Masterclass - Messiaen
Masterclass - Messiaen
Masterclass - Messiaen
In this class, we are going to deal with new systems of organizing the
pitch material for composing.
• In this case the composer organizes a set of pitches, and uses it as
raw composing material: the number of pitches is variable, and the
intervals between them will give the general mood. Let’s say we
build a set of four pitches. The result shoud be quite different if they
are major thirds and a semitone (M3, M3, m2) = C – E – G# - A;
than if we use seconds and tritones (M2, TT, M2)= C – F# – G#.
So, depending on the intervals we can “manipulate” one factor in
our music to make it softer, harder, more or less tonal…
• There are several nomenclatures for this system but an extensive
exposition of the Set Theory is beyond our goal.
• We can do several things with a set of pitches: transposition to any
pitch, retrogradation, inversion, rotation (instead of M2, TT, M2, we
would use TT, M2, M2, splitting in octaves, and the combination of
all of them. Of course, taking the set as a base, we can add
intervals, or use the set partially.
chord, and chord of total cromaticism.
All these chords fit in one or another mode, but they can be used as
chords by themselves in any background.
Finally, be must bear in mind that we will often find combination of
modes. Of course in the development of a piece there can be more tan
one mode in an horizontal direction. But also we can use a mode for the
melody and a different one for the harmony (Messiaen used even three
modes at a time, in a sort of polymodality).
Here the first page of the score Abîme des Oiseaux where the first part is
in mode 2 and the second part uses an interval set. See below.
• Modes of limited transposition: stick to the notes of the mode
• Interval set defined by the composer
• When using a scale is good to define it soon in the melody: make
all the notes of the scale sound.
• In this style counterpoint is not preferred, but can be used. Melody
alone or melody in several parallel voices.
• Build any kind of chord and voicing using the same notes of the
mode in the melody
• Melody by interval set can be harmonized using a mode, too
• Messiaen’s new chord can also be taken, but they’r not necessary
to define the mode
• Bi- or polymodality is possible
Students Allowing: 7
Initial Writing Requirement: our goals are to compose effective pieces with different
melodic and harmonic systems compared to classic tonal period
Two Works:
a) 16-24 bars, only melody with any instrument solo. Use a mode or an
interval set. Have in mind the possibilities of the instrument: range,
b) 16-24 bars, piano solo or melodic instrument + piano solo. Focus on
harmonization with chords built with pitches from the mode you want to