Natural Gas Distribution

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-33 51 00.00 20 (April 2006)

Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Replacing without change
UFGS-02551N (August 2001)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated 9 October 2006

Latest change indicated by CHG tags




SECTION 33 51 00.00 20




1.3.1 Gas Distribution System and Equipment Operation Data
1.3.2 Gas Distribution System Maintenance Data
1.3.3 Gas Distribution Equipment Maintenance Data
1.6.1 Delivery and Storage
1.6.2 Handling



2.1.1 Steel Pipe and Fittings Joints and Jointing Materials Welded Joints Flanged Joints Insulating Joints Shop-Applied Coatings for Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings Coal Tar Enamel Coating Adhesive-Thermoplastic Resin Coating Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating Field-Applied Corrosion Protection Materials
2.1.2 Plastic Pipe, Fittings, Joints, and Jointing Materials Reinforced Thermosetting Epoxy Resin (RTR) Thermoplastic (Polyethylene - PE)
2.1.3 Mechanical Crimp-Type Fittings for PE Pipe
2.2.1 Steel Pipe, Fittings, Joints and Jointing Materials
2.2.2 PE Pipe and Heat Fusion Fittings

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 1

2.3.1 Shut-Off Valves Plug Valves Ball Valves Below Ground Polyethylene Valves
2.3.2 Gas Main Regulator Station Regulator Valve Pressure Relief Valve Strainer
2.3.3 Valve Boxes
2.3.4 Drips
2.4.1 Valves
2.4.2 Valve Boxes for Curb Cocks



3.3.1 Pipe Laying and Jointing
3.3.2 Buried Warning and Identification Tape
3.3.3 Connections to Existing Pipelines
3.3.4 Installation Beneath Railroad Right-of-Way
3.3.5 Installation of Valves for Gas Mains
3.3.6 Special Requirements for Steel Gas Main Piping Installation Earthwork for Steel Gas Main Piping Steel Gas Main Piping Joints
3.3.7 Special Requirements for [RTR] [PE] Gas Main Piping Installation Placement Earthwork for Plastic Gas Main Piping Plastic Gas Main Piping Joints
3.3.8 Special Requirements for Gas Service Piping Installation Earthwork for Gas Service Piping Service Connections Gas Service Piping Joints Valve Installation on PE Service Lines
3.4.1 Corrosion Protection Systems
3.4.2 Application of Plastic Tape
3.4.3 Coal Tar Base Coating
3.4.4 Painting
3.4.5 Installation of Insulating Fittings
3.5.1 Lines Abandoned in Place Service Lines Above-Grade Valves, Risers, and Vaults and Valve Boxes
3.5.2 Lines Abandoned and Removed
3.6.1 Inspection of Welds
3.6.2 Testing of Pipe Coatings
3.6.3 Piping Strength and Tightness Tests

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 2

USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-33 51 00.00 20 (April 2006)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Replacing without change
UFGS-02551N (August 2001)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated 9 October 2006

Latest change indicated by CHG tags


SECTION 33 51 00.00 20



NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for natural gas distribution main and
service line piping systems to be operated at low
pressure or at high pressure.

Comments and suggestions on this guide specification

are welcome and should be directed to the technical
proponent of the specification. A listing of
technical proponents, including their organization
designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.

Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as

a Criteria Change Request (CCR).

Use of electronic communication is encouraged.

Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer

choices or locations where text must be supplied by
the designer.

NOTE: A low pressure system is one in which the
pressure is substantially the same as the pressure
provided to the customer. A high pressure system is
one in which the pressure is higher than the
standard service pressure delivered to the customer,
but not in excess of 413 kPa (gage) 60 psig. If a
gas distribution system is required to operate at
pressures higher than 413 kPa (gage) 60 psig, the
various pipe, fitting, and valve specifications used
herein must be reviewed to determine their
applicability to the higher pressures, additional
pressure regulators and pressure limiting devices
must be installed as required in ASME B31.8, and the
appropriate paragraphs modified as necessary.
Initial test pressure for systems that will operate
at pressures higher than 413 kPa (gage) 60 psig
shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the maximum working

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 3


NOTE: The following information shall be shown on
the project drawings:

1. Plan and location of all new pipelines,

including size of pipe.

2. Maximum working pressure of the system.

3. Location, size, and type of service of existing

connecting, intersecting, or adjacent pipelines and
other utilities.

4. Paved areas and railroads which pass over new


5. Profile, where necessary, to show unusual


6. Type or wall thickness of pipe, including

material identification, and limits for same where
type or wall pipeline.

7. Location of flanged joints, screwed joints, and

insulating joints, unless location is covered in the
project specification.

8. Location of valves including necessary details.

9. Location, size, type, and details of low point

condensate drips.

10. Details of valve installation on RTR and PE


11. Details of regulator station, including

location of all items therein, capacity, pressure
reduction and size; if an underground vault is used
the vault shall conform to ASME B31.8.

12. Connection of service line to gas main.

13. Bedding conditions, where different from those


14. Location, type and size of pipe anchors, when

required for the project.

NOTE: Allowable Piping Materials:

1. The project specification should allow all

piping materials for gas mains and for gas service
lines which are included in this guide, each to be
permitted as a Contractor's option. The material and

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 4

construction specifications should be representative
of suitable practice for the geographic location and
service intended. It is intended however, that
steel pipe only be used for gas mains and services
wherever external loading conditions for the pipe
exceed the normal; i.e., corrosion, road, and
railroad crossings. In the event that unusual
conditions affect only a part of the gas line, that
part should be steel.

2. Pipe materials which are known to be unsuitable

for particular local conditions (i.e., corrosion,
deterioration) should not be permitted for the
project. However, consideration should be given to
the use of more effective protective coatings where
economically feasible.

3. When RTR or PE pipe or tubing is specified for

use in gas distribution piping, detailed
investigation should be made for assurance that the
material selected for use is suitable for the
service intended. Areas of investigation should
include: excessive external loading as a result of
heavily traveled roads, storage areas, ambient
temperature range, use of manufactured or mixed
gases, introduction of antifreeze solution and so
forth. PE pipe and fittings should not be allowed
for any project where the gas distributed is liquid
petroleum manufactured gas, or a mixture of
manufactured and natural gas.

4. Ductile-iron, RTR or PE and plastic pipe should

not be allowed if the project is located in an area
subject to seismic forces, erosion, or unstable

5. PE may be allowed for direct buried exterior gas

distribution mains and service lines only if
recommended by the local gas utility.

NOTE: Pipe Design:

1. Equivalent pipe design for the project

conditions (using the applicable criteria for each
pipe material) should be specified for each pipe
material insofar as is practicable, in view of the
fact that design criteria differ for the standard
manufactured pipe of the different materials.

2. External loads, including earth loads, truck

loads, seismic loads, and impact, should be
investigated in the design stage of the project.

3. Where different classes, wall thicknesses, etc.,

of pipe are required for different sections of
pipelines due to significant differences in external
loading, the applicable paragraphs for the project

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 5

specification should be expanded or modified
accordingly. The limits for each class, wall
thickness, or pressure rating, should be either
shown on the project drawings or appropriately
described in the applicable paragraph of the project



NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a RID outside of the Section's
Reference Article to automatically place the
reference in the Reference Article. Also use the
Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature to update
the issue dates.

References not used in the text will automatically

be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the
basic designation only.


API Spec 5L (2004) Line Pipe

API Spec 6D (2002; Errata 2005) Specification for

Pipeline Valves

API Std 1104 (2005) Welding of Pipeline and Related



AWWA C203 (2002; A C203a-99) Coal-Tar Protective

Coatings and Linings for Steel Water
Pipelines - Enamel and Tape - Hot-Applied

AWWA C213 (2001) Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the

Interior and Exterior of Steel Water

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 6


ASME B16.11 (2005) Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and


ASME B16.40 (2002) Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas

Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution

ASME B16.5 (2003) Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B16.9 (2003) Factory-Made Wrought Steel

Buttwelding Fittings

ASME B31.8 (2003) Gas Transmission and Distribution

Piping Systems

ASME PTC 25.3 (1988) Safety and Relief Valves


ASTM A 135 (2001) Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel


ASTM A 139 (2000) Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel

Pipe (NPS 4 and Over)

ASTM A 53 (2004) Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped,

Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless

ASTM D 1598 (2002) Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe

Under Constant Internal Pressure

ASTM D 1599 (1999e1) Resistance to Short-Time

Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic
Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings

ASTM D 2513 (2004a) Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe,

Tubing, and Fittings

ASTM D 2517 (2005) Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure

Pipe and Fittings

ASTM D 2774 (2004) Underground Installation of

Thermoplastic Pressure Piping

ASTM D 3839 (2002e1) Underground Installation of

"Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe



MSS SP-110 (1996) Ball Valves Threaded,

Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and
Flared Ends

MSS SP-72 (1999) Ball Valves with Flanged or

Butt-Welding Ends for General Service

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 7

MSS SP-78 (1998) Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and
Threaded Ends


SSPC SP 3 (1982; R 2004) Power Tool Cleaning


MIL-C-18480 (Rev B; Notice 1) Coating Compound,

Bituminous, Solvent, Coal-Tar Base

MIL-T-27730 (Rev A; Notice 2) Tape, Antiseize,

Tetrafluoroethylene, with Dispenser


FS L-C-530 (Rev C) Coating, Pipe, Thermoplastic Resin

FS L-T-1512 (Rev A) Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive,

Pipe Wrapping


Section 23 03 00.00 20 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS, applies to

this section unless otherwise specified.


The gas distribution system includes natural gas piping and appurtenances
from point of connection with existing system as indicated to a point
approximately 1500 mm 5 feet from the buildings.

1.3.1 Gas Distribution System and Equipment Operation Data

Include maps showing piping layout, locations of system valves, gas line
markers and cathodic protection system test stations; step-by-step
procedures for system start up, operation and shutdown (index system
components and equipment to the system maps); isolation procedures
including valve operation to shutdown or isolate each section of the system
(index valves to the system maps and provide separate procedures for normal
operation and emergency shutdown if required to be different).

1.3.2 Gas Distribution System Maintenance Data

Include maintenance procedures and frequency for system and equipment;

identification of pipe materials and manufacturer by locations, pipe repair
procedures, and jointing procedures at transitions to other piping material
or material from a different manufacturer.

1.3.3 Gas Distribution Equipment Maintenance Data

Include identification of valves and other equipment by materials,

manufacturer, vendor identification and location; maintenance procedures
and recommended tool kits for valves and equipment; recommended repair
methods (i.e., field repair, factory repair, or replacement) for each valve
and piece of equipment; and preventive maintenance procedures, possible
failure modes and troubleshooting guide.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 8


NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. Submittals should be kept
to the minimum required for adequate quality control.

A “G” following a submittal item indicates that the

submittal requires Government approval. Some
submittals are already marked with a “G”. Only
delete an existing “G” if the submittal item is not
complex and can be reviewed through the Contractor’s
Quality Control system. Only add a “G” if the
submittal is sufficiently important or complex in
context of the project.

For submittals requiring Government approval on Army

projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force

and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;

submittals not having a "G" designation are [for Contractor Quality Control
approval.][for information only. When used, a designation following the
"G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for
the Government.] The following shall be submitted in accordance with

SD-03 Product Data




Pipe coatings

SD-07 Certificates

Welders procedures and qualifications (metal and PE)

Pipe coating materials and application procedures

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 9

SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data

Gas distribution system and equipment operation, Data package 4;

[; G][; G, [_____]]

Gas distribution system maintenance, Data package 4; [; G][; G,


Gas distribution equipment maintenance, Data Package 3; [; G][; G,


Submit operation and maintenance data in accordance with Section

01 78 23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA, in three separate


Materials and equipment shall conform to ASME B31.8 to the extent specified
herein, to local utility requirements, and to other requirements specified.


1.6.1 Delivery and Storage

Inspect materials delivered to the site for damage, and store with a
minimum of handling. Store materials on site in enclosures or under
protective coverings. Store plastic piping under cover out of direct
sunlight. Do not store materials directly on the ground. Keep inside of
pipes and fittings free of dirt and debris.

1.6.2 Handling

Handle pipe, fittings, valves, and other accessories in such manner as to

ensure delivery to the trench in sound, undamaged condition. Take special
care not to damage coatings on pipe and fittings. Repair damaged coatings
to original finish. Handle steel piping with coal-tar enamel coating in
accordance with AWWA C203.



Piping shall be [black steel,] [reinforced thermosetting epoxy resin (RTR)]

[or] [polyethylene (PE)]. Provide shutoff valves [and insulating joints]
where indicated.

2.1.1 Steel Pipe and Fittings

NOTE: Delete all words in brackets when steel pipe
is expected to be subjected to unusually severe
conditions (including handling) such as impact
stresses, seismic forces, burial beneath vehicle or
railroad crossings, significant differential
settlement, or underneath piers.

API Spec 5L, Grade [A,] B, or X42, [ASTM A 53, Grade A or B, ASTM A 135, or

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 10

ASTM A 139, Grade A or B], Schedule 40. Coat pipe and fittings for
underground lines as specified in paragraph entitled "Shop-Applied Coatings
for Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings." Do not coat pipe and fittings for
aboveground lines. Butt weld fittings shall be wrought steel, ASME B16.9,
Schedule 40. Socket weld and threaded fittings shall be forged steel,
ASME B16.11. Joints and Jointing Materials

NOTE: Welded joints are preferred when using steel
pipe. Flanges and screwed joints are not
recommended for use on buried pipe. Steel flanges
should not be connected to cast-iron flanges on
buried pipelines in any case.

Pipe and fittings shall have welded joints [except as otherwise indicated
or specified]. [Provide [flanged] [or] [threaded] joints where indicated.]
[Provide insulating joints where indicated.] Welded Joints

Electrodes, joint design, welders procedures and qualifications (metal and

PE), and weld examination and testing shall conform to API Std 1104. Flanged Joints

Steel flanges shall conform to ASME B16.5, Class 150. Steel flanges that
are to be connected to cast iron flanges shall be flat face construction.
Provide raised face steel flanges for pipe-to-pipe connections and
connections to flanged steel valves. Bolts, nuts, and gaskets shall
conform to ASME B31.8. Insulating Joints

[Insulating flanged joints shall be steel flanges as specified in paragraph

entitled "Flanged Joints," double end stud bolts sized 1.60 mm 1/16 inch
smaller than standard flange bolt holes, heavy hex nuts, a neoprene faced
insulating gasket, a 0.80 mm 1/32 inch plastic sleeve covering each stud
bolt, and a plastic insulating washer between the flange and each hex nut
on one side of the fitting.] [Insulating unions shall be steel, rated at
1724 kPa (gage) 250 psi working pressure and 93 degrees C 200 degrees F
temperature. Insulation between union parts shall withstand a minimum of
600 volts.] Shop-Applied Coatings for Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings

Pipe coating materials and application procedures on a properly prepared

surface shall be as specified in ASME B31.8. Coating shall have sufficient
adhesion to the metal surface to prevent underfilm migration of moisture,
and be sufficiently ductile to prevent cracking. Coating shall have
strength to prevent damage due to handling and soil stress, and have
properties compatible with supplemental cathodic protection. Pipe shall
receive either coal tar enamel, adhesive-thermoplastic resin, or
fusion-bonded epoxy, shop-applied coatings. Completed joints shall be
coated after installation and testing as specified in paragraph entitled
"Protection Against Corrosion (Field Applied)."

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 11 Coal Tar Enamel Coating

NOTE: For all ordinary purposes, single wrapping of
pipe is considered to afford sufficient protection.
Where additional shielding is necessary because of
stony soil or as additional protection in shipping,
double wrapping should be specified.

Except as otherwise specified in this paragraph, clean, prime, and coat

exterior of pipe and fittings with hot-applied coal tar enamel and [a
bonded layer of felt wrap in accordance with AWWA C203] [bonded double felt
wraps in accordance with AWWA C203, and Appendix Section A1.2 of AWWA C203
]. Do not use asbestos felt. Provide fibrous-glass mat felt material as
specified in Appendix Section A2.1 of AWWA C203. Coating shall be
shop-applied and have a minimum thickness of 3.00 mm 120 mils. Adhesive-Thermoplastic Resin Coating

Exterior of pipe and fittings shall be cleaned and receive a factory

applied continuously extruded polyethylene coating with an adhesive
undercoat beneath the polyethylene coating. Coating system shall conform
to FS L-C-530. Coating thickness for pipe 114.60 mm 4.51 inches od and
larger shall be 0.90 mm 36 mils minimum. Coating thickness for pipe
smaller than 150 mm 6 inches shall be as specified in FS L-C-530.
Polyethylene coating shall be cut back 102 mm 4 inches on each end. Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating

Exterior of pipe and fittings shall be cleaned and receive a factory

applied coating of fusion-bonded epoxy resin. Coating material shall be
sprayed on the heated pipe in a powder form. Epoxy coating system for
steel pipe shall conform to AWWA C213. Joints may be field epoxy coated as
specified in AWWA C213, or coated as specified in paragraph entitled
"Protection Against Corrosion (Field Applied)." Field-Applied Corrosion Protection Materials

a. Plastic Tape Material: Conform to FS L-T-1512, Type I, 0.25 mm 10

mils nominal thickness for pipe joints and Type II, 0.50 mm 20 mils
nominal thickness for repairing damaged areas of shop-applied

b. Coal Tar Base Coating: MIL-C-18480. Apply on flanges and other

irregular surfaces to a minimum dry-film thickness of 0.75 mm 30

2.1.2 Plastic Pipe, Fittings, Joints, and Jointing Materials Reinforced Thermosetting Epoxy Resin (RTR)

RTR plastic pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D 2517 and have
adhesive joints. Adhesively join flanges to pipe at connections to
[valves] [metal accessories] [and] [metal pipe]. Adhesive for jointing
shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2517.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 12 Thermoplastic (Polyethylene - PE)

PE pipe and heat fusion fittings shall conform to ASTM D 2513, Grade PE2406
or PE3408, SDR [_____]. Pipe and fittings shall have heat fusion joints,
except that approved mechanical crimp-type fittings conforming to paragraph
entitled "Mechanical Crimp-Type Fittings for PE Pipe," may be used for 9.50
mm 3/8 inch od to 50 mm 2 inch IPS sizes. PE pipe and fitting materials
for heat fusion shall be compatible to ensure uniform melting and a proper

2.1.3 Mechanical Crimp-Type Fittings for PE Pipe

Provide axial crimp-type mechanical fittings for 9.50 mm 3/8 inchod through
50 mm 2 inch IPS PE tubing and pipe in gas piping systems. Fittings shall
have plastic bodies with molded-in-place internal metal sleeves to fit the
inside diameter of the pipe and shall be assembled on the pipe with
nonremovable stainless steel axial crimping sleeves furnished as part of
the fitting. Tensile strength of fittings and fitting pull-out strength
shall exceed that of the pipe on which installed. Fittings shall have
passed sustained pressure tests at 379 kPa (gage) 200 psig and burst
pressure tests at 2758 kpa (gage) 400 psigconforming to ASTM D 1598 and
ASTM D 1599 test methods respectively.


2.2.1 Steel Pipe, Fittings, Joints and Jointing Materials

NOTE: When gas main piping paragraphs are not
included in the job, include the applicable
information from those paragraphs in this paragraph
and the paragraph below entitled "PE Pipe and Heat
Fusion Fittings."

As specified for steel pipe for gas distribution mains. Threaded fittings
shall be black malleable iron or steel. Do not install close nipples and
unions underground. Pipe and fittings shall have welded joints [except as
otherwise indicated or specified]. [Do not use threaded joints [except
where indicated].] Pipe shall receive one of the shop-applied coatings
specified in paragraph entitled "Shop-Applied Coatings for Buried Steel
Pipe and Fittings."

2.2.2 PE Pipe and Heat Fusion Fittings

Conform to ASTM D 2513. Minimum wall thickness shall be as specified in

ASTM D 2513. PE pipe and fittings shall have joints as specified for gas
distribution main piping.


NOTE: When valves are to be installed in RTR or PE
pipe or tubing, the project drawings shall include a
detail showing the anchors to be installed and the
technique to be used to ensure that no turning
torque is imposed on the pipe.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 13

2.3.1 Shut-Off Valves

Manually operated shut-off valves for gas distribution main and regulator
station piping with a minimum pressure rating of 1034 kPa (gage) 150 psig. Plug Valves

NOTE: Use reduced bore (65 percent area minimum)
valves when resultant pressure drop is permissible;
otherwise, use full bore (95 percent area) valves.

[API Spec 6D for steel valves] [or] [MSS SP-78 for cast iron valves].
Valves shall be [full bore] [reduced bore] type. Minimum bore size for
[full bore] [reduced bore] valves shall be [95] [65] percent of the
internal cross sectional area of pipe of the same nominal diameter. Steel
valves installed on buried steel piping shall have butt-welding ends. Steel
valves installed on buried [RTR] [PE] piping shall have mechanical joint
ends [except where flanged ends are indicated]. [Cast iron valves
installed on buried [steel] [RTR] [PE] piping shall have mechanical joint
ends [except where flanged ends are indicated].] [Valves not on buried
piping shall have ends as indicated.] Plug valves shall be lubricated.
Lubricating fittings on installed valves shall be accessible for
relubrication, or extensions shall be provided to make them accessible.
Plug valves shall be wrench or gear operated. [Wrench operated valves
shall have a 50 mm 2 inch square adaptor securely fastened to the valve
stem.] Maximum allowable operating torque in Newton-meter foot-pounds shall
be limited to:

Nominal Valve Size Torque

(mm) (Newton-meter)

[20] [25] [40] [50] [34.00]

[80] [100] [47.60]
[150] [200] [300] [95.20]

Nominal Valve Size Torque

(Inches) (Foot-Pounds)

[3/4] [1] [1-1/2] [2] [25]

[3] [4] [35]
[6] [8] [12] [70] Ball Valves

NOTE: Use reduced bore (65 percent area minimum)
valves when resultant pressure drop is permissible;
otherwise, use full bore (95 percent area) valves.

API Spec 6D or MSS SP-72 or MSS SP-110. Provide valve body material of
carbon steel for installation on steel pipe, and ductile iron for
installation on plastic pipe. Valves installed on buried steel piping
shall have butt welding ends. Valves with welded ends shall be designed to
permit replacement of seats and seals without removing the valve body from
the line. Valves shall be [full bore] [reduced bore] type. Minimum bore
size for [full bore] [reduced bore] valves shall be [95] [65] percent of

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 14

the internal cross sectional area of pipe of the same nominal diameter.
Valves used on buried [RTR] [PE] mains shall have mechanical joint ends
[except where flanged ends are indicated]. [Valves not on buried piping
shall have ends as indicated]. Ball valves shall be wrench or gear
operated. [Wrench operated valves shall have a 50 mm 2 inch square adaptor
securely fastened to the valve stem.] Maximum allowable operating torque in
Newton-meter foot-pounds shall be limited to:

Nominal Valve Size Torque

(mm) (Newton-meter)

[20] [25] [40] [50] [34.00]

[80] [100] [47.60]
[150] [68.00]
[200] [300] [95.20]

Nominal Valve Size Torque

(Inches) (Foot-Pounds)

[3/4] [1] [1-1/2] [2] [25]

[3] [4] [35]
[6] [50]
[8] [12] [70] Below Ground Polyethylene Valves

ASME B16.40. Provide PE valves only with underground PE piping.

2.3.2 Gas Main Regulator Station

NOTE: Pressure regulators are necessary at all
points where design requires reduction in or
regulation of pressure. When gas pressure
regulators are required for a specific project, all
necessary equipment should comply with the
requirements of the local gas company and this
paragraph should be so revised as necessary. A
detail of each regulator installation should be
shown on the drawings and the following data should
be provided for each regulator: flow rate, type and
specific gravity of the gas inlet and outlet
pressures, accuracy of control and size of

Includes regulator valve, relief valve, strainer, regulator by-pass piping,

and plug or ball type shut-off valves as indicated. Regulator station
piping and piping from buried gas lines to the regulator station shall be
steel piping as specified for gas distribution main piping. Regulator
station piping, fittings and valves shall be welded joint [except where
[flanged] [and] [threaded] joints are indicated]. Pipe and equipment
supports shall be of non-combustible material. Regulator station shall be
located [in an underground vault] [aboveground] as indicated. Regulator Valve

Steel or ductile-iron body, flanged ends for sizes 65 mm 2 1/2 inches and
larger and threaded ends for sizes 50 mm 2 inches and smaller. Regulator

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 15

valve shall conform to indicated size, capacity, and reduction of indicated
pressure requirements. Provide overpressure protection to prevent gas
pressure from exceeding the indicated value in accordance with ASME B31.8. Pressure Relief Valve

NOTE: Delete the bracketed portion of this
paragraph which is not applicable to the gas
pressure of the system being designed. See the
first note of this section for the definition of
system pressure class.

Provide to prevent gas pressure from exceeding the indicated value, have
sufficient capacity to prevent overpressuring the system, and be adjusted
to ensure that [a pressure increase shall not cause unsafe operation of
connected and properly adjusted gas utilization equipment in a low-pressure
distribution system] [maximum pressure shall not exceed maximum allowable
operating pressure plus 41 kPa (gage) 6 psig in a high pressure system].
Each pressure relief valve shall meet the performance standards set forth
in ASME PTC 25.3, and shall be steel or cast iron. Strainer

Provide to remove particulate matter from the gas stream and have a steel
or cast iron housing with a removable stainless steel strainer basket with
a mesh sized to remove particles that would interfere with regulator valve

2.3.3 Valve Boxes

Provide each valve on buried piping with a plastic or cast-iron valve box
of a size suitable for the valve. Valve box shall have a round cover with
the word "Gas" cast on it. Valve boxes shall be provided with lock-type
covers that require a special wrench for removing. Each cast-iron box
shall be given a heavy coat of bituminous paint.

2.3.4 Drips

Install at low points where indicated. Conform to details indicated or

provide commercial units of the same capacity and type as those indicated.


NOTE: When gas main valve paragraphs are not
included in the job, include the applicable
information from those paragraphs in this paragraph.

NOTE: When valves are to be installed in RTR or PE
pipe or tubing, the project drawings shall include a
detail showing the anchors to be installed and the
technique to be used to ensure that no turning
torque is imposed on the pipe.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 16

2.4.1 Valves

Provide plug or ball valves for service lines as specified for gas main

2.4.2 Valve Boxes for Curb Cocks

Provide each valve on buried piping with a valve box as specified for gas
main valves.


ASTM A 53, Grade A, Schedule [20] [30] [40] [60]. Coat as specified in
paragraph entitled "Shop-Applied Coatings for Buried Steel Pipe and



NOTE: Where appropriate (under a subparagraph to be
entitled "Pipe Anchorage"), special requirements
such as use of concrete coating to provide negative
buoyancy in areas of flooding or tie rods attached
to anchors in areas of erosion or unstable soils,
should be written into the specifications for the

Do not install gas piping in the same trench with other utilities. The
minimum horizontal clearance between gas pipe and parallel utility pipe
shall be 610 mm 2 feet. Do not install gas pipe through catch basins,
vaults, manholes or similar underground structures.


Pipe, fittings, valves and accessories will be carefully inspected by the

Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officer's authorized representative
before and after installation and those found defective will be rejected.
Pipe and fittings shall be free from fins and burrs. Before being placed
in position, clean pipe, fittings, valves, and accessories and maintain in
a clean condition.


3.3.1 Pipe Laying and Jointing

Provide proper facilities for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Cut
pipe accurately to measurements established at the site and work into place
without springing or forcing. Replace pipe or fittings that do not allow
sufficient space for proper installation of jointing material with pipe or
fittings of proper dimensions. Grade pipe in straight lines, taking care
to avoid the formation of dips and low points. Support pipe at proper
elevation and grade, taking care to secure firm and uniform support. Wood
support blocking will not be permitted. The full length of each section of
pipe and all fittings shall rest solidly on the pipe bed, with recesses
excavated to accommodate joints and couplings. Provide anchors and
supports where indicated. Make provision for the expansion and contraction

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 17

of pipe lines as indicated. Keep trenches free of water until joints have
been made. Close open ends of pipe temporarily with wood blocks or plastic
end closures at the end of each work day. Gas mains shall have a minimum
earth cover of 760 mm 30 inches, except that in rock excavation, minimum
earth cover shall be 610 mm 24 inches.

3.3.2 Buried Warning and Identification Tape

Provide color, type and depth of tape as specified in paragraphs "Buried

Warning and Identification Tape" in Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION.

3.3.3 Connections to Existing Pipelines

When it is necessary to make connections to live gas mains, use pressure

tight installation equipment. Connections shall be made in accordance with
ASME B31.8.

3.3.4 Installation Beneath Railroad Right-of-Way

Where pipeline passes under the right-of-way of a commercial railroad,

installation shall be in accordance with recommendations of the railroad.

3.3.5 Installation of Valves for Gas Mains

NOTE: When valves are to be installed in RTR or PE
pipe or tubing, the project drawings shall include a
detail showing the anchors to be installed and the
technique to be used to ensure that no turning
torque is imposed on the pipe.

Install valves in accordance with applicable installation requirements

specified in ASME B31.8 and as indicated. Install valve stems on buried
piping vertically with a minimum of 200 mm 8 inchesclearance from stem top
to finished grade. Valves installed in [RTR] [PE] piping shall be
restrained as indicated so that no turning torque is transmitted to the

3.3.6 Special Requirements for Steel Gas Main Piping Installation

Install pipelines as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable

requirements of ASME B31.8. Earthwork for Steel Gas Main Piping

Earthwork shall be in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION. Employ

hand excavation within 1500 mm 5 feet of existing gas pipelines or other
underground structures. Do not damage pipe coating during earthwork
operations. Steel Gas Main Piping Joints

Weld joints unless otherwise [specified] [or] [indicated]. Make welded

joints in accordance with ASME B31.8 and API Std 1104. Welders
qualifications, welding procedures and weld examinations shall be in
accordance with API Std 1104. Insulating joints installed underground
shall be accessible. [Make flanged joints up tight, taking care to avoid
undue strain on valves, fittings, and other accessories. Align bolt holes

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 18

for each flanged joint. Install full-size bolts for bolt holes;
installation of undersized bolts to make up for misalignment of bolt holes
or for other purposes will not be permitted. Adjoining flange faces shall
not be out of parallel to such degree that flanged joint cannot be made
gas-tight without overstraining the flange. Faces of flanges and bolt and
nut bearing areas shall be clean and smooth. Replace flanged pipe or
fittings whose dimensions do not allow for making a proper flanged joint as
specified herein with one of proper dimensions.] [Make up joints between
ferrous and nonferrous metallic piping with insulating fittings.] [Threaded
joints shall have tapered threads, evenly cut, and be made with
Underwriter's Laboratories approved graphite compound for gas service or
with polytetrafluoroethylene tape conforming to MIL-T-27730, applied to the
male threads only. After cutting and before threading, ream pipe and
remove burrs. Calking of threaded joints to stop or prevent leaks will not
be permitted.]

3.3.7 Special Requirements for [RTR] [PE] Gas Main Piping Installation

NOTE: When RTR only is used, delete ASTM D 2774.
When PE only is used, delete ASTM D 3839.

Install pipelines as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable

requirements of ASME B31.8 and [ASTM D 2774] [ASTM D 3839]. Placement

Maintain a minimum of 305 mm 12 inches clearance between [RTR] [PE] pipe

and heating system piping. Install a No. 10 gage copper tracer wire with
buried [RTR] [PE] pipe to facilitate location with an electronic detector.
Install wire 205 to 305 mm 8 to 12 inches above pipeline and terminate 76
to 102 mm 3 to 4 inches above grade. Do not wrap wire around pipe. Earthwork for Plastic Gas Main Piping

NOTE: When RTR only is used, delete ASTM D 2774.
When PE only is used, delete ASTM D 3839.

Earthwork shall be in accordance Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION and [

ASTM D 2774] [ASTM D 3839]. Where practicable, plastic pipe and tubing
shall be under an internal pressure of 103 kPa (gage) 15 psig during
backfill operations. Employ hand excavation within 1500 mm 5 feet of
existing gas pipelines or other underground structures. Plastic Gas Main Piping Joints

NOTE: When RTR or PE pipe is required for the
project and adhesive or heat fusion joints are to be
made at temperatures less than 10 degrees C 50
degrees F, reference should be made to the
specifications and techniques recommended by the
manufacturer of the pipe and fittings for low
temperature installation. The manufacturer's
specifications should be incorporated as part of the
detailed project specifications.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 19


Make joints for [RTR] [PE] pipe or tubing and fittings in accordance with
ASME B31.8 and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the pipe or
tubing and fittings.

3.3.8 Special Requirements for Gas Service Piping Installation

Work shall include the connection to the building piping where the building
piping has been installed. Where building piping has not been installed,
terminate service lines with a temporary cap approximately 1500 mm five feet
from the building line at a point directed by the Contracting Officer or
the Contracting Officer's authorized representative.Installation shall be
in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASME B31.8.
[Installation of PE pipe or tubing shall further be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of ASTM D 2774.] Minimum earth cover for service
lines shall be 610 mm 24 inches in streets or roads and 305 mm 12 inches in
private property. Install an electrically conductive No. 10 gage wire with
buried PE pipe or tubing to facilitate location with an electronic
detector. Install wire 150 to 205 mm 6 to 8 inches above service line and
terminate 76 to 102 mm 3 to 4 inches above grade. Do not wrap wire around
pipe. Earthwork for Gas Service Piping

Earthwork shall be in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION [, and

for PE pipe or tubing the applicable requirements of ASTM D 2774]. Employ
hand excavation within 1500 mm 5 feet of existing gas pipelines or other
underground structures. [PE tubing may also be laid by the plow-in
technique. The plow-in technique of laying tubing shall be accomplished by
approved equipment especially designed for this type of work. The
equipment shall have a vibratory plow, feed chute, soft rubber tubing
cushion guide, and a tubing reel. The vibratory plow shall be capable of
cutting a slit in the ground of width consistent with the size of the
tubing and of depth to have the specified depth of cover over the tubing
when laid. The unit shall be capable of feeding the tubing and the warning
tape into the ground to the specified depth, without kinking. The reel
shall be of a diameter appropriate for the tubing and shall operate
smoothly. In the event the tubing breaks or kinks, the kink shall be cut
out and a joint as herein specified for the material shall be made.] Service Connections

Make service connections at the top of the main, whenever the depth of the
main is sufficient to allow top connections. When service connections
cannot be made at the top of the main, they shall be made on the side of
the main as close to the top as possible. Service connections shall not be
made lower than the horizontal midpoint of the gas main. Install service
connections in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASME B31.8. Gas Service Piping Joints

a. Steel Pipe: Make joints for steel service line piping as

specified for steel distribution main piping.

b. PE Pipe or Tubing: Make joints for PE pipe or tubing and fittings

in accordance with ASME B31.8 and the recommendations of the
manufacturer of the pipe or tubing and fittings.

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 20 Valve Installation on PE Service Lines

NOTE: When valves are to be installed in RTR or PE
pipe or tubing, the project drawings shall include a
detail showing the anchors to be installed and the
technique to be used to ensure that no turning
torque is imposed on the pipe.

Restrain curb cocks installed on PE service lines as indicated so that no

turning torque can be transmitted to the pipe. Support curb boxes as


3.4.1 Corrosion Protection Systems

NOTE: A preliminary field survey of the area in
which the gas distribution system is to be installed
shall be made to determine the requirement for a
cathodic protection system for metal gas piping and
to obtain data on which to base the type and design
of a cathodic protection system if required. The
survey shall be accomplished as outlined in MIL-HDBK
1004/10, "Cathodic Protection," and shall be
reviewed by the EFD cathodic protection specialist
for verification of the results and recommendations.
When existing piping is abandoned, removed, or
replaced with plastic pipe, indicate modifications
required to the existing cathodic protection system
and specify testing to ensure continuity of the

Buried metallic gas pipe, fittings, and accessories installed on gas

distribution systems shall be shop coated as specified [and cathodically
protected as specified in Section [26 42 13.00 20 CATHODIC PROTECTION BY
CURRENT]]. Valves and other metallic components installed on buried plastic
piping shall also be shop coated [and cathodically protected]. Paint
metallic piping, fittings, and accessories aboveground and in vaults.
Electrically isolate metallic pipe from other underground metallic
structures, including metallic casings. After completing pressure tests,
wrap joints and damaged areas of shop coatings with plastic tape as
specified in paragraph entitled "Application of Plastic Tape," or coat
using material and procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the pipe

3.4.2 Application of Plastic Tape

Apply plastic tape in the field to pipe joints and damaged areas of
coatings. The joint area to be taped shall be clean and free of burrs and
rust. Smooth down or cut away damaged coating if not firmly bonded to the
pipe. Wrap spirally with a two-layer wrapping system, overlapping the
coating surface at least 76 mm 3 inches. Initially stretch the tape
sufficiently to conform to the surface to which it is applied, using one
layer half-lapped for tape 50 mm 2 inches or less in width, or one layer

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 21

lapped at least 25 mm one inch for tape more than 50 mm 2 inches wide.
Apply a second layer lapped as above, with a tension as it comes off the
roll, and press to conform to the shape of the component.

3.4.3 Coal Tar Base Coating

Apply in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions.

3.4.4 Painting

Exposed metal gas piping, valves, and other accessories not specified as
being shop coated or otherwise finished shall be cleaned in accordance with
SSPC SP 3, painted as specified in Section 09 90 00 PAINTS AND COATINGS.
Touch up damaged shop coatings as required to restore them to original

3.4.5 Installation of Insulating Fittings

NOTE: Lightning arrestors or grounding cells should
be installed in those projects where aboveground
pipe may be subject to excessive induced current and
where the current might jump the insulating gap.

No deflection will be allowed in insulated mechanical joints. [Protect

insulating joints connecting aboveground piping to buried, cathodically
protected piping with [lightning arrestors] [zinc grounding cells]
installed where indicated.] [[Lightning arrestors] [Zinc grounding cells]
shall conform to applicable NEMA Standards.]


NOTE: Show on the project drawings: Gas lines to
be abandoned, inlcuding points of disconnect from
the gas supply source, above-grade valves, risers,
and vault and vault boxes.

NOTE: If the existing transmission or distribution
system is cathodically protected, indicate on the
drawings modifications required to maintain
continuity of the cathodic protection system when
existing lines are abandoned in place or abandoned
and removed. Add specification text as required to
address the modifications in this Section or in
Sections 26 42 13.00 20, CATHODIC PROTECTION BY
GALVANIC ANODES, or 26 42 19.00 20, CATHODIC

3.5.1 Lines Abandoned in Place

Physically disconnect lines abandoned in place from all sources of gas and
purge or fill abandoned lines with water or other inert material. Air or
inert gas may be used for purging. Purging shall continue until it has
been determined that the volume of gas or liquid hydrocarbons remaining in

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 22

the system poses no potential hazard. After purging is complete or system
is filled with water, cap or plug all open ends. Service Lines

Service lines abandoned from an active main shall be disconnected as close

to the main as practicable. Above-Grade Valves, Risers, and Vaults and Valve Boxes

All valves left in an abandoned line shall be closed. All above-grade

valves, risers, and vault and valve box covers shall be removed; vault and
valve box voids filled with suitable compacted material; and surface
finished to match existing conditions.

3.5.2 Lines Abandoned and Removed

Disposition of material removed shall be in accordance with Section 02 41 00



Do not coat, bury, cover or conceal joints and fittings until they have
been inspected, tested and approved.

3.6.1 Inspection of Welds

Inspect quality of welded joints visually on a sampling basis. Repair

defective welds or remove from the line and reweld piping.

3.6.2 Testing of Pipe Coatings

Check coated pipe for discontinuities in the coating with use of an

electrical holiday detector at 10,000 volts prior to lowering into trench.
Repair holidays in the pipe coating in accordance with paragraph entitled
"Application of Plastic Tape."

3.6.3 Piping Strength and Tightness Tests

Test gas distribution system piping for leaks with air at 690 kPa (gage)
100 psig after construction and before being placed in service. Disconnect
piping under test from live gas piping systems. Where possible, test main
and service pipe as a unit. [Service line connections] [Pipe joints] which
are not included in the pressure test shall be given a leakage test at
normal operating pressure after the piping system is placed in operation.
Maintain a permanent written record of pressure test performed.


Purge mains and service lines before placing in service in accordance with
ASME B31.8.


Upon completion of the work, remove and dispose of excess spoil and leave
the areas in a clean condition. Restore service line trenches as nearly as
possible to the original appearance and condition.
-- End of Section --

SECTION 33 51 00.00 20 Page 23

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