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Gas Turbines Performance Improvements - GEK3571

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g GER-3571H

GE Power Systems

and Reliability
Improvements for
Heavy-Duty Gas
J. R. Johnston
GE Power Systems
Schenectady, NY
Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
New Uprate Development Programs Designed for New Units...................................................................................................... 4
High-Pressure Packing Brush Seals (FS2V)................................................................................................................................... 5
#2 Bearing Brush Seals (FS2X)...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Stage 2 Nozzle Inner Diaphragm Brush Seal ................................................................................................................................. 6
Stage 2 and 3 Shroud Honeycomb Seal (FS2T/FS2U) ................................................................................................................... 6
Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y)................................................................................................................................................ 7
Stage 1 Shroud Abraidable Coating (ES20) ................................................................................................................................... 7
MS9171E Single-Piece Stage 1 Shroud.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Reduced Camber, High Flow Inlet Guide Vanes............................................................................................................................ 8
GTD 222 Stage 2 Nozzle Material (FS1P) ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Lean Head End (LHE) Combustion Liners (FR1B) ....................................................................................................................... 9
MS5432D Advanced Technology Uprate (FT2T).......................................................................................................................... 9
MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate (FT1W)......................................................................................................................... 9
MS7001F/FA and MS9001F/FA Uprate Packages....................................................................................................................... 10
Massive Steam Injection for MS7001E ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Conventional Uprates Applying New Unit Advanced Technology............................................................................................. 11
MS3002 Advanced Technology Uprate Package - Models A through G (FT1A) ........................................................................ 11
MS3002 Uprate to 3/2F Configuration (FT1U)............................................................................................................................ 12
MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate (FT1W)....................................................................................................................... 14
MS5001 Advanced Technology Uprate Package -Models - A through P (FT3L and FT3M)...................................................... 15
Compressor Upgrades - MS5001 Models A through M and R (FT3F) and MS5002A (FT2E) ................................................... 16
MS5001 Speed Increase to 5,355 RPM (FP4E)............................................................................................................................ 17
Exhaust Frame and Diffuser Upgrade (FS1W)............................................................................................................................. 18
MS5001P Uprate Summary.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
MS5002 Advanced Technology Package - Models A and B (FT2C)........................................................................................... 18
MS5002 “D” Advanced Technology Uprate (FT2R and FT2S)................................................................................................... 19
MS6001B Uprates ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
MS6571B Uprate to (FT4L) ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
MS7001B Turbine Uprate (FT5X) ............................................................................................................................................... 20
MS7001C, E and EA Uprate to 2035 F/1112 C Tf (FT5Y).......................................................................................................... 22
MS 7001C, E and EA Uprates to 2055 F/1123 C Tf (FT5Q) ....................................................................................................... 22
1100 F/593 C Maximum Exhaust Isotherm Limit (FT7G)........................................................................................................... 22
Uprates with “Tilted” Control Curves (FT7I)............................................................................................................................... 25
MS7001F and FA Uprate to the “MS7001FA Uprate” Configuration (FT5L)............................................................................. 26
MS9001B Turbine Uprate (FT6X) ............................................................................................................................................... 26
MS9001 Uprate to 2020 F/1104 C (FT6C)................................................................................................................................... 27
MS9001 Uprate to 2055 F/1124 C (FT6Y) .................................................................................................................................. 27
MS9001F Uprate to the MS9001FA Configuration (FT6Z)......................................................................................................... 27
Model Letter Uprates.................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Absolute Performance Guarantees ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Non-Recoverable Performance Degradation ................................................................................................................................ 29
Power Augmentation Uprates ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
Combustion System Upgrades....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Extendor™ Program for Increased Combustion Inspection Intervals (FR1V) ............................................................................. 31
Emission Levels............................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Low NOx Louvered Combustion Liners – MS5/1, 3/2, 5/2 (FR1B) ............................................................................................ 32
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................................. 34

-2- GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Many significant advances in technology have been applied to new unit production. These advanced technology
improvements can be applied to field units to achieve increased performance, useful life and reliability. Additionally,
many development programs have been specifically developed for application to existing operating units. Several
types of improvements are now available for compressors, combustion systems and hot-gas-path turbine parts. This
paper provides a summary of uprate programs available for all models of GE heavy-duty gas turbines with special
emphasis on new programs for MS6001, MS7001 and MS9001 (both E and F class models). Complete tabulations of
performance improvement, material changes and maintenance interval extensions are included. All uprates that
involve changes in firing temperature and/or airflow will have some impact on missions. Tabulations of original gas
turbine emission levels and uprated turbine emission levels are included for reference. Advanced technology uprate
packages are available to upgrade almost all of the 6,000 GE-design heavy-duty gas turbines.

Turbine uprate packages have been
introduced because of continued strong • Performance Improvements (Output/Heat Rate)
user interest in extending intervals • Maintenance/Inspection Interval Extensions
between maintenance, improving • Availability/Reliability Improvements
efficiency and increasing output. • Emissions Impact/Regulatory Agencies
Figure 1 lists the main items the • Life Extension
customer and GE must consider when • Thorough Review of Gas Turbine Components and Accessories
Systems for Compatibility
evaluating a unit for one of the
• Thorough Review of Load Equipment and Accessories for
advanced technology uprate options.
This paper covers new uprates that
have been successfully developed New Unit Technology/Components
specifically for field unit application GT2526O

and new uprates that are available as a

result of using engineered components Figure 1 Uprate Considerations
that were developed for current new-
unit production. Figure 2 Sourcebook
lists uprates covered in Code Frame Size Model Type Uprate
FT1A MS3002 A thru G Advanced Technology Uprate
this paper. Figure 3 FT1U MS3002 A thru G MS3002 “A” to “F” Uprate
shows the growth in FT1D MS3002 H&J MS3002J Advanced Technology Uprate
FT1W MS3002 H&J Uprate to Model “K”
scope and numbers of FT2C MS5002 A&B MS5002C Advanced Technology Uprate
advanced technology FT2R/FT2S MS5002 A, B & C Uprate to MS5002D
uprates supplied per FT3L/FT3M MS5001 A thru P Advanced Technology Uprate
FT3F MS5001 A thru M and R 16 to 17 Stage Compressor Uprate
year. To date, there are FT4L MS6001 A&B Uprate to MS6571B
over 400 firing FT5X MS7001 A&B Uprate With 7001EA Turbine Parts
temperature uprates for FT5Y MS7001E C, E & EA Uprate to 2035F/1112C
FT5Q MS7001E C, E & EA Uprate to 2055F/1123C
field units involving FT5L MS7001F F, FA Uprate to MS7241FA
every frame size. The Numerous MS7001F F, FA Uprate with MS7241 Component Kits
-- All Models All High Flow Inlet Guide Vanes
most common time to FT6X MS9001 B Uprate With MS9001E Turbine Parts
consider an uprate is FT6C MS9001E E (MS9141 & 9151) Uprate to 2020F/1104C
during the first or second FT6Y MS9001E E Uprate to 2055 F/1124C
FT6Z MS9001F F, FA Uprate to MS9531FA
major overhaul when the Numerous MS9001F F, FA Uprate with MS9351 Components
unit has been in -- All models All Firing Temperature Increase to Full Rating
operation 10 years or
GT18447 “I”
Figure 2 Gas Turbine Uprates
Every owner of GE

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) -3-

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

heavy-duty gas turbines 6/1B 7/1E 7/1E 7/1E 9/1E

should evaluate the 3/2 (A thru G) 3/2J 5/1R 5/1P 5/2 2055F/ 7/1 2020F/ 2035F/ 2055F/ 01-Sep 2055F/ Total #
overall economics of the Adv Tech Adv Tech Adv Tech Adv Tech Adv Tech 1123C B to E 1104C 1112C 1123C B to E 1124C Uprates
Year (FT1A) (FT1D) (FT3L) (FT3M) (FT2C) (FT4L) (FT5X) (FT5C) (FT5Y) (FT5Q) (FT6X) (FT6Y) Shipped
various uprate programs.
1984 - - 4 2 - - - - - - - - 6
In most cases, the 85 - - 5 5 - - - - - - - - 10
economic evaluation will 86 6 - - 4 - - - 2 - - - - 12
justify one of the 87 3 - 3 12 1 - - - - - - - 19
available uprate packages 88 5 - 4 9 4 - 1 - - - - - 23
89 3 - 2 5 2 - - - - - - - 12
at the next major
90 4 - 5 24 27 - 1 - - - - - 61
overhaul. Information on 91 2 - 6 12 12 - 1 3 - - 1 - 37
specific uprate packages 92 3 8 1 19 1 - 2 - - - 1 - 35
or components is 93 2 - - 13 4 - 2 4 - - 1 1 27
available in the Gas 94 1 1 - 7 - - 3 4 5 - 1 - 22
95 - 2 - 4 - - 4 2 8 - - 1 21
Turbine Sourcebook.
96 4 - 1 8 2 1 - - 15 - 1 - 28
Reference codes (such as 97 4 3 1 2 10 4 1 - 11 1 - 1 37
FT2C for an MS5002 98 - 2 - 2 2 - 1 1 5 1 - - 21
Advanced Technology 99 1 2 1 11 2 2 5 - 15 2 - 1 40
Uprate) have been added Total 38 18 33 139 67 7 21 16 59 4 5 4 411
to this text and to many
of the figures and tables.
The Sourcebook is an Figure 3 Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate Shipments Through 1999
automated system
available to all GE • 86-GT-40 New Technology Uprating of Process Compressor and Generator Drive Gas Turbines (MS5001LA)
offices for quick • 87-GT-24 Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines
reference on all uprate • 87-GT-123 5001N Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate
options listed in the GER • 88-GT-143 The Modernization of a 1965 MS5001 Gas Turbine: New Life for an Old Unit (MS5001K)
• 89-GT-8 Life Extension and Performance Enhancement of an Industrial Gas Turbine Through Upgrading
and for all other package (MS3002F)
options available for • 90-GT-284 Modification of a GE 7001B Gas Turbine for Increased Reliability by Using 7001E Parts
heavy-duty gas turbines. • 90-GT-350 MS3002 Advanced Technology Uprate Application and Operating Experience (MS3002C)
Soon all of the uprate • 91-GT-48 Field Performance Testing of an Uprated Gas Reinjection Compressor-Turbine Train (MS5001R)
options as well as those • 91-GT-49 Turbine-Compressor Train Uprated for 30% Increase in Gas Flow (MS5001R)
• 91-GT-318 Conversion of Two MS5001 Gas Turbines to Meet Emission Requirements in the Netherlands
for emissions, fuels, • 92-GT-335 MS5002B Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate for LNG Application
reliability improvement • 90-GT-13 GE MS7001E Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate
and controls upgrades • 97-GT-450 Results of the GT Prime Program Improvements at the T. H. Wharton HL&P Site
will be accessible • 98-GT-359 Combustion Aspects of Application of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Fuel Mixtures to MS9001E DLN
Gas Turbines at the ELSTA Plant in Terneuzen, Netherlands GT21391Fh
directly by customers on
the GE/WEB Optimizer
program. GE engineers Figure 4. Reference ASME Papers on Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Uprates
and/or customers have
written many papers that
document the evaluation and implementation process for the more significant uprates. Figure 4 lists the most recent
ASME papers that document results of these successful uprate projects.

New Uprate Development Programs Designed for New Units

Most existing uprate programs were based on leveraging new unit technology. Over the past three years we have
invested heavily in additional uprate programs specifically designed to serve the needs of the existing installed fleet of
GE design heavy-duty gas turbines. Figure 5 summarizes these development programs with a matrix that shows which
program applies to each frame size. We leverage each new program across the entire product line to make each of
these programs available to all customers.

-4- GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Approximately 20% of the 3/2H&J 5/1N&P 5/2B&C 6/1B 7/1B&E 9/1B&E

inlet air to the axial flow HPP Brush Seal (FS2V) X X X X X X
compressor gets lost to the #2 Bearing Brush Seal (FS2X) - - X - X X
Stage 2&3 Honeycomb Shroud
thermal cycle due to losses Seals (FS2T/FS2V) X X X X X X
associated with cooling hot gas Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y) X X X X X X
path parts or losses due to
Stage 1 Shroud Abraidable Seals (FS2O) X X X X X X
large clearances. Most uprates Inner Stage Brush Seal (FS2Z) - X - X X X
on gas turbines typically are One Piece Stage 1 Shroud (FS2Y) - - - - - X
achieved by higher airflow or 86º IGV with GTD 450 - X X X X X
GTD 222 Stage 2 Nozzles (FS1P) - - - X X X
higher firing temperatures. Lean Head End Liners (FR1B) X X X X - -
Recently a significant effort Load Gear Speed Increase (FT3X/FP4D) - X - X - -
MS5002D Uprate (FT2S) - - X - - -
has been applied to reducing MS5002D S1N in MS5002C (FT2T) - - X - - -
airflow losses from cooling air Tilted Control Curves with Adv Tech
and improved seals. The Uprate (FT7I) X X X X X X
2055F Uprate (FT4L/FT5Q/FT6Y) - - - X X X
majority of development in the Extender Combustion Upgrade (FR1V) - X X X X X
past few years has been 9% Steam Augmentation - - - - X X
directed to reducing these MS3162K Uprate (FT1W ) X - - - - -
X = Available Now
airflow losses. Most of the
recent development programs Figure 5. Development Programs for Each Frame Size
are focused in this area.

High-Pressure Packing Brush Seals (FS2V)

Figure 6 shows the original labyrinth seal design between the compressor discharge casing “inner barrel” and
compressor aft stub shaft. This seal restricts compressor discharge air from leaking into the forward wheel space area.
This seal is designed with a nominal clearance of 40 mils to allow for thermal growth differentials and rotor
movement during high vibration events. In practice, most operating units have clearances significantly higher (20 to
60 mils) than nominal. This increased labyrinth seal clearance results in considerable unit performance loss. For a
MS7001E unit, a rub of 20 mils on the labyrinth seal teeth equates to at least 1.0% loss in unit performance. To
increase unit performance and to reduce the rate of performance degradation due to wear on labyrinth seal teeth, a
new wire brush seal design has been developed. Figure 6 details the wire brush seal. Since the wire brush seal is
flexible and will bend (not wear) on contact with the compressor aft shaft, a closer clearance can be allowed for the
initial installation. This provides an
increase in output. Also, since the wire
brush seal will “bounce back” to its
original configuration after a “rub,” there
will be substantially less performance
degradation over time than for the original Brush Seals
labyrinth seal. Performance improvement
•Minimize Air Leakage
•Tolerant of Misalignments
is typically about 1% output and 0.5% heat •More Durable than Labyrinth
rate. Figure 6 shows a typical HPP brush Seals
Inner Barrel

#2 Bearing Brush Seals (FS2X) Current Production

The airflow that passes through the High

Pressure Packing (HPP) pressurizes the
inner wheel space of the turbine. For units
with a middle bearing, a significant amount Labyrinth Seal

of this air will leak through the #2 bearing Brush Seal

outer seals and vent to atmosphere. This Aft Stub Shaft
GER 3751-6
represents a significant performance loss. Figure 6. Typical Brush Seal Element

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) -5-

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

As a follow-on to the successful HPP brush seal

program, a brush seal was designed for both the
forward and aft outer bearing casing seals. This seal
• Minimize Air Leakage to Bearing Cavity has been successfully applied for MS7001E,
• Reduce Oil Mist Air Seal MS9001E and MS5002 units. Performance
improvement is typically 0.3% output and 0.2% heat
rate. An example of a #2 bearing brush seal
arrangement is shown in Figure 7.

Stage 2 Nozzle Inner Diaphragm Brush Seal

There is a large gap between the stage 2 nozzle inner
diaphragm and the stage 1-2 wheel spacer to prevent
Cross-Section Bearing Housing any contact due to rotor vibration, thermal transients
Brush Seal or nozzle deflection. Unfortunately, this gap is a
GER 3751-7
Figure 7. # 2 Bearing Brush Seal substantial leak path. As a continuation of the
successful HPP and #2 bearing brush seal programs, a
brush seal has also been designed to improve
the inner stage packing seal. This seal is now
available for all single shaft designs and
provides a performance improvement of
approximately 1% output and 0.5% heat rate.
A cross section of a stage 2 nozzle with a
brush seal is shown in Figure 8.

Stage 2 and 3 Shroud Honeycomb First Aft

Second Wheelspace
Seal (FS2T/FS2U)
First Aft Second Forward
Wheelspace Forward Wheelspace
To avoid bucket tip rub, the clearances
between the bucket tip and the stationary Brush Seal
shroud blocks have always been about 100 Element

mils. This large clearance allows a significant

amount of hot gas to flow over the bucket tip,
resulting in significant performance loss. To 1-2 Turbine 1-2 Turbine
address this issue, a honeycomb seal insert Wheel Spacer Wheel Spacer

(see Figure 9) was designed to be inserted Current Stage 2 Nozzle Design

Proposed Stage 2 Nozzle Design
GER 3751-8
between the labyrinth seal teeth in the stage 2 Figure 8. Stage 2 Nozzle with a Brush Seal
and 3 shroud blocks.
The honeycomb material is softer than the Honeycomb Shroud Blocks
shroud and bucket material, which makes it
• Honeycomb Shrouds
sacrificial in nature for this application. The - Reduces Leakage
bucket tip shroud labyrinth seals are designed - Greater Rub Tolerance
to cut a groove into the honeycomb material. • Requires Buckets with
Cutter Teeth
The tight clearance between the bucket tip and
the honeycomb shroud seals provide a
performance improvement up to 0.6% in both
output and heat rate. To make sure we Honeycomb Material
effectively cut a groove into the honeycomb
material we also design a “cutter tooth” on the
leading edge of the bucket shroud tip labyrinth
seals (see Figure 10).

GER 3751-9

Figure 9. Honeycomb Seal Insert

-6- GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y)

Leakage of compressor discharge air past the shroud block
Cutter Teeth
segments is one of the most critical areas for performance loss.
The original pumpkin-tooth style design with an interlocking
spline seal is a good seal, but is fairly inefficient. The new
design has a flat-face shroud block with a cloth seal that inserts
into grooves in both adjacent shroud blocks. Figure 11
compares the improved design versus the original pumpkin-
Stage 2 Stage 3
tooth design. Figure 12 compares the original bar type spline
seal versus the upgraded cloth seal. The cloth-seal design seals Rotation
both radial and axial flow and provides a flexible seal to allow
for individual shroud block misalignment. This improved seal Figure 10. Bucket Shroud Cutter Teeth
GER 3751-10

design restricts the higher pressure, compressor

discharge air from leaking into the hot gas path. As a
result, it provides a performance improvement of up to
0.7% in output and 0.5% in heat rate. First Stage Shroud Cloth Seals
• New Material and Improved Sealing
• Improved Performance (Pending Audit)
Stage 1 Shroud Abraidable Coating (ES20) Cloth SplineSeals

Clearance between the stage 1 bucket and the stage 1

shroud block is a critical factor because it allows
combustion air to leak over the tip of the stage 1 bucket,
which causes significant performance loss. A large “Bus Bar”
clearance typically is required to account for conditions
Side View Pumpkin
that can result in significant bucket rub: Teeth

• C  asing out-of-roundness
• Misalignment of the rotor Bottom View Bottom View

• Shroud block misalignment Current Shroud Uprate Shroud

GER 3751-11
The abraidable coating is intended to account for all of
Figure 11. “Pumpkin-Tooth” Design Versus New Shroud S
these items and to provide an absolute reduction in hot New Intersegment
Seal Design
running clearances. The abraidable seal is a 40-mil thick Filter Cloth

coating in the inner diameter of the stage 1 shroud blocks.

The intention is to have the bucket tips rub into the
abraidable coating during the first few start-ups to mold a
round gas path, regardless of casing roundness, shroud
misalignment, rotor misalignment or bucket tip rubs (on
used buckets). The expectation on an installed turbine is Cloth SplineSeal
a minimum performance improvement of 0.4% output
and 0.3% heat rate. Figure 13 depicts a typical
abraidable coating on a Stage 1 shroud. This Figure 12. Bar Type Spline Versus Cloth-Seal
Cloth SplineSeals GERDesign

combination of cloth-seal replacement shroud blocks and

abraidable coating should provide impressive W-Seal

performance improvements in excess of 1.1% output and

0.8% in heat rate. “Bus Bar”

Side View

MS9171E Single-Piece Stage 1 Shroud

The initial design for the MS9171E (2055F) design Bottom View
Current Shroud
Bottom View
Uprate Shroud
incorporated a two-piece, stage 1 shroud. This was
necessary to achieve acceptable parts life with the GER 3751-13

original A&SI 310 stainless steel material. The more Figure 13. Abraidable Sealing Coating on a Stage 1 S

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) -7-

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

recent HR120 material is a more crack resistant alloy • Replace Two-Piece Design
and is better able to withstand the higher firing • Haynes HR-120
btemperature. Thus we can now provide a single- • Reduced Cooling Required
piece stage 1 shroud block. The cooling and sealing - Increase in Output
air changes associated with the 2-piece shroud design - Decrease in Heat Rate
resulted in a performance loss of 0.9% to output and
0.4% heat rate. Thus, for all MS9171E (2055F) units, Cloth Spline Seals
we can provide the new HR120 single-piece shroud
to recover this performance loss (see Figure 14).
Reduced Camber, High Flow Inlet Guide
Improvements in Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) material
and airfoil design have also increased airflow. Figure GER 3751-14

15 details performance increases available by Figure 14 MS9171E One-Piece Stage One Shroud Block
applying the latest IGV designs to older units. The
new IGVs are directly
interchangeable with the Variable IGV-Design Turbines
Reduced Camber High Flow GTD-450 IGV
original IGVs in complete Temperature
sets. However, in many Sourcebook Incremental Changes Change
Codes Output Heat Rate TEX (F/C)
cases, new control curves FT3C MS5001N/P Pre-1978 3.9% -0.2% -11/-6
and/or inlet guide vane FT3C MS5001P 1978 Thru 1987 1.9% -0.5% -4/-2
FT2B MS5002B Pre-1978 3.8% -0.1% -10/-6
settings are required to FT2B MS5002B 1978 Thru 1987 1.8% -0.3% -4/-2
achieve optimal FT4C MS6001B Pre-1988 1.9% -0.2% -2/-1
FT5B MS7001B 4.8% -0.7% -12/-7
performance. Additionally, FT5B MS7001C 4.5% +0.1% -11/-6
FT5B MS7001E Pre-1988 1.9% -0.1% -3/-2
the new reduced camber FT5B MS7001EA Pre-1988 1.4% -0.3% -2/-1
IGVs are made from GTD FT6B MS9001B 4.8% -0.7% -12/-7
FT6B MS9001E Pre-1988 1.9% -0.2% -2/-1
450, a stronger and more Fixed IGV-Design Turbines (316-SS IGV)
corrosion-resistant stainless FT1F MS3002 A Thru J Pre-1978 2.2% -0.5% -6/-3
FT3I MS5001 A Thru M and R 1.0% -0.3% -2/-1
steel. As part of the FT2M MS5002A 1.1% -0.4% -2/-1
modification kit for GTD
450 IGVs, a set of tight Figure 15 GTD 450 IGV Performance Increase GER 3751-15

clearance, self-lubricating
IGV bushings are also supplied.
• Improved Creep Resistance
GTD 222 Stage 2 Nozzle Material (FS1P) • Improved Nozzle Vane
The new GTD 222 high nickel-based alloy was developed - Redesigned Core Plug
in response to the need for an improved creep-resistant • Improved Performance
alloy for stages 2 and 3 for the MS6/7/9 higher firing - Reduced Cooling Air Flow Downstream
temperature designs. The improvement in creep resistance
was so great that we were able to reduce the cooling air
for the stage 2 nozzle. Figure 16 shows typical creep
deflection between Hot Gas Path inspections. Figure 17
shows a comparison of creep deflection between the
original FSX414 material and the new GTD 222 material. Figure 16 GTD 222 Stage 2 Nozzle Creep
GER 3751-16

Figure 18 shows the performance improvements for MS

6/7/9 units.

-8- GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Lean Head End (LHE) Combustion Liners • Creep Resistant GTD-222 Material
• Aluminide Coating on Stage 2
The original design of louvered combustion liners - Increased High Temperature Oxidation
for MS3/5 units had relatively high NOx levels. Resistance
More recent developments in combustion liner
GTD-222 vs. FSX-414
technology enable the use of leaner head Nozzle Creep Deflection Comparison
end/lower NOx designs. NOx reductions of up to 1.2

30% can be achieved by applying the newer LHE

Relative Deflection
technology. Figure 19 shows a comparison of the
original liner versus the LHE liner. In areas
where emission regulations allow it, all uprates to 0.2
an advanced technology uprate package can be 0

done when applying the LHE liner to actually get 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time - KHR
an uprate with lower emissions. Figure 20 shows
Figure 17 Stage 2 and 3Nozzle Creep Deflection
an overall 20% reduction in NOx emissions when GER 3751-17
applying an advanced technology uprate for a
MS5001P unit.

MS5432D Advanced Technology Uprate Reduced Cooling Flow

Controlled by Tuning Pin
Due to the strong customer interest in uprates
for the MS5382C, the MS5432D was
introduced. For the MS5432D we combined Performance Improvement
the highly successful MS5002B hot gas path Output Heat Rate
with the MS6001B axial flow compressor as MS6001B +1.0% -0.4%
shown in Figure 21. This new design has been MS7001E/EA +0.8% -0.3%
successfully applied for both uprates of field MS9001E +1.0% -0.4%
units as well as for new unit production to
provide approximately a 13% power increase.
Figure 18 GTD Stage 2 Nozzle Performance Improvement GER 3751-18
MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate
Due to strong customer interest in uprates for the MS3152J,
MS3162K is being introduced. This design improvement applies
modern advanced airfoil design technology to the MS3002 axial

NOx PPMVD - @ 15% O2




100 1. Original 51P Turbine
2. Estimated Uprate to 51P/NT Advanced 1
90 Technology Uprate
3. Estimated Uprate with “Low NOx”
Combustion Liners
0 20 40 60 80 100 °F
Ambient Air Temperature
-18 -7 4 16 27 38
Figure 19 Louvered Low Nox Lean Head
Figure 20 Lean Head End Low NOx Louvered Liners
End Combustion Liners
GER 3751-20 GER 3751-19

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) -9-

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

flow compressor. This uprate requires new compressor wheels and blades but retains the original compressor casings.

MS6001B MS5002B

Two Proven


GER 3751-21

Figure 21 MS5002D Advanced Technology Uprate

The increase in output is 8.0% and the improvement in heat rate is 7.0%. Figure 22 shows a cross section of a
MS3002 unit to highlight the parts that are affected by this advanced technology uprate.

MS7001F/FA and MS9001F/FA Uprate Packages

There have been numerous uprates/upgrades involved in the 7F/9F product line over the past several years. In most
cases, the latest upgraded buckets, nozzles and shrouds can be applied to all of the older production F/FA units.
Additionally, if these design improvements are applied in selected packages, significant performance improvements

Sectional drawing of the new MS3002K GT

Figure 22 MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate GER 3751-22

- 10 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

HG P UP RATE P ACKAG ES F OR P G7001 AND P G 9001 UNIT (1 ), (2 )

P G 7211F P G 7221F A P G 7231F A+ P G 9281F P G 9311F A

1 FV 1N S 1N, S 1B , S 1S (4) 2.08 -0.95 0.64 -0.51 FV 4N (4) 1.69 -0.78
2 FV 1O S 1N, S 1B (4) 0.97 -0.48 0.13 -0.37 FV 4O (4) 0.79 -0.38
3 FV 1P S 1B , S 1S 1.18 -0.66 1.64 -0.97 0.31 0.00 FV 4P 0.72 -0.46 1.10 -0.72
4 FV 1Q S 1N, S 1S (4) 1.50 -0.43 0.70 -0.55 FV 4Q (4) 1.40 -0.45
S 2N, S 2B , S 2S , S 3N, S 3B ,
S 3S , HP P B rus h S eal, CDC
5 FV 1T B ore P lugs , and 88 IGV 2.83 -1.05 1.86 -0.89 0.60 (3) -0.20 (3) FV 4T 1.96 -0.66 0.99 -0.52
S 2B , S 2S , S 3B , S 3S , HP P
B rus h S eal, CDC B ore P lugs ,
6 FV 1U and 88 IGV 2.77 -0.98 1.79 -0.80 0.09 (3) 0.00 (3) FV 4U 2.77 -0.98 1.51 -0.61
S 2B , S 2S , HP P B rus h S eal,
7 FV 1V CDC B ore P lugs , and 88 IG V 2.49 -0.75 1.49 -0.55 0.08 (3) 0.00 (3) FV 4V 2.49 -0.71 1.37 -0.48
S 3B , S 3S , HP P B rus h S eal,
8 FV 1W CDC B ore P lugs , and 88 IG V 2.68 -0.83 1.55 -0.51 0.00 (3) 0.00 (3) FV 4W 2.64 -0.72 1.41 -0.37
Firing Tem perature 5.94 -0.45 2.10 -0.02 0.00 0.00 5.89 -0.41 2.08 0.00
9 TO TA L AV AIL ABLE 9.95 -2.16 6.04 -1.86 1.24 -0.71 8.57 -1.53 4.76 -1.30

(1) A ll K ITS c ons is t of FA + E c om ponents , and as s um e no firing tem perature inc reas e (ex c ept K IT 9).
(2) Control m odific ations are required
(3) B rus h s eal, CDC bore plugs and 88 IGV are NOT inc luded for 7F A +
(4) Under review

Figure 23 PG7001F and PG 9001F Uprate Packages GER 3751-23

will result. Figure 23 shows specific performance improvements that can be achieved by applying selected component
kits to the older production 7/9 F/FA models.

Massive Steam Injection for MS7001E

GE has offered steam injection for power • Standard and MNQC Combustor Only
augmentation for 40 years on all of our • 9% of Compressor Air Flow is 55.45 pps Steam
production machines. Figure 71 shows the Flow in Wrapper
relative output/efficiency improvements with up
to 5.0% steam injection (as a percentage of • Expected Output Improvement of 29.6%
airflow). Considerable design effort was applied (77.8 MW to 100.8 MW)
in 1999 to develop a 9% steam injection option • Expected Heat Rate Improvement of 8.1%
for the MS7001E & EA models. It was (10664 to 9800 Btu/kw-hr)
determined that by applying the current • Parts Life Impact on Maintenance Schedules Has
production advanced technology hot gas path Been Established
parts, we can achieve 29.0% in output without
• Total Plant Solution/Package
any loss in parts life. Figure 24 lists various
parameters involved in applying the 9.0% steam
injection option. Figure 24 MS7001EA 9% Steam Injection GER 3751-24

Conventional Uprates Applying New Unit Advanced Technology

MS3002 Advanced Technology Uprate Package - Models A through G (FT1A)
The MS3002 gas turbine was introduced in 1950. Various design changes in combustion and turbine hot-gas-path
design were developed over the years, as the unit was uprated from the MS3002A through the MS3002F and G
models. Figure 25 lists the performance characteristics for the various models. This unit has been used for many
pipeline, process and generator-drive applications. An advanced technology uprate package was developed because of
continued strong customer interest in reduced maintenance cycles, improved efficiency and increased output. Figure
26 details the MS3002 advanced technology package. Figure 27 details predicted improvements in thermal efficiency
and output for the advanced technology parts package for regenerative cycle units.

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 11 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Considerable fuel savings

Heat Rate** Firing Temp. (F/C) Air Flow*
are realized with Ship hp (kW) (Btu/hp-hr/ (103 lbs/hr/
Model Dates Range* kJ/kWh RC SC 103 kg/hr)
improvements in thermal
3502A,B 1951-56 5,000-6,700 10,100/14,289 1,450/788 1,450/788 355/161
efficiency to 33.0% for the (3,729-4,996)
regenerative cycle. 3762C 1955-59 To 7,600 9,280/13,129 1,500/816 1,500/816 355/161
Regenerative cycle units can (5,667)
be uprated to over 10,620 3802D 1961-63 To 8,000 9,070/12,832 1,550/843 - 360/163
HP at ISO conditions with (5,966)

greater than 33.0% thermal 3852E,G 1963-66 To 8,500 8,900/12,592 1,575/857 1,525/829 371/168
efficiency, regardless of
original unit configuration. 3932F 1966-73 To 9,300 8,490/12/012 1,625/885 1,575/857 371/168
Most simple-cycle units can
be uprated to 11,590 HP at 3142H, J 1969-1992 To 14,600 7,410/10,484 1,750/954 1,730/943 415/188
ISO conditions. Figure 28
3152J 1992-1999 15,140 9,500 (S.C.)/13,441 - 1,770/966 415/188
details expected reductions (11,290)
in maintenance intervals.
3162K 2000- 16,600 8,690 (S.C.)/12,245 - 1,779/970 415/188
Maintenance Interval (12,450)
As maintenance inspections *Ratings for models A thru G are based on NEMA (1000 ft/300m altitude and 80 F/27 C) conditions and models H & J are based on ISO (sea level and 50
F/16 C) conditions. To convert from NEMA to ISO ratings for approximate comparison, multiply NEMA rating by 1.12. Includes 0/0 inches H O inlet/exhaust
for hot-gas path are pressure drops. Ratings are based on gas fuel.

extended to 48,000 hours, **Heat rates given are for regenerative cycle and are lower heating value. To convert to % thermal efficiency, divide 2547 Btu/hp-hr by heat rate (Btu/hp-hr)
and multiply by 100

considerable reductions in
planned outages and
Figure 25. MS3002 performance history GER 3751-25
associated maintenance
costs are realized. Figure 29 is a cross-section detailing existing components that are replaced with advanced
technology components. Performance tests on all units completed to date show actual performance improvements in
excess of those shown in Figure 27.

MS3002 Uprate to 3/2F Configuration

(FT1U) 3002A/B 3002C THRU G

Earlier MS3002 Models A through E and G can • 2 Vane Stage 1 Nozzle X X

be uprated with MS3002F combustion and hot- • GTD 111 Stage 1 Bucket X X
gas-path parts for significant improvements in • High-Pressure Turbine Rotor Assembly X X
output, heat rate and expected parts life. • Stage 2 Nozzle X X
Uprating with 3/2F combustion and hot-gas-path • GTD 111 Stage 2 Bucket X X
parts will provide 9,400 HP NEMA rating in • Low-Pressure Turbine Rotor Assembly X X
regenerative cycle and 9,700 HP NEMA rating • Floating Seal Transition Piece X X
in simple-cycle operation. For example, an • Turbine Shell X X
MS3002A unit rated at 5,000 HP could be • Combustion Liners X X
uprated to 9,400 HP in regenerative cycle • Splash Plate Crossfire Tube Collars X X
configuration by upgrading with MS3002F hot • Exhaust Diffuser X X
gas path components. For performance changes
• Round-The-Corner Combustion X -
for other models, refer to Figure 25. Both ratings
also include the high flow 81° IGVs. The Figure 26 MS3002 A Through G Uprate Parts GT18449

MS3002F components are much more readily

available than earlier production parts, which makes it possible to achieve considerable benefits in parts availability
and parts standardization. In upgrading the combustion system for older vintage MS3002 units, the MS3002F or
MS3002J combustion systems could be used. The MS3002J combustion system has the added advantage of being
easily converted to a Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustion system if also required. This uprate requires converting to the
MS3002F stage 1 and 2 shrouds, nozzles, wheels and buckets, and either the MS3002F or MS3002J combustion
system. All MS3002F hot-gas-path components can be retrofitted into the existing turbine shell with some

- 12 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Regenerative Cycle
HP Speed = 6520 rpm
LP Speed = 600 rpm
75 º IGV
NEMA Conditions
No Inlet or Exhaust Duct
Pressure Drops

86% Effectiveness
1.5% Air Side !P/P
1.5% Gas Side !P/P

Figure 27. MS3002 A through G uprate parts GER 3751-27

Figure 28 MS3001/MS5001/MS5002 Advanced Technology Packages

Maintenance Intervals
modifications. Figure 30 details individual component upgrades for use in applications where a complete “A” to “F”
uprate may not be required.

MS3002 H and J Advanced Technology Uprate Package (FTID)

A modernization and uprate program developed for the MS3002H and J units based on similar design improvements
has been introduced on other units in the GE heavy-duty product line. This program involves uprating the turbine to
1,700 F/966 C from the present 1,730 F/943 C firing temperature. Figure 25 lists the original performance for these
units. Figure 31 details the design improvements for the MS3002H and J advanced technology uprate program. The
key ingredient required for the MS3002J advanced technology uprate is the directionally solidified GTF 111 stage 1
bucket. All of the components in this package are necessary to enable the uprate and will provide improvements in
output of 3.7% and heat rate of 0.3%.
In addition to the performance improvement, considerable extension of recommended inspection intervals can be
realized. Figure 28 compares recommended maintenance intervals for the original design components and the

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 13 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

when used in
packages. The
differences are
an extension
of combustion
intervals from
8,000 hours to
12,000 hours
and Figure 29 Modernization and Uprate Program
elimination of
the recommended hot-gas-path
inspection, which was at 24,000 Sourcebook
Code Component Design Improvements
hours. As maintenance intervals
FS2L Stage 1 Nozzle - FSX414 Investment Casting vs Previous Fabricated Design
for hot-gas-path parts are
FS1J Stage 1 Wheel/Bucket - Solid One Piece 3/2F Forged A286 Wheel Replaces Composite Wheel.
extended to 48,000 hours, Stage 1 3/2F Bucket Is Made from U500 Material And Has an Integrated
considerable reductions of
planned outages and associated FT1T Stage 2 Wheel/Bucket - Solid One Piece 3/2F Forged A286 Wheel Replaces Composite Wheel.
3/2F Wheel Can Run at 6000 RPM vs. 5000 RPM for Composite Wheels.
maintenance costs are realized. Stage 2 Bucket Will Be 3/2F Bucket Made of U500 Material.

Nine sets of MS3002J advanced FT1V Combustion System - MS3002 J Liner, Casing, Header Elbow and Transition Pieces to Replace
Original MS3002A Design
technology uprate parts have
FS2M Exhaust Diffuser - Longer More Efficient Advanced Technology Design Provides 1% Increase
been installed. MS3002J units in Output and Efficiency
shipped prior to 1978 would get
an additional 2.2% output
increase by using the latest
Figure 30 MS3002F Component Design Improvements GT23767
design inlet guide vanes (see
Figure 15). High ambient
temperature MS3002J units will also need to change
the exhaust diffuser material to a high temperature Code

stainless steel design. Figure 43 shows the relative FT1S - 2 Vane FSX414 Stage 1 Nozzle

performance improvement for an MS5002A unit by FT1R - GTD111 Directionally Solidified Stage 1 Buckets

increasing the exhaust temperature limit to 1050 FR1G - Thermal Barrier Coated Combustion Liner with Splash Plate Cooled Cross Fire Tube Collars

FR1J - Swirl Cooled Cross Fire Tubes

F/566 C. Similar performance improvements will be
FR1N - Hard Facing on Cross Fire Tube Ends
achieved for MS3002J units by using the higher FR1C - Thick Wall Transition Pieces with Floating Seals
temperature stainless steel exhaust diffuser material - Performance Improvements

(see Figure 39). • 3.7% Increase in Output

• 0.3% Decrease in Heat Rate

- HP & LP Turbine Rotor Bolting Tightening (Low Ambient Temp. Applications Only)
MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate - LP Thrust Bearing Pad

(FT1W) FS1U - Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser (High Ambient Temp. Applications Only)

To address strong customer interest in improved

thermal efficiency and increased output, the new Figure 31 MS3002H and J Advanced Technology Uprate GT18454F

MS3162K was recently introduced. The primary

design change is in the axial flow compressor with an improved aerodynamic blading design. The overall increase in
performance is +8.2% output and –7.15% heat rate. The complete redesigned compressor blading will still fit within

- 14 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines
- Complete Aerodynamic Redesign of Compressor Blades
the existing 3/2 J compressor casings.
- Parallel Combustion System
Figure 22 is a cross-section of the new
- Combustion Liner and Transition Piece Redesign
MS3162K. A detailed listing of all design
- Reduced Area Stage One Nozzle
changes is shown in Figure 32. A
- Stage One Shroud Seals
significant visual difference is the change
to a parallel reverse flow combustion - Increased Capacity Thrust Bearing

system. Figure 33 is a summary of all - High Pressure Packing Brush Seal

performance improvements for MS3142J - #2 Bearing Brush Seal
units. - Combustion Wrapper Redesign
- Compressor Anti-Surge Valve
MS5001 Advanced Technology
Figure 32 MS3162K Advanced Technology
Uprate Package -Models - A Uprate Definition GER 3751-32
through P (FT3L and FT3M)
The MS5001 unit was first introduced in
1957. Various design changes in combustion and turbine hot-gas-path design have been made over the years, as the
unit was uprated from the MS5001A to the current MS5001P model. Figure 34 lists the original performance
characteristics of the various models.
Output Heat Rate
This unit has been used for both
High Flow IGV’s (Pre 1978) (FT1F) +2.20% -0.50%
mechanical- and generator-drive
MS3152J Adv Tech Uprate (FT1D) +3.70% -0.30%
Stage 2 Shroud Honeycomb Seal (FS2T) +0.40% -0.40%
The initial advanced technology
HPP Brush Seal (FS2V) +0.70% -0.50%
uprate package was designed to apply
Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seal (FS2Y) +0.50% -0.50%
to models L through P only. This
MS3162K Adv Tech Uprate (FT1W) +8.20% -7.15%
uprate package is intended to improve
efficiency and output and to extend
maintenance intervals. Figure 35 Total +15.7% -9.35%
details the MS5001 parts package for
models A through P. Figure 28 Figure 33 MS3002J Uprate Summary GER 3751-33

details expected extensions in

maintenance intervals. As
maintenance inspections for hot-gas-path are extended to 48,000 hours, considerable reductions of planned outages
and associated maintenance costs are realized. Estimated output and heat rate improvements for MS5001 advanced
technology uprates are shown in Figure 36 for models MS5001 L through P.
Incremental output and heat rate improvements can be as high as 31.1% and 9.1%, respectively. Load equipment
capability must be carefully reviewed for Air Flow Heat Rate
each application to determine if it is Firing (10 lbs/hr/ 3
Exhaust (LHV) Btu/
(1) 3
Model Ship Dates kW (NEMA) Temp (F/C) 10 kg/hr) Temp (F/C) kW-hr
adequate for the uprate or if a similar
uprate is required. Several units with A 1957-61 10,750 1500/816 662/300 840/449 15,810
C 1961-64 10,750 1500/816 662/300 835/446 15,810
advanced technology parts have had more D 1961-63 10,750 1500/816 662/300 835/446 15,810
E 1963 11,500 1500/816 695/315 830/443 15,780
than 50,000 operating hours since the G 1963-64 12,000 1500/816 695/315 830/443 15,120
uprate. To determine the best possible H,J 1964 12,500 1500/816 695/315 820/438 14,430
K 1965 12,500 1500/816 695/315 820/438 14,430
uprate program for each customer, it is L 1966-67 14,000 1600/871 702/318 895/479 14,440
LA 1968-70 15,250 1650/899 709/322 930/499 14,190
usually necessary to do a thorough review M 1969-70 16,100 1700/927 716/325 965/518 14,050
of all available uprates and to review the (1)
kW (IS0)
capabilities of all associated load R 1970-87 19,400 1720/938 767/348 955/513 13,260
equipment. Further review of the advanced R-N/T 1987- 20,500 1755/957 767/348 970/521 12,780
N 1970-72 24,600 1730/943 928/421 898/481 12,190
technology uprate package resulted in a P 1972-78 24,600 1730/943 938/425 904/484 12,140
P 1978-86 23,350 1730/943 968/439 901/483 12,020
design to apply the uprate to older vintage P-N/T 1987- 26,820 1765/963 981/445 905/485 11,860
MS5001A through MS5001K models. (1)
In early 1970s, Rating Standards Were Changed From NEMA (1000 ft/300m Altitude and 80F/27C) to ISO (Sea Level and 59F/1
This basically involved a new turbine To Convert From NEMA to ISO Rating for Approximate Comparison, Multiply NEMA Rating by 1.12. Includes 0/0 Inches H O In
Pressure Drops. All Ratings Based on Natural Gas Fuel.

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 15 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines
casing, in addition to the advanced Code 5001 A-K 5001L/LA/M 50

technology package. Figure 34 shows

original performance for models A FR1L - Floating Seal Transition Pieces X X
through K. The maximum uprating by FR1G - TBC Coated Combustion Liners with Splash Plate
Crossfire Tube Collars X X
applying the advanced technology
FT3O - 2 Vane Stage 1 Nozzle X X
package is the MS5001R advanced FT3R - GTD111 Stage 1 Bucket X X
technology rating, also shown in FT3T - 4 Vane Cast Segment Stage 2 Nozzle X X
Figure 34. Actual percentage FT3E - Shrouded Tip Stage 2 Bucket and New Stage 2 Turbine Wheel X X
improvement for this performance - Turbine Shell X -
uprate can vary depending on original - Distance Piece X -
unit configurations. - Stage 1 Turbine Wheel X -
- Outer Combustion Casings X -

Compressor Upgrades - - Exhaust Frame X -

FS1U - Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser X X
MS5001 Models A through M (High Ambient Temperature Only)

and R (FT3F) and MS5002A

(FT2E) Figure 35 MS5001 Models A Through P Advanced
In 1970, the basic MS5001 Technology Uprate Package Hardware
compressor was uprated by adding a
zero stage to increase airflow by Incremental % Gains Exhaust Temp.
approximately 28% and output by 36%. Drive Output Heat Rate Increase ºF/ ºC
5001L Generator 31.1 9.1 86/48
Previous 5001 models A through M and
5001L Mechanical 25.9 7.2 77/43
the more recent 5001R models can all be
5001LA Generator 20.3 7.5 51/28
uprated to the 5001 N/P compressor 5001LA Mechanical 17.7 7.2 52/29
design by adding a zero stage. This can 5001M Generator 14.0 6.5 16/9
be accomplished by changing the 5001M Mechanical 12.3 7.1 19/11
compressor bellmouth forward and aft 5001R Generator 6.0 2.9 16/9
compressor casings and stages 1, 2, 3 5001R Mechanical 5.7 2.7 15/8

and 10 compressor wheels and blades, 5001N Generator 6.0 3.3 10/6
5001P Generator 6.0 3.3 10/6
adding a zero stage and adding variable
inlet guide vanes. It is also
recommended to change the remaining Figure 36 MS5001 Models L Through P Advanced GT18457D
stages of compressor blading because of Technology Uprate
the age of blades and the increased

Figure 37 Comparing MS 5001R and P

- 16 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

loading on them, resulting from increased airflow

and pressure ratio. For 5001 models A through M,
this modification would have to be done in 130
conjunction with a hot-gas-path uprate to a 5001R
model configuration to accommodate the 120 4

Percent Design Output

increased airflow. MS5001R units can be uprated
without combustion or flange-to-flange changes. 110
Sixteen compressor uprates have been shipped to
date. The typical MS5001 shaft speed range for 100
mechanical-drive application is 80% to 105% of 3
1. Original 51P Turbine Base Rating With 5100 RPM
4,860 rpm for the lower airflow 16-stage 90 Shaft Speed 2

compressor MS5001 A through M and R units. 2. Estimated Uprate to 51P/NT Advanced Technology
Uprate at 5100 RPM, 1765 F/963 C Tf 1
The higher airflow 17-stage MS5001N/P 80 3. Estimated Uprate to 51P/NT Advanced Technology
Uprate at 5355 RPM, 1740 F/949 C Tf
compressor has a more limited speed range of
4. Maximum Turbine Shaft Load Limit of 29.4 MW
90% to 105% of 5,100 rpm. Thus, with this 70 °F
modification, some speed range flexibility loss 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambient Air Temperature
comes with the airflow/output increase. Figure 34
shows airflows for all 5001 models. An uprate of -12 -1 10 21 32 38
36% is possible at site rating conditions of 40 F/4
C at 5,100 rpm with only a compressor uprate. An Figure 38 MS5001P Performance at 5,355 rpm GT2563 ”I”

uprate of 42% is possible with compressor and

advanced technology turbine uprate. Figure 37 shows an
MS5001 16-stage compressor and an MS5001 17-stage
compressor to demonstrate the differences in length and
configuration between 16- and 17-stage compressor MS5001
units. Similarly, the MS5002A compressor can be uprated to
the MS5002B configuration by adding a zero compressor
stage to provide full MS5002B performance, as is shown in
Figure 41.

MS5001 Speed Increase to 5,355 RPM (FP4E)

Most mechanical-drive MS5001 units were rated at 4,860
rpm at the 100% speed point. This allowed for the 5% over-
speed requirement most mechanical-drive customers require
for operational process variations. To take advantage of the
various advanced technology uprate programs available for
these units, it is frequently necessary to drive the load
compressor at a higher
speed. Considerable mechanical and dynamic analysis was
done on the MS5001 rotor design (both 16-stage MS5001R Figure 39 MS3000 and MS500 Exhaust GER3751-39

and 17-stage MS5001P) that resulted in a decision to operate Diffuser Upgrades

MS5001 units as high as 5,355 rpm (105% of 5,100 rpm). To
date, 16 MS5001 mechanical-drive units have been uprated to operate as high as 5,355 rpm.

There is a fairly minor rotor bending critical speed at about 5,400 rpm, so operation at 5,355 rpm does not conform to
the API requirement for a 5% speed margin from all critical speeds. However, no vibrational problems have resulted
on the units that have the speed increase. This successful experience led to allowing generator-drive units to operate at
5,355 rpm. As all MS5001 generator-drive units have load gears, this uprate would require changing out the load gear
or replacing all the rotating internal parts. As the turbine will operate at the same torque at the higher speed, the output
will increase up to 3% at higher ambient temperature conditions. Figure 38 plots output versus ambient temperature
for an MS5001P unit comparing 5,100 rpm versus 5,355 rpm speed. The airflow is already so high at lower ambients

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 17 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

that the compressor/turbine efficiency is

Output Heat Rate
near optimum. The higher airflow
Advanced Tech Update (FT3M) +6.0% -1.0%
associated with the speed increase results
GTD 450 IGV’s (Pre 1978/post 1978) +3.9%/1.9% -0.2/0.5%
in efficiency that offsets the output (FT3B/FT3C)
increase due to speed. Thus, there is no 86º IGV’s +0.2% +0.1%
performance advantage at lower
High Pressure Pkg Brush Seals (FS2V) +0.6% -0.4%
ambients, as shown in Figure 38.
Stage 2 Shroud Honeycomb Seals (FS2T) +0.4% -0.4%
5355 RPM Turbine Speed (FT3X) +3.0% (at High Ambients)
Exhaust Frame and Diffuser
Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y) +0.5% -0.5%
Upgrade (FS1W)
Inner Stage Brush Seal (FS2Z) +1.0% -0.5%
Many older MS5001 and MS5002 units
S1S Abraidable Coating Seals (FS2O) +0.4% -0.3%
are already near their exhaust temperature
control limit due to materials in the
exhaust diffuser. By re-skinning the Total +16.0/14.0% -3.2/-3.5%
exhaust frame and diffuser with higher
temperature material, we can go to a Figure 40 MS 5001P Uprate Summary GER3751-40

much higher limit at 1050 F. This is

necessary in many cases to realize
the Advanced Technology Uprate ISO Rating
that is shown later in Figure 43. Heat Rate** Air Flow
Ship Output Btu/hp-hr Firing (10 lbs/hr) Exhaust
Figure 39 is an outline of the areas Dates hp (kW) (kJ/kWh) Temp F/C (10 kg/hr) 3 Temp (F/C)

that need to be upgraded. It is

necessary to remove the exhaust MS5262A 1970 Present 25,200/ 26,250/ 7,390/ 9,780/ 1,705/ 1,690/ 773/ 773/ 987/638/ 975/
frame and diffuser assembly to get 18,792 19,575 10,455 13,837 929 921 351 351 531/337 524

access for the rebuild operation. MS5322B 1970-1975 31,050/ 32,550/

23,154 24,273
7,480/ 9,240/
10,583 13,073
940/660/ 932/
504/349 500

MS5332B 1975-1978 32,000 33,550/ 7,180/ 8,910 1,710/ 1,700/ 899/ 925/ 942/679/ 930/
MS5001P Uprate Summary 23,862 24,981 10,158 12,606 932 927 408 420 506/359 499

MS53352B 1978-Present 32,000/ 35,000/ 7,070/ 8,830/ 1,710/ 1,700/ 899/ 966/ 936/667/ 915/
Figure 40 is a summary of all 23,862 26,100 10,003 12,493 932 927 408 438 502/353 491
applicable uprates for the MS5001P MS53382C Present 35,600/ 38,000/ 6,990/ 8,700/ 1,770/ 1,770/ 957/ 982/ 970/693/ 961/
26,547 28,337 9,889 12,309 966 966 434 445 521/367 516
model for reference.
MS5432D July 1997 - 42,600/ - 8,700/ - 1,807/ - 1,113/ - 950/
31,770 12,309 986 504 510

MS5002 Advanced Technology Includes 0/0 Inches H 0 Inlet/Exhaust Pressure Drops Base Load Operation on Natural Gas Fuel
* First Number is Turbine Exhaust; Second is Regenerator Stack
Package - Models A and B **Heat Rates are Lower Heating Value. To Convert to % Thermal Efficiency, Divide 2547 Btu/hp-hr by Heat Rate (Btu/hp-hr) and Multiply 100

(FT2C) RC = Regenerative Cycle

SC = Simple Cycle

The MS5002B gas turbine was

introduced in 1970. Various minor Figure 41 MS5002P Performance History GT18463G

design changes have been made to

reach the 35,000 HP ISO rating. Because of
the interest expressed by many customers, a Code MS5002A MS5002B

development program was undertaken to FT2J 2 Vane Stage 1 Nozzle X X

increase the MS5002B rating to 38,000 HP FT2K GTD111 Directionally Solidified Stage 1 Bucket X X
FR1G TBC Coated Combustion Liners With Splash Plate Cooled
(ISO). This rating has been applied to current Crossfire Tube Collars X X

production units as an MS5002C. This FR1G Swirl Cooled Crossfire Tubes With Hardfacing X X

advanced technology package can be applied - LP Thrust Bearing Pad X X

FS1Y Up-Drain #2 Bearing Liner X X
to all existing MS5002A and B units. Figure
- Turbine Shell Insulation Packs X X
41 shows a comparison of MS5002 ratings - HP & LP Turbine Rotor Bolt Tightening X X
(Low Ambient Temp. Applications Only)
for both original and uprated configurations.
- Stage 2 Bucket X -
Figure 42 is a listing of the MS5002 FS1U Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser X -
advanced technology package. This uprating (High Ambient Temperature Applications Only)

package has been sold for more than 70

Figure 42 MS5002A and B Advanced Technology Uprate GT18464E

Package Hardware Changes

- 18 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS5002B units, uprating their output to meet changing

operational conditions. This advanced technology
package also results in considerable maintenance
savings due to fewer inspections, as shown in Figure 28.
The MS5002 Advanced Technology Uprate Program
can also be applied to earlier MS5002A units. Due to the
increase in firing temperature, it is also necessary to
change the MS5002A stage 2 buckets to the MS5002B
standard design, as shown in Figure 42. To maximize
output at higher ambients, it will usually also be
desirable to change to a higher temperature stainless
steel for the exhaust diffuser. Figure 43 shows the
difference in output for an MS5002A advanced
technology uprate with the standard 1000 F/538 C
exhaust temperature limit versus the additional output
possible at higher ambient temperatures with a 1050
F/566 C exhaust temperature limit. The latter exhaust
temperature limit is possible due to the new high-
temperature stainless steel material.
Figure 43 MS5002A Exhaust Temperature Limit
MS5002 “D” Advanced Technology Uprate Impact on Advanced Technology Uprate
(FT2R and FT2S)
Due to continued strong customer interest in additional uprate capability for the MS5002 unit, an MS5002 uprate to
the MS5002D model was developed. This involved replacing the 17-stage MS5002 axial compressor with a 17-stage
MS6001 axial flow compressor. Figure 21 depicts the combination of MS6001 and MS5002 technology to produce
the MS5002D. The MS5002D field retrofit program can be offered in two phases: MS6001 compressor upgrade only
for about 10% uprate (FS2R) or MS6001
compressor with optimized hot gas path Output Heat Rate
for about 12% uprate (FS2S). The primary GTD 450 IGV’s (Pre 1978/post 1978) +3.8/+1.690% -0.1/-0.3%
design change for the optimized hot gas (FT2A/FT2B)
path is a new stage 1 nozzle with reduced 86º IGV Setting +0.20% --
throat area to provide a higher compressor MS5002 “B” to “C” Adv Tech Uprate (FT2C) +7.0% --
pressure ratio. Figure 44 is a tabulation of MS5002 “C” to “D” Adv Tech Uprate (FT2S) +13.0% -1.0%
all of the available uprate programs for a Stage 2 Shroud Honeycomb Seal (FS2T) +0.40% -0.40%
typical MS5002B unit. Figure 45 is an HPP Brush Seal (FS2V) +0.50% -0.40%
uprate study for a typical MS5002B unit #2 Bearing Brush Seal (FS2X) +0.20% -0.10%
with options to uprate to an MS5002C or Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y) +0.50% -0.50%
an MS5002D configuration. Also shown is 5/2D S1N in 5/2C (FT2T)
a comparison of standard uprate (Included in “C” to “D” Uprate) +2.40% -1.0%
performance vs. performance with a Total “B” to “C” +12.6% -2.5%
control curve “tilted” to optimize high Total “C” to “D” +16.4% -2.5%
ambient temperature output. Total “B” to “D” +28.6% -2.5%

MS6001B Uprates Figure 44 MS5002 Uprate Summary GER3751-44

Figure 46 provides a history of ratings for
all vintages of MS6001 models. Several uprate options are available (see Figure 47) by applying the latest new unit
technology. The improved honeycomb shroud seals (FS2T and FS2U) provide improved sealing over the shroud tips
on stage 2 and 3 buckets, thus improving output by 0.6% (see Figure 9). The load gear can be replaced to allow the
turbine speed to increase to 5,133 rpm (FP4D), as shown in Figure 48. The higher turbine speed will provide
approximately 1% higher output. The GTD stage 2 nozzle and inlet guide vane improvements are shown in Figure 18.
The sum of these improvements will yield a 9.45% output increase for units built prior to 1987.

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 19 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS6571B Uprate to (FT4L)

All vintages of MS6001 units can be uprated by 35
F/19 C in firing temperature by applying the MS6001
advanced technology uprate package (see Figure 47).
This uprate program began in late 1994 with field
testing on a fully instrumented MS6001 unit to
provide a detailed aerodynamic and performance map
of the existing design. Based on this test data, an
uprate program was developed to increase firing
temperature by 35 F/19 C. Figure 49 is a summary of
all the uprate programs for a MS6001B unit.
Due to concern over bucket life for stages 1 and 2,
the metallurgical, mechanical design and cooling
circuits were extensively redesigned to provide
considerable additional expected parts life and to be
suitable for the firing temperature increase. The
remaining hot gas path parts have been upgraded with
the same design changes incorporated in the
MS9001E when its firing temperature was increased Figure 45 MS5002B Uprate with “Tilted”
to 2055 F/1124 C. The performance increase for the Control Curve
firing temperature increase is approximately 3.0%.
E x h F low
MS7001B Turbine Uprate Turbine S hip F iring Tem p O utput* H eat Rate* E x haus t
M odel D ates (F /C) (k W ) (B tu/k W hr/k J/k W hr) (10 3 lbs /hr) Tem p (F /C )
(FT5X) M S 6431A 1978 1850/1010 31,050 11,220/11,835 1,077 891/477
The MS7001B model was M S 6441A 1979 1850/1010 31,800 11,250/11,867 1,112 901/483
M S 6521B 1981 2020/1104 36,730 11,120/11,729 1,117 1017/547
introduced in 1970. Design
P G 6531B 1983 2020/1104 37,300 10,870/11,466 1,115 1005/541
changes in compressor, P G 6541B 1987 2020/1104 38,140 10,900/11,497 1,117 999/537
combustion and hot-gas-path P G 6551B 1995 2020/1104 39,120 10,740/11,329 1,137 1003/539
components were introduced P G 6581B 2000 2077/1136 41,090 10,740/11,329 1,161 1010/543
over the years to achieve the P G 6101F A 1998 2350/1288 69,270 10,095/10,648 1,658 1095/591

present MS7001EA model. *ISO conditions, unit operating at Base Load on Fuel and no inlet or exhaust losses.
Figure 50 lists a performance
uprate history for the MS7001
model. By applying standard Figure 46 MS6001B Performance History GT25632A

current production MS7001EA

parts to older MS7001B units, GE can increase • Stage 1 Bucket - GTD111 With Perimeter Cooling
output as detailed in the four possible uprate options • Stage 2 Bucket - Turbulated Cooling
listed in Figure 51. Figure 52 details individual • Stage 3 Bucket - IN738 With Advanced Aero
design improvements for each MS7001EA
• Stage 1 Nozzles - Chordal Hinge for Improved Sealing &
component involved in the B to E uprate. Side Wall Cooling
• Stage 2, 3 Nozzles - GTD222
The most significant design improvement for each • Stage 1 Shroud - Improved Intersegment Cloth Seals
MS7001B and E unit is the stage 1 turbine nozzle.
• Nimonic Transition Piece
As shown in Figure 50, the E unit has a higher
• TBC Coated Combustion Liners
airflow than the B unit, but it has a smaller “throat
area” for the stage 1 nozzle. This design provides a • Extendor™ Combustion Upgrade
significant increase in compressor pressure ratio.
When the MS7001EA Stage 1 nozzle is applied to Figure 47 MS6571B Advanced Technology Uprate GT24956D

MS7001B units, there is a 6% increase in Materials

- 20 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

compressor pressure ratio. Extensive

evaluation indicated the increase in
pressure ratio was acceptable on
MS7001B units. The first application of
• Increase Turbine Speed
this uprate was to a utility unit in Alaska. • Performance Improvements
Extensive field testing (completed in
60 Hz 50Hz
August 1988) proved this uprate was a
success. Option 1 involves new reduced Output +0.82% +0.60%
camber IGVs and MS7001EA stage 1 Heat Rate - 0.11% -0.07%
buckets and nozzle. Due to increased
efficiency, the actual exhaust temperature
decreases for this option. Option 2 is
Model 674
intended to increase firing temperature as
much as possible to keep exhaust
temperature at pre-uprate levels. This Figure 48 MS6001B 5,133 rpm Load Gear GER3751-48

option would be applicable to heat

recovery unit application, where exhaust
Output Heat Rate
temperature decreases would be
Stage 2 Nozzle/GTD-222 (FS1P) +1.00% -0.40%
detrimental to combined-cycle efficiency
Stage 2 Shroud Honeycomb Seals (FS2T) +0.35% -0.35%
and exhaust temperature increases might
Stage 3 Shroud Honeycomb Seals (FS2U) +0.25% -0.25%
not be compatible with the HRSG. Option
GTD-450 IGV’s (Pre 1987) (FT4C) +1.50% -0.30%
3 is the maximum exhaust temperature
86º IGV Setting (FT4M) +0.40% +0.20%
with the existing MS7001B exhaust frame
Turbine Speed Increase (FP4D)* +0.82% -0.11%
and diffuser assembly. This option would
Improved Cool Stg 1 Nozzle (FS2J) -- --
increase the MS7001B rating at ISO
Stage 1 Shroud Cloth Seals (FS2Y) +1.0% -0.4%
conditions to approximately 70 MW.
Inner Stage Packing Brush Seal (FS2Z) +1.0% -0.50%
Option 4 involves increasing the firing
HP Packing Brush Seals (FS2V) +0.75% -0.50%
temperature for an MS7001B unit to the
Firing Temp Uprate Package (FT4L) +3.0% -0.20%
full 2020 F/1104 C MS7001E/EA firing
S1S Abraidable Coating Seal (FS20) +0.4% -0.30%
temperature by also changing to the
Total +9.45% -3.10%
MS7001EA exhaust frame and diffuser * 60 Hz GE-Supplied Load Gears
assembly. See Figures 57 and 58 for these
uprate options. In addition to the output
Figure 49 MS6001B Uprate Summary GER3751-49
increases, a significant improvement in
maintenance/inspection intervals is
Air Flow Heat Rate
achieved by using the higher firing Performance* Firing (103 lbs/hr/ (Btu/kW-hr/ Exhaust
Model Ship Dates kW (NEMA) (1) Temp (F/C) 103 kg/hr) kJ/kWh) Temp (F/C)
temperature MS7001E parts. Figure 53
PG7651A 1970-71 47,260 1650/899 1.851/0.840 11,910/12.563 844/451
details expected extensions in maintenance PG7711B 1971-72 51,800 1800/982 1.851/0.840 12,090/12,753 944/507
kW (ISO)(1)
intervals using 7EA hot-gas-path parts. PG7821B 1972-1978 60,000 1840/1004 1.905/0.864 10,960/11,560 947/508
PG7851B 1978-1979 61,750 1850/1010 1.967/0.892 10,920/11,518 944/507
Due to the cost of this uprate, it may be PG7931C 1974-1977 68,500 1950/1065 2.129/0.966 10,970/11,571 986/530
desirable to uprate MS7001B units a few PG7971E
components at a time to take advantage of PG7101E
the individual component design PG7111EA
improvements. Each MS7001EA PG7111EA
component in Figure 52 can be applied to PG7121EA
MS7001B units with only minor PG7221FA 1992-95 159,100 2350/1288 3.347/1.518 9,440/9,957 1,087/586
PG7231FA 1995-99 167,000 2400/1316 3.428/1.555 9,420/9,936 1,101/594
modification. A turbine/generator PG7241FA 1999- 171,700 2420/1327 3.581/1.622 9400/9915 1,131/601
PG7251FB 2001 181,400 2555/1402 3.600/1.631 9310/9820 1,149/621
performance comparison will be required
*Base load distillate fuel, includes 0/0 inches H2O iInlet/exhaust pressure drops
in each case to determine load equipment (1)
In early 1970s, rating standards were changed from NEMA (1000 ft/300m altitude and 80F/27C) to ISO (sea level and 59F/15C) conditions. To
convert from NEMA to ISO rating for approximate comparison, multiply NEMA rating by 1.12. Includes 0/0 inches H2O inlet/exhaust pressure drops.
capability to accept the uprating. This may
Figure 50 MS7001 Performance History

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 21 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

also result in generator and electrical Exhaust

Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 3 Stage 17 Stator *** Frame &
auxiliary modifications. Option IGV Bucket Nozzle Bucket Nozzle Bucket Nozzle Blades and EGVs Combustion Diffuser

(1) GTD-450 X X - - - - X - -

MS7001C, E and EA Uprate to (2)*

(4)* GTD-450 X X X X X X X X X
2035 F/1112 C Tf (FT5Y)
All vintages of MS7001C, E and EA * Generator and station electrical equipment uprate may be required
** Non air-cooled bucket for MS9001B applications
units can be uprated to the latest 7EA ***Blades must be replaced in the 17th EGV1 and EGV2 stator rows for low ambient applications, water or steam injection applications,
or modulating inlet guide vane applications. A new stage 17 wheel is also recommended if replacement with a curved impeller has
firing temperature of 2035 F/1112 C. not been made for MS7001B applications
***Exhaust diffuser may be required for option 3 for high ambient temperature applications
Figure 54 details all required
material changes for each model to Figure 51 MS7001B and MS9001B Material Changes with Current GT25261A
uprate to 2035 F/1112 C. Figures 57 Production on E/EA Hardware
and 58 list output and heat rate
improvements for increasing firing temperature to 2035 F/1112 C, and for all other performance improvements
applicable to MS7001 C, E and EA models.

MS 7001C, E and EA Uprates to

2055 F/1123 C Tf (FT5Q) Sourcebook
Code Component Design Improvements
All vintages of MS7001C, E and EA FS2J Stage 1 Nozzle - 2 Vane/Segment, 6% Higher Pressure Ratio, Chordal Hinge With Improved
Sidewall Sealing, Improved Sidewall Cooling
units also can be uprated to the latest
MS7001EA firing temperature of 2055 FS2G Stage 1 Bucket - DS GTD111, GT33 +, Blunt Leading Edge Airfoil and Coating on Cooling
F/1123 C. This involves changing the FS1P Stage 2 Nozzle - Air Cooled, Long Chord, GTD222 for Increased Creep Resistance,
stage 2 and 3 buckets, stage 1 nozzle Aluminide Coating, Reduced Cooling

and stage 1 shroud to the latest designs FS1L Stage 2 Bucket - Air Cooled, IN738, Scalloped Tip Shroud (ten cooling holes)

detailed in Figure 52. Figure 55 is a FS1R Stage 3 Nozzle - Long Chord, GTD222 for Increased Creep Resistance

diagram of all of the MS7001E 2055 F FS1M Stage 3 Bucket - Increased Firing Temperature Design, IN738 Scalloped Tip Shroud

uprate sections. Depending on the - Combustion - Slot Cooled Liners (FR1H), Nimonic Thick Wall Transition Pieces (FR1D)
and Thermal Barrier Coated Liners (FR1G)
turbine vintage, the unit’s existing firing
FS2Y Stage 1 Shrouds - HR120 Material With Cloth Seals
temperature and other product
FS2X #2 Bearing - Brush Seals in Outer Bearing Seals
improvements that may have already
FS2T, FS2U Stage 2/3 Shrouds - Honeycomb Seal Shroud Design
been incorporated, output may be
FS2V HPP Brush Seal - Brush Seal on Compressor Inner Barrel Replaces Labyrinth Seal Design
improved from 5% to 19% (see Figure
57). Heat rate can also be improved by
over 3% as shown in Figure 58. Figure 52 MS7001EA Component Design Improvements GT18466 “I”

1100 F/593 C Maximum Exhaust Isotherm Limit (FT7G)

The higher firing temperatures currently used on MS6001/7001/9001 units frequently result in reduced operating
flexibility and, sometimes, output on higher ambient days. Figure 59 plots exhaust temperature versus ambient
temperature for a typical MS7001E unit for different IGV angles.
• Improved Stage 1 Nozzle With Chordal Hinge and Improved
Inspection Intervals - Hours Sidewall Cooling and Sealing Design
• Directionally Solidified (DS) Stage 1 GTD-111 Buckets
7B/9B 7EA/9E Extendor™ • New HR120 Stage 1 Shroud Blocks With Cloth Seals

Combustion Liners 3,000 8,000 16,000 • GTD-222 Stage 2 Nozzle - Reduced Cooling Air Design
• 7EA Stage 2 Scalloped Shroud Bucket - IN738
Transition Pieces - Thin Wall 3,000 - - • GTD-222 Stage 3 Nozzle
- Thick Wall 8,000 8,000 - • 7EA Stage 3 Scalloped Shroud Bucket - U500
- Nimonic - 12,000 16,000 • Extendor™ Combustion Wear System
Hot Gas Path 24,000 24,000 • Thermal Barrier Coated Combustion Liners - Hastelloy-X
• Nimonic Thick Wall Transition Pieces
Major 48,000 48,000
• GTD-450 Reduced Camber IGVs Set at 86º
• Stage 2/3 Honeycomb Shroud Blocks
Significant Savings in Maintenance Cost • HPP & #2 Bearing Brush Seal
• 1100 F/593 C Exhaust Isotherm Conversion (100 HP Blowers)

Figure 54 MS7001E/EA Uprate Requirements for 2035 °F/1112 °C

Figure 53 Typical MS7001B vs. MS7001E Maintenance GT24891D Firing Temperature GT24916B

- 22 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Features & Benefits

- Increased Output (+4.9 to 18.0%)
- Decreased Heat Rate (-1.5 to –3.8%)
- Improved Cooling Features
- Improved materials
Extendor TM HR-120
Extendor TM HR-120Stage
Stage11 Honeycomb
Honeycomb Seal
Combustion System
System Improved
Cooling Shrouds
Shrouds with
with Stage-2/3
(optional) Stage-1
Stage-1 Nozzle
Nozzle Improved
Improved Seals
Seals (optional)

Liners GTD-222

Brush Seals
Nimonic 263
263 Transition
Transition Stage
Buckets Stage
Pieces (TBC
(TBC Coated)
Coated) with
with Improved
Improved with
with Improved
Cooling Scalloped

Figure 55 MS7001E 2055 °F Uprate GER3751-55

Exhaust Frame Cooling Circuit Modification

Use 100Hp Blower Inlet On

blowers Exhaust Frame
(2 parallel)
Add Tunnel Cover

Plug Some
Holes In
Inner Barrel

Figure 56 MS7001E and MS9001E Exhaust Frame Diagram GER3751-56

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 23 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS 7 0 0 1 B-E U p ra te Op tio n s
I II III IV MS 7 0 0 1 C MS 7 0 0 1 E MS 7 0 0 1 E MS 7 0 0 1 EA MS 7 0 0 1 EA
Orig in a l Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1950/ 1985/ 2020/ 2020/ 2035/
1004 1004 1004 1004 1066 1085 1104 1104 1113
Ma xim u m U pra te d Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1905/ 1965/ 2020/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/
1004 1041 1074 1104 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124
Inc re a s e in Output
% % % % % % % % %
In cre a s e in Tf & C o n tro l Mo ds (FT5 X) - 6 .7 1 2 .8 1 8 .2 - - - - -
2 0 2 0 F & C o ntro ls Mo d s (FT5 C ) - - - - 7 .4 4 .0 - - -
2 0 3 5 F & C o ntro l Mo d s (FT5 Y) - - - - 8 .7 5 .4 2 .3 1 .8 -
2 0 5 5 F & C o ntro l Mo d s (FT5 Q) - - - - 1 0 .3 7 .0 3 .9 3 .4 1 .6
GTD -4 5 0 IGV's (8 4 °) (FT5 B ) 4 .3 4 .3 4 .3 4 .3 4 .1 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 -
Ad d itio n a l 2 ° IGV (8 6 °) 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 - -
GTD -2 2 2 S2 N (FS1 P) - -1 .0 -1 .0 -1 .0 0 .8 0 .8 0 .8 0 .8 -
E xh . Frm . Mo to r Blo w e rs (FS2 D ) - - - 0 .2 - - - - -
Air-C o o le d S 2 B - -1 .6 5 -1 .6 5 -1 .6 5 - - - - -
H R 1 2 0 S1 S /C lo th S e a ls (FS2 Y) - 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0 0 .7 0
S ta g e 2 Bu cke t Sh ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b Se a ls (FS2 T) - 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 -
S ta g e 3 Bu cke t Sh ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b Se a ls (FS2 U ) - - 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 -
H PP Brus h Se a ls (FS2 V) 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0
N u m b e r 2 Be a rin g B ru s h Se a ls (FS 2 X) - - - - 0 .3 0 0 .3 0 0 .3 0 0 .3 0 0 .3 0
S ta g e 2 N o zzle D ia p h ra m Bru s h Se a ls (FS2 Z) 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0
S 1S Ab ra id a b le C o a tin g Se a l (FS2 O) 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0
Ma xim u m O u tp u t I n cre a se * 6 .6 1 1 .7 1 8 .0 2 3 .6 1 9 .5 1 3 .6 1 0 .5 9 .6 5 .0

*To ta l e ffe cts a re a co m p o u n d in g e ffe ct o f all th e p e rform a n ce im p ro ve m en ts fro m a b o ve .

So u rce b o o k co d e s a re p ro vid e d in p a re n th e s e s
N OTE : All p erfo rm a n ce e s tim a tes a p p ly a t ISO co n d itio n s (5 9 ° F/1 5 °C , 1 4 .7 p s ia /1 .0 1 3 ba r)

Figure 57. MS7001 Uprate Options: Effect on Output GT25155D

MS 7001B-E Uprate Options

I II III IV MS 7001C MS 7001E MS 7001E MS 7001EA MS 7001EA
Original Tf (°F/°C) 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1950/ 1985/ 2020/ 2020/ 2035/
1004 1004 1004 1004 1066 1085 1104 1104 1113
Maximum Uprated Tf (°F/°C) 1840/ 1905/ 1965/ 2020/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/
1004 1041 1074 1104 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124
Decrease in Heat Rate
% % % % % % % % %
Increase in Tf & Control Mods (FT5X) - -1.1 -2.0 -2.6 - - - - -
2020F & Controls Mods (FT5C) - - - - 0.6 -0.3 - - -
2035F & Control Mods (FT5Y) - - - - -0.7 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -
2055F & Control Mods (FT5Q) - - - - -0.7 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1
S1N Chordal Hinge (FS2J) -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25
GTD-450 IGV's (84°) (FT5B) -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
Additional 2° IGV (86°) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 - -
GTD-222 S2N (FS1P) - 0.4 0.4 0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
Exh. Frm. Motor Blowers (FS2D) - - - -0.1 - - - - -
Air-Cooled S2B - 1.1 1.1 1.1 - - - - -
HR120 S1S/Cloth Seals (FS2Y) - -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Stage 2 Bucket Shrouds
with Honeycomb Seals (FS2T) - -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35
Stage 3 Bucket Shrouds
with Honeycomb Seals (FS2U) - - -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15
HPP Brush Seals (FS2V) -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Number 2 Bearing Brush Seals (FS2X) - - - - -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.20
Stage 2 Nozzle Diaphram Brush Seals (FS2Z) -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
S1S Abraidable Coating Seal (FS2O) -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
Maximum Heat Rate Improvement -3.5 -3.95 -5.0 -5.7 -3.65 -3.55 -3.25 -3.45 -3.35

*Total effects are a compounding effect of all the performance improvements from
Sourcebook codes are provided in parentheses
NOTE: All performance estimates apply at ISO conditions (59° F/15°C, 14.7 psia/1.013 bar)

Figure 58. MS7001 Uprate Options: Effect on Heatrate GT25156C

- 24 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Figure 59 Improved Operational Flexibility and Increased Exhaust Heat

Recovery When Modulating IGVs with Exhaust Isotherm Increase
to 1100 F/593 C

Many older units were shipped with a 1020 F/549 C or 1040 F/560 C maximum exhaust temperature limit (isotherm).
In many cases, the following resulted:
• Reduction in output on hot days as firing temperature had to be reduced when maximum exhaust
temperature was reached
• Inability to operate at lower IGV angles on hot days to maximize part load heat rate at part load on
heat recovery units
• Reduced turn down ratio on
DLN units at all ambients
The increase in maximum exhaust
temperature setting to 1100 F/593 C
these problems, as shown in Figure 59.
Figure 56 shows a cross section of the
material changes required to go to
1100 F exhaust temperature limit. The
change in maximum exhaust
temperature setting generally will
require changing the exhaust frame
blower to 100 HP blowers. The ability
to raise the maximum exhaust
temperature setting on existing units
must be reviewed thoroughly due to
possible impact on other exhaust
system components.

Uprates with “Tilted” Control

Curves (FT7I)
Normally turbine control curves are
designed to keep a constant firing Figure 60 MS7001E Uprate With “Tilted” Control Curve
temperature across the ambient

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 25 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

temperature range of each site. This results in a significant decrease in unit output at higher ambient temperatures. To
attempt to partially compensate for this performance loss, we can “tilt” the control curve to “overfire” on hot days and
“underfire” on cold days. The formula provides 1.55 additional output on hot days and loses about 20% on cold days.
The parts life savings on cold days compensates for the slight parts life decrease on hot days by overfiring. This
option is restricted to base load units and to units with the latest advance technology uprate components. See Figure
60 for a typical example of a tilted control curve.

MS7001F and FA Uprate to the “MS7001FA Uprate” Configuration (FT5L)

The MS7001F was introduced in 1988 and has been uprated for new unit production to the current “MS7001FA
uprate” configuration. Ratings for all vintages of MS7001F units are listed in Figure 50. Numerous design changes in
metallurgy, cooling and coatings have been incorporated into the latest 7FA uprate designs. In each case, the original
7F/FA parts can be upgraded individually, on a spare part basis, to realize the parts reliability advantages of the latest
PG7241FA uprate parts. Due to variations in 7F units, it is essential that an individual unit review be made to
determine the scope of the uprate kit for each unit. Figure 23 shows the performance gains for earlier 7F vintage units
by applying selected kits of PG7241FA parts.

MS9001B Turbine Uprate (FT6X)

Many design changes have been incorporated into the MS9001 since its mid-1970s introduction. Figure 61 lists a
performance uprate history for the MS9001 model. Current production MS9001E buckets and nozzles (all three
stages) can be retrofitted into all earlier production MS9001B units with minor modifications and into existing
MS9001E units as direct replacement parts. Substantial improvements in expected parts life will be realized when
uprating older MS9001B units with current production MS9001E hot-gas-path parts. Two customers have already
purchased several MS9001E components to uprate their MS9001B units.

It is also possible to uprate MS9001B combustion systems to use MS9001E components by changing to the MS9001E
type combustion system. This would provide significant improvements in recommended combustion inspection
intervals (see Figure 53). Figure 51 details four options for increased performance for MS9001B units when using
MS9001E hot-gas-path components similar to the MS7001B to E uprate. Option 1 involves new reduced camber
IGVs and MS9001E stage 1 buckets and nozzles. Due to increased efficiency, the actual exhaust temperature
decreases for this option. Option 2
ISO Air Flow Heat Rate is intended to increase firing
Performance* 6 Firing (10 lbs/hr (Btu/kW-hr Exhaust
Model Ship Dates kW 6 Temp (F/C) 10 kg/hr) kJ/kWh) Temp. (F/C) temperature as much as possible to
PG9111B 1975-81 85,200 1840/1004 2.736/1.241 10,990/11.592 945/507
keep exhaust temperature at pre-
PG9141E 1978-81 105,600 1955/1068 3.155/1.431 10,700/11,286 953/512
uprate levels. This option would be
PG9157E 1981-83 109,300 1985/1085 3.183/1.444 10,700/11,286 968/520
applicable to heat recovery unit
PG9151E 1983-87 112,040 2000/1093 3.214/1.458 10,570/11,149 977/525 applications, where exhaust
PG9167E 1988-92 116,930 2020/1104 3.222/1.461 10,290/10,854 980/527 temperature decreases would be
PG9171E 1993 127,300 2055/1124 3.355/1.520 10,620/11,202 1003/539 detrimental to combined-cycle
PG9301F 1993-94 209,740 2300/1260 4.804/2.179 10,080/10,632 1,082/583 efficiency and exhaust temperature
PG9311FA 1994 223,760 2350/1288 4.819/2.186 9,630/10,158 1,097/592 increases might not be compatible
PG9351FA 1999 251,800 2420/1327 5.174/2.344 9,295/9,804 1123/623 with the HRSG. Option 3 is the
maximum exhaust temperature with
*Base load distillate fuel, includes 0/0 inches H O inlet/exhaust pressure drops
the existing MS9001B exhaust
frame and diffuser assembly. This
Figure 61 MS9001 Performance History GT18469H option would increase the
MS9001B rating at ISO conditions
to approximately 93 MW. Option 4 involves increasing the firing temperature for the MS9001B units to the full 2020
F/1104 C MS9001E firing temperature by also changing to the MS9001E exhaust frame and diffuser assembly. See
Figures 65 and 66 for performance improvements for these four uprate options.

- 26 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS9001 Uprate to 2020 F/1104 C (FT6C)

Earlier models of MS9001E turbines with firing • Turbulated Cooled GTD-111 Stage 1 Buckets*
temperatures of 1955 F/1068 C, 1985 F/1085 C or 2000 • GTD-222 Stage 3 Nozzle**
F/1093 C can be uprated to the MS9161E rating at 2020 • Extendor™ Combustion Upgrade
F/1104 C. Figure 62 details all required changes and • TBC Coated Slot-Cooled Liners
Figure 65 lists improvements in output. Figure 66 lists • Nimonic Transition Pieces
improvements in heat rate for this uprate as well as for all • 9E Exhaust Frame and Blowers
other performance improvements applicable to earlier
MS9001E models.
• GTD-450 Reduced Camber Inlet Guide Vanes
• Stage 2 & 3 Honeycomb Shroud Seals
• High Pressure Packing Brush Seals
MS9001 Uprate to 2055 F/1124 C (FT6Y) • 1000 F/538 C Maximum Exhaust Temperature
All models of MS9001E turbines can be upgraded to the
MS9171E rating at 2055 F /1124 C. Figure 63 details all * Any vintage GTD-111 Stage 1 Buckets Shipped After 1987 Can Be Used
**A Long Chord FSX-414 Stage 3 Nozzle Can Be Used
required material changes and Figure 65 lists output
improvements. Figure 66 lists heat rate improvements for Figure 62 MS9001E Uprate Requirements for
this uprate as well as for all other performance 2020F/1104C Firing Temperature GT24887C

improvements applicable to earlier MS9001E models.

All components involved in the MS9001 uprate • Improved Stage 1 Nozzle With Chordal Hinge and Improved Sidewall
Cooling and Sealing Design
programs are identical to the components used in new • Turbulated Cooled GTD-111 Stage 1 Buckets
unit production. Due to the extensive scope of these • Two-Piece Stage 1 Shroud Blocks
uprate programs, it may be desirable to incorporate • Reduced Cooling GTD-222 Stage 2 Nozzle
individual components on a spare/replacement part • GTD-111 Stage 2 Buckets
basis. Figure 64 details all the design improvements on • GTD-222 Stage 3 Nozzle
the flange-to-flange components. Performance • IN738 Stage 3 Buckets
improvements associated with individual components • Extendor™ Combustion Upgrade
• TBC Coated Slot-Cooled Liners
are included in Figures 65 and 66. GER-3928 has • Nimonic Transition Pieces
complete details on the MS9001 uprate programs. • 9E Exhaust Frame and Blowers
• GTD-450 Reduced Camber Inlet Guide Vanes
MS9001F Uprate to the MS9001FA • Stage 2 & 3 Honeycomb Shroud Blocks
Configuration (FT6Z) • High Pressure Packing Brush Seals
The MS9001F began production in 1993. Ratings for • 1100 F/593 C Exhaust Temperature
all vintages of MS9001F units are listed in Figure 61. Figure 63 MS9001E Uprate Requirements for
2055F/1124C Firing Temperature
Numerous design changes in metallurgy, cooling and
coatings have been incorporated into the latest 9FA
designs. In each case, the original 9F parts can be
upgraded individually, on a spare parts basis, Sourcebook
Code Component Design Improvements
to realize the parts reliability advantages of
FS2J Stage 1 Nozzle - 2 Vane/Segment, Improved Sidewall Cooling
the latest 9FA parts. Due to variations in 9F
FS2H Stage 1 Bucket - GTD111, GT29 +, Blunt Leading Edge Airfoil and Turbulated Cooling Holes
units, it is essential that an individual unit
FS2C Stage 1 Shroud - 2 Piece Shroud for 9E
review be made to determine the scope of the
FS1P Stage 2 Nozzle - Air Cooled, Long Chord, GTD222 for Increased Creep Resistance
uprate kit for each unit. Figure 23 shows the
FS2F Stage 2 Bucket - Air Cooled, GTD111, Scalloped Tip Shroud
performance gains for earlier 9F and 9FA
FS1R Stage 3 Nozzle - Long Chord, GTD222 for Increased Creep Resistance
vintage units by applying selected kits of
FS2K Stage 3 Bucket - Increased Firing Temperature IN738 Material
PG9351FA parts.
Model Letter Uprates - Combustion - Slot Cooled Liners (FR1H), Nimonic Thick Wall Transition Pieces (FR1D)
and Thermal Barrier Coated Liners (FR1G)

In addition to the advanced technology FS2T, FS2U Stage 2 & 3 Shroud Blocks - Honeycomb Seal Shroud Design

uprates for a given model gas turbine, it is FS2V Inner Barrel - Brush Seal on Compressor Inner Barrel Replaces Labyrinth Seal Design

possible to uprate from one model letter to

another (i.e., MS5001L to MS5001R). A Figure 64 MS9001E Component Design Improvements GT24257B

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 27 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS 9 0 0 1 B -E U p ra te s
I II III IV 9 E -2 0 2 0 F/1 1 0 4 C (FT6 C ) 9 E -2 0 5 5 /F1 1 2 4 C (FT6 Y)
O rig in a l Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1955/ 1985/ 2000/ 1955/ 1985/ 2000/ 2020/ 2055/
1004 1004 1004 1004 1068 1085 1093 1104 1104 1093 1104 1124
Ma xim u m U p ra te d Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1905/ 1965/ 2020/ 2020/ 2020/ 2020/ 2055 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/
1004 1041 1074 1104 1104 1104 1104 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124
Inc re a s e in O utput
% % % % % % % % % % % %
In c re a s e in Firin g Te m p . & C o n tro l Mo d s (FT5 X) - 6 .7 1 2 .8 1 8 .2 6 .5 4 .0 2 .7 9 .5 7 .0 5 .7 3 .5 -
B o re P lu g s 0 .3 3 0 .3 3 0 .3 3 0 .3 3 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4
C 4 5 0 1 G V (8 4 °) 4 .3 4 .3 4 .3 4 .3 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 - -
Ad d itio n a l 2 ° IG V (8 6 °) 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4
R o ta te d S 3 B - - 0 .6 0 .6 - - - 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 -
G TD -2 2 2 S 2 N - -1 .0 -1 .0 -1 .0 - - - 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0
E xh a u s t Fra m e B lo w e rs - - - 0 .2
Air-C o o le d S 2 B - - -1 .6 5 -1 .6 5 - - - - - - -
S ta g e 2 B u cke t S h ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b S e a ls (FS 2 T) - 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 - - - 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5
S ta g e 3 B u cke t S h ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b S e a ls (FS 2 U ) - - 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 - - - 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5
H P P B ru s h S e a ls (FS 2 V) 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0
N u m b e r 2 B ig B ru s h S e a ls (FS 2 Y) - - - - 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3 0 .3
S ta g e 2 N o zzle D ia p h ra m B ru s h S e a ls (FS 2 Z) 0 .5 0 .5 0 .5 0 .5 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0
H R 1 2 0 O n e P ie ce S 1 S W C lo th S e a ls (FS 2 Y) 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 1 .3
S 1 S Ab ra id a b le C o a tin g S e a l (FS 2 0 ) 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4
T o ta l E ffe ct o n O u tp u t * 7 .3 1 3 .4 1 8 .6 2 4 .2 0 1 1 .9 9 .4 8 .1 1 6 .7 1 4 .2 1 2 .9 9 .2 6 .3

*To ta l e ffe cts a re a co m p o u n d in g e ffe c t o f a ll th e p e rfo rm a n ce im p ro ve m e n ts a b o ve .

S o u rce b o o k co d e s a re p ro vid e d in p a re n th e s e s
N O TE : All p e rfo rm a n ce e s tim a te s a p p ly a t IS O c o n d itio n s (5 9 ° F/1 5 °C , 1 4 .7 p s ia /1 .0 1 3 b a r)

Figure 65. Frame 9 Uprate Options: Effect on Output

MS 9 0 0 1 B-E U p ra te s
I II III IV 9 E -2 0 2 0 F/1 1 0 4 C (FT6 C ) 9 E -2 0 5 5 /F1 1 2 4 C (FT6 Y)
Orig in a l Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1840/ 1955/ 1985/ 2000/ 1955/ 1985/ 2000/ 2020/ 2055/
1004 1004 1004 1004 1068 1085 1093 1068 1085 1093 1104 1124
Ma xim u m U p ra te d Tf (°F/°C ) 1840/ 1905/ 1965/ 2020/ 2020/ 2020/ 2020/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/ 2055/
1004 1041 1074 1104 1104 1104 1104 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124
D e c re a s e in H e a t R a te
% % % % % % % % % % % %
In cre a s e in Firin g Te m p . & C o n tro l Mo d ifica tio n s - -1 .1 -2 .0 -2 .6 -0 .5 -0 .2 7 -0 .1 5 -0 .7 7 -0 .5 4 -0 .4 2 -0 .2 7 -
S 1 N C h o rd a l H in g e -1 .9 -1 .9 -1 .9 -1 .9 - - - -0 .2 5 -0 .2 5 -0 .2 5 -0 .2 5 -0 .2 5
B o re P lu g s -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2
C 4 5 0 1 GV (8 4 °) -0 .7 -0 .7 -0 .7 -0 .7 -0 .3 8 -0 .3 8 -0 .3 8 -0 .3 8 -0 .3 8 -0 .3 8 - -
Ad d itio n a l 2 ° IGV (8 6 °) - 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 - - - 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4
R o ta te d S3 B - - 0 .6 0 .6 - - - -0 .2 8 -0 .2 8 -0 .2 8 -0 .2 8 -
GTD -2 2 2 S2 N 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2 0 .2
2 -P ie ce S h ro u d - - - - - - - 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4 0 .4
E xh a u s t Fra m e Blo w e rs - - - -0 .1
Air-C o o le d S 2 B - - 1 .1 1 .1 - - - - - - -
S ta g e 2 B u cke t Sh ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b S e a ls (FS2 T) - 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5 0 .3 5
S ta g e 3 B u cke t Sh ro u d s
w ith H o n e yco m b S e a ls (FS2 U ) - - -0 .1 5 -0 .1 5 -0 .1 5 -0 .1 5 -0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5 0 .1 5
H PP B ru s h Se a ls (FS 2 V) -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5
N u m b e r 2 Big Bru s h S e a ls (FS 2 Y) -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3
S ta g e 2 N o zzle D ia p h ra m Bru s h Se a ls (FS2 Z) -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5 -0 .5
H R 1 2 0 On e Pie ce S1 S W C lo th Se a ls (FS 2 Y) -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .2 -0 .6
S 1 S Ab ra id a b le C o a tin g Se a l (FS2 0 ) -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3 -0 .3
To ta l E ffe c t o n H e a t R a te * -4 .2 -5 .2 -5 .8 -6 .5 -3 .2 -3 .0 -2 .8 -4 .0 -3 .8 -3 .6 -3 .1 -3 .3

*To ta l e ffe cts a re a co m p o u n d in g e ffe ct o f a ll th e p e rfo rm a n ce im p ro ve m e n ts a b o ve .

S o u rce b o o k co d e s a re p ro vid e d in p a re n th e s e s
N OTE: All p e rfo rm a n ce e s tim a te s a p p ly a t IS O co n d itio n s (5 9 ° F/1 5 °C , 1 4 .7 p s ia /1 .0 1 3 b a r)

Figure 66 Frame 9 Uprate Options: Effect on Heat Rate GT24911E

- 28 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

quick review of the performance history charts in this paper will show the significant differences in firing
temperature, airflow and rating among the various models.
• MS3002 (see Figure 25)
• MS5001 (see Figure 34)
• MS5002 (see Figure 41)
• MS6001 (see Figure 46)
• MS7001 (see Figure 50)
• MS9001 (see Figure 61)
In general, model letter uprates can be accomplished with relative ease where firing temperature changes are involved,
and less easily accomplished where airflow changes are involved. However, every older unit can be uprated to a
higher model letter.

Absolute Performance Guarantees

All performance uprates listed in this paper are based on airflow or firing temperature increases that are directly
correlated to performance increases, usually expressed as “percentage increases” or “delta increases.” The absolute
performance achievable after an uprate can vary due to many variables usually present on older units, such as casing
out-of-round, surface finish of non-uprated parts, and clearances. Recognizing that many customers prefer absolute
performance guarantees, Figures 67 and 68 were prepared to show common performance guarantee points for typical
advanced technology uprates. All performances listed are based on ISO conditions (59 F/15 C, sea level, 0"/0"
inlet/exhaust pressure drops, 60% relative humidity), natural gas fuel and base

load, and assume the axial flow compressor is not rebladed. Similar performance
can be easily provided for variations on these conditions.

Non-Recoverable Performance Degradation

Since uprate performance increases are based on real airflow and/or firing temperature increases, the performance
increases provide real and lasting performance improvements. Figure 69 is plotted to show the approximate
performance increase
for a typical Generator Drive**
MS7001B uprate Exhaust
Heat Rate Flow
option III at Advanced Technology Firing Output Btu/kW-hr*/ 10 #/hr/ 3 Exhaust
Uprate Model Temp ºF/ ºC kW* kJ/kWh 10 kg/hr 3 Temp ºF/ ºC Comments
approximately 48,000
MS5001R - N/T 1755/957 19,800 13,250/13,976 774.6/351 975/524 -
fired hours.
MS5001P - N/T 1765/963 25,240 12,430/13,111 952.1/432 924/496 Axial Strut
The expected typical (Pre 1978)
non-recoverable MS5001P - N/T 1765/963 25,720 12,110/12,774 949.1/431 919/493 Rotated Strut
(Post 1978)
performance MS7001B/E (#1) 1840/1004 60,910 11,020/11,624 2040/925 911/488 Option #1
degradation is plotted MS7001B/E (#2) 1905/1041 63,500 11,100/11,708 2041/926 954/512 Option #2
for the original MS7001B/E (#3) 1965/1074 67,140 11,010/11,613 2042/926 990/532 Option #3

configuration as well MS7001B/E (#4) 2020/1104 70,540 10,940/11,540 2043/927 1024/551 Option #4
MS7001E 2020/1104 77,840 10,830/11,423 2299/1043 1000/538 -
as for uprate option MS7001E 2035/1113 78,810 10,820/15,308 2299/1043 1010/543 -
III. This shows that MS7001EA 2035/1113 81,950 10,690/15,124 2365/1073 997/536 -
the performance MS9001B/E (#1) 1840/1004 87,960 11,000/11,600 2938/1332 911/488 Option #1

increase of 15.05% at MS9001B/E (#2) 1905/1041 93,270 10,940/11,540 2939/1333 954/512 Option #2
MS9001B/E (#3) 1965/1074 97,600 10,900/11,500 2940/1333 990/532 Option #3
48,000 fired hours
MS9001B/E (#4) 2020/1104 102,580 10,830/11,420 2942/1334 1024/551 Option #4
still returns an MS9001E 2020/1104 114,610 10,520/11,100 3316/1504 982/528 -
expected incremental MS9001E 2055/1124 119,380 10,400/11,000 3317/1504 1004/540 -
performance increase * All Uprates Are Based on Using Reduced Camber High Flow IGVs
** All Uprate Performance is Based on ISO (59 º F/16ºC, Sea Level, 0”/0” Inlet/Exhaust Pressure Drops, 60% Relative Humidity) Natural Gas Fuel, Base Load and Assumes Axial Flow
of 10.9% at 100,000 Compressor is Not Rebladed.

fired hours. By Figure 67 Absolute Performance Guarantee for Advanced Tech GT23564D
comparison, uprates Generator Drive

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 29 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

that are based on component

refurbishment and/or blade
Mechanical Drive**
coatings will usually Advanced Heat Rate Flow
Technology Firing Output Btu/kW-hr/ 103 #/hr/ Exhaust
disappear completely in Uprate Model Temp ºF/ ºC HP/kW kJ/kWh 103 kg/hr Temp ºF/ ºC Comments
10,000 to 15,000 fired hours. MS3002F - N/T 1643/895 11,590/8,643 11,140/15,761 410.5/186 980/527 Simple Cycle
Several sealing design
MS3002F - N/T 1628/887 10,620/7,919 8,160/11,545 410.5/186 605/318 Regen Cycle
improvements listed in this
MS3002 A-F 1575/857 9,700*/7,233 - 379*/172 - Simple Cycle
publication are intended to
MS3002 A-F 1625/885 9,400*/7,010 8,450*/11,955 379*/172 - Regen Cycle
reduce performance
MS3002J - N/T 1770/966 15,140/11,290 9,500/13,441 415/188 1008/542 Simple Cycle
degradation between major
overhauls: MS5002A - N/T 1745/952 27,130/20,231 9,940/14,063 776.1/352 1016/547 Simple Cycle

• Cloth seals for MS5002B - N/T 1770/966 36,000/26,845 9,150/12,945 974.4/442 967/519 Simple Cycle

stage 1 shroud MS5001R - N/T 1755/957 26,080/19,448 9,700/13,724 735.2/333 987/531 Simple Cycle

• High-pressure
packing brush seals * MS3002A-F Uprates Are Based On NEMA Conditions, All Other Numbers Are At ISO Conditions
** All Uprates Are Based On Using Reduced Camber High Flow IGVs
• No. 2 bearing brush
seals Figure 68 Absolute Performance Guarantee for Advanced Tech GT23566C
• No. 2 and No. 3 Generator Drive
honeycomb seals
• Abraidable coating for stage 1 shroud
blocks MS7001B/E Gas Turbine Uprate - Option III

Considerable research and development effort

continues in order to develop improved gas path
leakage sealing systems that improve output and
reduce performance degradation rate on existing

Power Augmentation Uprates

For certain applications where power
augmentation or supplemental power is needed for
certain operating conditions, a variety of power
augmentation options are available:
• Evaporative coolers for inlet air (FJ3F)
• Steam injection into compressor
discharge (F3JB) Figure 69 Estimated Non-Recoverable Performance
Degradation Effects
• Water or steam injection into
combustor head end (FGIA/FGIB)
• Helper/starter expansion turbines (FJ3E)
Evaporative coolers can result in power increases of up to 14% in hot dry ambients. Figure 70 shows typical power
augmentation for adding an evaporative cooler.

Steam injection for power augmentation can result in power increases of 15% to 18% by injection of up to 5% mass
flow (of compressor inlet air) of steam into the compression discharge. Figure 71 shows typical power augmentation
for adding steam injection. A development program is in progress to evaluate increasing the maximum allowable
steam injection rate with a goal of 9% by mass flow of air (refer to Application Engineering for details). Water or
steam can be injected into the combustor head end using the standard NOx water/steam injection systems.

- 30 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Approximately 2% mass flow is possible, which

results in approximately 5% to 6% performance
increase. Helper/starting turbines would have to
be sized for specific applications.

Considerable application engineering support is

required to maximize performance improvement
for any of these power augmentation options. In
addition, a thorough review of all gas turbine
auxiliaries and all load equipment must be made
to ensure that they are compatible with the
supplemental power output.

Combustion System Upgrades

Each of the advanced technology upgrades Figure 70 Effect on Output and Heat Rate of Evaporative
detailed in this paper includes significant Cooling over the Ambient Ranges
improvements to combustion system components.
These combustion system upgrades can also
be supplied as individual options for Steam Increase in Decrease in
Injection Output Power Heat Rate
substantial improvements in component life Model (%) (%) (%)
and/or for extension in recommended MS3002J 5 19.0 -9.0
combustion inspection intervals. Figure 72
MS5001R 5 15.2 -6.5
details the more significant combustion
MS5001P 5 13.2 -4.6
system design improvements incorporated
MS5002B 5 16.0 -7.5
into new unit production during the past
several years. All these design improvements MS6001 5 15.0 -5.0

are available individually or as a package. MS7001B 5 17.0 -6.0

The Sourcebook codes listed for each option MS7001E 5 15.0 -5.0
provide an easy reference number for GE MS7001E 9 29.6 -8.1
field offices to quickly provide detailed MS9001B 5 17.0 -6.0
information on each option. Figures 28 and MS9001E 5 15.0 -5.0
53 provide details on maintenance interval GT23563C
Figure 71 Turbine Performance Improvement with Steam Injection

Extendor™ Program for Increased Combustion Inspection Intervals (FR1V)

All heavy-duty gas turbines undergo periodic combustion inspections to check for material creep, thermal barrier
coating erosion, and wear. See Figures 28 and 53 for standard recommended inspection intervals with conventional
and advanced technology parts. Figure 73 details the new combustion wear-resistant components now known as the
Extendor™ system. With the Extendor system, combustion inspection intervals can be extended up to 24,000 hours
for base load continuous dry units operating dry on natural gas fuel (12,000 hours with water injection using breach
load fuel nozzles). The Extendor system is a combination of:
• Wear-resistant coatings and materials
• Enhanced clearances
• Mechanical design improvements

The Extendor combustion system improvements can be retrofitted into existing combustion hardware during routine
maintenance or to new components using the same conversion package. The system is currently available for standard
Frame 5, 6, 7 and 9 gas turbine models with slot-cooled combustion liners and Nimonic transition pieces. See Figure
73 for additional details.

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 31 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Sourcebook G.T.
Codes Models 3/2A-G 3/2H-J 5/1A-M 5/1R&P 5/2A&B 6/1A&B 7/1A&B 7/1E&EA 9/1B 9/1E

Combustion Features

FR1L Floating Seal Transition Piece - X X X X - - - - -

FR1C Heavy Wall Transition Piece - X - - - - X X X X
FR1D Nimonic Transition Piece - - - - - - X - X -
FR1G TBC Coated Liners X X X X X X X X X X
FT1V 3/2J Combustion for 3/2A-G X - - - - - - - - -
FR1H 7E Combustion for B Units - - - - - X X - - -
FR1V 9E Combustion for B Units - - - - - - - - X -
FR1J Swirl Cooled Cross-Fire Tube - X X X X X - - - -
FR1N Hard Facing - X X X X X X X X X
FR1P New Tech Liners X X X X X - - - - -
FR1Q New Tech T/P X - X X - - - - - -
FR1R Hast X-inner Elbow X X X X X - - - - -
FR1B Low NOx Liners X X X X X X - - - -
FR1E Multi-Nozzle Quiet Combustor - - - - - - X X - -
FR1T Breech Load Fuel Nozzle - - X X - X X X X X
FR1V Extendor™ Wear Kit - - - X X X X X - -

Figure 72 Combustion Upgrade Features

Emission Levels
In considering an uprate to an
existing gas turbine, the impact on
emission levels must be Hula
Fuel Hula Seal/Transition
Seal/Transition Piece-
Piece- Transition
Transition Piece
Piece Floating
considered. Figure 74 lists typical Fuel Nozzle
Nozzle to
to High
Liner-Base High Velocity
Velocity Oxide
Oxide Fuel
Fuel Seal/Transition
Seal/Transition Piece-
Liner-Base Metals
Metals Coating
Coating on
on Both
Both GE
NOx emission levels before and Materials
GE Improved
Improved GE
GE Base
Base Metals,
Materials Replaceable
Replaceable Elements
after uprates for many of the
uprate programs. Also listed are Liner/Flow
Liner/Flow Sleeve
reduced emission levels with Bolted
Bolted Stops,
Reduced Clearance,
various options available for Reduced
Reduced Forces,
emission control (water injection, Replaceable
Replaceable Element
steam injection and Dry Low
NOx). Detailed review of site and
specific emission levels are
provided with each uprate study.

Low NOx Louvered

Cross Fire
Fire Tube/Collar-
Combustion Liners – MS5/1, Cross
Cross Fire
Fire Tube,
Tube, GE
GE Base
Base “H”
“H” Block-Bull
Block-Bull Horn-GE
Horn-GE MS7000EA
MS7000EA Transition
Base Metal
Metal Interface, Piece Seal
Seal and
and Tabs-GE
3/2, 5/2 (FR1B)
Metal Interface
Interface Interface,
Replacement Replaceable
Replaceable Elements Base Metal Interface
Base Metal Interface
Replacement Element
Element Elements
A lean “head end” louvered
combustion liner is available for Figure 73 ExtendorTM System Design Improvements RDC27237

MS3002, MS5001 and MS5002

units. The louvered slot pattern and dilution hole pattern have been changed to provide a much “leaner” combustion
system than the standard louvered liner. This results in an approximately 30% reduction in NOx as compared to the
standard louvered liner. Figure 20 compares the original louvered liner design (“N” liner) to the lean head end liner
(“P” liner). As shown in Figure 74, the NOx emissions level for a standard MS5001P unit increases about 12% when
uprating with advanced technology parts. When the advanced technology uprate is applied in conjunction with the
lean head end louvered P liner, the result is an uprate that results in significantly lower NOx levels (i.e., a 12% increase
due to uprate minus 30% for lean head end liner). Figure 20 plots NOx emissions for an advanced technology uprate
with and without the P lean head end liner. Dozens of advanced technology uprates have been sold with the lean head

- 32 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

H2O/Steam Inj Dry Low NOx

Single Shaft Units Dry
Firing Temp. Gas Dist Gas Dist*
Model F/C Gas Dist. (FG1A/FG1B) (FG1C/FG1F) (FG2F) (FG2F)
MS5001R 1720/938 126 193 42 65 33 42
MS5001P 1730/943 128 195 25 42 20 42
MS5001P-N/T 1765/963 142 211 25 42 20 42

MS6001B 2055/1124 148 267 42 65 9 42

MS7001B 1840/1004 109 165 25 42 - -

MS7001B Option 3 1965/1074 124 191 25 42 15 42
MS7001B Option 4 2020/1104 132 205 25 42 15 42
MS7001EA 2020/1104 154 228 25 42 9 42

MS9001B 1940/1060 109 165 42 65 - -

MS9001B Option 3 1965/1074 124 191 42 65 25 -
MS9001B Option 4 2020/1104 132 205 42 65 25 -
MS9001E 2020/1104 157 235 42 65 25 42
MS9001E 2055/1124 132 241 42 65 25 42

Two Shaft Units*** Dry H2O/Steam Inj Dry Low Nox

Firing Temp.
Model F/C S.C. R.C.** S.C. R.C. S.C. R.C.
MS3002F 1575/1625/857/885 115 201 42 50 - 42
MS3002J 1730/943 128 217 42 50 25 33
MS3002J-N/T 1770/966 140 236 42 50 25 33

MS5002B 1700/927 125 220 42 50 42 65

MS5002C&D 1770/966 137 255 42 50 42 65
* With Water Injection for Distillate Fuel
** S.C. = Simple Cycle and R. C. = Regenerative Cycle
***Two-Shaft NOx Levels Are All On Gas Fuel

Figure 74 NOx Emission Levels At 15% O2 (ppmvd) GT23289F

end liner without the need to add emissions control equipment. Lean head end liner designs are available for almost
all vintages of MS3002, MS5001 and MS5002 units for both regenerative and simple cycle applications for gas fuel
only, or for distillate fuel units with atomizing air.

GE has an advanced technology uprate package available to uprate almost all of the 7,200 GE design heavy-duty gas
turbines, as shown in Figure 71. These advanced technology uprate packages provide significant savings to our
customers due to reduced maintenance, improved efficiency and increased output. Changes in emission levels
associated with a gas turbine uprate may also make it necessary to add/change emission controls due to regulatory
requirements. It is frequently desirable to also consider a control system upgrade or replacement in conjunction with a
turbine uprate to achieve the best overall improvement in reliability.


GE Has an Advanced Technology Uprate

Package Available to Uprate Most of the
6,000 GE Design Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines
to Improve Performance and Reliability

Figure 75 Uprate Summary GT23184C

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 33 -

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

MS3002J MS5001P

MS5002B MS6001

MS7001E MS9001E
Figure 76 Cross Section of the Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine
Product Line GER3751-76

- 34 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

List of Figures
Figure 1 Uprate Considerations
Figure 2 Gas Turbine Uprates
Figure 3 Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate Shipments Through 1999
Figure 4 Reference ASME Papers on Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Uprates
Figure 5 Development Programs for Each Frame Size
Figure 6 Typical Brush Seal Element
Figure 7 # 2 Bearing Brush Seal
Figure 8 Stage 2 Nozzle with a Brush Seal
Figure 9 Honeycomb Seal Insert
Figure 10 Bucket Shroud Cutter Teeth
Figure 11 “Pumpkin-Tooth” Design Versus New Shroud Seal Design
Figure 12 Bar Type Spline Versus Cloth-Seal Design
Figure 13 Abraidable Sealing Coating on a Stage 1 Shroud
Figure 14 MS9171E One-Piece Stage One Shroud Block
Figure 15 GTD 450 IGV Performance Increase
Figure 16 GTD 222 Stage 2 Nozzle Creep
Figure 17 Stage 2 and 3 Nozzle Creep Deflection
Figure 18 GTD Stage 2 Nozzle Performance Improvement
Figure 19 Louvered Low NOx Lean Head End Combustion Liners
Figure 20 Lean Head–End Low NOx Louvered Liners
Figure 21 MS5002D Advanced Technology Uprate
Figure 22 MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate
Figure 23 PG7001F and PG9001F Uprate Packages.
Figure 24 MS7001EA 9% Steam Injection
Figure 25 MS3002 Performance History
Figure 26 MS3002 A Through G Uprate Parts
Figure 27 MS3002 Regenerative Cycle Thermal Efficiency Improvements
Figure 28 MS3002/MS5001/MS5002 Advanced Technology Packages Maintenance Interval Extensions
Figure 29 MS3002 Modernization and Uprate Program
Figure 30 MS3002F Component Design Improvements
Figure 31 MS3002H and J Advanced Technology Uprate
Figure 32 MS3162K Advanced Technology Uprate Definition
Figure 33 MS3002J Uprate Summary
Figure 34 MS5001 Performance History
Figure 35 MS5001 Models A Through P Advanced Technology Uprate Package Hardware Changes
Figure 36 MS5001 Models L Through P Advanced Technology Uprate Package
Figure 37 Comparing MS5001R and P
Figure 38 MS5001P Performance at 5,355 rpm
Figure 39 MS3000 and MS5000 Exhaust Diffuser Upgrade
Figure 40 MS5001P Uprate Summary
Figure 41 MS5002 Performance History
Figure 42 MS5002A and B Advanced Technology Uprate Package Hardware Changes
Figure 43 MS5002A Exhaust Temperature Limit Impact on Advanced Technology Uprate
Figure 44 MS5002B Uprate Summary
Figure 45 MS5002B Uprate with “Tilted” Control Curve.
Figure 46 MS6001B Performance History
Figure 47 MS6571B Advanced Technology Uprate Materials
Figure 48 MS6001B 5,133 rpm Load Gear
Figure 49 MS6001B Uprate Summary
Figure 50 MS7001 Performance History

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Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Figure 51 MS7001B and MS9001B Material Changes with Current Production E/EA Hardware
Figure 52 MS7001EA Component Design Improvements
Figure 53 Typical MS7001B Versus MS7001E Maintenance
Figure 54 MS7001E/EA Uprate Requirements for 2035 F/1112 C Firing Temperature
Figure 55 MS7001E 2055 F Uprate
Figure 56 MS7E and MS9E Exhaust Frame Diagram
Figure 57 MS7001 Uprate Options: Effect On Output
Figure 58 MS7001 Uprate Options: Effect On Heat Rate
Figure 59 Improved Operational Flexibility and Increased Exhaust Heat Recovery when Modulating IGVs with
Exhaust Isotherm Increase To 1100 F/593 C
Figure 60 MS7001E Uprate with “Tilted” Control Curve
Figure 61 MS9001 Performance History
Figure 62 MS9001E Uprate Requirements for 2020 F/1104 C Firing Temperature
Figure 63 MS9001E Uprate Requirements for 2055 F/1124 C Firing Temperature
Figure 64 MS9001E Component Design Improvements
Figure 65 Frame 9 Uprate Options: Effect On Output
Figure 66 Frame 9 Uprate Options: Effect On Heat Rate
Figure 67 Absolute Performance Guarantees for Advanced Technology Generator Drive
Figure 68 Absolute Performance Guarantees for Advanced Technology Mechanical Drive
Figure 69 Estimated Non-Recoverable Performance Degradation Effects
Figure 70 Effect On Output and Heat Rate Of Evaporative Cooling Over the Ambient Range
Figure 71 Turbine Performance Improvement with Steam Injection.
Figure 72 Combustion Upgrade Features
Figure 73 Extendor™ System Design Improvements
Figure 74 NOx Emission Levels at 15% O2 (ppmvd)
Figure 75 Uprate Summary
Figure 76 Cross-Sections of Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Product Line

- 36 - GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00)

Performance and Reliability Improvements for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

Conversion Factors

The following is a list of conversion factors most commonly used for gas turbine performance

To Convert To Multiply By To Convert To Multiply By

acres hectares 4.047 x 10 in cm 2.540
atm kg/cm2 1.0333 in mm 2.54 x 10
2 1 2 2 2
atm lb/in 1.47 x 10 in mm 6.452 x 10
-1 2 -2
bars atm 9.869 x 10 in of mercury kg/cm 3.453 x 10
2 1
bars lb/in 1.45 x 10
Btu J (joules) 1.055 x 10 in of water
-1 2 -3
Btu kcal 2.52 x 10 (at 4°C) kg/cm 2.54 x 10
Btu/h kcal/h 2.520 x 10
Btu/h kJ/h 1.0548 in of water
1 2 -2
Btu/h W (watts) 2.931 x 10 (at 4°C) lb/in 3.613 x 10
Btu/hp-h kcal/kWh 3.379 x 10
Btu/hp-h kJ/ kWh 1.4148 J Btu 9.486 x 10
Btu/kWh kcal/kWh 2.5198 x 10 kg lb 2.2046
2 2 1
Btu/kWh kJ/kWh 1.0548 kg/cm lb/in 1.422 x 10
Btu/Ib kcal/kg 5.555 x 10 kg-m ft-lb 7.233
3 3 -2
Btu/Ib kJ/kg 2.3256 kg/m lb/ft 6.243 x 10
°C °F (°C x 9/5) + 32 km miles (statute) 6.214 x 10
°C K °C + 273.18 kW hp 1.341
3 -5 3 -2
cm ft 3.531 x 10 I ft 3.531 x 10
2 -2 -1
cm in 6.102 x 10 lb kg 4.536 x 10
2 2 -2
°F °C (°F - 32) x 5/9 lb/in kg/cm 7.03 x 10
-1 2 3
ft m 3.048 x 10 Ib/in Pa 6.8948 x 10
2 2 -2 2 2 -1
ft m 9.29 x 10 lb-ft kg-m 4.214 x 10
3 1 3 -4
ft l (liters) 2.832 x 10 l/min ft /s 5.886 x 10
3 3 -2 -3
ft m 2.832 x 10 l/min gal/s 4.403 x 10
ft-lb Btu 1.286 x 10 m ft 3.281
-1 2 2 1
fl-lb kg-m 1.383 x 10 m ft 1.076 x 10
-2 3 3 1
ft/min km/h 1.8288 x 10 m ft 3.531 x 10
3 -1
ft /min 1/s 4.720 x 10 mile (statute) km 1.6093
3 3 -2 3
ft /min m /min 2.832 x 10 tons (metric) kg 1.0 x 10
3 -3 3
gal m 3.785 x 10 tons (metric) lb 2.205 x 10
gal/min l/s 6.308 x 10 W Btu/h 3.4129
hectares acres 2.471 W Btu/min 5.688 x 10
-1 -1
hp (U.S.) kW 7.457 x 10 W ft-lb/s 7.378 x 10
hp (U.S.) hp (metric) 1.014 W hp 1.341 x 10

GE POWER SYSTEMS GER-3571H (4/00) - 37 -

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