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10/12/13 The RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2

The RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2. [8 6 5 5 hits - 2 1 5 votes ]

By Bernard C hevalier, Franc e (February 2 0 1 3 ). T rans lation

The RX3S OrangeRx V2 is a flight stabilizer running on three axes and suitable for any fixed-wing aircraft. It works by automatic
corrections and combined routes aileron, elevator and rudder. Thus any change unwanted path due to wind or any other factor, is
countered immediately. The flight became more stable, allows boarding of new applications (aerial photography, FPV flight ...).

Original text

Le RX3S OrangeRX V2 est un stabilisateur de vol fonctionnant sur 3

axes et adaptable sur n'importe quel avion à voilure fixe.

1 - Specifications RX3S. Contribute a better translation

2 - How to connect RX3S.
3 - Installation, adjustment and operation of RX3S.
4 - Conclusions.
5 - Summary: Pros and cons.
6 - links.

T he RX3 S O range 3 - A xis Flight Stabilizer V 2

1 - Specifications RX3S: Equipped with a gyro type gyro3-axis MEMS RX3S acts on the 3-axis flight control: roll (aileron), pitch (depth) and yaw
(direction) to stabilize the flight of an aircraft . radio controlled fixed wing
Its application areas are very diverse and varied: piloting assistance for beginners (hand launch, landing ..), the trajectory correction in the wind,
the course keeping in fpv, the stabilization aerial view taken from ...
Version 2 of RX3S has been marketed since late 2012 for $ 18. On a much smaller than the V1 (saving) size this new version offers features like a
very valuable On / Off control from a releasable AUX flight and mixing control surface for Delta (Lift up) equipment or V- tail (V stabilizers for

T he RX3 S O range 3 - A xis Flight Stabilizer V 2 .

Features :

Flight stabilization on any fixed-wing aircraft (including V-tail/Delta models).

Remote ON / OFF: it can be turned on or off in flight via an AUX channel.
Supports 3D flight without compromising stability.
Independent adjustment of the gyro gain potentiometers for aileron, elevator and rudder.
Reversals in direction of servo by switches accessible from the front of the module.
Compact and lightweight design. Features :

Size: 44x26x14mm
Weight: 10g
Gyro 3-Axis MEMS
Input Voltage: 4.8-6.0V
Signal from Receiver: 1520us
Signal to Power: 1520us
Manual: no.
Available in HK: RX3S OrangeRx V2 .
Essential accessory: 10CM Male to Male Servo Lead .

2 - How to connect RX3S: RX3S The module is very easy to use. It takes place between the receiver and servos. He did not need to separate
(unlike V1) supply. The "S" at the bottom of the module (see photo) shows the signal and allows to properly guide your connectors do not have
keyed. We can reverse the direction of operation of the switch through different channels (RUDD, AIL, ELE ...). The potentomètres used to adjust
the gain separately on the three channels. RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2 1/4

10/12/13 The RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2

T he gain, inverters trac ks , inputs and outputs .

Inputs (input) from the receiver are marked with:

- AIL. aileron input
- ELE: depth entry.
- RUDD: steering input.
- TO:. input control on / off stabilizer (in the gyro to "reverse")
It must connect the receiver channels to the inputs of RX3S using connectors to male / male: 10CM Male to Male Servo Lead . For security, add a
connector on the auxiliary (AUX) input to disable the stabilizer from a cross. I advise you to manage your connections because there will be many
extensions at the end of the operation.

Y ou mus t c onnec t the rec eiver c hannels to input RX3 S us ing c onnec tor / male male.

The outputs (output) to the servos are marked by:

- AIL-L: left aileron servo output.
- ELEV: servo output depth.
- RUDD:. steering servo output
- AIL-R: right aileron servo output.
Similarly so you must connect the outputs of the RX3S servos control surfaces (just like a receiver). You have 2 outputs for fins, but depending on
your configuration you may need to use a single (with a Y).
To use a Delta or V-tail mixer simply switch the corresponding switch. On your radio useless select the same mix, the RX3S that support. The radio
must be set to a normal aircraft program.

Y ou have 2 outputs for fins , but depending on your c onfiguration you may need to us e a s ingle (with a Y ). .

3 - Installation, adjustment and operation of RX3S: The RX3S is easy to use. It is small and light, quickly found its place in the body and has
little impact on the flying qualities of the aircraft (wing loading). Follow a few basic rules.

How to install RX3S? Install RX3S in the body to a location with low (not before the battery ;) Here are some tips:
- as close as possible to the receiver. You can minimize the size of the connectors (extension male / male 10cm for example).
- as far as the motor / controller pair out of the main source of noise.
- horizontal as possible to ease the adjustments and corrections gyro.
- attach a vibration support (velcro, hard foam ..).
- Be sure to keep easy access to potentiometers for not having to disassemble everything each time you want to change the gain.

Remote ON / OFF: The stabilizer can be activated or deactivated in flight. You just have to connect the AUX input on your radio channel that you
can activate with a cross. It should also switch the first switch (AUX CTRL | GYRO) left. You will be able to take off without the assistance of rx3s
then activate the air once or reverse. RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2 2/4

10/12/13 The RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2

E as y ins tallation with V elc ro RX3 S here on Bixler 2 . Roll c orrec tion on the right wing.

Operation RX3S. The RX3S does not need specific power. Once you connect your drive battery will be powered by the receiver (red LED) and
correct the deviations of trajectories on three axes. As you can see from the photos, the rudders are in opposition to bring the unit back on course.
They involved a short time (before returning to neutral) and even stronger than the gain. This can not be exaggerated corrections and did not
induce oscillatory behavior in flight. The correction is repeated as many times as needed with a frequency related to the required gain.

O nc e you c onnec t your battery propus ion it will be powered by the rec eiver (red L E D ) and c orrec t the deviations of trajec tories on three axes .

H ere c orrec tion on the depth and on the fins .

Adjusting the gyro gain is due to the potentiometers. Preset to 50% for soft stabilization, they are adjustable (up or down) for each channel to
get the desired response.
- YAW (Yaw): vertical axis.
- PITCH (pitch): transverse axis.
- ROLL (roll ). longitudinal axis
Be the first flight with these settings, set at altitude safety and enable the stabilizer. Observe the behavior of the device on its three axes. Ask and
increase the gain on the ways that needs it. Beware, if the gain is too high, the device becomes uncontrollable. It must then disengage the
stabilizer to regain control. Ask the unit and adjust the settings. A good compromise is found when maximum stabilization effect is achieved without
oscillatory phenomena or loss of control.

P otentiometers allow adjus tment of the gyro gain. Remote O N / O FF: it c an be enabled or dis abled from an international flight.

4 - Conclusions: The electronic control between more in our devices. Lower prices and miniaturization have dropped the latest barriers to its use.
With a very low selling price ($ 18) and relative ease of use, RX3S is a valuable aid in steering.
What are these applications? Beginners can draw some benefit with soft settings. It makes the hand launching, landing and windy, it helps reduce
the effect of wind gusts pop. It also automatically compensate the action pull-up shutters. Lovers of aerial photographs and the FPV apprécireont
because it helps keep the straighter and a constant altitude.
Is it easy to install? Yes very easy so it is small, only multiple connectors required may pose problems on very small devices.
Is it easy to adjust? Fairly easy to adjust thanks to the knobs but it requires extensive testing where to put the device each time. Each channel
further requires a special setting in relation to the surface of the control surface.
Is it effective? Quite effective when properly adjusted. It is totally transparent to the orders of the rubber sleeves and larger deviations of
trajectories. But this is not an autopilot and stabilization is not perfect. You can not put the radio or texting or go get a coffee ... The adjustment
range seems quite satisfactory gains without any time to be extensive (fine tuning).
There are risks? Yes there is a risk of losing control of the aircraft when the gains are too large. Hence the need to take time to proceed
gradually, care settings and must be used to disengage the inter action of the stabilizer to regain control of the aircraft in case of problems. RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2 3/4

10/12/13 The RX3S Orange 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer V2
There are disadvantages? The servos are in high demand by the stabilizer (life?), Some servos (too slow) may interfere with its action. Ground a
phenomenon may appear waggle (servos are solicited continuously). By connecting the AUX channel will reduce and even suppressed, this
disadvantage. when it is set incorrectly, the phenomena parasites can make the plane impilotable (oscillations stall.)
There is only one output for both fins have can not use mixes or differential.
Finally, note that I have not tried the RX3S aerobatics or 3D.

V ery handy and lightweight.

5 - Summary: Pros and cons:

Of Against
Very attractive price. No manual (at the product).
Very handy and lightweight. Insufficient signal on the housing (1).
On / Off Function from a triggered AUX flight. Conservation course is not perfect.
Easy to install on a plane. Light wriggling servo break (2).
Effective gain settings. Risk of loss of control in case of too high gain (3).
Removes the biggest swerve. One output for both ailerons.
Effectively fights against the wind. We can not have aileron differential (4), or mixes.
Improves stability and aerial photography.
Piloting assistance for FPV flight.
Completely transparent with respect to orders sleeves.
Contributes to a quieter drive.
Facilitates hand launched.
Very light, no impact on the wing loading.

(1 ) inputs and outputs are not even mentioned.

(2 ) reduc ed if you c onnec t the A U X port.
(3 ) where the value of us ing the A U X c hannel to dis engage in flight.
(4 ) on gliders .

6 - the links rx3s_orange_v2 1 result (s)

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