Suffix Prefix
Suffix Prefix
Suffix Prefix
1. I don't think I'll try that dish it doesn't look ...... to me.
a) edible d) eating
c) ate e) eaten
2. Latest dialogues are going to ..... the relations between the two
a) strong c) strength
b) stronger d) strengthen
a) unresistible c) disresistible
b) irresistible d) inresistible
a) impatient c) unpatient
b) inpatient d) dispatient
b) safer d) safeness
a) tolerate c) tolerant
b) tolerance d) intolerant
a) perfect c) imperfect
b) perfection d) perfected
a) to learn c) learning
b) learn d) learnt
a) invent c) inventions
b) inventors d) inventive
a) economical c) economise
b) economic d) economics
a) co-producer c) co-owner
b) co-partner d) co-worker
a) inpolite c) unpolite
b) dispolite d) impolite
e.g . countable
a) help c) rely
b) understand d) respect
a) painful c) funful
b) beautiful d) fruitful
15. The following are all negative adjectives with un_.Which
should be dis_?
a) untidy c) unsociable
a) china c) ukraine
b) lebanon d) portugal
a) unconsistent c) imconsistent
b) inconsistent d) disconsistent
a) being c) to be
b) be d) will be
19. I'm sorry John, I completely......with
a) unagree c) disagree
b) misagree d) deagree
20. You can't speak english with just grammar knowledge. That's...
a) illogical c) dislogical
b) imlogical d) unlogical
approach is totally......
a) imethical c) unethical
b) disethical d) ilethical
the...... of a job.
a) iladvantages c) unadvantages
b) disadvantages d) misadvantages
23. I dont't thimk he's the right person for the job?
He seems very......
a) disexperienced c) ilexperienced
b) unexperienced d) inexperienced
a) unmature c) inmature
b) dismature d) immature
it a title.
a) tight c) tightness
b) tighten d) tighter
26. All...... don't mind telling lies-so long as they win elections.
a) politics c) politically
b) political d) politicians
27. The council is going to.... the pavements they are gettimg more
crowded apparently.
a) wide c) width
b) widen d) widthen
28. New supermarket is much cheaper, but it takes me buses
a) convenient c) inconvenient
b) convenience d) inconvenience
a) successful c) succeed
b) succesful d) unsuccessfully
a) understood c) disunderstood
b) misunderstood d) ununderstood
a) applicants c) appliers
b) applications d) apply
32. suffix ''re'' means again. Which word does not
a) remote c) recur
b) recover d) recycle
a) disactive c) unactive
b) ilactive d) inactive
34. Please ..... that all the lights are switched off before you leave.
a) insure c) unsure
b) ensure d) suren
a) couraged c) couragen
b) courageous d) encourage
a) unreversible c) disreversible
b) irreversible d) inreversible
37. What is the negative case of contented?
a) uncontented c) imcontented
b) incontented d) discontented
a) outnumber c) outclass
b) outside d) outrun