OTC - Emagia

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About this Document .............................................................................. 4

Intended Audience ............................................................................ 6

Scope .................................................................................................. 6

Document Conventions ..................................................................... 6

Document Organisation .................................................................... 7

Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................ 9

Xylem: Process Overview ...................................................................... 10

Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................... 11

Applications ..................................................................................... 11

Business Process Model .................................................................. 13

Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer (SIPOC) Diagram . 14

Pre-requisites ................................................................................... 14

Process Maps ................................................................................... 15

Manage Xylem <process name> ........................................................... 16

<Task Name 1> ................................................................................. 17

<Task Name 2> ................................................................................. 18

Exceptions .............................................................................................. 19

Glossary ................................................................................................. 20

Index ...................................................................................................... 21

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

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About this Document

Emagia Corporation is a leading provider of Enterprise Order-to-Cash

Management (OTC) solutions. For over a decade, Emagia has been
delivering highly innovative technology solutions to transform, automate and
optimize receivables, credit and collections processes for maximizing cash
flow. Emagia Receivables Management Suite

 Credit Management

 Collections Management,

 Deductions Management

 Customer Financials Portal.

Emagia is in the business of helping customers consolidate Order-to-Cash

information on a single platform in

 Consolidate receivables portfolio across multiple geographies,

multiple financial systems and multiple business units

 optimize processes for credit, collections, deductions, cash

applications and payment processing

 Monitor key performance metrics on customer AR, payments and


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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

 Dashboards in performance trends, intelligence analytics

 Increasing the working Capital.

 Improving the forecasing accuracy

This chapter conveys the following information about the SOP document.

Intended Audience


Document Conventions

Document Organisation

Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Xylem Standard Operating Procedures

Intended Audience
The Xylem SOP document is intended for Xylem and Cognizant team and SOP focuses on helping Commented [PCM(1]: To be updated, based on the
selected process. And function, e.g. Finance, Human Resource,
associates in knowing Emagia tool . etc.

This SOP document enables you to know the following functions: Commented [PCM(2]: To be updated, based on the
selected process.
 Helps in the consolidating the accounts receivables from multiple locations, financial systems, and

 Automation of process in cash application, collections, payment processing and deductions.

 Creating the workbenches and ticketing system in accounts receivables process for completion of
work in timely manner.

 Data Integration can be done in various ERP.

 Helps in the data visualization in preparing the dash boards

 Data analytics helps top level management decision making

 Hepls in shape your polices like collection, payments terms, billings polies e.t.c

 Improves the customer satisfaction

Document Conventions
This section lists the common typographical conventions used in the SOP document to help you easily
understand the notations:

Convention Meaning Example

This typeface indicates

page titles, buttons,
Bold <On the taskbar, click the Start button.>
tabs and figures or page

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Convention Meaning Example

<In the JDE application, clickJournal Entry with GST>

Bold and This typeface indicates
Underline hyperlinks and URLs.

This typeface indicates <If the current year is 2016 then FYYY is FY16>
Italics user entries and

This list indicates an  <Bullet item 1>

Bulleted List unordered series of
 <Bullet item 2>
items or options.

1. <Step 1>
This list indicates a
2. <Step 2>
chronological sequence
Numbered List
of processes, events, or

This symbol indicates

additional information <Example goes in here>
on the process.

Document Organisation
This document contains information about the Emagia. The process starts with an introduction, followed
by steps and screenshots relevant to the process.

A BPMN-compliant process model is included to graphically present the business processes described in
the document.

The following table describes the sections included in the SOP document.

Sections Description

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Xylem Standard Operating Procedures

Sections Description

This is typically an overview of the process explaining the

Introduction to the Process
intent and significance of the process.

This is a graphical representation of the business process.

The process models follow Business Process Model and
BPMN-complaint Process Model
Notation (BPMN), which is the global standard for process

User Roles This outlines the user roles related to the process.

This describes processes that need to be completed before

the process can be performed.

These include step-by-step sequence of actions that must

Procedural Steps be followed to complete a process. Screenshots are
provided for reference.

Glossary This includes definition of the most commonly used terms.

This includes a list of keywords that help users locate

information readily.

Revision History This tracks details of updates made to the SOP document.

This tracks details of the owner, approver and author for

Document Control
subsequent versions of the SOP document.

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Abbreviations and Acronyms

This section lists the abbreviations and acronyms used in this document.

Abbreviation or Acronym Description Commented [PCM(3]: To be updated, based on the

selected process.

Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer

Standard Operating Procedures

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Xylem: Process Overview

At a high-level, this chapter describes the process toXylem Cash application.

This chapter consists of the following sections:

Roles and Responsibilities


Business Process Model



Process Maps

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Roles and Responsibilities

This section lists the roles and responsibilities involved in the Xylem Cash application process.

Roles Responsibility

 Standardization of OtC Global process.

 Gives the Suggestive match in automation of cash application

 Coordinating with Cognizant CBS, Xylem GBS, Xylem BU, xylem

legal team and customers.

 Preparing the Dash boards

This section lists the applications that are used in the Xylem Cash application process.

Applications Functionality

 Emagia brings the combined power of data management,

advanced analytics and smart automation to maximize
the efficiency of order-to-cash finance operations.

EMAGIA Explore the product previews below to learn how Emagia

can change the way your finance teams work.

 Emagia increases auto cash applications which gives the

suggestive match the invoices with the payments

Black line  To Post the entries

Oracle/Legacy ERP  Interfacing the data from Black line

<OK2PAY> < Details of the application need to be provided here>

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Xylem Standard Operating Procedures

Applications Functionality

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Business Process Model

This illustration describes the underlying business process, the actors involved and the decision points for the Xylem Cash applicationprocess.

Commented [PCM(4]: To be updated, based on the

selected process.

Figure 1

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Xylem Standard Operating Procedures

Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer (SIPOC)

The diagram below explains the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers of the Cash Application

Supplier Input Process Output Customer

Xylem Bank Record payments received Allocation of Customers

Customers statements & and allocate against the payments to
remittance invoices provided by
invoices in
Research Unidentified account in timely
/unapplied payments. manner
Invoice is paid
Contact the Cognizant GBS
collection and deduction

Commented [PCM(5]: To be updated, based on the

selected process.
Figure 2

 <List of pre-requisites that need to be covered by the designated team of the process>

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Process Maps

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Manage Xylem Cash Application
This chapter provides a step-by-step guidance on performing Cash Application.

This chapter consists of the following sections:

<Step name 1>

<Step name 2> Commented [PCM(6]: To be updated, based on the

selected process.

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>

Commented [PCM(7]: To be updated, based on the

<Step Name 1> selected process.

This process enables you to <mention the objective of the process>.

<Mention the role/designation of the intended audience>

Procedural Steps
1. <Numbered list 1>


Figure 3

2. <Numbered List 2>


Figure 4

<For more information, refer to <Step Name 2> on page <18>.>

3. <Numbered List 3>


Figure 5

 <Add additional notes and include the destination from where a reference
document can be found> use the following path:

Objective>Folder>Subfolder>Business Unit>Finance>FYYY>Month End>MY

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<SOP name> Standard Operating Procedures

<Step Name 2>

This process enables you to <mention the objective of the process>.

This process is divided into the following sub-processes:

 <Sub-process name 1>

 <Sub-process name 2>

<Mention the role/designation of the intended audience>

Procedural Steps

<Sub-process name 1>

1. <Numbered list 1>


Figure 6

To click Account Ledger Inquiry, use the following path:

General Accounting>Daily Processing>Accounting Inquiries>Account Ledger Inquiry

2. <Numbered List 2>


Figure 7

<Sub-process name 2>

1. <Numbered list 1>


Figure 8

2. <Numbered List 2>


Figure 9

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Standard Operating Procedures <SOP name>


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Terms Definitions

Refers to a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an

organisation to help users carry out routine operations

Refers to a tool that explains the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs

and Customers of a process

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SIPOC ...................................................................10
Abbreviations I
Acronyms .............................................................. 6
audience ............................................................... 4
intended ................................................................ 4
Balance Sheet Reconciliation
responsibilities ...................................................... 8
applications ........................................................... 8
business process model ......................................... 9
pre-requisites ...................................................... 10

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<SOP name> Standard Operating Procedures

Document Review History

Version Version Date Change Description

<#> <Date> <Description goes in here>

Document Control

Version Owner Approver Author

0.1 Cognizant


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Standard Operating Procedures <Process Name>

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<SOP name> Standard Operating Procedures

Hepls in the patterss help shape your polices like colletion, payments billings polies

Analytics drive the cmpetive edges, bussiness identigent

Reduction in deductions and diputes

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Standard Operating Procedures <Process Name>

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