Quantity Measurement

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This unit will introduce quantity measurement process that will be used to
generate Bill of Quantities document. Bill of Quantities is a document used in
tendering and construction industry in which material, parts and labor with their
costs are itemized. It is based on drawing and specification prepared by designer.


The objectives of this unit are to:

i. Know the methods of quantity measurement in the construction.
ii. Demonstrate of using principe of measurement stated in SMM2.


After completing this unit, the students should be able to:

i. Fill in the Bill of Quantities for tendering process.
ii. Determine quantities and cost for material and labor to be used in


Quantity measurement including measure a quantity and prepare an information

of item measured. Quantity must be exact to avoid loss during construction.


Measurement is the first step in preparation Bill of Quantities. It involve

measuring item or taken from drawing and transferred to dimension paper.

5.1.1 Dimension Paper

All measurement work should be done on dimension paper. The dimension

paper used is as follow:
i. Traditional dimension paper
ii. Slip sort dimension paper.

Traditional dimension paper

This type of dimension paper is A4 size and each page is divides into two equal
parts as shown in Figure 5.1. Each part consist four columns.

Figure 5.1 Traditional Dimension Paper

Column Column Name Description
1 Timesing column Multiplication factor related with
dimension column if more than
one set of same dimension
2 Dimension column All measured calculation from the
drawing or measurement
3 Squaring column Calculation result from timesing
column and dimension column
4 Description column Explanation related to
measurement work, to record
early calculation and annotation of

This paper is used from top to bottom and from left to right. More than one
calculation can be done in one paper. Traditional dimension paper is rarely used
by Quantity Surveyor, but it is the suitable to be used by student.

5.1.2 Using a Dimension Paper

Taking off can be done based on any form such as volume, area, length or
numbers. The rules for writing a measurement is start with length, width and
height. Based on this rules correctness can be check easily either by yourself or
other Quantity Surveyor. The measurement only based on exact figure not
including the wastage or else.

Measurement is based on the nearest 10 mm and to 2 decimal points. Example,

1567 millimeter is written as 1.56 m. After completing one set of measurement,
one line should be draw under the item to show that is the complete set.


Figure 5.2 Writing a measurement

If one of the items are more than one, the numbers of the set are written at
column number 2 and separate with the measurement using an aligned line.

Figure 5.3 Writing a number of measurement set


Figure 5.4 Additional to measured item

Any mistake in measurement item cannot be erased. Correction can be done by

write a new measurement and cancelled the wrong item with word ‘nil’ besides
the wrong item in squaring column. If whole item is wrong including the
explanation, the way to cancel the item is shown in Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.5 Correction item


Figure 5.6 Cancelled the whole item


5.1.1 Information

Drawings shall be supplied with the bill of quantities which show:

a. The general piling layout.

b. The positioning of different types of pile.
c. The positions of the work within the site and of existing services.

5.1.2 Soil description

a. The nature of the ground shall be given in accordance with clause D.1.1.
b. Where work is to be carried out near canals, rivers, etc. or tidal waters
the levels of the ground in relation to the normal levels of the canal or
river etc. or to the mean levels of high and low tidal waters shall be
stated. Flood levels shall be stated where applicable.

5.1.3 Starting levels

The levels from which the work is expected to begin and from which
measurements have been taken shall be stated. Irregular ground shall be so

5.1.4 Plant

The following items shall be given separately for each type of pile identified in
accordance with clause E5.1:

a. An item shall be given for bringing to site and removing from site all plant
required for this section of work.
b. An item shall be given for maintaining on site all plant required for this
section of the work.

5.1.5 Piling description and measurement

a. The following types of piling operation shall each be given under a

separate heading together with all ancillary work:

i. Bored cast-in-place concrete piles.

ii. Driven shell cast-in-place concrete piles.
iii. Pre-formed concrete piles.
iv. Pre-formed pre-stressed concrete piles.
v. Pre-formed concrete sheet piles.
vi. Timber piles.
vii. Isolated steel piles.
viii. Interlocking steel piles.
ix. Other piles.

Within the classifications the following shall each be given separately:

a. Preliminary piles.
b. Test piles.
c. Contiguous bored piles.

d. Raking piles according to angle of rake in increments of 10°. The
inclination corresponding to the rake angle increments, stated as the
ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical distance are as follows:

Inclination angle Ratio

10º 1 in 5.6715
20º 1 in 2.7475
30º 1 in 1.7320
40º 1 in 1.1917

e. Piles to be extracted shall be identified and given separately.

1. Within the classifications provided in accordance with clause E.5.1, items

shall be given in accordance with clauses E.5.3-5 grouped under sub-
headings which state the following:

a. Nominal cross sectional size.

b. The materials of which the piles are composed and in the case of steel
piles, the nominal weight per meter (the materials of which piles are
composed should not be taken to mean only some of the materials in a
pile. For example: if a timber pile is to be ringed, this together with the
details of the requirements should be stated. Similarly, precise definitions
of grades of steel and of concrete mixes are required).

2. For piles other than cast-in-place concrete and interlocking steel piles, items
shall be given for:

a. The total number of piles stating the specified length. The size and weight
of heads and shoes shall be stated in the description.
b. The total driven depth given in meters.

3. In the case of cast-in-place concrete piles, items shall be given for:

a. The total area of piles given in square meters classified into the following
ranges of piles length:
Not exceeding - 12.00m
12.00m - 24.00m
exceeding - 24.00m
b. The total driven area of the piles given in square meters.

4. In the case of interlocking steel piles, items shall be given for:

5. Corner, junction, closure and taper piles, where specifically required, shall
each be given in meters as extra over.

a. The total number of piles.

b. The total concreted length of the piles given in meters.
c. The total driven or bored depth given in meters stating the maximum

6. The following items shall be given in meters as extra over the items for piling:

a. Boring through rock stating the anticipated strata.

b. Permanent casing stating the thickness and type.
c. Placing concrete by tremie pipe which shall be deemed to include for any
adjustment to concrete mix proportions required.

7. In the case of pile extensions, items shall be given for:

a. The total number of pile extensions.

b. The total length of pile extensions given in meters classified into the
following ranges of pile length:
Not exceeding - 3.00m
exceeding - 3.00m

8. The following shall be given in meters:

a. Pre-boring where specifically required.

b. Backfilling empty bores stating the type of backfilling material.
c. Jetting where specifically required.
d. Filling hollow piles with concrete, stating the specification of the concrete
and whether reinforced.
e. The horizontal length of cutting interlocking piles to remove tops.

9. The following shall be enumerated:

a. Cutting off tops of isolated piles to required levels which shall be deemed
to include provision and backfilling of any working space required.
b. Preparing concrete pile heads and reinforcement for capping.
c. Forming enlarged bases stating their maximum diameter.
d. Cutting interlocking steel piles to form holes.

5.1.6 Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement in piles shall be given in accordance with Section F.

5.1.7 Tests

Items shall be given for tests of piles stating the details. Provision and
maintenance of all necessary equipment, instruments and record keeping shall
be deemed to be included.

5.1.8 Quantities

1. The quantities for piling work shall be calculated as follows:

a. The specified length for pre-formed concrete, timber and steel piles
shall be those which the Contractor is instructed to provide. Handling,
transporting and pitching each length of pile shall be deemed to be
included with the piling items.
b. The driven or bored depth of each pile shall be measured from the
level stated in accordance with clause E.3 to the bottom of the toe, to
the bottom of the driven casing or to the bottom of the bored shaft. The
measurement for the total driven depth includes for driving extended
c. The concreted length measured for cast-in-place piles shall be from
cut-off level specifically required to toe level specifically required and
shall include enlarged bases.
d. The areas measured for interlocking steel piling shall be based on the
mean length measured on the centre line of the piling, over all corner,
junction, taper and closure piles.
e. The measurement of pile extensions shall not include lengths formed
of material arising from cutting off surplus lengths of other piles. It shall
deem to include the work necessary to attach the extension to the pile.
f. Disposal of surplus excavated material including surplus piles arising
from piling operations shall be deemed to be included with the piling


5.2.1 Volume to be measured

The quantities given for excavating and subsequent disposal shall be the bulk
before excavating and no allowance shall be made for any subsequent variations
to bulk or for any extra space required to accommodate earthwork support,
formwork for concrete and working space.

5.2.2 Depth classification

Depth of excavation shall unless otherwise required by this document is

classified as follows:

Maximum depth not exceeding - 0.25m

“ “ “ “ - 1.00m
“ “ “ “ - 2.00m
“ “ “ “ - 4.00m
and thereafter in - 2.00m stages

5.2.3 Starting level


The starting level shall be the “ground level”, “reduced levels”, “formation level” or
other such levels from which excavation shall commence and the appropriate
level shall be so stated and described.

5.2.4 Types of excavation

1. Excavation around piles shall be so described.

2. Excavation in rock shall be so described. Rock is defined as any material met

with in excavation which is of such size or position that it can be removed only
by means of wedges, levers, special plant (power operated hammers, drills
and chisels, special attachment to mechanical plant such as rock buckets,
rippers, hammers, chisels) explosives or chemicals. Alternatively rock may be
given as extra over each of the various types of excavation.

3. Curved excavation shall be so described irrespective of radius.

4. Excavating to reduce level shall be given in cubic meters.

5. Excavating basements and the like (measured to the outside of the

foundations) shall be given in cubic meters stating the starting level as clause
D.11. Existing voids shall be deducted.

6. Excavating pits to receive bases of stanchions, columns, isolated piers and

the like (grouped together) shall be given in cubic meters stating the number
and the starting level as clause D.11. Excavating pits having both plan
dimensions less than 1.25m shall be given separately.

7. Excavating trenches to receive foundations shall be given in cubic meters,

stating the starting level as clause D.11.

8. Excavating for pile caps and trenches for ground beams between piles shall
be given in cubic meters stating the starting level, as clause D.11.

9. Excavating trenches to receive service pipes, cables and the like shall be
given separately in meters stating the starting level, as clause D.11 and the
average depth to the nearest 0.25m. Details of type and size of service pipes,
cables, earthwork support, grading bottoms if required, filling in, compaction
and disposal of surplus soil shall be given in description of such trenches. If
the trench is next to roadway, or next to existing buildings or made in unstable
ground (e.g. running silt, running sand and the like) these shall be stated in
the description.


10. Excavating around services crossing an excavation shall be enumerated and

given as extra over the various descriptions of excavations; details of type,
size, depth of service and length exposed shall be given. Any temporary
support to services shall be deemed to be included with the item.

11. Excavating alongside services or groups of services shall be given in meters

as extra over the various descriptions of excavation; details of type, size,
depth of service shall be given. Any temporary support to services shall be
deemed to be included with the item. Details of the type of service would
include gas, water, electricity, telecommunication, sewer, etc. If this
information is available on a services drawing, then this should be made

12. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete, brick paving, tar macadam and the
like on the surface of the ground shall each be given separately in square
meters as extra over the various description of excavation stating the
thickness. In the case of service trenches measured in accordance with
clause D.12.9, this work shall be given in meters stating the thickness.

13. Breaking up concrete, reinforced concrete and the like met with in excavation
shall each be given separately in cubic meters irrespective of depth as extra
over the various types of excavation. In the case of service trenches
measured in accordance with clause D.12.9, this work shall be given in
meters stating the thickness.

14. Excavating below ground water level as defined in clause D.1.1.a shall be
given in cubic meters as extra over all types of excavation irrespective of
depth. If the post contract water level differs from the pre-contract water level
the measurements shall be revised in accordance with the post contract water



5.3.1 Generally

1. Formwork shall be grouped in the following categories:

a. Foundations and beds.
b. Slabs, staircases and associated features.
c. Walls and associated features.
d. Isolated features.

2. The following shall be deemed to be included in formwork:

a. All necessary boarding’s, supports, erecting, framing, cutting

perforations for pipes, angles, cleaning, wetting and treatment with
mould oil, mould liquid or lime white and the like.
b. All notching, allowances for overlaps and passing at angles, battens,
strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striking and removal.
c. Forming chamfered edges or splayed internal angles not exceeding
50mm wide.
d. Raking and curved cutting.
e. Cutting and fitting around projecting pipes, continuity bars and the like.
f. Opening not exceeding 1.00m girth.

3. Formwork shall be measured to the surfaces of the finished structure which

requires to be temporarily supported during the deposition of the concrete.

4. No deductions shall be made for voids not exceeding 1.00m2.


5. Formwork coated with a retarding agent shall be so described.

6. Formwork that is of a permanent character and to be left in shall be so

described. (Formwork left in is that which is not designed to remain in position
but is nonetheless impossible to remove. Permanent formwork is that which is
designed to remain in position).

7. Formwork to curved surfaces shall be described stating the geometrical

nature and the radius or radii.

8. Formwork to soffits less than 1.00m high shall be so described.

9. Formwork to soffits or soffits of beams over 3.50m high shall be so described

stating the height in further stages of 1.50m.

10. Any requirements as to special surfaces features of the concrete face shall be
given and where such requirements apply to part only of the work the finish
shall be so described. Lining material which is required to be left in position as
a finish shall be so described stating the method of securing to the concrete.

5.3.2 Formwork to foundation and beds

1. Formwork to edges and faces of foundations (which shall be deemed to

include bases, pile caps and beds) and formwork to ground beams where
exceeding 1.00m high shall each be given separately in square meters.
Where not exceeding 1.00m high they shall be given in meters stating the
height in the following categories:

Not exceeding 250mm high

250mm - 500mm high
500mm - 1.00m high

2. Formwork to kickers for walls shall be given in meters. Where one or both
sides of formwork to kickers is suspended this shall be stated. Where the
height of a kicker is at the discretion of the contractor this shall be stated.

5.3.3 Formwork to slabs, staircases and landings

1. Formwork to soffits of slabs, staircases and landings shall each be given in
square meters. Classification shall be as follows:

a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from the horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.

2. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs exceeding 200mm thick shall be given

separately in square meters and the thickness in stages of 100mm.

3. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of slabs where more than 15° from
horizontal shall be measured in square meters.

4. Formwork to soffits of coffered, troughed or similar shaped slabs shall he

described and given in square meters. Such work shall be measured as to a
plain surface, the profiles or pan type and size being stated. Formwork to ribs
or margins of coffered or troughed slabs not exceeding 500mm wide shall be
included with the items. Where such work exceeds 500mm wide formwork
shall be given separately in accordance with clause F.12.1 or 2.

5. Formwork to edges of slabs (where not associated with down stand beams or
protecting eaves), steps in tops of slabs, steps in soffits of slabs and to, risers
to staircases shall each be given in meters stating the depth in the following

Not exceeding - 250mm deep

250mm - 500mm deep
Where exceeding - 500mm deep the depth shall
be stated.

The profile or height at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be
given. Formwork to edges of staircase flights shall be given in meters stating
the maximum width.

6. Formwork to ends and perimeters of openings exceeding 1.00m girth shall

each be given in meters stating the width in the following categories:

Not exceeding - 250mm wide

250mm - 500mm wide
Where exceeding - 500mm wide the width shall be stated.

The profile or width at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given.

5.3.4 Formwork to walls


1. Formwork to faces of walls shall be given in square meters and stating

whether vertical or battered. Formwork inside stair wells and lifts wells shall
each be given separately.

2. Vertical surfaces requiring formwork exceeding 3.50m high shall be given as

extra over the formwork in which they occur.

3. Where formwork is required to one side of a wall only this shall be stated and
the method of upholding the other face shall be given in the description.

4. No deduction of formwork shall be made for kickers.

5. Formwork to ends, sloping tops or soffits of walls and also to the perimeters
of openings exceeding 1.00m girth (where not associated with columns) shall
each be given in meters stating the width in the following categories:

Not exceeding - 250mm wide

250mm - 500mm wide
Where exceeding - 500mm wide the width shall be stated.

The profile or width at each end in the case of tapering surfaces shall be given.

5.3.5 Formwork to beams, casings, cantilevers and the like

1. Formwork to sides and soffits of beams, beam casing, cantilevers and the like
shall be given separately in square meters. Classification shall be as follows:

a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.

2. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given.

3. Formwork to secondary beams shall be measured up to the sides of main

beams, but no deduction shall be made from the formwork of the main beam
where the secondary beam intersects it.

4. Formwork to beams which intersect with stanchion casings or columns shall

be measured up to them on all sides. No deduction shall be made from the
formwork to stanchion or column casings at these intersections.

5. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to be included with the items.

6. Formwork to edges of slabs in association with the beams or beam casings
shall be given with the beam or beam casing formwork.

7. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of beams shall be measured where more

than 15° from horizontal.

5.3.6 Formwork to pilasters and columns

1. Formwork to pilasters (which shall be deemed to include attached columns

and attached column casings grouped together) and formwork to isolated
columns and column casings, defined as columns and column casings not
contiguous with a wall and where their length on plan does not exceed four
times their thickness shall each be given separately in square meters.

2. Formwork to edges of openings in association with columns shall be given

with the column formwork.

3. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be given.

4. No deductions shall be made for beam intersections.

5. Formwork to ends of members shall be deemed to be included with the items.

5.3.7 Formwork to ancillary and associated features to slabs, walls, etc.

1. Formwork to projections (which shall be deemed to include cornices and

mounding) and recesses shall be given separately in meters. The size and
shape of such members shall be given. Formwork to ends shall be deemed to
be included with the items. Classification shall be as follows:

a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.

2. Formwork to complex or shaped members, isolated corbels and pilaster

heads shall each be adequately described and enumerated.

3. Formwork to sides and soffits of strings, copings, sills and projecting eaves
and to sides of up stands, kerbs and the like shall each be given separately in
square meters. In the case of tapering members the size at each end shall be
given. Classification shall be as follows:

a. Horizontal.
b. Sloping not exceeding 15° from horizontal.
c. Sloping over 15° from horizontal.

4. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of items in clause F.16.3 shall be

measured where more than 15 degrees from horizontal.

5. Formwork to tops and cheeks of dormers shall be given in square meters in

accordance with clauses F.12-13.

6. Formwork to fascias, fins and the like shall each be given separately in
square metres in accordance with clauses F.14-15.

7. Formwork to edges and faces of machine bases, plinths and the like where
exceeding 1.00m high shall each be given separately in square meters.
Where not exceeding 1.00m high they shall be given in meters stating the
height in the following categories:

Not exceeding - 250mm high

250mm - 500mm high
Where exceeding - 500mm - 1.00m high



5.4.1 Generally

1. Particulars of the following shall be given:

a. Kind and quality of materials for concrete.

b. Tests required of the materials.
c. Tests required of the finished work.
d. Mix or strength requirements of the concrete.

2. Reinforced work shall be so described.

3. Concrete designed to be waterproof shall be described stating the measures

to be adopted.

4. Any requirements or restrictions as to the nature of the pour shall be given in

the descriptions of the work concerned.

5. Concrete required to be placed by a particular method, poured at a stated

speed, compacted or cured in a particular way shall each be so described.

6. Concrete other than beds, poured against faces of excavation and beds laid
on earth or hardcore shall each be so described.

7. Beds, slabs or other members to receive a further finish to be applied while

the base is in an unset condition, laid to slopes not exceeding 15° from

horizontal or laid to slope over 15° from the horiz ontal shall each be so

8. Concrete shall be measured as carried out but no deduction shall be made for
the following:

a. Volume of any steel embedded in the concrete.

b. Voids due to boxed or tubular steelwork not exceeding 0.05 m2 sectional
c. Voids not exceeding 0.05m3 other than voids in soffits of troughed or
coffered slabs.

9. Work required to be designed by the contractor shall be given in accordance

with clauses F.41-45.

10. Work of composite in-situ and pre-cast construction shall be given in

accordance with clause F.26.

11. Pre-stressed in-situ concrete shall be given in accordance with clauses F.34-

5.4.2 Classification of size

1. Where the thickness is required to be stated in accordance with this clause,

the classification shall be in one of the following categories:

Not exceeding - 100mm

100mm - 150mm
150mm - 300mm
Exceeding - 300mm

2. The stated thickness of walls, beds and slabs shall exclude projections or
recesses of any kind. For coffered or troughed slabs see clause F.3.10.

5.4.3 Concrete categories

1. All members, unless otherwise stated, shall be given in cubic meters and
described in the categories set out in clause F.3.2-21.

2. Foundations in trenches, which shall be deemed to include column or pier

bases which are not isolated.\

3. Isolated foundation bases to columns and piers, stating the number.

4. Casings to steel grillages, stating the number.

5. Ground beams.

6. Casings to steel ground beams.

7. Pile caps, stating the number.

8. Beds, which shall be deemed to include thickening but to exclude up stands,

stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. Beds forming roads, footpaths and
paving shall each be so described.

9. Suspended slabs, which shall be deemed to include thickenings but to

exclude up stands, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.

10. Coffered or troughed slabs shall be given separately and so described,

stating the overall thickness as clause F.2.1. The volume of troughs or coffers
shall be deducted. Solid concrete not exceeding 500mm wide to ribs or
margins of troughed or coffered slabs shall be deemed to be included with the
items but similar work over 500mm wide shall be given separately in
accordance with clause F.3.9.

11. Up stands, kerbs, copings, sills and the like (excluding wall and column

12. Walls which are deemed to include kickers, attached columns and pilasters,
stating the thickness as clause F.2.1. Retaining walls shall be so described
and given separately.

13. Fascias, fins and the like, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.

14. Beams, casings to steel beams, isolated beams and casings to isolated steel
beams shall each be given separately.

15. Isolated columns and isolated casings to steel columns which shall be
deemed to include kickers shall be each given separately. Isolated columns

shall be so defined when their length on plan does not exceed four times their

16. Steps and staircases which shall be deemed to include strings and
associated landings.

17. Tops and cheeks of dormers, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.

18. Filling to hollow walls, stating the thickness as clause F.2.1.

19. Machine bases, plinths and the like, stating the number.

20. Filling to pockets of a volume exceeding 0.10m3 stating the number.

21. Filling to pockets of a volume not exceeding 0.10m3 shall be enumerated

irrespective of size.

5.4.4 Joints

1. Day joints shall be deemed to be included in the work.

2. Designed joints including those required to be of special profile or which

incorporate water stops, expansion or compression jointing material or which
are required in the formation of bays shall be given in meters or where of
complex shape may be enumerated. Designed joints occurring at the
boundaries of the work shall be so described. Particulars of the following shall
be given in the description:

a. Formwork.
b. Treatment of reinforcement crossing the joint.
c. Water-stop, expansion or compression jointing and pointing material.

3. Welded or purpose-made angles or intersections of water-stops or expansion

or compression jointing material shall be described and enumerated. All other
angles intersections and ends shall be deemed to be included.

5.4.5 Finishes cast on to concrete

Granolithic, cast stone, terrazzo, mosaic, etc. finishes (measured on the exposed
face) which are cast on to concrete by lining formwork shall be so described,
distinguishing between sides, soffits and upper surfaces and given in square
meters as extra over the concrete stating the mix and the thickness of the finish.


5.4.6 Labours on concrete

1. Labours on concrete shall be grouped with the work concerned, stating,

where specifically required, whether on set or unset concrete

2. Curved labours on concrete irrespective of radius shall be deemed to be


3. Treating the surface of unset concrete beyond the ordinary depositing,

spreading and leveling shall be described and given separately in square
meters for each type of treatment.

4. Working concrete around pipes or cables of panel-heating systems shall be

measured the area of the system and given in square meters as extra-over
the concrete work concerned.

5. Hacking faces of concrete shall be given in square meters stating the purpose
for which the key is required.

6. Grinding, sand-blasting and similar treatments to the face of concrete shall

each be given separately in square meters. Such work required with margins
of a different finish shall be so described, giving in addition the total length of
such area abutting margins. Such work to soffits shall be so described and
where over 3.50m high shall be kept separate stating the height in further
stages of 1.50m.

7. For the formation of channels, chases, pockets and holes in unset concrete,
see Formwork section.

8. Channels and chases in concrete which are required to be cut shall be given
in meters.

9. Mortices, pockets and holes in concrete which are required to be cut shall be
enumerated and described. Any subsequent grouting shall be included in the
description stating the mix of grout unless measured elsewhere.

10. Making good in connection with channels, chases, mortices, pockets and
holes where required shall be given in the respective description.

5.4.7 Sundries

1. Grouting under steel stanchion bases and under steel grillages shall be given
separately in square meters stating the mix of the grout and the number of
bases or grillages.

2. Anchor bolts and other fixing devices shall be enumerated and described,
stating where cast into concrete. Temporary boxing or wedges to form holes
or mortises shall be enumerated. Any cutting of concrete and making good for
the devices shall be given in accordance with clauses F.6.9-10. The separate
parts of any two part connecting devices shall be given with the structural
works to which they relate.

3. Guniting shall be given in square meters stating the thickness. The kind and
quality of materials, preparatory work and method of application and finish
shall be so described.


5.5.1 Bar reinforcement

1. Particulars of the following shall be given:

a. Kind and quality of steel.

b. Section of bars if other than plain circular.
c. Tests of bars.
d. Restrictions of bending.

2. Bar reinforcement shall be given in kilograms or tones stating the diameters.

Each diameter shall be given separately.

3. Cutting to lengths, bends, hooks, tying wire, distance blocks, ordinary spacers
and chairs shall be deemed to be included. No allowance in calculating the
weight of reinforcement shall be made for tying wire, ordinary spacers or
rolling margin.

4. Classification of bar reinforcement shall be as follows:

a. In foundations, which shall be deemed to include column and pier

bases, ground beams, pile caps and the like?
b. In ground slabs, which shall be deemed to include beds, roads,
footpaths and paving.
c. In suspended slabs which shall be deemed to include attached
beams, up stand, kerbs and lintels.
d. In walls, which shall be deemed to include columns.
e. In casings to steel columns and beams (grouped together).
f. In steps, staircases and strings and associated landings (grouped
g. In tops and cheeks of dormers.
h. In machine bases.
j. In isolated columns, beams and lintels (grouped together).

5. Within each of the above categories the following shall be shown separately:

a. Straight and bend bars, which shall be deemed to include hooked bars
(grouped together).
b. Curved bars irrespective of radius.
c. Links, stirrups, binders and the like (grouped together).
d. Spacers and chairs not at the Contractor's choice (grouped together).

6. Horizontal bars and bars sloping not more than 30° from the horizontal
(grouped together) over 12.00m long shall be so described stating the length
in further stages of 3.00m.

7. Vertical bars and bars sloping more than 30° fro m the horizontal (grouped
together) over 6.00m long shall be so described stating the length in further
stages of 3.00m.

5.5.2 Fabric reinforcement

1. Particulars of the following shall be given:

a. Kind and quality of steel.

b. Section of bars making up the fabric if other than plain circular.
c. Tests of fabric.
d. Restrictions on bending.

2. Fabric reinforcement shall be measured as the area covered. No allowance

shall be made for laps and no deductions shall be made for voids not
exceeding 1.00m2. Tying wire and distance blocks shall be deemed to be

3. Fabric reinforcement shall be given in square meters stating the mesh, the
weight per square meters and the minimum extent of sides and end laps.
Classification shall be in accordance with clause F.8.4.

4. Strips required to be in one width (including those in foundations to walls,

tension strips to floors and roofs, etc.) shall be given in meters stating the
width, the mesh, the weight per square meter, the direction of main bars and
the minimum extent of end laps.

5. Self-centering fabric reinforcement shall be so described. Temporary strutting

shall be given in the description and where exceeding 3.50m high shall be so
described stating the height in further stages of 1.50m.

6. Raking cutting and curved cutting shall be deemed to be included with the

7. Bending fabric reinforcement and notching fabric reinforcement around

obstructions shall be deemed to be included in the items.



5.61 Classification for filling materials

1. Filling materials shall be classified as follows:

a. Material arising from the excavations.

b. Material arising from excavations which is specified to be selected or
treated. Details of selection or treatment shall be given.
c. Material to be obtained off site. Details of type and source of supply, if a
particular source is required to be used, shall be given.

5.6.2 Measurement

Filling shall be measured as equal to the void to be filled. Any thickness stated
shall be deemed to be the thickness after compacting. Compacting and treating
surfaces of filling including forming slopes and finishing to falls and cambers shall
be deemed to be included with the various items of filling except for hand packing
hardcore which shall be measured in accordance with clauses D.28 and D.29.

5.6.3 Filling to excavations

Filling to excavations other than to service trenches (D.12.9) shall be given in

cubic meters.

5.6.4 Filling to make up levels

Filling to make up levels over 250mm thick shall be given in cubic meters. Such
filling not exceeding 250mm thick shall be given in square meters stating the
average thickness.

5.6.5 Filling deposited and compacted in layers

Filling required to be deposited and compacted in layers shall be so described

stating the maximum thickness of the layers.

5.6.6 Hand-packing hardcore and the like to faces

Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form vertical or battering faces over 0.25m
high shall be grouped together and given in square meters. Such work not
exceeding 0.25m high shall be given in meters stating the height.

5.6.7 Hand-packing hardcore and the like to sinkings

Hand-packing hardcore and the like to form sinkings shall be given in meters or
enumerated as appropriate stating the size. No deduction of hardcore shall be

5.6.8 Surface treatment

1. All leveling, grading and compacting bottoms and trimming of sides of

excavation and formation of slope shall be deemed to be included with the
various items of excavation.

2. Applying herbicides, pesticides, etc. shall be given separately in square

meters describing the kind, quality of materials and the rate of application (e.g.
anti-termite treatment).

5.6.9 Trimming rock surface

Trimming sides of excavation in rock to produce fair exposed faces shall be given
in square meters. Curved work shall be so described.

5.6.10 Blinding

Blinding with sand or similar fine material shall be described and given in square
meters. Concrete blinding shall be given in accordance with Section F.

5.6.11 Puddle lining

Puddle lining to ponds, lakes, etc. over 300mm thick shall be given in cubic
meters stating the method of application and any preparatory work. Such work
not exceeding 300mm shall be given in square meters stating the thickness.

5.6.12 Geotextiles

Geotextiles shall be given in square meters measured the area in contact with
the base stating the type or grade of material, laps and method of jointing.
Horizontal, raking, vertical and curved work shall be so described.


5.7.1 Generally

1. Particulars of the following shall be given:

a. Kind and quality of damp-proof material.

b. Gauge, thickness or substance of sheet material.
c. Number of layers.
d. Composition and mix of bedding material.

2. Damp-proof courses over 225mm wide shall be given in square meters. Such
work not exceeding 225mm wide shall be given in meters stating the width.
No allowance in measurement shall be made for laps and this shall be stated
in the description. No deduction shall be made for Aids not exceeding 0.50m2.
Horizontals raking, vertical and curved work shall each be so described.
Cutting to curve shall be given in the description of work in curved walls.

3. Damp-proof courses forming cavity-gutters in hollow walls shall be so

described. Ends, angles and intersections shall be deemed to be included
with damp-proof courses.

4. Pointing exposed edges of damp-proof courses shall be deemed to be

included with the damp proof courses.

5.7.2 Asphalt damp-proof courses

Asphalt damp-proof courses shall be given in accordance with Section K.

5.7.3 Classification of work

1. Work shall be classified according to the kind of materials and given together
with its associated skirting, angle-fillets and labours under an appropriate

a. Damp proofing and tanking.

b. Flooring and underlay.
c. Paving.
d. Roofing.

5.7.4 Measurement

1. Particulars of the following shall be given:

a. Kind and quality of material.

b. Thickness and number of coats and layers.
c. Nature of base.

d. Surface treatment.

2. Coverings shall be measured the area in contact with the base but no
deduction shall be made for voids not exceeding 0.50m2.

3. Coverings over 300mm wide shall be given in square meters. Such work not
exceeding 300mm wide shall be given in meters stating the width in stages of
150mm. Classification shall be as follows:

a. Flat coverings which shall include coverings to falls or cross-falls and

sloping coverings not exceeding 10° from horizontal . Intersection on works
to cross falls shall be deemed to be included with the items.
b. Sloping coverings over 10° but not exceeding 45 ° from horizontal.
c. Sloping coverings over 45° from horizontal and vertical coverings
(grouped together).

4. Coverings in isolated areas not exceeding 1.00m2 each shall be enumerated.

5. Paper, felt, cork, fiberboard or other underlay in contact with waterproofing

and any reinforcement shall be given in the description of the work in which
they occur. Cutting, notching, bending and lapping the underlay and the
reinforcement shall be deemed to be included with the items.

6. Work which will be subsequently covered shall be so described.

7. Work and labours carried out overhand or in confined situations (where at

least 0.60m of working space cannot be provided) shall each be so described.

8. Work and labours on retaining walls, in sections, and where continuity of

laying will be interrupted by obstructions shall each be so described. Jointing
between sections shall be deemed to be included with the items.

9. Curved work, conical work, spherical work and elliptical work shall each be so
described irrespective of the radius. No distinction shall be made between
straight and curved labours.

10. Internal angle-fillets shall be given in meters and shall be deemed to be in two
coats or layers unless otherwise stated. Ends and angles shall be deemed to
be included with the items.

11. Temporary rules shall be deemed to be included.

5.7.5 Labours


1. The following shall be deemed to be included with waterproofing and asphalt


a. Fair edges, rounded edges, drips and arris.

b. Turning nibs of waterproofing into grooves.
c. Working into outlet pipes, dishing to gullies and the like.
d. Cutting to line for jointing new to existing.
e. Working to metal or other flashings against frames of manhole-covers,
duct-covers, mat-sinkings and the like.

2. Working into recessed duct-covers, shaped insets, recessed manhole-covers,

mat-sinkings and the like shall be given in meters as extra over the work in
which they occur stating the width in stages of 150mm.

5.7.6 Skirting, fascias and aprons

1. Skirting, fascias and aprons shall each be given separately in meters stating
the width on face. Stepped work and raking work shall each be so described.
Internal angle fillets (or dressing over tilting fillets) shall be given in the
description. Fair edges, drips, arris, turning nibs into grooves, fair ends,
stopped ends and angles shall be deemed to be included with the items.
Stopped ends requiring an angle-fillet shall be dealt with as angles.

2. Skirtings on roof slopes shall be so described.

5.7.7 Gutters, channels, valleys and kerbs

1. Linings to gutters, channels, and valleys and coverings to kerbs shall each be
given separately in meters stating the girth on face. Gutters to falls shall be so
described. Internal angle-fillets and tilting fillets (or dressing over tilting fillets)
shall each be given in the description. Arris, turning nibs into grooves, ends,
angles, intersections and outlets shall be deemed to be included with the

2. Linings to gutters and valleys of stated or other roofs shall each be so


3. Working coverings into shallow channels shall be given in meters as extra

over the coverings in which they occur stating the girth on face. Channels to

falls shall be so described. Arris, ends, angles, intersections and outlets shall
be deemed to be included with the items.

5.7.8 Cesspools and collars

1. Linings to cesspools, Bumps and the like shall each be enumerated

separately stating the size. Internal angle-fillets shall be given in the
description. Arris and outlets shall be deemed to be included with the items.

2. Linings to bonding pockets, coverings to bonding blocks and the like shall
each be enumerated separately stating the size. Internal angle-fillets shall be
given in the description. Arrises shall be deemed to be included with the items.

3. Collars around pipes, standards and the like members (grouped together)
shall be enumerated stating the size of the members and length of collars.
Internal angle-fillets shall be given in the description. Arrises shall be deemed
to be included with the items.





Specification Notes on pre-cast reinforced concrete piles to be read together with

Drawing No AA/PCP/1.


1. All piles shall be of cross-sectional size 200mm x 200mm.

2. Supply length of piles shall be :

i. Starter pile – 6.00m long.
ii. Extension pile – 3.00m & 6.00m long.

3. Estimated penetration depth : 14.00m.

4. No trial pile is required to be installed.

5. All pile heads to be cut-off by means of hydraulic breaker.

6. Working loads : 45 tonnes/pile.

7. Allow 4 no. random load tests :

i. 1 no. on 3 pile group.
ii. 1 no. on 2 pile group.
iii. 2 no. on a single pile.

8. Tests shall be carried out in sequence with group testing to be carried out
first. The test load to twice working load shall be maintained for 24 hours.

9. Legend :
i. P1 : pile cap with 1 pile point.
ii. P2 : pile cap with 2 pile points.
iii. P3 : pile cap with 3 pile points.
iv. P4 : pile cap with 4 pile points.
v. P5 : pile cap with 5 pile points



P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
A/1-9 1 1 - - -
A1/1-9 1 - - - -
B/1-9 - 1 2 - -
B1/1-9 1 - - - -
C/1-9 - 2 - 2 -
D/1-9 1 3 1 - 1
D1/1-9 1 - - - -
E1/1-9 - 1 - - -
E2/1-9 - 3 1 - -
F/1-9 - 1 - - -
G/1-9 2 - - - -
TOTAL 7 12 4 2 1



The gen. piling layout is shown
on Dwg. No. AA/PCP/1 & the
position of the wk. within the
site are shown on Dwg. No.
AA/SL/1. Grd. water lev. was
established on 30.6.2002 as
2.80m below existg. grd. lev.
Details of boreholes are shown
on Dwg. No. AA/BH/1. No
u/grd. & above grd. services
existg. on site.

Bringing to & removing from

site all plant required for this
section of the work
Maintaining on site all plant

Alternative 1

200mm x 200mm Pre-formed

p.c. r.c. piles & conc. cube
strength 45N/mm at 28 days

Alternative 2

200mm x 200mm Pre-formed

p.c. r.c. piles, ‘UCP’ obtainable
from UCP Manufacturing (M)
Sdn Bhd

Total no. of piles 6.00m long

c.w. 200mm x 200mm x
1.25kg. m.s. head & 200mm x
200mm x 10kg. m.s. shoe
7 7 (P1

2/ 12 24 (P2

3/ 4 12 (P3

4/ 2 8 (P4

5/ 1 5 (P5
Total driven length
7/ 14.00 98.00 (P1

2/12/ 14.00 336.00 (P2

3/4/ 14.00 168.00 (P3

4/2/ 14.00 112.00 (P4

5/ 14.00 70.00 (P5

Total no. of piles extns.
7/ 2 14 (P1

2/12/ 2 48 (P2

3/4/ 2 24 (P3

4/2/ 2 16 (P4

5/ 2 10 (P5
Total length of piles extns. for
pile length n.e. 3.00m
7/ 3.00 21.00 (P1

2/12/ 3.00 72.00 (P2

3/4/ 3.00 36.00 (P3

4/2/ 3.00 24.00 (P4

5/ 3.00 15.00 (P5

Ditto exceedg. 3.00m
7/ 6.00 42.00 (P1

2/12/ 6.00 144.00 (P2

3/4/ 6.00 72.00 (P3

4/2/ 6.00 48.00 (P4

5/ 6.00 30.00 (P5





Cut off top of piles to required

Prep. conc. pile heads. & reinft.
for capping
7 7 (P1

2/ 12 24 (P2

3/ 4 12 (P3

4/ 2 8 (P4

5/ 1 5 (P5

Allow for 1 no testg. on a group

of 3 no. 200mm x 200mm piles
by kentledges to a total load of
270 tonnes (twice their
combined working load)
Ditto 1 no testg. on a group of 2
Item no. 200mm x 200mm piles by
kentledges to a total load of
180 tonnes ditto
Ditto 2 no. testg. on a single
200mm x 200mm pile by
kentledges to a total load of 90
tonnes ditto




(not to scale)

Notes :
1. Excavate top soil 100mm deep to be deposited 10.00m from site.

2. Concrete cover for pad footing, column stump & ground beam is 40mm

3. Lean concrete shall be of Grade 7 concrete.

4. Concrete to footings, stumps, ground beams and bed shall be of Grade

20 concrete.









Taking-off list

1. Excvt. top soil - m2

2. Deposition of top soil - m3
3. Excvt. to red. lev. - m3
4. Rem. excvtd. mat. - m3
5. Excvt. pit for pad fdn. - m3
6. Fillg. to excvn. - m3
7. Excvn. in rock - m3
8. Excvt. tr. for grd. bm. - m3
9. Rem. excvtd. mat. - m3
10. Excvn. in rock - m3
11. Disp. of surface water - Item
12. Conc. blindg. to pad fdn. - m3
13. Rem. excvtd. mat. - m3
14. Ddt. fillg. to excvn. - m3
15. Conc. in pad fdn. - m3
16. Rem. excvtd. mat. - m3
17. Ddt. fillg. to excvn. - m3
18. Conc. in stump - m3
19. Rem. excvtd. mat. - m3
20. Ddt. fillg. to excvn. - m3
21. Fwk. to sides of stump - m2
22. Reinft. bars in stump -m
23. Links in stump -m
24. Conc. blindg. to grd. bm. - m3
25. Conc. in grd. bm. - m3
26. Fwk. to pad fdns. -m
27. Fwk. to grd. bm. -m
28. Reinft. bars in fdn. & grd. bm. -m
29. Stirrups in grd. bms. -m
30. Hardcore - m2
31. D.P.M. - m2
32. Conc. bed - m3


W.B.L.F.F. Early calculation shown the

Excvt. top soil measurement is taken to the outer
Length/breadth side of pad foundation.
Add fdn. spr. D.7 – the measurement of top soil
1.250 should be in metre square and state
Less st. 0.300 0.950 the average depth.

8.15 Excvt. top soil for preservn. avg.

8.15 66.42 100mm dp.

8.15 Dep. preserved top soil in temp. D.21 -

8.15 spoil heaps avg. 10.00m dist.
0.10 6.64

Surc. excvn.
conc. bed 0.125
hardcore 0.150

Less top soil

excvn. 0.100

8.15 Excvt. to red. lev. max. depth

8.15 n.e. 0.25m
0.18 11.96 &
Rem. excvtd. mat. from site

Pit excvn.

blindg. 0.025
ftg. 0.300
stump 0.750
Less excvn.
top soil 0.100 D.12.6 – measured in cubic metre
red. lev. 0.175 0.275 and stating the numbers.
D.11 – stating the starting level
4/ 1.25 Excvt. pit to rec. col. bases D.10 – indicate the maximum depth
1.25 startg. from red. lev. max. depth as classified.
0.80 5.00 n.e. 1.00m
(In No. 4)
Fillg. to excvn. w. mat. arising
from excvn.

W.B.L.F.F. (cont’d)

Tr. excvn.

1.25 E.o. pit excvn. for excvtg. in rock

1.25 (Prov.)
100 0.80 0.50

Less col. st.
2/0.300 0.600


Add blindg.
Less excvn.
top soil 0.100
red. lev. 0.175 0.275

4/ 6.60 Excvt. tr. to rec. grd. bm. startg.

0.15 from red. lev. max. depth n.e.
0.25 0.99 0.25m
Rem. excvtd. mat. from site

10 6.60 E.o. tr. excvn for excvtg in rock

/4 0.15 (Prov.)
/ 0.25 0.01

Item Allow for keeping the surfaces of

the site & excvn. free of surface

col. bases

4/ 1.25 Conc. Gr. 7 blindg. N.e. 100mm

1.25 thk. laid on earth
0.03 0.19 &
Rem excvtd. mat. from site
Ddt. fillg. to excvn. w. mat.
arising from excvn.

W.B.L.F.F. (cont’d)

4/ 1.25 Reinfd. insitu conc. Gr. 20 in isol.
1.25 fdn. bases
0.30 1.88 (In No 4)
Rem excvtd mat from site
Ddt. fillg to excvn. w. mat. arising
from excvn.

4/ 0.30 Reinfd. insitu conc. Gr. 20 in isol.

0.30 col. stumps
0.75 0.27

Vol. of stump in pit

Less excvn.
top soil 0.100
red. lev. 0.175 0.275

4/ 0.30 Rem. excvtd. mat. from site

0.30 &
0.48 0.17 Ddt. fillg to excvn. w. mat. arising
from excvn.

4/0.300 1.200

4/ 1.20 Fwk. to sides of isol. col. stump

0.75 3.60

Reinft. bars in isol. col. stump

fdn. 0.300
stump 0.750
lap in col. 0.500
conc. cov. 0.040
fdn. bars
2/0.012 0.024
Add bend

W.B.L.F.F. (cont’d)

4/4/ 1.69 27.04 20mm dia. h.t. steel reinft. in strt.

& bent bars in isol. col. stump
width 0.300
cov. 2/0.040
= 0.880
Add hooks
24/0.008 0.192

4/6/ 1.07 25.68 8mm dia. m.s. reinft. in links in F.8.5 -

isol. col. Stumps

Blindg. to grd. bm.

Less 2 stumps
2/0.300 0.600

4/ 6.60 Conc. Gr. 7 blindg. n.e. 100mm

0.15 thk. laid on earth
0.03 0.12

4/ 6.60 Reinfd. in-situ conc. Gr. 20 in

0.15 grd. bm.
0.50 1.98
Fwk. to fdns. & beds
4/1.250 5.000

4/ 5.00 20.00 Fwk. to edges & faces of fdn.

exceedg. 250mm & n.e. 500mm

4/2/ 6.60 52.80 Fwk. to grd. bm. exceedg. It is not necessary to stated whether
250mm & n.e. 500mm high the timber for formwork is sawn or
plane timber

W.B.L.F.F. (cont’d)

Reinft. bars in fdn. F.8.4a – reinforcement bars for

pad ftg. foundation and ground beam should

length be classified under ‘In foundation’.
1.250 The reinforcement bars for this work
Less conc. cov. b/s should be grouped into single item.
2/0.040 0.080
Add 2 bends
Less 2 conc. cov.

Grd. bm.
Less conc. cov.
2/0.040 0.080
Add 2 bends
2/0.300 0.600

12mm dia. h.t. steel reinft. in strt.

& bent bars in fdn.
4/10/ 1.61 64.40 (pad ftg.

4/4/ 7.72 123.52 (grd. bm.)

grd. bm.
width 0.150
less cov. 2/0.040
0.080 Deduction of 40mm should be made
0.070 for concrete cover on both sides of
ht. 0.500 end bars.
Less cov. 2/0.040
= 0.980
Add hooks
W.B.L.F.F. (cont’d)
Reinft. bars in fdn. (cont’d)

4/28/ 1.17 131.04 8mm dia. m.s. reinft. in stirrups in


(grd. bms.

h/c & d.p.m. Hardcore is include in the work of

length/width 7.200 filling to make up levels.
Less 2 stumps
2/0.300 0.600

6.60 Fillg. to make up lev. avg. D.23.1 – Materials used for hardcore
6.60 43.56 150mm thk. w. h/c of clean hard should be stated
broken stones obtained off site
& K.2.3 -
Polythene not less than 1000
gauge horiz. d.p.m. lappd.
100mm at jts. laid on h/c

6.60 Conc. Gr. 20 in bed 100mm – F.3.1 – concrete ground floor should
6.60 150mm thk. laid on h/c be measured in cubic metre.
0.13 5.66

F.3.8 – thickness of floor should be

described in not exceeding 100mm,
100mm – 150mm, 150mm – 300mm
and exceeding 300mm.

F.1.6 – the construction of ground

floor slab either on ground or
hardcore should be stated.

5.7.9 Bill Preparation and Production

After the taking-off process is done, the next process based on the traditional
method of preparing bill of quantity is divided into three stages as per listed

1. Squaring dimensions
2. Abstracting
3. Billing Squaring Dimension

H. bwl. in c.b. in c.&s. (1:6)

mort. in Stret. Bond, non-
load bearing
2.70 18.85 (A/1-5

2.70 13.50 (B/1-5
32.35 Abstracting

H. bwl. in c.b. in c.&s. (1:6)

mort. in Stret. Bond, non-
load bearing
2.70 18.85 (A/1-5

2.70 13.50

________________________________________________________________________ Billing



A Half brickwall in common bricks 48 m2

in cement and sand (1:6) mortar
in Stretcher bond, non-load


In this unit, we have studied the application of using a dimension paper and
preparation for Bill of Quantities.


1. Ahamad Abdullah and Khairuddin Abdul Rashid (2006). Pengukuran Kuantiti

Bangunan (Berserta Contoh Kerja Berdasarkan SMM2). (2nd ed.). Kuala
Lumpur: Prentice Hall.
2. Ahamad Abdullah (2006). Anggaran Kos Kerja Bangunan (Berdasarkan
SMM2). (2nd ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall.
3. The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (2000). Malaysian Standard Method of
Measurement of Building Works. (2nd ed.). Kuala Lumpur: The Institution of
Surveyors, Malaysia.
4. Popescu, C.M. et. al. (2003). Estimating Building Costs” New York: Marcell
Dekker, Inc.
5. Seeley, I. H. and Winfield, R. (1999). Builing Quantities Explained (5th ed.).
Hampshire, England: Palgrave Publishers Ltd.
6. Pratt, D. J. (2006). Estimating for Residential Construction. Clifton Park, NY:
Thomson Delmar Learning.


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