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NURFADILLAH AZAN BAKRI (180230149) → Factors that influence the development of
the intellect, Individual Differences in the Capability and Development of the Intellect,
and Efforts to Help Develop Youth Intellectuals in the Learning Process.
SISKAYANA (180230167) → Effect of Language Ability on Thinking Ability, Individual
Differences in Language Skills and Development, and Efforts to Develop Youth
Capabilities and Their Implications in Providing Education
NUGROHO TRI LAKSONO (180230147)→ Social Development, Characteristics of
Youth Social Development, and Factors that Influence Adolescent Social Development.
ISRAWATI ISMAIL (180210120)→ Effect of Social Development on Behavior,
Individual Differences in Language Skills and Development,and Efforts to Develop
Youth Social Relationships and Their Implications in Providing Education
IIS ISTIQOMAH (180210114)→ Definition of Intellect, The Relationship between
Intellect and Behavior,and Characteristics of Adolescent Intellectual Development.
NENI (180210142)→ Understanding of Language Development, Characteristics of Youth
Development, and Factors that Influence Language Development.






Our gratitude extends the presence of Allah SWT for its abundance of grace and grace, we were
able to complete a paper entitled "Intellectual, Social and Language Development In

We would also like to thank Mr. Kamaruddin, S.Pd.,M.Pd as a lecturer in Student Development
who has given us the confidence to complete this task.

We really hope this paper can be useful in order to increase knowledge and insight regarding
how "Intellectual, Social and Language Development In Adolescence".

We also realize that in this paper there are still many shortcomings and are far from perfect.
Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this paper.

Kolaka,11 November 2019


FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ 3
BAB I .............................................................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
A. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 4
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION................................................................................................... 4
C. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 5
BAB II............................................................................................................................................. 6
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 6
A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTELLECT................................................................................. 6
B. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................... 12
C. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT……………………………………………………………..14
BAB III ......................................................................................................................................... 18
CLOSING ..................................................................................................................................... 18
A. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………….18
B. SUGGESTION………………………………………………………………………………..18

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 19



Intelligence or often used with a month of intelligence, a gift that the individual
has to develop and maintain his life, and how the individual is trying to enslave himself
to His Creator.
When a newborn child has intelligence, it is only very dependent on others to
fulfill the development of his life. In its development, children increasingly enhance
various abilities to reduce their dependence on others and try to be able to meet their own
Humans grow and develop in infancy into adulthood through several steps and
levels. Children's lives in tracing development are basically their ability to interact with
the environment. Social interaction is a process of socialization that places children as
people who actively carry out the socialization process. Socializing is basically a process
of adjustment to the environment of social life.

In the development of students there are titles that will be discussed namely:
1. What is meant by adolescence and its development?
2. What is meant by intellectual and how is it developed in adolescence?
3. What is meant by social development and how is it developed in adolescence?
4. Why is someone's social development being implicated in the administration of
5. What is meant by language and how is it developed in adolescence?
6. How does a teenager go through a period of physical, intellectual, social and linguistic

1. Understand the meaning of the intellect

2. Understand the meaning and characteristics of adolescent social development
3. Understand the meaning and characteristics of adolescent language development



1. Definition of intellect
The term intellect comes from English intellect which according to Chaplin (1981) is
interpreted as:
1. Cognitive processes, thought processes, connecting power, abilities
assess, and the ability to consider, and
2. Mental ability or interrelation.
According to Mahfudin Shalahudin (1989) stated that "intellect" is the intellect or
intelligence which means the ability to put the relationship of thought rposes.
Furthermore, it is said that intelligent people are people who can solve problems in a
shorter time, understand the problem more quickly and carefully, and are able to act
According to English and English in his book "A Comprehensive Dictionary of
Psychological and Psychoanalytic Terms". Istlah Intelect means, among others:
a. Mental strength where humans can think
b. A family of names for cognitive processes, especially for activities related to
thinking (eg connecting, weighing, and understanding)
c. Skills, especially those with high ability to think (compare with Intelligence,
Intelligence = intellect).
To measure intelligence or intellect you need an IQ test. IQ is an abbreviation which
stands for Intelligence Qaution in Indonesian is often called the angaka of one's
intelligence. The intelligence in question is the ability of humans in general (in
general terms).
2. Relationship Between Intellect and Behavior
The ability to think abstractly shows one's attention to non-concrete events and events
such as work choices, community life style.
Teenage minds are often influenced by ideas and theories that lead to critical attitudes
towards situations and parents. This critical attitude is also pointed out in matters that
were common to him in the past, so that the procedures, and customs that apply in the
family environment are often felt to occur or there is a conflict with the critical
attitude that appears in his behavior.
Besides that the egocentric influence is still visible in his mind:
a. Good ideals and ideals, too much emphasis on their own minds without thinking
about the consequences further and without taking into account the practical
difficulties that might cause unsuccessful solving problems.
b. The ability to think with one's own opinion, has not been accompanied by the
opinions of others in its assessment.

Egocentrism "stiffness" of adolescents in the way they think and behave. The
problem that arise in adolescence are a lot related to the physical development that
feels gripping him. This gives rise to feelings like others have always observed,
feelings of shame and limits their movements.

So in conclusion indeed, a person's intelligence is judged by one's behavior / habits.

The relationship, people who are intelligent brain and achievement are usually used to
behave like intelligent people too. Dress neatly, keep manners, and smile. And it is
naturally like that (not made up)

So, people who have met for the first time take the impression from that person is a
person who is polite, friendly towards others. It is different with stupid people who
behave / dress / have bad habits will be seen as bad by others.
2. Characteristics of Adolescent Intellectual Development
In early adolescence, at around the age of 12 children in a period called the
"formal operation period" (abstract thinking). In formal operational thinking, there are
two important characteristics, namely:

a. The Deductive Nature of Hypothesis

Basically, the submission of the hypothesis uses inductive thinking, in addition to
deductive, therefore from the nature of the analysis he did, he can make a completion
b. Operational thinking also combinatorial thinking
With formal operational thinking, it is possible for people to have truly scientific
problem solving behavior, and it is possible to conduct hypothesis testing with
dependent variables that may exist.
So, formal operational thinking allows people to have truly scientific problem
solving behavior, and it is possible to carry out tests with dependent variables that
may exist. This abstract or formal operation is a way of thinking that is related to
things that are not seen and events that are not directly experienced.

3. Factors that influence the development of the intellect

The things that affect the development of the intellect include:
a. Increased information stored (in the brain) of a person so that he is able to think
b. The number of experiences and exercises to solve problems so that someone
can think proportionally.
c. The existence of freedom of thought, raises the courage of someone in
preparing a radical hypothesis, the freedom to track the problem as a whole.

Intellectual development is actually influenced by two main factors, namely

heredity and the environment. The influence of heredity and environmental factors on
intellectual development can be explained below.

1. Heredity Factor
Since in the womb, children have had the characteristics that determine the
intellectual work power. Potentially the child has brought the possibility of whether to be
equivalent to normal thinking abilities, above normal or below normal. However, this
potential will not develop or be realized optimally if the environment does not provide an
opportunity to develop. Therefore, the role of the environment is crucial for children's
intellectual development.

2. Environmental Factors

There are two environmental elements that are very important in influencing the
development of children's intellect, namely the family and school.


The most important intervention done by family or parents is to provide

experience to children in various fields of life so that children have a lot of
information which is a tool for children to think. The methods used, for example,
give an opportunity for children to realize their ideas, appreciate these ideas,
satisfy encouragement children's curiosity by ways such as providing reading,
skills tools, and tools that can develop children's creativity. Giving an opportunity
or experience will require parental attention.

b. School

School is a formal institution that is given the responsibility to improve children's

development. In this case, the teacher should realize that the child's intellectual
development lies in his hands. Some ways include the following:

1) Creating interactions or relationships that are familiar with students.

2) Providing opportunities for students to dialogue with people who are experts
and experience in various fields of science, greatly supporting the intellectual
development of children.
3) Maintaining and improving the physical growth of children, both through
sports activities and providing adequate nutrition, is very important for the
development of students' thinking.

4) Improve students' language skills, both through print media and by providing
situations that allow students to have an opinion or express their ideas.

5. Individual Differences in the Capability and Development of the Intellect

As is known, humans are different from each other in various ways, also
about intelligence. IQ values generated from the measurement of intelligence in
certain age children will produce a value distribution that forms a normal
distribution (normal distribution) with an average of 100 and a standard deviation
of 15.

Classification of IQ Test Result Scores

For IQ tests the resulting score ranges from 70 - 169. With the translation as

• 140 - 169: Very superior (very clever)

• 120 - 139: Superior (smart)

• 110 - 119: High Average (above average)

• 90 - 109: Average

• 80 - 89: Low average (below average)

• 70 - 79: Barderline (slow learning)

According to Piaget, intelligence has several characteristics:

a. Intelligence is active interaction with the environment

b. Intelligence includes the organizational structure of actions and thoughts, and

the relevant interactions between the individual and his environment.
c. The structure underwent a qualitative change

d. With increasing age, adjustment is easier because of the broader balance


e. Qualitative changes to intelligence arise at times that follow a certain sequence.

6. Efforts to Help Develop Youth Intellectuals in the Learning Process

According to Piaget most teenagers are able to understand abstract concepts

within certain limits. The teacher can help them do this by always using a process
approach (discovery approach) approach and by emphasizing the use of concepts and

Psychological conditions that need to be created so that students feel

psychologically safe so that they are able to develop their intellectual abilities are as

a). Educators accept students positively as they are without conditions

(unconditional positive regard).

b). Educators create an atmosphere where students do not feel too valued by

c). Educators provide understanding in the sense of being able to understand

thought, feelings and behavior of students, can put themselves in the situation of
students, and see things from their perspective (empathy).

d). Receive teens positively as they are without conditions (unconditional positive

e). Understanding adolescent thoughts, feelings and behavior, placing themselves

in adolescent situations, and seeing things from their perspective (empathy).

f). Provide a psychological atmosphere that is safe for adolescents to express their
thoughts so that they are accustomed to dare to develop their own thoughts.

1. Understanding the Development of Social Relations

Social relations are human relationships that need each other. Social relationships
start from a simple level based on simple needs. As people mature, human needs
become complex and as such, the level of social relations also develops to be very
complex. At the level of adolescent development, a teenager not only needs other
people to meet his personal needs, but contains the intention to conclude that the
notion of social development is the development of the level of human relations in
relation to the increasing needs of human life.

2. Characteristics of Youth Social Development

Teenagers at the level of development of children who have reached the stage
of adulthood. At this stage, the needs of adolescents have been quite complex, the
horizons of social interaction and adolescent association have been quite extensive. In
adjusting themselves to their environment, adolescents have begun to show and
recognize various social norms, which are different from the norms that prevailed
previously in their families. Teenagers face various environments, not just associating
with various age groups.

3. Factors that Influence Adolescent Social Development

Social development of children / adolescents is influenced by several factors,

1. Family

2. Maturity

3. Socio-Economic Status

4. Education
5. Mental Capacity: Emotion and Intelligence

4. Effect of Social Development on Behavior

In the social development of children, they can think of themselves and others.
That thought is manifested in self-reflection, which often leads to self-assessment and
criticism of the results of association with others. The results of his thoughts will not be
known by others, in fact there are often those who hide it or keep it a secret.

Children's minds are often influenced by ideas from theories that lead to critical
attitudes towards situations and other people, including to their parents. The ability of a
child's abstraction often gives rise to the ability to blame reality and events with what
conditions according to the nature of his mind.

Besides that, selfishentric influences are often seen, including in the form of:

1. Good ideals and ideals, too much emphasis on the mind itself, without thinking
about the consequences are far away and without taking into account the practical
difficulties that might cause unsuccessful solving of the problem.
2. The ability to think with one's own opinion, not yet accompanied by the
opinions of others in his judgment.
Through a lot of experience and appreciation of reality and in dealing with the
opinions of others, the ego attitude decreases and by the end of adolescence there
is very little sense of ego so that they can get along well.

5. Individual Differences in Social Development

Associating with fellow humans (socialization) is carried out by everyone,
both individually and in groups. Viewed from various aspects, there are individual
differences in humans, which it also appears in social development.
In accordance with the comprehensive theory proposed by Erickson which states
that humans live in a unified culture of culture, nature and community life provide
everything that is needed by humans. However, according to their interests,
abilities, and cultural background, diverse social groups develop. Teenagers who
have begun to develop social life, then have learned patterns that fit their

6. Efforts to Develop Youth Social Relationships and Their Implications in Providing

a) Creation of adolescent social groups needs to be developed to stimulate them
towards beneficial behavior.
b) Community service activities, community service and study groups need to be
held frequently in order to be able to study young people to socialize with each
other and the community.

1. Understanding of Language Development
In accordance with its function, language is a communication tool used by a
person in his relationships or relationships with others and language is a means of getting
Language development is related to cognitive development, which means that the
intellect / cognition factor is very influential in the development of language skills. For
example babies whose intellectual level is not yet developed and are still very simple, the
language they use is also very simple. As the baby grows and develops and begins to be
able to understand the environment, language begins to develop from a very simple level
to complex language. Language development is influenced by the environment, because
language is basically the result of learning from the environment. Children (infants) learn
languages just like learning other things, imitating and repeating the results that have
been obtained is a way of learning early languages. The baby voiced, ‘mmmmm’, the
mother smiled repeating the imitation by clarifying and giving the meaning of the voice
to be 'maem-maem' Babies learn to add words by imitating sounds he heard. Adult
humans (especially their mothers) around them correct and clarify.
Language learning is actually only done by children aged six to seven years, when
children start school. So the development of language is the increased ability to master
communication tools, both communication tools by oral, written, and using signs and
cues. Being able and mastering the means of communication here is defined as an effort
for someone to be able to understand and be understood by others.

2. Characteristics of Youth Development

Teenage language is a language that has developed, it has learned a lot from the
environment, and thus teenage language is formed from environmental conditions. The
environment of adolescents includes the environment of the family, the community and
especially peer relationships, and the school environment. The pattern of language that is
owned is the language that develops in the family or language.
The development of adolescent language is complemented and enriched by the
community in which they live. This means that the formation of personality resulting
from the association of the surrounding community will give special characteristics in
language behavior. The influence of relationships in society (peers) is sometimes quite
prominent, so that the language of children (adolescents) becomes more colored by the
patterns of social language that develop within peer groups. From that group developed
cipher language, group language which was very special in form, like the term baceman
among students which meant a leak of a test or test item.
The influence of different environments between community families, and
schools in language development, will cause differences between one child with another.
This is indicated by the choice and use of vocabulary according to his family's social
level. Families from the education level low or illiterate, will use a lot of market
language, haphazard language, with harsh terms. Educated communities who generally
have better social status, use more selective terms and generally their adolescent children
also speak better.

3. Factors that Influence Language Development

Language is closely related to social conditions. Therefore its development is
influenced by several factors, namely:
(1) Age of child
Humans get older the more mature their physical growth, increasing experience,
and increasing needs. Physical factors and influence due to the more perfect
growth of the organ of speech, the work of the muscles to make movements and
cues. In adolescence biological development that supports language skills has
reached a level of perfection, coupled with the development of intellectual level,
children will be able to show how to communicate well.
(2) Environmental conditions
The environment in which children grow and develop contributes to a
considerable amount in language. The language development in the urban
environment will be different from the rural environment. Likewise language
development in coastal, mountainous and remote areas shows a difference.
3) Children's intelligence
Accuracy in imitating, producing a vocabulary of memorized words, the ability to
structure sentences well and understand or grasp intent another physical statement
is very much influenced by the work of one's child.
(4) Family's socioeconomic status
Families with good socioeconomic status, will be able to provide a good situation
for children's language development with family members. Stimulation to be
imitated by children from family members with high social status is different from
families with low social status.
(5) Physical condition
The physical condition here is the child's health. A disabled person who is
impaired in his ability to communicate, such as mute, deaf, stuttering, and
imperfect sound organs will interfere with the development of the natural world.

4. Effect of Language Ability on Thinking Ability

Language skills and thinking skills influence one another. That thinking ability
influences language ability and conversely language ability influences thinking ability.
Someone with low ability to think, will have difficulty in compiling sentences that are
good, logical and systematic. This will result in difficulty in communicating.
To socialize means to do context with others. someone conveys his ideas and
ideas by speaking and capturing other people's ideas through language. Delivering and
taking the meaning of ideas and ideas is an abstract thought process. Inaccuracy in
grasping the meaning of language will result in the inaccuracy and obscurity of the
perception it gets.

5. Individual Differences in Language Skills and Development

According to Chomsky (Woolfolk, et al. 1984) children born into the world
already have language capacity. But as in other fields, environmental factors will take a
quite prominent role, affecting the child's language development. They learn the meaning
of words and language according to what they hear, see and live in their daily lives.
Children's language development is formed by different environments.
Thinking and language have a high correlation, children with high IQs will have
high language abilities. The distribution of IQ scores illustrates children's individual
differences, and thus their abilities in language also vary according to the variety of their
thinking abilities.

6. Efforts to Develop Youth Capabilities and Their Implications in Providing Education

Classes or study groups consist of students whose language varies, both in their
abilities and patterns. Faced with this the teacher must develop a teaching-learning
strategy in the language field by focusing on the children's potential and abilities.
1. Children need to do relationships
2. The teacher develops the student's language development by adding the
vocabulary of the chosen environment correctly and correctly by the teacher.



1. Intellect is a mental skill, which describes the ability to think. The famous intelligence
test is the Binet-Simon test. The intelligence test results are expressed in terms of IQ
scores, and this has many uses because the level of intelligence influences many aspects.
The main characteristics in the development of adolescent intellect can be mentioned as
deductive-hpotesis thinking and combinatorial thinking.
2. Social development is the development of the level of human relations in connection
with the increasing needs of human life. Adolescent social relations, especially those
related to the adjustment process of influencing behavior.
3. Language plays an important role in social life. Language development is influenced
by many factors, including the age of the child, family condition and physical condition
of the child, especially in terms of health. Language skills and the ability to think affect
each other. that thinking ability influences language ability and conversely language
ability influences thinking ability.

It is better to know the level of development of a person's intellect must be done based on
the stages, according to the development of their age. Although intelligence is innate or
known as heredity, environmental factors are also very influential in the development of
one's intellect. For this reason, in order for the development of the intellect to develop
properly, these factors must be considered.
well then these factors must be considered.
Language development is related to cognitive development, which means that the
intellect / cognition factor is very influential in the development of language skills.
Therefore, we must use and develop language by developing language unconsciously, we
have stepped up maturity which is already our nature as humans.

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