Lesson Plan 4 No Comment
Lesson Plan 4 No Comment
Lesson Plan 4 No Comment
Lesson Title: Introduction to Texture Grade Level: Pre K
S & S Statements: In this lesson, we are introducing the idea of tactile texture though having students
manipulate paper, string and pipe cleaners in various ways. This lesson
plans to introduce students on how to use scissors with purpose and how
paper can be torn or crumpled to create texture. Students will learn how
textures add visual interest and describe objects. During this stage of
development, children need to be exposed to using tools like scissors in
order to develop their fine motor skills and to prepare them for kindergarten.
Concept and Skills: The main concept that students will learn in this lesson is how textures can
create visual interest as well as convey different properties about objects
through manipulating paper, pipe cleaners and strings.
Students will develop an introductory level of understanding the concept of texture and how it relates
to describing different types of objects. Their collaged elements will be saved for a future lesson where
their pieces will be put together to create a story.
Learning Objectives:
Technical: After a demonstration on manipulating paper, pipe cleaners and string, students will
successfully know how to cut out at least one curved and one straight object from paper and how to
manipulate two other unconventional materials to create a collage.
(State Standard: Pre K VA:Cr2.1.PK)
Conceptual: Given samples, students will demonstrate a clear understanding of how different types
of textures can come together in order to describe and represent objects.
(State Standard: Pre K VA: Cr2.3.PK)
Assessment Criteria:
Ability to manipulate given materials (string, pipe cleaners, paper) to create textures.
Effective use of scissors to cut different shapes.
Introduction: Introduction:
For this lesson, I will hold up a piece of paper and Students will sit on the carpet and will be asked
ask the students rhetorically if they know what paper their to share their observations on how
feels like. Then I will ask them to close all their eyes manipulating paper creates different textures.
and rip the paper. This time I will ask how the edge
of the paper feels and looks as I walk around the
carpet having each student touch the paper. I will
ask them to close their eyes for one final time as I Development:
crumple up the paper and open it again- asking what Students will cut out different shapes from
the paper feels now and looks, making sure to paper they want to use for their compositions.
emphasize the wrinkles and folds. They will also get to manipulate pipe cleaners
and string as well. The students have to keep
Development: in mind that all of their pieces will be used to
Students will either sit around one large table as I create a collaged narrative.
demonstrate on how to hold and cut with scissors (or
they will all sit around the classroom in order to see
the monitor as I play a tutorial about cutting with
scissors. Conclusion:
Students will put away their cuttings and yarn
Then, I will show how to rip paper into different into a Ziploc bag for the next lesson. Then the
shapes or crumple paper to create different textures. students will discuss the possibilities and what
Afterwards, I will show how to fray string and yarn as they want to do with their collages for next
well as bending and twisting pipe cleaners in order week.
to show other alternative textures. Black crayons will
also be available so students will be able to draw out
their shapes for cutting or to add detail to their
collaged elements.
At the end of the lesson, we will review the different
shapes they were able to create with paper and their
plans for their composition in the next lesson.
Time Frame:
5 minutes: Introduction of texture through
manipulating paper.
5 minutes: Demonstration on how to cut with
scissors, tear/crumple paper as well as bending pipe
cleaners and fray string.
15 minutes: All teachers will hand out of different
colored papers and assisting students with cutting,
tearing and ripping.
10 minutes: Cleaning up paper and collecting their
pieces to be placed in bags. Then handing out pipe
cleaners and string for them to manipulate. Assisting
teachers will also help write their names on the
plastic bags to be saved for the next lesson.
5 minutes: Collecting their pipe cleaners and string
for their collage bags, clean up for scraps.
5 minutes: Review of what they learned about
texture, their narrative ideas as well as any
questions regarding how to cut properly.