Product and Brand Management
Product and Brand Management
Product and Brand Management
JNU, Jaipur
First Edition 2013
JNU makes reasonable endeavours to ensure content is current and accurate. JNU reserves the right to alter the
content whenever the need arises, and to vary it at any time without prior notice.
I. Content....................................................................... II
V. Bibliography........................................................... 155
Book at a Glance
Chapter I........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction to Product and Product Management.................................................................................. 1
Aim ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Objectives....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Learning outcome........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Defining Product....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Product Management................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Product Levels.......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Product Mix.............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Product Life Cycle.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.1 Introduction Phase.................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.2 Growth Phase............................................................................................................................ 6
1.6.3 Maturity Phase.......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6.4 Decline Phase............................................................................................................................ 6
1.7 Market Evolution...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7.1 Emergence................................................................................................................................ 7
1.7.2 Growth...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7.3 Maturity.................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7.4 Decline...................................................................................................................................... 8
1.8 Product Classification............................................................................................................................... 8
1.8.1 Durability and Tangibility......................................................................................................... 8
1.8.2 Consumer Goods Classification................................................................................................ 8
1.8.3 Industrial Goods Classification................................................................................................. 9
1.9 Product Portfolio Management............................................................................................................... 10
1.9.1 SBU’s characteristics ............................................................................................................. 10
1.9.2 The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Model......................................................................... 10
1.9.3 The General Electric (GE) Model........................................................................................... 13
1.9.4 Adapting Products to Local Conditions.................................................................................. 14
1.9.5 Threats from Duplication........................................................................................................ 15
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 16
References.................................................................................................................................................... 16
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 16
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 17
Chapter II.................................................................................................................................................... 19
New Product Development Process........................................................................................................... 19
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 19
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 20
2.2 New Product............................................................................................................................................ 20
2.3 Factors Contributing to New Product Development............................................................................... 20
2.4 New Product Development Process........................................................................................................ 20
2.4.1 Idea Generation....................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.2 Idea Screening......................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.3 Concept Development and Testing......................................................................................... 22
2.4.4 Marketing Strategy Development........................................................................................... 22
2.4.5 Business Analysis................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.6 Product Development............................................................................................................. 23
2.4.7 Market Testing........................................................................................................................ 23
2.4.8 Commercialisation.................................................................................................................. 23
2.5 Product Adoption.................................................................................................................................... 24
2.6 Product Strategy...................................................................................................................................... 25
2.6.1 Elements of Product Strategy................................................................................................. 25
2.6.2 Setting Objectives................................................................................................................... 26
2.7 Strategic Alternatives.............................................................................................................................. 26
2.7.1 Increasing Sales/Market Share – Market Development Strategies......................................... 27
2.7.2 Market Penetration Strategies................................................................................................. 27
2.8 Increasing Profitability............................................................................................................................ 27
2.8.1 Decreasing Inputs................................................................................................................... 27
2.8.2 Increasing Outputs.................................................................................................................. 27
2.9 Positioning 28
2.9.1 Choice of Customer Targets.................................................................................................... 28
2.9.2 Choice of Competitor Targets................................................................................................. 28
2.9.3 Core Strategy.......................................................................................................................... 28
2.9.4 Cost/Price (Value) Strategy..................................................................................................... 28
2.9.5 Non-price Strategy.................................................................................................................. 29
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 30
References.................................................................................................................................................... 30
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 30
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 31
Chapter III................................................................................................................................................... 33
Marketing Management............................................................................................................................. 33
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 33
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 34
3.2 Marketing Organisation.......................................................................................................................... 34
3.2.1 Product Focused Organisation................................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 Market Focused Organisation................................................................................................. 35
3.2.3 Functionally Focused Organisation........................................................................................ 36
3.3 Marketing Channels................................................................................................................................ 36
3.3.1 Channel Selection................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2 Indirect Channels.................................................................................................................... 38
3.3.3 Direct Channels....................................................................................................................... 38
3.3.4 Hybrid Channels..................................................................................................................... 39
3.3.5 Indirect Channel Management................................................................................................ 39
3.3.6 Channel Arrangements............................................................................................................ 40
3.3.7 Monitoring Profitability by Channel....................................................................................... 40
3.4 Market Planning...................................................................................................................................... 40
3.5 The Planning Process.............................................................................................................................. 41
3.6 Marketing Plan Outline........................................................................................................................... 41
3.6.1 Executive Summary................................................................................................................ 41
3.6.2 Situation Analysis................................................................................................................... 42
3.6.3 Objectives............................................................................................................................... 43
3.6.4 Product/Brand Strategy........................................................................................................... 43
3.6.5 Supporting Marketing Programs............................................................................................. 43
3.6.6 Financial Documents.............................................................................................................. 43
3.6.7 Monitors and Controls............................................................................................................ 44
3.6.8 Contingency Plans ................................................................................................................. 44
3.7 Marketing and Sales................................................................................................................................ 44
3.8 Market and Sales Potential...................................................................................................................... 44
3.9 Sales Forecasting.................................................................................................................................... 45
3.10 Methods of Estimating Market and Sales Potential.............................................................................. 45
3.10.1 Analysis Based Estimates..................................................................................................... 45
3.10.2 Judgement Based Methods................................................................................................... 46
3.10.3 Customer Based Methods..................................................................................................... 46
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 47
References.................................................................................................................................................... 47
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 47
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 48
Chapter IV................................................................................................................................................... 50
Pricing Strategy, Advertising and Promotion.......................................................................................... 50
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 50
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 50
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 51
4.2 Setting the Price...................................................................................................................................... 51
4.3 The Role of Marketing Strategy in Pricing............................................................................................. 51
4.3.1 Measuring Perceived Value and Price..................................................................................... 52
4.3.2 The Economic Value Concept................................................................................................. 52
4.3.3 Using Price Thresholds........................................................................................................... 53
4.3.4 Using the Perceived Value Concept........................................................................................ 53
4.3.5 Psychological Aspects of Price............................................................................................... 53
4.3.6 Relationship between Price and Perceived Quality................................................................ 54
4.3.7 Odd Ending Prices.................................................................................................................. 54
4.3.8 Competition and Pricing......................................................................................................... 54 Competitors’ Costs................................................................................................... 54 Historical Pricing Behaviour.................................................................................... 54
4.3.9 Role of Cost to Company........................................................................................................ 55
4.4 Pricing Objectives................................................................................................................................... 55
4.4.1 Penetration Pricing.................................................................................................................. 55
4.4.2 Return on Sales/Investment Pricing........................................................................................ 56
4.4.3 Pricing for Stability................................................................................................................. 56
4.4.4 Skimming................................................................................................................................ 56
4.4.5 Competitive Pricing................................................................................................................ 56
4.4.6 Other Factors Affecting Price................................................................................................. 56
4.5 Pricing Tactics......................................................................................................................................... 56
4.6 Advertising . ............................................................................................................................................ 57
4.7 Developing Effective Communications.................................................................................................. 58
4.8 Factors in Setting the Marketing Communications Mix......................................................................... 59
4.9 Media Selection...................................................................................................................................... 59
4.10 Evaluating Advertising Effects............................................................................................................. 60
4.11 Promotions............................................................................................................................................ 60
4.11.1 Promotion Objectives............................................................................................................ 61 Final Customer Promotions.................................................................................... 61 Trade Promotions................................................................................................... 61
4.12 Promotion Budgeting............................................................................................................................ 61
4.12.1 The Total Advertising and Promotion Budget...................................................................... 62
4.12.2 Allocating Money between Advertising and Promotion....................................................... 62
4.12.3 Evaluating Customer Promotions......................................................................................... 62
4.12.4 Effects of Promotions .......................................................................................................... 63
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 64
References.................................................................................................................................................... 64
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 64
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 65
Chapter V..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Financial Analysis and Services................................................................................................................. 67
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 67
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 67
5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 68
5.2 Sales Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 68
5.3 Profitability Analysis.............................................................................................................................. 69
5.3.1 Cost Classification.................................................................................................................. 69
5.3.2 Using the Contribution Rate................................................................................................... 70
5.4 Framework for Control........................................................................................................................... 70
5.5 Capital Budgeting................................................................................................................................... 70
5.5.1 Average Rate of Return........................................................................................................... 71
5.5.2 Payback................................................................................................................................... 71
5.5.3 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)................................................................................................. 71
5.5.4 Present Value........................................................................................................................... 71
5.5.5 Economic Value Added (EVA)............................................................................................... 72
5.6 Services................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.6.1 Service Categories.................................................................................................................. 72
5.7 Marketing Strategies for Service Firms.................................................................................................. 72
5.7.1 Differentiation in Services...................................................................................................... 73
5.7.2 Managing Service Quality...................................................................................................... 73
5.7.3 Managing Productivity........................................................................................................... 74
5.8 Post-Sale Service Strategy...................................................................................................................... 74
5.9 Major Trends in Product Support Service............................................................................................... 74
5.10 Managing Product Support Services..................................................................................................... 75
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 76
References.................................................................................................................................................... 76
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 76
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 77
Chapter VI................................................................................................................................................... 79
Brand Management.................................................................................................................................... 79
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 79
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 79
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 79
6.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 80
6.2 Brand....................................................................................................................................................... 80
6.3 Brand Equity........................................................................................................................................... 80
6.4 Branding Challenges............................................................................................................................... 82
6.5 Brand-Sponsor........................................................................................................................................ 82
6.6 Brand Building Tools.............................................................................................................................. 82
6.7 Brand Strategy Decision......................................................................................................................... 83
6.8 Brand Asset Management....................................................................................................................... 83
6.9 Packaging and Labelling......................................................................................................................... 83
6.10 Laws of Branding.................................................................................................................................. 84
6.11 Myths about Branding........................................................................................................................... 84
6.12 Role and Significance of Branding....................................................................................................... 84
6.12.1 Significance of Brands from Consumers’ Point of View...................................................... 84
6.12.2 Significance of Brands from the Marketer’s Point of View................................................. 85
6.13 Brand Ranking...................................................................................................................................... 87
6.14 Brand Challenges.................................................................................................................................. 88
6.14.1 Brand or No Brand................................................................................................................ 88
6.14.2 Brand Sponsor Decision....................................................................................................... 88
6.14.3 Brand Name Decisions......................................................................................................... 89
6.14.4 Brand Name Strategies......................................................................................................... 90
6.14.5 Brand Strategy Decisions...................................................................................................... 90
6.14.6 Brand Repositioning or No Repositioning............................................................................ 91
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 92
References.................................................................................................................................................... 92
Recommended Reading.............................................................................................................................. 92
Self Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 93
Chapter VII................................................................................................................................................. 95
Brand Equity............................................................................................................................................... 95
Aim............................................................................................................................................................... 95
Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 95
Learning outcome......................................................................................................................................... 95
7.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 96
7.2 Brand Equity........................................................................................................................................... 96
7.3 Cost Based Approach............................................................................................................................. 97
7.3.1 Historical Cost........................................................................................................................ 97
7.3.2 Replacement Cost Approach................................................................................................... 97
7.3.3 Market Value Approach.......................................................................................................... 98
7.3.4 Discounting the Cash Flow Approach.................................................................................... 98
7.3.5 Brand Contribution Approach................................................................................................. 98
7.3.6 Inter-brand Approach.............................................................................................................. 99
7.4 Price Based Approach............................................................................................................................. 99
7.4.1 Price Premium Approach........................................................................................................ 99
7.4.2 Market Share Equalisation Approach..................................................................................... 99
7.4.3 Price Premium at Indifference Approach.............................................................................. 100
7.5 Customer Based Approach.................................................................................................................... 101
7.5.1 Brand Knowledge Method.................................................................................................... 101
7.5.2 Attribute Oriented Method.................................................................................................... 102
7.6 Types of Brand Association.................................................................................................................. 103
7.6.1 Favourability of Brand Associations..................................................................................... 103
7.6.2 Strength of Brand Associations............................................................................................. 104
7.6.3 Blind Test Method................................................................................................................. 104
7.7 Latest Measures to Compute Brand Equity.......................................................................................... 105
7.7.1 Direct Measurement Methods............................................................................................... 105
7.7.2 Indirect Valuation Methods................................................................................................... 105
Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 106
References.................................................................................................................................................. 106
Recommended Reading............................................................................................................................ 106
Self Assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 107
8.5.3 Intangible Assets....................................................................................................................117
8.6 Customer Retention and Brand Marketing............................................................................................118
8.6.1 Customer Retention...............................................................................................................118
8.6.2 Measurement of Customer Retention....................................................................................118
8.6.3 Benefits of Customer Retention.............................................................................................119
8.6.4 Strategies for Retaining Customers...................................................................................... 120
8.6.5 Beyond Customer Retention................................................................................................. 121
8.7 Ten Characteristics of the World’s Strongest Brands............................................................................ 122
8.7.1 Delivering the Benefits that Customers Truly Desire . ........................................................ 122
8.7.2 Relevance.............................................................................................................................. 123
8.7.3 Pricing Strategy based on Consumer’s Perceptions of Value............................................... 123
8.7.4 Properly Positioned............................................................................................................... 123
8.7.5 Consistency........................................................................................................................... 123
8.7.6 Sensible Brand Portfolio and Hierarchy............................................................................... 124
8.7.7 Perfect Use of Marketing Activities...................................................................................... 124
8.7.8 Understanding what Brand Means to Consumers................................................................. 124
8.7.9 Long Sustainable Support . .................................................................................................. 124
8.7.10 Monitors Sources of Brand Equity .................................................................................... 124
Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 126
References.................................................................................................................................................. 126
Recommended Reading............................................................................................................................ 126
Self Assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 127
9.9.2 Benefits of Logos.................................................................................................................. 146
9.9.3 Brand Mascot........................................................................................................................ 146
Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 147
References.................................................................................................................................................. 147
Recommended Reading............................................................................................................................ 147
Self Assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 148
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 Product managers’ potential interactions........................................................................................... 3
Fig. 1.2 Five product levels............................................................................................................................. 4
Fig. 1.3 Product life-cycle sales and profit..................................................................................................... 5
Fig. 1.4 Consumer goods classification.......................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 1.5 The BCG growth-share matrix.........................................................................................................11
Fig. 1.6 The BCG matrix: cash position and strategy....................................................................................11
Fig. 1.7 The GE matrix................................................................................................................................. 14
Fig. 2.1 New product development process.................................................................................................. 21
Fig. 2.2 Product diffusion process................................................................................................................ 24
Fig. 2.3 Hierarchy of objectives.................................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 2.4 Strategic alternatives........................................................................................................................ 27
Fig. 3.1 Product-focused structure................................................................................................................ 34
Fig. 3.2 Market-focused structure................................................................................................................. 35
Fig. 3.3 Functionally-focused structure........................................................................................................ 36
Fig. 3.4 Indirect and direct marketing channels............................................................................................ 36
Fig. 3.5 The indirect channel........................................................................................................................ 38
Fig. 4.1 Gap between customer value and cost............................................................................................. 52
Fig. 4.2 Five M’s of advertising.................................................................................................................... 58
Fig. 5.1 Components of sales analysis.......................................................................................................... 68
Fig. 6.1 Brand equity.................................................................................................................................... 81
Fig. 7.1 Approaches to evaluate brand equity............................................................................................... 96
Fig. 7.2 Dimensions of brand knowledge................................................................................................... 101
Fig. 8.1 Brand image....................................................................................................................................110
Fig. 8.2 Dimensions of brand identity.........................................................................................................114
Fig. 8.3 Brand hexagon identity...................................................................................................................114
Fig. 8.4 Brand loyalty..................................................................................................................................116
Fig. 8.5 The customer retention/value mode.............................................................................................. 121
Fig. 8.6 The dimensions of loyalty............................................................................................................. 122
Fig. 9.1 Investment, profitability and cash flows and brand life cycle....................................................... 131
Fig. 9.2 Brand investment........................................................................................................................... 132
Fig. 9.3 Model 1 . ....................................................................................................................................... 138
Fig. 9.4 Loyalty mainly expressed in terms of revealed behaviour............................................................ 139
Fig. 9.5 Model 3.......................................................................................................................................... 140
Fig. 9.6 Customer brand commitment........................................................................................................ 141
Fig. 9.7 Different approaches to customer loyalty...................................................................................... 143
List of Tables
Table 5.1 Cost classification......................................................................................................................... 70
Table 6.1 India’s top 20 brands..................................................................................................................... 88
Table 6.2 brand challenges............................................................................................................................ 88
Table 6.3 Licensed brands............................................................................................................................. 89
Table 6.4 Example of segment wise branding.............................................................................................. 90
Table 6.5 Brand re-positioning..................................................................................................................... 91
Table 7.1 Replacement cost/whirlpool washing machines........................................................................... 97
Table 7.2 Brand values.................................................................................................................................. 98
Table 7.3 Example of market equalisation approach.................................................................................... 99
Table 7.4 Example of price premium at indifference approach.................................................................. 100
Table 7.5 Example of attribute oriented method......................................................................................... 102
Table 7.6 Attribute oriented method for salt brands................................................................................... 102
Table 7.7 Example of blind test method..................................................................................................... 104
Table 8.1 Attributes of brand image.............................................................................................................111
Table 8.2 Celebrities and brand images.......................................................................................................112
Table 8.3 Comparison of brand personality with brand image....................................................................113
Table 8.4 Levels of brand loyalty................................................................................................................115
Table 8.5 Intangibles in company value......................................................................................................117
Table 8.6 Intangible asset transaction values...............................................................................................117
Table 8.7 Behaviour and attitudinal variables..............................................................................................119
Table 9.1 Brand life cycle........................................................................................................................... 131
Chapter I
Introduction to Product and Product Management
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Product and Brand Management
1.1 Introduction
We are in the era of the new economy, which is based on the digital revolution and the management of information.
Marketing in this environment has to be carefully crafted to meet the challenges in the market place – knowledgeable
consumers with increasing buying power, greater variety of available goods and services, great amount of information,
ease in interacting and placing and receiving orders, ability to make comparisons of products and services, improved
logistics and technology. The Internet is the new channel for business.
• The product manager works on developing a cost-effective marketing mix for the product. He/she also reacts
more quickly to products in the market place. The product manager has to interact with practically all departments
of the company – Research & Development, manufacturing, purchasing, sales, market research, packaging,
advertising, media promotion, publicity, finance, legal and distribution.
Product and Brand Management
• At the heart is “core or generic” part, the fundamental benefit or service that the customer is really buying, and
what marketers must see as a benefit providing. A hotel guest is buying “rest and sleep”, an airline traveller is
buying “fast transport” and the purchase of a drill is like buying “holes”.
• At the second level, the marketer turns the core benefit into a basic product. A hotel room includes a bed,
bathroom, towels, desk, dresser, and a closet.
• At the third level is the expected product, which is a set of attributes and conditions, buyers expect when they
buy a product. Hotel room should have a clean bed, fresh towels, working lamps, a telephone, a TV and this is
the minimum expected.
• At the fourth level, is the enlarged product that exceeds customer expectations. A wide variety of service and
facilities are added.
• At the fifth level is the potential product, which encompasses all the possible augmentations and transformations
the product may undergo in the future.
• Companies will look for new ways to satisfy customers and distinguish their offer. Delighting the customer will
be the key. It is to be noted that each level adds more customer value.
• Products pass through four distinct stages – introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.
• Products rise and fall at different stages.
• Products require different marketing financial, manufacturing, purchasing and human resource strategy in each
life-cycle stage.
Product and Brand Management
• Customer requirements on design, pricing, servicing and packaging are invaluable to the formation of a product
design. A customer can tell a company what features of the product are appealing and what are the unnecessary
characteristics that should not appear on the product.
• Multi distribution channel is one that offers back up distribution ways. A good example is the use of retail stores
and the use of Internet. The former requires a completely different distribution channel than the latter and a
product usually is distributed through the former one.
• The decision for withdrawing a product seems to be a complex task and there are many issues to be resolved
before it is decided to move it out of the market. Dilemmas such as maintenance, spare part availability, service
competitions reaction in filling the market gap are some issues that increase the complexity of the decision
process to withdraw a product from the market.
• Often companies retain a high price policy for the declining products that increase the profit margin and gradually
discourage the ‘few’ loyal remaining customers from buying it.
• Such an example is telegraph submission over facsimile or email. Dr. M. Avlonitis from the Economic University
of Athens has developed a methodology, rather complex one that takes under consideration all the attributes
and the subsequences of product withdrawal process.
• Sometimes it is difficult for a company to conceptualise the decline signals of a product. Usually a product
decline is accompanied with a decline of market sales. Its recognition is sometimes hard to be realised, since
marketing departments are usually too optimistic due to big product success coming from the maturity phase.
• This is the time to start withdrawing variations of the product from the market that are weak in their market
position. This must be done carefully since it is not often apparent which product variation brings in the
• The prices must be kept competitive and promotion should be pulled back at a level that will make the product
presence visible and at the same time retain the ‘loyal’ customers. Distribution is narrowed.
• The basic channel should be kept efficient but alternative channels should be abandoned. For example, a 0800
telephone line with shipment by a reliable delivery company, paid by the customer is worth keeping.
1.7.1 Emergence
• Before a market materialises, it exists as a latent market. E.g. faster means of calculations, satisfied through
abacuses, slide-rules, and large adding machines. Now electronic calculators, large ones and now hand-held,
including mathematical functions, the marketer recognizes the need and interviews potential buyers.
• There are different preferences given by different users, and the market is a diffused – preference market. An
optimal product has to be designed.
• The entrepreneur has 3 options:
Design to meet the performances of one of the corners of the market (a single niche market)
Two or more products can be designed to capture or more parts of the market (a multiple-niche strategy)
A new product for the middle of the market (a mass market strategy)
• For small firms, a simple niche market strategy makes sense – as they have fewer resources. A large firm may
go for mass market or connecting the product, the emergence state begins.
1.7.2 Growth
The new product sells well, now firms will enter the market ushering in a market-growth stage. The second firm
can enter one of the three markets mentioned above (simple-niche, multiple niche, and mass). It depends on the
size of the new competitor.
1.7.3 Maturity
• Eventually, the competitors cover and serve all the markets segments and the market sales the maturity stages.
In fact, they invade each others markets, reducing everyone’s profits. Market fragmentation takes place with
finer segments.
Product and Brand Management
• This is often followed by market consolidation caused by the emergences of a new attribute that has strong
• For example, P&G’s Crest tooth-paste effectively retorted the tooth decay. Due to this, Crest won a lion’s share
of the market. But this also does not last long as competitors will also enter this market and cause splintering
again. Competition causes fragmentation and innovation causes consolidation.
1.7.4 Decline
• Eventually, demand for present products will begin to decrease which is the market decline stage. Either a
society’s total need level declines or a new technology replaces the old in which case the old technology
disappears, replaced by the new technology. For example, paper towel market, originally cotton and linen dish
cloth and towels in the kitchen.
• Spongy paper towels were developed and the firm increased its market share. Paper towels evolved from a
simple product and applications through innovation and conception.
• Customer’s expectations are progressive. One has to maintain the lead in introducing new attributes. The market
leader should learn to route the innovation process. Products have therefore to be developed to meet the market
Fig. 1.4 Consumer goods classification
Capital items
• Capital items are long lasting goods that help develop and manage finished products.
Product and Brand Management
• They fall into two groups: installations and equipments. Installations are like buildings, factory offices and
equipments consist of machines tools, generators, lifts, computers, etc.
• Supplies and business services are short lasting goods and services that facilitate developing or managing the
finished product. Again there are two types–maintenance and repair items like brooms, nails, paint, and operating
supplies like coal, lubricating oil, furnace oil, paper, pencils.
Business services
• These services include maintenance and repair services (office cleaning, copier repairs and business advisory
services include legal, financial, management consulting, advertising and so forth.
• All of these products have their unique features and need specific methods to handle them, from the supply and
purchase points of view.
High Star Mark
Market Child)
Growth 10%
• On the horizontal axis: The relative market share serves as a measure of SBU strength in the market.
• On the vertical axis: The market growth rate provides a measure of market attractiveness.
• Market attractiveness is measured by factors like market size, annual growth rate, competitive intensity, and
rate of technological development, government policy and influence of other interest groups.
• By dividing the matrix into four areas, SBUs can be distinguished as stars, cash cows, question mark and
SBUs/Product Lines with a relative high market share in a high growth market are designated as Stars.
Product and Brand Management
SBUs/Product Lines with a relative high market share in a low growth market are designed as Cash
SBUs/Product Lines with a relative low market share in a high growth market are designated as Question
Marks or Problem Children.
SBUs/Product Lines with a relative low market share in a low growth market are designated as Dogs.
Question Marks
• These are products or businesses which compete in high growth markets but where the market share is relatively
• A new product launched into a high growth market and with an existing market leader would normally be
considered as a question mark. Because of the high growth environment, they can be a ‘cash sink’.
• Strategic options for question marks include:
market penetration
market development
product development
• Successful question marks become stars, i.e., market leaders in high growth industries. However, investment is
normally still required to maintain growth and to defend the leadership position.
• Stars are most of times only marginally profitable but as they reach a more mature status in their life cycle
and growth slows, returns become more attractive. The stars provide the basis for long term growth and
• Strategic options for stars include:
integration – forward, backward and horizontal
market penetration
market development
product development
joint ventures
Cash Cows
• These are characterised by high relative market share in low growth industries. As the market matures, the need
for investment reduces.
• Cash cows are the most profitable products in the portfolio. The situation is frequently boosted by economies
of scale that may be present with market leaders. Cash cows may be used to fund the businesses in the other
three quadrants.
• It is desirable to maintain the strong position as long as possible and strategic options include:
product development
concentric diversification
• If the position weakens as a result of loss of market share or market contraction then other options would include
retrenchment (or even divestment).
• These describe businesses that have low market shares in slow growth markets. They may well have been a cash
cow. Often they enjoy misguided loyalty from management although some dogs can be revitalised. Profitability
is, at best, marginal.
• Strategic options would include:
retrenchment (if it is believed that it could be revitalised)
divestment (if you can find someone to buy!)
• Successful products may well move from question mark though star to cash cow and finally to dog.
• Less successful products that never gain market position will move straight from question mark to dog.
The BCG is simple and useful technique for strategic analysis. It is convenient for multi-product or multi-divisional
companies. It focuses on cash flow and is useful for investment and marketing decisions.
One should not, however, ignore the limitations of the technique.
• Definition (qualitative and quantitative) of the market is sometimes difficult.
• It assumes that market share and profitability are directly related.
• The use of high and low to form four categories is too simplistic.
• Growth rate is only one aspect of industry attractiveness and high growth markets are not always the most
• It considers the product or business in relation to the largest player only.
• It ignores the impact of small competitors whose market share is rising fast.
• Market share is only one aspect of overall competitive position.
• It ignores interdependence and synergy.
Companies will frequently search for a balanced portfolio, for reasons like:
• Too many stars may lead to a cash crisis.
• Too many cash cows put future profitability at risk.
• Too many question marks may affect current profitability.
Product and Brand Management
• On examining the product portfolio of a firm, one may find that some SBUs may fall in the green segment, some
in the yellow and some in the red segment.
• SBUs in the green segment need to be developed and supported. The strategies are one of protecting strategic
position and investing in these SBUs to gain a higher strategic leverage in the marketplace.
• SBUs in the yellow segment require to be monitored carefully and wherever required, refocusing on selective
investing and building should be done.
• SBUs in the red segment are to be harvested or divested for obvious reasons of moderate to weak competitive
position in an unattractive market.
• There are a few other portfolio models. All models have helped managers to think more strategically, understand
the economics of their businesses better, improve the quality of their plans, improve communication between
the management, eliminate weaker businesses and strengthen their investment in promising businesses.
• However portfolio models must be used with caution, as they all have some inherent weaknesses.
• While this is true universally, the Indian market being culturally different from Europe and North America, and
also culturally heterogeneous, product planners have a greater challenge.
Product and Brand Management
• A product is a tangible (good) or intangible (service) information offering to meet the needs, wants, and demands
of the people. It is a value proposition, a set of benefits offered to customers to satisfy the needs. It is a bundle
of satisfaction that a customer buys.
• Product managers normally manage a product for only a short time and this leads to short time planning with
no long-term strengths though there are differences in the way they are handled.
• A product-mix is the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale. Firms deal with multi-
products to diffuse risk across different product groups. In addition, the firm appeals to a larger group of customers
or to different needs of the same customer. Examples of firms diversifying into different products are: Telco,
Videocon, Hindustan Unilever, Hindustan Machine Tools, Kodak, P&G, NEC (Japan), etc.
• The introduction phase of a product includes the product launch with its requirements to getting it launch in such
a way so that it will have maximum impact at the moment of sale. Growth phase is called as a period of rapid
market acceptance and substantial profit improvement. Maturity phase is a period of a slow-down in sales, growth
because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers. Profit stabilises or declines because of
increased competition. Decline phase is a period when sales show a downward drift and profits erode.
• Product classification is based on certain characteristics: durability, tangibility and use (consumer or industrial).
The marketing mix (the four Ps) depends on the product type. Durability and Tangibility
• The collection of businesses (products) is called the business portfolio of the company. Most companies operate
several businesses, in terms of “products”.
• SBU can be either an entire medium size company or a division of a large company, as long as it formulates its
own business level strategy and has separate objectives from the parent company.
• The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a four-cell (2 by 2) matrix used to perform business portfolio analysis as a
step in the strategic planning process
• The General Electric (GE) Model is also called the GE multi-factoral portfolio analysis. This matrix is a technique
used in product management, brand marketing, to help a company decide what product(s) to add to its product
portfolio and which to divest.
• Products should meet local market conditions—one of the prerequisites in marketing strategies. The Indian
economy has opened up and is opening up further, and more and more collaborations with foreign companies
are being signed up.
• Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG). Available at: <
BOSTON_CONSULTING_GROUP_MATRIX.pdf > [Accessed 28th February 2011]
• Ioannis Komninos, (2002). Product Life Cycle Management, Urban and Regional Innovation Research Unit.
Available at :< > [Accessed 28th February
• Phillip J. Windley, The Discipline of Project Management, Available at : <
Product%20Management.pdf > [Accessed 28th February 2011]
Recommended Reading
• Donald R. Lehmann and Russell S. Winer, (2004). Product Management, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 4th
edition, 512 pages.
• Steve Johnson, The Strategic Role of Product Management, Pragmatic Marketing. Available at: <http://www. >
[Accessed 28th February 2011]
Self Assessment
1. A ___________ is a tangible (good) or intangible (service) information offering to meet the needs, wants, and
demands of the people.
a. product
b. product-mix
c. product range
d. product life-cycle
2. What is called as the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale?
a. Product life-cycle
b. Product mix
c. Product range
d. GE model
4. _____________ is called as a period of rapid market acceptance and substantial profit improvement.
a. Introduction phase
b. Maturity phase
c. Decline phase
d. Growth phase
5. Which is the phase when sales show a downward drift and profits erode?
a. Introduction phase
b. Maturity phase
c. Decline phase
d. Growth phase
Product and Brand Management
8. _____________are long lasting goods that help develop and manage finished products.
a. Raw materials
b. Capital items
c. Convenience goods
d. Farm products
Chapter II
New Product Development Process
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
Product and Brand Management
2.1 Introduction
As Philip Kotler says, companies that fail to develop new products are putting themselves at great risk. Their existing
products are susceptible to changing customer needs and tastes, new technologies, shortened product life cycles and
increased domestic and foreign competition.
But, at the same time, new product development is risky. Companies have lost large amounts of money on new
products, as only about five to ten percent of new products are successful.
Introduction of new products has to be seen from the customer’s eyes rather than just from the point of corporate
For countries like India, following key factors are clear from the activities of the last couple of decades in new
product development:
• Understand the local culture and adapt the product accordingly.
• Value for money is a good positioning slot in price sensitive markets.
• The key to success in these price sensitive markets is to make the product available in the lanes and by-lanes,
both in urban and rural areas.
• International brand helps to get entry.
• The key to successful product launching is segmentation.
• Markets leapfrog several decades of market development and become mature.
Fig. 2.1 New product development process
Product and Brand Management
• The object is to eliminate unsound concepts prior to devoting resources to them. Many companies require their
executives to write up new-product ideas on a standard form that can be reviewed by a new-product committee.
The write-up describes the product, the target market, and the competition. It makes some rough estimates of
market size, product price, development time and costs, manufacturing costs, and rate of return. The committee
then evaluates the idea against a set of general criteria.
• For example, at Kao Company, the large Japanese consumer-products company, the committee asks questions
such as these:
Is the product truly useful to consumer and society?
Is it good for our particular company?
Does it mesh well with the company’s objectives and strategies?
Do we have the people, skills, and resources to make it succeed?
Does it deliver more value to customers than do competing products?
Is it easy to advertise and distribute?
• Many companies have well-designed systems for rating and screening new-product ideas.
2.4.6 Product Development
• In this stage, the product, which was only a description, or a drawing, or a prototype, is converted into a technically
and commercially feasible entity.
• The step involves a large leap in investment. R&D or engineering develops prototypes that will satisfy and
delight the customers and that can be produced quickly and at budgeted costs.
• Rigorous testing of the product is done, including functional tests under laboratory and field conditions to check
whether the product performs safely and effectively.
• An example of product development – Procter & Gamb1e (P&G) spends $150 million on 4,000 to 5000 studies
a year, to test everything from the ergonomics of picking up a shampoo bottle to how long women can keep their
hands in sudsy water. Last year, one elementary school raised $17000 by having students and parents take part
in P&G product tests Students tested toothpaste and shampoo and ate brownies while their mothers watched
advertising for Tempo tissue P&G’s paper wipes packaged to fit in a car.
2.4.8 Commercialisation
• If the company goes ahead with commercialisation, it will have to begin manufacturing, marketing and promotion,
involving large costs.
• The company will have to decide when to launch the product, where to launch it, for whom and how to launch
• Today, in view of the time pressure, many companies use network planning techniques, such as the critical path
scheduling, showing simultaneous and sequential activities needed to launch the product. The planner searches
for ways to reduce time along the critical path.
• Commercialisation is often confused with sales, marketing or business development. The Commercialisation
process has three key aspects:
The funnel. It is essential to look at many ideas to get one or two products or business that can be sustained
It is a stage-wise process and each stage has its own key goals and milestones
It is vital to involve key stakeholders early, including customers
• Commercialisation of a product will happen only if the following four questions can be answered
− The company has to decide on the introduction timing. When facing the danger of cannibalising the
sales of the company’s other products, if the product can be improved further, or if the economy is
down, the launch should be delayed.
− Every single bank in Nigeria today has been commercialised. But it is sad enough to know that most
of these banks are not transparent in their various dealings with their clients/customers.
− The company has to decide where to launch its products. It can be in a single location, one or several
regions, a national or the international market. This decision will be strongly influenced by the com-
Product and Brand Management
This also depends on the individual readiness to try new products. Based on a study made by Everett Rogers, people
can be classified into five categories -
• Innovators (2 ½%)
• Early adopters (13 ½%)
• Early majority (34%)
• Late majority (34%)
• Laggards (16%)
Some marketers target lead users or innovators with their new products, who will then influence others and broaden
the market. Others disagree with this and contend that the most efficient and quickest route is to target the broader
or even mass-market directly.
Product and Brand Management
• An organisation has a variety of objectives, beginning with mission or vision and ranging from corporate to
product. Starting with corporate objectives and strategies through ‘divisional objectives’ and strategies to product/
brand objectives and strategies and finally programme objectives and tactics.
• We are mainly concerned with the product objectives and the two most commonly set for specific products are
growth in terms of sales revenues or market share–and profitability. A third objective could be cash flow.
• The first two objectives of growth and profit tend to work against each other and a trade-off between profits and
share of market is usually resorted to.
• The objective to be maximised might be called the primary objective and the objective acting as the constraint,
the secondary objective.
• Characteristics of good objectives are:
They should have quantified standards of performance.
They should be ambitious enough to be challenging, but not unrealistic.
They should have a time frame, within which objectives should be achieved.
Fig. 2.4 Strategic alternatives
Product and Brand Management
• The other way is to improve the sales mix, by selling more of the profitable items (the 80/20 rule i.e., 20 percent
of the product variants produce 80 percent of the sales or profits).
• All that we have seen so far does not mean that the manager is limited to either growth or profits. Manager may
increase both to increase the consumption rate of current customers and to introduce product line extensions.
2.9 Positioning
2.9.1 Choice of Customer Targets
Choice of customer targets in selecting a customer target, three key considerations are critical:
• Size/growth of the segment: An important part of customer analysis focuses on which customer groups are
growing and how fast.
• Opportunities for obtaining competitive advantage: Competitor analysis assesses which market segments
competitors are pursuing and their claimed competitive advantages, the resources they can put into the market,
and their likely future marketing strategies.
• Resources available: This is specified in the self-analysis part of the assessment of competition.
• One advantage of this strategy is that, there is always some segment of customers, which is price sensitive. The
question is how large this price sensitive segment is.
Product and Brand Management
• As Philip Kotler says, companies that fail to develop new products are putting themselves at great risk. Their
existing products are susceptible to changing customer needs and tastes, new technologies, shortened product
life cycles and increased domestic and foreign competition
• The consumer adoption process focuses on the mental process through which an individual passes from first
hearing about an innovation (new product), to final adoption. The five stages of adoption are awareness, interest,
evaluation, trial, and adoption.
• The new product development process may vary from one firm to another, but generally has eight stages.
Idea generation is to create a large pool of ideas. The purpose of idea generation is to create a large number
of ideas. The purpose of the succeeding stages is to reduce that number. The first idea- reducing stage is idea
screening, which helps spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible. If the company goes ahead with
commercialisation, it will have to start manufacture, marketing and promotion, involving large costs.
• Statement of objectives, selection of strategic alternatives, and selection of customer and competitor targets,
core strategy, supporting marketing mix, and supporting functional programmes are essential elements of a
product strategy.
• The choice of strategic alternatives follows the selection of the primary objective. A company’s biggest asset
is its customer base, and it should be leveraged as much as possible. Increase in sales volume or market share
can be done by increasing the usage rate of the brand’s existing customers. This can be done by using larger
package sizes, promoting more frequent use, or getting a larger share of the business if the customer uses several
• One way to increase profits is cost reduction, which usually means reduction of costs of marketing such as
advertising, promotion, selling expenses, marketing research and so forth. But these cost reductions have adverse
long run effects.
• Non-price strategy requires continuous product improvements, may be in perception, to maintain differential
advantage. It also requires flexibility in both, production and management to keep up with changes in customer
tastes and competition.
• Brand, M., 1998. New Product Development for Microfinance: Design, Testing and Launch, Microenterprise Best
Practices. Available at: <> [Accessed 2nd March, 2011]
• Hansen, E., Marketing and New Product Development, Available at: <
smallwood04hansen.pdf > [Accessed 2nd March, 2011]
Recommended Reading
• Donald R. Lehmann and Russell S. W., 2004. Product Management, 4th edition, McGraw Hill Higher
• Hart, S., New Product Development, [Online]. Available at<
from%20Chapter%2012.%20New%20product%20development.pdf> [Accessed 2nd March, 2011]
• Kotler, 2007. Framework for Marketing Management, 3rd edition, Pearson Education India.
Self Assessment
1. The first idea-reducing stage is ______________, which helps spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as
a. idea screening
b. product development
c. market testing
d. commercialisation
2. In which stage the product, which was only a description, or a drawing, or a prototype, is converted into a
technically and commercially feasible entity?
a. Business analysis
b. Market testing
c. Idea generation
d. Product development
4. ____________ strategy requires continuous product improvements, may be in perception, to maintain differential
a. Non-price
b. Marketing
c. Cost/price
d. Positioning core
6. Which is a stage-wise process and each stage of it has its own key goals and milestones?
a. Idea screening
b. Product development
c. Business analysis
d. Commercialisation
Product and Brand Management
10. Increase in sales volume or ___________ can be done by increasing the usage rate of the brand’s existing
a. Product strategy
b. Product
c. Market share
d. Market strategy
Chapter III
Marketing Management
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Product and Brand Management
3.1 Introduction
Marketing management is a process involving organising, planning, implementation and control of a firm’s marketing
activity. It is particularly important since marketers function in a dynamic environment. The marketing opportunities
facing organisations depend on the changing needs of society. Consumers are becoming more sophisticated and
more discerning in their expectations. Globalisation of the marketplace has not only created new possibilities but
also the challenge of new competition. Even within their home markets, environmental concerns and changing
demographics are presenting new challenges for marketers.
• Figure given above provides a general view of the classic ‘brand’ management structure of the marketing
organisation. The product manager acts as a ‘mini CEO’, with full responsibility of the brand.
• The weakness is the narrow focus on one product, which can lead to an inability to step back and ask more
fundamental questions about customer needs.
• When significant differences exist in regional tastes, this structure has weaknesses. The product managers tend
to become biased in their quest for short-term sales and market share goals. For industrial products especially,
this organisation results in several sales people representing different products from the same company calling
on the same customer.
• Advantages of this system are as follows:
There is only one person responsible for the success of the product.
The organisation can turn to this one person for information about the product.
Product managers’ training experience is invaluable as they are able to work with other departments of the
organisation and develop persuasion and communication skills.
The training and experience gained make them wanted by other companies.
3.2.2 Market Focused Organisation
• This type of structure defines marketing authority by market segment, like industry channel, regions of the
country or world or customer size.
• This structure is useful when there are significant differences in buyer’s behaviour among the market segments,
which lead to differences in the strategies and tactics used.
• For example banks and their corporate customers and consumer business, are quite different in nature.
• The advantages are as follows:
• The focus is on the customer and hence makes it easier to consider changes in customer tastes and modify or
eliminate, if necessary, some of the products.
• Useful when the product is a total bundle (like a project) with a number of products made by the company or
when the customer purchases a number of different products from the company.
• The product managers often have better knowledge of the company’s products than in a product focused
• The drawback here is the conflict that may erupt with the product management structure that may lie beneath
it. In addition, some of the mini-CEO training and experience of traditional manager is lost.
• However, most of the skills procedures and activities, required to be a good product manager, are critical for
this structure also.
Product and Brand Management
• In this structure, the focus is on marketing functions such as advertising and sales promotion. Sales and market-
research can be separate functions.
• However, no single person is responsible for the day-to-day health of a product. Marketing strategies are designed
and implemented through the coordinated activities.
• This structure works well when there are only one or two products.
• Coordination becomes difficult when there are more products. Secondly, there is no one single person responsible
for the product. The training also focuses on function rather than general management education.
• The advantages are as follows:
Administratively simple - the groups are designed to be parallel to normal marketing activities.
Functional training is better and the persons involved bring better skills to that area.
The marketing head does much of the planning because of his broader business perspective.
• Marketing channels are parts of the ‘marketing network’, which consists of the company and its supporting stake holders
(customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, retailers, ad agencies, and others) with whom it has built mutually
profitable business relationships. Competition is not between companies but between marketing networks.
• Marketing channels are used to reach a target market. Marketing channels consists of following points:
Communication channels (which deliver and receive messages from target buyers and include newspaper,
radio, television, mail, billboards, posters, fliers, audio-video tapes and the Internet).
Distribution channels to display, sell, or deliver the physical product or service(s) to the buyer. They include
distributors, wholesalers, retailers and agents.
Service channels to carryout transactions with potential buyers. They include warehouses, transportation
companies, banks, and insurance that facilitate transaction.
• Choosing the best mix of these channels is the marketer’s job and needs to be done with great care.
• The product manager has to develop these channels and maintain good channel relations. Distribution channels
take some time to develop and are assets to be nurtured. They cannot be changed easily.
Product and Brand Management
• Representatives are agents who sell the product or service but carry no inventory or merely refer orders back to the
manufacturers. Representatives are common for many industrial goods as well as insurance and real estate.
• They are low-cost way to reach the large number of intermediaries or final customer. Most often they work on
a non-exclusive basis (handle many products and/or clients) and the product manager’s control is limited.
• Wholesalers
• Wholesalers/distributors physically take possession of the product and then resell it to retailers.
• They provide an efficient way to reach multiple small retailers.
• Retailers
• Retailers take possession of the product and resell it to the final customers.
• They could be speciality stores, departmental stores, discount stores and such.
• The web has become a standard part of the direct channel. It is not the first new communication technology—
we have seen how the printing press, the radio, television, all revolutionised marketing. Mail, telegraph, and
telephone, railway and highway systems, and fax, all provide communication required and are still in use, in
spite of the Internet.
• For most products it is not an adequate channel, as Internet moves information, but not the products (except
music, software). Lastly, its ‘widespread availability’ is limited, even in the USA.
• The advantages of the Internet are :
It is interactive.
It is inexpensive.
It has broad scope (not limited geographically).
It is fast.
• The shortcomings are:
Cannot provide physical product (i.e., other channels are required for this).
Cannot provide human contact.
Trade shows
• This is also a direct channel, but often overlooked.
• It plays a key role in many categories. Trade shows generate publicity and sales leads, as also actual sales.
Product and Brand Management
The level and quality of information available with the channel member compared to the product manager’s
• Product managers can deal with ‘power retailers’ like Walmart in the following manner:
If customers come to the store and ask for the product by brand name, the retailer’s power is diluted.
Customise products and promotions, which mean treating each chain as a separate market segment and
developing a unique approach for each, such as separate brand names.
Innovate constantly.
Organise around the customers, i.e., retailers.
Invest in technology. Manage inventories and monitor sales performance using the latest technology available,
matching that with retailers.
Cut costs to keep prices down.
Support smaller retailers as well. They may grow and support you in the future.
• It is worth noting that strategic planning and marketing planning are quite distinct. Strategic planning usually
takes place at a higher level in the organisation than marketing planning and happens at the corporate or group
• At this level, the objectives are broad (e.g., return on investment or assets) and strategies are general. Marketing
planning takes place at the business centre level and has specific objectives (e.g., market share) and strategies
(e.g., pursuing the small–business segment). A second difference is that due to the long-term nature of strategic
plans, they usually have a longer time horizon than marketing plans; a period of three to five years or more is
• The objectives of a marketing plan are to:
define the current situation being faced in product development
define problems and opportunities faced in the business
establish objectives
define the strategies and programs necessary to achieve the objectives
pinpoint responsibility for achieving product objectives
encourage careful and disciplined thinking
establish a customer-competitor orientation
Product and Brand Management
Customer analysis
• Who are the customers?
• What do they buy and how do they use it?
• Where do they buy?
• When do they buy?
• How do they choose?
• Why they prefer a product?
• How they respond to marketing programs
• Will they buy it again?
• long-term value of customers
• segmentation
• Planning assumptions
market potential
category and product sales forecasts
other assumptions
3.6.3 Objectives
• corporate objectives (if appropriate)
• divisional objectives (if appropriate)
• marketing objective(s)
• volume and profit
• time frame
• secondary objectives (e.g., brand equity, customer, and new product)
• program (marketing mix)
Product and Brand Management
Financial and Industry Analysts
Popular press
The Internet
3.9 Sales Forecasting
• This deals with expectations in the future. The focus is on sales, market share, and profits. Resources used should
also be taken into account and forecast correctly. Cost is also an important factor to forecast.
• The other factors, to be forecast, include the rate of change of technology and general economic conditions.
Finally, in global businesses, currency exchange rates need to be forecast.
• The uses of forecasts are: as follows
To help set budgets and the resources required.
To provide a base for a monitoring system. Deviations from forecasts serve as warnings to product managers
to re-examine the market and their strategy in it and lead to a better understanding of the market and the
underlying causes.
To aid in production planning – accurate forecasting helps in just-in-time production and distribution systems
with low-level inventory.
By financial analysts to value a company
• A good forecast takes into account four major categories of variables:
customer behaviour
past and planned product strategies
competitor action
the environment (state of the economy, key industries, demographic changes in the population, costs of
basic resources)
• A forecast should not be a single number but rather a range of possible outcomes based on which strategies can
be worked out for the different likely numbers. Normally, the forecasts are limited to three - expected, benign
and hostile (or most likely, optimistic and pessimistic).
• The level of accuracy is a function of the time spent on forecasting, which means the cost. Hence, good
management judgement is required.
Product and Brand Management
• The factors that are used to obtain a weighted index for a particular area or region depend on the area and the
Delphi method
• The process begins by asking a number of individuals to independently produce a forecast. An outside person
collects the forecasts and calculates the average.
• Next, the person returns to each participant both the original forecast and the average and asks the participants
to reconsider their initial forecasts. Typically, the participants then change their forecasts to more nearly be
conventional to the average.
• If the process is repeated several times, consent is generally achieved. Delphi panels are often resorted to for
forecasting sales of new technologies for which historical data do not exist.
• Jury of expert opinion
• An extreme example of this method relies on a single expert’s opinions. This method, with all its flaws, does
help as a supplement to other methods.
• Marketing management is a process involving organising, planning, implementation and control of a firm’s
marketing activity.
• There are basically three organisational structures for marketing: Organising by product, by market, and by
• Marketing channels are parts of the ‘marketing network’ which consists of the company and its supporting
stake holders (customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, retailers, ad agencies, and others) with whom it has
built mutually profitable business relationships. Competition is not between companies but between marketing
networks. Marketing channels are used to reach a target market. There are direct and indirect channels and the
product manager has to make a choice.
• Direct refers to a ‘zero level channel’ where the manufacturer sells directly to the end-user. Indirect refers to a
two or multi-level channel with intermediaries or middlemen such as wholesaler, retailer, jobber.
• Consumer marketing channels are different from industrial marketing channels. The main members in an indirect
type of channels are representatives, wholesalers, and retailers.
• A marketing plan is a written document containing the guidelines for the business centre’s marketing programs
and allocations over the planning period. The marketing plan can be divided into two general parts: the situation
analysis, which analyses the background of the market for the product and the objectives, strategy, and programs
that direct the product manager’s actions.
• The planning sequence is a logical flow of events leading from data collection and analysis to strategy formulation
to auditing the performance of the plan.
• Potential is the maximum sales reasonably attainable, under a given set of conditions within a specified period
of time (i.e., what you might or could achieve).
• Forecast is the amount of sales expected to be achieved under a set of conditions within a specified period of
time (i.e., what you probably will achieve).
• Sales potential is the first-level analogy to market potential. This can be obtained by multiplying the estimated
market potential by the market share of the firm. This share fixing should represent potential share, which the
firm could achieve under optimal conditions.
• Chandon.P., Marketing Management [Online] Available at <
Documents/Teaching-EMBA_Syllabus.pdf > [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
• Kotler .P., 2001. Marketing Management, Millenium Edition [Online]. Available at: <
vn/files/download/marketing/marketing-management.pdf> [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
• Paul Christ, 2011, [Online] (Update 7 March 2011). Available at: <
principles-of-marketing-tutorials/marketing-planning-and-strategy/ > [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
Recommended Reading
• Loudon D.L., Stevens R.E., and Wrenn B., 2004. Marketing Management, The Haworth Press, NY, Routledge.
• Peter J.P., Donnelley J.H., 2010. Marketing Management. 10th edition. Mc-Graw Hill Companies. p.848.
Product and Brand Management
Self Assessment
1. _______________ organisation is useful when there are significant differences in buyer’s behaviour among the
market segments, which lead to differences in the strategies and tactics used.
a. Market focused
b. Product focused
c. Functionally focused
d. Indirect channel
2. Which of the following statement is false with respect to advantages of product focused organisation?
a. There is only one person responsible for the success of the product.
b. The organisation can turn to one person for information about the product.
c. The training and experience gained make them wanted by other companies.
d. The product managers often have better knowledge of the company’s products than in a product focused
3. Which of the following works well when there are only one or two products?
a. Product-focused structure
b. Functionally-focused structure
c. Market-focused structure
d. Marketing channels
6. _______________ take position of the product and resell it to the final customers.
a. Wholesalers
b. Retailers
c. Representatives
d. Channel members
8. Which process begins by asking a number of individuals to independently produce a forecast?
a. Delphi method
b. Market surveys
c. Sales forecasting
d. Analysis based estimates
9. The marketing plan can be divided into two general parts: the situation analysis and __________.
a. potential
b. programs
c. forecasts
d. sales
10. Which is the fourth category of forecast methods, including regression analysis, loading indicators, econometric
models, details of which can be found in specialised books?
a. Market survey
b. Market testing
c. Sales Extrapolation method
d. Model based method
Product and Brand Management
Chapter IV
Pricing Strategy, Advertising and Promotion
The aim of this chapter is to:
• analyse the steps involved in setting a price to meet the pricing objective
The objectives of this chapter are to:
• determine the different pricing strategies and the pricing tactics available
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
4.1 Introduction
Price, one of the key elements of the marketing mix, is what produces the revenue. The other elements produce costs.
Prices are easy to adjust and it takes very little time, compared to changing product features, channels and promotion.
Price is the value positioning of the company’s product or brand. Price has always been the major determinant of
buyer choice, more so in poorer nations and among poorer groups and with commodity-type products. Non-price
factors have become more important in the recent past, but price still remains one of the most important elements
determining market share and profitability.
Price goes by different names like rent, tuition-fee, doctor’s fee, airline, taxi and railway fares, bank interest, toll,
insurance premium, wage, commission and so on. With all the importance that pricing deserves, many firms do not
handle it well. Pricing is too cost-oriented and is set independent of the other elements of the marketing mix; it is
not revised often enough to capitalise on market changes and price is not varied enough for different product items,
market segments, distribution channels and purchase occasions.
Product and Brand Management
Price (B)
• We assume that the price is greater than variable cost in all the three situations. In the first case, the manufacturer
charges less than the customers’ true perceived value, thus, sacrificing profits. Customers think that they are
getting a bargain, but they do not tell this to the manufacturer.
• In the second scenario, the situation is unfortunate. The customers think that it is a ‘bad deal’ and do not buy
the product.
• In the third case, it is a total failure and the product has to be weeded out in the new-product development
• In the above figure, the maximum price that can be charged is the customer value. Price A gives most of the value
to the producer, while price B gives most of the value to the customer, thus enhancing customer satisfaction
and building market share.
4.3.3 Using Price Thresholds
• Another approach is by using price thresholds, which involves primary marketing research. One important
threshold is called the reservation price, which is the highest price a customer would pay for a product.
• The second threshold is the lowest price that a customer would pay for the product. Obviously, a customer
would pay as little as possible, but often they associate low price with low quality and hence there is the low
price threshold.
• These two thresholds are then used by the product manager to price his product, by identifying customers most
likely to buy the product and these respondents are then shown a card with a range of prices and asked questions
as to the maximum and minimum prices one would pay and the most acceptable price.
• This proportional relationship provides some useful insights into managerial behaviour. How can an observed
decline in market share of a product be reversed? The immediate response is usually a decrease in the denominator
i.e., a price cut, either through list price or a price promotion. The other way is to increase the numerator, that
means increase the perceived value of the product. This can be done by following ways:
improve the product itself (quality, offer better service, or a longer warranty period)
advertise to enhance the product’s image
institute value-added services, such as technical support or financing in the distribution channels
improve the sales effort by training the sales force to sell value rather than price
• Reducing price is a more common way to regain share losses, but the reduced profit margin requires a large
increase in unit volume of sales to offset it.
• It is, therefore, worth considering increasing the perceived value rather than immediately cutting price.
Product and Brand Management
• Many of these considerations contribute to the concept of ‘perceived’ price; the price the customer thinks is the
current actual price of the product.
• For example, customers will perceive promotion price as the actual price and when the brand comes off deal
and returns to the regular price, they may perceive this as an increase in price.
• Alternatively, if the objective is to increase market share, lower price might be used as a weapon. Other factors
are financial health of the product or parent company and its capacity.
Product and Brand Management
4.4.4 Skimming
• This is opposite of penetration pricing and also called prestige pricing. Skimming returns more of the value to
the producer rather than the customer.
• If there is a strong price-perceived quality relationship (e.g., wine) and the core strategy is to position the product
at the high-end of the market, this makes sense.
• It is also done when competition is absent or is marginal. Skimming is a good objective when costs are not
related to volume.
for the consumable component.
• Value pricing: Here, most of the value-cost difference is given to the customer i.e., ‘a good deal’. It is related
to customer expectations.
• Everyday low pricing: This is used mainly in retailing. It is adopted successfully by Wal-Mart, Home Depot
and others. They keep their prices low, permanently, instead of only during promotions.
• Hidden price increases: When it is difficult for firms to raise prices either due to competition or restricted
customer budgets during periods of recession, they raise prices without explicitly increasing the posted price.
They do this by reducing the quantity of goods in the package.
• Price discrimination: This includes giving special prices to certain categories of customers like senior citizens
or quantity discounts.
• Discounting: Periodic discounting is often done to get rid of stocks and on goods that are slow sellers.
• Auctions: These have become common due to the Internet and e-commerce, where customers specify the price
they wish to pay. E-bay is one of the main players in this type.
4.6 Advertising
Advertising is considered to be one of the five major modes of communication. The communication mix consists
• Advertising: It is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an
identified sponsor. It is difficult to make generalisations as there are many forms and uses of advertising. Yet
the following qualities can be noted:
Public presentation confers a kind of legitimacy on the product and suggests a standardised offering.
Pervasiveness – the message can be repeated many times and buyers can receive and compare the messages
of various competitors. Large scale advertising says something positive about the seller’s size, power and
Amplified expressiveness – Through clever and artful use of print, sound and colour, the company and the
product can be channelized.
Impersonality – Advertising is a monologue in front of and not a dialogue with the audience. The audience
does not feel obligated to pay attention or respond to advertising.
Advertising builds a strong image for a product and a wide reach. Some forms are expensive, like TV and
some are not, like newspaper advertising.
• Sales promotion: It is a variety of short term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service.
Sales Promotion means tools used are coupons, contests, premiums, etc. The benefits are communication,
incentive and invitation. This is mostly done to draw a stronger and quicker buyer response, and used for short-
run effects as to dramatise product offers and boost sagging sales.
• Public relations and publicity: It is a variety of programmes designed to promote or protect a company’s image
or its individual products. It provides high credibility, ability to catch buyers’ off-guard and dramatisation.
• Personal Selling: It is face to face interaction with one on more prospective purchasers for the purpose of
making presentations, answering questions and procuring orders. It has qualities of personal confrontation,
cultivation and response.
• Direct and interactive marketing which includes use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail on Internet to communicate
directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.
To develop an advertising programme, marketing managers must always start by identifying the
target market and buyer motives. They can then make the five major decisions known as ‘the five
M’s’ - Mission, Money, Message, Media, and Measurement.’
Product and Brand Management
• Packaging and graphics could also be added and taken as the sixth element of the communication mix.
• A coherent communication mix is usually referred to as ‘integrated marketing communications.’ An integrated
approach is a combination of activities, which is considered better than one should be consistent rather than at
cross purposes.
• For example a point of purchase (POP) display might use the same display theme on a character used in a TV
ad. The whole mix must deliver a consistent message and strategic positioning.
6. Decide the media mix: This is a field in itself and is a specialty within advertising agencies. Therefore the
media plan is often left to ‘experts’. The different promotional tools are available, which have their own unique
characteristics and costs.
7. Measure results: The communicator must measure the impact of the plan on the target audience. It includes
awareness, trial and satisfaction.
8. Manage integrated marketing communications: This is a concept of marketing communications comprehensive
plan, which evaluates the strategic sales of a variety of communication disciplines like general advertising direct
response, sales promotion and public relations and combine these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and
maximum impact through the integration of discrete messages.
Contextual fit
• It is difficult to demonstrate operation of a machine on the radio on incorporate music or other sounds in print
media or provide detailed information that will be recalled in radio or TV ads. This is the contextual fit.
Product and Brand Management
• Product fit involves the interaction between the product image and the image of the vehicle. For example,
advertising imported crystal glass or fine wine, during wrestling matches on TV does not make sense.
• The interaction of ad image and its immediate context is also relevant. For example, a humorous ad may lose its
effect if placed in the context of a comedy show or a series of several humorous ads. When competitive products
in the same category are advertised close together, the effect is lost and many consumers cannot distinguish the
claims from one another.
• The two issues of ‘when’ are seasonality and spending pattern. For example, advertising for rain-shoes and
raincoats, umbrellas should be done just before the rainy season sets in or cold remedies in the usual cold/flu
• Spending pattern refers to the timing of the advertisements during the life cycle of the product. For example,
heavy spending on advertising is more effective early in the life cycle i.e., during the introduction and growth
• Many studies suggest that an uneven spending pattern (pulsing) is more effective than a level pattern i.e., spending
is bunched in a short span of time and not level or uniform throughout the relevant time period.
Other considerations
• Media experts get better rates for TV and other media for advertising and hence it is beneficial to leave it to
them to negotiate the media prices.
• Large advertisers of course get better rates than small advertisers.
4.11 Promotions
• Sales promotion or simply promotion consists of a collection of devices aimed at generating active customer
response within a short period of time.
• Promotion aimed at distribution/retail channels are termed as trade promotions, while promotions aimed at
customers are termed as retail promotion. Companies spend large amount of money towards promotions.
4.11.1 Promotion Objectives
• Promotion objectives may be either offensive or defensive. Offensive programs attempt to gain an advantage
through exclusivity: being the only company to offer a particular promotion or level of promotional support.
However, competitors quickly match (provide defensive) promotions (e.g., airline frequent flier programs).
• Further, in some areas, notably consumer packaged goods the channels (e.g., Wal-Mart) have become sufficiently
powerful to both demand and schedule promotions. This leads to companies promoting goods to match
competition and satisfy the channels though promotion may not be required.
Product and Brand Management
CFB ratio =
One rule of thumb is that the CFB ratio should stay above 50 to 55 percent for a brand to remain healthy.
4.12.4 Effects of Promotions
• Customer perceptions of the brand may change, as brands bought on promotion may be seen as lower in quality
and in the extreme, something it makes sense to buy only on deal. If there are regular promotions, customers
tend to wait for them and stockpile.
• After the promotion period, the return to the normal prices is seen by consumers as a price increase.
• Competitors’ reaction also has to be taken into consideration. When competitors match promotions, which leads
to a promotion spiral, customers will benefit and harm companies’ profits.
Product and Brand Management
• Price is one of the key elements of the marketing mix. It is what produces revenue. The other elements of the
marketing mix produce costs.
• The price objective and subsequent decisions can be only made with adequate analysis of the market and keeping
the marketing strategy in mind.
• Customers and their perceived value for the product and your brand, competitors and your company with the
costs and pricing actions, and the stage of the product line cycle, etc. all impact the selection of what price to
• Focus should be on how much customers are willing to pay. Product managers have to decide where the price
should be in the range between cost and the value that customers place on the product.
• The Internet will play an important role in the prices charged for a product or service. Auctions on the Internet
are gaining ground and product managers have more pricing options.
• Advertising is one of the elements of communication mix, the others being public relations, sales promotions,
direct marketing, and packaging and graphics.
• Developing effective communication is essential for the successful marketing of a good or service.
• Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an
identified sponsor. Advertising includes not only business firms but also charitable, non-profit, and government
agencies that advertise to various publics.
• Developing an advertising programme consists of setting advertising objectives, establishing a budget,
choosing the advertising message, deciding on the media, and evaluating the communication and sales effects
of advertising.
• Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate
quicker or greater purchase of particular products or ser vices by consumers or the trade. Sales promotion, trade
promotion and business promotions are all parts of this drive.
• Public relations (PR) involve programmes designed to promote or protect a company’s image or its individual
products. The main tools of PR are publications, events, news, speeches, public-service activities and identity
• Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that uses one or more media to affect a measurable response
or transaction at any location. Electronic marketing is a part of this and is showing explosive growth.
• Integrated marketing communications is the buzz term for companies to establish the right overall communications
budget and the right allocation of the funds to each communication tool.
• Direct marketers must plan campaigns by deciding on objectives, target markets and prospects, offer and prices,
followed by listing the campaign.
• Carter McNamara, Advertising and Promotions [Online] Available at: <
ad_prmot.htm> [Accessed 4th March 2011].
• Daryn Edlema, 1999-2011. What is Pricing Strategy?[Online] Available at: <
about_5079100_pricing-strategy.html> [Accessed 4th March 2011].
Recommended Reading
• Applegate E., Johnsen A., 2007. Cases in Advertising and Marketing Management: Real Situations for Tomorrow’s
Managers. United Kingdom, Rowman & Littlefield. p.217.
• Hackley C.E., 2005. Advertsisng and Promotion. SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd, , New Delhi, p.264.
• Jennifer Sable, 2010. How to Determine Pricing Startegy [Online] (Updated 10th December 2010) Available at:
<> [Accessed 4th March 2011].
Self Assessment
1. ____________, one of the key elements of the marketing mix, is what produces the revenue.
a. Price
b. Advertising
c. Market
d. Promotion
3. Which of the following is used as an entry strategy for a new product and is useful to discourage competitive
a. Skimming
b. Penetration pricing
c. Competitive pricing
d. Investment pricing
5. ____________ is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an
identified sponsor.
a. Sales promotion
b. Pricing strategy
c. Advertising
d. Personal selling
6. Which of the following provides high credibility, ability to catch buyers’ off-guard and dramatisation?
a. Personal selling
b. Public relations & publicity
c. Advertising
d. Pricing
Product and Brand Management
9. ____________ is useful only when the product has a monopoly or near monopoly position.
a. Penetration pricing
b. Skimming
c. Investment pricing
d. Competitive pricing
Chapter V
Financial Analysis and Services
The aim of the chapter is to:
The objectives of the chapter are to:
• determine how companies can improve their differentiation, quality, productivity and services
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter the students are expected to:
• explain the capital budgeting and the basics of evaluating different proposals for investment
Product and Brand Management
5.1 Introduction
Product managers need to be well-informed about the financial dimensions of their jobs as well as the marketing
part, since they are considered mini-CEOs in many companies and have complete responsibility for profit and
loss for their products. Apart from being familiar with human resources, operations management and the internal
and external market environment, they should have adequate knowledge of the financial aspects of the product’s
performance and the overall financial implications of their decisions.
Financial decision-making is closely related to product strategy. We have seen that the ultimate objective of product
managers is profitability, whether or not the short term objective in the marketing plan is oriented toward share or
profits. The product manager must, therefore, have a good understanding of how profits are computed and how
sales/financial analyses are made. Profitability needs to be reported in a marketing plan and analysis of the relative
sales performances of different product variants can lead to a new marketing strategy or the pruning of a product
line. These analyses are done before budgeting or ex-post, after the planning period and at specific intervals within
the planning period.
Areas Predetermined
Time Periods
• Secondly, in what units can sales be analysed? Sales can be measured in terms of currency, units, or percentage
of company sales among other measures. Currency is useful, particularly when the product can be purchased in
a large number of sizes. However, increase in sales in currency terms hides price increases (units do not have
that problem).
• Thirdly, in what categories or classifications can the sales data be placed? They can be product size, geographical
area, product types, customer types, markets or channels, order sizes and time periods. Order size is a particularly
useful way to break down sales.
• Fourthly, what are the appropriate standards against which sales can be compared? Some of these standards are
historical results, current results from another category in the same time period, some predetermined standard
such as an objective or quota averages across the company or some other business unit, and sales relative to
market share.
• A good example of the value of sales analysis is Reebok’s experience in the late 1990s. The brand had fallen
from the success it had in the 1980s and an analysis of the sales by style found that out of the 1,200 existing
styles, 1,000 of them generated only 0.003 percent of Reebok’s volume. An immediate action was to reduce
the number of styles to the 600 generating most of the sales volume, which permitted a greater ability to focus
marketing dollars where they counted.
Product and Brand Management
• Product managers also have to consider marketing mix expenditures, such as advertising, promotion, sales
force and so on.
• The resources available have to be rationed among a set of risky projects and the product managers have to be
able to do this.
• The basics of capital budgeting involves five discrete steps which are as follows:
generate investment proposals
estimate cash flows in the proposals
evaluate the cash flows
select projects based on an acceptance criterion
re-evaluate the projects after their acceptance
• Product managers must have some idea of investment proposals and generating cash flows. They develop sales
forecasts and get estimates of penetration rates over time, from market surveys and other research sources.
• They have to be quite skilled at evaluating the attractiveness of the different proposals, which could be new
products, refinements, or even investments in advertising.
The five major methods used to perform this evaluation are as follows:
5.5.2 Payback
• This method calculates the number of years it will take to recover the initial investment in the project. It is the
ratio of the initial investment over the annual cash flows (not profits as in the average rate of return method).
• If the initial investment is Rs. 100,000 and the annual cash flow is Rs.20, 000; the payback period is 5 years. If
the annual cash flows are not equal, you can calculate the payback period by simply adding the yearly flows,
up to the point where the initial investment is recovered. The calculated payback period is then compared to a
threshold level; if it is less, it is accepted.
Product and Brand Management
present value method states that if NPV is greater than ‘0’, the project should be accepted; i.e. you should accept
the project if the present value of cash received from it is greater than the present value of cash spent.
5.6 Services
• There has been a phenomenal growth in recent years in the services sector. Service jobs account for over 60
percent of all jobs and gross domestic product.
• Service industries are quite varied. The government sector (military services, police and fire departments,
hospitals, post offices, railways, courts, employment services, schools and higher education, and so on), the private
non-profit sector (charities, education, hospitals, libraries, museums, and so on); business sector (airlines, hotels,
banks, insurance, law firms, management consulting, medical practice, accounting, repairs, and maintenance,
real estate, tourism, computer software, and so on). All these form part of the service industry.
• A ‘service’ is any act or performance that one party can offer to another; that is essentially intangible and does
not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
• ‘People’ provide services, and hence the selection, training, and motivation play a vital role in giving customer
satisfaction. Employees should exhibit competence, caring attitude, responsiveness, initiative, problem-solving
ability and goodwill.
• Companies demonstrate their service ability through ‘physical evidence’ and ‘presentation’. Hotels will develop
a look and style of dealing with customers and achieve their intended customer value proposition like cleanliness,
speed or some other benefit.
• Service companies can choose among different processes to deliver their services, e.g. restaurants use different
processes like cafeteria style, buffet, fast food or candle light service.
• Service business is affected by several elements – the external environment which is seen by customers and
the internal environment, which is not visible to customers. Both of these have to be developed carefully to
provide customer satisfaction. ‘External marketing’ is the normal work to prepare price, distribute and promote
the service to customers.
• ‘Internal marketing’ is the work to motivate and train employees to serve customers well. In short, it is getting
everyone in the organisation to practice marketing.
• Services are generally high in experience and credence qualities; hence there is more risk in purchase. The
consequences are that service consumers generally rely on word of mouth rather than advertising. They rely
heavily on price, personal and physical cues to judge quality. They are highly loyal to service providers who
satisfy them.
Product and Brand Management
• All these practices are self-evident and need no explanation, except perhaps, Self-Service Technologies
• These are services provided by machines and equipment like vending machines ATMs, self-pumping gas stations,
self-billing at super stores, self-ticket purchasing on the internet and so on. They make service transaction more
accurate, convenient and faster.
5.10 Managing Product Support Services
• Many products need a service bundle, called Product Support Services. This is becoming a major battle-arena
for competitive advantage. Many companies make over 50 percent of their profit from these services.
• The three specific worries of customers have to be addressed:
reliability and failure frequency
downtime duration - the larger the downtime, higher the cost, the seller’s service dependability is at stake
out-of-pocket costs of maintenance and repair – amount that the customer have to spend on regular
maintenance and repair costs
• For expensive equipment, manufacturers offer facilitating services such as installation staff, training maintenance
and repair services and financing. They may add longer product warranties, quality audits, trade-in allowances
and the like.
Product and Brand Management
• Finance and marketing have to work closely to achieve the common objective of making profits for the company.
The product managers, who are the main responsible for generating a market, sales and profits, and investment,
need to have a good foundation in finance.
• For a product to have a value for customers and satisfy the customer needs, the offer has to be competitive. They
should have a good understanding of how profits are computed and how sales/financial analyses are made.
• Sales analysis, which is the gathering, classifying, comparing, and studying of company sales data, is done to
look deep below the surface and see the real invisible problems and find solutions or take ruthless decisions.
• There are several ways of defining sales – in terms of orders, shipments, cash receipts and can be classified or
categorised based on size, geographical area, product types, customer types, markets or channels, order sizes
and time periods. And lastly, how are they to be compared.
• Profitability analysis can be done using several methods – the full costing approach, the contribution approach.
Variable costs, fixed costs and their effects on profits have to be carefully examined.
• Capital budgeting is one more area where product managers need to be skilled and should take into account
strategic considerations. The five major methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of different investment
proposals are average rate of return, payback, internal rate of return, present value and economic value added.
• A service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is generally intangible and does not
result in the ownership of anything. It may or may not be tied to a physical product.
• Services are intangible, inseparable, variable, and perishable. Each characteristic has challenges and requires
certain strategies. Product managers must find ways to give tangibility to intangibles to increase the productivity
of service providers to increase and standardise the quality of service to match the supply of service during peak
and non-peak periods with market demand.
• Financial Analysis, [Online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Prof. R. Madhumati, Capital Budgeting, [Online] Available at: <
Management_Science_II/Pdf/2_4.pdf > [Accessed 9th March 2011].
Recommended Reading
• Charles K. Fur, 2003. What is Profit Analysis, [Online] (Updated 2011). Available at: <http://www.wisegeek.
com/what-is-profit-analysis.htm> [Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Profitability Analysis (COPA), [Online], Available at: <
COPA/COPA.pdf > [Accessed 9th March 2011].
• 2002. Capital Budgeting, [Online](Updated 2010) Available at: <
budgeting/> [Accessed 9th March 2011].
Self Assessment
1. _____________is defined as “the gathering, classifying, comparing and studying of company sales data.”
a. Sales analysis
b. Profitability analysis
c. Forecasting
d. Capital budgeting
2. Which of the following includes direct labour, direct supervision, materials, and operations overhead?
a. Non-operating expenses
b. Operating expenses
c. Safety factor
d. Break-even
4. Which method calculates the number of years a firm will take to recover the initial investment in the project?
a. Payback
b. Average rate of return
c. EVA
d. Present value
Product and Brand Management
7. __________ is the work to motivate and train employees to serve customers well.
a. Service
b. Internal marketing
c. Training
d. Etiquettes
8. Product managers need to know their ‘_____________’ in both units and in currency.
a. break-even
b. capital
c. variance
d. service
9. Which is the amount over (or under) the break-even volume currently being sold?
a. Operating expenses
b. Capital budgeting
c. Safety factor
d. Break-even
10. If EVA is ________, the company is consuming capital. If it is_________, the project is accepted.
a. positive, negative
b. positive, neutral
c. neutral, negative
d. negative, positive
Chapter VI
Brand Management
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Product and Brand Management
6.1 Introduction
Brand management is so important that it will be treated as a separate, special discipline. However, the product
manager must have some basic knowledge of brands and brand management (a product manager is also called a
brand manager) and hence is included here. Managing a product’s reputation is one of the most important strategic
tasks facing the product manager. A brand name is an asset, and a valuable one at that.
Brands remain powerful and profitable. Brand names combat lower priced competitors. The big brands in India are
Colgate, Amul, Lux, Lifeboy, Zee TV, Rin, Dettol, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, ITC, Britannia and many others like Sony,
Toyota, Honda, etc. Brand is a major issue in product strategy.
6.2 Brand
• The American Marketing Association defines Brand as: A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination
of these, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them
from those of competitors.
• The brand identifies the seller or maker, and is exclusive, in infinity. It is a long-term asset. Companies need to
research the position their brand occupies in the customers’ minds.
• A brand can convey up to six levels of meaning:
• Attributes: Every brand brings to the consumer mind certain attributes and characteristics. For example, Akai
and Aiwa suggest low priced white goods. Honda vehicles suggest style, comfort and well-engineered product.
Mercedes brings to mind expensive, well built, well engineered, durable, high prestige automobiles.
• Benefits: The attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. For example, ‘fuel efficient’
attribute must be translated into ‘savings’ benefit. Emotional benefit like ‘prestige’ must be translated through
lifestyle positioning. The attribute ‘durable’ could translate into the functional benefit and the attribute ‘expensive’
translates into the emotional benefit (status)
• Values: Sometimes brand conveys to consumers values in terms of social welfare. For example, TISCO’s mission
statement is ‘our first objective is social welfare and second to manufacture steel’. Hero Honda’s punch line is,
‘We care’. Mercedes stands for high performance, safety and prestige
• Culture: A brand may represent certain culture. For example, Sony Music and Sony exhibit a high quality
Japanese company. Siemens represent highly technical electrical engineering and electronics products of
German design, like mobile handsets, transformers, electric motors, etc. Mercedes represents German culture;
organised, efficient, high quality.
• Personality: A brand can project a certain personality. For example, scooters manufactured by Bajaj Auto
represent middle class personality. Mercedes may suggest a no-nonsense boss (person), a reigning lion (animal)
or an austere palace (object).
• User: This suggests the kind of consumer who buys or uses the product. A top executive behind the wheel of a
Mercedes and not a young secretary.
• According to Lehman and Weiner, “brand equity is described in terms of awareness association (image), attitude
(overall quality), attachment (loyalty) and activity (word of mouth).”
• David Aaker developed his version of brand equity and is shown below.
Reduced marketing
Product and Brand Management
6.5 Brand-Sponsor
• A brand may be launched as a manufacturer’s brand (a National brand), a distributor brand (a private brand),
or a licensed brand name. Manufacturers’ brands dominate, but large retailers and distributors have been
developing their own brands. Retailers such as Benetton, GAP, and Marks and Spencer carry mostly own brand
• Private brands offer two advantages, which are as follows:
• They are more profitable.
• They develop exclusive store brands to differentiate themselves from competition.
• Manufacturers of national brands have to deal with the growing power of retailer brands. Consumers are also
changing their attitudes and have a set of acceptable brands, rather than one brand. They are also price sensitive.
The quality levels of all brands tend to be equivalent.
• Brand names – Four strategies are available, which are listed below:
• Individual names: Products have different brand names and failure of one product will not tarnish the reputation
of the company.
• Blanket family names: Same name is adopted, like General Electric, Heinz, Campbell. Development costs are
less and sales of the new product will be strong if the manufacturer’s name is good.
• Separate family names for all products: Sears has Kenmore for appliances, Craftsmen for tools and Homart
for home installations. Companies often invent different family names for different quality lines within the
same product class.
• Corporate name combined with individual family product names: Followed by Kellogg’s, GE, Honda and
Hewlett Packard. Their company name legitimises and the individual name individualises the new product (e.g.
Kellogg’s Rice Crispies, Kellogg’s Cornflakes).
• Selection of brand names has to be done carefully: Suggest benefits, product or service category, high imagery
qualities, easy to spell, pronounce, recognise and remember, distinctive and should not carry poor meanings
in other countries and languages.
• public relations and press releases
• sponsorships
• clubs and consumer communities
• factory visits
• trade shows
• event marketing
• public facilities
• social cause marketing
• high value for money
• founders or a celebrity personality
• mobile phone marketing
Product and Brand Management
• Laws now require labels to indicate date of manufacture, expiry date, unit pricing, grade labelling, and
composition, apart from weight, and volume. Misleading and deceptive labels constitute unfair competition.
Brands assure minimum quality
• To the extent possible, consumers try to buy products/services which have certain quality.
• Since a brand is regularly advertised, consumers perceive a minimum quality from the product/service. For
example, inspite of low priced models offered by Akai and Aiwa for music systems, Philips today also maintains
a reasonable market share.
Less risk
• Buying a commodity at low price without knowing about the promoters is like jumping in the dark. As such,
consumers may not like to buy a product if they have doubts about the performance of a product.
• A positive experience of a brand provides consumers reassurance and comfort in purchasing a brand, even
though it is expensive. Trust or faith is one of the major factors why consumers buy certain products following
certain technology.
• For example, GSM technology is much advanced than CDMA technology, but the way RIM branded telecom
services presents the product, the perception is CDMA is the latest technology.
Since a brand is created around differentiation, the marketer can avoid the commodity trap
• The branding process revolves around differentiation, due to which the marketer is able to create a unique image
and hence can command price premium. Consumers never pay price premiums for a commodity.
• For example, most food- grains are sold on commodity basis, only Satnam Overseas could develop the ‘Kohinoor’
brand for Basmati rice. Most MNC’s try to create a brand in the shortest possible time span. To brand the tyres,
Product and Brand Management
the Indian Company MRF took more than 10 years whereas MNC Bridgestone could generate the brand within
3-4 years.
group, who will respond similarly to a marketing mix programme. There could be many market segments and
the marketer may not have enough resources to tap each segment.
• Hence mass customisation, even though highly intended by marketers, was impracticable. Now software
technology can equip marketing strategy with technological revolution to customise the product/service offerings.
Thus, to treat every individual customer differently was a dream till 2000 AD, which is coming to reality in the
twenty-first century.
• By outsourcing the software from professionals, the marketer can limit cost and can reach every possible
Product and Brand Management
Vicks 13 62
Titan 14 NA
Rasna 15 NA
Philips 16 36
Bata 17 NA
Pepsi 18 2
Clinic Plus 19 33
Horlicks 20 20
1 2 3 4 5
Distributor does not manufacture, only sells the brand
• In this case, the distributor becomes the brand-personality because of his behaviour and skill. Whatever he says
to the customer becomes the decision for them and they blindly follow the distributor.
• For example, Chitale Milk receive milk from Bhilawadi. At Pune, M/s. B.G. Chitale pack the milk and distribute
to 1.70 lakh households. Due to quality maintenance and timely delivery, Chitale is the most successful brand
of Pune. Similarly, many sweets are not manufactured by ‘Chitale Sweets’, but whatever they sell, becomes
popular. Another example is Dass Electricals. Mr. Dass started his career in 1969 as a repair mechanic. Due to
his skill and honesty he became the brand. Today he has 8 showrooms in Pune.
• Mr. Dass, who has not even passed SSC, earns more than Rs.25 crores commission by distributing brands like
Philips, LG, Whirlpool, Sony, Samsung, etc. One more brand personality as distributor is Dorabji. Their outlet
sells all groceries as well as furniture etc. Dorabji’s third generation is now running the business and the faith
gained by the shop is surprising.
• Distributors manufacture their own brands and sell these along with other manufacturers’ brands (This is also
called private brands)
Licensed brand
• The manufacturer obtains the rights of using reputed companies brands for goods manufactured by him on
royalty payment basis.
• This strategy is used when the manufacturer is not confident about creating a successful brand on his own or he
does not want to take a risk with his career. Following are some examples of licensed brands.
Books on Computer,
Engineering and
5 Everest Distributor Engineering, Entrance Test,
Management books
Management books
6 ICFAI Management Education
and Magazines
Product and Brand Management
Company/individual names
• The marketer uses company’s trade name before or with individual product name. Companies use this policy
to legitimise their own name and to individualise the product.
• For example, Kellogg’s Wheat Flakes, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Kellogg’s Chocos, etc.
Brand extensions
• Using the same brand name before a newly launched variety with a different USP is called brand extension. It
can be done in two ways as follows:
• Related Brand Extension – Lifebuoy to Lifebuoy Plus and Lifebuoy Gold.
• Unrelated Brand Extension –Tata Steel, Tata Timken, Tata Motors and Cinthol to Cinthol Talc, Cinthol Deodorant.
Brand extensions are the decisions of marketers to encash brand equity.
• These are the additional brands in the same product category. Multi brands are introduced to ensure more
distribution shelf space.
• For example in the Soft Drink market, Parle had four soft drinks for four segments like Thumps Up, Mazza,
Limca and Gold Spot.
Product and Brand Management
• Brand management is so important that it will be treated as a special discipline separately. However, the product
manager must have some basic knowledge of Brands and Brand management (a product manager is also called
a brand manager) and hence is included here. Managing a product’s reputation is one of the most important
strategic tasks facing the product manager. A brand name is an asset, and a valuable one at that.
• Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services
of one marketer from those of competitors. Brands provide benefits to consumers and marketers. Major decisions
involved in brand management are branding decisions, brand sponsor decisions, brand name decisions, brand
strategy decisions and brand repositioning decisions.
• Brands vary in the amount of power and value they have in the marketplace. Customers will pay more for a
strong brand. Clearly, brand equity is an asset and results in customers showing a preference for one product over
another when these are basically identical. The extent to which they are willing to pay more for the particular
brand is a measure of brand equity.
• Private brands are more profitable and they develop exclusive store brands to differentiate themselves from
• Companies need to periodically audit their brands’ strengths and weaknesses, and re-position the brands when
required, to cater to changing customer preferences or new competitors.
• Packaging has to be designed and tested. Further, attention has to be given to increasing environmental and
safety concerns about packaging, which can create major problems in solid waste disposal. Packaging also adds
to the cost of the product and in some cases may cost more than the product itself, like toothpaste.
• Market segmentation means regrouping a bunch of consumers from a big market into a small, approachable
group, who will respond similarly to a marketing mix programme. There could be many market segments and
the marketer may not have enough resources to tap each segment.
• Brand as a marketing concept has become so common that we cannot think of buying a product which is not
branded. Now a days low priced food products and other products are also branded like, ‘Friendly wash’, ‘Dandi
Namak’, Livon’, etc. Branding offers the following benefits to marketers.
• Blackett T., 2004. Brands and Branding. Interbrand, pp.110.
• Verma H.V., 2006. Brand Management: Text and Cases. 2nd edition, Excel books, Anurag Jain. pp. 43–81.
Recommended Reading
• Haseeb Murtaza, Brand Management [Online] Available at: <
Management> [Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Kotler. P., Pfoertsch W., Michi I., 2006. B2B Brand Management. Springer Berlin. Germany, Springer. p.357.
• Understanding Brand- What is a Brand? 2008.[Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed 9th March 2011].
Self Assessment
3. _______________ are more profitable and they develop exclusive store brands to differentiate themselves from
a. Sponsors
b. Audits
c. Private brands
d. Brand extensions
Product and Brand Management
8. What insulates a brand from competitive pressures, such as advertising and price promotion and leads to higher
a. brand loyalty
b. brand awareness
c. brand equity
d. brand assets
9. ____________identify the product, grade them and sometimes describe the product.
a. Packaging
b. Sellers
c. Sponsors
d. Labels
10. Which of the following includes line extensions, brand extensions, multi-brands, new brands, co-brands?
a. Branding decision
b. Brand-repositioning decision
c. Brand-name decision
d. Brand-strategy decision
Chapter VII
Brand Equity
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Product and Brand Management
7.1 Introduction
Creating a brand is a comparatively easy task, but maintaining a brand or sustaining the brand and growing across a
highly competitive market is a great job. The most successful brand of 1990’s, ‘Ceasefire’ from Real Value Appliances
became a BIFR case in November 2002. Ceasefire’s biggest problem was its inability to grow in the category after
its initial success. Sales declined; there was no added benefit that the brand offered in the marketplace. It also shared
the peculiar problem of being a one-time purchase, but being relatively low value as compared to other consumer
In such category creator brands, it requires a tremendous amount of sustenance to keep the category at the top of
the mind and sometimes the returns on base items may not even justify the cost.
Brand equity is brand worth. A marketer having a brand is worth much more than someone with no brands. To
understand the value or worth of the brand and its marginal benefits over other commodities is a complex task. It
calls for separating that part of the profits increased by the brand from those applicable to other assets. However
brand equity can be studied through three approaches like cost based, price based and consumer based.
Brand Equity
• Historical cost
• Replacement cost • Price premium • Brand knowledge
• Market value • Equalisation • Attitude rating
• Discounted cash price • Blind test
flow • In different price
• Brand contribution
• Inter-brand
7.3 Cost Based Approach
Explained below are the approaches that are based on cost:
Product and Brand Management
Replacement cost
in Rs. Crores
Surf 825
Ariel 110
Close-Up 300
Colgate-Gel 125
Tata Motors 2950
Maruti 7885
Dettol 235
Dabur 5100
This method can also be useful in computing the brand equity of the company which has acquired the brand.
Mathematically it can be expressed as follows:
Suppose, Electrolux’s sales turnover is 12 times the turnover of Kelvinator, then brand equity of Electrolux = 255
x 12 = Rs. 3,060.0 crores.
PV = Present value of the brand
CF = Cash flow from 1st year to nth year
R = Cash flow discounting rate. Usually R is assumed equivalent to commercial rate of interest
BE = IX {Profits from the brands – Profits for unbranded production in same category}
BE = Brand equity
I = Integer. The value of this integer is average of expenses incurred on brand management.
7.3.6 Inter-brand Approach
This is the scientific method to evaluate brand equity. It has the following steps:
• Weightage average of the last three years’ profits of the brand is calculated.
• The answer is then multiplied with P/E of the industry in which the company operates.
• Both the above figures are multiplied by brand strength score.
• We assume that in the shampoo market, only four of the abovementioned brands are available.
• Now to calculate brand equity, we must identify the price at which the market share of each of the above player
/ brand is equal.
• It is seen that Sunsilk and Clinic All Clear are the most popular brands and unless some consumers from these
two brands (15% from Sun Silk and 5% from Clinic All Clear) switch to other brands, the market shares will
not be equal. Hence we have to identify the price points at which this changeover might happen. Given below
is a hypothetical situation of brand market share equalisation.
Product and Brand Management
In practice, to get an accurate measure of brand equity, the exercise is repeated for all pack sizes and the weighted
average is calculated.
Market Share
Brand Retail Price per 150 ml tube
Then mathematically,
= 60/40-1*100
= 50.0
Assuming revised price for Colgate gel Rs.50 and Close Up is Rs.52, Brand Equity of Colgate Gel is 25.0, and
Brand Equity of Close Up is 30.0.
Fig. 7.2 Dimensions of brand knowledge
From the above discussions, we can conclude that Pepsodent 2 in 1 has much more brand equity as compared to
Forhan’s, Colgate Gel and Close Up.
Brand recall
• Suppose you draw a sample of 100 from metros 7 mini metros and ask them simple questions – which brand
comes to your mind when you think of detergent powder? If 60% of the respondents say Surf, then the conclusion
is, Surf is top of the mind awareness and hence could have higher brand equity. If the customer provides the
same after 2-3 hints, then the brand has lower awareness level and so low brand equity.
• The marketer may create a different category of goods based on price and may ask a question like – which
home appliance brand comes to your mind when you perceive low price? The instant answer could be Aiwa
or Akai.
• Thus, a scale could be formulated where high score (near 10) signifies high brand recall. In similar fashion, the
other parameters like brand recognition, favourability of brand association, uniqueness of brand associations
and strengths of brand associations can be measured. When these scores are summed up and averaged, the
marketer gets the value of brand equity.
Product and Brand Management
Fragrance 9 8 6 8 6 7
Freedom from
7 6 6 9 8 8
Appearance 7 5 5 7 8 8
Desirability 9 5 5 9 6 7
Total out of 50 40 31 28 41 34 36
If all dimensions are provided scores out 10 for a category of goods, it provides brand equity or brand knowledge
basis. Given below is the illustration for salt brands.
Tata Knorr
Nirma Shudh Dandi
Salt Annapurna
Brand Recall 9 6 7 5
Brand Recognition 8 6 5 5
Type of Brand Association 7 6 5 5
Favourability of Brand
7 6 6 6
Strength of Brand
7 6 7 6
Uniqueness of Brand
7 6 7 5
Attributes 7 6 8 6
Total Score/ Brand Equity 52 42 45 38
• This method suggests that brand equity may not lie in the price at which the brand is sold but how it is associated
in the consumer’s mind. However brand equity normally is much more than the attributes or brand knowledge
dimensions, which could be the main limitation of this method.
• Brand Associations: Brand associations are the informational nodes linked to the brand in memory and contain
the meaning of the brand for consumers. It means benefits, attributes, attitudes, personality, price, social class,
etc. to the brand in memory. The strength, favourability and uniqueness of brand associations play a major role
in determining the differential response that makes brand equity.
• These are the descriptive features which characterise a product or service. This can further be divided into
product related attributes and non-product related attributes.
• Product related attributes refer to the product’s physical composition that determines the nature and level of
product performance. For example in a music system, the attributes could be presence of VCD, MP3, Wattage,
• Non-product related attributes are not directly linked with product performance but affect the purchase or
consumption process. For example colour of a car or two wheeler or package appearance of say a soft drink.
Some of the non-product related attributes are price, user category, usage occasions, quality of wash, high
percentage of dryness, etc.
Benefits could further be classified as follows –
• Functional benefits (basic motivators)
• Symbolic benefits (social approval, self image)
• Experimental benefits (sensory pleasure, approval, and self image)
• Experimental benefits (sensory pleasure, variety and cognitive stimulation)
For Pantene Shampoo, the functional benefit is anti-dandruff and hair conditioning, symbolic benefit is beauty and
health of hair and experimental benefit is the feeling of beauty and cleanliness.
For HDFC, the function benefit is branding and financial services, symbolic benefit is, it acts as a friend and
experimental benefit is customer friendly, innovative and aggressive.
• These are the most abstract form of brand associations expressed in terms of consumers’ overall evaluation
of brand and meaning to them. Attitudes are important because it forms the basis for actions and behaviour of
• There are three dimensions of attitude viz. Cognitive (knowledge base perception), affective (emotions and
feelings towards brand), conative Cintention to behave in a particular manner).
Product and Brand Management
Indica V2 Fiat palio Matiz Santro Zing
Subjective Score (A) 80 82 45 40 75
Objective Score (Each Attribute out of 10)
Braking 7 8 7 6 7
Engine Performance 8 7 6 5 7
Gearing Performance 8 7 7 6 7
Steering Drivability 8 7 6 6 7
Overall Looks 9 7 8 6 8
Fuel Efficiency 8 7 6 5 7
Comfort 8 8 6 6 8
Safety 7 8 7 6 7
Objective score out of 80 63 59 53 46 58
Objective score out of 100 (B) 79 74 66 57 72
Brand Equity = (A) – (B) 1.0 8.0 -21 -17 3.0
• The above illustration concludes that brand equity of the brand Indica V2 is the highest (8), followed by Santro
Xing (3) and Maruti Zen (1).
• The main disadvantage of this method is that accuracy with subjective and objective scores is not obtained.
For example, the attributes considered by one marketer for objective criteria may not be avertable to the other
• For the automobile industry, whether 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler or 6 wheeler, the attributes could be
standardised but for consumer products like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and such standardisation may not be
Awareness valuation
• This method estimates the communication investment required to build the level of awareness due to which
current market share has been achieved.
• For example, a brand that is used by 5% of its target population, but was tried by 15% of them. The brand
has an awareness of 60%, which is due to communication investment of 800 GRPs. Assuming, Rs.1, 00,000
investment needed to create one GRP (Reference - Economic Times); the brand could be valued as Rs.8 crores.
The advantage of the method is that, it is easy to use and requires less research than any other method.
• It also reflects the current cost of re-creating the brand today independently of the way it was actually
Product and Brand Management
• Brand equity is the totality of the brand perception, including the relative quality of the product and services,
financial performance, customer loyalty, satisfaction and overall esteem towards the brand. There are three
approaches towards evaluating brand equity. The first one is cost based, second one is price based and third
one is consumer based.
• “Brand equity is a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbols add to or subtract
from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers.”
• Brand equity can be measured by incremental cash flow from associating the brand with the product.
• Brand equity can be studied under three approaches like cost based, price based and consumer based.
• Price premium is computed by comparing the difference between the retail price of the brand and the retail price
of an unbranded product in the same category.
• Market Share Equalisation Approach takes into account the market shares of key marketers and retail price of
each brand for evaluating brand equity.
• Brand knowledge may be expressed as a sum of brand awareness and brand image. Each dimension of the brand
can be measured on a scale ranging from 1 to 10. The weighted sum of these dimensions will be the measure
of brand equity.
• The direct measurement method suggests adding all the brand’s communication investments, adjusted for
inflection. An additional adjustment is sometimes made to account for the opportunity cost of the money invested
in brand building.
• Associations, which are developed because of the brand-meeting consumer needs and hence consumer-expressing
satisfaction, are termed favourability of brand association.
• The strength of brand associations is the critical determinant of the kind of information recalled by the
consumer and thus affects brand-buying decisions. These associations are formed in three ways - on the basis
of experience, on the basis of communication, on the basis of some assumptions or inferences arrived at from
some information.
• Brand Equity–Meaning and Measuring Brand Equity [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed 10th March 2011].
• Verma H.V., 2006. Brand Management: Text and Cases. 2nd edition, Excel books, Anurag Jain. pp.197–231.
Recommended Reading
• Brand & Customer Equity [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <
what-is-brand.htm> [Accessed 10th March 2011].
• Haseeb Murtaza, Brand Management [Online]. Available at: <
Management> [Accessed 10th March 2011].
• Kotler. P., Pfoertsch W., Michi I., 2006. B2B Brand Management. Springer Berlin. Springer. p.357.
Self Assessment
2. Which approach attempts to find the value that is added by the brand to the product?
a. Brand contribution approach
b. Market value approach
c. Replacement cost Approach
d. Inter-brand Approach
6. _____________ are important because it forms the basis for actions and behaviour of consumers.
a. Attitudes
b. Benefits
c. Attributes
d. Brand recall
7. Which of the following compares the profits earned by the brand with the profits earned by generic products
of unbranded goods?
a. Inter-brand approach
b. Price-based approach
c. Price premium
d. Brand contribution approach
Product and Brand Management
8. Which method can also be useful in computing the brand equity of the company which has acquired the
a. Brand contribution approach
b. Market value approach
c. Replacement cost Approach
d. Inter-brand Approach
10. ___________ approach takes into account the market shares of key marketers and retail price of each brand
for evaluating brand equity.
a. Market share equalisation
b. Price premium
c. Consumer based
d. Price based
Chapter VIII
Brand Image, Brand Identity and Brand Valuation
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of the chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
Product and Brand Management
8.1 Introduction
Every marketer tries to create certain image of the brand, naturally for differentiation and profit generation. Many
experts call image an impression about the brand. Brand identity is the sum of the brand expressed as a product,
organisation, person and symbol. Brand valuation means measuring the value of brand loyalty, customer relations,
workforce, etc.
Marketers must decide at which level to anchor the brand’s identity. The attributes could be the least desirable
level. Buyers may be more interested in benefits. Competitors can easily copy attributes since current attributes
may become less desirable.
Attributes of Brand Brand Thoughts
Image Paint Brand Hard Drink Brand Ice-Cream Brand
It is a powder as the It is colourful ice-
Brand Features It is a transparent
paint cream
Is it available in
Is it cheap and
Brand Information Is it genuine? family packs?
• Brand image has three components–product attributes, consumer benefits and brand personality. Brand image
is derived from three sources, which are provider driven image, product driven image and user driven image.
Product and Brand Management
Brand Brand Personality Brand Image
Horlicks Marketing communication Energy
Philips Music Technologically
leading electronics manufacturer
Honda Activa Comfort
Button start
Marketing communication
Wipro Shikakai Traditional hygienic
Shikakai as a part of brand name
Puffed biscuits Novelty
Britannia Little Hearts Innovative packing Attractive
Heart shaped biscuits Romantic
Money for value Skin
Dove Soap Price Soft
Money for value
Bajaj Pulsar Price Button start
Product and Brand Management
• Mr. Kapferer, one more researcher on brand, argues that brand identity is six sides of a hexagon, named as
Physique, Personality, Culture, Relationship, Reflection and Self Image.
• Physique is the basis of the brand. For example physique of LG is technology and reliability while for Godrej,
MRF and Ceat it is the trust. Mr. Kapfere describes, ‘what happens to a brand when it becomes a person’ (Please
refer definition under point 2 for details of this point). Culture represents the organisation, its country of origin
and the value it stands for. For example, Japan is known for its hardworking and quality aspects, because of
which Japanese companies like Toyota, Suzukim, Sony have earned global reputation.
• Relationship is the link between the consumer and the organisation. For example relationship of consumer with
Tata’s Indica is ‘safety’ whereas with Videocon’s washing machine ‘dependability’.
• Reflection is the consumer’s perception of what the brand stands for. For example Coke’s Thumps-Up, Cola and
Pepsi Co’s Pepsi reflects youthful values. Self image is what the brand owner / user thinks of himself. A Sonata
car owner might perceive himself one of the elite and might be treating Sonata as the India’s best car.
• From above discussions (David Aaker’s definition and Kapfere’s definition), we may conclude that the brand
personality is the subset of the brand identity.
8.5 Brand Valuation
Brand valuation can be seen from two angles – Tangibles valuation and Intangibles valuation. One of the major
ingredients of brand intangibles is brand loyalty.
Levels Characteristics
Non-loyal buyers, who do not attach any importance
1. Lowest level –Price sensitive buyers to the brand. . The buying is based on convenience
or price.
These buyers have no reason to change, but may
2. Second level buyers switch because of the stimulation from the competi-
This segment is little bit safe to marketer because
3. Third level buyers buyers would switch only when competitors are able
to overcome switching costs for them.
The buyers have positive attitude towards brand
which is due to associations, emotional attachment
4. Fourth level buyers
or a high perceived quality. Buyers consider brand as
a friend and have long term relationship.
Buyers continue the relationship in long the run with
5. Top level – Committed buyers same mutual thrust. Customers treat brand as the
vehicle of self-expression.
Product and Brand Management
• At third and fourth levels, loyalty is measured in terms of potential spending by customers, recalling level of
the brand, perceived attributes of product, number of other brands purchased during the same time and changed
attitude towards brand.
• At the top level, loyalty is measured through satisfaction level, total spending on brand, liking in terms of respect,
friendship, trust, etc. One more important measurement for customers’ commitment is their involvement in
reading, word of mouth and number of people to whom they refer the brand.
• The measurement tools are structured for which semantic differential scale, interval scale, rating and ranking
scales and in-depth interviews are used.
Profit-split approach
• This approach also assumes that an independent third party owns a brand and licenses it for an associated profit.
The valuer has to estimate the amount of economic income that is generated after apportioning fixed cost over
other assets and the brand under consideration.
• The method involves assessment of business income and fair returns expected on tangible assets in order to
arrive at the net profit or cash flows to be ascribed to all the intangibles.
• A number of factors form the basis for splitting this profit and apportioning to the brand including market share,
entry barriers, operating profit and the remaining useful life of the asset.
Over 80% of the market value of top ten of the fortune 500 companies are intangibles.
Product and Brand Management
• LTV is a difficult concept to operation. There is no clarity about what the lifetime of a consumer is – it can be
age, working life, product life cycle, etc. Estimating the value through studying the past is also not precise.
Assuming purchase probabilities into the future is also not easy. Moreover, carrying out this exercise for each
and every individual customer is a long and tedious process.
• Hence, if carried out at aggregate group level, questions about who should actually be the constituents of the
group plays a significant role.
Product and Brand Management
6. price premiums as current customers usually do not wait for promotions or price reductions before they make
their purchases. Certain non-economic benefits from customer retention are increased customer trust, commitment
and cooperation.
It is important to retain employees and investors in order to retain customers. Disloyal employees are not motivated
enough to build a base of loyal customers. Similarly, disloyal investors will not be interested in building long-term
relationships. The team of customers, employees and investors must hence share a common vision of a long-term
It is important for the firm to understand the reasons that make customers switch. Some of the reasons could be price,
inconvenience; core service failure, ethical problems, involuntary factors, competitive issues and service encounter
failures. Understanding the causes of switching will help the firm develop barriers to prevent switching.
Interviewing former customers is another way to understand why they switched. This can provide information that
is specific and actionable. Studies have revealed six types of defectors, which are as follows:
1. price defectors, who switch to a low priced competitor
2. product defectors, who defect to a superior product offered by a competitor
3. service defectors, who leave due to poor service
4. market defectors, who are lost but not to any other business - they may go out of business or to another
5. technological defectors, who switch to products offered by companies outside the industry
6. organisational defectors, who switch due to internal or external politics
• Analysing complaint and service data is a good method to identify problems and understand why customers
defect. Analysis should be statistical and should be fairly detailed in order to understand the underlying patterns
of the problems.
• Strategic bundling is another way of erecting a barrier against defections that can lead to enhanced customer
retention. A bundle is a group of products or services offered as a single cost saving and convenient package.
A customer who opts for a bundle will not switch to a competitor even if he is offered a better deal on a single
item of the bundle.
• Usage analysis is a method that can be effectively used to help in customer retention. Segmenting markets by
consumption can provide valuable insights into the mix of customers. Heavy users are more valuable than the
medium or light ones and appropriate strategies have to be devised to retain them.
• Similarly, in the business context, we find the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule in operation. Key accounts that
comprise about 20 per cent of the business customers are responsible for about 80 per cent of the sales generated.
Such and heavy key users are prone to poaching by competitors.
• Hence, it is important to concentrate advertising, promotion, sales, and communication efforts on this segment.
Medium customers should be targeted with revenue enhancement strategies through phone calls and e-mails.
The light or unprofitable customers should be served in new ways to upgrade them.
• The strategies for retaining customers are a function of the nature of the product, the stage of the product life
cycle, and the buying behaviour of the customers.
• Customer value affects customer retention. Loyalty of the customer increases with customer satisfaction at an
increasing rate.
• Segmentation of customers should be done by satisfaction levels, prior to the strategising of retention activities.
Given below is the customer value and retention model.
Product and Brand Management
• Customer retention and arresting downward migration thus hold the key to superior business performance.
Dimension of loyalty
8.7.2 Relevance
• In strong brands, brand equity is tied both to the actual quality of the product or service and to various intangible
factors. Those intangibles includes ‘user imagery’ (the type of person who uses the brand); ‘usage imagery’ (the
type of situation in which the brand is used); and the type of personality the brand portrays (sincere, exciting,
competent, rugged); the feeling that the brand tries to elicit in customers (purposeful, warm); the type of
relationship it seeks to build with its customers (committed, casual, seasonal).
• Gillette pours millions of dollars into R&D to ensure that its razor blades are as technologically advanced as
possible, calling attention to major advances in sub-brands (Trac II, Atra, Sensor, Mach 3) and signalling minor
improvements with modifiers (Atra Plus, Sensor Excel).
• ‘Relevance’ has a deeper, broader meaning in today’s market. Increasingly, consumer perceptions of a company
as a whole and its role in society affect a brand’s strength as well.
• In the Indian context, the Tata Group’s commitment to social causes has created an indelible impression of a
kind, concerned company. There is a feel-good factor associated with the brand.
8.7.5 Consistency
• Maintaining a strong brand means striking the right balance between continuity in the marketing activities and
the kind of change needed to stay relevant.
• The brand’s image should never get muddled or lost by a cacophony of marketing efforts that confuse customers
by sending conflicting messages.
• Dettol fights germs in every Indian household. It ensures that children don’t fall ill and are able to record 100
per cent attendance in school. It kills germs accumulated in the marketplace, crowded public transport and
playing in the dirty mud. Dettol has been consistent with its image and its product and has almost become a
generic disinfectant.
Product and Brand Management
• In the late 1980s, Disney became concerned that some of its characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
were being used inappropriately and were overexposed. Disney launched its first major consumer research to
investigate how consumers felt about the Disney brand.
• Disney characters were associated with Tide detergent, where the connection was absolutely missing! Same
with the case of Johnson wax, diapers, cars and hamburgers! Consumers felt that not only did Disney add no
value to the associated product; it also involved children in a decision that they would have otherwise ignored.
Disney moved quickly to establish a brand equity team, to better manage the franchise and more selectively
evaluate licensing and third party promotions.
Product and Brand Management
• Brand identity is the sum of the brand expressed as a product, organisation, person and symbol. Brand valuation
means measuring the value of brand loyalty, customer relations, workforce, etc.
• Brand Image and brand personality is one and the same. Brand image is the totality of the impressions about the
brand. The total impression includes physical, functional and psychological aspects of the brand. Brand image
is the measurable aspect of the brand. Many researchers argue that the word brand image is something much
more intuitive and overarching than just attitude measure.
• Brand personality and brand image are two different dimensions of any brand. Brand image is how the brand
is perceived by the customers, whereas brand personality is the cause while brand image is the effect. Brand
personality is the sum total of all the significant tangible and intangible assets that a brand possesses.
• Philip Kolter says, “Building the brand identity requires decisions on the brand’s name, logo, colours, tag line,
and symbol. At the same time a brand name is much more than a name, logo, colours tag line and symbol. A
brand is essentially a marketer’s ability to stick to the promises to deliver a specific set of features, benefits and
services consistently to buyers.”
• Brand valuation can be seen from two angles – tangibles valuation and intangibles valuation. One of the major
ingredients of brand intangibles is brand loyalty.
• Loyalty is at the heart of equity and is one of the important brand assets. Brand loyalty is a conscious or
unconscious decision expressed through intention or behaviour to repurchase a brand continually.
• It is important to measure customer retention since this helps to set benchmarks and gauge performance against
this benchmark. Without measuring customer retention it cannot be managed.
• In service marketing, customer retention has been conceptualised as resulting from customer perceptions of
service quality and customer satisfaction.
• Brand Loyalty, [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <
htm> [Accessed 11th March 2011].
• Kapferer J.N., 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management, 4th edition, London, United Kingdom, Kogan
page Publishers. pp.171–180.
Recommended Reading
• Brand Image, [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <
htm> [Accessed 11th March 2011].
• Kotler. P., Pfoertsch W., Michi I., 2006. B2B Brand Management. Springer Berlin. Heidelberg, Germany;
Springer. p.357.
• Verma H.V., 2006. Brand Management: Text and Cases. 2nd edition, Excel books, p.473.
Self Assessment
1. _______________ is the sum of the brand expressed as a product, organisation, person and symbol.
a. Brand identity
b. Brand image
c. Brand valuation
d. Brand user
2. Which of the following means measuring the value of brand loyalty, customer relations, workforce, etc?
a. Brand image
b. Brand valuation
c. Brand features
d. Brand evaluation
7. The image, which is derived from the company/brand can be called_____________ driven image.
a. product
b. process
c. provider
d. buyer
Product and Brand Management
9. _______________is the sum total of all the significant tangible and intangible assets that a brand possesses.
a. Brand image
b. Brand personality
c. Brand valuation
d. Brand feature
10. _________________is the consumer’s perception of what the brand stands for.
a. Relationship
b. Physique
c. Reflection
d. Self image
Chapter IX
Brands Over Time, Brand Positioning and Consumer Behaviour
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
• reproduce investment, profitability and cash flows and brand life cycle
Product and Brand Management
9.1 Introduction
Once a brand is created, to safeguard the investment, the marketer must review the brand at regular intervals, so
that the brand keeps pace with the changing needs of the consumers. For example, during 2004, P&G aggressively
reduced the prices of its detergent brands like Tide and Ariel. Though HLL’s Surf is strong or a power brand; HLL
understood new expectations and fulfilled these through Surf Excel Blue, it also reduced the price.
Brand positioning is the art of creating a distinct image in the minds and hearts of customers. For example, whenever
somebody thinks of antiseptic liquid, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is Dettol. During the brand managing
brands over time, brand positioning and consumer behaviour life cycle, the marketer may have to re-position the brand
many times to utilise the brand name for profitability. Many marketers have done re-positioning twice or thrice.
Consumer behaviour is strongly associated with brand logos, signs, mascots, celebrities, etc. Managing these tangibles
with the intangible image of the brand is the big challenge for any marketer.
9.3 Brand Life Cycle
9.3.1 Investment, Profitability and Cash Flows and Brand Life Cycle
Fig. 9.1 Investment, profitability and cash flows and brand life cycle
• Introduction phase: Lot many investments (resources) are needed to build and grow a new brand. The consumer
and distributors’ acceptance grows, sales increase, and the brand moves to the growth phase.
• The rate of increase of brand sales is rapid. Satisfied consumers spread word of mouth and new customers as well
repeat sales grow. During this phase, the marketer needs to support the brand through reasonable investments
and support through distributors; the marketer might break even and gain a tiny profit.
• If a brand is maintained properly, it would enter into the maturity phase or every chance of direct entry to
decline is possible. During the maturity phase, the marketer is able to consolidate the market share and hence
experiences very good profitability.
Product and Brand Management
• If the brand is not supported with brand extensions and appropriate distribution support, it might perish and
hence incur negative profits. If the marketer wants to revive the brand, huge investment would be required.
Decline Maturity
* High cash flow * Positive cash flow
Investment for revival
Introduction Growth
* High investment * High investment
* Negative cash flow * Zero cash flow
Low High
Consider Building the Pyramid:
• Many companies manage portfolio of brands as a set of unrelated brands. This leads to thinning differentiation
between brands. Companies can benefit by building a pyramid of brands, creating brands at different price points
or catering brands tailored to different segments.
• This approach requires companies to take care of the bottom of the pyramid, due to its susceptibility to attack
from low cost manufacturers who usually grab the market through aggressive pricing.
Product and Brand Management
• A superior product can redefine the market; dislodge the existing product in the market. It is however vulnerable
to any new product offering a better functional value Proposition. The better functional value proposition could
be also be offered by offering similar functionalities at lesser price. Thus, products offering just functional value
proposition are quite vulnerable.
• Brands: A better safeguard is to offer the customer an emotional reason to purchase over and above the functional
one. Let us call it Emotional Value Proposition (EVP). The emotional reason is difficult to be replicated by the
competitor; hence, even if the competitor matches the FVP, EVP creates the immunity. The customer starts
seeing a definite benefit in associating with it.Successful brands own the emotions in the customer’s mind. The
customers associate the feeling of safety with Volvo and trustworthiness with TATA.
• Labels: However, the EVP follows FVP in the value chain. Mere EVP in the absence of FVP does not lay any
foundation for long-term brand building. Thus, anything that offers either FVP or EVP is referred to as “Labels”.
Needless to say, Labels do not offer any self-expressive benefit to the customers.
9.5.5 The Acid Test
• Brands hold a long-term competitive edge over all the Labels. The emotional connect coupled with strong
functional value creates a long lasting relationship with the customer. Naturally, having a portfolio of successful
brands is the aim of any marketer. But they need to be very careful about their portfolio.
• They need to continuously scrutinise the portfolio to separate the Brands from the Labels. All the popular
parameters such as ad recall, repeat purchase rate, etc. fail to do it. Here is a small test to do this. Just ask the
customer, whether she “thinks” about your brand. Peep in his/her mind to know whether your Brand owns a
place in his/her mindscape. If your Brand does so, it indeed is a Brand; otherwise it is a poor Label!
Product and Brand Management
• Doubtful positioning
Buyers may find it hard to believe the brand claims in view of the product’s features, price or the reputation
of the manufacturer.
For example, Daewoo’s Cielo car was being sold at Rs.4.90 lakhs. Looking at the size of the car and reputation
of the company, it developed negative publicity and ultimately the production of the car was stopped.
Consumers perceive brands in their own personal way and attach their own values to them and the symbolic
interpretation of each brand varies according to age, income, and sex education of the target audience. Hence the
brand’s symbolic meaning cannot be the same for all. How the target customer responds to brand celebrities, logos,
icons, etc. is very much essential in brand marketing. Let us study each one step by step.
Product and Brand Management
Model 1: Loyalty as primarily an attitude that sometimes leads to a relationship with the brand
• Many argue that there must be strong “attitudinal commitment” to a brand for true loyalty to exist. This is seen
as taking the form of consistently favourable set of beliefs towards the brand purchased.
• These attitudes may be measured by asking how much people say they like the brand, feel committed to it, will
recommend it to others, and have positive beliefs and feelings about it – relative to competing brands.
• The strength of these attitudes is the key predictor of a brand’s purchase and repeat patronage. Analyses of cases
such as Federal Express, Pizza Hut franchises and Cadillac dealerships reveal that attitudinally loyal customers
are much less susceptible to negative information about the brand.
• Moreover, the revenue stream from them becomes more predictable and can become considerable over time.
• An extension of the “attitudes define loyalty” perspective is to suggest that consumers form relationships with
some of their brands. So much so that loyalty becomes a committed and affect-laden partnership between
consumers and brands. It is a partnership that will be even stronger when supported by other members of a
household or a buying group, and where consumption is associated with community membership or identity.
• Examples in support of this argument include Skoal smokeless tobacco among some North American cowboys,
the Beanie Babies craze and the classic case of Harley Davidson bikers.
• Managerial measures:
• Strengthening emotional commitment of buyers through image-based or persuasive advertising and personal
service programmes
• Designing loyalty programmes for strengthening commitment and creating velvet handcuffs to bond the customer
to the brand
Fig. 9.3 Model 1 - Loyalty as primarily an attitude that sometimes leads to a relationship with the brand
Model 2: Loyalty mainly expressed in terms of revealed behaviour (i.e., the pattern of purchases)
• This is the most controversial, yet the best supported by data. The controversy comes about because loyalty
in this model is explained mainly with reference to the pattern of past purchases with only secondary regard
to underlying consumer motivations or commitment to the brand. Studies indicate that few consumers are
“monogamous” (100 percent loyal) or “promiscuous” (no loyalty to any brand). Rather most are “Polygamous”
(i.e. loyal to a portfolio of brands in a product category). From this perspective, loyalty may be explained as
“an ongoing propensity to buy the brand, usually as one of the several”.
• In this case, researchers tend to adopt a market focus (e.g. key performance measures are brand shares, penetration,
average purchase frequencies, repeat buying for a defined period). Loyalty here is inferred to operate in the
following manner. Through trial and error, a brand that provides a satisfactory experience is chosen. Loyalty
to the brand (measured by repeat purchase) is the result of repeated satisfaction that in turn leads to a weak
• The consumer buys the same brand again, not because of any strongly held prior attitude or deeply held
commitment, but because it is not worth the Managing Brands Over Time, Brand Positioning and Consumer
Behaviour time and trouble to search an alternative. If the usual brand is out of stock or unavailable for some
reasons, then another functionally similar (or substitutable) brand (from the portfolio) will be purchased.
• However, with the over repeated purchases, a weak commitment to the number of brands purchased in a product
category can be formed. Those who subscribe to the “attitude drive behaviour” and “relationship” approach rule
out the revealed behaviour as a dominant measure of loyalty.
Managerial measures
• Buyers are sceptic about ads and aloof towards loyalty schemes. Hence managers maintain their share of category
sales by matching competitor initiatives and by avoiding supply shortages.
• Loyalty programmes are launched to match competitors or only as publicity generating gestures.
• Growth is achieved via increased market penetration.
Model 3: Buying moderated by individual’s characteristics, circumstances and / or the purchase situations
• Components of Model 3, the contingency approach, argue that the best conceptualisation of loyalty is to allow
the relationship between attitude and behaviour to be moderated by contingency variables such as the individual’s
current circumstances, their characters and / or the purchase situation faced.
• That is, a strong attitude towards a brand may provide only a weak prediction of whether or not the brand will be
bought on the next purchase occasion because any number of factors may so determine which brand is deemed
to be desirable. Individual characteristics are reflected in the desire for variety, habit, the need to conform, the
tolerance for risk, etc. Purchase situation effects include product availability, promotions / deals, the particular
use of occasion (e.g. gift, personal use, family use), etc.
• A three factor model emerges based on antecedents (including weak prior attitudes and characteristics of the
consumer), contingency factors (including type of use of occasion and the purchase situation) and consequences
(up-dated attitudes, intentions and the actual purchase behaviour).
• The difference between this contingency perspective and the attitude perspective is that the contingency variable
is elevated from the status of loyalty inhibitors in Model 1 to loyalty co-determinants in Model 3. Attributes
of the individual and the purchase situation are conceptualised as “nuisance” variables that inhibit the natural
Product and Brand Management
evolution of customer loyalty whereas in the contingency model these variables are seen as playing a primary
and inescapable role in explaining the observed patterns of purchase behaviour.
• This is even more evident where attributes are weakly held. Here it is repeated satisfaction and weak commitment
that together with other relevant contingency variables co-determine future brand choices.
Managerial Measures
• Prosaic factors are emphasised on like, avoiding stock-outs, extending opening hours, offering the appropriate
assortment mix. Having 24 hour call centres, providing online access, etc.
• Price promotions, deals and special offers are used to attract the customers of competitor brands.
• Loyalty schemes may be used by those who operate in markets with very little product / service differentiation
– many of these can be seen as continuous promotional programmes.
• An image-building programme may also be run along with the above.
Fig. 9.5 Model 3- Buying moderated by individual’s characteristics, circumstances and/or the purchase
• Need arousal is a trigger to the purchase process
The concept of CBA can be well elucidated in terms of the five-stage model of customer choice (See Box -
Customer Brand Acceptance). Need arousal is included as a trigger to the purchase process but this operates
mainly on product category decisions, not brand based ones. For instance for a desire to stay sober, the
need is for low alcohol beer, but not necessarily for any particular brand of low alcohol beer. Since this is
a model of ongoing CBA frequently purchased products, the (external) information search and evaluation
stages are assumed to have been completed after the initial one or two purchases in the category and so are
not explicitly included in the diagram.
Choice among the functionally equivalent alternative will reflect the accessibility, availability and
conspicuousness of the brand at the point of purchase. Most likely this will be seen as a set of acceptable
brands that are ordered as first favourite, second favourite, third favourite and so forth. Typically, the relative
likelihood of buying each brand will endure over successive purchase cycles, assuming the brands remain
functionally adequate and accessible. Satisfaction with past purchases and any consequential habit formation
explain most of a person’s ongoing propensity to buy one or a number of acceptable brands.
Unexpected purchase situation on sale may influence the actual brand chosen on a specific purchase occasion
(drawing on model 3). The introduction of new brands or the reformulation of current brands may alter the
purchase propensities although the aggregate impact on short to medium-term brand loyalty is likely to be
• Similar attitudes reported for descriptive attribute beliefs
This is not to suggest that attitudes will not form towards these brands over time (model 1), but they will
be of secondary importance to the functional adequacy of the brand. Indeed, for the markets which are the
focus here, research shows that this belief may simply be a playback of the message content of the brand’s
advertising or publicity, i.e. simple learning.
This can be seen in the very similar attitudes reported for descriptive attribute beliefs (for example, “Volvos are
safe”, “United Airlines is friendly”, “Woolworths offers fresh food”) by both brand users and non-users.
Product and Brand Management
a significant number of customers, especially the initial adoption of some distinctive brands such as the
Apple Mackintosh, the Sony Walkman and Harley Davidson motorbikes.
This is what CBC is all about. In this situation, attitudes, values and social norms are seen as having a
major influence and the consumer can develop a relationship with the brand – in keeping with Model 1.
These relationships defined in the consumer’s mind may help to differentiate one brand from another and
the buyers end up supporting a price premium for that brand.
• Allegiance, however, is never assured
The aforesaid commitment is, however, not guaranteed – especially when the focus is on frequently bought
brands. First, even for cases where the level of consumer involvement is high, differentiation among brands
may be relatively low (such as with most airlines and hotel chains) – resulting in the type of behaviour best
described by CBA
For example, frequent fliers tend to use a number of different airlines; research on international travellers
indicates that these people are typically members of multiple frequent-flier programmes and therefore show
multi-brand loyalty to both, the airlines and their programmes. It is mainly the infrequent flyers who are
loyal to a single frequent flier programme, but invariably, these are the less profitable customers.
In most markets, the socio-psychological elements of competing brands may, in fact, offer limited scope
for creating meaningful differentiation.
• Even loyalty leaders cannot be complacent
Even where a relationship develops, it may not be only one in particular product category. For instance,
customers who have “compartmentalised friendships” with different brands of coffee, say Starbucks in the
morning and Folgers in the afternoon.
Moreover, with CBC, while the non-functional sources of value may be strong, they will not eliminate the
need for the brand to “do the job”. Harley Davidson, one of the strongest personality-relationship brands,
was forced to instigate quality improvement programme to save the brand from Japanese competition.
• Profit boosting secrets of loyalty leaders
The companies that best understand cost savings and profit enhancement through loyalty take many deliberate steps,
some of which are:
• Modify customer-acquisition incentives
Reward your sales teams and marketing channels for acquiring customers that stick. Consider commission or bonus
reductions if customers defect before 18 months.
• Re-allocate marketing investments
Systematically rank all of your customer acquisition campaigns towards programmes that attract the richest mix of
loyal customers (many firms today are wasting half of their marketing expenses on disloyal customers who never
stick around long enough to pay back the acquisition investment).
• Identify ways to help under-performers
Develop annual relationship report cards on suppliers and dealers (and customers and employees) with as much
care as you give to annual reports for investors.
Fig. 9.7 Different approaches to customer loyalty
9.8.3 Customer Brand Buying (CBB)
• The other exception to CBA concerns those consumers who exhibit very low levels of loyalty. Their choices
are shaped by considerations of immediate availability, price promotions, etc. and at most, weak attitudes (e.g.
users of an on-line travel agency may express liking for it because it obtains for them best price air fares). The
concept of EB is closely allied to Model 3, where contingencies are co-determinants of choice and not simply
nuisance factors.
• Thus CBC and CBB are the exceptions rather than the rule in most repeat purchase markets. One way to see this is
a sampling problem. Consider the example of car rental: If we were to draw from a large sample of the population,
most customers of Avis or Hertz would be characterised by CBA and only a few by CBC (committed to Hertz)
or CBB (renting from literally any car hire firm that happened to be discounted at the time of purchase).
• This above notion of a loyalty continuum with the three anchor points of customer brand acceptance, customer
brand commitment and customer brand buying provides the necessary basis for evaluating the aims and potential
commercial effectiveness of loyalty programmes in terms of customer related issues.
• Loyalty programmes and their implications
Loyalty programmes are schemes offering delayed, accumulating economic benefits to consumers who buy
the brand. Usually this takes the form of points that can be exchanged for gifts, free products or aspiration
rewards such as air-miles.
Airline frequent-flier programmes have been a prototype for many of the schemes. Affinity programmes are
a specific type of loyalty programmes as well, which are designed to enhance the emotional bond between
the customer and the brand. Mechanisms are set up to enhance two way communications for the customer
to get to know the brand better and for the company to learn more about the customer. Examples include
telephone helpline, club membership, alumni associations, newsletter, website “chat” groups, etc.
Hybrids also exist. For instance, where the focus is on enhancing the emotional bond between customer
and brand, and a third party (e.g. a charity) receives a financial benefit; or the establishment of a club,
where consumers pay for membership in return for access to special events and offers. This latter format
is prevalent in countries like Germany where trading laws prohibit incentive based schemes (for instance,
Volkswagen Club, Swatch the Club, Mercedes, Mastercard, etc.).
• Loyalty resembles habit
What gives poignancy to the concept of customer loyalty is the supposed justification it gives managers to
spend dollars on CRM programmes and the costly customer databases that support these. However, critics
argue that loyalty, both attitudinal and behavioural, for most customers is quite passive and resembles habit
rather than serious commitment. And also, they assert that there is little or no evidence that any changes in
customer behaviour justify the enormous expenditure on these programmes.
Supporters of loyalty programmes have in mind Model 1, where the programme is seen to reinforce CBC
– type outcomes or they envisage a combination of Models 3 and 1, where consumers with no loyalty
Product and Brand Management
(CBB – types) are converted into single-brand loyal (CBC – type) because of the customer benefits of the
programme. Critics favour the multi-brand divided loyalty model (Model 2) and assume that most of the
customers are CBA type who is not strongly swayed by the programme.
• Loyalty programmes from an individual’s perspective
It can be seen as a vehicle to increase single brand loyalty, decrease price sensitivity, induce greater consumer
resistance to counter offers or counter arguments, dampen the desire to consider alternative brands, attract
a larger pool of customers.
However, most of the customers are multi-brand loyal and loyalty schemes cannot turn them single brand
loyal overnight.
Most people buy only what they need and are not usually carried away by the schemes.
Loyalty programme is seen as a brand extension aid (e.g. Tesco attempts to expose its Clubcard members
to high margin wines, financial services and electrical goods as well as lower margin groceries).
• Loyalty programmes from a market perspective
At an aggregate level, repeat-purchase markets typically have a well defined structure – viz., most brands
exhibit a double jeopardy effect whereby small brands have fewer buyers who buy them less often than
bid brands.
Whatever Managing Brands Over Time, Brand Positioning and Consumer Behaviour their market shares, it
is to be expected that, for all brands, there will be some CBB and CBC buyer and a majority of CBA buyers.
This market structure gives rise to three strategies for enhancing the observed level of repeat purchase or
loyalty of a brand. A possible fourth strategy is also considered in this regard.
• During the early 1990s, icon status Nike appeared to be such a super loyalty brand.
• Strategy 4: Exploit the desire of customers for change-of-pace
• A fourth strategy implied by the DJ effects is to exploit the desire of customers for change-of-pace. There the
penetration is higher and the repeat purchase rate lower than predicted by the DJ effect. Some imported and
premium beer brands fall into this category, though the typical beer brand of this type is really very small.
• This is primarily a penetration effect and cannot be seen as loyalty building unless an organisation offers a
portfolio of these brands.
• Reasons behind this thrust on loyalty schemes
• In spite of all the negative reasons, the fact remains that more and more loyalty programmes are being introduced.
And the reason for so much momentum behind these programmes is as follows:
• Vehicles for maintaining customer loyalty
It is possible to see loyalty programmes as vehicles for maintaining customer loyalty (i.e. for keeping the
brand in the customer repertoire) or for maintaining brand share (where the programme works in combination
with other valued enhancements, including product and service improvements).
Here, rather than trying to induce single brand loyalty from customers who previously have exhibited divided
brand loyalty, a more realistic aim is to build on existing levels of CBA.
If the customers feel the need for affinity, or desire an explicit reward for their loyalty, they will join the
programmes of the brands they buy. The critical issue then is for the programme to reinforce the value
proposition of the parent brand – enhancing brand equity, not just building loyalty programme equity.
The critical task for the programme manager is to design a cost effective scheme to achieve this aim.
• Improves brand accessibility and market conspicuousness
Another role for loyalty programmes can be to improve levels of accessibility and market conspicuousness
for a brand. This can manifest itself as a more credible proposition to retailers in order to secure more shelf
space and benefit from “retail push”.
In other cases it may provide more opportunities to talk with customers and, perhaps, more opportunity
to sell brand extensions to customers. In their case, the aim of the programme is to get the brand into the
customer’s set of acceptable brands.
This, however, is not a substitute for the inherent functional, psychological and economic value designed
into the brand, but rather it simply makes the brand easier to consider. If, for some people the programme
provides additional emotional value, then this is a bonus.
9.9.1 Logotypes
• Textbooks classify logos as three broad types. The first class is logos with just strong word marks (and no
accompanying symbol separate from the name) and brands such as Coca Cola, Dunhill and Kit Kat have logos
that fall in this category. In India brands like Raymond, Usha and Indica have logos that only comprise of the
Product and Brand Management
• The second class of logos is abstract symbol, Mercedes star, Rolex Crown, CBS Eye and possible the most
famous of this class is the Nike swooshes. In India brands like Wipro (Rainbow Flower) and Aditya Birla (Sun)
have logos that fall in this class.
• The third class of logos comprises all that is in between, where designers have strived to device a logo to reinforce
or embellish the brand naming. Some international logos like the Red Cross and Apple have visual renditions
of the brand names. Sometimes the logo can be pictorial symbol, like the Prudential Rock, Ralph Lauren’s Polo
and McDonald’s Golden Arches (which in fact started its life as a shop signage). In India too we have several
examples of this type Thermax ‘T’, LIC ‘hands’, UTI ‘Kalash’.
• Brand positioning is the art of creating a distinct image in the minds and hearts of customers. Consumer
behaviour is strongly associated with brand logos, signs, mascots, celebrities, etc. Managing these tangibles
with the intangible image of the brand is the big challenge for any marketer.
• The marketers must balance communication expenditure among the main communication media. These include
seven communication vehicles viz. advertising, public relations, trade and sales promotion, consumer promotions,
direct marketing, event marketing and internal employee communications.
• Managing a portfolio of brands poses many challenges. Any laxity in managing them will not only have its
effect on marketing and create confusion for customers but will also affect corporate profitability.
• “Brand” is one of the most indiscriminately used and therefore, abused words in the marketplace today.
• Many of them create an illusion of being a brand through their high profile campaigns, celebrity endorsements,
etc. The hype is short-lived and so is its existence in the market. Let us call such vanishing Brands - Labels.
• Products: Factories manufacture products. Products conform to some specifications and comply with some quality
standards. All the product descriptors carry engineering or manufacturing terminology, which cannot be grasped
by the customer. The products have some features, which are not necessarily understood by the customer.
• Philip Kotler defines Positioning as follows, ‘Positioning starts with a product, a piece of merchandise, a service,
a company, an institution, or even a person....... But positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is
what you do to the mind of a prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect.’
• Attribute positioning: The marketer can position itself on any one or any attributes, such as size or number of
years in existence. For example Disneyland advertises itself as the largest theme park in the world. Re-positioning
or de-positioning is changing the positioning of a brand.
• The brand is a name, term, symbol, words, etc. used to differentiate the marketer’s products/services with the
competitor’s. Brands have added values of symbolism meanings and values over and above their physical
• Consumers perceive brands in their own personal way and attach their own values to them and the symbolic
interpretation of each brand varies according to age, income, and sex education of the target audience.
• The Greek word ‘logos’ means ‘word’ and ‘typos’ means ‘impression. It has also been referred to as a trademark,
service mark, mark or marquee, but logo as a word seems to have entered the common parlance.
• Verma H.V., 2006. Brand Management: text and cases. 2nd ed., Excel books, A-45, Nariana, Phase1, New Delhi
110 028; Anurag Jain. Pp.345–392.
• Brand Positioning – Definition and Concept [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed 12th March 2011].
Recommended Reading
• Haseeb Murtaza, Brand Management [Online] Available at: <
Management> [Accessed 12th March 2011]
• Kapferer J.N., 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management, 4th edition, United Kingdom, Kogan page Publishers.
• Kotler. P., Pfoertsch W., Michi I., 2006. B2B Brand Management. Springer Berlin. Springer. p.357.
Product and Brand Management
Self Assessment
1. _______________ is the art of creating a distinct image in the minds and hearts of customers.
a. Brand image
b. Brand positioning
c. Brand valuation
d. Brand mascot
2. Which of the following have added values of symbolism meanings and values over and above their physical
a. Brands
b. Logos
c. Trademark
d. Labels
6. The consumer and distributors’ acceptance grows, sales increase, and the brand moves to the_________
a. growth
b. maturity
c. introduction
d. decline
7. The concept of ________________________ is the base case of customer loyalty in competitive repeat purchase
a. Customer Brand Commitment (CBC)
b. Customer Brand Acceptance (CBA)
c. Customer Brand Buying (CBB)
d. Brand image
Product and Brand Management
Case Study I
Pricing of Innovative Product
Sameer Malhotra completed his MBA after his graduation in commerce. He did MBA in Marketing from USA.
After he returned to India, he started Cool Cream Pvt. Ltd., a company recognized as the manufacturer of finest
ice-creams throughout the country.
Sameer used to love eating ice-creams. Once he had cough, and he still wanted to eat ice-cream. His sister poured
ginger juice on the ice-cream and forced him to eat it. Sameer really liked it, and thought of introducing a new ginger
ice-cream. Sameer instructed the R&D centre at Cool Cream to develop a ginger ice-cream. The product was named
as Adrak Ice-cream and was tested in the market. The marketing strategy was to emphasize on the benefits of the
ginger ice-cream. It will protect the throats and people can enjoy the ice-cream. The test marketing was carried out
and there was tremendous response by the old people and teenagers for this Adrak Ice-cream.
However, the pricing strategy was not yet decided by Sameer. So, Sameer called a conference of various departments’
to work out a pricing strategy of Adrak Ice-cream. The finance manager Raj Arora decided to keep a low introductory
price and increase it as the sales build up. Stabilize the price as sales growth levels off. Reintroduce low prices when
the sales decline till the product has to be withdrawn or cloned.
However, the cost of production was higher than the profits. That is why, other finance manager Ram Deshmukh
insisted on market skimming price at the time of launch. The price of Adrak ice-cream should be fixed or slightly
higher than the other ice –creams. Sameer selected the pricing strategy decided by Ram and earned huge profits.
1. Sameer has selected the pricing strategy decided by Ram. Was it a wise decision? What are the advantages of
the skimming price strategy?
Sameer has taken a wise decision. The advantages of skimming price strategy are as follows:
a. This pricing strategy will help the company to recover a majority of its initial development and launching
costs quickly. It should be planned so that these costs are recovered before competition materializes. This
strategy is also expected to maximize returns before competition can catch up.
b. A high price at the time of its launch would make the customers believe that Adrak ice-cream is a high
quality product developed after a lot of research.
c. Prices for skimming the market are likely to enhance returns from every ice-cream sold, thereby reducing
d. During the competition, when the price is lowered the competitors would have to match the lowered price
at the time when their own costs are higher. Thus, the competitors can be attacked when they are most
vulnerable, i.e. the introductory phase of their product launch.
2. Why did not Sameer select the pricing strategy decided by Raj?
Raj had decided to fix low price at the time of launching the item. Sameer did not select this pricing strategy
because of the following reasons:
a. This policy does not take into account the fact that the product can be easily copied.
b. Low price for a product like innovative ice-cream could create doubts about the quality of the product.
c. The strategy does not cater to the effects of competition.
d. It will take a long time to recover the expenses of initial R&D, production of the new product, etc. It is
possible that theses expenses may never be recovered.
3. If you are in place of Sameer which pricing strategy will you select? Why?
If I was in place of Sameer, I would have selected the pricing strategy decided by Raj.
If the initial price of the Adrak Ice-cream is higher than the other ice-creams, it will attract the customers as it
should be of good quality. As the Adrak ice-cream involves more cost of production and preservation, the cost
should be recovered by setting the price higher at the time of launch. Liabilities due to product development,
setting up of the production lines, advertising expenses, uneconomical levels of production, etc are the maximum
in the initial stages of the product life cycle. Skimming price will help to get maximum returns, on every Adrak
ice-cream sold.
Product and Brand Management
Case Study II
Nestlé’s Brand Management Strategies
In the mid-1860s, Henri Nestle (Henri), a merchant, chemist, and innovator experimented with various combinations
of cow’s milk, wheat flour and sugar. The resulting product was meant to be a source of infant nutrition for mothers
who were unable to breast-feed their children. In 1867, his formula saved the life of a prematurely born infant. Later
that year, production of the formula, named Farine Lactee Nestle, began in Vevey, and the Nestle Company was
formed. Henri wanted to develop his own brands and decided to avoid the easier route of becoming a private label.
He also wanted to make his company a global company. Within a few months of establishing his company, Henri
began to sell his products in many European countries. In the initial years, Henri restructured the organization to
facilitate research, improve product quality, and develop new products. In 1875, Daniel Peter, Henri’s friend and
neighbour, developed milk chocolate.
In 1867, his formula saved the life of a prematurely born infant. Later that year, production of the formula, named
Farine Lactee Nestle, began in Vevey, and the Nestle Company was formed. Henri wanted to develop his own
brands and decided to avoid the easier route of becoming a private label. He also wanted to make his company a
global company. In mid-1988, Nestle SA (Nestle), the world’s largest consumer packaged foods company based
in Switzerland, acquired Rowntree Mackintosh PLC (Rowntree), in the largest ever acquisition deal of a British
company during that time. Rowntree was the world’s fourth largest manufacturer of chocolates and sweet products,
with well-known brands like Kit Kat, After Eight, Smarties and Rolo. The deal attracted considerable attention all
over the world since several bids to acquire Rowntree were rejected. Rowntree claimed that the bids were too low
for its valuable, well-recognized brands. In the end, Rowntree was acquired by Nestle for £2.5 billion, two and a
half times the pre-bid price and eight times the net asset value of the company. This acquisition made Nestle the
largest chocolate manufacturer in the world.
1. How was Nestle emerged?
2. What were the Nestlé’s branding strategies?
3. What were branding challenges faced earlier for Nestle?
4. What was Nestlé’s logo? Why is logo important in branding?
Product and Brand Management
During 1960s and 1970s the company expanded its product range by introducing Right Guard (deodorant), Trace
2( twin blade razor), Cricket (disposable lighter), Good News (disposable razor), and Erase Mate ( Erasable pens).
It also acquired Braun (electric shavers and appliances). In 1984 it even branched into dental products.
Thus, Gillette has made remarkable profits and established as the most successful organisation.
1. What were the different marketing strategies carried out by Gillette Co.?
2. What are the stages of product life cycle?
3. What are the advantages of test marketing?
4. Customer behavior should be considered while deciding pricing strategies. Give reasons.
• Blackett T., 2004. Brands and Branding. Interbrand, pp.110.
• Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG). Available at: <
BOSTON_CONSULTING_GROUP_MATRIX.pdf > [Accessed 28th February 2011]
• Brand Equity–Meaning and Measuring Brand Equity [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed 10th March 2011].
• Brand Loyalty, [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <
htm> [Accessed 11th March 2011].
• Brand Positioning – Definition and Concept [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed 12th March 2011].
• Brand, M., 1998. New Product Development for Microfinance: Design, Testing and Launch, Microenterprise Best
Practices. Available at: <> [Accessed 2nd March, 2011]
• Carter McNamara, Advertising and Promotions [Online] Available at: <
ad_prmot.htm> [Accessed 4th March 2011].
• Chandon P., Marketing Management [Online] Available at: <
Documents/Teaching-EMBA_Syllabus.pdf > [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
• Daryn Edlema, 1999-2011. What is Pricing Strategy?[Online] Available at: <
about_5079100_pricing-strategy.html> [Accessed 4th March 2011].
• Financial Analysis, [Online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Hansen, E., Marketing and New Product Development, Available at: <
smallwood04hansen.pdf > [Accessed 2nd March, 2011]
• Ioannis Komninos, (2002). Product Life Cycle Management, Urban and Regional Innovation Research Unit.
Available at :< > [Accessed 28th February
• Kapferer J.N., 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management, 4th edition, London, United Kingdom, Kogan
page Publishers. pp.171–180.
• Kotler P., 2001. Marketing Management, Millenium Edition [Online]. Available at: <
vn/files/download/marketing/marketing-management.pdf> [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
• Paul Christ, 2011, [Online] (Update 7 March 2011). Available at: <
principles-of-marketing-tutorials/marketing-planning-and-strategy/ > [Accessed 3rd March 2011].
• Phillip J. Windley, The Discipline of Project Management, Available at : <
Product%20Management.pdf > [Accessed 28th February 2011]
• Prof. R. Madhumati, Capital Budgeting, [Online] Available at: <
Management_Science_II/Pdf/2_4.pdf > [Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Verma H.V., 2006. Brand Management: text and cases. 2nd edition, Excel books.
Recommended Reading
• Capital Budgeting, [Online] (Updated 2010) Available at: <>
[Accessed 9th March 2011].
• Applegate E., Johnsen A., 2007. Cases in Advertising and Marketing Management: Real Situations for
Tomorrow’s Managers. United Kingdom, Rowman & Littlefield. p.217.
• Brand & Customer Equity [Online] (Updated 2011) Available at: <
what-is-brand.htm> [Accessed 10th March 2011].
Product and Brand Management
Self Assessment Answers
Chapter I
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. b
Chapter II
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. d
9. a
10. c
Chapter III
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. d
Chapter IV
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. d
9. c
10. d
Product and Brand Management
Chapter V
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. d
Chapter VI
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. d
Chapter VII
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. a
Chapter VIII
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. c
Chapter IX
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c