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Extreme Gradient Boosting and Behavioral Biometrics

Conference Paper · February 2017

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1 author:

Benjamin Manning
University of Georgia


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Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17)

Extreme Gradient Boosting and Behavioral Biometrics

Benjamin Manning
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 USA (benjamin.manning@uga.edu)

Abstract One main disadvantage of decision trees is the high

As insider hacks become more prevalent it is becoming probability of becoming unstable when used on data with
more useful to identify valid users from the inside of a larger numbers of features. In order to remedy this
system rather than from the usual external entry points potential side effect ensemble methods (Dietterrich 2000)
where exploits are used to gain entry. One of the main goals can be used to introduce an iterative training process.
of this study was to ascertain how well Gradient Boosting This iteration uses different methods that invoke
could be used for prediction or, in this case, classification or
identification of a specific user through the learning of HCI-
building and comparing the results of numerous models
based behavioral biometrics. If applicable, this procedure during a single model building session. Random Forest is a
could be used to verify users after they have gained entry good example of an ensemble learning method where
into a protected system using data that is as human-centric multiple decisions trees (i.e. the forests) are created during
as other biometrics, but less invasive. For this study an training and the output is derived by taking the mean of all
Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm was used for training of the produced trees within the forest, but a less often used
and testing on a dataset containing keystroke dynamics and often overlooked ensemble approach is Gradient
information. This specific algorithm was chosen because the
majority of current research utilizes mainstream methods Boosting.
such as KNN and SVM and the hypothesis of this study was Gradient Boosting (Friedman 2002) constructs additive
centered on the potential applicability of ensemble related models by “sequentially fitting a simple parameterized
decision or model trees. The final predictive model function to current residuals by using the least square at
produced an accuracy of 0.941 with a Kappa value of 0.942 each iteration.” Put more simply, the model builds multiple
demonstrating that HCI-based behavioral biometrics in the decision trees similar to how Random Forest does, but
form of keystroke dynamics can be used to identify the
Gradient Boosting uses an arbitrary differential loss
users of a system.
function instead of using the mean to make the resulting
Trees, Ensembles and Gradient Boosting
Decision trees are widely used in classification type Data Science Process
problems of this nature as they can predict the value of a
dependent variable just as many other algorithms do, by Data Collection
learning the values contained in the features of the data or
The keystroke dynamics data (Killourhy and Maxion 2009)
the independent variables. In this approach the highest
for this study was recorded from fifty-one typists typing
correlating features are used to eventually categorize or
the same single word (.tie5Roanl) four hundred times. The
classify related classes of the target or dependent variable.
researchers constructed a data collection system that
In this recursive process (Quinlan 1986) ‘splits’ or
recorded different keystroke events such as key-down and
‘branches’ of the trees are constructed from each correlated
key-up as well as the name of the key that had been
feature of the data until the correlations are no longer
pressed and the correlating time between different key
effective or the target variable is reached at the bottom of
events. If participants made any errors when entering the
the tree. Along these individual paths binary splits are
data, they were instructed to retype the word again and
derived and are presented often as binary decisions, which
continue with the remaining iterations. This data was then
outline the overall relationship the dependent variable has
analyzed to create a word-timing table dataset that
with the remaining features in the data set.
contained 20,400 individual observations and thirty-four
variables: thirty-three features represented the timestamp
Copyright © 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial of the keystrokes involved in typing the single word and
Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
one variable, representing the dependent variable,

represented the identity of the person doing the related Lastly, the minimum sum of instance weights default
typing tasks. setting of 1 was left unchanged for training. Using the
parameters previously described, the models produced
Preprocessing, Model Description and Results results as shown in Table I.
The dataset was analyzed to ascertain if any of the features
could be removed from dataset. Two features: one Conclusion
representing the individual session identification and a
second feature representing the individual observation These results are favorable for the use of keyboard
number, were removed from the data to ensure that no bias dynamics data to identify that the user of system is the
was created by features associated with identification only. same user the training data was obtained from. This
This reduced the dimensionality of the dataset to thirty-one process could also be scaled and expanded to allow for
features and one dependent variable; these elements were extended training using larger amounts of unstructured
used to train and test the model for the study. data such as daily postings in social media or common
The Classification and Regression Training (caret) daily and routine tasks that require text entry into the
package for R was chosen for model training and testing system.
and the dataset was randomly stratified and divided into Typing is an integral input interaction for a vast majority
separate training and testing sets containing 70% of the of user based software systems and it would be easy to
data and 30% of the data, respectively. integrate a similar predictive model into the lifecycle of
The algorithm chosen for this study, Extreme Gradient software development for high security scenarios.
Boosting (XGB), is a combination of Gradient Descent Minimally, this would help to prevent inside attacks where
(Burges, et al. 2005) and Boosting (Dietterich 2000) and users that are not the owners of valid credentials try to
offers different tuning parameters that were modified for enter passwords and other login information that are not
with the goal of building an optimal model. The tuning their own, but are deemed valid for entry into the system.
parameters included number of iterations, maximum tree In addition, this prospective model could also be used to
depth, shrinkage, minimum loss reduction, subsample rates assist verification during larger multi-factor authentication
and minimum sum of instance weights. In order to create a scenarios where users enter simple username/password
necessary comparison with XGB models were also created combinations along with other text information - such as
using C50 and KNN so the benefit of using XGB could be the answers to challenge questions.
easily seen. Similar tuning parameters for both of the Both of these scenarios provide two examples, one for
additional algorithms were also established before training each part of a system, that demonstrate how Gradient
began. Boosting models and machine learning can be used to
When using XGB the number of iterations specified how prevent attacks from the inside of a system by identifying
many times the data would be analyzed; 150 was chosen as users through the validation of an identity using behavioral
the optimal number of iterations through numerous cycles biometrics in the form of keyboard stroke dynamics; this is
of training to reduce any unnecessary training time. The notable as the findings of this study are part of a much
maximum depth of the model tree was limited to just two larger proposal on designing a decision support system for
branches to adequately prevent overfitting. Shrinkage was multifactor authentication.
set at .3 to ensure the model would be strong enough to
generalize to new data when making predictions while also
improving the performance of the model in the most
optimal way. The minimum loss reduction or Gamma was Burges, C., Shaked, T., Renshaw, E., Lazier, A., Deeds, M.,
set at 0 for the entire training process and the fraction of Hamilton, N., & Hullender, G. (2005, August). Learning to rank
observations selected (subsample rates) for each tree was using gradient descent. In Proceedings of the 22nd international
conference on Machine learning (pp. 89-96). ACM.
set at 0.6.
Dietterich, T. G. (2000, June). Ensemble methods in machine
learning. In International workshop on multiple classifier
Accuracy Kappa systems (pp. 1-15). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Friedman, J. H. (2002). Stochastic gradient
1 boosting. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 38(4), 367-
0.5 Killourhy, K. S., & Maxion, R. A. (2009, June). Comparing
anomaly-detection algorithms for keystroke dynamics. In 2009
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems &
0 Networks (pp. 125-134). IEEE.
XGB C50 KNN Quinlan, J. R. (1986). Induction of decision trees. Machine
learning, 1(1), 81-106.
Table I – Model Metric Comparison


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