Suffix Prefix

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add a prefix to each of following words to make new words.

mis / anti / im / in /il /un / dis /non / free / re / en

Impossible disnderstand Reattentive impolite Inplace

Antidepressive Dismployed Return Revision Imfrost
Disagree Enable InJustice Relead Ingrafity
Unhappy Illegal Dislike rewrite Dischool
Inactive Irregular Illogical Freesense nonstop
Infix Disiction Inexpected Inhistoric Discursor
Disloyal Discover Indote Undress Disourage
Indo enable illiteratre Unface anticlimax

Write the negative form of the words using the prefixes

un in ir il im De dis non anti A

Responsible irresponsibble Smoking Unsmoking

Comfort Imcomfort Legal Illegal
Safe Disafe Normal Unormal
Capable Incapable Visible Invisible
Frost Imfrost Thesis Unthesis

Arctic Unarctic Profit mprofitI

Armed Irarmed Valid Invalid
Regular Irregular Logical illogical
Personal Impersonal Code Incode
Honest Unhonst Stop Nonstop
classify Disclassify licit Illicit

Add a suffix to each of the following words to make new words

Y / ly / less /ful / er / or / ness / able / ment / tal / ary / ous / proof

/ free / ity / ian

Fearous Teacher Helpful Brotherly Happyness

Accidentty Photocpier Understandable Loudness Courageous
Thoughly Kindness Careful Homeful Fashionable
Friendly Waterpoof Jealousy Speechless taxy
Popularty Clearment Hopeful Madness Suitable
Sugary Relyable Bulletfproof Painful Dangerous
Famous Comfortable Foger Environmentary Actor
Useful brazilian drinky encourageous Deplorement
Choose the correct answer

1. I don't think I'll try that dish it doesn't look ...... to me.

a) edible d) eating

c) ate e) eaten

2. Latest dialogues are going to ..... the relations between the two

a) strong c) strength

b) stronger d) strengthen

3. She loves chocolate cakes. She finds them absolutely......

a) unresistible c) disresistible

b) irresistible d) inresistible

4. You are such an ...... person.

a) impatient c) unpatient

b) inpatient d) dispatient

5. I am sure the second accident wouldn't have happened, if the

police had taken adequate...... measures.
a) safely c) safety

b) safer d) safeness

6. The world would be much better place to live only if people

were not different political views or religious beliefs.

a) tolerate c) tolerant

b) tolerance d) intolerant

7. Everybody is..... in one way or another.

We should learn to everlook them

a) perfect c) imperfect

b) perfection d) perfected

8. Which form of 'learn' starts this sentence?

...... english is not as hard as you think.

a) to learn c) learning

b) learn d) learnt

9. Necessity is the mother of......

a) invent c) inventions

b) inventors d) inventive

10. My new car is more...... than my last one.

I get nearly 100 kms. to 5 litres of petrol.

a) economical c) economise

b) economic d) economics

11. Co-pilot files the plane together with the pilot.

Which of the following uses of 'co' is wrong?

a) co-producer c) co-owner

b) co-partner d) co-worker

12. What is a synonym of rude?

a) inpolite c) unpolite

b) dispolite d) impolite

13. Which word doesn't make s word with _able?

e.g . countable

a) help c) rely

b) understand d) respect

14. Which of the following adjectives ending in_ful is wrong?

a) painful c) funful

b) beautiful d) fruitful
15. The following are all negative adjectives with un_.Which

should be dis_?

a) untidy c) unsociable

b)) unhonest d) unreliable

16. Which of these countries has a different ending to the others

when it changes to an adjective?

a) china c) ukraine

b) lebanon d) portugal

17. What is the negative case of consistent?

a) unconsistent c) imconsistent

b) inconsistent d) disconsistent

18. Complete the sentence.

" you shouldn't be worried about...... late.

We have got plenty of time."

a) being c) to be

b) be d) will be
19. I'm sorry John, I completely......with

the point you've just made.

a) unagree c) disagree

b) misagree d) deagree

20. You can't speak english with just grammar knowledge. That's...

a) illogical c) dislogical

b) imlogical d) unlogical

21. The commitee has decided that his business

approach is totally......

a) imethical c) unethical

b) disethical d) ilethical

22. It is important to consider not only the advantages, but also

the...... of a job.

a) iladvantages c) unadvantages

b) disadvantages d) misadvantages

23. I dont't thimk he's the right person for the job?

He seems very......
a) disexperienced c) ilexperienced

b) unexperienced d) inexperienced

24. You wouldn't think he's 40; he acts like a child.

I've never known anyone so......

a) unmature c) inmature

b) dismature d) immature

25. The rope seems to be quite loose. I think we need to......

it a title.

a) tight c) tightness

b) tighten d) tighter

26. All...... don't mind telling lies-so long as they win elections.

a) politics c) politically

b) political d) politicians

27. The council is going to.... the pavements they are gettimg more

crowded apparently.

a) wide c) width

b) widen d) widthen
28. New supermarket is much cheaper, but it takes me buses

to get there-it's so......

a) convenient c) inconvenient

b) convenience d) inconvenience

29. She ...... sailed arround the world in 72

days which is a new record!

a) successful c) succeed

b) succesful d) unsuccessfully

30. He gave me directions but I must have......

because I ended up in wrong place altogether.

a) understood c) disunderstood

b) misunderstood d) ununderstood

31. The company was looking for...... who

were really the most suitable for the job.

a) applicants c) appliers

b) applications d) apply
32. suffix ''re'' means again. Which word does not

contain a suffix ''re''

a) remote c) recur

b) recover d) recycle

33. Many volcanoes, which have been..... for

years,could be active anytime

a) disactive c) unactive

b) ilactive d) inactive

34. Please ..... that all the lights are switched off before you leave.

a) insure c) unsure

b) ensure d) suren

35. "courrege'' is a noun what is the related verb?

a) couraged c) couragen

b) courageous d) encourage

36. What is the negative case of 'reversible'?

a) unreversible c) disreversible

b) irreversible d) inreversible
37. What is the negative case of contented?

a) uncontented c) imcontented

b) incontented d) discontented

38. Prefix "out" means more than / faster than.

Which word contains suffix "out" wrong.

a) outnumber c) outclass

b) outside d) outrun

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