PSYC101 - General Psychology
PSYC101 - General Psychology
PSYC101 - General Psychology
Short Quiz 1
● This is a Greek word which means “mind.”
● The ancient Greek philosopher who wrote about psyche and first broadly defined the subject
matter was
● Refers to the private thoughts, emotions, feelings and motives that other people cannot directly
Mental processes
● This is a Greek word which means “the study of.”
Short Quiz 2
Answer : Behaviorism
● It focused on observable behavior and not on
the mind.
Answer : Gestalt
● It emphasizes that “The whole is different
from the sum of its parts.”
Answer: Functionalism
● it focuses on the adaptive value of behavior.
Answer : Structuralism
● Wundt’s view that mental experiences were
created by different elements is referred to as
Short Quiz 3
● Gestalt is any object or event that is
perceived by our senses.
● False
● Forensic psychology applies psychology to
the legal system. Forensic psychologists
might help with jury selection or provide
expert testimonies in trials.
● True
Short Quiz 4
● It is a broad idea or set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain observations.
● Paul believes that physical attractive people are selfish. He conducts a study to see if he is right. He
goes up to five people he thinks are good looking and asks them for spare change. They all turn him
down. Paul concludes “Aha! I knew it all along.” The operational definition of selfish in Paul’s study is
whether people gave Paul a spare change
● The more hours that students work, the less successful they are academically. This is an example of
what type of correlation?
● In an experiment on attitudes, participants are given either positive or negative information about a
speaker and then asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker. In this experiment, which is the
independent variable?
The type of information the participant is given
● The nucleus of neuron contains____________ the chemical that contains the genetic blueprint that
directs the development of the neuron.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
● It is like a fence that surrounds the entire neuron, giving it shape and keeping the cell’s internal fluid
inside; it is said to be semi-permeable.
Cell membrane
● These are branchlike structures that receive incoming signals from other neurons.
● Dendrites
● It is a long tail-like structure growing out of the other end of the cell which carries signals away from
the cell body.
● It consists of layer of cells containing fat, encases and insulates most axons.
● Myelin Sheath
● These are located at the ends of the axon where neurotransmitters are stored before being released
into the synapse.
● Terminal Buttons
● These provide support, nutritional benefits, and other functions in the nervous system.
● Glial cells
● This is resting state of the neuron, when more negative ions are inside and more positive ions are
outside the cell membrane.
● Polarized State
● These are chemical substances that are stored in very tiny sacs within the terminal buto the next
● It serves as a relay station for information coming from our senses to the brain.
● Thalamus
● This governs high-level processes in the brain such as cognition and language.
● cerebral cortex
Answer : Functionalism
It focuses on the adaptive value of behavior.
Answer : Behaviorism
It focused on observable behavior and not on the mind.
Answer : Structuralism
Wundt’s view that mental experiences were created by
different elements is referred to as _____________.
Answer : Psychodynamic
It focuses on internal, often unconscious mental
processes, motives, and desires or childhood conflicts to
explain behavior.
This is necessary for balance, muscle tone and performance of motor skills.
This regulates heartbeat and respiration and plays a role in sneezing, coughing, vomiting, swallowing
and digestion.