Concrete II Assignments

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Design and then dreas reinforcement plan and section for S5 fo the buildings plan is given DL=
600KG/m2 LL=400Kg/m2 Fc=25mpa Fy=420Mpa and slab thickness is 150mm

DL 600 KG/m2 3.6m

LL 400 KG/m2

1 Load Combination Slab
Wu 1.2DL+1.6LL
Wu 1360 Kg/m2
2 Check Thickness 150mm
Three Condition

1 s<0.2 300mm

2 0.2 s < 2

3 s>2
A1 300*300mm 90000

A2 600*150mm 90000

Y= Yi*Ai+Y2*A2/A1+A2
Y= 262.5

Ig=I1+I2-I3-I4 I1 1798472800 I2 1318359375

I3 2743600 I4 2743600

Ig 3111344975

s1 2.63
s2 2.63
s3 3.69
s4 3.46
am 3.10
Appy 3rd Condition

hmin Ln(0.8+fy/14060)/36+9bb

hmin 10.25 cm
102.49 mm

h 150mm ok

4 Check for shear

Vu= Wu(ls/2-a/2-d)*b
Vu 2074
Vu 20.74

fVc f1/6ÖFc*b*d

fVc 78125 N
fVc 78.125 KN
fVc>Vu Ok

5 Finding over all moment

Over All Moment Long direction 3.6

123.93 KN
Over All Moment Short direction
88.86 KN

Negative and Positive Moment

a) Long Direction
MuL- -80.6
MuL+ 43.4

b) Short Direction
Mus- -57.85
Mus+ 31.15

Coloum and middle strip moment for long direction.

Using Table 16.3 and 16.5 (Positive moment)
Using Interpoloation
%= 65.1

Long Direction
Mcs- %(Mcs-) -52.39 Kn-m
Mm.c- -28.21 Kn-m

Mcs+ 28.21 Kn-m

Mmc+ 15.19 Kn-m

Design Moment

8 Area of Steel

As+ 369.76
As- 686.01

Check Asmin
Asmin 0.0018bh 405

In the place of As+ use Asmin

9 Number of Bar

#- 6.07 6f12mm
#+ 3.58 4f12mm
#+ 8.74 9f10mm
#- 5.16 5f10mm

10 Spacing Check
S=b/# 360
S=b/# 200

Smin 300

Final Drawing Result 10mm@250mmc/c Top

10mm@250mmc/c bot

10mm@250mmc/c Top
10mm@250mmc/c bot

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