Demo Factors Affecting Climate
Demo Factors Affecting Climate
Demo Factors Affecting Climate
Grade Level & Section: 9– KCALCIUM Date/Time: Nov. 28, 2019/ 11:10am – 11:50am
A. References
Learners Module : pages 11-13
B. Instructional Materials
A. Routinary Activities
Prayer, checking classroom’s cleanliness and students’ attendance
B. Review
Ask students to Identify if the statement relates to Weather or Climate.
• Average rainfall in the Philippines varies from 900 to 4000 mm every year. -Climate
• Today’s temperature is 30 degree Celsius. - Weather
• The coldest months in the Philippines are in January and February, with temperatures at
around 25 degree Celsius. -Climate
C. Motivation
Present to students the problem-based situation of Blackpink.
Activate students’ prior knowledge by asking them “How can it be summer in South Korea and
rainy season in the Philippines at the same time?
Ask students to pair/share their ideas.
Facilitate a class discussion, encouraging students to share their ideas about climate differences
across Earth.
D. Lesson Proper
From the motivation, guide and expand the discussion so about how latitude and tilt of the Earth
affects the climate.
The core concepts that teacher should be assessing understanding of are:
The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees relative to our orbital plane. Earth’s tilt results in sunlight
striking Earth at different angles over different latitudes on any given day of the year. The
concentration of the Sun’s rays varies with the angle at which they strike Earth.
Latitude is the measure of the distance north and south of the equator. Latitude is
measured in degrees.
Most of the sun’s rays strike vertically in places near the equator. This makes the
temperature higher in these areas, resulting in warm climate. Places that are not always
vertically hit by the sun’s rays experience cold climate. As the latitude increases, the
smaller the angle of the sun’s rays strike the surface. Therefore, when the area is farther
from the equator, the air temperature is lower. When the place is closer to the equator,
the air temperature is higher.
F. Evaluation
Identify whether the compound is ionic or covalent bond.
1. HF 6. Na2S
2. NaCL 7. Sr2N2
3. CNe 8. H2S
4. Al2O3 9. BaF
5. CBr4 10. NO2
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