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Research Title: The Utilization of Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) Leaf Extract as a

Source of Topical Anesthetic Substance

Researcher: Raphael Alessandro T. Rodriguez

Research Adviser: Cristine S. Saῆada
School/School Address: Batasan Hills National High School- IBP Rd, Batasan Hills, Q.C.


Plants are commonly used as an effective healing sources for sickness and pains. It can
provide valuable medicinal substances that can be consume naturally as was done by our
ancestors. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) is an ornamental plant that has been
reliably used in traditional medicine. One of its substance is the Methyl Salicylate which is used
as a source of anesthesia for pain. Presently, most anesthetic substances are administered
through syringes and medical needles. However, most people are afraid of using this procedure.
They are left to choose the alternative which is the topical anesthesia for their pains. Topical
anesthetics is a local anesthetic used to numb the surface of a body part. Therefore, an
inexpensive yet effective alternative for topical anesthetics must be studied. The purpose of this
study then was to test if using the extracted methyl salicylate through steam distillation of
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) leaves can be used as an effective alternative
anesthetic substance and to probe if it can be as effective as the commercial substance. The
researcher then will conduct the experiment at a veterinary clinic in Bataan to use as laboratory.
The experiment will be performed within a week. Based on the data provided, the effectiveness of
the alternative anesthetic substance shows no significant difference between the commercial
anesthesia substances. Thus, the researcher concludes that the extracted material is just as
effective as the commercialized anesthesia.

Key words: Methyl Salicylate, Bougainvillea spectabilis, steam distillation, topical anesthetic

INTRODUCTION used as alternative anesthetic substance is as

effective as for the commercial substance.

The Bougainvillea genus plant is
Measurement of the amount of methyl
ornamental plant native to South America.
salicylate from Bougainvillea needed in
The stem of Bougainvillea spectabilis may
making the anesthetic substance will be
be around 20 to 30 meters long. Methyl
done. And to determine the storage capacity
Salicylate, one chemical composition of the
of methyl salicylate from Bougainvillea as
Bougainvillea. spectabilis made up the
an alternative anesthetic substance
21.8% of the plant (Vukovic et al., 2013).

Methyl Salicylate is used as a source for This study will benefit a lot of

anesthesia which is use for minor pains like people. If pharmaceuticals company were to

from the muscles and joints (Anonymous, invest on creating anti-inflammatory/ pain

2016) It is also use for easing pain during reliever from Bougainvillea spectabilis, it

surgery. However, many anesthetic will be cheaper. Making it one problem less

substances come in needles and some people for purchasing affordable medicine. The

are afraid of needles, due to presence of Philippines has many variety of

Trypanophobia or fear of medical bougainvillea plants. A lot more can be

procedures revolving use of injections. studied from these varieties and it could be

Topical (for the skin) anesthesia numbs the done cheaply. This study will cover only

nerves in the area of application thus easing the effectiveness of methyl salicylate

the pain sensation of the skin (Press, 2015). extracted from Bougainvillea spectabilis. It

will test the methyl salicylate with the

The goal of this study is to test if
commercial methyl salicylate.
using the extracted methyl salicylate from

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) be


The study also covers the amount of Identification of the Plant Material

methyl salicylate needed in making the

The researcher’s plant material will be
anesthetic substance. It also covers how
plant identified at the Herbarium building at
many Bougainvillea spectabilis needed to
the University of the Philippines (UP) in
extract the methyl salicylate for making the
Diliman, Quezon City.
anesthetic substance. And to find out if the
Extraction of the Plant Material
other types of Bougainvillea genus plants

are also acceptable. To obtain the extracted methyl salicylate

from Bougainvillea, the leaves will be first

And it covers the storage capacity of the
macerated in water for 48 hours. After
extracted methyl salicylate. How long can it
maceration, it will be extracted using
last? And is it still effective?
Testing of the Plant Material
Preparation of Materials
The researcher then had acquired
The Bougainvillea spectabilis leaves will
permission to use a veterinary clinic in
be collected at the researcher’s house,
Bataan to use as laboratory and conduct the
washed with running water, air dried and
experiment. The said clinic will provide 9
will be placed in a container for storage.
animals as guinea pigs. Also, the
Materials used for extraction like the mortar
veterinarian (animal doctor) will observe the
and pestle is prepared. Water is then boiled
proceedings to make sure no animal is hurt
for use in steam distillation.
in the process. The guinea pigs must be in a

well-ventilated room and the researcher

must perform the experiment within the


week. First, commercial anesthesia is Table 4.1 Comparison of the

applied on the animal guinea pig then after effectiveness of the alternative substance

three days the Bougainvillea’s anesthetic and commercialized anesthesia.

substance extracted is applied. During which Sample Trials Average

observations and comparisons should be A Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4

(2ml) 10s 20 s 30 s 40 s 25s

made. The muscle tone of the guinea pigs,

which is when it resists extending its right (4 ml) 9s 18 s 27 s 36 s 22.5s

hind leg, must be observed (Raddle, 1996).
(6ml) 5s 10 s 15 s 20 s 11.25s

(commercial 20 s 40 s 60 s 80 s 50s

Based on the data provided by the

experiment conducted and the tables, the

effectiveness of the alternative anesthetic Table 4.2: Testing the storage capacity of

substance has no significant difference the extracted material if it affects its

between the commercial anesthesia. The ability as an anesthetic substance.

animal guinea pigs have shown resistance to Sample Tests Ave

Trial 1st Week Trial 2nd Week Trial 3rd Week

extend its right hind leg, showing that it is

A Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep

(2ml) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
effective. The effectiveness of its ability as 60s
10s 20s 30s 10s 20s 30s 10s 20s 30s

an anesthetic substance has no significant B

9s 18s 27s 9s 18s 27s 9s 18s 27s 54s

difference when stored for at least 3 weeks. C

(6 ml)
5s 10s 15s 5s 10s 15s 5s 10s 15s 30s
The amount of methyl salicylate needed in

10s 20s 30s 10s 20s 30s 10s 20s 30s 60s
making an anesthetic substance however,
. anes-

has an increase in its duration of reaction.

Table 4.3: Testing the Amount of Methyl sensation. According to the data, the amount

Salicylate needed in Making an of methyl salicylate needed in making

Anesthetic Substance. anesthesia is indirectly related to the time of

reaction, as shown in table 4.3, the higher

Sample Test Average
the amount, the lower its time of reaction
Rep Rep Rep
(Raddle, 1996).
1 2 3


(2 ml)) 10s 20s 30s 20s

The researcher concludes that the
B extracted material is just as effective as the
(4 ml) 5s 10s 15s 10s commercialized anesthesia. The storage
C capacity of the extracted material doesn’t
(6 ml) 3s 6s 9s 6s affect its ability as an anesthetic substance.

However, the amount of methyl salicylate

The results showed no significant extracted from bougainvillea needed in

difference between the effectiveness of the making the alternative anesthetic substance

extracted methyl salicylate and the greatly affects its ability to numb the pain

commercialized anesthesia. The storage sensation.

capacity of the extracted material doesn’t RECOMMENDATIONS

affect its ability as an anesthetic substance.
For future studies on using
However, the amount of methyl salicylate
Bougainvillea spectabilis as an anesthetic
extracted from bougainvillea needed in
substance, the recommendation is that there
making the alternative anesthetic substance
should have further studies on this plant as a
greatly affects its ability to numb the pain

resource for inexpensive anesthesia to be 2. Anonymous (2016, January). Methyl

Salicylate- Menthol ointment.
used for medical purposes. Use more sample
Retrieved from
plants and have people use the
Bougainvillea spectabilis to consider its g-18536/methyl-salicylate-menthol-
effect/s on humans for the purpose of

research. Set interviews of the said research

3. Press, C. (2015, November 5).
to gain much reliable resource and Topical Anesthesia. Retrieved from
On future studies, having honest
4. Raddle, G. (1996, February 1).
survey interviews and other ways to gather
Evaluation of anesthetic regimens in
data is important to avoid misinterpretation guinea pigs. Retrieved from
of data to have efficient and reliable
First and foremost, I would
1. Vukovic, N. (2013, August). like to thank the Lord God, for the
Chemical Composition of the
spiritual guidance he has been
Essential oil of Bougainvillea
spectabilis from Montenegro. blessing me with.
Retrieved from This research is supported by
the Batasan Hills National High
tion_of_the_Essential_oil_of_Bougai School STE Program. And this
nvillea_spectabilis_from_Montenegr would not happen if it were not for
my research adviser, Ms. Cristine

Saňada, whom I gratefully give supporting my endeavors. Helped

thanks for her insights and guidance with the preparations and provided

that gently strives me further towards monetary assistance on purchases

improving my research paper. The like food and materials needed

unlimited lending hand she gave that especially the printing requirements.

sustained my confidence in For the love and encouragement of

achieving the best efforts I have my family that strengthens my

made with the research work. determination to complete my

I appreciate my parents, Mr. research.

and Mrs. Rodriguez, for continually


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