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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science

2017; 4(5): 40-46
ISSN: 2375-2998

Design and Implementation of an

Automatic Power Supply from Four
Different Source Using
Abdurrahman Shuaibu Hassan, Ibrahim Adabara, Amanyire Ronald,
Kaumba Muteba
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical and Telecommunication
Engineering, Kampala International University-Uganda, Kasanga, Uganda

Email address (A. S. Hassan), (I. Adabara),
Keywords (A. Ronald), (K. Muteba)
8051 Microcontroller,
Relay Driver, Citation
LCD, Abdurrahman Shuaibu Hassan, Ibrahim Adabara, Amanyire Ronald, Kaumba Muteba. Design and
Thermal, Implementation of an Automatic Power Supply from Four Different Source Using Microcontroller.
Wind, International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science. Vol. 4, No. 5, 2017, pp. 40-46.
This project is designed to automatically supply continuous power to a load through one
of the four sources of supply that are: solar, mains, thermal, and wind when any one of
them is unavailable. The four switches represent the four causes. The switches are
Received: October 26, 2017
connected to an 8051 microcontroller of which they provide input signals. Whenever a
Accepted: November 23, 2017
switch is pressed, it shows the absence of that particular reference. A relay driver is used
Published: January 11, 2018
that receives microcontroller generated output and switches that specific relay to provide
continuous power supply. A lamp or bulb is used as a load for demonstration purpose
which draws power from main. When the primary fails to supply power, automatically
next available source is used like thermal. If thermal fails then the next one is used and
so on. An LCD is used to show which power supply is on.

1. Introduction
For a very long time, power outages, power interrupts and also unexpected routine
power line maintenance is one of the major problems faced in industries, hospitals,
offices, and homes whole over the world. For that case, this project provides an
automatic operation of electrical power distribution systems; the rapid and reliable
transfer of the system from one power source to another during specific events such as
power outages, power interrupts, routine power line maintenance, to achieve the
reliability of such systems [1-2].
Electrical power supply is one of the primary essential needs of human life today, that
is to say, without electrical power supply, most human works become stand still,
postponed and even cancelled since most human actions are dependent on the electrical
power supply.
Furthermore, the need for power supply through access to electricity by the masses of
the population of any country, both developed and developing countries is very important
to the development of the economy of that particular country. In other words, the power
sector plays an essential role in the socio-economic development of any country [3].
Therefore, this project provides a practical solution to provide an alternative power
supply or uninterrupted power supply in automated mode to the load during frequent
power cuts or in cases where power cuts or power outages cannot be avoided.
41 Abdurrahman Shuaibu Hassan et al.: Design and Implementation of an Automatic Power Supply from Four
Different Source Using Microcontroller

2. Materials and Methods

Block Diagram of the System

Figure 1. Shows Block Diagram of the power supply system.

Components Description Thus, if the transformer delivers 12V at 220V input, it will
The design and implementation of each of the fundamental
circuit units and how the program was implemented to, At 160V; (160/ 220/12
control the plan and perform the required functionality. 160 12 /220 8.72
The steps involved in designing this project involve:
a. Transformer A 270V; 270 12 /220 14.72
b. Bridge Rectifier
c. Filter capacitor Therefore, a step down between 8V to 15V was sufficient
d. Voltage Regulator LM7805A since current limitation was handled by the regulator.
e. Resistor 2.2. Bridge Rectifier
f. Relay Driver
g. LCD Next stage was the AC/DC conversion process that
h. 8051 Microcontroller involved inverting the negative cycles of the AC input. The
process required the use of a full wave rectifier diode bridge
2.1. Transfomer and required specific bridge rectifier that would be able to
This system uses a step down transformer which converts handle a peak voltage of 20V and 2A. The 2W04G rectifier
230V AC to 12V AC with less power loss depending on the was used for simulation process.
ratio. At 220V; 12
The input ac varies in the event of input ac at 230V AC
section varies from 160V to 270V in the ratio of the 0.9 0.9 12 10.8
transformer primary voltage to Secondary Voltage,
The bridge rectifier delivers pulsating DC
governed by formula;
/ /
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science 2017; 4(5): 40-46 42

" # √% & / ^2 – 1) 0 1/ 2 50 0.66 12 5 100062

√% 12/10.8 ^2 * 1)^0.5 0.66
Therefore, an electrolytic capacitor of about
47062 100062 to filter the output DC from the bridge
,## - . /. & 100% rectifier.
10.8/12 100% 90%
2.4. Voltage Regulator LM7805
2.3. Filter Capacitor
Since the filtered DC being unregulated, IC LM7805 was
The capacitance value was needed to minimize the voltage used in simulation process to get 5V DC at its pin number 3
ripple. The output of the transformer was 12V AC at 50Hz. irrespective of input DC varying for 8V to 15V, and the
The required minimum capacitor value can be calculated regulated output from the LM7805 remains at a 5V constant.
from the formula; The regulated 5V DC is further filtered by a small
electrolytic capacitor of 10µF for any noise generated by the
0 1 / 2 # "2
1 1& 3 14 , since it is the maximum output STANDARD CONNECTIONS TO THE AT89S51
current of the LM7805 regulator

Figure 2. Shows circuit diagram of AT89S51.

3. Working Principle 3.1. Logic Design

This project uses an arrangement where four different sources The project basically supplies continuous power to a load
of supply are channelized to a load to have an uninterrupted in automated mode through one of the four sources of supply
operation of the load. As it is not practicable to get four sources that are: solar, mains, thermal, and wind when any one of
of supply such as mains supply, wind supply, thermal supply and them is unavailable.
solar supply, we use relays only. The project has taken one Four switches are used for four respective sources. These are
source of 230v mains supply and assumed as if being fed from 4 connected to a microcontroller of 8051 families that provides
different sources by connecting all the four incoming sources in input signals to it. Whenever a switch is pressed, it shows the
parallel as seen in the schematic circuit diagram. The ac source absence of that particular source. A relay driver receives
to the lamp is connected to relay 1 to relay 2 to relay 3 and relay microcontroller generated an output signal and switches that
four by making the entire ‘NO’ (normally open) contacts parallel particular relay to provide continuous power supply. A lamp was
and all the common contacts in parallel. Four push button used as a load for demonstration purpose which draws power
switches representing a failure of corresponding supply such as from main. When mains fails to supply power, automatically
mains, wind, thermal, solar are respectively connected to port next available source is used say thermal. If thermal fails then
3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. the next one is used and so on. An LCD is also used to display
43 Abdurrahman Shuaibu Hassan et al.: Design and Implementation of an Automatic Power Supply from Four
Different Source Using Microcontroller

which source is being currently used for power supply. Schematic Circuit Diagram

Figure 3. Shows Complete Schematic Diagram of the power supply system of four different sources.

3.2. Flow Chart of the System

Figure 4. Shows the Flow chart Diagram of the System.

International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science 2017; 4(5): 40-46 44

4. Results and Discussions electrical open paths in the circuitry after completing
soldering and configuration. A multimeter was used to
4.1. Construction perform a continuity test on the electric circuit by measuring
The construction of the project is done based on the electric current flow.
components layout, components assembly on Vero board and Procedures
soldering process followed on making up the circuit to make a. A multimeter is kept in buzzer mode.
sure that all components are permantely mounted b. Then it is connected to the ground terminal of the
multimeter then to the ground
4.2. Testing c. Finally, both terminals are connected to the path that
needs to be checked, and there is continuity in the way,
Continuity test was carried out to check if there was the multimeter would produce a beep sound.
current flow in the project circuitry and was aimed at finding

4.3. Results and Discussion

Table 1. Showing results of power supply circuit of the microcontroller.

Output of the bridge rectifier Input into the voltage regulator Output of voltage regulator Input into the microcontroller (Vcc)
11.9VDC 10.4VDC 5.0VDC 5.0VDC

Table 2. Showing result of power supply circuit to the microcontroller.

Power source Input of the power source (VAC) Switch status LCD Display Load status
Solar 230V ON SOLAR Bulb lights
Solar 230V OFF NO POWER No light
Mains 230V ON MAINS Bulb lights
Mains 230V OFF NO POWER No light
Wind 230V ON WIND Bulb lights
Wind 230V OFF NO POWER No light
Thermal 230V ON THERMAL Bulb lights
Thermal 230V OFF NO POWER No lights

the four sources is given to the microcontroller.

4.4. Power on Test

Power on test was performed to check whether the

voltage at different terminals is according to the
requirements or not. A multimeter was switched to voltage
mode, note that, this test was performed without the
microcontroller to avoid damage to the microcontroller due
to any excessive voltages.
The output of the transformer was checked and measured
and the required 12V AC voltage was obtained, which was
then applied to the power supply circuit and the terminal
voltages of 12.00V, 0.00V, 4.308V and 7.692V DC voltage
at positive, negative terminals, AC1 and AC2 of the bridge
rectifier were measured respectively. This voltage was then
applied to the 470uF capacitor, and the voltage at the anode
terminal and cathode of the capacitor was 12.00V and
0.00V respectively. Then this voltage was applied to the
voltage regulator LM7805, i.e, an input of 12VDC and
output of 5VDC were obtained according to the

5. Results Figure 5. Showing snapshot of the project system.

This project prototype was implemented, tested and

integrated before testing the entire system. The input from
45 Abdurrahman Shuaibu Hassan et al.: Design and Implementation of an Automatic Power Supply from Four
Different Source Using Microcontroller

Figure 6. Showing snap shoot of solar mains.

Figure 9. Showing snap shoot of wind mains.

Then the output of the microcontroller is given to the relay

which maintains continuous power supply to the load. Finally,
the current status of the available source is displayed on the

6. Conclusions
FOUR DIFFERENT SOURCES (Solar, Mains, Wind, and
handle power supply from mains, solar, wind and thermal
most effectively.
The outline of the project is the selection of supply from
mains, solar, wind and thermal automatically using
Figure 7. Showing snap shoot of mains supply. microcontroller concept.
The significance of this project lies in the various and wide
places of applications such as; schools, hospitals, and most
especially manufacturing industries and mining industries
where a continuous supply of power is vital.

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