Chap1 5 Bye Research
Chap1 5 Bye Research
Chap1 5 Bye Research
In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Practical Research Subject
Atienza, Lea
Calpo, Angela
De Guzman, Marc
Intalan, Aila
March 8, 2019
Technology has been evolving for the past years making life easier for people by the use
of smartphones, tablets and computers. It is present in every human’s life whether it deals with
work or studies. An average human consumes more than 5.9 hours a day using technology
(Meeker, 2018). The purpose of technology is to solve human problems with mind, communication
and ability.
Technology has merged with the educational system which provides students with more
opportunities in learning. Teachers and students benefit from various educational technologies,
teachers have learned how to use technology in their classrooms and students are getting more
interested in learning with technology. The use of technology in education has removed
educational boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate by using advanced educational
technologies. According to Common Sense Media survey, 94 percent of parents recognize that
technology can be used to support their children's education. The educational technology is
supporting both teaching and learning processes, it has increased student’s engagement and
Technology provides opportunities for instructions in math and STEM classrooms. It helps
learners to see and interact with mathematical concepts. Students can explore and make discoveries
with games, simulations and digital tools. For many students, math takes a lot of practice and it
does not come naturally to them. By technology it has made it possible for teachers to be able to
reach a variety of different math levels, all at the same time. Technology in the classroom provides
students with practice for those who have not yet mastered the basics, while providing students
function. Most graphing softwares has the ability to plot graphs in a cartesian plane, trace accurate
features of the x-y coordinates of a point in a curve and solve standard mathematical functions.
Graphing softwares are useful and easy to understand for it provides accurate information. It also
includes calculus features for STEM students such as plotting of a derivative and computing for
In accordance with the curriculum guide of DepEd for Senior Highschool students, there
are certain topics wherein the use of graphical softwares are applied. In Pre-Calculus, the topic
about determining the standard form equation of parabola, ellipse, circle and hyperbola can use
graphical softwares. According to Jackson (n.d), standard form of an equation is finding the
standard form of a line by a positive integer and integers. This topic can use graphical softwares
as a form of learning by indicating the equation into the software, in order to check or find out the
Another is in Basic Calculus, the curriculum guide states topics like illustrating the tangent
line to the graph of a function at a given point, derivative of a function at a given number and the
derivative of a function to the slope of the tangent line. In finding the tangent line of a function,
multiple functions are present or given to find where the tangent line lies on the circle. The
derivative of a function is the symbol f(x), according to Dawkins (n.d), the derivative is defined as
the instantaneous rate of change, or slope, at a specific point of a function. It gives you the exact
slope at a specific point along the curve. The derivative is denoted by (dy/dx), which simply stands
for the derivative of y with respect to x. These topics again, can be learned through the use of
graphical softwares. Inputing the functions or equations to the graphical software can help students
This study aims to find out if graphing softwares are useful in math classes. The researchers
will witness if the usage of graphing softwares or calculators helps the students to better understand
the lesson given to them. They will find out if the students are really learning with the use of
Modern educational technology theory is a broad and specific concept. It refers to the
theory and practice of optimizing teaching with modern educational theory and information
technology. Utilizing graphical software in teaching and learning which will provide a new
be a difficult and demanding task, especially for novice learners.” (Kilicman, A. et al, 2010). The
use of graphical software has significant effects to both the learner and the educator, therefore, this
In the advanced education thought and theory under the guidance of modern educational
technology to make full use of modern information technology, through the design, the teaching
and learning process and resource development, utilization, management and evaluation of theory
and practice, so as to realize the optimization of teaching. This study aims to bring modern
technology to the mathematics classroom and find the students’ viewpoint towards the modern
means of education.
further obscure some of what is already difficult to teach. On the other hand, thoughtful design
and use of graphing software present opportunities to focus on mathematical issues that were
5| Student’s Viewpoint on the use of Graphical Softwares in Mathematics
always important to students but were never as accessible before.” (Goldenberg, E. P., 1988). This
theory allows educators to re-position themselves towards a more innovative approach wherein
the goals of the students are to be met by using graphical software. Educators should be liberated
technology has very practical significance and value. Machines should not and cannot replace the
emotional communication between people, this is the main value of this research study, to find out
the opinions of the students and make way for improvement of classroom methods.
- Section Improvement
Figure 1.
The figure 1 above is the set of data essential to find the student’s viewpoint on the use of
graphical softwares in mathematics. The first box shows the demographic profile of the
The next box will be the information acquire from the interview that would be conducted
The following box would be the results after conducting the survey. It would be the answers
The box would be the activities and programs that would be conducted after the research
has been completed. The respondents would be the one to benefit from these activities and
This study seeks to find the perspective of students towards the use of graphing softwares.
1.2 Sex?
3. What are the benefits students gain in using graphing softwares in mathematics?
4. What are the programs or recommendations the researchers can implement to improve
1.This study assumes that by the use of graphical software in mathematics it can make them
2. This study assumes that graphical softwares helps every students to better understand lessons in
3. The study assumes that graphical softwares has made students to easily solve a function by
The study focuses on the use of Graphical Software in Mathematics of the Grade 12
Students under STEM strand of St. Paul College of Makati. It includes some question about the
use of Graphical Software in Mathematics and the study will be conducted by the researchers of
Grade 11 STEM. In this study, the researchers will know the use of the graphing calculators and
softwares in Mathematic and know how beneficial it is to use graphical softwares in Mathematics.
This study is limited to the respondents of the study which will be the Grade 12 STEM students of
St. Paul College of Makati. Overall, the study will be conducted at St. Paul College of Makati.
This part contains the importance and purpose of the study to the students, teachers, and
future researchers.
STUDENTS. The students will be provided with more information regarding graphing calculators
or softwares and how their knowledge will affect their learnings for their mathematics subject.
They will also understand how graphing softwares are used and how it works, and also the
relevance of the subjects provided and how these will benefit them.
TEACHERS. The study will help distinguish the pros and cons of the graphical softwares, and
also the strengths and weaknesses of the students. By this, the teachers and will be more aware and
they can use this as a guide in improving their ways to help the students, in order for them to cope
FUTURE RESEARCHERS. As time passes by, changes happen the graphing softwares can
change or improve, so this study can be a guide to the future researchers for them to identify which
aspect of the graphing softwares they must focus on in the said time. It will also give them give
them a lot of information regarding the students’ learning that they may use in their future study.
May this study not only become a source but also a motivation.
The following terms are defined for better understanding. All of which are involved and
learning for it allows students to discover and consilidate their own knowledge. (Kumar &
Kumaresan, n.d). The usage of graphical softwares to the students will be tested to see if it will
be helpful or not.
Mathematics. Mathematics Mathematics have many real life applications and problem solving
such as statistics and probablity which involves critical thinking and problem solving skills
(Aplaon, 2017). Mathematics is being used in the study for the students to use the graphical
Senior High School. Senior High School Senior high school (SHS) refers to the additional 2
years in the K-12 program which are Grades 11 and 12. Students are given the opportunity to
choose a strand the will help them to their chosen careers (Formoso, 2016). STEM strand is
under the Senior High School which is the grade level of the respondents.
STEM. STEM is an educational program to prepare students for college and graduate study in
the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM aims to foster
inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills (Rouse, n.d). STEM will be the
respondents of the study for it has mathematics in the educational program which leads in using
graphical softwares.
This chapter provides the relevant concepts from different literature fields. It aims to make
the readers aware of the supporting knowledge of the topic. Furthermore, it provides a link between
the researched proposed and the previous studies alone. This gives evidences on the aspects that
were already established which in turn gives a chance to the reader to better appreciate the study.
More importantly, this gives the researchers direction of the study based from the found literature.
Foreign Literature
Goldenberg (n.d), this discusses the use of computer software as an aid in teaching graphing
correctly, students need mathematical knowledge and expectations, not just perceptual experience.
Simplistic software design or thoughtless use of computer graphing in classrooms may further
obscure some of what is already difficult to teach. On the other hand, thoughtful design and use of
graphing software present opportunities to focus on mathematical issues that were always
practitioners. According to Robutti (2010), the study shows results in continuity with others
emerged in the previous ICMEs and some new ones, and offers an analysis of the novelty of the
the introduction and the evolution of signs, such as words, gestures and interaction with
community of practice.
According to Ruthven (2009), using of graphing software to teach about algebraic forms
software to teach about algebraic forms was identified as being an important archetype. Employing
evidence from lesson observation and teacher interview, such practice was investigated in greater
depth through case study of two teachers each teaching two lessons of this type. Although teachers
consider graphing software very accessible, successful classroom use still depends on their
inducting students into using it for mathematical purposes, providing suitably prestructured lesson
tasks, prompting strategic use of the software by students and supporting mathematical
interpretation of the results. Accordingly, this study has illustrated how, in the course of
appropriating the technology, teachers adapt their classroom practice and develop their craft
the software; by adapting activity formats to exploit new interactive possibilities; by extending
curriculum scripts to provide for proactive structuring and responsive shaping of activity; and by
As stated by Johnson (2018), by helping students see how Graphs work it will help them
in their way of solving Math equations or problems, Students see graphs in their daily lives, and
they sketch and interpret graphs in math classes. They might think that different looking graphs
show different things. Yet teachers know that two graphs that look different can represent the same
thing. When teachers focus on the relationships between the attributes included in the graphs, they
can help students to move beyond what graphs look like to what graphs represent. When students
use graphs to investigate and represent those relationships, they have opportunities to make more
meaning from the graphs. These learning opportunities can make all the difference.
Based on Formaneck (2012), the use of Math software in the Classroom has Pros, Cons
and Tips for Implementation. Mathematical software in the undergraduate classroom has increased
drastically over the last decade. In part, this is due to the use of the same or related software being
used in industry, thus preparing students for their future careers. However, for software used in
introductory courses, it can be argued that some core fundamentals may fail to be learned due to
the computer performing the work for the students before they have properly absorbed the
mathematical theory involved. This paper reviews the bulk of the issues and research results that
have been generated in the literature. It goes on to derive its own insights into the various benefits
and detriments that software can have on a student’s learning. The paper then gives distinct
In accordance with Goos (n,d), using technology to support effective mathematics teaching
and learning and knowing what counts? What counts when it comes to using digital technologies
in school mathematics? Is technology there to help students get ‘the answer’ more quickly and
accurately, or to improve the way they learn mathematics? The way people answer this question
is illuminating and can reveal deeply held beliefs about the nature of mathematics and how it is
best taught and learned. This presentation considers the extent to which technology-related
research, policy and practice might usefully inform each other in supporting effective mathematics
teaching and learning in Australian schools. The first part of the presentation considers key
messages from research on learning and teaching mathematics with digital technologies. The
second part offers some snapshots of practice to illustrate what effective classroom practice can
look like when technologies are used in creative ways to enrich students’ mathematics learning.
curriculum has become a necessary task for curriculum developers as well as mathematics
practitioners across the world and time. In general research studies seeking a better understanding
of how best to integrate mathematics analysis tools with mathematics subject matter normally
lab. In some universities undergraduate mathematics courses are still taught in a traditional manner
that takes care of the algorithmic and procedural steps. This paper relates a study that embarks on
the technology exposure claiming that human action is mediated by technological setting.
As explained by Blubaugh (n,d), the preparing perservice Math Teachers to teach with
today's Technology will be keeping them up to date. We often refer to this course as our
“Technology Methods Course”. Because of the many technologies available that can assist a
mathematics teacher’s delivery of instruction, I have revised our course to be more selective than
prescriptive. That is, rather than my deciding what particular technologies (and only having time
to look at a few), such as which calculators, which mathematical software programs, and which
delivery systems I would provide instruction, I identify, demonstrate, and describe several high
quality technologies for mathematics instruction and then let the student decide on any three
modern technologies in which they are most interest and would like to pursue for their course
projects. They really enjoyed this independence in selecting technologies of their interest and in
extending their knowledge and skill at using different technologies for math instruction. After all,
a teacher is likely to use technology as part of their classroom instruction if they enjoy the
technology and are comfortable at using it. Because they present their projects, the class is exposed
to many different technologies for instruction and thus has a broader perspective as to possible
Local Literature
education in Southeast Asian Countries. The graphing calculator is a relatively new form of
technology, one which was specifically developed as an aid in teaching and learning mathematics.
SEAMEO RECSAM (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Centre for
Science And Mathematics) is in line with its commitment in helping educators through the use of
innovative technologies in teaching and learning in science and mathematics in the Southeast
Asian Region. From 1998 until present, experimental research and action research carried out
through SEAMEO RECSAM has shown that if it is appropriately employed, graphing calculator
Foreign Studies
selection and relative proficiency among undergraduate Biology Students. Although the use of
technology in biological career paths is increasing globally, studies indicate that United States
undergraduate biology students are not prepared for this technologically advanced workforce. One
potential element of this issue is that students may not have adequate training with technology-
exploratory study examines student proficiency for graphing with Excel, and aptitude for an
industry standard graphing program. Student preference was included in this study to gauge their
overt and underlying perspectives of each software program. Four Junior and six Sophomore
students participated in a teaching experiment that consisted of simple and complex graphing
instruction using both Microsoft Excel. At the close of the teaching experiment, students created
graphs using the program of their choice, and then participated in an interview. Interview results
indicate a preference for Excel with simple graphing tasks for more complex graphing tasks; yet,
80% of students indicated that Excel is burdensome. Analysis of the steps students took to generate
each graph in their final session showed an overall lower proficiency level with Excel for five out
of six tasks. Analysis of students’ graph products also suggest that biology students
overwhelmingly find Excel based graphing challenging, and use of alternate software found in the
the focus of a research project that investigated the way in which 12 Year 5/6 students engaged
with the learning environment afforded by the graphing software, TinkerPlots. Using data
generated from individual interviews, the results demonstrate that upper primary students use their
understanding of covariation to draw conclusions about trends in data evidenced in the graphs they
created as well as their knowledge of the context. Implications for the Australian Curriculum are
mathematics instruction. Technologies such as computers and calculators are widely used in the
teaching of mathematics. The educators advocate the use of these tools to reduce tiresome
computations and tasks so that class time can be more effectively used for learning mathematics.
The purpose of this review is twofold: (1) to explore the use of computer and calculator as tools
for the mathematics teaching and (2) to analyze their effects on the students’ achievement in
algebra and calculus. This review of literature from 1990-2006 also addresses the implication of
According to Kumar (n.d), the computer algebra systems (CAS) such as Mathematica,
Maple, MuPAD, MathCAD, Derive, Maxima have potential to facilitate an active approach to
learning, to allow students to become involved in discovery and to consolidate their own
knowledge, thus developing conceptual and geometrical understanding and a deeper approach to
learning. Emergence of such mathematical tools and its ability to deal with most of the
Algebra Systems in mathematics teaching is in its infancy in India. The main idea of this study is
to give introduction to computer algebra systems, its advantages and disadvantages in mathematics
teaching. We include our experiment and experiences in Mumbai University, India, where an
attempt was made to include CAS-based practicals at the final year under graduate mathematics
course. However this experiment did not really work. We look at some of the reasons due to which
this experiment did not work and the lessons we learned from this experiment. We also mention
some of the challenges one faces in the deployment of CAS in teaching mathematics and some
steps to be taken to overcome these challenges in India. Some of our experiences may also be
useful to mathematics educators from other developing countries, which lack the necessary
teachers’ beliefs about graphing calculators, their practices with the graphing calculators when
teaching linear and quadratic functions, and the relationship between the teachers’ beliefs and their
practices. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, 81 teachers responded to a
questionnaire about their beliefs regarding the use of graphing calculators in the teaching and
learning of linear and quadratic functions. Six of these teachers then participated in the second
phase involving task-based interviews and classroom observations. A major finding from the
survey was a possible link between teachers’ frequency of calculator use and their views regarding
sequencing of function representations. I found that low frequency users held the view that
algebraic symbols should always precede tables while high frequency users did not hold a similar
view. Teachers in this study were also split on which type of tasks students should be allowed to
use graphing calculators. Some teachers stated that they would encourage their students to use the
graphing calculator when the students felt it was appropriate regardless of the task while others
stated that they would always want their students to learn to solve each type of problem with paper
softwares has been widely practiced in teaching and learning especially in mathematics. Various
types of dynamic mathematical softwares, such as Geometer's Sketchpad, Autograph and the
Graphing Calculator, have been utilized for learning mathematics in Malaysian secondary schools.
However, the use of an open source software in teaching and learning mathematics is still new in
Malaysia. This paper compared the effectiveness of using an open source software i.e. GeoGebra
and a courseware developed by the researcher for learning transformation. Purposive sampling
was carried out and a total of 70 secondary school students from a school in Malaysia participated
in the study. These students were randomly assigned into two separate groups. Each group
underwent instruction utilizing either the GeoGebra or the e-transformation software. Findings
showed that significant differences existed between the pre and posttests scores of each of the
GeoGebra and e-transformation groups. However, there was no significant difference in the
performance scores on the post test of both groups. Further analysis also showed there was no
significant difference on each topic included in the post test. These findings showed that both
computer softwares had been effective in teaching mathematics at Malaysian secondary school
As per Idris (2010), creativity in mathematics helps students make sense of the world.
However, in typical classrooms, students are taught as if mathematics is all about rules and
procedures. Students need to see how mathematics was developed and realize that creative
individuals shaped the body of mathematical knowledge. More emphasis should be placed on
creative ways of expressing ideas. In this age of ICT, students need work that stimulates their
necessary to assess the impact it is having on students’ confidence in the way students solve
comparison study is to examine the impact the Desmos graphing calculator has on the problem-
solving confidence of middle school and high school students as compared to students who use a
TI-83 Plus graphing calculator while controlling for students’ math achievement scores. The
students (N = 146) participating in this study were learning their respective mathematics material
for an equivalent period of 12 weeks in order to determine whether students who used the Desmos
Students in both groups took the assessment at the end of the 12-week period of learning and an
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test whether there was a significant difference in
21| Student’s Viewpoint on the use of Graphical Softwares in Mathematics
the scores of the Problem Solving Inventory (PSI). Results indicate that there was a statistically
significant difference in problem-solving confidence scores between middle and high school
students who used the Desmos graphing calculator as compared to students who used a TI-83 Plus
Local Studies
it is not possible to avoid the impact of technology on mathematical problem solving. Among those
technologies, there has been a steady increase in interest in using hand-held technologies, in
particular graphing calculators, by mathematics educators and curriculum developers and teachers
(Kissane, 2000). Using graphing calculators in learning mathematics will allow students to explore
and model mathematical problems and create multiple representations of mathematical problems.
Technology that supports multiple representations can increase students’ use of visualization in
problem solving and enhance understanding (Center for Technology in Learning, 2007).
As stated by Cavao (n.d), the study aimed at checking the effects of using Casio FX991ES
Plus on the achievement and anxiety level of selected college students in a chartered local
There were two groups of respondents in this experiment namely: control group who utilized
traditional lecture method while the experimental group used the Casio FX991ES Plus Calculator.
Both groups were exposed to the same lessons in Fundamentals of Statistics particularly topics in
Inferential Statistics. Diagnostic test was administered to both groups to establish equal footing in
terms of their abilities. This first researcher handled both the experimental and control groups.
22| Student’s Viewpoint on the use of Graphical Softwares in Mathematics
Results revealed that the experimental group performs significantly better as regards to the mean
score in the achievement test. It can be concluded that their performance is greatly influenced by
the use of calculator. In terms of anxiety level, both groups revealed significant difference in the
pre and posttests. Although both are significant, it is noteworthy that there is a marked
The use of mobile technology in teaching and learning, according to Marez (2015),
which the immediate consequences for educational practice can be observed. Following this
evolution, several authors have mentioned the need to shift from the traditional classroom setting,
where the student is seen as a passive consumer of educational knowledge, to a classroom in which
learners are considered active participants and where collaboration and sharing information in a
resource-rich environment is given precedence. To advance this shift and the necessary educational
reform, hardware and software developers promote new technological tools, and more specifically
tablet devices, as magic devices. These tablets are more narrowly defined by the New Media
Consortium in 2012 as iPads, Windows -or Android devices, i.e. small, wireless, mobile personal
computers which have finger-driven touch screens and are backed-up by diverse applications in a
As reported by Gorra (2016), the Philippines is a developing country in Asia Pacific region.
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning has
become very common these days. Access to information increases the awareness of students, help
them in increasing thinking and creativity in learning tasks, provide quick access to subject
material and engage them in adopting strategies which can help in maximizing the quality of
learning. The process of learning can become very rich if students have access to latest information
graphical displays and experiment with the information to effectively communicate their results
and conclusions using the technical tools. On the other hand, technology can also be used to distract
students in the class room from their learning activity. Technical tools like laptops and mobile
phones can distract students from their learning activity and cause disruption to class room activity,
This chapter presents the research methods used in this study on the use of graphic
software in mathematics. The discussion of the research design, sampling method and population,
data collection, data analysis of qualitative data, ethical considerations and limitations of the study.
This will serve as a representation of how the researchers dealt with the floating of instruments
to determine the use of graphic software in mathematics, the student’s viewpoint. This is done
through the process of interviews with the respondents. The researchers used this type of research
because they need to carefully observe and analyze the behavior of the respondents when dealing
with graphing softwares. It allows a useful insight into a phenomenon, where the researchers have
no control over the experiments. The specific type of research used in the study is Grounded
Theory. According to Noble (2016), Grounded theory is a research method concerned with the
generation of theory, which is ‘grounded’ in data that has been systematically collected and
analyzed. It is used to uncover such things as social relationships and behaviors of groups, known
as social processes. This design is supported with respondents who use graphing softwares when
it comes to dealing with lessons in mathematics. The interviews to be conducted are for the purpose
of determining the viewpoint of students towards the use of graphical softwares in Mathematics
The respondents of this research study are from the Senior High School department
of St. Paul College of Makati A.Y 2018 – 2019. The research focuses on the Grade 12 students as
the respondents of this study. There are 2 sections that includes the STEM strand in grade 12. The
method used is non – probability purposive sampling. This technique is reliant to the researchers,
for them to select elements for a sample. The researchers will select respondents from the sample
Upon the approval of the school administration to conduct the study, the researchers
will meet their respondents in the study. The researchers had a session with the grade 12 STEM
students and orienting them with the use of graphical softwares. After orienting and interacting
with the respondents, the researchers will now gather data from the respondents and start
interviewing. The research questions used in the study is focused on the perspective of the students
The interviews were voice recorded with permission of the participants and the tapes
were transcribed from better understanding. Notes were taken down by the researchers during the
Throughout the duration of the study, the researchers were to employ the ethics
wherein the respondents where given consent forms, stating the he/she was randomly chosen and
that the researchers would not proceed with the interview without having the consent letter signed
by him/her. The researchers explained beforehand that wishing to withdraw from the study was
allowed to do so. The response of the respondents were ensures to contain honesty abs biases
would be avoided. Personal information such as names were optional and confidential answers
were to be used for research purpose only and that the data were to be kept safe.
The data gathered from the randomly chosen participants were acceptable enough to carry
on with this study. The first limitation of the study is that it was only limited to a few respondents,
due to the sample sample used. Second limitation would be that the researchers only focused on
respondents from St. Paul College of Makati, there are only limited STEM students present in the
institution. The last limitation could possibly be the dishonest or biased answers given by the
This chapter aims to find out the benefits that students gain in using graphical
softwares and how it affects the students learning in mathematics. The researchers have gathered
the necessary data for the completion of the research study through the form of interviews. This is
data will be shown. The data collected by the researchers and its interpretation are made for further
understanding. The researchers have used descriptive method from this research to determine the
use of graphical software in mathematics and the students’ viewpoint. This includes the different
figures of the respondents’ profile. It presents all the gathered data from the respondents of the
study. The data collected were recorded, transcribed and carefully understood by the researchers.
Table 1
N = 50
15 0 0%
16 0 0%
17 24 52%
18 24 48%
52% 48%
In table 1 and figure 1, it shows the age of the participants that the researchers had
an interview on which connects with the desired respondents of the study. There are 24 participants
whose age is 17 years old which is 48% of the population. While there are 26 participants whose
age is 18 years old which makes up 52%. With this data, the highest percentage of respondents is
Table 2
N = 50
Male 20 40%
Female 30 60%
Male Female
In table 2 and figure 2, it shows the sex of the respondents. The respondents are
divided into Male and Females. In the chart, it shows that most of the participants are Female, the
number of females are 30 which is 60% of the total respondents. While the Male participants are
20 which is 40% of the population. Female respondents are higher compared to male respondents.
The researchers interviewed interactively with the respondents so that there is are relevant data to
include in the research study. This data is also aligned with the statement of the problem #1 wherein
Table 4
The different kinds of Desmos app is an advance The STEM students stated
graphical softwares that graphing calculator that that they mostly use Demos
basic calculus.
Table 4 exhibits the different graphical softwares that the STEM students use in their
mathematics class. The results showed that most of the respondents have experience the use of
Desmos app and Photomath in dealing with equations or problems in math. The most known
Statement of the Problem 3: What are the benefits students gain in using graphing softwares in
Question 2: Do you think using graphical softwares makes it easier and faster to
Table 5
The effectiveness of using Yes, because it shows the Almost all of the STEM
graphical softwares in Math answers right away but at the students answered yes,
math. The participants who agreed and those who did not agree are almost balanced but mostly
the participants have answered yes. This is because of the feature of the graphical software that
shows the accurate graph of the problem, the respondents can easily identify and see the correct
educators to craft powerful collaborative learning experiences that support problem solving and
technology, students and teachers can construct their learning together in authentic ways that
The educational technology market is flooded with new apps, tech tools, and gadgets, and
in some instances, teachers are commended for increased technology use whether it supports
healthy math learning or not. Technology can have a truly positive impact on student learning, but
it should not replace teaching or ignore research-based best practices for math instruction.
instruction in maths and STEM classrooms. We can enhance the learning process and make
concepts come alive through engaging and interactive media. We may also offer additional
supports to address the needs of all learners and create customized learning experiences. Here are
some important ways that students can benefit when we incorporate technology with our maths
Question 3: Do you think graphic softwares are necessary in education during these
Table 6
The use of graphical Yes, because in the 21st All the STEM students have
in these times.
Table 6 exhibits the use of graphical softwares in education in today’s time. The
respondents agree that graphical softwares should be used in education today. They have argued
that we use technology most of the time and it has helped people in many ways. When combining
education and technology it helps students more for it shows an organized and accurate visual aid.
According to Kumar (2016), Using technology in the classroom enable teachers and
students to find the new conclusion of daily life problems. Technology helps in education to create
a better educational syllabus, learning material and future products and services. It is important to
integrate technology into classrooms. Technology is very important in education to create new and
innovative practical syllabus, improve the security of students, student data management and
analysis and performance reporting and teachers training programs. Technology is encouraging
students to become creative and innovative. Creativity and innovation will make students
successful in their career and life. Classroom Technologies help students & teachers in the process
Table 7
How user-friendly the Yes, the softwares are easy to The respondents all stated
softwares are use and makes all the work that it is user-friendly because
Table 7 exhibits how the software is user-friendly. All of the participants have answered
yes, because they said that the software is easy to use and understand. They have stated that it is
user-friendly because it does not harm your device and it is easy to use compared to other
Table 8
Table 8 exhibits on how the respondents manipulate the graphical software, if it is easy to
use or not. All of the respondents have said that it is easy to understand because of its simple
design. Most of the softwares they have used are very easy to understand compared to others.
Question 6: Do you think graphing softwares will help you in your mathematical
Table 9
General opinion whether Graphical softwares helps out Most of the participants
graphical softwares will help a person by giving them stated graphical softwares
Table 9 shows how graphical softwares can be utilized by a person. Graphical softwares
will provide the steps and solution of a math problem. It can be very helpful which makes solving
math problems easier. The problem is that if people relies on it all the time, it can make them lazy
Table 10
Graphical softwares that can Graphical softwares provides The participants stated that
help an individual in their steps, solutions, visual they benefit from it, altough
Table 10 shows that participants agree towards graphical softwares are beneficial because
it provides them what they need such as steps and solution. Some participants do not agree because
According to Tucker (2018), the use of visual graphs are often used as part of their math
curriculum. He said that it helps students organize and analyze information well making it easier
to interpret data. By having visual graphs learners respond well to graphs and they understand the
information better without other context. One advantage that he has stated that it provides a simple
yet visual way for students to interpret data and to conclusion about mathematics and they are able
to understand lessons easily. But one disadvantage is that students may rely solely on technology-
generated math graphs. They will be lazy and just rely on the software to give the answer.
This is in relation with the answers of the respondents because not many students can learn
with the use of technology. It is easy and it gives the answer right away which is helpful. But in
the other hand, students need a teacher to explain and guide them when using the softwares in
class. It might give a positive effect to others but some may have a negative effect.
Statement of the Problem #4: What are the programs or recommendations the researchers can
Table 11
Recommendations of the use There are none, but graphical Though there are not a lot of
more often and it should have they have stated that when
came about.
Table 11 exhibits the recommendation when it comes to using the softwares in class. Not
many respondents have shared their thoughts or suggestions when using the software in class. But
few have stated that they need more explanations and guides when using it in math classes.
According to Tucker (2018) Some students jumps to wrong conclusions when dealing with
answers given to them by graphical softwares. Students may rely on the software which might not
help students fully develop their own graphing skills, potentially leading them to have hard times
Graphical softwares have helped us in understanding lessons more but some students are
not fully developed when using the softwares. So it is important that there is a teacher or
professional to guide them because if not this might lead to a negative effect in using graphical
softwares in classrooms.
In this chapter it presents data to find out about the effectiveness of graphical software to
the student. By conducting an interview, the researchers were able to find the viewpoint of students
towards graphical softwares whether it is effective or not. According to the results, most
participants agree it is effective because it helps them in their mathematics class. By the use of
graphical softwares in math, the use of technology in education is more effective and helps them
understand certain problems or figures when using graphical softwares. This serves as a good
visual aid for teachers when teaching. The results of the interview has shown the researchers that
the use of graphical softwares can greatly benefit both student and teacher. By this graphical
softwares has been proven effective in learning for it shows accurate representations without the
use of internet connection and it is said to be effective when solving certain functions or problems
in Mathematics. Graphical softwares provides them relevant information in their math problems.
The other participants do not agree because their opinion states that it can make them lazy and rely
on the graphical software when it comes to solving problems. The data has shown different
This chapter would present the summary of the research study, the conclusions that the
researchers have drawn from the data gathered, and recommendations made by the researchers as
an outcome of this study. The researchers were able to draw these findings through the data
analysis and interpretation from the data analysis and interpretation in the chapter 4 of the study.
This study focuses on the viewpoint of the senior high school students of St. Paul College
of Makati with the use of Graphical Softwares in Mathematics. This study also aims to raise these
concerns regarding the proper use of technology in classrooms in order to suggest ways for
The researchers have drawn conclusions and recommendations based from the data
gathered. All of the information and data are all based on the answers of the senior high school
students that are backed up with related literatures and studies. The research study is a qualitative
type of research, specifically descriptive research that is done through the process of interviews
with the respondents. The specific type of qualitative research used in the study is Grounded
Theory. This is to produce a new theory based on the data gathered in the process of the research
In this research study, the respondent were the Grade 12 students of the Senior Highschool
department of St. Paul College of Makati A.Y 2018 – 2019. The research focuses on the Grade 12
students as the respondents of this study. There are 2 sections that includes the STEM strand in
grade 12. The method used is non – probability purposive sampling. This technique is reliant to
the researchers, for them to select elements for a sample. The researchers will select respondents
from the sample that have certain knowledge about graphical softwares.
a) Age
- There were 24 respondents who are 17 years old and 26 respondents who are 18 years old.
b) Sex
3) What are the benefits students gain in using graphing softwares in mathematics?
- Many students learn faster with the use of graphical softwares, they have stated that it helps
4) What are the programs or recommendations the researchers can implement to improve the use
- The researchers recommend to have a seminar talk about the how to properly use graphical
softwares in Mathematics for the Senior Highschool students, so that students may learn
The respondents have shown positive opinions or viewpoints on the use of graphical
softwares. It has helped them to better cope up with certain lessons and has helped them to enhance
their learning capabilities with the use of technology. Graphical softwares has served as a tool for
them to learn faster and understand lessons in Mathematics more clearly. On the other there is a
disadvantage, some see it as a way for them to be lazy. There are cases that some students don’t
bother to understand or analyze the graph given by the graphical softwares because the softwares
shows the answer right away. They have stated that it makes them lazy and just depend on the
The students were well aware of how helpful the software is when dealing with difficult
topics in Mathematics, but some did not view it the same way. They only saw it as a way for them
to be lazy. Overall, majority of the respondents see that graphical softwares are beneficial in
learning Mathematics but a handful of people disagree to it because it could lead them into being
From the analysis of data gathered from the respondents and findings based on the
1. Most students agree that the use of graphical softwares can help them in their studies.
2. Most of the reason as to why graphical are effective in learning math because it shows
3. Students find it helpful because it takes away the difficulty in solving problems.
5. Some think that learning with the use of graphical softwares can have a negative effect on
6. Students perception on learning with graphical softwares depend on their preferred way of
7. Most of the respodents agree that graphical softwaress are beneficial in learning.
1. The researchers recommend that the when using of graphical softwares, the teacher will
clearly teach the students with a step by step process, for it is said to be effective.
2. The researchers recommend that teachers will use desmos app because students are
3. Student will be oriented with the graphical softwares and its features.
4. Students should practice on their own and not depend on the software itself.
5. Students should be given time to explore and analyze the software on their own.
45| Student’s Viewpoint on the use of Graphical Softwares in Mathematics
6. The current researchers of this study recommend that the future researchers should be
7. The current researchers of this study recommend that the future researchers would be
making a more applicable article and related studies in the chapter 2, as it supports the
8. The researchers recommend that the authority would have seminars that can help
Retrieved from
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