particular site name while creating the person particulars in
deafault tab. that site will related to location.
--> What is the minimum access to the User to find the Objects in the eMatrix?
Matrix users are allowed access to information based on the Rules that are
set by the Business Administrator. Rules are created which define owner, public and
user privileges, as well as the Programs, Attributes, Forms, and Relationships that
they govern.
In Policy States
1. Check: will fire before the process takes place & based on the return
type, the process is allowed. 1 � Will block the process and 0 � will allow
2. Override: will be fired after the check trigger. This will get executed
irrespective of check trigger is block or allow.
3. Action: will get fired after the process gets over. If check trigger block
the event, then action won�t execute.
Store is the Storage area for business object�s files that are checked in.
Vault is the Storage area for business objects.
Store is the Storage area for business object�s files that are checked in.
REMOTE: Remote vaults are used for loosely coupled databases, which
allow two entirely different eMatrix installations to share data.
Ingested Files
Captured Files
Tracked Files
A tracked file store contains tracked files, which provide the least
amount of eMatrix control. EMatrix maintains information about the file but does
not control the physical file itself; the naming, maintenance, and general access
is controlled external to eMatrix. A tracked file maintains the maximum amount of
external control while allowing some access from within eMatrix.