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B. TECH. (Information Technology)

V & VI Semester

Department of Information Technology
Department of Information Technology Scheme forB. Tech. Information Technology)

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Practical
Course Theory Practical
Code Name of the Course Hrs /week TutorialHrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
SHU304 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 -- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ETU311 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU301 Programming Methodology 3 1 --- 4 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 4
ITU301 Communication Engineering 3 1 --- 4 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 4
Discrete Mathematics and Graph
CSU303 Theory 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
SHU305 General Proficiency II 1 --- 2 3 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 2
ETU312 Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 50 --- 50 1
CSU304 Programming Methodology Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU302 Communication Engineering Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
CSU306 System Administration-I Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
Total 16 2 10 28 --- 75 75 300 150 100 750 23

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Practical
Course Theory Practical
Code Name of the Course Hrs /week TutorialHrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
Numerical Method and Computer
CSU401 Programming 3 -- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU402 Data Structure 3 1 --- 4 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 4
CSU403 Object Oriented Technology 3 1 --- 4 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 4
ITU401 Digital Integrated Circuits 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU 402 Data Communication 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU404 Data Structure Lab 1 --- 2 3 50 - 50 2
ITU403 Data Communication Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
CSU405 Object Oriented Technology Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU404 Digital Integrated Circuits Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
CSU406 System Administration-II Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
Total 16 2 10 28 50 75 75 300 150 100 750 23

TA :Teacher Assessment CT: Class Tests ESE: End Semester Examination ICA :Internal Continuous Assessment
Department of Information Technology
Proposed Scheme for B. Tech. (Information
Technology) SEM V
Teaching Scheme EvaluationScheme
Theory Practical
Course Theory Hrs Tutorial Practical
Code Name of the Course /week Hrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
ITU501 System Analysis and Design 3 --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU502 Database Management System 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU501 System Programming 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU502 Theory of Computation 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU503 Principles of Management 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU503 System Analysis and Design Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU504 Database Management System Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 --- 25 1
CSU504 System Programming Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
CSU505 Hardware Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU505 System Administration-III Lab 1 --- 2 3 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 2
ITU506 Self Study I --- --- ---- --- 25 --- --- --- --- --- 25 2
Total 16 10 26 75 75 75 300 125 100 750 23
Note1:Self study I is based on one class test each on the basis of 20%curriculum ofthecoursesITU501,ITU502,CSU501,CSU502 declared by respective course coordinator at the beginning of semester.
One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study I and his/her teaching work load shall be considered as one hour per week.

Teaching Scheme EvaluationScheme

Theory Practical
Course Theory Hrs Tutorial Practical
Code Name of the Course /week Hrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
ITU601 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 -- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU609 Computer Organization 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU602 Operating System Design 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
CSU603 Computer Network 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU603 E-Commerce 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU604 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU605 WebTechnology Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 --- 25 1
CSU606 Operating System Design Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
CSU607 Computer Network Lab --- --- 2 2 25 25 50 1
ITU606 Minor Project ---- ---- 2 2 --- ---- --- ---- 25 25 50 2
ITU607 Self Study II --- --- ---- --- 25 --- --- --- --- --- 25 2
ITU608 Industrial Lecture I* 1 --- ---- 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Total 16 10 26 75 75 75 300 125 100 750 23

Note2:SelfstudyIIis based on one class test each on the basis of20% curriculum of the courses ITU601,ITU602,CSU602,CSU603declared by respective course coordinator at the beginning of semester.
One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study II and his/her teaching workload shall be considered as one hour per week.
TA :Teacher Assessment CT: ClassTests ESE: End Semester Examination ICA :Internal Continuous Assessment
Department of Information Technology.
B. Tech. (Information Technology)
Teaching Scheme EvaluationScheme
Theory Practical
Course Theory Tutorial Practical
Code Name of the Course Hrs /week Hrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
ITU701 Compiler Construction 3 --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU702 Microprocessor and Interfacing 3 --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU703 Elective -I 3 --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU704 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU705 Compiler Construction Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU706 Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU707 Elective-I Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU708 Project Phase -I --- --- 4 4 --- --- --- --- 50 -- 50 2
ITU709 Seminar --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 50 --- 50 2
ITU710 Industrial Training/Visit --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 --- 50 1
ITU711 Industrial Lecture- II* 1 --- 1 --- --- --- --- 25 --- 25 1
ITU712 Self StudyIII --- --- --- ---- 25 --- --- --- --- --- 25 2
Total 13 --- 12 25 65 60 60 240 225 100 750 23

*Note4: Credit shall be awarded on the as is of combined assessment of Industrial Lecture I & Industrial Lecture II

Note5:Selfstudy III is based on one class test each on the basis of 20% curriculum of the courses ITU701,ITU702,ITU703 declared by respective course coordinator at the beginning of
semester .One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study III and his/her teaching work load shall be considered as one hour per week.
Teaching Scheme EvaluationScheme
Theory Practical
Course Theory Tutorial Practical
Code Name of the Course Hrs /week Hrs/week Hrs/week Total TA CT1 CT2 ESE ICA ESE Total Credits
ITU801 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3 3 10 15 15 60 100 3
ITU802 Network Administration &Security
3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU803 Elective-II** 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU804 Elective-III*** 3 --- --- 3 10 15 15 60 --- --- 100 3
ITU805 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU806 Network Administration & Security Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU807 Elective-II**Lab --- --- 2 2 --- --- --- --- 25 25 50 1
ITU808 Project Phase-II --- --- 6 6 --- --- --- --- 75 100 175 6
ITU809 Self StudyIV --- --- --- --- 25 --- --- --- --- ---- 25 2
Total 12 12 24 65 60 60 240 150 175 750 23
Note6:Selfstudy IVis based on one class test each on the basis of 20%curriculum of the courses ITU801,ITU802,ITU803,ITU804declaredbyrespective course coordinator
At the beginning of semester. One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study IV and his/her teaching work load shall be considered as one hour
Per week.

Note7: Students of this department shall select any one Interdisciplinary Elective offered by other department. Interdisciplinary Elective shown below will be offered to students
of other department.

TA :Teacher Assessment CT: Class Tests ESE: End Semester Examination ICA :Internal Continuous Assessment

Interdisciplinary Elective
Elective I ITU703 ITU704 Elective IIITU803 Elective III ITU804
A Computer Oriented Operation A Artificial NeuralNetwork
A Artificial Intelligence
A Distributed computing Research
B Optical Satellite and B Advanced WebTechnology
B Natural Language Processing
Communication B Nanotechnology
C Digital SignalProcessing C Software Engineering C Software Planning and C Functional and Logic Programming
Management-Object Oriented Approach

D Embedded System D Introduction to Systems D Computer Graphics

Engineering D Parallel Computing

E Bio-Informatics E Digital Image Processing E High Performance Network

F Multimedia
Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Introduction : System Analysis & Design concepts, Role of system analyst, Review of SDLC,
Organization as systems, Levels of management culture, Project fundamentals, Feasibility study,
Activity planning & control, Managing analysis & design activities, Sampling and investigating
hard data, Interviewing, Planning & conducting interview & reporting, Joint application design,
using questionnaires, Planning, designing and administering the questionnaire.
Conservation of a decision-makers behaviour and office environment Prototyping: User
Reactions, Approaches to prototyping & developing prototype, Data flow approach to
requirements, developing DFDs, Logical & Physical DFDs, examples of DFDs, data dictionary
concept, data repository, creating & using data dictionary.
Overview of process specifications: Structured English, decision tables/trees, decision support
system & decision making concepts relevant to DSS, semi structured decisions, Multiple-criteria
System Proposal: Ascertaining hardware/software needs, Identifying & forecasting cost/benefit
& comparing cost/benefit, Writing and presenting the systems proposals, Principles of delivery,
output design objectives, designing printed output, screen output, Input design objectives, form
design, screen design for input.
Introduction to OOSAD : Object-oriented Analysis, object-oriented design.
1. System Analysis and Design, Kenneth E. Kendall & Julie E.Kendal, 5th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2005.
2. System Analysis & Design, Yeates, 2nd edition, Pearson publication, 2004
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of System Analysis & Design J.Fitgerald & A.Fitgerald ,3rd Edition, John
Wiley Publication, 1987.
Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total - 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Introduction: Database System Applications, Database Systems versus File Systems, View of
Data, Data Models, Database Languages, Database Users and Administrators, Transaction
Management, Database System Structure, Application architectures, History of Database
Systems. Entity-Relationship Model, Basic Concepts, Constraints, Keys, Design Issues, Entity-
Relationship Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, Extended E-R Features, Design of an E-R Database
Schema, Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables.
Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, The Relational Algebra, Extended
Relational-Algebra Operations, Modification of the Database, Views, SQL: Basic Structure, Set
Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Sub queries, Views.
Integrity and Security, Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, Assertions, Triggers, Security
and Authorization, Authorization in SQL, Encryption and Authentication, Relational-Database
Design: First Normal Form, Pitfalls in Relational-Database, Design, Functional Dependencies,
Decomposition, BCNF, Third, Fourth and more Normal Forms, Overall Database Design Process.
Storage Structures: B Tree, B+ Trees, Heap organized table, Index Organized tables.
Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Sorting, Join
Operation, Other Operations, Query Optimization, Materialized Views.
Transaction management: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Implementation of
Atomicity and Durability, Concurrent Execution, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation
of Isolation, Transaction Definition in SQL, Testing for Serializability. Concurrency
Control:Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation- Based Protocols,
Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Deadlock Handling, Insert and Delete Operations,
Weak Levels of Consistency, Concurrency in Index Structures, Recovery System, issues &

Text Book:
1. Database System Concept , Korth ,Sudarshan ,4thEdition, McGraw Hill Publication, 1997.
2. Elmasri, Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Database system, Raghu Ramkrishnan, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Publication ,2003.
2. Database System, Connolly &Begg, 3rd Edition, Low Price Ed. Addison Wesley
publication, 2005.
(Prof. D. Janaki Ram, Dr. S. Srinath)(80 % aligned)


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Evaluation of components of programming system: assemblers ,loaders ,macros, compilers.

Evaluation of operating system, functions of batch control language,facilities,machine structure,
machine language, assembly language
Design of assemblers:pass1,pass 2 algorithms,symbol table construction & processing searching
& sorting.Microinstructions, features of macro facility, implementation of single & two pass
algorithms, macro calls within macros.

Linker and Loader:Concept of static and dynamic relocation, external symbol, design of linker,
design of object file for different loading scheme.
Compilers compiler,general model of a compiler, Introduction to. Various phases of compiler.
Type checking: Type system, type expressions, structural and name equivalence of types, type
conversion, overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions.
Run time system: Storage organization, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing
symbol table, dynamic storage allocation.
Feature of HLL:functional modularity, asynchronous operation, multitasking.

Text Books:
1. System programming J.J.Donovan,Tata McGraw Hill,2000
2. Dhamdhere, D.M., Introduction to Systems Software, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 1996.
Reference Books
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools,Alfred V Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D
Ulman,Addison Wesley Publication,1986


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Finite Automata: Alphabet, Language, Operations, Finite state machine, definitions, Finite
automation model, Acceptance of strings and languages. Non deterministic finite automation,
deterministic finite automation, equivalence between NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA into
DFA, minimization of FSM, equivalence between two FSM‟s, Moore and Mealy machines.
Regular expressions: Regular sets, regular expressions, identity rules, Manipulation of regular
expressions, equivalence between RE and FA, Inter conversion, pumping lemma, Closure
properties of regular sets.
Regular grammars: right linear and left linear grammars, equivalence between regular linear
grammar and FA, inter conversion between RE and RG Context free grammar, derivation trees,
Chomsky normal form, Greibach normal form, push down automata, definition, model,
acceptance of CFL, equivalence of CFL and PDA, interconversion, enumeration of properties of
Turing machine: Definition, model, design of TM, computable functions, recursive enumerable
language, Church‟s hypothesis, counter machine, types of TM‟s, Chomsky hierarchy of
languages, linear bounded automata and context sensitive language, introduction of DCFL and
DPDA, LR (O), grammar, decidability of problems.
Undecidability: properties of recursive & non-recursive enumerable languages, universal Turing
machine, post-correspondence problem, introduction to recursive function theory.
Text Books :
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation , John E. Hopcroft,Rajeev
Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman ,3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,2007.
2. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata by Peter Linz,4th Edition, Jones &
Bartlett Publication, 2006 .
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Automata, John C.Martin,2nd Edition, McGraw-
Hill Publication, 2003.
2. Elements of Theory of Computation , Lewis H.P. and Papadimition C.H. ,2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall Publication, 1997.


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Introduction: Definition and concepts of management Importance of management,

Various management functions , Roles of manager , Skill mix at different management
level, Human resources planning , Trade unions & collective bargaining.
Organization planning, design and development: Production resources, Production
planning, types of production system, production systems, production control.
Product design & development : Introduction, design of the product, New product
Development, Material planning and control. Inventory control technique.
Maintenance and system reliability: Concepts and Objectives of maintenance. Failure
analysis, Reliability Maintenance system & Classification. Maintenance planning, TQM,
ISO 9000 and Quality audit.
Marketing management : Introduction, marketing planning . Consumer behavior,
product management, Pricing & promotion decision. Financial planning. Source of
Project Management: Concepts and importance of project, Project implementation,
MIS.MIS meaning and objectives. Types of data, methods of data collection, analysis and
presentation of data. Editing, reporting and presentation of data.
Text Book:
1) Management of Systems by A.K.Gupta, J.K. Sharma, Macmillan India,2002
Reference Book:
1) Modern Business Administration by Apple 6/e ,Macmillan India,
2) Principles of Management by Tripathy& Reddy, 2/e ,Tata McGraw Hill
3) Principles of Practices of Management by Gupta, Sharma , Kalyani


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of ITU501

(System Analysis and Design) and the list given is just a guideline.
Consider an example system to implement all the concepts of SAD and perform following
1. Write an experiment to Create Database & Connect it with Front-end.
2. Write an experiment to Create student information system. Add Following button on form –
1) add 2) delete 3) edit 4) exit.
3. Write an experiment to create student-grading system using the following controls on the
form- 1.combo box 2.list box.
4. Create online registration form for taking admission in different courses.
5. Write an experiment to Create online examination system using check box & option box &
option button.
6. Write an experiment to prepare Mark Sheet using reports.
7. Write an experiment to Create Leaving Certificate.
8. Write an experiment for Hostel Information System.
9. Design the Component diagram for anyone Information System.
10. Design the Class diagram for anyone Information System.
ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA Total Marks: 25

The sample list of programs based on ORACLE or MY SQL is given below. This list can be
used as guideline for problem statements but the scope of the laboratory should not be
limited to the same. Aim of the list is to inform about minimum expected outcomes.
1. Consider the employee database, where the primary keys are underlined & Write the Queries
using following clauses & also retrieve the data from the given database.
Employee (employee-name,street,city)
Works (employee-name,company-name,salary)
Company (company-name,city)
I) Order By II) Between III) Group By IV) Having
2. Consider the above database & perform the different Join Operations which are as follows.
I) Inner Join II) Left Outer Join III) Right Outer Join IV) Full Outer Join
3. Consider the above database & perform the different Set Operations which are as follows.
I) Union II) Intersect III) Except/Minus
4. Consider the above database & perform the all Aggregate Functions.
5.To write a PL/SQL block for inserting rows into EMPDET table with the following
6. Write a PL/SQL program which populates employee database mentioned in practical 1 with N
random rows.
7.Write an assertion for the bank database to ensure that the assets value for the „perryridge‟
branch is equal to the sum of all amountslent by the „perryridge‟ branch.
Customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-city)
Branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets)
Loan (loan-number,branch-name,amount)
Borrower (customer-name,loan-number)
Depositor (customer-name, account-number)
Account (account-number,branch-name,balance)
8. Write an SQL trigger to carry out the following action: On delete of an account, for each
owner of the account, check if the owner has any remaining accounts, and if she does not, delete
her from the depositor relation.
9. Consider the above Bank database & write the SQL queries for the following views:
I) A view containing the account numbers the customer names for all accounts at the deer park
II) A view containing the names and addresses of all customers who have an account with the
bank, but do not have a loan.
10.Write PL/SQL program which counts number of rows of each table using dynamic SQL.
12. Mini Project Using Oracle 9i.
ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of CSU501 and
the list given is just a guideline.
 Write a program to generate Machine Op-Code Table , Symbol Table and Pseudo Op-
Code table during First Pass Assembler.
 Write a program to generate Machine Op- code table using Two pass Assembler.
 Write a program to Generate Macro Name Table , Macro definition Table and Argument
List Array during Pass One of Two Pass Macro.
 Write a program to generate Expanded Source in Pass Two of Two Pass Macro.
 Binary files of various types: structure and processing. Maintaining data structures in
files (e.g. b-tree, Linux directories),Object and executable files (demonstrated through
ELF files). Linking and Loading, Dynamic Loading.
 Issues in program development
 Debugging programs, and the effect of compound bugs (e.g. various types of memory
leaks, compiler bugs). Patching and hacking, Performance analysis, profiling,
 Program based on run time linking.

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and
knowledge or skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using
continuous assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme : 02 P Total 02 Credits : 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed .The sample list of program is given below.
This list can be used as guideline for problem statements but the scope of the laboratory should
not be limited to the same .Aim of the list is to inform about minimum expected outcomes
1. Identifying external ports and interfacing
2. Identifying PC cards and interfacing.
3. Identifying ports on the cards and interfacing
4. Preventive maintenance of a PC
5. Understanding CMOS
6. Partitioning and formatting Harddisks.
7. Installing system and application software
8. Starting The Setup
9. Understanding control panel settings.
10. Working with antivirus software
11. Working with Backups and Archival utilities

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and
knowledge or skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using
continuous assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme: 01L+02 P Total 03 Credits: 02
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50
Duration of ESE : 3Hrs.

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed .The sample list of program is given below.
This list can be used as guideline for problem statements but the scope of the laboratory should
not be limited to the same .Aim of the list is to inform about minimum expected outcomes
 Multiboot system
 IP Addressing
IP Address Configuration for Linux Boxes
Sub netting, bonding, Configure NIC with Multiple IP
Using Different Utility - ping/tcpdump/netstat/nmap
DHCP Server Configuration
 Apache
Basic Configuration/ Virtual Hosting/ Authentication
Content Description and Modification
Indexing /Redirection/ Logging/ Proxying
Security – Using OpenSSL.
Server Side NFS Configuration
Client Side NFS Configuration
Automation of NFS Server and Client.
Logging/Security/Failover High Availability of NFS Servers.
 Squid
Introduction to SQUID/ CLI Options
Network Parameters/ Admin Parameters
Caching/ Access Control List
Authentication/ Logging
Transparent Proxy
Reverse Proxy
DNS Mapping
 Squid Guard
 Dynamic DNSMail – Sendmail
 SquirrelMail
 Testing For PHP and MySQL

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.
Teaching Scheme: 00 L+00T Total-00 Credits: 02
Evaluation Scheme: 25 TA Total Marks: 25

Note1: Self study I is based on one class test each on the basis of 20% curriculum of the courses
ITU501,ITU502,CSU501,CSU502 declared by respective course coordinator at the beginning of
semester. One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study I and
his/her teaching work load shall be considered as one hour per week.


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Algorithms as technology: The role of algorithm in Computing, Introduction to Elementary

algorithmic, problem and instances, Efficiency of algorithms, Average and Worst-case analysis,
Efficiency considerations, Elementary operations, Asymptotic Notations, Conditional
Asymptotic notations.
Analysis of algorithmic: control structure analysis, sequencing,”for” loops, recursive Calls,
while and repeat loops, Average case analysis, amortized analysis, Solving Recurrences, Heaps,
binomial heaps, disjoint set structures.
Greedy algorithms: general characteristics, Graphs, Minimum spanning trees, Kruskal‟s
Algorithm, Prim‟s algorithm, Shortest path algorithms, Knapsack problem, Scheduling. Divide
and Conquer: Introduction, Multiplying integers, general template, and Binary search. Sorting:
Merge sort, Quick sort, Insertion sort, Heap sort, finding median Matrix Multiplication,
Dynamic programming: binomial coefficients and World Series examples. Principle of
Optimality, Knapsack problem, shortest path, chained matrix multiplication.
Exploring Graphs: Traversing trees, DFS for undirected and directed graphs, breadth First
search, backtracking, branch and bound, the minimax problem, introduction to NP
Completeness: polynomial time, polynomial time verification, NP completeness and
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Algorithmic ,G.Brassards, P.Brateley,1stEdition, Prentice Hall
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Horowitz and Sahni,3rd Edition, Galgotia
Reference Book:
1. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein 2nd
Edition,Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
(Prof.AbhiramG.Ranade IIT, Bombay)(40% aligned)


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+ 00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

The evolution of computers and number operations: Mechanical Era, Electronic computer,
VLSI – Integrated circuits. SOC Processorarchitecture performance consideration performance
measure speedup techniques.System Architectures – Microprocessor, Micro controller and
parallel processing.Designing for Performance, Von-Neumann Architecture, Data flow
architecture,Computer Components, Interconnection Structures, Bus Interconnection, Scalar
DataTypes, Fixed and Floating point numbers, IEEE 488 Number representation, Signed
numbers, Integer Arithmetic, 2‟s Complement method for multiplication, BoothsAlgorithm
Processor Organization: Processor Basics: CPU organization, CPU Bus Organization: Central
BUS, Buses onperiphery, Additional features: RISC & CISC types representative
commercialmicroprocessor of RISC & CISC types, Co-processors Data representation –
Integerand floating point representation, Instruction set –Addressing modes formats,
Machine Instruction characteristics, types of operands, types of operations, Instructionformats,
Processor organization, Register Organization in 8086/88, 80386Dx and i7 microprocessors,
Data Paths and ALU: Data Paths: Fixed point and floating point Arithmetic, ALU, Pipeline
processing, Case study of Intel Nehalem organization, pipelined and non-pipelined
Control Design Organization: Control Design: Basic concepts Hardwired and micro-
programmed control, Pipelinecontrol, Example of ADD Instruction macro/micro design,
Memory and I/O Organization :Memory systems, DDR3 Memory Organization, NUMA and
UMA, caches memorymapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O, DMA, buses and standard interfaces –
serial parallelbuses –PCI, SCSI USB. USB bus organization to interface display and Printer,
CaseStudy: Intel Nehalem Memory Organization.
Advanced Computer Organizations: Advanced computer Organizations (Block Diagrams
only) The AMD MulticoreOpteron, The Sun UltraSparc T1, The IBM Cell Broadband Engine
(CBE), The IntelIA-64,The IA-64 model: Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing, Prediction,
SpeculativeLoads. 64-bit architectures i5/ i7 Desktop version and mobile version, NVDIA
GPUarchitecture (Block diagram only).
Text Books:-
1. Computer Architecture and Organization, John P Hays, 3rdEdition, McGraw-Hill Publication,
2001, ISBN 0071004793
2. Zaky S, Hamacher, “Computer Organization”, 5thEdition, McGraw-Hill Publications, 2001,
Reference Books:
1. Intel Microprocessor Hand book (or PDF File from
2. Computer Organization, Tanunbum,3rdEdition, Pearson Publication.


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total-03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Introduction: Introduction and history of Operating systems, types of OS, structure and
operations; OS services, system calls processes and files;
Process management: inter process communication, process scheduling and algorithms, critical
sections, threads, multithreading;
Process synchronization: semaphores, critical regions,mutual exclusion, wait and signal
procedures;classical problem of synchronization, critical section problem
Deadlock: Shared resources, resource allocation and scheduling, resource graph models,
deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention algorithms,
Memory management: contiguous memory allocation, virtual memory, paging, page table
structure, demand paging, page replacement policies, thrashing, segmentation, case study;
File management: file concept, types and structures, directory structure, cases studies, access
methods and matrices, file security, user authentication; UNIX operating system as a case study.
Case study: Linux system, Design principles, Process management, Memory management, File
systems, I/O, Inter process communication, Network structure, Security in Linux.
Text Books:
1. Operating System concepts and principles,A. Silberschatz& P.B. Galvin, WileyIndia, 8th
Edition, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Modern Operating System,Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall India, 3rdEdition,2003.
2. Operating Systems: Internals and design Principle,W. Stallings, Pearson Education, LPE,
6th Edition, 2009.
3. Design of Linux Operating system,M.J. Bach, 3rdEdition, Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. reference :
Prof. KumkumGarg, IIT Roorkee)(80 % aligned)


Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total - 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Overview of OSI reference model: Topology design, Media Access Control Level, Services,
Problems and protocols,
Practical local area network design and implementation: IEEE LAN Standards, Logical Link
Control protocols, HDLC, ALOHA, SLOTTED ALOHA, FDDI, Client Server model and related
Network Layer: level services, problems and protocols. WAN, MAN, interconnection networks
related software‟s. TCP/IP, Novel NetWare, Routers, Bridges and Gateways. X.25, Internet and
related software‟s NETSCAPE and MOSAIC.
Transport layer: services, problems and their protocol.Brief functioning of upper layers, E-mail
and other application
1. Computer Networking: A top down Approach Featuring the internet,Jim Kurose,Keith
Ross,2nd edition,Addison Wesley,July2002.
Reference Book :
1. Data and Computer Communication: William Stallings, PHI Publication ,6th edition,
2. Computer Networks : A.S. Tanenbaum, PHI Publication 4th edition,2002.
(Prof. SujoyGhosh)(75% aligned)

Teaching Scheme: 03 L+00T Total - 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 CT1 + 15 CT2 +10 TA+ 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 2hrs.30min.

Basic web commerce concepts: electronic commerce modes: overview, EDI, electronic
commerce with www-internet, commerce net advocacy.
Approach to safe E-commerce: Secure transport protocol and transaction, SEPP,SET,
Certificate for authentication, security on web server and enterprise network.
Electronic cash and Electronic payment scheme: Internet monetary payment and security
Requirements, Payment & purchase order process, Online Electronic cash.
Needs for computer security: Security strategies, Encryption. MasterCard/visa secure
Electronic Transaction: Introduction,requirements and concepts, payment processing.
Secure E-mail Technologies: Introduction, means of distribution, models for message handling,
Email working, MIME, S/MIME, moss comparisons of security methods, MIME and Related
facilities for EDI over the Internet.
Internet & web site Establishment: Internet Resources for commerce: introduction, Web server
Technologies, Internet tools Relevant to commerce, Internet Applications for commerce, Internet
Access and Architecture, Internet searching.
Text Books:
1.Web Commerce Technology Hand Book, Daniel Minoli& Emma Minoli, 1st Edition, PHI
Publication, 1999.
Reference Books:
1. The E-Commerce book, SteffanoKorper and Juanita Ellis, 2ndEdition, Focal press,2000.
2. The Complete E-Commerce book, Janice Reynolds, 1st Edition, Focal Press, 2004.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of ITU601 and
the list given is just a guideline.
1. Apply Heap sort technique on a given set of elements.
2. Develop a simulator for a given set of elements using Merge sort technique / Selection
sort technique/ Quick sort technique.
3. A disorganized carpenter has a mixed pile of bolts and nuts and would like to find the
corresponding pairs of bolts and nuts. Each nut matches exactly one bolt (and vice versa).
By trying to match a bolt and a nut the carpenter can see which one is bigger, but she
cannot compare two bolts or two nuts directly. Can you help the carpenter match the nuts
and bolts quickly?
4. Check whether a graph is connected using Depth first Search technique.
5. Implement 0/1 knapsack problem using memory function dynamic programming.
6. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices
using Dijkstra‟s algorithm.
7. Implement a minimum cost spanning tree for a given undirected graph using Prim‟s
algorithm or Kruskal‟s algorithm
8. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using Breadth first
search technique.
9. Develop a simulator for a pair shortest paths problem using Floyd‟s algorithm.
10. Design a simulator for n-Queens problem using backtracking technique.

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA Total Marks:25

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of ITU602 and
the list given is just a guideline.
1. Write a simple servlet that will display “Hello World”
2. Write a servlet that uses doGet() and doPost() methods in a single servlet.
3. Write a servlet that receives first name, last name and city name from an html page and
puts this data in to cookies provide a hyperlink that can retrieve cookies from the client
machine & display.
4. Write a servlet to maintain of state and session with HTTP using rewritten URL‟s and
hidden variables.
5. Introduction to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
6. Write a simple servlet to display the information related to students, like student id,
student name and his/her age, using JDBC. (Assume student information stored in
Microsoft Access database.)
7. Write a servlet that accept banking information like account number, customer name,
balance from an html page, and store it into the database, using JDBC (Assume Account
table is already created in Microsoft Access database.)
8. Introduction to XML
9. Write an application in XML for representing „Student Information System‟.
10. Write a simple JSP that uses JDBC for accessing information like student name and
gender from Microsoft access.
11. Write a bean that receives two numbers and returns result of four basic calculations i.e.
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using JSP beans
12. Mini Project

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of CSU602 and
the list given is just a guideline.
1. Write a program that demonstrates Parent process – Child process Relationship.
2. Simulation of scheduling algorithms: Write a program to implement the following
process scheduling algorithms
1) First Come First Serve
2) Shortest Remaining Job First
3) Round Robin
4) Preemptive Priority Scheduling
3. Implementation of semaphore: Write a program that demonstrates how two processes can
Share a variable using semaphore.
4. Producer – Consumer Problem: Write a program to implement producer consumer
Problem (UsingPOSIX semaphores)
5. To implement Banker's algorithm for a multiple resources.
6. Simulate Dinning Philosopher's problem.
7. Simulate all Page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU
8. File management system calls: Write a program to implement
1. Create a file
2. Copy one file to another
3. Linking a file
4. Delete a file.

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme: 02 P Total 02 Credits: 01
Evaluation Scheme: ICA 25+ ESE 25 Total Marks: 50

Minimum eight experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of CSU603 and
the list given is just a guideline.
1. Looking up Internet Addresses.
2. Testing the characteristics of an IP address.
3. Write a program to trace the port of a particular host.
4. Write a program to implement the daytime protocol.
5. Write a program to implement the echo client.
6. Write a program to implement the finger client.
7. Write a program to implement the whois client.
8. Demonstration of TCP/IP protocol.
9. Demonstration of UDP protocol.
10. Implement a chat server using TCP/IP protocol.
11. Implementation of DNS Server
12. Implementation of IIS and Apache Server and web hosting
13. Implementation of Telnet, FTP
14. Proxy server setting
15. Sub-netting, Gateway Setting, DHCP configuration
ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme : 02P Total 02 Credit : 02
Evaluation Scheme : 25 ICA+ 25ESE Total Marks : 50

Minor Project based on following topics, Each batch consist of maximum 2-3 students.

1. Web server.
2. DNS Server.
3. Database connectivity.
4. Client-server Architecture.
5. Networking.
6. Data mining and Data Ware housing.
7. Proxy Server.
8. Mail Server.

ICA – The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on practical record and knowledge or
skills acquired. The performance shall be assessed experiment wise by using continuous
assessment format, A & B.
ESE- The End Semester Exam for Practical shall be based on performance in one of the
experiments and may be followed by sample questions.


Teaching Scheme: 00 L+00T Total-00 Credits: 02
Evaluation Scheme: 25 TA Total Marks: 25

Note2: Self study II is based on one class test each on the basis of 20% curriculum of the courses
ITU601,ITU609,CSU602,CSU603 declared by respective course coordinator at the beginning of
semester. One faculty member shall be appointed as course coordinator for self study II and
his/her teaching work load shall be considered as one hour per week.


Teaching Scheme: 01L + 00 T Total 01
Credits: 00 (* Credits shall be awarded on the basis of combined assessment of ITU608 and
Evaluation Scheme: 00ICA + 00 ESE Total Marks: 00
Duration of ESE: 00hrs.

Minimum twelve Industrial lectures shall be arranged, preferably once a week, which shall be
delivered by the experts/Officials from Industries/Govt. organizations/ Private Sectors/Public
Sectors such as NIC,BSNL etc. and covering the various aspects of Project planning, Design,
Testing, Recent advances in the field of Information Technology etc. Topics of Industrial
Lectures shall be general in nature and should not be the specific contents from the curriculum.

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