Acting Scene Rubric
Acting Scene Rubric
Acting Scene Rubric
4 3 2 1
Overall Engaging to audience. Entertaining to watch, but Uneven. Some dropped Not entertaining.
Performance Lines memorized exactly. a bit uneven. Lines lines, breaks in character, Obvious dropped lines or
Excellent pacing and memorized with some or pauses. Lack of focus. uncomfortable pauses or
interpretation. Always “in paraphrasing. Good numerous breaks in
the moment” pacing and interpretation. character
concentration. No breaking character.
Rehearsal Always on task. Always Stayed on task with only Sometimes off task. Often off task or did not
followed directions. minor distractions. Sometimes did not follow follow directions.
Always prepared with Generally followed directions. Sometimes Missing materials more
materials. Never leave directions. Mostly missing materials. frequently. Leaving
rehearsal space. Worked prepared with materials. Sometimes leaving rehearsal space more
well as a team. Never leave rehearsal rehearsal space. Problems frequently. Did not work
space. Generally with team cooperation well as a team.
cooperative team.
Set, Props, Very interesting visually. Visually interesting. All Minimally interesting Not visually interesting.
Stage dressed with extra appropriate scenery/props visually. Only necessary Missing some props or
scenery/props. Well and some stage dressing. scenery and props. Some scenery. Street clothes.
crafted costumes and Appropriate costume. problem with costume or
accessories. missing costume piece.
Stage Exudes confidence, Seems comfortable on Stays on task and Seems uncomfortable on
energy, and focus. Always stage. Keeps body focused. Forgets at times stage. More often in a
keeps body positioned to positioned to share facial to keep body positioned closed position, not
share facial expressions expressions with to share facial sharing with audience.
with audience. audience. expressions with
Vocal Voice easily reaches and Voice reaches audience Difficult to hear and Difficult to hear. Words
engages audience. with some audience understand at times. mumbled or slurred.
Excellent articulation at all effort. Speech clear with Uses little vocal variation Lines sound memorized.
times. Uses voice well to words pronounced to enhance the meaning Voice appears flat as if
enhance the meaning of distinctly most of the of the lines. Lines sound reading.
the lines. time. Uses some variation memorized at times.
in voice to enhance the
meaning of the lines
Physical Clear sense of moving as Generally moves as the Does not move Poor physical movement
the character (posture, character. Appropriate appropriately as the and gestures. Minimal
rhythm). Excellent use of gestures, facial character. Lack of facial expressions or
gestures and facial expressions and gestures or facial reactions to others on
expressions. Genuine reactions. expressions. Reactions do stage.
reactions. not seem natural.