Prophecies For The Philippines by IFP

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“I have posted watchmen on your walls..

”Isaiah 62:6
A National Prayer Movement

Philippines, Contend for Your Destiny!

(6:00 PM of APRIL 21 until 6:00 PM of MAY 12, 2013)

“And I set my face to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications,
with fasting and sackcloth and ashes…” Daniel 9:3

by Bishop Daniel A. Balais

National Chairman

The Philippines stands today at the threshold of prophetic fulfillment! Our nation, being recipient of a
glorious prophetic destiny as a righteous, “sheep” nation; a prosperous “prince” nation; and a
missionary-sending nation has long been waiting for this glorious time of favour (Psalm 102:13)! That
time has come! Last March 16, 2010, the Intercessors for the Philippines (IFP) led the Body of Christ in
proclaiming the 490th year Jubilee of Jubilees since we were discovered as a nation and since the cross
was planted on our shoes (March 16, 1521) that made us the first Christian nation in the Far East. The
year 2010 was a marker year for us for our change of season (Dan 2: 20-21) in accordance with God’s
dispensation of His grace and mercy in such a “kairos” time (Dan 9:24).

Miraculously, there was indeed an avalanche of tremendous ground-breaking positive changes

in the nation beginning with the year 2010. In the Church, the Lord poured out His spirit of grace and
supplication unto His people as thousands of churches all over the nation joined in the 24 Hour Houses
of Prayers; the Body of Christ also experienced tremendous healing of relationships and new, covenantal
unity among our national church leaders. Revival among the young people began to break out in many
places in the nation. As an immediate result, the Philippine economy rose to unprecedented heights just
on the third year of our Jubilee proclamation. The Philippines is now a lender nation, recently promoted
to an investment grade (BBB+) status, with an all time high of US$84 billion Gross International Reserves
(GIR). The stock market at the Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) is at 6,900 points and soon to breach
7,000 points, the highest ever in our history! The new generation of Philippine peso bills bear the
foundational scripture in Psalm 33:12 and is now enjoying the lofty distinction of being among the two
most stable currencies in the world! To top it all, our present government led by our President Benigno
“Noynoy” Aquino III adopted as his battle cry “Matuwid na Landas” or the straight path (righteousness)
as its foundational principle of governance reaping tremendous results in promoting a culture of
integrity and good governance!

This coming May 13, 2013 will be our mid-term elections! The nation will again come to a critical
stage of her transformation towards righteousness and blessing or slide back to wickedness, corruption,
judgments and calamities. In the just concluded 24th National Prayer Gathering, the prophets Sadhu
Sundar Selvaraj, Vincent Selvakumar and Pastor Joe Sweet spoke of both tremendous, destinty-
propelling blessings if we disregard and disobey the word of the Lord! We are in the cusp of blessings or
judgments as Israel was at the threshold of the same as enumerated in Deuteronomy 28:1-68!

In response to this extremely crucial hour, the IFP therefore is calling for a nationwide 21-Day of
Fasting and Prayers from April 21 to May 12 with the last three days (May 10, 11 and 12) to be 72-hour
Worship Warfare and Intercession (WWI) to be staged in many participating prayer networks and
ministerial fellowships in the various provinces, cities and towns all over the land.

Let us therefore continue to be fervent and unrelenting in our prayers, zealous in our gospel
proclamations and preserving in discipling our nation to establish a righteous and God-fearing people.
Most of all, let us continue to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God, building Him a house of
worship, prayer and sacrifice so that He will continue to dwell with us, enable us to fulfill our God given
destiny as a righteous nation, a blessed nation and a missionary sending nation in these Last Days!
Indeed, this is our time! Let us seize our destiny in this moment of our prophetic fulfillment!


1. For the family and individual, devote an hour daily to pray and contend for the fulfillment of the
prophetic destiny of our nation. For the 24-Hour Houses of Prayer (24HHP) in the 17 regions,
cover the 21 days in prayer and fasting according to the 8 watches.
2. Fasting may take the following:
a. Partial Fasting (skipping meal/s per day)
b. Full Fasting (So solid food)
c. Daniel Fasting (vegetable and water only)
3. The 21-Day Prayer and Fasting will culminate with the Nationwide 72-Hour Worship, Warfare,
and Intercession (72-HWWI) on May 9, 2013 at 6:00 PM until May 12, 2013 at 6:00 PM which
also includes corporate fasting, praying according to the 8 watches.

During the commencement of the 72-HWWI, we also encourage a simultaneous lighting of the
Menorah in the 24HHPs in the 17 regions as a prophetic proclamation of a new era for the
Philippines to return to God and to shine for Jesus.

4. Prayer points are provided to serve as general guide. However, prayer points are not limited to
the list. Seek and pray as the Holy Spirit leads. The intercessors shall also focus on two things: (1)
one group shall focus on the fulfillment of all God’s blessings for our nation and (2) the other
group shall focus on praying for God to thwart curses or mitigate their effects.


The past 24th NPG Conference was really very significant. The number 24 in the scriptures signify
government and fulfillment. The prophets said that the Philippines is now standing at the threshold for
the fulfillment of the prophetic destiny for the Philippines. The next stage is into the promises.

We should not take this lightly. If we will be serious in obeying all the instructions of God,
praying and contend for the fulfillment of all of God’s glorious plans and purposes of God for the
Philippines to be a Prince Nation to disciple Asian and, a missionary-sending nation, we will ride in the
boat of God’s awesome plans for the Philippines. The prophets said, “One more step! Don’t give up,
endure to the end.”

This year is our significant year. We have this one year, 2013, to have our breakthrough, not
next year. By 2014 we should be immersed in our destiny, the prophet said. How we need to intercede.
We cannot afford to let go, to let our guards down nor take a spiritual vacation.

the threshold of its fulfillment, but at the same time we are at the crossroads. We will see the glorious
promises and blessings of God upon the Philippines if we pray and fast passionately, repent of the sins
of the land (her people, princes and the church), sanctify ourselves, stand in the gap and do spiritual
warfare. If we don’t, we will reap the terrible judgments upon our nation that God has revealed to the
prophets. A nation’s blessings or curses are in the hands of the believers through prayer and

There is a measure of quality and quantity required from heaven in our prayers for the
Philippine’s destiny. We need to contend for this. Pray and weep for our destiny, tearing our hearts.
Then a huge army of angels will surround and protect the Philippines. Let us contend!

Let us therefore pray with a deep burden in our hearts for the following:

1) Pray for God to fill the hearts of his faithful servants and people (children, youth, old men
to be filled by God with the Spirit of Prayer and Intercession, with the Spirit of Tears from
God, so that a Prayer Wave of travail and intercession will cover the whole Philippines,
repenting and interceding for the fulfillment of God’s destiny for our nation.

through the prophets that the sins of the Philippines are very grievous in His sight – the sins
of the princes (government officials – all the corruption, wickedness, evil laws, etc.) people
(abortion, immorality, homosexuality, idolatry, killings, etc.), prophets and the priests (the
church – for all the disunity, worldliness, callousness, prayerlessness, immorality,
lukewarmness, etc.). Only then can the nation reap all the wonderful blessings that God has
reserved graciously for the Philippines.

2) Let us contend for God’s prophetic destiny for the Philippines. Pray that the church will be
careful to truly believe all of God’s promises for the Philippines, review and obey God in all
His instructions to us through His anointed prophets, rend our hearts and pray ardently for
the fulfillment of God’s glorious End-time plan for the Philippines. Pray for all of God’s
promises and blessings (the Great Harvest and Revival in the Philippines, the transformation
of the nation (all 8 pillars) to righteousness, all the economic blessings so that the work of
His Kingdom can be financed bountifully).

Promises and Blessings for the Philippines.

Pray against all the wicked plans of the enemy to try to thwart this. Please see attached List
of Satan’s Plans against the Philippines.

“There is still something lacking in you,” the Lord said through the prophet – You must all be
united together with one purpose. Let us pray for the UNITY of the Holy Spirit in the Body of
Christ in God’s End-time purposes and destiny for the Philippines.

If the church obeys all of God’s instruction, she will e a ROLE MODEL for the rest of the

3) Let us pray for God’s mercy to forgive and deliver the Philippines from the judgments that
He has ordained for the nation if we don’t repent of the sins of the land and obey His

Holy Spirit saying to the Philippines: “Take these words, you call seriously, for there has not
been another nation like your nation that has received this tremendous call. Angels will
come down to the Philippines and do warfare against your enemies.”

But at the same time, if you fail in your calling, great will be your destruction. Matt. 25:13-30
Parable of Talents – unprofitable servant cast out into Outer Darkness. Likewise, if the
Philippines disobeys, she will experience the same. We need to content for our destiny!

Please see attached list of God’s judgments if we will not repent and obey God.

4) LET US PRAY FOR THE 7 GATEWAY CITIES (Legaspi, Lipa, Pampanga, Pateros, Cagayan de
Oro, Baguio and Manila) prophesied to be the first recipients of the mighty Revival from
God, that God’s mighty wind of Revival from the Holy Spirit will come upon them, fulfilling
His glorious promises for each one of them. Please see attached promises.

Pray that:

1) We believe that all promises will happen;

2) We be united;
3) We must do something about it. It will not happen automatically. Be ready. All must
be ready. We cannot afford to miss our destiny.

Prophetic word for the Philippines – “Philippines, you will be at the receiving end from God and
you will bless the nations and disciple them. Your little children, youth will do prophetic ministry;
your bishops will go out to train other nations in the ways of the Lord.”

5) LET US PRAY FOR THE YOUTH & CHILDREN, as they are the mighty Army God is wanting to
raise up for these last days’ ministry. Pray for the Spirit of Prayer and Tears be upon them,
that they might continually intercede and do warfare for the destiny of the Philippines and
for the establishment of God’s kingdom not only in the Philippines, but in other nations of
the world as well, especially Asia. Pray for God’s Prophetic Anointing to be upon them. Pray
for God to sanctify them, deliver them from the spirit of the world, equip and prepare them
for the mighty exploits that God will be doing through them. Pray that God will preserve
them and save them from all the attacks of the enemy.

6) For God’s release of His Divine Government Upon the Philippines, that His scepter of
righteousness will be upon the nation. This is God’s New Season and we are in our Jubilee.
Let us pray and stand in faith that God will answer this prayer.

24 is the number government, and the pillar of the government plays a major and very
significant role in the fulfillment of God’s desire that the Philippines become a righteous
Prince Nation for Asia. We cannot blame the politicians. When we pray, the leaders of the
nation will do good. God has a big desire to bless the Philippines and fulfill her glorious End-
time destiny, and the government plays a major and very significant role in God’s plans for
the Philippines.

The coming elections on May 13, 2013 is very critical in God’s agenda. Let us therefore pray
for the following:

a. Pray for the coming elections on May 13, 2013 for Bro. Eddie to be elected as senator.
This is not about Bro. Eddie, but for the sake of God’s glorious End-times plan for the
Philippines to be a righteous and missionary-sending nation in these End-times. Pray for
God’s favor to be upon him, and that God will grant favor on him in the hearts and
minds of the electorate. Pray against all works of the enemy against Bro. Eddie’s bid.

b. That God will install righteous leaders in our nation at all levels of governance, especially
those running for the Senate and the House of Representatives which have the power to
legislate righteous or wicked bills like divorce, same sex marriage, euthanasia, abortion,
ban of prayer in government offices, etc. Pray for God’s might hand and favor to be
upon righteous people mandated by God to run for positions in the local and national

7) Pray for the raising up of the bride of Christ in the Philippines, conformed to the nature of
the Lord Jesus in all love and meekness, that she might rule with Him in God’s kingdom in
the Philippines, and be prepared for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus as His spotless

Attachment 1 (The full transcription is available at the IFP Central Office upon request)


(Excerpts from the messages given at the 24th National Prayer Gathering (NPG)
April 9-12, 2013, The Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City, Philippines

The blessings God has for the Philippines are plentiful.

 There will rise up a Prophetic Generation, prophetic churches in the Philippines. Your ministers
will do great works all over the Philippines. God will raise up mighty men. The Prophetic
Anointing will cover all over the land.

 The last days Angels will manifest to you. God’s counsels will continually come to you. Signs in
heaven will appear to you. God will speak to you. A huge group of people will tangibly see
angels. God will give power to children, taken to heaven.

 Mighty revival will come upon the Philippines.

 God has kept many physical/financial blessings for you.

 God will prevent calamities.

 God will establish righteousness in your nation. He will establish righteous foundations.

 He will enlarge evangelism, increase harvest.

 He will bless your economy, hidden treasures under our feet will be revealed. OFW’s will come
back to the Philippines. Many people will develop industries in the Philippines, even foreign
investors which will give many jobs. These are all the physical blessings for the Philippines.

 The work of your hands will be prosperous. God blessed Isaac, hundred-fold harvest even if no
rain. We believe in God who gives the harvest. God will bless the works of your hands –
business, no dryness in works of our hands, many investors.

When we obey Him, we will inherit all these blessings.

The nation, church must turn to God. A nation’s blessings or curses are in the hands of believers. God
has kept His eyes on the Philippines. He wants to bless you, but we need to obey.

You will inherit the promises in a short time. Wait for the purposes of God to be fulfilled. Be watchful
and serve the Lord.

Attachment 2 (The full 24th NPG transcription is available at the IFP Central Office upon request)

(Excerpts from the messages given at the 24th National Prayer Gathering (NPG)
April 9-12, 2013, The Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City, Philippines)

All these will come to pass if you walk away from God. If we repent, rise up from callousness, these will
not happen. It is important for you to make a quick decision. ‘I have given you a short time. Repent
Philippines.’ “This is a time appointed for you. Come to Me, talk to Me, what do you want Me to do for
you before the bowls of wrath are poured upon you.”

 Floods and waters

 Terrible diseases
 Famine
 Scattering

Your sins are grievous – killings, etc. God is waiting for you to repent. God has given a short time for

1) Mindanao (CARAGA region) – mighty typhoons, great diseases

2) Mindoro, Samar & Leyte – huge typhoons, disasters through floods

3) Palawan – great typhoons and floods; many people die, drowned

Death is coming. Bowls of wrath upon these places, very pitiful. Children die of hunger, pains. Many
areas muddy and swampy. Many great dangers over the country.

4) Pangasinan – grievous diseases, will spread all over the world, consumes skin, pierces
through the bones. Spread to…

5) Cebu, also Bohol. Bodies will rot.

6) Might floods in Luzon and Cebu, winds and water that history has never seen before. All
irrigatable lands will be destroyed; will beg before other nations.

7) 70 islands waiting to disappear

8) Water along coastal cities will enter land, many will lose properties.

 Earthquakes, volcanoes
 Cries and troubles in the land
 Young people will become captive
 Captors, wicked people will increase in the land
 Kill each other for food
 Many buildings catch fire and shakenings

 Lightnings and thunders
 Will become like Africa


1) MINDANAO – typhoons, winds miles up high, place ripped apart and thrown about; great

2) MINDORO, SAMAR, PALAWAN – will also face great destructions through winds

3) PANGASINAN – will be affected with terrible disease which will touch skin, flesh and the bones.

The Philippines will be the first nation to receive that kind of anointing, on the 7 gateway
provinces. Vision of menorah with 7 flames referring to the 7 Spirits of God, because 7 blessings
to be received will be the first of its kind all over the world. Likewise, the plagues that will be
received will be nothing that the world has ever seen.

4) CEBU – another terrible disease and will spread all over the world
5) BOHOL – another terrible disease
6) LUZON, SAMAR, LEYTE, CEBU plus 100 small places – destruction through terrible floods, no
precedent in the past

When the nation forgets God, if not careful to inherit what God has promised, if not heed God’s
word/instructions, if commit themselves to corruption, immorality, judgments and curses will come
upon the land.

 Famine, land desolate, wicked people rise up, crying and mourning. 3 Kinds of Worst Disease
will come (boils, eyes will sink in and rot), blindness will come upon the land. Because of
this, economy will be pulled down, will look to foreign nations for help.

 God will command winds and seas to come to the land; many dead bodies will lie on streets,
thousands of people will die. God is going to cause frightening things to come to Samar and

But God says, ‘Today is the day of salvation. If you choose to do good, you will inherit God’s blessings.
But if you disobey like Israel, you will receive God’s judgments, scattered to many nations even if called
by God as His own people.’

Do not despise the grace of God. By His grace He is lengthening the time for you. Repent and turn back
to Him. If you don’t turn back to God, don’t think God’s grace is everlasting.

Attachment 3 (The full 24th NPG transcription is available at the IFP Central office upon request)

(Excerpts from the messages given at the 24th National Prayer Gathering (NPG)
April 9-12, 2013, The Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City, Philippines)

 Make church very sleepy

 Intercessors become callous
 Cause problems between church
 Worldliness
 Church spend time on unnecessary things
 Worship just entertainment (no presence or touch of the Holy Spirit)
 No messages against sin
 No repentance in church
 No money in churches
 Makes people’s hearts drowsy. Therefore, church wake up. Be willing to lose anything for Christ,
be willing to be persecuted for Christ. Awake, guard your position. Turn to God, pray day and
night for the Philippines. Only then can you inherit the blessings God has promised to you.
 Plans to bring division among church leaders
 Bring divisive, strange teachings to come to your land
 Cause us not to pray
 Satan desires that men will perish

God’s eyes are upon the YOUTH, many promises for them. But Satan’s eyes are also upon the youth.

 To crush them even when they’re small (just like during the time of birth of Moses and the Lord
 Large wicked net over our youth towards worldliness
 Destroy their prayer life
 Destroy birthing of Prophetic Generation. No matter how many children are killed, the
“Promised Moses” will be born.
 Youth, be careful of your ways, flesh, heart. Lots of persecution to lose sanctity, holiness. Many
traps to make you turn away from God, be careful. There’s little time only. You’ll grow up to be
like Moses, Elijah, witnesses unto God. Destroy the snares of the devil. Do not give in to the
ways of Satan, do not touch unclean things. In one day, you will reap the harvest.

Satan has kept his eyes on the churches, will use one group of churches, ministers to speak against

Prophetic Generation, ‘Fear not. Every weapon formed against you will not prosper. You will triumph.’
No one can snatch the last day’s emerging Army. Do not succumb.

Attachment 4 (The full 24th NPG transcription is available at the IFP Central office upon request)


(Excerpts from the messages given at the 24th National Prayer Gathering (NPG)
April 9-12, 2013, The Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City, Philippines)


The Lord showed me the first city, Legaspi, the new things that God is going to do to that city. A
prophetic anointing will come like a mighty rain upon the land. To those who are writing it
down, you may write it down. The prophetic anointing will be supreme in that city. Very soon
God will open the windows of heaven. You will see this anointing coming like rain upon that city.
Even in a small worship service, that anointing will manifest, as a result, prophets will rise up
from that city. And as a result of this anointing many renowned prophets will arise from that
city, and the youths will rise up as prophets. The prophets that will go out of this city will be
different. They will be prophets who will demonstrate the power of God to the world. You will
be able to see many prophets in the Bible. Some prophets only prophesy, some prophets will
demonstrate the power of God to the world; Elijah was a prophet like that. He did not write
many prophesies like Ezekiel and Isaiah. We do not see anywhere that he has spoken many
prophesies, but he demonstrated the power of God to the world. He bound the heavens, he
unloosed the heavens, he commanded the fire to come down, he demonstrated the awesome
power of God before the people. And such an anointing will be manifested and arise from
(there) Legazpi City. Therefore you should get ready and prepare for that anointing. The
prophets (that) will rise up from this city will shake the nations of the world, they will even raise
the dead people, they will do impossible miracles, they will command the mountains, they will
command the clouds. No one will be able to withstand them. They will answer by fire and by
flame, they will prove God’s Word with signs and wonders. The Lord said, “It will come to pass.”

This afternoon God spoke with me, whatever God intends to do, nothing will be stopped, and
many young people rise up in great, large numbers. They will not be afraid of Ahab, they will not
hide away from Jezebel, their hearts will be filled with boldness. They will open the rivers, they
will walk on the waters like they will walk on the road. The mighty hand of God will be with
them, they will work as the rod in Moses’ hands. These are the words God spoke to me. That
anointing will rest chiefly upon Legazpi City. That anointing is going to pour upon many
churches, this anointing is going to pour upon many small prayer groups, this anointing is going
to come upon many young people. The mouth of the Lord has spoken it, the Lord’s hand will do

To see the wonderful works of God, many people from many nations will come to your land. To
show the things that God does, God will bring you to other nations. The Lord says, “You are
witnesses to His glory.”


The second city, it is called Cagayan de Oro. Maybe I’m not pronouncing it correctly, is it
correct? OK. Clap your hands for Rev. Vincent because he pronounced correctly! When I came to

the Philippines for the first time, I could not pronounce the words, but now I have improved.
Cagayan de Oro! The Lord says the prophetic anointing will come upon the city. The large rain
will come upon the city continually. Not only in the churches or in the places that people gather,
but even when the people are walking in the streets, the rain will fall. The Lord will raise up
youths for Him, they will be like flaming fire, they will be like people who will receive words
from the Lord. They will be prophets who will receive word from the Lord. The angels will meet
with them. The scrolls of God will be revealed to them. Cagayan de Oro City, it will be a city
known as “where angels will ascend and descend.” The angels will come and meet the people in
that city. They will meet the youths, they will meet the young girls; the Lord has specifically said
that. They will even meet the small children. Even when the children are sleeping they will wake
them up and speak to the children. As the Lord called Samuel, such voices will be heard in many
places in the city. Angels will surround the city. The anointing that God is going to pour in the
city will be different. When the anointing comes upon them their eyes will be opened, their ears
will be opened, they will receive words from the Lord. They will see visions, they will be taken
into the spiritual realm. As John heard the voice, as he heard the voice “Come up!,” as John
went to heaven, the youths in the city will hear such voices very often.

An incident happened in the life of Ezekiel. The Lord stretched out His hand and took hold of the
hair of Ezekiel and took him to a different place. And the same experiences will be experienced
by the youth of that city. They will walk into the secret places of heaven. They will hear the
sound of chariots in their ears. They will hear the sound of trumpets in their ears. That city will
become known as a city where angels ascend and descend. God has promised a special blessing
for this city.


The next city, Lipa. The Lord has remembered that city. The Spirit of God will manifest the
Words of God very strongly; will manifest there. The last-days’ anointing will come mightily
upon that city. As the clouds will gather together and cause a mighty rain, the Holy Spirit will
come like a mighty rain upon them. The Lord will work wonderfully in that city. The Holy Spirit’s
work will be great there. The people will be anointed in the city and will be made to know the
secrets of God’s Word. In the last-days’ people, and to the last-days generation, and to the last-
days generation, the Lord of hosts says new commandments and new Words will go forth from
this city. He kept a commandment for people living in the Old Testament, He kept a new
commandment for the people of the New Testament. God will bring forth from this city new
commandments for the last-days generation. The Lord says the new commandments that God
will give will come forth from this city. Oh I say to you with the Spirit of the Lord, that Lipa City
you are very blessed. As the hand of the Lord manifested in your midst, just as the
commandments of God came forth from the mountain of God, as the commandments of God
came from Mount Sinai, God says God’s Word will come forth out of Lipa City. So far, these
things have been kept hidden. The hidden three kinds of teachings will come out of this city. It
will open the eyes of the last-days people. It will strengthen the people. It will prepare the
people for the coming of the Lord. God will manifest three kinds of teachings. The Lord says to
you again, that these will come forth from Lipa City. These truths will be taken all over the
world. These truths will go to the uttermost parts of the world. For this purpose God will raise
up the young people, and God will raise up mighty people for this purpose. The Holy Spirit will
open the eyes of the people; will work mightily in the city. The Lord’s Spirit told me, He will
speedily do it! The Lord says it is coming swiftly.


The next city, Pampanga. The Lord has remembered that city. The Lord’s goodness will come
upon the land like rain. The Lord will stretch forth His right hand upon the city. Many of the
people will be filled with their thirst, with the city. The Spirit of God will reveal to the world
secrets that have never been revealed before; will work very mightily in the city. God reveals
many secrets to many prophets. He revealed His secrets to Daniel, but He said to him one thing:
“Til the day comes, you must seal them.” Behold, that day has come! The people who will break
the seals will come! They will come from Pampanga! God will break the seals in that place, and
He will reveal the secrets, and that anointing will come upon those people. And the people who
will break the seals will rise up mightily from this city. The last-days mysteries that are kept
sealed in this place will be broken and be made manifest to the world from this city. The Lord
says, “There will be an anointing in their eyes and on their tongue.” The Lord is telling me to say
one more time, the Lord said, “Tell them that this anointing will be on their eyes, on their ears,
and on their tongues.” That anointing will do a great work in them. The scales from their eyes
will drop down. Through (with) their sight they will see heaven. They will be people who will go
up to heaven and will come down. They will reveal to the people the secrets.

When John was in the island of Patmos, the Word of the Lord came to him. He was taken to
heaven; he went and stood in the place where no one else can stand. He even stood at the
throne of God. He stood at the place where the twenty-four elders stand. He heard the voice of
water speak. John received a great blessing that no one else has received. And the Lord said,
“That same blessing has been promised to the young people, to the senior citizens, to the
ministers of God.” Says the Lord. They will lift up the Word of God. Their eyes and their ears will
see and hear, face-to-face in heaven. They will bring to the people what they see. The Holy Spirit
will work in them, with the anointing to reveal secrets.


And the Lord speaks about the next city. It is called Pateros. And Go’s anointing will come upon
the city. The last-days anointing will come very mightily upon the city. O Pateros! God’s
trumpets and God’s horns are planted in your city. It will be known as the “Trumpet of God”
city. It will be known as God’s horn. God will touch the young people of that city. God will touch
the children of that city! God will touch their churches. Many people will rise up with zeal in the
city. The Lord says, people who are mighty in the spirit will rise up in the city. They will prepare
the way of the Lord in the city. They will not fear Satan. When Satan hears their names, he will
tremble. God will give a drawn sword in their hand. A double-edged sword will go out of their
mouth. It will be a flaming, consuming fire sword. They will do great things for God. They will not
fear any man. They will not fear any man’s face. They will challenge the government. They will
remind the people of John the Baptist. They will not expect any profit from the world. They will
say what is right and what is wrong. They will be bold like Elijah. They will threaten Jezebel. They
will cause Jezebel to be afraid. They will convict people of sin. They will speak very clearly to the
people the things concerning the coming of the Lord, before God’s ways and God’s judgments
will come upon the land. They will warn those nations of the coming judgments of God and they
will be used by God as God’s trumpets. Even the governments will be afraid of the words that
will come out of their mouth. Even the kings will be afraid. No one can fear them. God is going
to raise up such mighty people from Pateros city. That anointing will come upon the city; it will
prepare the way of the Lord. It will make the way straight before the Lord. Like the voice of one

crying in the wilderness, such a voice will come out of them. O Pateros city! Your city will be
known as the “Trumpet of God;” you will be known as the Lord’s horn. God says all you people
will bring forth mighty men; open your womb and bring them forth!


God spoke about Baguio City. God’s grace will come upon Baguio City. The last-days anointing
will come mightily upon the city. Among all the seven cities, God’s anointing will first come upon
Baguio City. God’s anointing oil will be poured completely upon this city. God’s precious
ointment will be spread all over the city. In this city there will be a last-days ways to be made
ready and be prepared for the people of God. Baguio City will be known as a training center for
the last-days people of God. Last-days houses will rise up in this city that will house people in
the end-times and in the tribulation days that they will not fail in their faith. God will feed many
people in this city. The elders and the young people will be filled with this anointing. The young
people rise up mightily to serve. The Lord will raise up huge walls with His Spirit. This city will be
protected by the Spirit of God. The evil ones will not be able to touch the borders of this city.
God will raise up many fathers in this city who will nourish others. They will open the eyes of
others in the land. They will establish others to stand as witnesses for the Lord. They will instill
the fear of God in the hearts of many people. They will sow into the hearts of the people to rise
up as zealous martyrs for the Lord. This will be known as the “City of Refuge” for the Lord. The
Spirit of the Lord will hover in this city. These will be hidden by the wings of the Lord, and the
shadow of the Lord will (be) over it. The feet of the Lord will ho…work in the beast. This city will
be filled with the presence and the fragrance of the Lord. This city will be lighted with the light
that will come from the eyes of the Lord. God will surround the walls of this city with His lighting
and with His thunder. The Lord says it will be protected from danger.


The Lord now speaks about concerning Manila. Behold the anointing of God will come upon this
city. The last-days anointing will come upon this city. God will use this city as Jerusalem to meet
His people. New hands will go forth from this place. God will bring forth new gifts from this city.
This will be a city loved by God like Mount Zion. God will gather many people in this city. This
city will be a place where God meets His people. God will reveal His plans through this city.
God’s eyes will be upon this city, that God will remove evil from this city. God will make many
plans of His to come out of this city. God’s people will be gathered to this city. From many places
in your city, and from many parts of your city, and from the many cities of your land, God will
cause them to come and gather as often. At that time God Himself will come and speak to the
people. God will reveal many plans, last-days plans to His people. God will fill them with new
gifts and send them out.

We give thanks to God for the many good plans that God has for your cities. These are the many
plans that God has kept in His heart. When you are zealous to give heed to the commandments
of God, when you are careful to walk according to the commandments of God, when you take
responsibility and begin to pray for the things that God spoke for the cities, all the good things
that God has planned for the city, nothing will fail. And the Lord of Hosts says, “I will certainly fill
your land with goodness!”. God will cover your cities with the shadow of His hand. Behold, I will
give you a word, says the Lord. The blessings and the words that I spoke to you are shortly
coming after. Oh you people of God, if you hear the word of God, you will be blessed! Oh, you

churches, if you open your ears to my word you will be blessed. Then very quickly, in a moment,
I will break my anointing bottle, and with my seven anointings, I will smear all your cities with
this oil. I will seal you with My grace. The Lord God says to say that none of His words will fall to
the ground. My people, my people, how will I forsake you? How many times have I spoken to
you? If today you will hear my words, how good it will be for you. How good will you be; it will
come out of your tradition. How good will it be if you will come out of your sins? How good will
it be if you came out of your callousness? How good will it be if you come out of keeping faith in
the world?

I have called you by name! I have called you by name! Oh Philippine nation! I shed blood for
you. I am now ready to pour out My Spirit upon you. I am your Lord and your God. I am the Lord
who is compassionate towards you. You are a people who do not know the difference between
the left and the right hand. You are a very innocent people. You are like a child, a young child,
who gets angry. You are a young child who yearns for things. You are a people who dream for
food. I desire to lift you up. I want to crown you with a crown. Those who looted you and those
who made you blind, let them be fooled! I will lift up your feet like hind’s feet on the mountain.
Will you give way to Me? Those people must give account; these cities must rise up. You must
pray day and night, reminding me of my promises. A mighty shakening is coming! I see the
angels of God appointed and standing in their appointed places. They are waiting for the
movement of God’s hands. They are waiting for the movement of God’s eyes. God is waiting for
your repentance, do not delay. The good things of God for your nation are coming speedily.
Before Ahab’s chariot moves…Oh Elijah, gird your loins! Oh Elijah, gird your loins! Strengthen
your feet, and begin your race! And redeem, inherit the promises of God.

#453 Mezzanine Level, Calbayog Street, Barangay Highway Hills

Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1550
T +63.2.533.5183 w
T +63.2.533.5166 e


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