Instructional Material Rubric

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Purok Waling – Waling, Arellano Street, Zone II, Koronadal City

Document Type: Document No:
Rubric and Guidelines for Final Exam Issue No: 1 Revision No: 0
Document Title: Effective Date:
Major Page 1 of 2

Scoring Rubric for Language Learning Material

Above Average
Exemplary Adequate Inadequate
Criteria (Exceeds standard, 4
(Far exceeds, 5 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Below standard, 2 points)
The size of the material is big The size of the material is The size of the material is big The size of the material is not
enough to be seen by the big to be seen by the to be seen by the farthest big enough to be seen by the
farthest students in the farthest students in the students in the classroom. The farthest students in the
APPEARANCE classroom. The material is classroom. The material is material is not colorful, not classroom. The material is not
colorful, beautiful and attractive. colorful, beautiful and beautiful and not attractive. colorful, not beautiful and not
The material is made just for attractive. The material is The material is made for at attractive. The material is made
many sessions good for five sessions. least two sessions. for one session.
The material is very easy to The material is easy to carry The material needs to be The material requires at least
carry by one person to bring to by at least two persons to carried by at least three five persons to carry and bring
other area. It requires less bring to the other area. It persons to bring to the other to the desired area. It needs
effort from a person who is requires moderate effort area or classrooms. It requires enough space from the area
handling. Hence, it is very from the two persons who their enough strength where it is to be put.
functional and helpful. are carrying. It is functional.
The material that being used is The material is related to The material is quiet related t The material is not that so
extremely suited to the class the topic and most of the related to the topic and some of related to the topic being
discussion. It successfully aids students were able to learn the students were able to learn discussed and only few of the
RELIABILITY the difficulty of all the students easily from the topic that is easily from the topic that is students were able to learn the
and it helps them learn more being discussed being discussed. lesson easily.
easily about the topic being
The instructional material that is Most of the students in the Some of the students were Only few of the students were
being provided by the teacher classroom were being being provided by the teacher being provided and there is a
to his students is very sufficient provided by the teacher with with the material. Thus, they need for sharing and utilizing
that could cater the needs of all the material. need to share. immediately.
the students in the classroom
Purok Waling – Waling, Arellano Street, Zone II, Koronadal City
Document Type: Document No:
Rubric and Guidelines for Final Exam Issue No: 1 Revision No: 0
Document Title: Effective Date:
Major Page 2 of 2

Scoring Rubric for Language Learning Materials Defense

Inadequate Adequate Above Average Exemplary

(Below standard, 2 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Exceeds standard, 4 points) (Far exceeds, 5 points)
DEPTH OF ● Demonstrates incomplete, ● Demonstrates general or ● Demonstrates thoughtful and ● Demonstrates complex and/or
UNDERSTANDING inaccurate, and/or insufficient surface-level understanding of detailed understanding of original thinking about
How specifically and understanding of [school/district outcomes] [school/district outcomes] [school/district outcomes]
completely have I [school/district outcomes] ● Evidence is cited to support ● Evidence is consistently ● Evidence is carefully chosen and
reflected on ● Evidence is minimally claims, though inconsistently or and accurately cited to skillfully cited to make
[school/district drawn upon or insufficiently. support claims. convincing claims.
outcomes]? inaccurately cited.
● Output and presentation ● Output and presentation reflect ● Output and presentation ● Output and presentation reflect
reflect minimal effort and inconsistent effort and attention reflect consistent effort and impressive effort and proud
attention to detail (e.g. to detail (e.g. grammar/spelling, attention to detail (e.g. attention to detail (e.g.
PREPARATION grammar/spelling, graphic graphic design, formatting, grammar/spelling, graphic grammar/spelling, graphic
How well does my design, formatting, prepared prepared notes, etc.) design, formatting, prepared design, formatting, prepared
output and notes, etc.) ● Presentation has structure, notes, etc.) notes, etc.)
presentation reflect ● A lack of organization but room for greater ● All components are logically ● Components demonstrate
effort and attention to makes it difficult to follow organizational clarity (e.g. organized, with good use of rhetorical craft (e.g. an engaging
quality? ideas in the portfolio transitions, sequencing). transitions and attention to introduction, a creatively
and/or the presentation. audience/reader expectations sequenced body, effective
(e.g. intro, body, conclusion). transitions, and/or an insightful
● Makes minimal use of ● Makes partial use of ● Demonstrates a practiced ● Engages audience through
presentation skills, presentation skills, including and competent use of command of presentation skills,
ORAL including body posture, body posture, language, eye presentation skills, including including body posture, language,
language, eye contact, contact, voice and timing. body posture, language, eye eye contact, voice and timing that
voice and timing. ● Uses language that is at contact, voice and timing. keep the audience engaged.
● Uses language that is times unsuited to the ● Uses appropriate language ● Uses sophisticated and varied
How effectively am I
unsuited to the occasion occasion and audience. that is suited to the occasion language that is suited to the
speaking to my
and audience. ● Responses to questions are and audience. occasion and audience.
audience during my
● Responses to questions limited and demonstrate a ● Responds confidently to ● Responses to questions are
presentation? partial command the topic. questions and thoughtful, demonstrating an
are vague and
demonstrate a minimal demonstrates a command of in-depth understanding of the
command of the topic. the topic. topic.

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