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1. What type of product or service is featured in your ad?

2. What approach has the advertiser used to promote or sell this product or service?
3. What message does this ad give the consumer?
4. How would you define or describe this approach to advertising?
5. Do you think that this approach is effective advertising for the product? Why or
why not?
6. In what ways, if any, could any part of this advertising impact a person’s body
Portfolio Output No. 12: Media Influence
(How Ads Affected My Self-Esteem)
Name some ads that appears on TV, billboard, the internet.
1. What messages do these ads give to middle adolescents like you?
2. How have these ads affected your lifestyle, self-esteem and values?
3. How has this lesson changed your perception about ads?
Portfolio Output No. 13: Research on Anxiety Disorders/Depression
1. What are anxiety disorders/depression?
2. Who gets anxiety disorders/depression and how common are they?
3. Describe some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders/depression.
4. List and briefly explain some of the main types of anxiety disorders/depression.
5. What type of treatment is available for people experiencing anxiety
6. What other kinds of support can help a person with anxiety disorders/depression
Put a check mark under the Column Yes or No for each of the items below:
Test Your Mood Yes No
Do you feel sad, depressed or down most of the time? 
Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure? 
Do you feel tired and/or lack energy most of the time? 
Do you have trouble sleeping or do you sleep too much? 
Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions? 
Have you had an increase or decrease in appetite or weight? 
Have you had feelings of worthlessness or guilt? 
Have you felt frightened or panicky for no apparent reason at 
Have you felt restless and found it difficult to sit still? 
Have you been feeling anxious or worried? 
Have you felt like you just cannot go on or had thought of death 
or dying?
Portfolio Output No.14: Response to “Tired at School”
Pretend that you are Abby. Write an answer to the letter writer “Tired at School”.
Week (date):
Day: Write in the rows below your activities before you went to sleep, starting on the day in
the week that you begin with: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
DAY Time went to What was I doing before I Did this affect what I time you
sleep went to bed? went to sleep?

Yes No







Emotions What was happening when you felt this emotion?

What are the top three that you do not like the most?
Activity: I AM…
Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize one’s own feeling. In your journal,
complete each statement based on how you feel. Use the blanks to add your own feeling words.
I am most happy when ________________________________________________________.
I feel embarrassed when _______________________________________________________.
I think negative thoughts about myself when _______________________________________.
I am ____________________ when _____________________________________________.
I feel __________________ when _______________________________________________.
I think _____________________about ___________________________________________.
I am _______________________ when __________________________________________.
I feel _____________________ when ____________________________________________.
I think ____________ about ________________ when ______________________________.
Portfolio Output No. 15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”
Assertiveness is the ability to express your wishes and beliefs in a positive way. Too
little assertiveness can make you a doormat, and you can be bossy and aggressive.
1. Think of a time when you were doormat.
What happened? ____________________________________________________.
What did you do? ___________________________________________________.
How did you feel? __________________________________________________.
Now think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a better
response and practice it.

2. Think of a time when you were bossy.

What happened? ____________________________________________________.
What did you do? ___________________________________________________.
How did you feel? __________________________________________________.
Now think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a better
response and practice it.
Brainstorm some ways that are used to deal with anger. Include both good and bad
methods. When you have finished with a list, decide on the methods that are healthy ways to
deal with anger.

 Identify the problem (self-awareness).  Putting anger off.

 Think of potential solutions before  Transferring anger

responding (self-control).
 Consider the consequences of each  Deadening feelings.
 Make a decision.  Staying in control.

 Check your progress.  Counselling

I am the BOSS of my feelings!
1. When I get angry, it helps me feel better if I
2. When I feel sad, it helps me feel better if I
3. When I feel anxious or nervous, it helps me feel better if I
4. When I feel grumpy, it helps me if I
5. When I feel lonely, it helps me if I
6. When I feel embarrassed, it helps me if I
7. When I feel sick, it helps me feel better if I
8. When I feel silly, I like to
9. When I feel disappointed, it helps me if I
10. When I am honest, I feel
11. When I feel ______________________________________ it helps me feel better if I
Portfolio Output No. 16 Responsible Action
What have you learned in this Unit on Aspects of Personal Development? Write
down your plans to take responsible actions on your emotions.
Portfolio Output No, 17: Reflections on Personal

Reflection on Personal Relationship

Love isn't one-size-fits-all. It not only means something
different to everyone, but it also looks and feels different to
everyone. That's why there are so many different types of
relationships — so each person can find the best fit for their
individual lifestyle, personality, and concept of love. Just like
you need to date different people to learn what you want in a
potential partner, you may want to try out different types of
relationships to figure out what you want out of your romantic
life. Ultimately, you hope to find someone — or someone’s —
whose preferred relationship type is similar to yours. But first,
it helps to know there are all different ways to be in a

1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?

2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.
3. What roles does each character play in the relationship?
4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer.
5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your
6. In what ways can the character show they are responsible to maintain a good
Portfolio Output No. 18: Response to Mom’s Letter
Answer the following in your journal.
1. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?
a) Your values
b) Your friends
c) Your family
d) All of the above
2. What is the best style of communication to use when making decisions about sexual limits
and boundaries?
a) Assertive
b) Passive
c) Aggressive
3. Name three important qualities of a healthy relationship.
 First:
 Second:
 Third:
4. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?
a) Trust one another
b) One person makes all the decisions
c) Respect one another
d) Open and honest communication
5. Name a reason why you may not make healthy choices when it comes to sex.

6. Name three resources you can turn to if you are worried about abuse in your relationship.
 First:
 Second:
 Third:
7. Name three characteristics of an unhealthy relationship.
 First:
 Second:
 Third:
8. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in a relationship?
a) Intelligence, memory, ability, to do public speaking
b) Assertive communication, active listening, and negotiation skills
c) Ability to persuade others, love
d) Passive communication
e) None of the above
9. Why would you choose abstinence? Give 3 reasons.
 First:
 Second:
 Third:
10. Which of the following are the signs that you may be in an abusive relationship?
a) Bruises, scratches, and other signs of injuries
b) Avoiding friends
c) Apologizing for your partner’s behaviour
d) All of the above
Processing Questions:
1. What were your thoughts and feeling while answering the activity?
2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?
3. With previous activities, how would you describe your relationship with your
parents? Siblings? Possible or current romantic? Friends?
4. Which relationship is the most important to you? Why?
5. In what ways do you express your feelings, whether positive or negative?
6. If your relationship is not doing very well, what can you do about it?
Put a HEART before each statement that you think is a sign of a healthy relationship; put an X
on each statement that you think is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
1. You can express your opinion without fear or dread.
2. You and your partner can make decisions together and fairly.
3. Each person takes responsibility for their own actions.
4. Your partner respects your feelings about sex.
5. Your partner supports you and you’re choices-even when they disagree with you.
6. You respect and encourage each other.
7. You give each other space to study or hang out with friends or family.
8. You are able to make your own decisions about spending your money without
worrying about your partner’s reaction.
9. You can discuss pregnancy and parenting decisions and your view is respected.
10. You feel isolated from friends and family.
11. Your partner tries to control how you spend time and who you hang out with.
12. Your partner tries to control how you spend money.
13. Your partner doesn’t support your decisions.
14. You are sometimes forced to do something that you’re not comfortable with.
15. Your partner threaten, insults or humiliates you.
16. Your partner hurts you physically or emotionally.
17. Your partner doesn’t keep your secrets safe.
18. Your partner undermines your decisions about pregnancy or parenting.

Name of Organization Type of Organization My Position/Role in the

Portfolio Output No. 20: Description of my Social Group
Write about your social group, its nature, activities, and benefits. Include a
photo of yourself with the group.

1. Leaders can follow their whims and fancies.

2. Leaders are capable to do anything they like.
3. Leaders don’t need to mind their subjects.
4. Leaders should follow ethical principles.
5. Leaders are responsible.
6. Leaders are to serve others.
7. An Ethical leader is someone who works for other people’s interest and not for his
own hidden agenda or ulterior motives as guided by sound principles.
8. Servant leadership is the type of leadership that puts others first before one’s own
9. A servant leader listens deeply to others and empathizes with the people around
10. A servant leader puts others concern first and foremost above own self-interest and
Portfolio Output No. 21: Reflections on Leadership and Membership
Portfolio Output No. 22: My Genogram
Emotional Legacy Evaluation
Answer each question by writing in your journal the number that best reflects the legacy
you have received from your parents. Then add up your score.
1. When you walked into your house, what was your feeling?
1. Dread 4. Stability
2. Tension 5. Calm
3. Chaos 6. Warmth
2. Which word best describes the tone of your home?
1. Hateful 4. Serious
2. Angry 5. Relaxed
3. Sad 6. Fun
3. What was the message of your family life?
1. You are worthless. 4. You are respected.
2. You are burden. 5. You are important.
3. You are okay. 6. You are the greatest.
4. Which word best describes the “fragrance” of your home life?
1. Repulsive 4. sterile
2. Rotten 5. Fresh
3. Unpleasant 6. Sweet
5. Which was most frequent in your home?
1. An intense fight 4. A strong disagreement
2. The silent treatment 5. A kind word
3. Detached apathy 6. An affectionate hug
Above 24 = strong emotional legacy
19 – 24 = healthy legacy
14 – 18 = mixed legacy – good and bad elements
10 – 13 = weak emotional legacy
Below 10 = damaged emotional legacy

Social Legacy Evaluation

Answer each question by writing in your journal the number that best reflects the legacy
you have received from your parents. Then add up your score.
1. Which word most closely resemble the social tone of your family?
1. Cruel and abusive 4. Non-communicative but stable
2. Cutting sarcasm 5. Secure with open communication
3. Chaotic and distant 6. Loving and fun
2. What was the message of your home life with regard to relationship?
1.”Step on others to get your way.” 4. “Mind your own business.”
2. “Hurt them if they hurt you.” 5. “Treat others with respect.”
3. “Demand your rights.” 6. “Put others before yourself.”
3. How were rules set and enforced in your home?
1. Independent of relationship 4. Inconsistently
2. In reaction to parental stress 5. Out of concern for well-being
3. Dictatorially the context of a loving relationship
4. Which word best characterized the tone of communication in your home?
1. Shouting 4. Clear
2. Manipulation 5. constructive
3. Confusing 6. Courteous
5. How did your family deal with wrong behaviour?
1. Subtle reinforcement 4. Severe punishment
2. Accepted in the name of love 5. Discussion
3. Guilt trip 6. Loving, firm discipline
Above 24 = strong social legacy
19 – 24 = healthy legacy
14 – 18 = mixed legacy – good and bad elements
10 – 13 = weak social legacy
Below 10 = damaged social legacy

Spiritual Legacy Evaluation

Answer each question by writing in your journal the number that best reflects the legacy
you have received from your parents. Then add up your score.
1. To what degree were spiritual principle incorporated into daily life?
1. Never 4. Frequently
2. Rarely 5. Almost always
3. Sometimes 6. Consistently
2. Which word captures the tone of how you learned to view/relate God?
1. Absent 4. Casual
2. Adversarial 5. Solemn
3. Fearful 6. Intimate
3. How would you summarize your family’s level of participation in spiritual
1. Non-existent 4. Regimental
2. Rare 5. Active
3. Occasional 6. Enthusiastic
4. How were spiritual discussions applied in your home?
1. They weren’t 4. To teach
2. To control 5. To influence
3. To manipulate 6. To reinforce

Above 24 = strong spiritual legacy
19 – 24 = healthy legacy
14 – 18 = mixed legacy – good and bad elements
10 – 13 = weak spiritual legacy
Below 10 = damaged spiritual legacy
Portfolio Output No. 23: Reactions to the Emotional, Social and Spiritual Legacy
1. What were your score in the emotional, social and spiritual legacy evaluation?
2. How do these scores reflect you home atmosphere?
3. What is the legacy you have received from your parents and siblings?
4. How do you plan to give a legacy when you start your own family in the future?
How do you feel about your relationships? Where do you see your relationships going? Are
you happy with your relationships? Copy the questionnaire in your journal. Put a √ if your
answer is YES and write X if your answer is NO.
I. Overall feelings about relationship:
Are you getting your needs met?
Are you speaking up and asking for what
you want?
Are you feeling heard?
Are you feeling encouraged and
supported to grow?
II. The decision-making process:
Are decisions made to your satisfaction?
Is there sufficient time to discuss, assess
and process?
Do you feel as though your thoughts and
feelings are taken seriously?
Is there a collaborative spirit about
III. Communication
Do you feel safe to say whatever you
Do you feel listened to when you
Do you feel encouraged to tell your truth?
Do you feel supported in all your dreams
and goals?
IV. Roles and responsibilities:
Do you feel the division of tasks is
Do you feel that both of you are doing
your parts?
Do you feel that task allocation is fair?
Is there anything that you want to
V. Activities
Do you feel like you spending enough
time together?
Do you feel like you need more alone
Do you want to try something?

VI. Planning schedules and logistics:

Are you experiencing any schedule
conflicts you wants to address?
Are there financial agreements that are
Do each of you have enough time to
accomplish everything you want?
Portfolio Output No. 24: Insights on Relationship and Tribute to My Family
Portfolio Output No. 25: Career Wheel
Write about your career wheel. Answer the following questions:
1. How did you go about naming events, situations, needs and facts about yourself? Were
there challenges in doing this? If so, what are these challenges?
2. Looking at these many facets in your life, which among them do you think are major
considerations when deciding on the future career options? Why would you consider
these as a source of great impact?
3. Which are the areas that will really work to your advantage in the relation to the career
options that you are considering? How will these impact your choices?
4. What are your realization after this exercise?
Skills 1.Feel 2.Enjoy/ 3.Would like
competent Favourites to develop
Communication Skills
Write, edit, translate, interpret or critique
Speak in public, debate, and advocate,
present or demonstrate an idea.
Facilitate a meeting
Reading and following
Comparing or cross-checking two lists
Filling out forms
Writing reports, letters and memos correctly
Reading and understanding policies and
Comfortably speaking to others you do not
Taking notes while someone speaks
Finding information
Using a map
Explaining things to other people
Know when to ask for help or more
Counsel or advise others
Listening to others
Others :

Technical skills 1.Feel 2.Enjoy/ 3.Would like

competent Favourites to develop
Be athletic or use physical coordination

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